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An Anti Apoptotic HEK293 Cell Line Provides A Robust and High Titer Platform For Transient Protein Expression in Bioreactors

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ISSN: 1942-0862 (Print) 1942-0870 (Online) Journal homepage:

An anti-apoptotic HEK293 cell line provides a

robust and high titer platform for transient
protein expression in bioreactors

Tia A Arena, Bernice Chou, Peter D. Harms & Athena W. Wong

To cite this article: Tia A Arena, Bernice Chou, Peter D. Harms & Athena W. Wong (2019) An anti-
apoptotic HEK293 cell line provides a robust and high titer platform for transient protein expression
in bioreactors, mAbs, 11:5, 977-986, DOI: 10.1080/19420862.2019.1598230

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Published online: 24 Apr 2019.

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2019, VOL. 11, NO. 5, 977–986


An anti-apoptotic HEK293 cell line provides a robust and high titer platform for
transient protein expression in bioreactors
Tia A Arena , Bernice Chou, Peter D. Harms , and Athena W. Wong
Department of Cell Culture, Genentech Inc., South San Francisco, CA, USA


HEK293 transient expression systems are used to quickly generate proteins for research and pre-clinical Received 9 January 2019
studies. With the aim of engineering a high-producing host that grows and transfects robustly in Revised 3 March 2019
bioreactors, we deleted the pro-apoptotic genes Bax and Bak in an HEK293 cell line. The HEK293 Bax Accepted 18 March 2019
Bak double knock-out (HEK293 DKO) cell line exhibited resistance to apoptosis and shear stress. HEK293 KEYWORDS
DKO cells sourced from 2 L seed train bioreactors were most productive when a pH setpoint of 7.0, Transient transfection; HEK293
a narrow pH deadband of ±0.03, and a DO setpoint of 30% were used. HEK293 DKO seed train cells cells; polyethylenimine;
cultivated for up to 60 days in a 35 L bioreactor showed similar productivities to cells cultivated in shake recombinant protein
flasks. To optimize HEK293 DKO transfection cultures, we first evaluated different pH and agitation production; bioreactor; ambr
parameters in ambr15 microbioreactors before scaling up to 10 L wavebag bioreactors. In ambr15
microbioreactors with a pH setpoint of 7.0, a wide pH deadband of ±0.3, and an agitation of 630 rpm,
HEK293 DKO transient cultures yielded antibody titers up to 650 mg/L in 7 days. The optimal ambr15
conditions prompted us to operate the 10 L wavebag transfection without direct pH control to mimic
the wide pH deadband ranges. The HEK293 DKO transfection process produces high titers at all scales
tested. Combined, our optimized HEK293 DKO 35 L bioreactor seed train and 10 L high titer transient
processes support efficient, large-scale recombinant protein production for research studies.

Introduction bioreactors to support routine, high throughput transfections

to generate large quantities of proteins. HEK293 transient
Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and other recombinant pro-
production runs have been conducted in wavebag bioreactors
teins have been established as successful therapeutics for
up to 10 L,17,19,20 stirred tank bioreactors as suspension cul-
many diseases, including cancer as well as immune-mediated
tures up to 100 L,19,21–24 and in stirred tank bioreactors as
and neurological disorders.1,2 With over 500 mAbs in clinical
cultures adhered to microcarriers or scaffolds.25,26 Some
development by the biotechnology industry,1 the mAb market
instances of HEK293 transient production in stirred tank
is projected to include 70 mAb products by the year 2020.3 As
bioreactors used a different transfection reagent, i.e., calcium
the industry expands and targets become more complex,
phosphate21,23,27 instead of PEI.
larger antibody discovery campaigns are needed to screen
Literature reports HEK293 culture sensitivity to shear
multiple mAb variants and identify clinical candidates with
stress in spinner flasks.28 Therefore, we hypothesized that
the desired characteristics.
a cell line with resistance to apoptosis would exhibit higher
Transient transfection of mammalian cells using the catio-
productivity and more robust performance in bioreactors.
nic polymer polyethylenimine (PEI) has become a prevalent
Here, we engineered an anti-apoptotic HEK293 cell line by
method to rapidly produce recombinant proteins for large
deleting the pro-apoptotic genes Bax and Bak using zinc
molecule development, including antibody discovery screen-
finger nuclease technology. During apoptosis, Bax and Bak
ing studies.4–8 Human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) and
permeate the mitochondrial membrane, which ultimately
Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) host cells are often used for
leads to the activation of caspase proteins that trigger pro-
transient transfections because they are highly transfectable
grammed cell death.29 We previously showed that deleting
and their transfection processes are scalable. While the quality
Bax and Bak in a CHO cell line correlated with higher culture
of the product produced in HEK293 cells may differ com-
viabilities and transfection titers.30 Other labs have reported
pared to that from CHO cells,9 HEK293 transfections can
similar improvements to culture viabilities and productivity
produce higher titers in half the time compared to CHO10,11
with suppression or deletion of Bax and Bak.31–33
and are very amenable to high throughput, automated small-
The HEK293 Bax Bak double knock-out cell line (HEK293
scale transfections.12–18 While numerous reports describe
DKO) showed resistance to apoptosis and shear stress. With
CHO large-scale bioreactor cultivation and transfections,
this host, we maintained a seed train at the 35 L volume and
fewer findings exist for HEK293 cells, and there are currently
conducted transfections up to 10 L that yielded titers up to
no reports of long-term cultivation of HEK293 seed train in

CONTACT Athena W. Wong Department of Cell Culture, Genentech Inc., 1 DNA Way, South San Francisco, CA, USA
Supplemental data for this article can be accessed on the publisher’s website.
© 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
978 T. A. ARENA ET AL.

650 mg/L in 7 days. This is the first report that describes long- genes Bax and Bak in an HEK293 cell line (HEK293 DKO).
term cultivation of HEK293 seed train at pilot scale (35 L) in We tested the susceptibility of the HEK293 DKO cell line to
a stirred tank, controlled bioreactor. While there is a report of undergo apoptosis and its sensitivity to shear stress. To induce
the cultivation of HEK293 cells in a 1.8 L bioreactor for 10 apoptosis, we added staurosporine to HEK293 and HEK293
days,34 our seed train strategy supports 35 L of culture for up DKO cultures. Upon staurosporine addition, HEK293 DKO
to 60 days to supply routine, high throughput large-scale cells maintained higher viability compared to HEK293 cells
transient transfections. (Figure 1a). From this, we infer that the HEK293 DKO cells
Ambr15 bioreactors have been used for CHO stable cell are more resistant to apoptosis. To assess the impact of shear
line process development.35–39 However, at present, there are stress, we passed HEK293 and HEK293 DKO cultures through
no reports describing the optimization of transfection produc- a flow constriction device (FCD).40,41 The FCD subjects cells to
tion conditions for HEK293 cultures in ambr15 bioreactors. an acute hydrodynamic force and increased shear stress equiva-
We used ambr15 microbioreactors to explore and optimize lent to a 2.67 × 107 W/m3 energy dissipation rate (EDR) by
pH and agitation conditions for HEK293 transient transfec- passing the cells at a controlled flow rate through a narrow flow
tions and production. We obtained the highest transfection channel. After flowing through the FCD, the HEK293 DKO cells
titers using a wide pH deadband and a lower agitation rate. exhibited higher cell densities, higher viability, and reduced lysis
We then scaled up our transfection and production process compared to HEK293 cells (Figure 1b–d), indicating that
into a 10 L wavebag, which involves simpler operations com- HEK293 DKO cells are more resistant to shear stress than
pared to a controlled bioreactor. We do not directly control HEK293 cells. Thus, the HEK293 DKO cell line demonstrates
pH in the wavebag process, and thus eliminate the need for the phenotypic properties that we strived to achieve through the
probes and online measurements. Single-use wavebags also deletion of Bax and Bak.
eliminate cleaning and sterilization steps between production The ratio of PEI (N) to DNA (P) and the amount of PEI and
runs. Combined, our optimized HEK293 DKO 35 DNA can significantly affect transient transfection
L bioreactor seed train and 10 L transient transfection pro- productivity.10,30,42,43 To determine the HEK293 DKO transient
cesses enable the high throughput generation of recombinant transfection conditions that produce the highest titer, we seeded
proteins to support research studies leading to the identifica- 30 mL tubespin production cultures at 2 × 106 cells/mL and ran
tion of therapeutic clinical candidates. a full factorial experiment to test a range of N:P ratios (5, 7.5, 10,
and 12.5) and DNA concentrations (0.75, 1.0, 1.25, and 1.5 µg/
mL). An N:P ratio of 7.5 and DNA concentration of 1 µg/mL
Results yielded the highest titers (Figure 2a). Using this optimized con-
dition, HEK293 DKO transient transfection performance was
Creating and testing a more robust HEK293 cell line
compared to the HEK293 in 30 mL tubespins. Both cell types
With the aim of creating an HEK293 cell line that exhibits higher showed similar growth and viability in transfection, with
productivity and robust performance in bioreactors, we used the final day viabilities at 68.5% and 74.9% for HEK293 DKO and
zinc finger nuclease technology33 to delete the pro-apoptotic HEK293 cultures, respectively (Figure 2b). This suggests that the

a 100 Cell type b 60

HEK293 DKO 50
Total lysis after FCD (%)

Viability (%)

Staurosporine (1 μM)
- 40
60 10

50 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 HEK293 HEK293 DKO
Time (hours) Cell type

c 6 Before / after FCD

d 100 Before / after FCD
Before Before
5 After
VCD (×106 cells/mL)

Viability (%)


1 20

0 0
Cell type Cell type

Figure 1. Comparison of the HEK293 Bax Bak DKO (HEK293 DKO) cell line to the parental HEK293 cell line. (A) Viability after exposure of the cell lines to 1 µM
staurosporine to induce apoptosis. Using a flow constriction device (FCD) to assess sensitivity to shear stress: (B) total lysis after FCD, (C) viable cell density (VCD)
before and after FCD, and (D) viability before and after FCD.
MABS 979

a Titer (mg/L) HTRF b Cell type

<= 50 HEK293
1.4 6 HEK293 DKO
<= 100

VCD (×106cells/mL)
DNA (μg/mL)
<= 150 5
1.2 <= 200
<= 250
<= 300 3
<= 350
<= 400
0.8 <= 450 1
<= 500
6 8 10 12 > 500
c 700 90

Viability (%)
Day 7 titer (mg/L)

400 70

300 60
100 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sample day
Cell type

Figure 2. Optimizing N:P ratio and DNA concentration for HEK293 DKO transient transfections: (A) Transfections were tested across N:P ratios of 5 to 12.5 and DNA
concentrations of 0.75 to 1.5 µg/mL. Transfecting HEK293 and HEK293 DKO cells at the 30 mL tubespin scale with an N:P ratio of 7.5 and a DNA concentration of 1
µg/mL: (B) VCD and viability over the 7-day production cultures and (C) day 7 titers.

viability decline in these transfection cultures is induced by flask seed train (Figure 3a). This correlates with similar glucose
necrosis rather than apoptosis. With regard to productivity, the consumption and lactate production across the seed trains
HEK293 DKO cultures expressed 40% higher titer than HEK293 (Figure 3b). Per our aim, bioreactor #2 showed similar pH and
cultures (Figure 2c). The difference in productivity could be due DO trends to the shake flask (Figure 3c,d). We used cells from the
to the sublethal effect of shear stress on HEK293 cultures, or seed trains every week for 4 weeks in 30 mL tubespin transfections.
biological effects of deleting Bax and Bak. Interestingly, we observed modestly lower titers from cells sourced
The optimized N:P ratio of 7.5 and DNA concentration of from bioreactor #2 that mimicked the shake flask pH and DO
1 µg/mL were used for all further HEK293 DKO transfections conditions, and similar titers from cells sourced from bioreactor #1
with the 30 mL scale as the control for scale up/down. with tighter controls (Figure 3e), compared to titers from cells
sourced from the shake flask seed train. Different mixing in the
shake flask seed train may account for the cells’ high productivity.
Scaling up the HEK293 seed train
In the bioreactor, it is possible that the narrow pH deadband
To efficiently generate cell mass to support large scale (10 L) conditions affected the seed train cells and/or their spent medium
transfections, we sought to cultivate the HEK293 DKO seed such that they were more amenable for transfection. This could
train in a 35 L controlled bioreactor rather than multiple shake entail biological modifications that: 1) result in more optimal
flasks. A regularly passaged (i.e., split every 3–4 days) seed train electrostatic charge interactions of the DNA/PEI complex with
bioreactor with a working volume of 20–35 L would provide the cell surface during transient transfection, 2) promote intracel-
enough cells to start 40–70 L of transfections seeded at 2 × 106 lular trafficking of DNA/PEI complexes to the nucleus, or 3)
cells/mL twice per week. This enables routine execution of high enhance transcription, translation, and secretion of the recombi-
throughput, large-scale transient production runs. nant protein.
Before testing the HEK293 DKO seed train in a 35 L bioreactor, Subsequently, we scaled up the HEK293 DKO seed train into
we first evaluated different pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) con- a 35 L bioreactor using bioreactor #1 conditions (pH setpoint of
trolled conditions in two 2 L bioreactors. Bioreactor #1 used a pH 7.0 with a narrow deadband of ±0.03 and DO setpoint of 30%) and
setpoint of 7.0 with a deadband of ±0.03 and a DO setpoint of 30%; matching the power input per volume of our 2 L bioreactor (13 W/
these are typical conditions for CHO stable cell line cultures.44–46 m3). We passaged the HEK293 DKO shake flask and 35
Bioreactor #2 used a pH setpoint of 7.0 with a deadband of ±0.4 L bioreactor seed trains in parallel every 3–4 days for a total of
and a DO setpoint of 60% to more closely trend with the pH and 60 days, and monitored regularly for growth and metabolites.
DO conditions of a shake flask. We passaged HEK293 DKO cells While the HEK293 DKO cells showed comparable transfection
in a shake flask and the 2 L bioreactors in parallel, every 3–4 days productivity for up to 150 days after thaw (data not shown), we
for a total of 25 days and monitored growth and metabolites. Both chose a 60-day duration for the bioreactor to balance the frequency
2 L bioreactor HEK293 DKO seed trains grew to similar peak cell of bioreactor breakdown/set up, which is a labor intensive opera-
densities and maintained similar viabilities compared to the shake tion, with ensuring that cellular debris on the glass wall of the
980 T. A. ARENA ET AL.

a b


Figure 3. Scaling up the HEK293 DKO seed train from a 1 L shake flask to controlled 2 L bioreactors. Bioreactor #1: pH setpoint of 7 with a deadband of ±0.03 and
a DO setpoint of 30%. Bioreactor #2: pH setpoint of 7 with a deadband of ±0.4 and a DO setpoint of 60%. Passaging the 1 L shake flask and 2 L bioreactors every 3–4
days for 25 days: (A) VCD and viability, (B) glucose and lactate, (C) offline pH, and (D) pO2. (E) Day 7 transfection titers from 30 mL tubespins.

bioreactor at the liquid-air interface does not accumulate from achieved slightly higher peak cell densities and lower viabilities
continuous passaging in the bioreactor. This contrasts with the compared to the shake flask seed train (Figure 4a). As expected,
shake flask seed train procedure, in which we used a new shake due to pH control, the bioreactor seed train consumed more
flask for every passage. The bioreactor HEK293 DKO seed train glucose and produced more lactate than the shake flask

a b

c d

Figure 4. Scale up of the HEK293 DKO seed train from a 1 L shake flask to a controlled 35 L bioreactor. Passaging the 1 L shake flask and 35 L bioreactor every 3–4
days for 60 days: (A) VCD and viability, (B) glucose and lactate, and (C) offline pH. (D) Day 7 transfection titers from 30 mL tubespins.
MABS 981

(Figure 4b). This glucose consumption differs from the 2 630 rpm matches the power input per volume (P/V) of our 2
L bioreactor seed trains (Figure 3b), and may be due to scale L bioreactor (13 W/m3), and 2) 1400 rpm matches the maximum
differences, including sparging and mixing. Except for pH spikes shear (represented by impeller tip speed) of our 2 L bioreactor
during passaging of the bioreactor, the bioreactor seed train main- (0.26 m/s). The pH deadbands were chosen to mimic bioreactor
tained its pH at 7.0 with a deadband of ±0.03 (Figure 4c). The and shake flask conditions. Transfected cultures were monitored
bioreactor maintained its DO setpoint of 30% with similar trends for growth and metabolites. Because of equipment limitations,
to the analogous 2 L bioreactor (data not shown). Every week for 9 30 mL shake flasks were used instead of tubespins for the control
weeks, cells from the seed trains were used for 30 mL tubespin cases. Shake flasks and tubespins produce comparable titers at the
transfections. Despite the differences noted above between the 30 mL scale (data not shown). Higher viable cell density and
bioreactor and shake flask seed train, cells sourced from the viability correlated with ambr agitation at 630 rpm and pH control
shake flask and 35 L bioreactor produced similar titers around a tight ±0.03 pH deadband (Figure 5a). Despite similar
(Figure 4d) and product quality (Supplementary Figure 1) across glucose consumption across all vessels, the ambr bioreactor cul-
9 weeks of transfection. These data demonstrate that the HEK293 tures had lower final lactate levels compared to shake flask cul-
DKO seed train can be cultivated in a 35 L bioreactor up to 60 days tures (Figure 5b), indicating that the metabolism of HEK293 DKO
to source weekly transfections. cells was different with pH control – lactate was consumed near
the end of production. The wide pH deadband of ±0.3 correlated
with lower osmolality levels due to fewer base additions and
Optimizing and scaling up HEK293 transfections and
showed similar pH trends to shake flask cultures (Figure 5c). As
expected, oxygen levels were highest and most similar to shake
To identify optimal parameters and assess the feasibility of trans- flasks with an ambr agitation of 1400 rpm (Figure 5d). Highest
fecting HEK293 DKO cells in controlled bioreactors, we per- yields occurred in ambr bioreactors at an agitation of 630 rpm and
formed transfections in ambr15 microbioreactors at varying a wide pH deadband of ±0.30 (Figure 5e). We suspect that these
agitation and pH conditions. The full factorial experiment of 4 higher titers may be due to: 1) lower levels of shear stress at
cases in replicate evaluated agitation rates of 630 vs 1400 and pH 630 rpm allowing for more optimal interaction of DNA/PEI
deadbands of ±0.03 vs ±0.3 around a setpoint of 7.0. High and low complexes with cells during transfection or more conducive con-
agitations were selected based on 2 scale-up/down strategies:36 1) ditions for protein expression, and 2) a wide ±0.3 pH deadband

a b

c d

Figure 5. HEK293 DKO transient transfections in controlled ambr15 bioreactors compared to 30 mL shake flasks. (A) VCD and viability, (B) glucose and lactate, (C)
osmolality and pH, (D) pO2, and (E) titers over the 7-day production cultures.
982 T. A. ARENA ET AL.

leading to reduced base additions to maintain the pH near the end technology.33 Our data shows that the HEK293 DKO 35
of production, which directly correlates with lower osmolality and L bioreactor seed train and 10 L transient transfection processes
lower final lactate. were capable of supporting routine, high throughput expression
Next, knowing that a wide ±0.3 pH deadband correlated with of recombinant proteins with titers up to 650 mg/L in 7 days.
high yields in ambr bioreactors, we scaled up and evaluated the HEK293 cells in suspension culture can be sensitive to
transfection of HEK293 DKO cells without direct pH control in shear stress.28,47 Previous studies have shown that controlling
10 L wavebags and 30 mL tubespins. The wavebags and tube- shear stress led to increased proliferation in spinner flasks.28
spins were operated without direct pH control with a gas overlay Similarly, we previously observed that HEK293 cells cultured
of 5% CO2 in air. The transfected cultures were monitored for in bioreactors had low viabilities (data not shown), which we
growth and metabolites. The transfected cells in the 30 mL hypothesized to be due to their sensitivity to shear stress.
tubespin reached a higher cell density with higher final viability Here, we show evidence that the HEK293 DKO cell line was
compared to the 10 L wavebag (Figure 6a). However, these cell more resistant to apoptosis and shear stress than the HEK293
counts may have been confounded by cell clumping. The parental cell line (Figure 1). This property renders the
HEK293 DKO 10 L wavebag transfection showed more signifi- HEK293 DKO cell line advantageous for high throughput
cant clumping (data not shown), higher final day lactate levels transient production of recombinant proteins and potentially
(Figure 6b), and lower oxygen levels (Figure 6d) compared to the other HEK293 applications such as stable production of bio-
30 mL tubespin cultures. Despite differences in cell clumping, pharmaceuticals, viral vectors, and vaccines.
lactate, and oxygen, cells from both vessel types consumed Bax Bak suppression or deletion was previously shown to
glucose at a similar rate (Figure 6b), exhibited similar osmolality correlate with higher productivity than wild type in CHO
and pH profiles (Figure 6c), and produced comparable final cells.30,31,33,48 These studies reported observing higher
titers (Figure 6e). These data demonstrate that we were able to viability,30,31,33 higher DNA uptake levels,30 higher transfection
establish HEK293 DKO transfection methodologies that pro- efficiency,30 greater mitochondria mass,48 and improved mito-
duced similar titers in large-scale 10 L wavebags and 30 mL chondria membrane potential48 in CHO DKO production cul-
tubespins. tures compared to wild type. CHO DKO cells may also use an
alternative intracellular trafficking pathway than wild-type
CHO cells because the maximum DNA uptake occurred later
in CHO DKO cells compared to wild-type cells.30 Furthermore,
In this study, we engineered an anti-apoptotic HEK293 cell line in addition to their role in apoptosis, Bax and Bak are part of
with resistance to apoptosis and shear stress by deleting the pro- other cellular metabolism processes.33 The higher productivity
apoptotic genes Bax and Bak using zinc finger nuclease from HEK293 DKO (Figure 2) could be due to differences in

a b

c d

Figure 6. Scale up of HEK293 DKO transient transfections from a 30 mL tubespin to a 10 L wavebag. (A) VCD and viability, (B) glucose and lactate, (C) osmolality and
pH, and (D) pO2 over the 7-day production cultures. (E) Day 7 titers.
MABS 983

resistance to stresses (i.e., shear stress, PEI toxicity) or metabo- between production runs. This provides substantial resource sav-
lism that create conditions favorable for transient transfections, ings and operational benefits when high throughput large-scale
such as allowing better DNA uptake, trafficking of DNA to the transfections are used to generate material for biopharmaceutical
nucleus, transcription, or translation. In addition to comparing research efforts to identify therapeutic candidates.
the DNA uptake levels, transfection efficiency, and mitochon-
drial mass and potential of HEK293 DKO vs HEK293 transfec-
tions, it would be interesting to conduct –omics comparisons to Materials and methods
gain further biologicalunderstanding of potential differences
Cell culture
between the two hosts.
We confirmed our hypothesis that the HEK293 DKO cell The HEK293 DKO cell line was created by using zinc finger
line would exhibit robust performance in a seed train bior- nuclease technology.33 HEK293 cells and HEK293 DKO cells
eactor. The bioreactor seed trains grew to peak cell densities were cultivated as a seed train in shake flasks as previously
that enable the use of ≤50% seed train culture to seed the described13 using the seed train media in Table 1.
production culture (at 2 × 106 cells/mL), which minimizes the
volume of spent media in production. Carryover of >50%
spent media with the seed train into production was shown Staurosporine assay
to negatively impact transient protein expression.19 HEK293 and HEK293 DKO seed train cultures in shake flasks
We demonstrate that culturing the seed train in bioreactors were seeded at 0.8 × 106 cells/mL, and either untreated or
with a pH setpoint of 7.0 with a narrow deadband of ±0.03 treated with 1 µM staurosporine (Sigma, Cat# S6942).49
and a DO setpoint of 30% correlated with the highest trans- Cultures were sampled every day for viability.
fection productivity (Figure 3). This is the first report that
describes long-term cultivation of HEK293 at a 35 L pilot
scale in a stirred tank, controlled bioreactor to source cells Flow constriction device
for routine, high throughput transfections.
We evaluated various parameters for HEK293 DKO transfec- An FCD41 was used to assess the impact of shear stress on
tion and production in ambr15 bioreactors before scaling up to 10 HEK293 and HEK293 DKO cells. Briefly, a syringe pump
L wavebag bioreactors. Our experiments show that HEK293 DKO (Harvard Apparatus, Model# 33) was used to pass the cells
production can be performed in controlled ambr15 microbior- through the FCD at a flow rate of 70 mL/min or an energy
eactors with higher productivity than that in shake flasks when we dissipation rate (EDR) of 2.67 × 107 W/m3. Before passing
use a pH setpoint of 7.0 with a wide pH deadband of ±0.3 and an through the FCD, whole cell samples (positive controls) were
agitation of 630 rpm (Figure 5). This confirms our hypothesis that diluted 1:1 with 0.2 g/L saponin (Amresco, Cat# 0163) in water
a cell line with resistance to apoptosis would exhibit higher to lyse the cells and stored at −80°C. After passing through the
productivity in bioreactors. It also verifies a previous study’s FCD, the cultures were centrifuged at 830 × g and the super-
finding that controlled bioreactors produced higher titers than natants were diluted 1:1 with 0.2 g/L saponin and stored at
shake flasks.24 In contrast with the narrow pH deadband of ±0.03 −80°C. The samples were thawed and assayed for lactate dehy-
for the HEK293 DKO seed train bioreactor and for traditional drogenase using a Cedex Bio HT Analyzer (Roche). Total lysis
CHO stable cell line cultures,44–46 the productivity of HEK293 after FCD (%) was calculated using equation 1 below. Cultures
DKO transfection cultures in bioreactors was highest with a wide were also sampled for viable cell density (VCD) and viability
pH deadband of ±0.3 (Figure 5). In ambr15 bioreactors, a lower before and after passing through the FCD.
agitation of 630 rpm also correlated with the highest productivity LDH of sample after FCD
(Figure 5). We speculate that the reduced shear stress at 630 rpm Total Lysis After FCD ð%Þ ¼
LDH of whole cell
creates more ideal conditions for DNA/PEI internalization or
protein expression. Further studies should explore alternative
pH, gassing, and mixing conditions in the ambr15 microbioreac- (1)
tor to identify parameters that promote higher titers and deter-
mine if these high titer conditions can be mimicked in other
production cultures (i.e., wavebags and tubespins). Transfection process
Based on our ambr15 bioreactor studies, we did not apply Transient transfections were performed at a 30 mL working
direct pH control to our 10 L wavebag production run; the volume in 50 mL tubespins or 125 mL shake flasks, at a 10
wavebag cultures operated with a gas overlay of 5% CO2 in air. L working volume in a 22 L wavebag, or at a 12 mL working
The pH in the 10 L wavebag bioreactor trended similarly to that in volume in ambr15 microbioreactors.
the wide pH deadband ambr15 cases, except for lower final pH
(6.9 vs 7.3) (Figures 5c and 6c). The pH trends and cell clumping
in our wavebag transfections suggest that modification of the Table 1. Seed train and production media used for HEK293 and HEK293 DKO
transient transfections.
process to a different rock rate or gassing condition may mitigate
Cell type Seed train medium Production medium
the cell clumping and improve the productivity. Nevertheless,
HEK293 Expi293 Expression Medium HyCell TransFX-H Medium
using the described wavebag system for production, instead of (ThermoFisher, Cat# A1435101) (GE, Cat# SH30939)
a stirred tank bioreactor, eliminates the need for probes and HEK293 DKO HyCell TransFX-H Medium HyCell TransFX-H Medium
online measurements, as well as cleaning and sterilization steps (GE, Cat# SH30939) (GE, Cat# SH30939)
984 T. A. ARENA ET AL.

For 30 mL transfections, cells were seeded at 2 × 106 cells/mL at a setpoint of 37°C, and a flat blade impeller was used to
in 25.5 mL of production medium (see Table 1) in a 50 mL agitate at 50 rpm.
tubespin (Optimum Processing, Cat# SV92050) or 125 mL non-
baffled shake flask (Corning, Cat# 431143) and equilibrated for 2
h prior to transfection at 37°C, 5% CO2 in a shaking incubator at Ambr15 microbioreactor system
225 rpm with a 50 mm orbital diameter (Kuhner, Model# ISF1- Transfections were performed in the ambr15 microbioreactor
X) or at 125 rpm with a 25 mm orbital diameter (e.g., Kuhner, system (Sartorius Stedim Biotech)36 as described above with
Innova), respectively. All transfections were performed using a 12 mL final working volume, a temperature setpoint of 37°C,
DNA encoding a standard human IgG1 (huIgG1) antibody. To and a DO setpoint of 30% air saturation. SAS JMP software was
transfect, indicated amounts (Figure 2a) of DNA and 25 kDa used for the experimental design and analysis. The full factorial
linear PEI at 7.5 mM (Polyplus-transfection, Cat# 101) were experiment of four cases in replicate evaluated agitation rates of
incubated in 3 mL of serum-free media (e.g., Opti-MEM 630 vs 1400 rpm using a pitched blade impeller and pH dead-
I Reduced-Serum Medium (ThermoFisher, Cat# 31985062)) bands of ±0.03 vs ±0.3 around a setpoint of 7.0. Culture pH was
for 15 min before adding to the equilibrated cells. A 2.6 mL controlled using CO2 as acid and 0.5 M sodium carbonate as
proprietary solution containing hydrolysates, amino acids and base, and DO was controlled by sparging with air and pure
salts, and glucose was added 24 h post-transfection. This process oxygen gas via a sparge tube. Every 1–2 days, antifoam (Dow
was scaled proportionally for smaller or larger working volumes. Corning) was added to each ambr15 bioreactor.

Cell count, titer, and product quality measurements

Wavebag bioreactor system
Cultures were sampled every 1–4 days for VCDs, viability, meta-
The wavebag bioreactor system consisted of a heated, rocking
bolites, pH, and/or gases and were measured using a Vi-CELL Cell
platform (GE Healthcare, Model# 20/50EHT), a gas mix box
Counter (Beckman Coulter), a BioProfile FLEX Analyzer (Nova
(Dasgip, Model# MX4/4), and a 22 L nominal volume wave-
Biomedical), or an ABL90 FLEX (Radiometer). HuIgG1 antibody
bag (e.g., Thermo or Meissner; custom items) with inlet and
titers from supernatant samples were determined using a Protein
outlet gas filters and a sampling port. Transfections were
A HPLC assay. HuIgG1 antibody product quality attributes
performed as described above with a 10 L final working
including level of aggregation, acidic and basic variants, and
volume, a temperature setpoint of 37°C, a rock rate of
various glycoforms were determined using size exclusion HPLC,
20 rpm, a rock angle of 8°, and no direct pH control with
imaged capillary isoelectric focusing, and hydrophilic interaction
a gas overlay of 5% CO2 in air at a flow rate of 27 standard
liquid chromatography HPLC, respectively.
liters per hour (slph).

N:P experiment
Transfections were performed as described above. To deter-
mine the conditions that produce the highest titer, a full The authors would like to thank Wendy Hsu and Nathaniel Klair for
factorial experiment tested PEI:DNA (N:P) ratios of 5, 7.5, their assistance with the ambr15 microbioreactor system, and Angela
Meier for assistance with the FCD. Thank you to the BioMolecular
10, and 12.5 and DNA concentrations of 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, and Resources group, the B6 Media Prep group, and the Analytical
1.5 µg/mL. An N:P ratio of 7.5 and a DNA concentration of 1 Operations group. Thank you to Shahram Misaghi for reviewing this
µg/mL yielded the highest titers (Figure 2a) and, therefore, manuscript, and the Research Materials Group for their continued
was used for all subsequent transfections. support.

2 L and 35 L bioreactor seed trains Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest

HEK293 DKO cells were cultivated as a seed train in two All authors are or were employees of Genentech, a member of the Roche
controlled 2 L bioreactors (Applikon) for 25 days. Bioreactor group, and may hold stock or other financial interests in F. Hoffmann-La
Roche Ltd. Genentech has a commercial interest in therapeutic antibody
#1 used a pH setpoint of 7.0 with a deadband of ±0.03 and
a DO setpoint of 30% air saturation and bioreactor #2 used
a pH setpoint of 7.0 with a deadband of ±0.4 and a DO
setpoint of 60% air saturation. Culture pH was controlled ORCID
using CO2 as acid and 1 M sodium carbonate as base, and
Tia A Arena
DO was controlled by sparging with air and pure oxygen gas Peter D. Harms
via an open pipe sparger. Temperature was maintained at
a setpoint of 37°C, and a pitched blade impeller was used to
agitate at 275 rpm. References
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