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Response and resilience of soil microbial communities inhabiting in edible oil

stress/contamination from industrial estates

Article  in  BMC Microbiology · March 2016

DOI: 10.1186/s12866-016-0669-8


17 347

5 authors, including:

Anukriti Sharma Naif Abdullah Al-Dhabi

University of California, San Diego King Saud University


Datta Madamvar
Charotar University of Science and Technology


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Patel et al. BMC Microbiology (2016) 16:50
DOI 10.1186/s12866-016-0669-8


Response and resilience of soil microbial

communities inhabiting in edible oil
stress/contamination from industrial estates
Vrutika Patel1, Anukriti Sharma2, Rup Lal2, Naif Abdullah Al-Dhabi3 and Datta Madamwar1*

Background: Gauging the microbial community structures and functions become imperative to understand the
ecological processes. To understand the impact of long-term oil contamination on microbial community structure
soil samples were taken from oil fields located in different industrial regions across Kadi, near Ahmedabad, India.
Soil collected was hence used for metagenomic DNA extraction to study the capabilities of intrinsic microbial
community in tolerating the oil perturbation.
Results: Taxonomic profiling was carried out by two different complementary approaches i.e. 16S rDNA and
lowest common ancestor. The community profiling revealed the enrichment of phylum “Proteobacteria” and
genus “Chromobacterium,” respectively for polluted soil sample. Our results indicated that soil microbial diversity
(Shannon diversity index) decreased significantly with contamination. Further, assignment of obtained metagenome
reads to Clusters of Orthologous Groups (COG) of protein and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) hits
revealed metabolic potential of indigenous microbial community. Enzymes were mapped on fatty acid biosynthesis
pathway to elucidate their roles in possible catalytic reactions.
Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge this is first study for influence of edible oil on soil microbial communities
via shotgun sequencing. The results indicated that long-term oil contamination significantly affects soil microbial
community structure by acting as an environmental filter to decrease the regional differences distinguishing soil
microbial communities.
Keywords: Oil perturbation, β-proteobacteria, 16S rRNA gene, Bacterial community structure, Fatty acid biosynthesis,

Background featuring specific capabilities. Other environmental vari-

Oil spills have been pivotal in delineating microbial diver- ables also influence microbial distribution, such as
sity at the affected site in contrast to the pristine soil. regional climate [2, 3] soil type and characteristics [4] and
Thus, it becomes important to understand how indigen- vegetation [5].
ous microbial communities respond to the stress in order Interestingly, microbial community interacts with each
to understand their role in degradation process. Imple- other to adapt under extreme environmental changes via
mentation of efficacious bioremediation strategies relies modulating genome architecture [6, 7]. The vast majority
on innate microbial community dynamics, structure, and of these organisms have been characterized through
function [1]. Depending on biotic and abiotic factors, culture-independent molecular surveys using conserved
microorganisms adapt to the environment and accord- marker genes like the small subunit ribosomal RNA or
ingly environmental conditions select for microorganisms more recently the shotgun sequencing [8, 9]. The ongoing
development of next generation sequencing (NGS)
* Correspondence: methods can now be combined with advanced bioinfor-
Post Graduate Department of Biosciences, Centre of Advanced Study in matics method to replace more traditional approach of
Bioresource Technology, Sardar Patel University, Satellite Campus, Vadtal
Road, Bakrol 388 315, Gujarat, India
metagenomic library screening [10–12]. Consequently,
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article more and more complete microbial genomes as well as
© 2016 Patel et al. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver
( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.
Patel et al. BMC Microbiology (2016) 16:50 Page 2 of 14

environmental metagenomes are being sequenced to gain industrial area of Kadi, Ahmedabad. Three different
insights into functional aspects besides species compos- sampling sites (i.e. P1, P2, P3) of soil were selected that
ition [13]. represents accumulated edible cotton seed oil contamin-
Till date microbial community studies in oil-polluted ation since 20 years, resulted from oil spillage in ginning
sites have been carried out either for crude oil contamin- mills (GPS location for polluted site 23 degrees 17′
ation (marine and coastal sites) [14–16] or petroleum oil 46.2624″N_72 degrees 20′37.2840″E). Another sam-
contamination [17, 18] or desert soils [19, 20] but limited pling site was located within the industrial estate area
efforts have been made in the direction of studying role of 500 meter without any contamination i.e. control soil
bacterial community at sites tainted with edible oil. sample (C1, C2, C3) and was considered as a reference
Consequently, the intrinsic microbial community has to to demonstrate changes in microbial community under
be active degrader organic pollutants (fats and lipids). The oil stress (GPS location for control site 23 degrees 17′
process of biodegradation mainly depends on microorgan- 17.1780″N_72 degrees 21′36.6048″E). At each site sam-
isms which enzymatically attack the pollutants and con- pling was performed in replicates and collected soil was
vert them into innocuous products [21]. Major group of archived at 4 °C until further use. Physicochemical ana-
extracellular hydrolytic enzymes disrupt chemical bonds lysis of soil samples such as soil moisture, soil texture,
in the toxic molecules and results in the reduction of their organic carbon content, soil carbon/nitrogen ratio (C:N)
toxicity. This mechanism is effective for biodegradation of were determined. This soil sample is collected from the
oil spill as well as organophosphate and carbamate insecti- soil where the cluster of edible oil industries are avail-
cides. Bacteria such as Bacillus sp., Pseudomonas sp., able, does not involve any ethical issues. No prior per-
Chromobacterium vinosum and the fungi Aspergillus niger mission was required as this land does not belong to any
and Humicola lanuginose, Rhizopus delemar and Candida specific agency. However, field studies do not create any
rugosa secrete hydrolytic enzyme i.e. lipase that hydrolyse destruction to endangered or protected species.
triacylglycerides to fatty acids and glycerol [22] and
catalyze the degradation of lipids. Recent reports have Community DNA extraction and sequencing
shown that lipase activity is closely related with organic Metagenomic DNA from each soil samples i.e. polluted
pollutants present in the soil and for the drastic reduction and control (P1, P2, P3, C1, C2 and C3) was extracted
of total hydrocarbon from contaminated soil. Hence, using protocol described by Zhou et al. [24]. In all 50 μL
research undertaken in this area is likely to progress the MilliQ water was used to dissolve DNA at the final step.
knowledge in the bioremediation of oils spill [23]. Soil sample (5 g) was pre-washed with double distilled
The study aims at the metagenomic-analysis of the water before DNA extraction according to the method
microbial community inhabiting long-term edible oil con- of Zhou et al. [24]. Briefly, after adding 5 g glass beads
taminated site for both taxonomic profile and catabolic (d = 3 mm) and 15 mL DNA extraction buffer (100 mM
gene potential. Taxonomic profiling will provide insights Tris, 100 mM EDTA, 1.5 M NaCl, 10 % Sucrose, 1 %
into the composition of the microbial community capable CTAB, 100 mM sodium phosphate buffer pH = 8.0) to
of tolerating and/or degrading fatty acid compounds. the pretreated soil, the sample was vortexed for 5 min
Functional characterization of metagenome sequence followed by incubation for 30 min at 37 °C on environ-
reads on the basis of Clusters of Orthologous Groups of mental shaker. Subsequently, 2 ml SDS (20 %) was added
proteins (COG) accessions and Kyoto Encyclopedia of and mixed with hand-shaking for 5 min. The sample was
Genes and Genomes (KEGG) database entries will lead to incubated at 60 °C for 30 min and inverted every 10 min.
elucidation of the catabolic potential of the indigenous Further, 0.5 g of powdered activated charcoal (PAC) was
microbial community. This approach will facilitate identi- added and incubated for 30 min more [25]. After centrifu-
fication of genes essential for key catalytic steps in biodeg- gation at 12000 rpm for 15 min at room temperature,
radation pathways with respect to edible oil. Concisely, DNA was extracted with an equal volume of phenol and
the obtained data will improve our understanding for the chloroform-isoamyl alcohol (24:1, v/v), precipitated with
dynamics of bacterial community inhabiting oil stress and isopropanol and washed with 70 % ethanol.
will also assess the genomic potential of the indigenous Total DNA concentration and quality was analyzed by
microbial community of the contaminated soil habitat. NanoDrop spectrophotometer and electrophoresed on
0.8 % agarose gel, respectively. Equal concentration of
Methods environmental metagenomic DNA (obtained by Qubit
Survey of the sampling site and physicochemical analysis reading) from each subsequent sites were mixed to form
of soil samples a composite genetic pool (i.e. P1 + P2 + P3 = P and C1 +
To study the shift in microbial community structure C2 + C3 = C) representing total DNA composition for
across the oil polluted sites we collected bulk soil sam- each site. Isolated DNA was sheared and sized to produce
ples from the depots of oil contamination located near DNA library according to the manufacturer’s protocol
Patel et al. BMC Microbiology (2016) 16:50 Page 3 of 14

from Ion Xpress™ Plus gDNA Fragment Library Prepar- genome(s). An E-value cut off of 1Xe−3 and log2 as abun-
ation Kit. DNA Sequencing was performed on Ion dance scale was set. The coverage of reference genome
Torrent PGM platform using sequencing chip 318 to gen- sequence by reads was visualized using the Circos [35, 36].
erate short reads with an average insert size of 300 bp. All
the outsourcing for DNA sequencing was done at Xcelris Functional characterization and classification of genes
Lab Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad, India. Functional characterization of reads was done on the basis
of assembled data obtained from polluted sample. Gene
Assembly and taxonomic analysis for sequencing data calling was performed on the contigs using FragGeneScan
Sequences generated for polluted as well as control sam- [37] in order to predict operon reading frame (ORF). The
ple was assembled individually by MetaVelvet assembler ORFs were functionally annotated and assigned to the
(1.20.02) [26, 27] set at k = 31, −exp cov = auto, −cov_cut- Clusters of Orthologous Groups of proteins (COG) [38]
off = auto and insertion length with standard deviation = with an E value cut-off 10−5. The metabolism analysis was
300 bp ± 20. Both raw reads and contigs were used for fur- performed on KEGG Orthology (KO)-identifiers by using
ther analysis. The taxonomic positions of sequenced reads KAAS tool (KEGG Automatic Annotation Server) based
was analysed and studied using two complementary ap- on bi-directional best hit approach (60). Gene annotation
proaches: (1) LCA: classification based on lowest common was based on Enzyme Commission (EC)-numbers based
ancestor using MEGAN [28] and (2) Ribosomal Database on the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes
Project (RDP) classifier: classification based on 16S rRNA (KEGG) Orthology database [39].
gene sequences. MEGAN platform uses the lowest com-
mon ancestor (LCA) algorithm to classify reads to certain Screening of bacterial strains having oil degradation
taxa based on their blast hits [29, 30]. The LCA parame- ability
ters were set as Min Score = 35.0, Top Percent = 50, and Soil obtained from polluted sample was serially diluted
Min Support = 2. In addition, the 16S rRNA sequences and spread on Nutrient agar, Luria agar, Plate count agar
were extracted from the results of BLASTN analysis and Tributyrin agar plates supplemented with tributyrin
against the nt/nr database [26] and submitted to the RDP oil as a carbon source. Bacterial strains were selected on
classifier [29, 31] with E value < 1X10−1 and 80 % confi- the bases of their ability to hydrolyze tributyrin oil by pro-
dence level. The RDP classifier predicted the taxonomic ducing a clear zone around bacterial colonies [22, 40–42].
origin of 16S rRNA up to the rank of genus. Moreover, in A total of 40 strains were isolated based on their distinct
order to rectify diversity picture other reference databases morphological characteristics of the colonies and hydroly-
such WebCARMA (based on Environmental gene tags i.e. sis of trybutyrin oil. All the isolated culture on plates was
EGTs) and non-redundant database M5NR were also used observed for 48 h and sub cultured once in every month.
with standard parameters. Further, all the bacterial strains were maintained at 4 °C in
pure form for further use.
Rarefaction analysis, Diversity indices and multivariate
component analysis Data availability
Rarefaction curve was generated for all reads, except un- The sequence data for both soil samples i.e. polluted and
assigned reads. Species richness was plotted according to control obtained from Ion Torrent PGM platform has
the data obtained from RDP dataset [31], whereas, add- been deposited at MGRAST server (version 3). MGRAST
itional species likely to be discovered was addressed by IDs for the datasets are 4508969.3 and 4516462.3 for pol-
plotting the discovery rate of dataset, which is obtained by luted soil and control soil, respectively. MGRAST IDs for
repeatedly selecting random subsample of the dataset at the contig obtained from both the samples are 4515485.3
10, 20, upto- 90 % of the original size and then plotting and 4512472.3, respectively. The sequences obtained from
the number of leaves predicted by LCA algorithm using the culturable diversity study have been submitted to Gen-
MEGAN [28]. The diversity index i.e. Shannon’s evenness Bank, NCBI and their accession numbers are from
index for general diversity (at genus level) and Simpson’s KR140170 to KR140186 (polluted soil) and KR140187 to
dominance index on the basis of genus were calculated as KR140201 (control soil).
described previously [25, 32, 33]. Multivariate principle
component analysis (PCA), contour plot and correspond- Results
ence analysis plot was plotted using data of phylum in Multiple studies have demonstrated the applications of
PAST3 software [34]. high throughput sequencing in the study of microbial
distributions and functional genes in different microbial
Mapping of metagenomic reads communities. However, there are limited reports on bac-
Polluted metagenomic single reads were mapped on avail- terial community structural studies for edible oil con-
able microbial genomes by aligning to the sequenced tamination sites. Therefore, we took this opportunity to
Patel et al. BMC Microbiology (2016) 16:50 Page 4 of 14

explore effect of oil on bacterial community shift in long Table 2 Summary of sequencing result
term edible oil-contaminated sites from industrial area Polluted Control
of Kadi, Ahmedabad. Innate microbial community inha- Number of reads 17,06,040 39,98,015
biting contaminated environment was analyzed in terms Average read length 339 356
of its composition and diversity by high-throughput
Total number of contigs 201,285 262,608
shotgun sequencing approach via ion-torrent PGM plat-
form provided by Xcelris Lab Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad, Max contig length 1347 1258
India. Number of bases in contigs 31,284,971 58,039,898
N50 157 221
The sequences were assembled separately using MetaVelvet assembler
Physicochemical analysis of soils
The physicochemical analysis of soil samples from both
of bases were assembled into 262,608 contigs for control
(control and polluted) sites are tabulated in Table 1
soil sample using MetaVelvet assembler [26, 27].
showing significant difference (P-value <0.05) in all the
corresponding parameters. Soil with oil stress exhibited
Bacterial diversity analysis
higher nitrogen (1.5 times) and potassium (1–3 times)
The taxonomic positions of sequenced reads was ana-
content as compared to that of control soil sample. This
lysed and studied using two complementary approaches:
difference could be attributed to the characteristic feature
(1) LCA: classification based on lowest common ances-
of soil ecosystems with inherent bioremediation potential
tor using MEGAN [28] and (2) RDP classifier: classifica-
[43]. Total organic carbon was found to be 1.05 % and
tion based on 16S rRNA gene sequences [31]. The
0.71 % for polluted and pristine soil, respectively.
predominance of bacterial reads was equally observed in
all two approaches used to characterize indigenous bac-
Metagenomic DNA extraction and analysis terial community structure with RDP suggesting 97 %
Soil collected from the industrial area was used for meta- dominance of bacteria and 98 % reads were accounted
genomic DNA extraction using the protocol of Zhou et al. to bacteria in LCA for perturbed environment.
[24]. The obtained DNA was of high molecular weight Since 16S rRNA is widely used for taxonomic and phylo-
(Additional file 1: Figure S1) and was pure enough for fur- genetic studies due to its highly conserved sequences, its
ther sequencing studies. Details about purity ratio and hypervariable region can also be used for accurate taxo-
quality of metagenomic DNA (after pooling up DNA for nomic evaluation [44]. The reads assigned to the super-
each respective site i.e. P and C) with respect to humic kingdom Bacteria are ~97.6 % for polluted and ~95.8 % in
acids is described in Table 1. pristine indicating dominance of domain bacteria. The
Sequencing of two DNA libraries (viz. polluted soil niche generated due to perturbed environment was domi-
and control soil) was performed and data from the ex- nated by phylum Proteobacteria (60.9 %), followed by Bac-
periments are summarized in Table 2. The sequencing teroidetes (5.6 %) responsible for lipid metabolism. Only
run resulted in 17, 06,040 reads (an average read length 30 % of Proteobacteria and 7.4 % of Bacteroidetes was
of 339 bp) for polluted sample and 39,98,015 reads (an dominant in control sample. The 3rd most abundant taxon
average read length of 356 bp) for control sample. In in both samples (i.e. polluted and control) is Verrucomicro-
total 31,284,971 numbers of bases were assembled into bia (2.4 % and 4.3 %) which was followed by Firmicutes
201,285 contigs for polluted soil and 58,039,898 number (0.6 % and 4.2 %) and Actinobacteria (1.3 % and 3.4 %),
respectively (Additional file 1: Figure S2).
Table 1 Characteristics features of sample for both polluted At the class level community shift can be clearly seen
and control soil between polluted and control soil samples. Gammapro-
Sr. No Parameters tested Polluted soil Control soil teobacteria (14.9 %) showed dominancy in control soil
1 Texture of soil Fine loamy soil Fine loamy soil while Betaproteobacteria (56.3 %) is in abundance for
2 Temperature (°C) 37 37
polluted soil sample (Fig. 1). The second most abundant
class found in polluted soil is Sphingobacteria (2.5 %)
2 pH 8.10 8.26
followed by Gammaproteobacteria (2.2 %), Cytophagia
3 Organic carbon (%) 1.05 0.71 (2 %) and Verrucomicrobiae (1.4 %). Betaproteobacteria
4 Total Nitrogen (Kgha−1) 2070 1371 (6 %) was found to be second dominant class in control
−1 soil sample followed by Alphaproteobacteria (5 %), Acti-
5 Available P2O5 (Kgha ) 37.75 26.78
6 Available K2O (Kgha−1) 170.45 122.21 nobacteria (3.5 %), Deltaproteobacteria (3.3 %), Flavo-
7 −1
EC (dSm ) 0.33 0.19
bacteria (2.9 %) and Verrucomicrobiae (2.7 %). At rank
genus Chromobacterium (45.5 %) (family Neisseriaceae)
8 DNA concentration (ng/μL) 404 358
showed dominancy for polluted sample followed by
Patel et al. BMC Microbiology (2016) 16:50 Page 5 of 14

Fig. 1 Distribution of taxa among bacteria at rank class classified according to 16S rDNA using RDP classifier for both polluted as well as
control sample

Neisseria (4.9 %) (family Neisseriales), Cupriavidus (4.5 %) phylum. However, data for only polluted sample is ex-
(family Burkholderiaceae) and Pedosphaera (1.06 %) be- plained in text. Comparable to the taxonomic structure
longing to the family Verrucomicrobia. Genus Klebsiella generated from the output on reads, our analysis re-
(5 %) (family Enterobacteriaceae) was found to be abun- vealed that polluted soil sample showed Proteobacteria
dant in control sample followed by 2.2 % Flavobacterium (47 %), followed by Bacteroidetes (20 %), Verrucomicro-
(family Flavobacteriaceae), 1.7 % Brevibacillus (family bia (15.5 %), Plantomycetes (4 %) and Acidobacteria
Paenibacillaceae) and 1.6 % Xantomonas (family Xantho- (3 %) as most dominant classified phylum (Additional
manadaceae). (Data for genus level is not shown) file 1: Figure S3). For polluted site the dominant classes
Meanwhile, we also analyzed microbial community (Fig. 2) in bacteria are Alphaproteobacteria (19 %),
compositions based on lowest common ancestor (LCA). Betaproteobacteria (13 %), Gammaproteobacteria (7 %),
The statistics for both the sample (i.e. polluted and con- Spartobacteria (7 %) and Cytophagia (7 %). At rank
trol) are shown in Additional file 1: Figure S3 at rank genus Chthoniobacter (10 %) (family unclassified from

Fig. 2 Distribution of taxa among bacteria at rank class classified according to lowest common ancestor (LCA) for both polluted as well as
control sample
Patel et al. BMC Microbiology (2016) 16:50 Page 6 of 14

Spartobacteria), Chromobacterium (7 %) (family Neisser- clades of control soil are all higher than those of pol-
iaceae) showed dominancy for polluted sample followed luted ones. Also, control and polluted soil contains 629
by Candidatus Solibacter (3.5 %) (family Solibactera- and 396 leaves for all assigned taxa, respectively (Fig. 3b).
ceae), Verrucomicrobium (2.9 %) (family Verrucomicro- Furthermore, the rarefaction curves of both libraries
biaceae) and Chitinophaga (2.8 %) belonging to the appear close to saturation at 100 % of the total reads.
family Sphingobacteriales. Our results suggest that the current sampling depth is
In addition to this, the diversity picture for both sam- not yet close to the natural status for bacteria.
ples was also compared with EGTs using WebCARMA Shannon index was used to indicate diversity and
algorithm and non-redundant database M5NR. The complexity, and the Simpson index was used to meas-
comparison is not described in text but displayed ure abundance. As exhibited in Fig. 3c, the lowest
through figures in Additional file 1: Figure S4. Among Shannon diversity in polluted sample indicates pres-
all the databases used for analysis we found that there is ence of phylotypes while in control sample the diver-
influence of oil contamination on soil and can be clearly sity indices showed a higher level of species richness.
seen by the dominance of betaproteobacteria at class Simpson index showed the dominance in polluted
level and Chromobacterium (widely known for its oil sample as compared to that of control. Consistently,
degrading capability) at genus level. the data collected from phylotype distributions of 16S
rRNA gene sequences of total bacterial community of
Comparison of microbial composition between soil both the samples were treated by PCA plot, contour
samples plot and correspondence analysis (CA) plot in order
Statistical analysis of biodiversity provides interesting in- to check differences between the sites in terms of
sights as reflected in rarefaction curves. Rarefaction ana- bacterial community structures. The entire three ana-
lysis was carried out in order to assess species richness lysis viz. PCA plot, Contour plot and CA plot (Fig. 3d
of the system. Using RDP, we analyzed the microbial (a, b, c)) was able to separate control site from that
richness, based on sequence reads, between libraries of of polluted ones. The data set of both the samples
polluted and control soil samples (Fig. 3a). Whereas, showed that sites were well separated from each other
plotting the number of leaves predicted by LCA algo- and as well as no cluster formation showed difference
rithm revealed that the number of taxonomic leaves or in bacterial community structure.

Fig. 3 Statistical comparative analysis for the reads assigned between control as well as polluted soil sample (a) rarefaction curves on species
counts using RDP dataset (b) rarefaction curve using percentage of reads, (c) diversity indices and (d) multivariate analysis a) PCA plot, b) CA plot,
c) contour plot
Patel et al. BMC Microbiology (2016) 16:50 Page 7 of 14

Annotation and mapping of metagenome single reads to

the microbial genomes
Metagenomic reads of polluted sample were mapped for
assessing genome coverage. Maximum hits for metagen-
ome were attributed to the genome of Candidatus soli-
bacter ellin (Fig. 4a). Maximum identity percentile of
metagenomic reads with whole genome of Candidatus
solibacter ellin was found to be 5.76 %. List of top 50
microorganisms mapped with highest number of reads
are shown in Fig. 4b. The highest number of reads was
allocated to Chthoniobacter flavus Ellin428 genome
followed by Chitinophaga penensis DSM2588, Candida-
tus solibacter usitatus Ellin6076, Verrucomicrobium spi-
nosum DSM4136, Spirosoma lingual, Optitutus terrae
PB90-1, Dyadobacter fermentans DSM18053, Marivirga
tractuosa DSM4126. The list also includes Algoriphagus,
Sorangium, Pirellula, Mesorhizobium, Halangium, Cyto-
phaga and others. This suggested that these organisms
were enriched at polluted site and can play significant
role in fatty acid metabolism and synthesis.

Gene function annotation and classification

Metabolic profile for bacterial community structure of
polluted soil sample was annotated using COG and
KEGG databases. Assembled contigs were analyzed by
assigning predicted functions to genes based on COG
[45]. In total 22 classes based on functional categories
were identified by COG database (Fig. 5). In the category
“metabolism” large amount of reads are distributed
among “amino acid transport and metabolism (E)”, “en-
ergy production and conversion (C)”, “carbohydrate
transport and metabolism (G)”, and “lipid transport and
metabolism (I)”. The class “lipid transport and metabol-
ism (I)” was further characterized for various kinds of
enzymes responsible for fatty acid metabolism under
stress conditions. Classes such as “inorganic ion trans-
port and metabolism (P)” and “coenzyme metabolism
(H),” “secondary metabolites biosynthesis, transport, and
catabolism (Q),” and “signal transduction mechanisms
(T)” are associated with transport of ions/compounds
and other metabolic processes (Fig. 5). COG categories/
accessions important in lipid metabolism are described
in Table 3. In the KEEG analysis, metabolism term in-
cluding carbohydrate metabolism, lipid metabolism,
metabolism of cofactors and vitamins, amino acid metab-
olism and metabolism of other amino acids are among the
top five most popular categories (Fig. 6a). KEGG terms in
lipid metabolism are displayed in Fig. 6b. The enzymes
involved in lipid metabolism were detected in reads
assigned to fatty acid biosynthesis, glycerophospholipid Fig. 4 a Mapping of metagenomic reads from polluted soil sample
metabolism, sphingolipid metabolism, glycerolipid metab- on the genome of Candidatus solibacter ellin 6076 and b Metagenomic
reads assigned to microbial genomes sequences. The x-axis denoted
olism as the four most dominant groups which are in- the number of reads assigned to the 50 most prevalent microbial
volved in the processing of lipids and fatty acids. The 20 strain genomes
most abundant enzymes mapped according to KEGG
Patel et al. BMC Microbiology (2016) 16:50 Page 8 of 14

Fig. 5 Characterization of metagenomic sequencing reads of contaminated soil sample according to the Cluster of Orthologous Groups of
protein (COGs). The categories for COG are abbreviated as follows: C- energy production and conversation; G- carbohydrate transport and
metabolism; E- amino acid transport and metabolism; F- nucleotide transport and metabolism; H- coenzyme transport and metabolism; I- lipid
transport and metabolism; P- inorganic ion transport and metabolism; Q- secondary metabolites and biosynthesis; D- cell cycle control, cell
division, chromosome partitioning; T- signal transduction mechanism; M- cell wall/membrane/envelope biogenesis; N- cell motility; U- intracellular
trafficking, secretion and vesicular transport; O- post translational modification, protein turnover, chaperones; J- translation, ribosomal structure
and biogenesis; A- RNA processing and modification; K- transcription; L- replication, recombination and repair; B- chromatin structure and dynamics;
R- general function prediction only, S- function unknown

database from metagenomic data is tabulated in Table 4. species of Bacillus such as (B. subtilis, B. methylotrphi-
This observation is consistent with the findings that many cus, B. pumilis, B. endophyticus), Pseudomonas (P. stut-
species in polluted sample are involved in fatty acid bio- zeri, P. sp) as well as Exiqobacterium (E. profundum)
synthesis and fatty acid metabolism. known for their lipolytic activities were identified.
The main focus of the study was on fatty acid bio-
synthesis. The expression of genes involved in lipid Discussion
metabolism pathways such as fatty acid biosynthesis Deciphering bacterial community structure using shotgun
(PATH: ko00061), fatty acid degradation (PATH: ko00071) sequencing approach
mapped from KEEG database are displayed in Additional Novel technologies continue to expand our understand-
file 1: Table S1. ing of microbial diversity and community structure.
Metagenomic analysis [10, 45] has previously identified
Bacterial community structure using culture dependent ‘unexpectedly’ high bacterial phylogenetic and functional
approach diversity. The long-term sustainability of soil contamin-
Since the contaminated site of the study is oil perturbed ation requires detailed knowledge of its biodiversity
soil attempts were made to isolate organisms on tribu- coupled to profound understanding for its functioning.
tyrin agar plates containing tributyrin oil as carbon Previous studies with 16S rRNA-based analyses using
source. Total bacterial counts of 1.8X102 CFU/mL were clone libraries [46–48], microarrays (for example, Phylo-
obtained from oil contaminated soil whereas <30 bacter- Chip and GeoChip) [49–52], pyrosequencing [7, 53] and
ial counts were obtained from control sample when other approaches [54] showed that soil microbial com-
screened on tributyrin agar plates. The possible reason munities are highly diverse and complex.
for this could be production of extracellular enzymes by Here, we took opportunity to explore microbial diversity
particular microorganisms to combat these stressed con- and its functioning in edible oil contaminated soil using
dition in such contaminated environment. Different 16S rRNA shotgun sequencing approach. This study
Patel et al. BMC Microbiology (2016) 16:50 Page 9 of 14

Table 3 COG categories as discovered from the metagenomic cycling [53]; Neisseriaceae and Burkholderiaceae were
reads for lipid metabolism found to be major families. Proteobacteria has been pre-
COG No. Name of the protein viously detected at high abundance in soil samples,
COG3425 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA synthase including polluted ones [55–58], and shift in their
COG0304 3-oxoacyl-(acyl-carrier-protein) synthase community were also observed upon contamination with
oil or during bioremediation. While, Proteobacteria
COG0332 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase III
accounted for 60 % of total sequences in our polluted
COG4247 3-phytase (myo-inositol-hexaphosphate 3-phosphohydrolase)
soil sample, they accounted for 86 % in long-term diesel-
COG1211 4-diphosphocytidyl-2-methyl-D-erithritol synthase contaminated soil from Poland [58], 45 % in contami-
COG0439 Biotin carboxylase nated permafrost soils along a crude oil pipeline in china
COG2272 Carboxylesterase type B [59], 42 % in gradient of petroleum contaminated desert
COG4589 CDP-diglyceride synthetase soil [17] and 50-60 % in contaminated mangrove sedi-
ments from Brazil [57]. Members of Betaproteobacteria
COG1024 Enoyl-CoA hydratase/carnithine racemase
and Gammaproteobacteria are known to be highly ver-
COG0821 Enzyme involved in the deoxyxylulose pathway of isoprenoid
satile for their degradation ability [7, 60, 61]. The strains
of genera Chromobacterium, Xanthomonas, Pseudo-
COG0657 Esterase/lipase
monas, Burkholderia and Acenitobacter which prevailed
COG1398 Fatty-acid desaturase the classes Betaproteobacteria and Gammaproteobac-
COG1022 Long-chain acyl-CoA synthetases (AMP-forming) teria were found to possess oil-degrading capabilities
COG3127 Lysophospholipase [17, 18, 22]. Various microbial populations that are cap-
COG1443 Isopentenyldiphosphate isomerase able of degrading different oil and petroleum products
COG2185 Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, C-terminal domain/subunit
including species of Pseudomonas, Flavobacterium,
(cobalamin-binding) Arthrobacter, Alcaligenes, Nocardia, Micrococcus, Cor-
COG1260 Myo-inositol-1-phosphate synthase ynebacterium and Mycobacterium have been isolated
from soil [62], while Pseudomonas, Arthrobacter, Sphin-
COG2867 Oligoketide cyclase/lipid transport protein
gomonas, Rhodococcus, Ochrobactrum, Psychrobacter,
COG0558 Phosphatidylglycerophosphate synthase
Pseudoalteromonas, Acinetobacter and Bacillus are iso-
COG1562 Phytoene/squalene synthetase lated from marine environment [63–66]. Among the
COG3243 Poly(3-hydroxyalkanoate) synthetase detected genera known for degradation are Actinobac-
COG4553 Poly-beta-hydroxyalkanoate depolymerase teria, Microbacterium and Micrococcus [40, 67].
COG1657 Squalene cyclase Rarefaction analysis for particular ecosystem is a pre-
requisite to deduce the complete taxonomic profile of
COG0020 Undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase
the community. The rarefaction curves are nearly reach-
ing saturation for classifications based on RDP. More-
provides a comprehensive survey of the microbial richness over, results from PCA plot, CA plot and contour plot
and composition of long-term oil contaminated soil also suggested there is variation in community struc-
microbial communities. Upon taxonomic analysis using ture for both samples and appropriate depth of sam-
different approaches (RDP classifier and LCA algorithm), pling is also covered. Mapping of metagenome reads
Proteobacteria was the well-represented phylum along onto bacterial genomes suggested that organisms re-
with β-, α-, γ-, and δ-Proteobacteria. This group of lated to the identified species were enriched at the
bacteria has considerable morphological, physiological site contaminated with oil and presumably play an
and metabolic diversity, which are of great importance to active role in biodegradation.
global carbon, nitrogen and sulfur cycling [50]. Bacteroi- Understanding the factors that influence microbial com-
detes are the second most prevalent group of bacteria munity structure is an important goal in microbial ecology
detected in polluted sample, with three major classes [51]. Our analysis results indicate that oil has a significant
(Sphingobacteria, Cytophagia and Flavobacteriia). Gam- impact on soil microbial functional communities in con-
maproteobacteria is dominant group of bacteria followed taminated soil. On one hand oil contamination could be
by β-, α-Proteobacteria in pristine soil sample. The results toxic to many microbial populations reducing microbial
showed significantly altered microbial community diver- diversity and on the other hand, the vast range on carbon
sity, composition and structure, especially for particular substrates and subsequent metabolites present in oil-
microbial populations at class level. contaminated soil could facilitate the development of
The members of the Proteobacteria phylum are a rather complex microbial communities. In this study,
group of Gram-negative bacteria that have an important microbial functional genes encoded for lipid metabol-
role in decomposition of organic matter and carbon ism was analyzed using KEEG database [39]. The
Patel et al. BMC Microbiology (2016) 16:50 Page 10 of 14

Fig. 6 a Characterization of metagenomic sequencing reads of contaminated soil sample according to KEEG database. b Popular terms on lipid
metabolism based on KEEG analysis. The Y-axis refers to the percentage of reads within the reads mapping to metabolism terms

pathways of fatty acid biosynthesis and the enzymes between oil contamination and abundance of fab
involved in them are well conserved. The abundance genes from gram-negative bacteria removing oil and
of several functional genes involved in fatty acid syn- grease in industrial effluent.
thesis and metabolism such as acc, fab and fad genes
were detected. These genes are directly involved in Metabolic pathway analysis for fatty acid biosynthesis
the synthesis and metabolism of free fatty acids [68]. Fatty acid biosynthesis in almost all the organisms cul-
The increase in these functional genes might be due minates in formation of saturated fatty acids. All organ-
to the natural selection of organisms capable of utiliz- isms produce fatty acids via a repeated cycle of reactions
ing fatty acids/lipids. The degradation of PAHs by mi- involving the condensation, reduction, dehydration and
croorganisms through a complex enzymatic process reduction of carbon-carbon bonds. First step in fatty
was well documented by Patel et al. [63] with in- acid biosynthesis (Fig. 7) is the ATP dependent forma-
crease in frequencies of nahA genes in polluted water. tion of malonyl-CoA from acetyl-CoA and bicarbonate
Bestawy et al. [22] reported a positive correlation by acetyl-CoA carboxylase (acc, EC enzyme. All
Patel et al. BMC Microbiology (2016) 16:50 Page 11 of 14

Table 4 Abundance of enzymes mapped from metagenomic CoA to ACP. The chain elongation step in fatty acid bio-
reads identified in KEEG database synthesis consists of the condensation of acyl groups,
Sr. No Enzyme mapped Abundance/Hits which are derived from acyl- CoA or acyl-ACP, with
1 ABC transporter related 237 malonyl-ACP by two types of 3-ketoacyl-ACP synthases.
2 binding-protein-dependent transport systems 192 The first class of 3-ketoacyl-ACP synthase III (fabH, EC
inner membrane component is responsible for the initiation of fatty acid
3 TonB-dependent receptor 186 elongation and utilizes acyl-CoA primers. The second class
4 TonB-dependent receptor plug 141
of enzymes (fabF EC and fabB, EC is re-
sponsible for the subsequent rounds of fatty acid [68–70].
5 short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase SDR 119
Thus, produced acyl-ACP is catalyzed by three enzymes
6 acriflavin resistance protein 118 [NADPH-dependent 3-ketoacyl-ACP reductase (fabG, EC
7 ABC transporter related protein 116, 3-hydroxyacyl-ACP dehydratase (fabZ, EC
8 NAD-dependent epimerase/dehydratase 114 and NAD(P)H-dependent enoyl-ACP reductase
9 oxidoreductase domain protein 104 (fabI, EC,] for reduction, dehydration and
10 sulfatase 94
reduction of carbon-carbon bonds,respectively. Further,
additional cycles are initiated by fabF and fabB. The fadREc
11 protein of unknown function DUF214 90
protein is a global regulator of fatty acid degradation, is a
12 transcriptional regulator 80 transcriptional activator that binds to the fabA promoter
13 histidine kinase 76 region [71].
14 ABC transporter ATP-binding protein 69 Finally, input to fatty acid synthesis is acetyl CoA
15 extracellular solute-binding protein 69 and the output is free fatty acid synthesis. The fab
16 inner-membrane translocator 69
and fad proteins are highly conserved in many gram-
positive bacteria including Bacillus, Clostridium,
17 aldo/keto reductase 68
Streptomyces and other related genera [70–72]. More-
18 AMP-dependent synthetase and ligase 64 over, its orthologues are unexpectedly present in more
19 beta-lactamase 64 diverse genera, such as Metanosarcina (Archaea), and
20 glycoside hydrolase family protein 64 Bordetella, Burkholderia and Chromobacteria (β-pro-
teobacteria) [70]. Also, genome analysis indicated that
bacterial organisms contain a type II synthase (FAS II) only the α-, β and γ-proteobacteria have the proteins
for which each reaction is catalyzed by a discrete protein of this pathway [73, 74].
and reaction intermediates are carried in the cytosol as
thioesters of the small acyl carrier protein (ACP) [45]. Bacterial isolates by culture dependent approach
Malonyl CoA:ACP transferase encoded by fabD gene Using culturable approach higher number of total bac-
(EC undergoes transacylation of malonyl from terial count was observed in presence of tributyrin from

Fig. 7 Fatty acid synthesis and metabolism pathway predicted in polluted soil sample based on KEEG analysis. Pink colors indicate formation of
compounds within the reactions and green labels indicates presence of genes detected in metagenomic reads
Patel et al. BMC Microbiology (2016) 16:50 Page 12 of 14

polluted environment in comparison to that of pristine. to GenBank, NCBI and their accession numbers are
Result clearly indicates the adaption of organism toward from KR140170 to KR140186 (polluted soil) and
oil stress. Biodegradation by intrinsic microbial populations KR140187 to KR140201 (control soil). The DOI link for
is the key and reliable system through which thousands of GenBank is
organic contaminants are eradicated from the environment
[75]. Different species of Bacillus (B. subtilis, B. pumilis, B. Additional file
endophyticus) and Pseudomonas (P. stutzeri, Pseudomonas
sps.) were found in abundance from oil stressed soil which Additional file 1: Figure S1. Metagenomic DNA extracted from
depicts their significant role in degradation of oil. These polluted as well as control soil sample and electrophoresed on 0.8 %
agarosa gel. Lane M is of marker, Lane 1, is for polluted sample (representing
microbial strains have ability for producing extracellular pooled metagenomic DNA for P1 + P2 + P3 = P) and Lane 2 is for
lipase enzymes that hydrolyze triglycerides (the main com- control soil sample (representing pooled metagenomic DNA for C1 +
ponent of oils and fats) to fatty acids and glycerol [21, 22]. C2 + C3 = C). Figure S2. Distribution of taxa among bacteria at rank
phylum classified according to 16S rDNA using RDP classifier for both
The enzymatic versatility of these bacteria is well known polluted as well as control sample. Figure S3. Distribution of taxa among
and has been suggested as their importance in ecosystem. bacteria at rank phylum classified according to lowest common ancestor
As noted by Ahmad et al., Bacillus strains play an import- (LCA) for both polluted as well as control sample. Figure S4. Comparative
distribution of taxa among bacteria at rank class classified according to
ant role in biodegradation of oil contaminated soil in com- WebCARMA and M5NR datasets for both polluted as well as control sample.
bination with that of Pseudomonas sp [41]. Apart from this Table S1. Enzymes mapped for lipid metabolism pathways in KEEG
species such as B. thuringiensis, Micrococcus sp, Corynebac- database. (DOC 300 kb)
terium sp., and Acinetobacter sp. also has significant role in
degradation of pollutants [75, 76]. Competing interests
All the authors declare that they have no competing interest. DNA
sequencing was carried out as outsourcing by Xcelris Lab Pvt. Ltd.
In conclusion, present study reflects the detection of mi-
Authors’ contributions
crobial diversity across oil stress condition favouring β- Conceived and designed the experiments: DM. Performed the experiments:
proteobacteria such as Chromobacterium, Xanthomonas, VP Analyzed the data: VP AS RL. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis
tools: RL, NAA-D. Wrote the paper: VP DM. Sample Collection: VP DM.
Pseudomonas, Burkholderia and Acinetobacter sp. The
All authors read and approved the final version of the manuscript.
microbial community analysis at the metagenome level
gives an insight into the repertoire of species to deal Acknowledgments
with oil contamination. We also observed, genes corre- We are grateful to University Grants Commission (UGC) grant no. F.42-167/
sponding to enzymes involved in a wide variety of reac- 2013(SR) and Department of Biotechnology (DBT) sponsored Centre of
Excellence and Innovation in Biotechnology (CEIB) programme supported
tions and operating in many unrelated biosynthesis grant no. BT/01/CEIB/09/V/05 for financial assistance. Vice Deanship of
pathways collaborates well with the fact that the site of Research Chair, King Saud University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is duly
study has long-term oil contamination. Moreover, the acknowledged.

isolation of different genera of β-proteobacteria is in cor- Author details

respondence with results obtained by culture dependent Post Graduate Department of Biosciences, Centre of Advanced Study in
approach reporting abundance of β-proteobacteria in Bioresource Technology, Sardar Patel University, Satellite Campus, Vadtal
Road, Bakrol 388 315, Gujarat, India. 2Department of Zoology, University of
polluted samples. These isolates are well documented Delhi, Delhi, India. 3Department of Botany and Microbiology, Addiriya Chair
for biodegradation processes. In this regard, obtained for Environmental Studies, College of Science, King Saud University, P.O. Box
knowledge will be useful in understanding the pathways # 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia.

for synthesis and metabolism of fatty acids released for Received: 10 September 2015 Accepted: 9 March 2016
oils and the microbial communities dominating in such
stress condition.
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community dynamics during assay of harbor oil spill bioremediation: a
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microscale stimulation study. J Appl Microbiol. 2007;122:184–94.
76. Archaya S, Gopinath LR, Sangaatha S, Bhuvaneshwari R. Molecular • Maximum visibility for your research
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