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Answer the following questions:

What are the conditions under which democracies accommodate social diversities?

Asnwer: Conflicts arising out of social diversity is not possible to be completely eliminated. Yet such
conflicts are kept at the minimum possible level in a democracy. Democracy builds on consensus in
which interests of various sections of the society are respected and catered to. Thus, social diversities
are accommodated in a democracy.

Give arguments to support or oppose the following assertions:

Industrialised countries can afford democracy but the poor need dictatorship to become rich.

Asnwer: Although examples of many countries under dictatorship suggest that economic growth can be
good in such countries, yet some democracies are also in sound economic health. Many poor countries
of the past have progressed under democratic rule, although the growth may have been slow. Looking
at the cost benefit analysis, it can be said the even for a poor country, democracy is always a better
option rather than dictatorship to strive for becoming rich.

Democracy can’t reduce inequality of incomes between different citizens.

Asnwer: This is a true reality that inequality of incomes cannot be reduced between different citizens; no
matter which type of government system is in place. Even the past experience of socialism in Russia and
China suggest that it is almost impossible to create a society where everyone is equal in terms of
economic power. The same holds true for democracy also.

Government in poor countries should spend less on poverty reduction, health, education and spend
more on industries and infrastructure.

Asnwer: While it is always prudent to spend on industries and infrastructure for better employment
generation, the role of social security cannot be ignored. There are many people who are so poor and
oppressed that they need some sort of help to improve their condition. Poverty eradication, health
benefits and education schemes should always be in place for such people. A proper balance should be
struck in spending on social security and on industries.

In democracy all citizens have one vote, which means that there is absence of any domination and

Asnwer: In theory, it is true that the formula of one person one vote negates the effect of domination
and conflict. But in the real world, a society can be very complex. It is a basic instinct of people or a
group of people to dominate others at the very first opportunity. Similarly, conflicts are bound to arise in
the society. However, democracy minimizes the effect of such tendency to a certain extent.

Gives reasons why a democratic government is preferred to other forms of governments.


Democracy promotes equality among its citizens. It enhances the dignity of the individual and people
are free to make decisions. In a democracy conflicts are solved amicably and there is room to correct
mistakes. These are the reasons why a democracy is preferred to other forms of governments.


What are the main features of a democracy?


Democracies have a formal constitution; they hold elections, have political parties and guarantee rights
to its citizens.


What is the basis of democracy and what are its advantages?


Democracy is based on the idea of deliberation and negotiation. Deliberation and negotiation have an
advantage as they ensure that the decisions taken are acceptable to all the people.


Mention a few factors that determine the economic growth of a country.


The factors that determine the economic growth of a country are…

(i) Population

(ii) Size

(iii) Natural resources

(iv) Relationship with other countries

(v) Global situation

(vi) Geographic position

(vii) Economic policies of the government.


What are the challenges faced by democratic governments?


Democratic governments face the challenge of expansion. The basic principle of a democratic
government has to be established across all the regions, different social groups and various institutions.
Greater power should be delegated to local governments. Federal principles have to be extended to all
the units of the federation. Women and minority groups should be included in decision making.
Strengthening of the institutions and practices of democracy should happen so that people can realise
their expectations of democracy.

Different societies have different expectations from different democracies.So, each country has to deal
in a unique way to face the challenge, people in that particular country face. If this is to be done
peoples’ participation is necessary and the control and influence of the rich and powerful people have to
be toned down.


Write a brief note on freedom and dignity to citizens in democratic and non- democratic countries.


The dignity and freedom of the individual is well preserved in a democracy. It is natural that every
individual wants to receive respect from fellow beings. Often conflicts arise among individuals because
some feel that they are not treated with due respect.

In non-democratic countries people do not enjoy freedom as they have always been dominated. They
have been treated as sub-ordinates.

In democratic and non-democratic countries we find that men dominated the society. Women had to
struggle for equal treatment in society. In India we find that female feticide is still prevalent in villages.

In modern democracies the laws have ensured that women are treated equally in society. In a non-
democratic set up, this is not possible as the principle of individual freedom and dignity is not a legal or
moral force.

In India caste inequalities is another problem that the fibre of democracy faces. Atrocities and
discriminations against certain castes still continue in India. The Indian government is taking all steps the
set this right. This is possible in a democratic set up, as the laws of the country are against inequality of
caste. Many reservation policies are in force in India, to uplift the people of the lower castes.
A democracy transforms people from the status of a subject into that of a citizen.


The prime duty of any democratic government is to reduction inequality in wealth among its citizens and
eliminate poverty. Discuss.


The development strategies of a democracy should always work towards the goal of reducing the gap
between the rich and the poor.

Economic growth should ensure that wealth is distributed in such a way that all citizens of the country
will have a share and lead a better life.

In a democracy it is possible to provide equal opportunity to all the citizens to prosper because
democracies are based on political equality as all individuals have equal right in electing their

In practise we find that democracies have not been able to bridge the gap between the rich and the
poor. In most democracies a small number of rich enjoy a highly disproportionate share of wealth while
the poor find it difficult to meet the basic needs of life, such as food, clothing, house, education and

It is the duty of a democratic country to lift the poor from the clutches of poverty, for all citizens have
equal rights in a democracy. Programmes, for the upliftment of the poor are necessary. Free education,
free health care is very necessary in poor democracies. India is implementing many schemes for the
upliftment of the poor. The gap between the poor and the rich is slowly becoming narrower in India.


A democratic government has to be accountable, responsive and legitimate government. Discuss.


Democracy is based on the idea of deliberation and negotiation. They ensure that the decisions taken
are acceptable to all the people.

Democracies are accountable to its citizens. That is, all decision making has to be transparent. This factor
is missing from a non-democratic government. In a democracy, citizens also take part in decision

Democracies are responsible for the decisions they make. If a wrong decision is made, it is the duty of
the government to rectify it. In a non-democratic government, decisions are taken by a single person
and the
Important question and Answers of Outcomes of Democracy

Q1.‘It is said that democracy is a rule of the majorit y. The poor are in majority. So democracy must be a
rule of the poor’. Justify the answer with suitable arguments.

Ans.No it is not justified, because the rule of majorit y does not mean the rule of people who are in
majority in number. If the number of poor pe ople in India is more it does not mean that the rule should
be of poor. The majority means that the rule of majority government. The political party who won
maximum num ber of seats can form government if political party is able to prove its majority in the

Q2.What do you mean by civil liberties?

Ans. The term civil liberties denotes freedo ms or rights which are thought to be especially valuable in
themselves and vital to the functioning of a liberal and democratic society. Civil liberties comprise the
following freedoms:

A. Freedom of speech and expression.

B. Freedom of religion and thought.

C. Freedom to form association and freedom to move.

D. Legal liberty or freedom to a fair trial.

Q3.Why do people prefer democracy? Explain with four reasons

Ans.A. Democracy promotes equality among citizens.

B. Democracy enhances dignity of individuals.

C. Quality involves in decision making.

D. Democracy provides acceptable method to resolve con flict.

Q4.How does democracy leads to peaceful and harmonious life among citizens in political sphere?

Ans.A. Democracy provides a conducive political environmen t to citizens for their popular participation
in politics B. Every adult citizen has the right to vote and right to contest. C. Every citizen can form
political party.
Q5.How does democracy leads to peaceful and harmonious life among citizens in economic sphere?

Ans.A. Democracy stands for equal economic status to all c itizens.

B. In democracy every citizen has right to do any prof ession.

C. In democracy government undertakes extensive social welfare schemes and achieve universal
economic growth rate.

D. Democracy government took so many welfare schemes t o remove poverty.

Q6.How does democracy leads to peaceful and harmonious life among citizens in social sphere?

Ans.A. In the social sphere democracy tries to help its ci tizens to lead a peaceful and harmonious life by
accommodating various social div isions and providing social equality to its citizens.

B. Democratic government tries to resolve differences, respect differences and try mechanism which can
negotiate differences.

C. It is also a form of society as well as a social or der which promotes dignity and freedom of the

Q7.Which factors sustain democracy in India?

Ans.A. Democracy is based on the principles of equality, l iberty and brotherhood. To achieve the
prescribed goal the framers of our constitution adopted the aims like secularism, socialism democratic

B. The framers of our constitution provided for a repr esentative democracy in a liberal framework in
order to sustain democracy.

C. In our country there are periodic elections for all levels of the government.

D. All elections are based on secret ballot and univer sal adult franchise.

E. Our Constitution has given complete liberty to pres sure and other organized or unorganized

Q8.How do we assess democracy’s outcome?

Ans.We assess democracy’s outcome on the basis of its comparative outlook and socio- economic and
political achievements like:
A. Comparative analysis between democracy and dictator ship.

B. It provides accountable, responsible, representativ e and legitimate government.

C. It develops mechanism for the people’s participatio n in the decision making process.

D. It promotes economic development. At the same time democracy has the characteristics of economic
inequality and disparit ies.

E. We can also assess its outcome on the basis of the way it accommodates the social diversities.

F. It also promotes dignity and freedom of the citi zens.

Q9.How is democratic government known as responsive go vernment? Explain.

Ans.A. It produces a government that is accountable to the citizens, and responsive to the needs of and
expectations of the citizens.

B. Democracy is based on the idea of deliberations and negations.

C. Democratic government is attentive to the needs and demands of the people.

D. A government which is able to respond to grievance faster is able to avoid confrontation and provide
good governance.

Q10.Why is democratic government known as legitimate go v ernment?

Ans.A. A democratic government is called legitimate govern ment because it is people’s own

B. There is an overwhelmingly support for the idea of democracy all over the world.

C. People wish to be ruled by representatives elected by them.

D. Democratic government is attentive to the needs and demands of the people

Q11.How does democracy accommodate social diversities?

Ans.A. It reduced the possibility of tension.

B. It evolves mechanism to negotiate the differences.

C. It expands democratic rights to minority and weaker section of society.

D. It ensures the dignity and equal rights to all its citizens.

Q12.How democracies are based on political and economic equalities?

Ans.A. All citizens have equal role in electing representa tives.

B. Parallel to the process of bringing individuals int o political arena, we find growing economic

C. Democracy does not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities.

D. The ultra rich enjoy a highly disproportionate shar e of wealth and income.

E. At the bottom of the society, the people have very little to depend on. It is very difficult to meet their
basic needs of life, such a s food, clothing, house, education and health

Q13.How far it is correct to say that democracies have not been able to reduce poverty?

Ans.A. The ability of democracy to achieve higher developm ents worries us.

B. Democracies do not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities. Although majority
of voters constitute the poverty ridden group, yet democratically

elected government do not appear to be as keen to a ddress the question of poverty as we would expect
them to.

C. The situation is much worse in some other countries .People in several poor countries are now
dependent on rich countries even for food

14.List any three reasons in support of the statement that democratic government is better than its

Ans.A. A democratic government is people’s own government. That is why it receives overwhelming
support from all over the world.

B. People wish to be ruled by representatives elected by them.

C. Democratic government is legitimate government.

D. Democracy’s ability to generate its own support is itself an outcome that cannot ignored.
15.Democracies lead to peaceful and harmonious life am ong citizens.” Support this statement with
suitable arguments.

Ans.A. Democracy develops a harmonious social life. Democr acies accommodate various social

B. Democracies usually develop a procedure to conduct their competition. This reduces the possibility of
these tensions becoming explosiv e or violent.

C. In democracies people learn to respect the differen ces and also evolve mechanism to negotiate the

D. The majority always needs to work with the minority so that government functions to represent the
general view.

E. Democracy has ability to handle social differences, divisions and conflict

16.Do you believe that democrac y can reduce economic disparities? Give reasons to support your

Ans. Yes, this is far of following reasons;

A. A democracy believes in equitable distribution and makes efforts to serve the poor at the root level.

B. A democracy believes in providing equal opportunit y to all. Democratic governments have been
supporting poor people throug h various schemes to uplift their economic level.

C. Poor people are being provided food and shelter at a subsidized rate and also free medicines and
treatment facilities.

D. They are being insured for any unhappenings so that their families do not get crushed.

E. They are being provided free education, reservation in educational institution and government jobs,

17.“Transparency is the most important feature of demo cracy.” Analyze.

Ans.. Democracy ensures that decision-making will be base d on norms and procedures.

B. So, citizens who want to know if a decision was tak en through correct procedures can find this out.

C. The people have the right and the means to examine the process of decision- making. This is all what
transparency is meant for
Q18.Why is it said that democracies are not free from e vils? Explain.

Ans.A. Most democracies fall short of elections that provi de a fair chance to everyone and in subjecting
every decision to public debates.

B. Democratic governments do not have a very good reco rd when it comes to sharing information with

C. Democracies often frustrate the needs of the people and often ignore the demands of a majority of it

Q19.‘Democracies always respond to the needs of people’ . Analyze the statement.

Ans.A. In a democracy the government is known a responsive government as it responds to the needs of
the people.

B. A non democratic government may and can respond to the people’s needs, but it all depends on the
wishes of the people who rule.

C. A democracy requires that the rulers have to attend to the needs of people. A democratic
government is a better government becaus e it is a more accountable form of government.

D. In a democracy there is always a space for public d iscussion and a room for correction.

Q20.Do you agree with the outcome of democracy that it proves to be a better government regarding
economic growth of a country? Explain.

Ans.A. It is true that during last 50 years dictatorship h ave shown slightly higher rate of economic
growth in comparison to many democracies.

B. But we all know that there are many other factors t hat determine that economic growth of a country
like- population size, global s ituation, cooperation from other countries, economic priorities adopted by
the count ry etc.

C. So even when there is nominal difference in the rat e of economic growth between countries under
dictatorship and democracy, it is b etter to prefer democracy as it has several other positive outcomes
like dignity an d freedom of citizens.

Q21.Why is a democratic government considered less effi cient? Give any three re asons.
Ans.A. Deliberations and discussions in the legislature co nsume lot of time. B. The fear of majority and
public opinion is a big ob stacle in the efficient working of the government. C. Deliberations and
negations cause delay in taking d ecisions or getting the plans executed. This also adversely affects

Q22.Has democracy led to the development, security and dignity of the people?

Ans.Democracy stands much superior to any other fo rm of government. Democracy promotes dignity
and freedom of the individuals. Th e passion for respect and freedom are the basis of democracy. This
has been achieved in various degrees in various democracies. We can take the case of dignity of wom
en. Most societies across the world were historically male dominated societies. L ong struggles by
women have created some sensitivity today. On the other hand, in non-democracies, individual freedom
would not have legal and moral support. Dem ocracies in India have also strengthened the claims of the
claims of the disadv antaged and discriminated castes for equal status and equal opportunities. Perhaps
i t is the recognition that makes ordinary citizens values their democratic rights.

Q23.“Corruption is a serious problem faced the Indian D emocratic System”. Explain.

Ans.Due to the following reasons we can say that c orruption become serious problem for Indian

A. It has now become an accepted fact that leaders use money to win favour of the votes. This reason
lessens the very sprit of democr atic values.

B. There is an ever increasing tendency among the poli tical parties to give tickets to those who are rich.
The parties think that they cou ld win not only their own seats but also help the party monetarily.

C. Now scams by leaders and governments have become a routine tale in the Indian democracy. Many
of the popular leaders are facing t rials for corruption charges against them.

D. It has been seen that the wards of the prominent le aders of party easily get tickets for election. The
party workers keep serving for years but sometimes outsiders get tickets.

E. It has now become a traditional in many of the popu lar political parties that the chair is inherited.

Q24.How do people take part in decision making in democ racy? Explain.

Ans.A. Decisions are made by the representatives elected b y the people. These representatives
represent the ideas and opinions of those voters who have elected them to take decisions on their

B. In a democracy, people want to know if a decision w as taken through correct procedure, can find this
out. In this way, they hav e some degree of control over the whole process of decision making.
C. In a democracy people have the right and mean to ex amine the process of decision making.

D. Sometimes important issues are put forward by the g overnment for public debate before a decision
is taken.

E. Demonstration, movement, pressure groups, etc. prov ide means in the hands of people to influence
decision making.

Q25.How can we measure democracy on the basis of its ex pected outcome?

Ans.o measure a democracy on the basis of its exp ected outcomes we have to observe the following
practices and institutions like

A. In a democracy free and fair elections should be th ere.

B. Open criticism and debate on major policies and leg islations.

C. Citizens right to information about the functioning of government.

D. Whether the democracies are providing a fair chance to everyone, to participate in elections and
decision making process

Q26.What is meant by an accountable, responsive and leg itimate government? Explain.

Ans.Accountable: A democratic government develops mecha nism for citizens to take part in decision-
making process. For this free and fair ele ctions, open debate on major policies, legislation, Right to
information- such rights are given to the citizens. Responsive: Democracy is a responsive government. I t
is responsive towards the needs and expectations of the citizens. It takes care and makes policies for the
welfare of the citizens.

Legitimate: A democratic government is a legitimate government. It is elected by the people and people
wish to be ruled by the represent atives elected by them

Q27.“Any imperfection in the government functi ons is blamed on democracy”. Is it right?

Ans.Every individual expects a lot from democracy. Democracy is expected to solve all the socio-
economic, political and economic problems of the country. Democracy is expected to give equality of
status to every citize n. It is expected that there would not be any type of discrimination on ground of
gender, race, religion or region. The reality is that everything is expected out of democracy. An y
imperfection in any such area is termed as undemocratic. It should be realized that democracy is a form
of government that creates conditions which will ensure quality o f citizens before the law of the
country. But the citizens have to know their rights and freedom and they should try to enforce them. A
democratic set up does not ensure a ll the right policies. Individuals have to take advantage of the good
conditions creat ed by democracy and make good policies. Thus it is not right that any information in
any area is thrown on democracy.

Q28.Why we felt that democracy is a better form of Gove rnment? Give reasons

Ans.A. It promotes equality among citizens.

B. It enhances the dignity of the individuals.

C. It improves the quality of decision making

D. It provides a method to resolve conflict.

E. It allows room to correct mistake.

Q29.What outcomes can one reasonably expect of democrac y?

Ans.A. In the political sphere- Right to vote, Right to co ntest elections.

B. In the economic sphere-Minimized Economic inequalit ies.

C. In the Social sphere-Equal protection to women, SCs , STs, OBCs.

Q30.Are democracies based on political and economic equ alities? Explain.

Ans.A. All citizens have equal role in electing representa tives.

B. Parallel to the process of bringing individuals int o the political arena, we find growing economic

C. Democracy does not appear to be very successful in reducing economic inequalities.

D. The ultra-rich enjoy a highly disproportionate shar e of wealth and income.

Q31.Democracy means delay in the decision making. Which one is preferable - quick decision making
process of dictatorship or slow dec ision making process of democracy?

Ans.Democracy involves debates and deliberations in the parliament before making a law. The views of
all the members of parliament are take n into consideration before taking the final decision. Dictatorship
means decisions ta ken by one person or one party. Different views of other members of the
government or public are not considered. Democracy means delay in the decision making proces s as
the debates take a long time. It means that the implementation will also take tim e. Dictatorship means
quick decisions. But those decisions are orders of the go vernment and people are not allowed to
disagree with them. Even citizens are not suppos ed to criticize the decisions made by the government.
Democracy is better even if it take s more time in making the decisions. At least, the views of the citizens
are considered and they are not ordered to just follow them. Individuals can disagree with the policies
of the government and show their protest against the government.

Q32.How can democracy accommodate the dignity of women and caste discrimin ation in one system?

Ans.In case of dignity of women, most societies across the world were historically male dominated
societies. Long struggles by women have c reated some sensitivity today that respect to and equal
treatment of women are ne cessary ingredients of a democratic society. That does not mean that
women a re actually always treated with respect. But once the democratic principle is recog nized, it
becomes easier for women to wage a struggle against what is now unacceptable legally and morally.
Democracy in India has strengthened the claims of the disadva ntaged and discriminated castes for
equal status and equal opportunity. There are insta nces still of caste-based inequalities and atrocities,
but these lack the moral and legal foundations. Perhaps it is the recognition that makes ordinary citizens
values the ir democratic right.

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