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360 Degree Appraisal and Employee Commitment

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 4, May-June 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

360 Degree Appraisal and Employee Commitment

Victor Barinua, Ph.D; Ezeogu, Sylvia Onyekachukwu
Department of Management, Faculty of Management Science,
Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt Rivers State, Nigeria

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Victor Barinua |

The paper examined the relationship between 360 degree appraisal Ezeogu, Sylvia Onyekachukwu "360
and employee commitment. Employee commitment is simply a Degree Appraisal and Employee
relationship between employees and organization. The 360 degree Commitment"
Published in
performance appraisal as evident from existing literature is one of the
International Journal
appraisal system that has in the recent years gained significant
of Trend in
popularity. The paper concludes that paper concludes that employees Scientific Research
become committed to an organisation when leaders tend to exhibit and Development
behaviours that are geared towards developing them other than (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- IJTSRD50287
largely focusing on pay and promotion. Findings; studies suggests 6470, Volume-6 |
that this traditional appraisal system tends to overlook a number of Issue-4, June 2022, pp.1139-1145, URL:
employee traits due to its standardised nature. The paper recommends
that performance appraisal systems should be designed in such a way
that they create perceptions of fair treatment relative to other Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and
employees as well as the employee‘s own expectations. International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
KEYWORD: 360 Degree Appraisal, Self-assessment, Peer Journal. This is an
Assessment, Immediate Assessment, Employee commitment, Affective, Open Access article
Normative and Continuance Commitment distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

The most important resources in an organization are It is believe that no institution in today’s competitive
workers but are also the most difficult resources to world can perform at the highest levels except each
manage due to differences in personality, values, employee is committed to the organization’s
goals, hopes, aspirations, styles and intentions objectives and works as a valuable team member. It is
(Echaaobari, Ihunda & Adim, 2018). Employee no longer sufficient to have employees who come to
commitment has been an intriguing subject of work devotedly every day and do their jobs without
discourse between organizational scientists or help. Employees now have to think like entrepreneurs
theorists and practitioners as the benefits of a while working in teams, and have to prove their
committed workforce cannot be over emphasized. worth. People are the most important drivers of a
Meyer and Herscovitch, 2001) assert that company competitive advantage. This means,
commitment is a situation whereby an individual organizations are reliant upon their human assets to
adopts some set of actions to achieve a predetermined survive and thrive (Mello, 2006).
goal. The conscious attempts by an individual to start
Subordinate commitment has been defined as the
and continue in a path or action in other to actualize
degree to which an employee identifies with the
or realize pre-determine goals best describes
organization and wants to continue actively
employee commitment. It is birthed when an
participating in it (Newstrom and Davies, 2002.For
employee builds some form of psychological bond
the purpose of this paper, the term subordinate
with their organization (Allen, 1990; O’Reilly, and
commitment would be used interchangeably with
Chatman (1986) mentioned in Madeeha and Imran,
employee commitment. The interest in this topic is
2016). However, the depth of an employee’s
due to the fact that employee commitment is vital to
emotional and mental attachment to an organization
contemporary organizational success (Pfeffer, 1998).
propels him to continually direct his actions towards
To remain spiritedin the face of these pressures,
the attainment to an organizational goals and
employee commitment is crucial. Without employee
commitment, there can be no improvement in any

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area of business activity. Employees will simply treat consequently a reduction in productivity and
their work as a "9-to-5" job without any organisational commitment (Maley, 2013). On the
burning desire to accomplish any more than is positive side, it has been argued that performance
necessary to remain employed (Maicibi, 2003). appraisal provides an important avenue to recognise
employees‘ work efforts. Recognition in this case has
Performance appraisal is a widely discussed concept
for long been considered as a key employee incentive.
in the field of performance management. It is used
Its importance is underscored by Samarakone (2010)
interchangeably as performance evaluation, job
who indicates that human beings in a number of
performance, performance assessment, performance
instances prefer negative recognition as opposed to no
evaluation as the case may be according to Amah and
recognition at all.
Gabriel (2017); the importance accorded to
performance appraisal systems in part arises from the REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE
nature of the current business environment, which is Theoretical Foundation
marked by the need to achieve organisational goals as Goal Setting Theory and Feedback Theory
well as remain relevant in intensely competitive The baseline theory for this paper is anchored on
markets through superior employee performance Goal Setting Theory and Feedback Theory. The goal
(Chen and Eldridge, 2012). Within this context, theory was advanced in the 1980s, a time at which
various studies suggest that organisations can hardly motivational theory largely focused on the need for
control the behaviour of their employees (Attorney, setting goals for employees (David, Song, Hayes and
2007). The organisations can however control how Fredin, 2007). Based on the review of extant
employees perform their jobs. In addition, literature, the proponents of the goal theory posit that
performance management research shows that a employees record higher levels of motivation when
significant number of employees tend to have the they are presented with explicit goals that they are
desire to perform their jobs well as part of their supposed to meet (Gómez-Minambres, 2012; Catania,
individual goals as well as a demonstration of loyalty 2012). Such goals could include a sales target in the
towards the organisation (Wright & Cheung, 2007). case of sales employees. Bipp and and Dam (2014) in
Arguably, the key to ensuring that employees perform a study that supports the goal theory notes that
well lies in the ability to provide them with the right employees will perform at a higher level in the
working environment. Such an environment generally presence of specific and challenging goals.
includes fair treatment, offering of support, effective While the feedback theory on the other hand bears
communication and collaboration. close resemblance to the goal theory. Its proponents
Conferring to Maley (2013) these are the very posit that just like providing specific goals, provision
qualities that are created by an effective performance of feedback helps in clarifying what the employee
appraisal system. While focusing on performance must do (McCalley, 2006; Pat-El, Tillema, & Sabine,
appraisal as a motivational tool, studies in this field 2012). However, it differs from goal theory in that
strongly suggest that performance appraisal systems feedback takes place during and after a given task
can be used to enhance motivation (Chen & Eldridge, while goals are set before the commencement of the
2010; Appelbaum, ., Roy, & Gilliland, 2011). task (Hon, Wilco and Chan, 2013). Several studies
However, the link between performance appraisal and indicate the presence of a positive correlation
employee motivation has often been studied in a between feedback and work motivation (Chiang &
traditional or general manner and hence the Jan, 2008; McCalley, 2006). From the explanation
relationship tends to be blurred in nature. The given by scholars, it is clear that this theory can be
traditional use of performance appraisal has for used to to determine the relationship between 360
instance been criticised for the reward of ―win-loseǁ degree appraisal and employee commitment in the
results as opposed to ―win-winǁ results in which the organization.
system promotes supportive and cooperative
The Concept of 360 Degree Appraisal
behaviour (Rowland & Hall, 2012). Despite the above
The 360 degree performance appraisal as evident
shortcomings in approaches to performance appraisal,
from existing literature is one of the appraisal system
extant literature on performance management still
that has in the recent years gained significant
indicates that performance appraisal when undertaken
popularity in both small and large-sized firms (Deb,
in the right manner can contribute significantly to
2009; Lepsinger & Lucia, 2009). By description the
employee motivation (Tuytens & Devos, 2012).
360 degree appraisal system involves an appraisal
When undertaken in the absence of clear goals,
system that encompasses the views of different
performance appraisal can however have serious
groups of reviewers who socialise with the
ramifications in terms of employee dissatisfaction and
organisation‘s employees. Such reviewers include the

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
employee‘s superiors (managers and supervisors), co- were swayed by subordinates’ self-assessments, but
workers/peers and customers. The process also anticipation of face-to-face feedback did not lead to
includes the employee‘s opinion about him/herself inflated appraisals. Makiney and Levy (1998) found
and hence its recognition as a multi-source, multi- that supervisors were more likely to incorporate
rater and full-circle appraisal system (Grund & information that conflicted with their own evaluation
Przemeck, 2012). While on this perspective, Horng if that evaluation came from a peer than if it came
Hsu, Liu, Lin and Tsai (2011) through a study on from the employee him- or herself. Discrepant self-
employee competencies identifies four key assessment information was not incorporated into the
assessments that should constitute a 360 degree supervisor’s final judgment. Self-assessment has been
appraisal system. They include self-assessment; adapted to serve a monitoring or evaluation function
immediate supervisor assessment; subordinate in both work sites and training programs (e.g.,
assessment and peer assessment. The underlying medical schools). Increasingly, self-assessment is
premise behind the use of 360 degree performance being viewed as an alternative to external monitoring
appraisal is that a significant amount of performance and supervision, and as such, it falls within the
data about a given employee can be gathered when context of performance appraisal. Much of the
multi-sources are used (Sahoo & Mishra, 2012). literature on self-assessment for monitoring and
evaluation focuses on the validity and reliability of
Moreover, the 360 degree appraisal systems allows
self-assessment. Even though self-raters may
for gathering of information about an individual from
systematically under- or overestimate their own
different degree and angles. While supporting such
performance, such errors may not result in biased
views, Deb (2009) underscores that the use of
estimates of change in performance, such as when
multiple assessment sources helps ensure that an
used in an on-going performance-monitoring process.
employee‘s performance is double checked.
Moreover, the 360 degree performance appraisal Self-assessment is usually carried out in conjunction
system is considered as one that helps in overcoming with support from or an evaluation by a supervisor.
disadvantages such as prejudice, subjectivity and halo Evaluations by supervisors or even peers have often
errors, which characterise traditional evaluation been used to validate self-assessments, particularly
systems (Hsu et al., 2005). Espinilla et al., (2013) for where self-assessment was carried out for monitoring
instance notes that the use of this evaluation method or evaluation purposes. Even where self-assessment is
makes it unlikely that the employee is criticised solely used for learning purposes, it is common to support it
by the manager. Sahoo and Mishra (2012) add that with supervisor feedback and validation, which gives
systems of 360- degree appraisal are perceived by employees and/or students a more objective basis for
employees as more accurate and more reflective of developing future performance goals. In many cases,
their performance. They are thus considered as quite the employees or students spend time discussing and
effective in providing comprehensive information that reconciling their assessment with that of an observer
can be used to determine the employee‘s training as part of the learning process. Self-assessments that
needs. Despite the effectiveness of 360 degree do not include supervisor support generally provide
appraisal systems, several issues have been identified some other form of external support.
in literature that prevents the effectiveness of such
Peer Assessment
systems. Espinilla et al., (2013) for instance notes that Probably most methods of peer collaboration could be
the use of a single type of expression domain such as used in a summative manner. However, it is this
numerical or linguistic in 360 degree systems limits assignment of marks that makes summative peer
the ability to gather the richness of information that assessment awkward, since individual tutors will have
reviewers provide. In addition, the correct different preferences. The assessment models used
interpretation of final results is hard as quantitative have different strengths and weaknesses. The
assessment do not always represent qualitative important feature of peer assessment, however, is that
information accurately (Hsu et al., 2005). it should assess the process of peer collaboration and
Self-Assessment not simply the product. For example, if a group of
A number of studies look at the effect of self- students collaborate on a joint report, peer assessment
assessment on the appraisal process, including formal should focus on how well the students collaborated
performance reviews. Involving employees in their and not simply on the report.
performance reviews is increasing as part of a more Feedback from different sources, such as mentors,
participative approach to management (Thornton, tutors or lecturers can greatly enhance the student
1980). Klimoski and Inks (1990) found that learning process. Fellow students, peers, are another
supervisors’ ratings of a subordinate’s performance source of feedback and peer assessment, the

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD50287 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 4 | May-June 2022 Page 1141
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
formative or summative feedback provided by peers, (2007), organisational commitment is an attitude that
can offer a number of educational benefits. Peer reflects the loyalty of employees to their organisation
assessment involves students giving feedback to each and an ongoing process through which organisational
other to grade their work or performance using employees express their concern for the organisation
relevant criteria. and its continued success and wellbeing. Also,
Mowday, Porter and Steers (1982) define
Peer assessment can be used in a more supportive
organisational commitment as the relative strength of
way, rather than simply enabling students to grade
an individual’s identification with and involvement in
each other. Roberts(2006) refers to peer assessment as
a particular organisation. Previous research indicates
a process which allows learners to reflect critically
that leadership style, employee’s perception of the
upon the learning of their peers. Peer assessment is
work environment, interesting work, organisational
also a reciprocal process in that the student providing
dependency, and demographics such as age,
feedback also benefits from increasing their own
education, and tenure are antecendents of
understanding. This is achieved by students having to
organisational commitment (Dornstein & Matalon,
critique and review someone else’s work and thereby
1998; Avolio, Zhu, Kho & Bhatia, 2004; Finegan,
reflect on their own understanding or performance.
2000). Committed employees have no second thought
Immediate Supervisor assessment or feeling other than to put in all their best for the
Supervision represents an organizational duty that success of the organisation. Organisational
promotes professional development, perfecting commitment directly affects the performance of
teaching practice and more learning and success for employees which consequently affect the
the student. Being of procedural nature, it has its basis performance of the organisation (Vijayashree &
on research-action and it configures ecological, Jagdischchandra, 2011). Tella, Ayeni and Popoola
cooperative and formative activities. As such, each (2007) assert that employees’ intentions to perform
teacher can exercise supervision duties, regardless of well, increase their efficiency, and improve their
his/her duties in the organizational structure. skills can be linked to organisational commitment.
Supervision and evaluation are essential and The best panacea of employees’ turnover is to keep
complementary functions, although they present organisational commitment intact (Mathieu & Zajac,
distinctive characteristics (Glickman et al., 2008; 1990). Literature suggests that organisations benefit
Nolan & Hoover, 2004; Pawlas & Oliva, 2007). greatly from retained employees because they stay to
In turn, instructors’ evaluation is an organizational offer their best knowledge, skills, experience, abilities
duty that accomplishes an overall formal assessment and energy for the organisations’ well-being
of teacher’s competence and performance. Evaluation (Yamaguchi, 2013).
makes sure that each teacher’s performance in the According to Akintayo (2010) subordinate
system reveals a minimum level of competence, commitment can be defined as the degree to whichthe
taking into account the student’s success. employee feels devoted to their organization. Ongori
Instructor’s perspective of the overall process of (2007) described employee commitment as an
supervision emphasizes cooperative work amongst effective response to the whole organization and the
peers, as well as interpersonal relationships. In the degree of attachment or loyalty employees feel
analysis, it also emerges “democratic, open to towards the organization. Zheng, (2010) describes
constructive dialogue and being “available to listen employee commitment as simply employees’ attitude
and clarify. Instructors value an atmosphere of trust to organization. This definition of employee
and mutual responsibility, meeting studies that commitment is broad in the sense that employees’
present a democratic supervision, due to negotiation, attitude encompasses various components.
regulation and shared expertise between the Subordinate commitment seems to be a crucial factor
supervisor and the teacher, three important in achieving organizational success. Individuals with
characteristics of collegial relationship and low levels of commitment will do only enough to
professional growth (Nolan & Hoover, 2004; Stones, work. They do not put their hearts into the work and
1984; Vieira, 2009). Nevertheless, teachers do not see mission of the organization. They seem to be more
supervision as focused, which proves the distance concerned with personal success than with the
between theory and practice. success of the organization as a whole.

Employee Commitment Affective Commitment

Meyer and Allen (1991) defined organisational Affective commitment refers to the emotional
commitment as a psychological state that binds an attachment that a subordinate has in an organization
employee to the organisation. According to Luthans (Price, 2011). It is the extent at which subordinates

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
appreciate to be members of an organization. another job or when they believe that they owe their
According to Rhoades (2001), affectively committed success to the organization.
subordinates are seen to have a sense of identification
and belonging and this motivates them to increase In terms of effectiveness, the paper or study finds that
their participation in the activities of an organization. the 360 degree performance appraisal system is quite
Additionally, affective commitment makes effective in offering a comprehensive analysis of the
subordinates to have willingness to meet the goals of employees ‘performance at Shine Communications.
an organization as well as the desire to stay in the This is consistent with the reviewed literature, which
organization. underscores that 360- degree appraisal helps assess an
Allen (1997) cited by Lee (2001) affective employee‘s performance from different angles and is
commitment is associated with subordinate personal therefore reflective of the employee‘s actual
characteristics, organizational features, experiences performance (Sahoo & Mishra, 2012). In the case of
about the work and job characteristics Muncherji and graphical rating scale, the literature reviewed suggests
Dhar (2011) observe that employees become that this traditional appraisal system tends to overlook
emotionally attached to an organization when they are a number of employee traits due to its standardised
able to achieve these factors. This is because they nature (Armstrong, 2009). The study findings
help to create an environment that is intrinsically however indicate that such as a scale still performs a
rewarding for the employees. useful role especially in work tasks that are based on
explicit goals and quantifiable in nature (Idowu,
Normative Commitment
Normative commitment (Bolon, 2006) is the
commitment that an employee trusts that they have to Conclusion
the organization or their sensation of commitment to The paper concludes that employees become
their workplace. Meyer and Allen (1991) supported committed to an organisation when leaders tend to
this type of commitment earlier to Bolon’s definition, exhibit behaviours that are geared towards developing
with their definition of normative being “a sensation them other than largely focusing on pay and
of commitment”. An employee who is frequently promotion. Thus, immediate supervisors should
present at work, work overtime i.e. puts in extra hours therefore adopt transformational leadership style
and more, puts in a full day, have faith in the because it increases employees’ organisational
organizational goals and guard corporate resources is commitment without necessarily focusing extensively
defined by Meyer and Allen (2008) as a committed on intervening with pay and promotion packages.
employee. As a result of its commitment, this type of
employee contributes positively to the organization. Based on literature review, we hereby recommend
Creative employees are powerfully trusted and that;
committed as opined by Elio (2013). Williams (2012) Performance appraisal systems should be designed in
assert that an employee may show higher level of such a way that they create perceptions of fair
commitment if the organization or its management treatment relative to other employees as well as the
promote his/his academic strides, by being obedient employee‘s own expectations. This can contribute
to the employee, such instance as highlighted above is significantly towards positive attitudes, which have
termed normative commitment which is just one type been shown in this study to be a significant
of commitment employees may attach to an determinant of employee‘s level of motivation and
organization. consequently work performance. The study also
Continuance Commitment shows that employees differ in their preference for
Meyer and Allen (1997), cited by Lee (2010) define rewards following a performance appraisal.
continuance commitment as the employee awareness Organisations should therefore adapt a more personal
of the costs that are related with departing the approach in linking performance appraisal results to
organization. This means that continuance rewards and incentives. This could contribute
commitment is the enthusiasm to remain in an significantly towards boosting of employee
organization due to the personal investments which motivation as a result of improved levels of
cannot be transferred. Price (2011) argues that satisfaction.
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