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Intuitive Medicine Summit 2022 Day 3

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Burnout & Compassion Fatigue

 Jul 27, 7pm-7:56pm (Eastern European Summer Time)

With Masami Covey, FNTP
Hosted by Lisa Bonnice

Our collective and individual systems are under tremendous pressure. Masami Covey discusses
how the intensity of living in the "modern terrain" is pushing us into various stages of burnout
and compassion fatigue, dimming our inner light and impacting our abilities to truly connect
with our intuition and inner knowing.

In this session, you’ll discover:

 What is Burnout and the Stages of Burnout

 Signs and Symptoms of Compassion Fatigue
 Burnout impacts on intuition and your abilities to connect with inner knowing

Masami Covey, FNTP

Health Intuitive, Functional Nutrition Therapist, Yoga Therapist

Masami Covey is a Health Intuitive, Functional Nutritional Therapist, and internationally

recognized speaker. She reveals the root causes of imbalance using Intuitive insights, a whole-
person approach, and laser-pointed guidance.  She translates our subtle “body language,” and
provides practical daily tools, nutrient recommendations, breath-work, somatic movements, and

Masami was born and raised in Japan in a bi-cultural family, and she draws extensively from her
blend of East-meets-West culture, language, and energy medicine, as well as years of
professional training and experience in Functional Nutritional Therapy, Yoga Therapy, Positive
Neuroplasticity, Ayurveda, and applied linguistics.  She is a faculty member of The Shift
Network and a frequent speaker on health and energy summits, podcasts, and programs.

Metaphysics for a New World

 Jul 27, 8pm-8:29pm (Eastern European Summer Time)
With Gabriel Wade, MD
Hosted by Marie Manuchehri, RN
Dr. Gabriel Wade teaches people ways of healing themselves and how to change their minds to
rise to Earth's new vibration. Through many years of study and life experience, Gabriel has
learned how to convey to others important lessons that enhance people's lives.

In this session, you’ll discover:

 How to think in a way that will help you create a better life for yourself
 How to heal yourself mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually
 How to raise your vibration constantly

Gabriel Wade, MD

Father, Musician, Healer, Physician

Dr. Gabriel Wade is a board-certified anesthesiologist by training and healer by heart. He has
two wonderful children, Keen and Steel, who are his main focus in life. He also finds time for
other pursuits involving helping others. He has been an anesthesia attending physician for the
last 9 years and has worked in multiple facilities with many different types of patients. He also
practices pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods of treatment. His multi-leveled
training and interests have helped him find the best possible scenario for each patient/client.
Realizing everyone is different and therefore needs a different approach, his energy healing
includes physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional healing and the manifestation of specific
goals. He is also a spiritual advisor and teaches classes in metaphysics and spiritual concepts. 

With his experience in medicine, nutrition, and energy healing, he can help any patient or knows
someone who can — which has always been his lifelong goal, and is why he became a physician.
During his time as a physician, he has seen that he can help much more by providing a
comprehensive approach to each patient that is specific to their needs as a dynamic individual,
which we all are. In addition, he also offers IV hydration therapy with vitamins and electrolytes,
nutrition consultation, energy healing (Reiki), counseling, anesthesia services, and ketamine
treatment for severe depression and other psychiatric conditions.

Your Body Will Show You the Way: Navigating Awakening

and Change
 Jul 27, 9pm-9:54pm (Eastern European Summer Time)
With Ellen Meredith, D.A., EEMAP
Hosted by Lisa Bonnice
In a world rocked by change, how can you evolve your energies to support both personal and
planetary wellbeing? Ellen Meredith teaches you how to use energy medicine to build stability
and work from the inside out to awaken your built-in guidance system.

In this session, you’ll discover:

 In this time of great upheaval and change we are each being asked to wake up and live
differently, in ways that are sustainable 
 With this global shift, we need to learn to assess our reality from the inside-out, from the
perspective of our wiser self 
 Inner guidance is more than a "voice," it can show you how to thrive as a body, mind, and
spirit co-creating life on earth

Ellen Meredith, D.A., EEMAP

Medical Intuitive, Energy Medicine Teacher, Author & Conscious Channel

Ellen Meredith is a conscious channel, medical intuitive, energy medicine practitioner, teacher,
and author. She has been in practice since 1984, helping over 10,000 clients and students across
the globe tune in and communicate with their own energies, hear their inner guidance, and heal. 

Ellen is renowned for her down-to-earth, yet out-of-the-box thinking. Originally trained as a
healer by her inner teachers (Councils), Ellen later became an Eden Energy Medicine Advanced
Practitioner (EEM-AP) and is an emeritus member of Donna Eden’s faculty. She presently offers
courses on The Shift Network.

Ellen brings humanity, humor, and insight in many forms to the world of energy healing. Her
approach to self-healing with energy medicine offers students ways to understand and get to the
heart of their health and life challenges and work compassionately with their body, mind, and
spirit. She builds on everyday experiences and common-sense frameworks, believing that life
reveals more of its meaning if you treat it as an evolving story, and see yourself as a unique
character helping to co-create it. 

Ellen is the author of Your Body Will Show You the Way: Energy Medicine for Personal and
Global Change… The Language Your Body Speaks; Self-Healing with Energy Medicine…
Listening In: Dialogues with the Wiser Self (channeled book), and In Search of Radiance:
Learning to Stand with Your Wiser Self (channeled class audiobook).
Working With Medical Intuitives: Learning to Trust and
How to Verify
 Jul 27, 10pm-10:54pm (Eastern European Summer Time)
With Rev. Tiffany Barsotti, PhD
Hosted by Lisa Bonnice

We will traverse the terrain of the role of a medical intuitive who seeks to not only give answers
but empowers the client to find ways of knowing and verifying for themselves. Rev. Tiffany
Barsotti, PhD, teaches us to learn to trust our bodies when we feel they have let us down. The
use of subtle energy devices can be insightful and augment a client's healing journey.

In this session, you’ll discover:

 The importance of emotions as a tipping point to lasting healing

 The value of energy assessment devices as an adjunct to medical intuition practices
 The role of resonance as a method of personal verification

Rev. Tiffany Barsotti, PhD

Medical Intuitive, Spiritual Counselor & Researcher in Biofield Sciences

Rev. Tiffany Barsotti, PhD, is a renowned medical intuitive, spiritual healer, and a clinician and
researcher of subtle energy, biofield therapies, and energy psychology. She serves as an
integrative practitioner, working alongside physicians and other allied health professionals. 

She received her Masters of Theology in Energy Medicine with special emphasis in Medical and
Spiritual Counseling from Holos University Graduate Seminary, and was personally mentored by
the school’s founders, Dr. C. Norman Shealy and Caroline Myss. To advance her clinical and
research activities, she uses biofield devices to measure the human biofield and subtle energy
interactions related to mind-body mechanisms. 

Tiffany has presented her work at numerous venues, including the annual Science of
Consciousness Conference, the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine Conference, and
The Chopra Center for Wellbeing. She is a visiting scholar at the University California San
Diego’s School of Medicine. 

She’s published scientific papers in prominent integrative medicine journals, sharing co-
authorship with Deepak Chopra, MD, and other clinicians and scientists from prominent U.S.
academic institutions. She is a favorite on Gaia TV and was recently featured in The Shift
Network’s Science of Healing Summit.
How to Embrace Intuition and Self-Compassion to Find
 Jul 27, 11pm-11:43pm (Eastern European Summer Time)
With Dayna Macy
Hosted by Lisa Bonnice

Self-awareness begins with a hunch. Dayna Macy teaches us that we can often sense the deepest
truths about ourselves before we reason them through. This session will focus on how the
practice of tapping into your intuition combined with radical self-compassion and aceptance of
self can lead to a healthier body, and a life filled with greater freedom and joy.

In this session, you’ll discover:

 How to ground the body to receive intuition and insight

 How intuition and self-compassion are essential to finding freedom
 How to distinguish between intuition and wishful thinking or fear

Dayna Macy

Author of Ravenous: A Food Lover's Journey from Obssession to Freedom

Dayna Macy is author of Ravenous: A Food Lover's Journey from Obsession to Freedom. Her
memoir asked one question —how could she, a food lover and lifelong overeater, learn to be
satisfied? Her memoir detailed her travels across the country, meeting the people who helped her
untangle the complicated nexus lying beneath this question, leading her to discover some basic
truths on her quest to lose weight and find her comfortable body. She discovered that kindness is
essential, that perfection is the enemy of the good, and that all bodies, no matter what shape or
size, are magnificent and intelligent allies on our path to spiritual wholeness.

Dayna was formerly the director of communications for The Shift Network and has led the
communications departments for many storied media companies, including Yoga Journal, where
she also wrote many essays about women, spirituality, and body image.
Healing Through Energy, Thought, Intuition, Vibration and
 Jul 28, 12am-1am (Eastern European Summer Time)
With Dr. Divi Chandna
Hosted by Lisa Bonnice

As humans, we all have different stories from our childhood. Dr. Divi Chandna teaches us that
these stories are the keys to healing. Within each of us are traumatized wounds that are stuck in
fight, or flight, or freeze. As we get to know these wounds and observe them we can heal them
— and this is the key to healing in the present.

In this session, you’ll discover:

 Healing is available for each of us and the Universe/Spirit wants us to heal

 Healing is a process of getting to know our patterns and how they show up in our lives, as
they are often subtle and repetitive
 How to heal and hold space for your pain body by tapping into spirit, raising intuition,
and getting to know the vibration of love 

Dr. Divi Chandna

MD, Intuitive Coach, Founder of The Intuitive Coach Training

Author and keynote speaker Dr. Divi Chandna believes our power lies within us. She loves to
help clients shift, heal, and transform their lives through intuition, love, and waking up to their
own power. She started her career as a family physician, but after becoming sick herself, she
discovered the power of yoga and meditation, practices that unlocked her intuitive gifts. Divi has
been practicing as a professional certified intuitive for the past ten years, and clearly sees the link
between our thoughts, emotions, illness and health. She founded and runs a program called
Intuitive Coach Training (ICT) to help people awaken to their own gifts, and heal themselves.

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