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GRADE 9 IG - PAPER1-Question Paper Partial Ans Key

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(English Section)
First Language English (0500)
Academic Session 2020-2021


Y 9- 6

First Language English (0500) Date: 26 / 10 /


Study Pack # 7


1. Comprehension Practice

2. Summary Writing Practice

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This document consists of 5 printed pages including the cover page. [Turn over]

Read Text A, and then answer Questions 1(a)–1(e) on the question paper.

Text A: My grandmother

This passage is from a memoir written by Svetlana Alliluyeva, the daughter of the
Russian dictator, Joseph Stalin.

Brought up by a hard-working German mother, my grandmother was herself a woman of

exceptional industry. She and Grandfather both had golden hands, but hers were a
woman’s skills. She was a wonderful cook and dressmaker and a splendid manager of
the meagre resources available to her as wife of a Bolshevik who was in jail
5 part of the time and always on the move from one town to another. Later on,
you couldn’t fail to see how much she hated seeing our household run like
public property by state employees who were just pouring government money down the

The functionaries who were running the house didn’t understand, or rather they
understood only too well and couldn’t forgive her for it. Unlike my tactful
Grandfather, who always held his tongue, Grandmother was quite capable of
bursting into sudden screams of abuse at what she called our ‘careless
managers’ – all the state-employed cooks and commandants who looked on
her as a ‘capricious old woman’. We children used to hear this kind of talk
about her, too, when we were all living at Zubalovo after my mother’s death. It
wasn’t until later, of course, that we realized that Grandmother had just too hot
a temper to stand silently by while the household was outrageously

It was not for nothing that Grandmother grew up in Georgia and loved it there. Her
whole approach to life was hot- blooded and southern. There were endless tears of
sorrow and jubilation, there were lamentations and lengthy declarations of love and
tenderness and disapproval. My mother, who was more restrained, like
Grandfather, got tired of Grandmother’s outpourings and her constant
criticisms of the way the household was run and the children brought up and
of my mother herself. She didn’t like Grandmother’s staying with us too
frequently and interfering in the household. Could it also be that Grandmother’s
25 heartaches and fears were only too justified, and that my mother was actually
afraid and trying to close her eyes to it all?

From Twenty Letters to a Friend by Svetlana Alliluyeva

(Penguins, 1968).

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Read Text A, My grandmother, in the insert and then answer Questions 1(a)–(e) on this question

Question 1

(a) Give two characteristics of the writer’s grandmother, according to the text.

 Hard-working, bad temper, skillful, good manager, passionate, critical,

would interfere in others things, efficient, kept good check of finances of
the house

 Wonderful cook and dressmaker


(b) Using your own words, explain what the text means by:

(i) ‘had golden hands’ (line 2):

She was very good at stuff and hard-working and could do a lot of things in
a great manner.
(ii) ‘held his tongue’ (line 11):
Didn’t burst out into anger and screams and controlled his mood.

(c) Re-read paragraph 1, (‘Brought up by … down the drain!’).

Give two reasons why there wasn’t much money available.

 Because Bolshevik spent a lot of time in jails and moved from town to

 Their household was run like public property by state employees who
were just pouring government money down the drain.

(d) Re-read paragraphs 2, (‘The functionaries … mismanaged.’).

(i) Identify two reasons why the functionaries didn’t like Grandmother.

 They didn’t like working and were lazy, the grandfather didn’t care
much but she would always find out and blame them.

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 She would burst out into anger and screams and call them ‘careless
(ii) Re-read paragraph 3 (‘It was not … it all?’). Explain why the writer’s mother did not get on
with Grandmother.

She got tired of Grandmother’s outpourings and her constant criticisms of

the way the household was run and the children brought up and of herself.
She didn’t like Grandmother’s staying with her children too frequently and
interfering in her household. She didn’t want her children to live the same
sad childhood as her.

(e) Using your own words, explain why Grandmother was so critical of how others ran the

The functionaries didn’t manage the house properly and were lazy so she
had to be strict. She didn’t like the household in such messy conditions. She
had a low temper management and frequently burst out into anger. All the
state-employed cooks and commandants who looked on her as an old
impatient woman. She wanted to be on top of everything.

Read Text B, and then answer Question 1(f) on the question paper.

Text B: The lows of climbing high

A mountaineer describes his ascent of Mount Everest.

I’m a professional mountaineer and long-distance runner. I grew up in the Pyrenees, the son of
a mountain guide, and I’ve been climbing since I was three. Every day, I’ll go running at altitude
for five hours. Preparing for my ascent to Everest, I knew the conditions would be especially
extreme and I’d have to acclimatize to the cold and lack of oxygen. So, before the climb, I spent
ten days getting ready by climbing another mountain in the Himalayas. While we were on the
warm-up hike, I lost a good friend on Everest, an old climbing partner. He fell during the ascent
and died. He was one of the world’s best climbers, so I’d never expected this, and it made me
question everything I was doing. In the end, I had to keep going.

I arrived at base camp on May 17 and spent three days waiting for a weather window. I’ve never
liked waiting around and wanted to move I left at night-time, on my own.

My backpack weighed just 7 kilos. All I had was gloves, a headlamp, boots and ice pick. I didn’t
even carry a radio phone. No one at base camp could communicate with me, and vice versa,
because I wanted to be completely alone.

I hiked non-stop for 22 hours, thinking only of the next step. On my way up, I saw the bodies of
five climbers who had not made it. You can’t let that kind of thing to you. I was fine physically for
the first few hours I’d spent months training, I had all the food I needed in the forms of gels,
sugar with minerals, and a bottle of water. I say ‘a’ bottle – the other one had frozen.

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The problems started 23,000 ft up, four hours in, when I began to have stomach cramps. I must
have eaten something bad at base camp, where the hygiene is poor. I started vomiting. I
preserved and arrived at the summit around midnight. I was alone with the mountain and found
the solitude energizing. I felt an incredible sense of satisfaction. Still, I didn’t cry- you can’t afford
to get emotional; there is a long journey back.

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Read Text B, The lows of climbing high, in the insert and then answer Question 1(f) on this question

Question 1

(a) According to Text B, what are the dangers and difficulties of climbing Everest?)

You must use continuous writing (not note form) and use your own words as far as possible.

Your summary should not be more than 120 words.

Up to 10 marks are available for the content of your answer and up to 5 marks for the
quality of your writing.

Climbing Everest is a dream but one that come’s with great deals of dangers
and difficulties. One must train hard to be physically fit to fight the tough
conditions of high altitudes. He must run at altitude for at least 5 hours and
acclimatize to the chills and lack of oxygen. Hiking is something that also
takes many hours. But the difficulties are only a part of the equation as there
are many dangers as well. One can lose his best friends during hikes, like at
ascents. He many encounter dead bodies of unlucky hikers along the way
which can emotionally weaken him and become the cause of his failure. He
can lose communication with the base camp or have stomach cramps from
bad food as the hygiene is poor in the mountains. He may also lose his water
supply as it can freeze.
Words (117)

[Total: 30]

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