BIR Ruling (DA-219-08)
BIR Ruling (DA-219-08)
BIR Ruling (DA-219-08)
Gentlemen :
This refers to your letter dated September 18, 2007 stating that your company,
Business Process Outsourcing International, Inc. ("BPO"), with business address at 7/F
SGV II Building, 6758 Ayala Avenue, Makati City, is a domestic company engaged in the
business of performing outsourced services for various clients. BPO is registered with
the Department of Labor and Employment ("DOLE") as a contractor/subcontractor.
BPO provides the following services:
a. Bookkeeping — BPO records transactions based on supporting
documents supplied by clients; maintains accounting records;
prepares trial balances and nancial reports/statements; and assists
in the preparation of tax returns and annual renewal of permits and
b. Internal Audit — BPO renders internal audit work to clients by using either
the clients' audit plan and programs or BPO's own audit programs or
a combination of both. BPO checks compliance with established
procedures and processes; performs substantive testing through
examination of supporting documents and reports; and provides
recommendations for the deviations and weaknesses identi ed. BPO
also renders xed-asset and inventory veri cation and reconciliation.
c. Payroll Processing — BPO processes the payroll of clients using its own
payroll system. It uses as basis the data supplied by clients such as
attendance information, new hires, resignations, additional earnings,
deductions, and other relevant payroll data necessary for the
computation of net pays of clients' employees. BPO also computes
the nal pay of resigning employees and prepares the alphabetical
listing, certi cates of withholding tax and all the reports related to
Social Security System ("SSS"), Philippine Health Insurance
Corporation ("Philhealth") and Home Development Mutual Fund
("HDMF") premium contributions and loan repayments.
d. Human Resources ("HR") Bene t Administration — BPO assists in the
processing of the applications for Bureau of Internal Revenue ("BIR")
tax identi cation number and SSS, Philhealth and HDMF membership
CD Technologies Asia, Inc. 2018
of clients' new hires. BPO also assists in processing the applications
of clients' employees for (a) medical bene t, housing, salary and other
loans with the SSS and HDMF and (b) employee loans with the clients.
BPO has adequate capitalization. It performs activities which are not directly
related to the business of its clients. BPO assigned staff are selected, hired and
terminated by BPO and not by their clients. Salaries and other bene ts are also drawn
directly from BPO and not from the clients. BPO carries on an independent business
and undertakes the performance of its contract according to its own manner and
method, free from the control and supervision of its clients.
BPO is engaged by clients to provide speci c and special jobs or services such
as inventory-taking; procurement, sales and inventory monitoring; bank and third party
reconciliation of accounts; HR administrative work; data processing and other nance
and non- nance related work. It does not act as a recruitment agency to provide
manpower for all types of services to its clients. It provides manpower services
requiring specialized skills in accountancy, human resources, procurement, sales and
related fields; ICcaST
(A) Professional fees, talent fees, etc., for services rendered by individuals
— On the gross professional, promotional and talent fees or any other form of
remuneration for the services of the following individuals — Fifteen percent (15%),
if the gross income for the current year exceeds P720,000; and Ten percent (10%),
if otherwise;
(B) Professional fees, talent fees, etc. for services of taxable juridical
persons — On the gross professional, promotional and talents fees, or any other
form of remuneration enumerated in the preceding subparagraph for the services
of taxable juridical persons — Fifteen percent (15%), if the gross income for the
current year exceeds P720,000; and Ten percent (10%), if otherwise; . . . ."
(Emphasis supplied)