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Teen To Teen Three Planificacion

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Teen2Teen Three – Planificación

Clase Unidad Número de Temas Deberes Tarea adicional

1 Welcome pg. 4 a 6 Dialy and other activities, The
present continuous and the simple
present, Frequency adverbs.
2 Welcome pg. 7 y 8 Foods and drinks, Count and non-
count nouns, Personal objects and
electronic devices, Adjectives to
describe people, Comparative
adjectives, Object Pronouns, Can for
permission, Ailments
3 Unit 1, pg. 10 y 11 Topic Snapshot Workbook, pg. W2
We’re going Vocabulary Party activities and
to have a supplies

4 Unit 1, pg. 12 y 13 Grammar be going to for the future Workbook, pg. W3

We’re going
to have a

5 Unit 1, pg. 14 y 15 Reading A magazine article Workbook, pg. W4 Writing, Unit 1, pg. 90
We’re going Teen2Teen Offer to help with a party

Teen2Teen Three – Planificación 1

to have a

6 Unit Test 1

7 Unit 2, How pg. 16 y 17 Vocabulary Places at school Workbook, pg. W5

do I get to Topic Snapshot
the gym?

8 Unit 2, How pg. 18 y 19 Grammar be going to: information Workbook, pg. W6

do I get to questions
the gym? Vocabulary: Locations and directions
in a building
9 Unit 2, How pg. 20 y 21 Reading A school handbook Workbook, pg. W7 Writing, Unit 2, pg. 90
do I get to Teen2Teen Ask for and give
the gym? directions

10 Unit Test 2
11 Unit 3, There pg. 22 y 23 Topic Snapshot Workbook, pg. W8
are a few Grammar Quantifiers: a lot of, many,
pretzels. a few, a little

12 Unit 3, There pg. 24 y 25 Vocabulary Adjectives to describe Workbook, pg. W9 Writing, Unit 3, pg. 91
are a few snacks and other food
pretzels. Grammar Superlative adjectives:
usage and form
13 Unit 3, There pg. 26 y 27 Reading A blog post Workbook, pg. W10 Cross-curricular Reading:
are a few Teen2Teen Discuss what to eat units 1-3, pg. 96
pretzels. Teen2Teen Friends

Teen2Teen Three – Planificación 2

Magazine, pg. 100
14 Unit Test 3
15 Unit 4, pg. 30 y 31 Topic Snapshot Workbook, pg. W11
They’ll Grammar The future with will
probably win
the game!

16 Unit 4, pg. 32 y 33 Vocabulary Action verbs for sports Workbook, pg. W12
They’ll Grammar will for prediction; Degrees
probably win of certainty
the game!
17 Unit 4, pg. 34 y 35 Reading An interview Workbook, pg. W13 Writing, Unit 4, pg. 91
They’ll Teen2Teen Leave a message for
probably win someone
the game!

18 Unit Test 4
19 Unit 5, I’ll pg. 36 y 37 Topic Snapshot Workbook, pg. W14
help you Vocabulary Ways to help at home
clean up.

20 Unit 5, I’ll pg. 38 y 39 Grammar will for offers and requests Workbook, pg. W15
help you to help; Object pronouns after
clean up. prepositions

21 Unit 5, I’ll pg. 40 y 41 Reading A magazine article Workbook, pg. W16 Writing, Unit 5, pg. 92
help you Teen2Teen Ask for and agree to do a
clean up. favor

Teen2Teen Three – Planificación 3

22 Unit Test 5
23 Unit 6, If you pg. 42 y 43 Topic Snapshot Workbook, pg. W17
visit you’ll Vocabulary Outdoor sports and
have fun! equipment

24 Unit 6, If you pg. 44 y 45 Grammar The real conditional Workbook, pg. W18 Writing, Unit 6, pg. 92
visit you’ll
have fun!

25 Unit 6, If you pg. 46 y 47 Reading A blog post Workbook, pg. W19 Cross-curricular Reading:
visit you’ll Teen2Teen Make and accept an Units 4-6, pg. 97
have fun! invitation Teen2Teen Friends
Magazine, pg. 101
26 Unit Test 6
27 Unit 7, Were pg. 50 y 51 Topic Snapshot Workbook, pg. W20
you at the Vocabulary Movie genres

28 Unit 7, Were pg. 52 y 53 Grammar The past tense of be Workbook, pg. W21
you at the

29 Unit 7, pg. 54 y 55 Reading A magazine article Workbook, pg. W22 Writing, Unit 7, pg. 93
Were you at Teen2Teen Describe a movie
the movies?

30 Unit Test 7
31 Unit 8, She pg. 56 y 57 Vocabulary Parts of the body; Workbook, pg. W23

Teen2Teen Three – Planificación 4

hurt her Topic Snapshot

32 Unit 8, She pg. 58 y 59 Grammar The simple past tense Workbook, pg. W24
hurt her

33 Unit 8, She pg. 60 y 61 Reading Biographies of two athletes Workbook, pg. W25 Writing, Unit 8, pg. 93
hurt her Teen2Teen Discuss and injury;
shoulder. express concern

34 Unit Test 8
35 Unit 9, Did pg. 62 y 63 Topic Snapshot Workbook, pg. W26
you hear Vocabulary Severe weather and
about the weather-related events

36 Unit 9, Did pg. 64 y 65 Vocabulary How to prepare for Workbook, pg. W27 Writing, Unit 9, pg. 94
you hear severe weather
about the Grammar The simple past tense:

37 Unit 9, Did pg. 66 y 67 Reading An informational website Workbook, pg. W28 Cross-curricular Reading:
you hear Teen2Teen Describe a storm Units 7-9, pg. 98
about the experience Teen2Teen Friends
Magazine, pg. 102

38 Unit Test 9

Teen2Teen Three – Planificación 5

39 Unit 10, pg. 70 y 71 Topic Snapshot Workbook, pg. W29
Were you Vocabulary Staying safe
wearing your
seat belt?

40 Unit 10, pg. 72 y 73 Grammar The past continuous; The Workbook, pg. W30
Were you past continuous and the simple past
wearing your tense
seat belt?

41 Unit 10, pg. 74 y 75 Reading An essay Workbook, pg. W31 Writing, Unit 10, pg. 94
Were you Teen2Teen Express concern
wearing your
seat belt?

42 Unit Test 10
43 Unit 11, pg. 76 y 77 Topic Snapshot Workbook, pg. W32
Where were Vocabulary Expressing musical
you going tastes

44 Unit 11, pg. 78 y 79 Grammar The past continuous: Workbook, pg. W33
Where were information questions; Negative
you going yes / no questions

45 Unit 11, pg. 80 y 81 Reading A live TV interview Workbook, pg. W34 Writing, Unit 11, pg. 95
Where were Teen2Teen Compare musical tastes

Teen2Teen Three – Planificación 6

you going

46 Unit Test 11
47 Unit 12, pg. 82 y 83 Topic Snapshot Workbook, pg. W35
Whose Vocabulary Art
drawing is

48 Unit 12, pg. 84 y 85 Grammar Information questions Workbook, pg. W36 Writing, Unit 12, pg. 95
Whose with Whose; Possessive pronouns
drawing is

49 Unit 12, pg. 86 y 87 Reading Profile of an artist Workbook, pg. W37 Cross-curricular Reading:
Whose Teen2Teen Ask for an opinion; give a Units 10-12, pg. 99
drawing is compliment Teen2Teen Friends
this? Magazine, pg. 103
50 Unit Test 12

Teen2Teen Three – Planificación 7

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