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Final Alert Memo - States' Compliance With CARES Act UI RPT - 080222

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Department of Labor Office of Inspector General

Washington, D.C. 20210

August 2, 2022


Assistant Secretary
for Employment and Training


Assistant Inspector General
for Audit

SUBJECT: Alert Memorandum: The Employment

and Training Administration Needs to
Ensure State Workforce Agencies
Report Activities Related to CARES Act
Unemployment Insurance Programs
Report Number: 19-22-004-03-315

The purpose of this memorandum is to alert you to a concern the Office of

Inspector General (OIG) has determined needs immediate attention. Specifically,
states have either not submitted required Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic
Security (CARES) Act Unemployment Insurance (UI) program reports to the
Employment and Training Administration (ETA) or reported zero activity.
Although the CARES Act programs expired on September 6, 2021, it is important
for ETA to obtain the missing reports and correct information. Without accurate
state performance information, Congress and ETA are not able to fully assess
state activities and mitigate the risk of overpayments and fraud for future
programs of a similar nature. In addition, this was one of the two issues that
ultimately resulted in the Department receiving its first qualified opinion on its
consolidated financial statements in 25 years.

Since the passage of the CARES Act in March 2020, ETA issued
11 Unemployment Insurance Program Letters (UIPL) that specified state
reporting guidelines for CARES Act UI programs (see Appendix A). ETA required
states to report on UI programs established or extended by the CARES Act,
Continued Assistance for Unemployed Workers Act of 2020 (Continued
Assistance Act), and the America Rescue Plan Act of 2021. These programs

Working for America’s Workforce

• Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA);
• Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC);
• Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC);
• Temporary Full Federal Funding of the First Week of Compensable
Regular Unemployment (TFFF);
• Mixed Earners Unemployment Compensation (MEUC);
• Emergency Unemployment Relief for State and Local Governmental
Entities, Certain Nonprofit Organizations, and Federally-Recognized
Indian Tribes (EURGENO); and
• Short-Time Compensation (STC).

These seven UI programs expired on September 6, 2021 (see Appendix B for a

description of each program).

ETA required 53 states 1 to submit 14 different reports with information about their
CARES Act UI activities (see Appendix C for a list of CARES Act UI reports).
ETA said states had to program their systems to report the pandemic-related
program data—a heavy lift for many and an important distinction as states could
not report the data immediately without specific programming related to these
new reports.

Past OIG Reports Identified Pervasive Non-Reporting of Overpayments for

CARES Act UI Programs

In May 2021, 2 we found, for the period of March 2020 to September 2020,
42 percent of states did not complete the required quarterly reporting for
overpayments in ETA 227 (Overpayment Detection and Recovery Activity)
reports, and 60 percent did not do so for fraudulent payments. We recommended
ETA assist states with claims, overpayment, and fraud reporting to create clear
and accurate information, then use the overpayment and fraud reporting to
prioritize and assist states with fraud detection and recovery. This
recommendation remains open.
Per the CARES Act, the term “state” includes the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. The term also applies to Guam, America
Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia,
the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau, which were only required to
complete two reports (ETA 902-P and ETA 227 FPUC). We did not examine the reporting of
these Pacific Islands because they were only required to email the reports to ETA. Therefore, the
reports are not available to access on ETA’s UI Data website.
COVID-19: States Struggled to Implement CARES Act Unemployment Insurance Programs,
OIG Report No. 19-21-004-03-315 (May 28, 2021),

In addition, during our audit of the Department’s financial statements for fiscal
year (FY) 2021, the issue of states’ non-reporting of overpayment activity in
ETA 227 reports continued to exist. This was one of the two issues that ultimately
resulted in the Department receiving its first qualified opinion on its consolidated
financial statements in 25 years. 3 Specifically, the $4.4 billion reported in
UI benefit overpayments could not be relied upon because certain states did not
report UI overpayment activity. We recommended ETA develop policies and
procedures to coordinate with state workforce agencies to obtain the necessary
information needed to support related balances and assumptions, and to perform
benchmarking and/or other analyses to validate new assumptions. This
recommendation also remains open.

Because we identified the same concern (states’ non-reporting or incorrect

reporting of overpayments in CARES Act UI programs) in two separate OIG
reports, we decided to examine the extent to which states complied with all
reporting requirements for UI programs authorized by the CARES Act and related
subsequent legislation from the inception of the programs in March 2020 through
their expiration in September 2021.

Deficient Reporting of the UI Programs Authorized by the CARES Act and

Subsequent Legislation

ETA UI reports are housed on the agency’s UI Data website. 4 We analyzed data
on the website for 8 of the 14 reports states were required to submit. 5 We
acknowledge that for the first 90 days the programs were in existence, there may
have been legitimate reasons for states not having any activity to report.
However, applicable UIPLs did not waive the reporting requirement for this
period. As such, our analysis included the first 3 months for which states were
required to report—which some states did.

Table 1 reflects the number of states that did not report CARES Act UI program
information in one or more reporting periods and those that reported zero activity.
For numbers in the column titled “Number of States That Reported Zero in One
or More Periods” we were unable to determine whether zero was a default for
missing data or a state actually reported zero activity—except for ETA 227 and
902-M reports.

The Department received a qualified opinion on its FY 2021 financial statement audit; FY 2021
Independent Auditor's Report on the DOL Financial Statements, OIG Report No. 22-22-003-13-
001 (November 19, 2021), available at:
ETA’s UI Data Website:
Unable to access reporting activity for the remaining six reports. See Appendix C for details.

Table 1: Summary of States’ CARES Act Reporting Requirements
Non-Reporting and Reporting of Zero Activity

Number of
Number of
States That
UI CARES States That
Report Did Not
Report Title Act Reported Zero
Number Report One
Program in One or More
or More
ETA 207 PEUC - 9
Determination Activity
Benefit Rights &
ETA 218 PEUC - 8
FPUC 12 12
PEUC 13 15
ETA 227 Detection & Recovery
MEUC 25 26
Mixed Earners
ETA 902-M Unemployment MEUC 20 5
ETA 902-P Unemployment PUA - 36
Assistance Activity
PUA 53 -
FPUC 51 -
UI Financial PEUC 30 -
ETA 2112
Transaction Summary TFFF - 2
MEUC - 8
ETA 5130 Benefit Appeals PEUC - 1
Claims and Payment PEUC - 34
ETA 5159
Activities STC 1 -
Source: OIG’s analysis using data from ETA’s UI Data Website between December 2021 and
February 2022.

ETA 207

This quarterly report was to capture current information on the volume and nature
of nonmonetary determinations and denials for the PEUC program under state
UI, Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees, and Unemployment
Compensation for Ex-Servicemembers programs. The data is used to project
budget and employee workloads, evaluate law changes, appraise disqualification
processes, and relate actions to benefit appeals. States generally submitted this
report. However, the Virgin Islands reported zero activity for four of the six
quarters in our review period (see Appendix D, Table 1).

ETA 218

This quarterly report (that in part captured PEUC program activity) contains
information used to evaluate state benefit formulas for the UI program. The
number of monetary determinations on new claims is used as a base to which
other items reported may be related. States generally complied with this reporting
requirement (see Appendix D, Table 2).

ETA 227

The quarterly ETA 227 report captured overpayments and recoveries for the
FPUC, PEUC, and MEUC programs. However, our analysis focused on states’
reporting of overpayment activity. The number of states that did not report or
reported zero overpayment activity for these three UI programs ranged from
12 to 26. See Appendix E for the complete list of states that did not report
overpayments and states that reported zero overpayment activity in ETA 227

ETA 902-M

The ETA 902-M report captured monthly data on MEUC program activities, 6
including claims, payments, appeals, and administrative costs. Of the 51 states
that opted into the program, California appropriately reported zero for the
aforementioned activities in its 902-M report for the duration of the MEUC
program. Of the remaining 50 states, 20 did not submit ETA 902-M reports at any
time from January 2021 through the program’s expiration in September 2021
(see Appendix F).

According to ETA, this non-reporting was not a surprise because many of these
states had not made any payments under the MEUC program. ETA officials also
said many states delayed standing up MEUC until they had sufficient time to
dedicate to its proper administration. ETA officials further maintained there was
no statutory deadline for states to stand up the MEUC program—each state
stood up the program near or after the program’s expiration on September 6,
2021. For instance, Louisiana stood up the MEUC program and submitted 902-M
reports reflecting program activity after the program terminated. These states
should have at least reported zero as California did to indicate to ETA that no
payments had been made. Without this information ETA could not determine
whether these states actually had activity.

Of 53 states, 51 opted into the MEUC program (Idaho and South Dakota did not opt in). Twenty
of these states ended their programs in June 2021. Three states ended their programs in
July 2021. This information is available at:

ETA 902-P

Another 902 report (ETA 902-P) captured overpayments monthly for the PUA
program, as well as other activities such as applications, claims, determinations,
and appeals data. Our analysis, however, focused on states’ reporting of
overpayments. The states of Arizona, Connecticut, Georgia, Kansas, New
Jersey, and Vermont reported zero overpayments for the entire 18-month
reporting period. See Appendix E, Table 7 for full details about states’ 902-P

ETA 2112

The monthly ETA 2112 report captures all funds deposited into, transferred, or
paid from a state’s unemployment fund, which consists of a state’s clearing
account, unemployment trust fund account, and benefit payment account.
States were to report this information for every CARES Act UI program except
STC. See Appendix G for our analysis of ETA 2112 reporting for each
applicable program.

ETA 5130

This monthly report is the basic source of information used to evaluate the
appeals function, develop plans for remedial action when unreasonable backlogs
develop, and support and justify the allocation of funds to service this functional
area. The ETA 5130 reports contained monthly appeal activity for the PEUC
program. The Virgin Islands was the only state that reported zero appeals activity
for the entire 19-month period we examined.

ETA 5159

This monthly report contains data on claims activities, including the number
and amount of payments used in budgetary and administrative planning, program
evaluation, and reports to Congress and the public.

For the PEUC program, UIPL 17-20 7 instructed states to report first and final
payments on ETA 5159. Fourteen states complied with this reporting
requirement. The remaining 39 states reported certain claims activities (such as
eligibility reviews, continual weeks claimed, and weeks and amounts
compensated) for various months. However, these states reported zero first
payments and zero final payments each month, which was unlikely.

UIPL 17-20, Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020 – Pandemic
Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) Program, Operating, Financial, and Reporting
Instructions, issued April 10, 2020.

For the STC program, the 5159 report was modified for states to provide the
number of participating employers with STC agreements under Section 2108 of
the CARES Act. The 27 states with STC programs generally reported the number
of participating employers with STC agreements as required. Appendix H
contains a list of states with approved STC programs and their Section 2108
funding as of February 2022. Vermont ceased operating its STC program on
July 1, 2020, and did not receive any funding.

States Informed to Submit Only Non-Zero Data for the PEUC Program

In UIPL 17-20, ETA informed states—with respect to PEUC program reporting—

only reports with non-zero data needed to be submitted. We identified multiple
instances in which states did not submit PEUC reports or the PEUC information
required within applicable reports (see Appendix E, Tables 3 and Table 4; and
Appendix G). These states may or may not have had non-zero data. However,
the absence of the required information could not be considered a reporting
issue according to UIPL 17-20, and poses a risk that information needed to
assess the PEUC program will not be obtained. According to ETA, the
requirement to only submit non-zero data was intended to refer only to periods
after the expiration of the program, and in which additional program activity
occurred. However, this was not stated in UIPL 17-20.


Although the due dates for the CARES Act UI reports we discuss in this
memorandum have passed, it is important for ETA to obtain the missing reports
and correct information. Complete and accurate state data for CARES Act
UI programs is necessary for the Department to assess CARES Act UI activities
and to mitigate the risk of overpayments, including fraud. In addition, information
in the required reports can be used to identify program weaknesses and
establish lessons learned that may be leveraged to improve states’ performance
under future temporary programs. Furthermore, ETA’s unsuccessful efforts to
obtain the missing information that was critical to its FY 2021 financial statement
audit could have a negative impact on the opinion the Department receives for
FY 2022.

According to ETA officials, since we brought this matter to their attention, they
have made additional efforts to verify the accuracy of reporting for CARES Act
UI programs. For example, ETA regional offices are following up with states that
have not complied with reporting requirements. Also, ETA has provided
documentation that indicates states submitted additional UI CARES Act reports
since we conducted our analysis. Nevertheless, it remains critical that ETA obtain
missing reports and correct information from the states.


We recommend the Acting Assistant Secretary of Employment and Training:

1. Continue to identify states that have not complied with ETA’s reporting
requirements for CARES Act UI programs and work with them to ensure
missing reports and information are submitted before the commencement of
the Department’s FY 2022 financial statement audit.

2. Continue to verify the accuracy of reports that cite no activity and ensure
corrections are made where warranted.

ETA provided us their response to the draft alert memorandum and

recommendations. ETA agreed with our recommendations and has been working
with the states to obtain missing reports and correct information. Subsequent to
our review states have provided ETA more information. We have included ETA’s
response (see Attachment).

cc: Laura P. Watson, Deputy Assistant Secretary

Jim Garner, Acting Administrator, Office of Unemployment Insurance
Greg Hitchcock, Special Assistant, Office of Grants Management
Teodora Ilieva, Audit Liaison

Appendix A: CARES Act Reporting UIPLs

UIPL Number Subject and Issue Date

UIPL 13-20, Change 1 Family First Coronavirus Response Act, Division D
Emergency Unemployment Insurance Stabilization and
Access Act of 2020 (EUISAA) – Reporting Instructions,
Modification to Emergency Administrative Grants
Application Requirement, and Questions and Answers,
issued May 4, 2020

UIPL 15-20 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security

(CARES) Act of 2020 – Federal Pandemic
Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) Program
Operating, Financial, and Reporting Instructions,
issued April 4, 2020

UIPL 15-20, Change 3 Continued Assistance for Unemployed Workers

(Continued Assistance) Act of 2020 – Federal
Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC)
Program Reauthorization and Modification and Mixed
Earnings Unemployment Compensation (MEUC)
Program Operating, Reporting, and Financial
Instructions, issued January 5, 2021

UIPL 16-20 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security

(CARES) Act of 2020 – Pandemic Unemployment
Assistance (PUA) Program Operating, Financial, and
Reporting Instructions, issued April 5, 2020

UIPL 16-20, Change 1 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security

(CARES) Act of 2020 – Pandemic Unemployment
Assistance (PUA) Program Reporting Instructions and
Questions and Answers, issued April 27, 2020

UIPL 16-20, Change 6 Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) Program:

Updated Operating Instructions and Reporting
Changes, issued September 3, 2021

UIPL 17-20 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security

(CARES) Act of 2020 – Pandemic Emergency
Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) Program,
Operating, Financial, and Reporting Instructions,
issued April 10, 2020

UIPL Number Subject and Issue Date
UIPL 18-20 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security
(CARES) Act of 2020 – Emergency Unemployment
Relief for State and Local Governmental Entities,
Certain Nonprofit Organizations, and Federally-
Recognized Indian Tribes, issued April 27, 2020
UIPL 18-20, Change 1 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security
(CARES) Act of 2020 – Emergency Unemployment
Relief for State and Local Governmental Entities,
Certain Nonprofit Organizations, and Federally-
Recognized Indian Tribes, issued August 12, 2020

UIPL 20-20 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security

(CARES) Act of 2020 – Operating, Financial, and
Reporting Instructions for Section 2105: Temporary
Full Federal Funding of the First Week of
Compensable Regular Unemployment for States with
No Waiting Week, issued April 30, 2020

UIPL 21-20 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security

CARES) Act of 2020 – Short-Time Compensation
(STC) Program, Provisions and Guidance Regarding
100 Percent Federal Reimbursement of Certain State
STC Payments, issued May 3, 2020

Source: ETA’s Website

Appendix B: CARES Act UI Programs/Provisions 8
ETA required states to report on seven UI programs established or extended by
the CARES Act, the Continued Assistance for Unemployed Workers Act of 2020,
and the America Rescue Plan Act of 2021 as follows:

• The Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program extended UI

benefits to individuals who are not traditionally eligible for UI benefits. This
includes self-employed workers, independent contractors, those with
limited work history, and others.

• The Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) program

provided a supplemental payment of $600 per week (expired July 31,
2020) to individuals receiving traditional and PUA benefits. It was
reauthorized by the Continued Assistance Act of 2020 to resume at $300
for weeks of unemployment after December 26, 2020.

• The Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC)

program provided up to an additional 13 weeks of unemployment
compensation to individuals who exhausted their regular unemployment

• The Temporary Full Federal Funding (TFFF) of the First Week of

Compensable Regular Unemployment program provided federal funding
for the first week of benefits if states agreed to waive their waiting week.
Most states require a 1-week waiting period prior to a claimant being
eligible for regular UI benefits.

• The Emergency Unemployment Relief for Governmental Entities and

Nonprofit Organizations program (EURGENO) provided payments to
states to reimburse non-profits, government agencies, and Indian tribes
for half the costs of UI.

• The Temporary Financing of Short-Time Compensation (STC) program

provided funding to support employers who reduced employee hours
instead of laying off workers. The employees with reduced hours received
a pro-rated unemployment benefit.

Source: UIPL 14-20, Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act of 2020 –
Summary of Key Unemployment Insurance (UI) Provisions and Guidance Regarding Temporary
Emergency State Staffing Flexibility, Issued April 2, 2020.

o Section 2108 provided that states with an existing STC program may
be reimbursed for 100 percent of STC benefit costs for the maximum
number of weeks per individual.

o Section 2109 provided that states without an existing STC program

may provide STC benefits under an agreement with the Secretary of
Labor and be reimbursed for one-half of STC benefit costs for the
maximum number of weeks per individual.

o Section 2110 provided for a $100 million grant to be shared across

states for implementation or improved administration, and promotion
and enrollment of a state’s STC program. States can apply for grants
through December 31, 2023.

• The Mixed Earners Unemployment Compensation (MEUC) program

provided a $100 supplemental benefit amount to certain individuals with
self-employment income.

Appendix C: Reports ETA Required for CARES Act Activities
Reports for CARES Act UI programs were to be submitted either weekly (two
reports), monthly (six reports), or quarterly (six reports), as shown in the table.
Three of the reports—ETA 902-M (Mixed Earners Assistance Activity),
ETA 902-P (Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Activity), and ETA 9178-P
(Quarterly Narrative Progress)—were specifically created for CARES Act UI
programs. Ten reports existed before the pandemic, with new versions
implemented specific to the new programs. One other pre-existing report was
modified to include CARES Act UI programs. Due dates for the new reports—the
same as for the regular versions of the reports—were established in applicable

The reports with no submission data on ETA’s UI Data Website are marked with
an asterisk (*). Also, the ETA 8403 report, marked with a double asterisk (**) in
the “CARES Act UI Program” column, only applies to emergency administrative
grant transfers.

Report CARES Act ETA Reporting

Report Title Frequency
Number UI Program Guidance

Non-Monetary PEUC UIPL 17-20

ETA 207 Quarterly
Determination Activity MEUC UIPL 15-20,
Change 3
Benefit Rights &
ETA 218 Quarterly PEUC UIPL 17-20
Overpayment FPUC UIPL 15-20
ETA 227 Quarterly
Detection & Recovery PEUC UIPL 17-20
Advance Weekly Initial
ETA 538* Weekly PUA UIPL 16-20
& Continued Claims
Claims & Extended PUA UIPL 16-20
ETA 539* Weekly
Benefits Data PEUC UIPL 17-20

Mixed Earners UIPL 15-20,

ETA 902-M Monthly MEUC
Assistance Activity Change 3
ETA 902-P Unemployment Monthly PUA UIPL 16-20
Assistance Activity

Report CARES Act ETA Reporting
Report Title Frequency
Number UI Program Guidance
PUA UIPL 16-20
UI Financial TFFF UIPL 20-20
ETA 2112 Monthly
Transaction Summary MEUC UIPL 15-20,
Change 3
18-20 Change 1
ETA 5130 Benefit Appeals Monthly PEUC UIPL 17-20
Claims and Payment PEUC UIPL 17-20
ETA 5159 Monthly
Activities STC UIPL 21-20
Summary of Financial UIPL 13-20,
ETA 8403* Monthly N/A**
Transactions Change 1
UIPL 16-20,
Quarterly Narrative PUA
ETA 9178-P* Quarterly Change 1
Progress TFFF
UIPL 20-20
Federal Financial
ETA 9130* Quarterly STC UIPL 21-20
Quarterly UI Above UIPL 15-20
UI-3* Quarterly PEUC
Base Earnings Report UIPL 17-20
Source: ETA’s Website

Appendix D: States’ Non-Monetary Reporting of PEUC Program Activity
Please note the state abbreviations used in all tables can be found in Appendix I.

Table 1: ETA 207 - Non-Monetary Determination Activity and

States That Reported Zero Activity

Quarter Ending States

06/30/2020 CO, GA, MD, ME, NH, VA, VI, WI
09/30/2020 GA, PR, VI
12/31/2020 VI
03/31/2021 VI
Source: ETA’s UI Data Website

Table 2: ETA 218 - Benefit Rights and Experience

States That Reported Zero Activity

Quarter Ending States

06/30/2020 CO, GA, LA, NH, VA, VI
09/30/2020 GA, LA
12/31/2020 VI
03/31/2021 WY
09/30/2021 GA, SD
Source: ETA’s UI Data Website

Appendix E: States That Did Not Report and Reported Zero
Overpayment Activity

As seen in Table 1, Florida, New Jersey, Texas, and Vermont did not submit
reports for FPUC program overpayments for any quarter during the entire period
of March 2020 through September 2021.

Table 1: ETA 227 (FPUC Program)

States That Did Not Report Overpayments

Quarter Ending States

06/30/2020 FL, NJ, TX, VT
09/30/2020 FL, NJ, TX, VT
12/31/2020 FL, NJ, TX, VT
03/31/2021 AZ, CA, CO, FL, IL, NJ, TX, VT
06/30/2021 AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, HI, IL, NJ, TX, VT
09/30/2021 AZ, CA, CO, DC, FL, HI, IL, MI, NE, NJ, TX, VT
Source: ETA’s UI Data Website

As seen in Table 2, Pennsylvania reported zero FPUC overpayments for five of

the six quarters.

Table 2: ETA 227 (FPUC Program)

States That Reported Zero Overpayments

Quarter Ending States

06/30/2020 AZ, DE, KS, OR, PR, VA, VI
09/30/2020 GA, KS, PA, VI
12/31/2020 GA, OK, PA, VI
03/31/2021 GA, NV, OK, PA, VI
06/30/2021 CT, NV, OK, PA, VI
09/30/2021 OK, PA
Source: ETA’s UI Data Website

As shown in Table 3, Florida, New Jersey, Illinois, and Vermont did not submit
reports for PEUC program overpayments for any quarter during the entire period
of March 2020 through September 2021. Florida and Nebraska filed reports, but
did not report overpayment activity.

Table 3: ETA 227 (PEUC Program)

States That Did Not Report Overpayments

Quarter Ending States

06/30/2020 CO, FL, IL, NH, NJ, VA, VT
09/30/2020 FL, IL, NJ, VT
12/31/2020 FL, IL, NJ, VT
03/31/2121 CA, CO, FL, IL, NE, NJ, VT
06/30/2021 CA, CO, FL, HI, IL, NE, NJ, VT
09/30/2021 AL, CA, CO, FL, HI, IL, KY, NE, NJ, VI, VT
Source: ETA’s UI Data Website

As seen in Table 4, Pennsylvania reported zero PEUC program overpayments

for the entire program period, March 2020 through September 2021, which is not
likely to be correct.

Table 4: ETA 227 (PEUC Program)

States That Reported Zero Overpayments

Quarter Ending States

09/30/2020 CA, CT, GA, MD, PA, VI
12/31/2020 CA, GA, PA, VI
03/31/2121 PA, VI
06/30/2021 KY, PA, VI
09/30/2021 PA
Source: ETA’s UI Data Website

Table 5 shows 25 states did not report MEUC program overpayments during the
three quarters that the program existed. ETA officials said the MEUC program
may not have been stood up for these states and, being the first reporting quarter
of a small program, states may not have had overpayment data to report. One
state is waiting on a pending court ruling before implementing the program and
has not filed any reports.

Table 5: ETA 227 (MEUC Program)

States That Did Not Report Overpayments

Quarter Ending States

Source: ETA’s UI Data Website

As seen in Table 6, Alaska, Arkansas, Ohio, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and Virginia

reported zero MEUC program overpayments for the three quarters that the
program existed. ETA officials said Arkansas has submitted ETA 227 MEUC
reports with zero overpayments because it did not establish any MEUC
overpayments. The state has maintained that the reports with zero overpayments
are accurate, as it has a small application rate and very few approvals in the
MEUC programs.

Table 6: ETA 227 (MEUC Program)

States That Reported Zero Overpayments

Quarter Ending States

9/30/2021 AK, AR, DC, ME, MN, MO, ND, NV, OH, OR, PA, VA
Source: ETA’s UI Data Website

As seen in Table 7, Arkansas, Arizona, Connecticut, Georgia, Kansas, New
Jersey, and Vermont reported zero overpayments for all months during the
during the entire period of March 2020 through September 2021. In the table, the
states marked by an asterisk (*) reported zero overpayments for 1 or 2 of the 3
months. All other states listed during the period reported zero overpayments for
all three months.

Table 7: ETA 902-P (PUA Program)

States That Reported Zero Overpayment Activity

Monthly Reporting Over

Three Months Ending on
the Following Dates States
AK*, AR, AZ, CA*, CT, DE, FL*, GA, HI*, IA, ID*,
IL*, IN*, KS, KY, MD, ME*, MI, MT*, NJ, NV*, NY*,
OH, OK*, OR, PA, PR*, SD*, UT*, VA, VT, WI*,
WV*, WY*
AK*, AR, AZ, CT, DC, GA, IA*, IL, KS, NJ, NV*,
OR*, UT, VA, VI*, VT, WI*
12/31/2020 AR, AZ, CT, DC*, GA, IL*, KS, NJ, VI*, VT
03/31/2021 AR, AZ, CT, GA, KS, NJ, VI*, VT, WI
06/30/2021 AR , AZ, CA, CT, GA, KS, MI, NJ, VI*, VT, WI*
09/30/2021 AR, AZ, CT, GA, KS, MI*, NJ, UT, VT
Source: ETA’s UI Data Website

Appendix F: Twenty States That Did Not submit ETA 902-M Reports with
MEUC Program Activities 9

1. Arizona
2. Alabama
3. Florida
4. Georgia
5. Hawaii
6. Iowa
7. Idaho
8. Illinois
9. Kentucky
10. Michigan
11. New Jersey
12. Nevada
13. Oklahoma
14. Pennsylvania
15. Puerto Rico
16. South Carolina
17. Texas
18. Virgin Islands
19. Vermont
20. Washington

Source: ETA’s UI Data Website

Appendix G: States’ Reporting of Unemployment Trust Fund Account
and/or Benefit Payment Account Activity
in ETA 2112 10

Our analysis of the states reporting in ETA 2112 reports showed each of the
53 states did not report unemployment trust fund account (UTFA) and/or benefit
payment account (BPA) information for applicable programs for at least one of
the 19 months we examined. Moreover:

• For the PUA program: Iowa did not report UTFA and BPA information at

• For the FPUC program: Puerto Rico did not report BPA information for
8 months.

• For the EURGENO program: 10 states 11 reported zero federal funds

transferred into their UTFA for the 19-month duration of the program.

• For the MEUC program: Eight states (Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, New
Jersey, Ohio, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, and Washington) reported zeros
for BPA information from the program’s start in January 2021 through its
expiration on September 6, 2021. These levels of diminished activity are
unlikely because these states were not among the 23 states that ended
their MEUC programs early. 12 ETA stated:

o Colorado stood up the MEUC program on August 17, 2021, and

made its first payment on September 1, 2021.

o Louisiana stood up the MEUC program on September 16, 2021,

and made its first payment on November 1, 2021.

o New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Washington have not drawn MEUC
funding as of March 11, 2022.

Source: OIG’s analysis of data on ETA’s UI Data Website.
The 10 states included Alabama, California, Delaware, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina,
Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Tennessee, and Washington.
Twenty states ended their MEUC programs in June 2021 (Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida,
Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North
Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Utah). Three
states ended their MEUC programs in July 2021 (Arizona, Maryland, and Tennessee). Source:

• For the TFFF program: Only two states (Kentucky and Idaho) reported
zeros for UTFA information for 2 separate months. The other 51 states
reported non-zero activity every month.

• For the PEUC program: States generally submitted ETA 2112 reports as
required June 2020 through September 2021. However, Iowa did not
report BPA information for 18 of the 19 months, and Puerto Rico did not
report at all.

Month Ending States

03/31/2020 All States (except AZ, CA MA, OK, RI)
All States (except AL, AZ, IL, KY,MA, MI, MN, MT, NM, NY,
06/30/2020 CO, IA, LA, NH, PR, VA, VI
07/30/2020 IA, LA, PR
08/30/2020 DE, IA, LA, PR
09/30/2020 DE, IA, PR
10/30/2020 DE, IA, PR
11/30/2020 DE, IA, PR
12/31/2020 DE, IA, PR
01/31/2021 DE, IA, PR
02/28/2021 DE, IA, PR
03/31/2021 DE, IA, PR
04/30/2021 DE, IA, PR
05/31/2021 IA, PR
06/30/2021 IA, PR
07/30/2021 IA, PR
08/31/2021 IA, PR
09/30/2021 PR
Source: ETA’s UI Data Website

Appendix H: States With Approved STC Programs and
CARES Act Section 2108 Funding as of February 2, 2022

Count State Section 2108 Funding

1 Arizona $8,415,114
2 Arkansas $5,967,324
3 California $168,795,333
4 Colorado $15,828,738
5 Connecticut $56,598,435
6 District of Columbia $4,397,504
7 Florida $5,060,693
8 Iowa $10,305,278
9 Kansas $24,826,885
10 Maine $15,735,618
11 Maryland $7,290,210
12 Massachusetts 66,179,555
13 Michigan $105,854,689
14 Minnesota $51,762,532
15 Missouri $29,921,660
16 Nebraska $7,386,433
17 New Hampshire $5,018,747
18 New Jersey $21,762,099
19 New York $180,924,787
20 Ohio $56,578,150
21 Oregon $112,795,897
22 Pennsylvania $10,073,972
23 Rhode Island $23,767,910
24 Texas $108,574,883
25 Vermont $0
26 Washington $136,698,120
27 Wisconsin $94,989,274
Total $1,335,509,840
Source: ETA and OIG’s analysis of data obtained from ETA’s UI Data Website.

Appendix I: State and Territory Abbreviations (Abbr.)

Abbr. State Abbr. State

AK Alaska NC North Carolina
AL Alabama ND North Dakota
AR Arkansas NE Nebraska
AZ Arizona NH New Hampshire
CA California NJ New Jersey
CO Colorado NM New Mexico
CT Connecticut NV Nevada
DC District of Columbia NY New York
DE Delaware OH Ohio
FL Florida OK Oklahoma
GA Georgia OR Oregon
HI Hawaii PA Pennsylvania
IA Iowa PR Puerto Rico
ID Idaho RI Rhode Island
IL Illinois SC South Carolina
IN Indiana SD South Dakota
KS Kansas TN Tennessee
KY Kentucky TX Texas
LA Louisiana UT Utah
MA Massachusetts VA Virginia
MD Maryland VI Virgin Islands
ME Maine VT Vermont
MI Michigan WA Washington
MN Minnesota WI Wisconsin
MO Missouri WV West Virginia
MS Mississippi WY Wyoming
MT Montana


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