Chapter-3 Research Methodology
Chapter-3 Research Methodology
Chapter-3 Research Methodology
statistical technique.
of problem is stated.
Bank Employees”
compared to males.
b) Female employees.
Type of Bank
Variables Total
Nationalized Co-operative
A-1 A-2
100 100 200
Gender B-1
B Female
100 100 200
Dr. Asha Hingar, with Dr. Uma Mittal, Dr. Vinita Mathur and Miss.
Mansi Parnami.
• Reliability
At the initial stage 200 items were selected and they were
formula is 0.79.
• Validity
For analyzing validity of the test it has observed that there are
‘r’ Significance
Scale Known Criteria Sample
Values Level
Organizational Indian Female
AJSS -.45 0.01
Role Stress Managers (100)
Organizational Canadian Female
AJSS -.57 0.01
Role Stress Managers (80)
Indian and Canadian
AJSS Female Managers -.51 0.01
Role Stress
Leadership Indian Female
AJSS .43 0.01
Behaviour Managers (100)
Leadership Executives of Carpet
AJSS .46 0.01
Behaviour Industries (100)
From above table it is evident that:
• Concurrent Validity
extent to which the scores on a test are related to the scores of another
Factorial Validation
PCM was found to be non specific. Owing to the spurious nature of 'r'
PCM was found to be non-specific. Owing to the spurious nature of
'r', Factor loadings and their orthogonal rotations merely clumped the
astray, discouraged loading was found for all sub-samples both at the
Indian level and at the Canadian level, forced to look at the clumped
• Norms
Salary and Supervisio Human
Job Satisfaction Promotion Work
Facilities n Relations
High 7-10 7-10 7-10 7-10 7-10
alternative for each item, which best reflects his level of satisfaction
• Instructions
write (1), if you disagree then write (0) in the response column.
• Scoring
viz., agree and disagree. They are assigned score (1) for agree and (0)
i.e., if they have been marked agree then 0 and if marked disagree
then 1.
• Utility
200. The test-retest reliability was found to be .79 which was not only
• Validity
100 and the obtained correlation was .687 which was significant one
• Norms
stress on the basis of the obtained total score. For this, the inventory
• Qualitative Interpretation
added together to yield a total score. Higher the score, the higher is
of the test.
correlation between scores of the present test and other tests or scales
as follows:
N = 80r = .82
• Administration
should not tell the Subjects the exact purpose for which the test is
used. No time limit has been set for the test. However it is seen that
testees and giving adequate and proper instructions placed on the title
the score of one and zero for 'No', The total of all the positive or 'Yes'
should be written in the box, the proper place provided for the
purpose on the title page of the test for an easy and smooth working.
$ % $ &
• Interpretation:
as under:
2. High 70
4. Low 16-30
5. Very Low up to 15
problems, they tend to ignore them and expect others to help them.
as they are managers and staff. From these banks and by rule of Taro
gender distribution. Thus, for the present study, there were 400
subject there was 2x2 factorial design used. For the data collection,
job satisfaction, stress and anxiety test were used. The analysis of the
data collection was F-test (ANOVA) and L.S.D. test was applied to
find out the significance between two means in specific pairs of sub-
groups formed by different levels of main variables. As well as to
assessments were also correlated with one another to view any existing
relationships between the variables. Total scores for each area of job
satisfaction, stress and anxiety were calculated and the total score was
• Summary