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Presence of God Mock Maths

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0 .084 ×0 .81
1. (a) Simplify, 0 .027× 0 .04
, leaving the answer in standard form
1 1 1
(b) i. Solve the inequality: 3 x +1≥ 2 x+ 4 ( 2−x )

ii. Illustrate the answer on the number line


2. (a) Simplify: 5 ( 6−ab ) +2 (−7+3 ab )

(b) Multiplying 0. 03858 by 0.02 , leaving the answer in standard form.

(c) Mr. Agbadzi bought a motorbike for GH 420, 000. After one year, he sold the motorbike for GH
525, 000. Calculate his;

i. Profit
ii. Profit percent
iii. Cost price, if the new price of the motorbike is GH 600. 000.

3. The table below shows the frequency distribution of the number of letters in the surnames of
some students in a school.

No. of letters 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No. of students 7 3 2 8 5 3 1

(a) From the distribution, determine

(i) the mode
(ii) the mean
(b) If a student is selected at random, find the probability that his/ her name will contain more than
7 letters.
(c) Draw a bar chart for the distribution

4. (a) i. The average of the numbers 5, 7, 2, 6, x , ( x +1 ) ,7 and 4 is 5. Find the value of x.
ii. if 14 x =9 ten ,find the value of x

(b) 2. (a) Convert  to a base two numeral.

(c) A woman sold an article for GH200, 000 and made a profit of 25%. Find the cost price of the

5. (a) List the members of each of the Sets:

B¿ { Whole numberss¿20 ¿30 }∧¿
D { Factors of 63 }
List the members of
i. B∩ D
ii. B∪ D

1 4
(b) There are 50 pupils in a class. Out of this number 10 speak French only 5 of the remainder both
French and English. If the rest speak English only, find the number of students who speak;
i. French only
ii. Both French and English
iii. English only.

6. The marks scored by some students in a Mathematics test are as follows:

3 3 5 6 3 4
7 8 3 4 5 4
7 4 3 7 4 6
4 8 4 5 6 3
8 4 5 6 4 3

a) Construct a frequency distribution table for the scores

b) Using the table, find for the distribution, the
i. Mode
ii. Means, correct to one decimal place
iii. Median
c) What is the percentage of pupil who passed, if the pass mark is 6?


1. What is the value of the digit 8 in the (a). 2 p+ 8 p 2

number 78000? (b). 6 p+8 p

(a). 8 ten thousands (c). 2 p−8 p2

(b). 8 thousands
(d). 6 p−8 p 2
(c). 8 hundred
(d). 8 tens
2 5
7. Solve the equation 3 ( x−3 ) = 6 ( x+ 6 )
2. If P= { prime numbers lessthan 20 }
¿={ odd numbers lessthan 10 } . (a). – 42
find P ∩Q (b). – 12
(a). { 1 , 2, 3 } (c). 18
(b). { 1 ,3 ,5 , 7 , 11 } (d). 42
(c). { 3 , 5 ,7 ,9 }
(d). { 3 , 5 ,7 }
8. Solve the inequality 25 x+ 450 ≤3000
1 1
) (
3. Divide 1 2 + 4 by 1 2 − 4
1 1
) (a). x ≥ 102
5 (b). x ≤ 102
(a). 7 (c). x ≥ 138
(b). 1 (d). x ≤ 138
(c). 1⅖
(d). 1¾

{ }
x : x is an even number greater 9. Express 87 ten as a base five numeral
than (a). 302five
4. If P= 12 ¿ ,
2∧less∨equal (b). 322five
(c). 3022five
list the members of P
(d). 3202five
(a). { 2 , 4 , 2 , 8 ,10 , 12 }
(b). { 3 , 4 ,6 ,8 , 10 , 12 }
{ 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 10 }
10.John sold a car for GH60, 000 and made
a profit of 20%. What is the cost price
(d). { 4 , 6 , 8 ,10 , 12 }
of the car?
(a). GH¢48, 000. 00
5. Simplify 200 ×0.01 ×372 , leaving your
(b). GH¢50, 000. 00
answer in standard form
(c). GH¢72, 000. 00
(a). 74.4 ×10

(d). GH¢132, 000. 00

(b). 7.44 ×10

11.The marks obtained by 5 girls in a test

(c). 7.44 ×10

are 10, 15, 18, 12, 8. Find the median

(d). 7.44 ×10 3
(a). 10
6. Simplify 4 p +6 p 2−2 p+ 2 p2

(b). 11 (a). 0.00385
(c). 12 (b). 0.00386
(d). 15 (c). 0.0039
(d). 386
12.What is the HCF OF 18, 42 and 90?
(a). 21 17.Expand: 3 a ( a−4 b ) .
(b). 18 (a). 3 a−12 ab
(c). 9 (b). 2
3 a −12ab
(d). 6 (c). 2
3 a −12a

13.If P= {7 ,11 , 13 }∧Q= { 9,11,13 } , find P ∪Q . 18.Kofi is 2 years older than Ama. If the
(a). { 7 , 9 , 11, 13 } sum of their ages is 16 years. Find
(b). {7 , 9} Ama’s age
(c). { 11 ,13 } (a). 7 years
(d). { 9,13 } (b). 9 years
(c). 14 years
14.Arrange the following fractions from (d). 18 years
the lowest to highest, , 3 .
3 1
4 5 19.Solve for x ,if 2 x−4 x >20
3 2 3
(a). , , (a). x ←13⅓
5 3 4
3 3 2
(b). x ←5⁵/₇
(b). , ,
5 4 4 (c). x <5⁵/₇
3 2 3 (d). x >13⅓
(c). , ,
4 4 5
3 3 2
(d). , , 20.Convert 2114 five to base ten numeral
4 5 4
(a). 194
(b). 280
(c). 284
(d). 300
15.Simplify: −13 — 3+ (−10 ) .
(a). -26 21.A basket contains 450 oranges. If each
(b). -20 orange cost GH 15. 00, find the total
(c). -10 cost of the oranges.
(d). -6 (a). ¢30.00
16.Correct 0. 003858 to three significant (b). ¢435.00
figures. (c). ¢465.00

(d). ¢6,750.00 (b). 600
(c). 130

The pie chart shows the monthly expenditure

(d). 2300
of Mr. Awuah whose monthly income is GH
18, 000.00.
25.Correct 5178. 342 to two decimal
Use the chart to answer question 22 to 24 places.
(a). 5178.00
(b). 5178.30
(c). 5178.34
(d). 5178.35
1200 600 FUEL 4 1 2
26.Evaluate: 5 − 3 + 9

500 5
(a). 11
(b). 45
22.What fraction of Mr. Awuali’s income 31
is spent on food? 45
1 41
(a). (d). 45
(b). 4 27.Multiply 247 by 32
(c). (a). 6916
2 (b). 7804
(d). 5 (c). 7904
(d). 1235

23.How much does Mr. Awuali spend on 28.Express 2474.5 in standard form
rent? (a). 2.4745 ×102
(a). ¢9,000.00 (b). 2.4745 ×103
(b). ȼ4,500.00 (c). 2.4745 ×10

(c). ȼ90.00 (d). 2.4745 ×10−3

(d). ȼ16, 200.00
29.Express 5 as a percentage of 4.
24.What is the size of the angle (a). 125%
representing saving? (b). 120%
(a). 40
0 (c). 25%
(d). 20%
(b). 4
30.Find the value of 124+ 0.275+74.06 , (c). 6
correct your answer to one decimal (d). 7
(a). 198.6 35.Find 12½% of GH 80. 00
(b). 198.7 (a). ¢8.00
(c). 892.0 (b). ¢10.00
(d). 892.4 (c). ¢12.00
(d). ¢12.50
31.Arrange the following in descending
7 7 37 1 10
order: 20 , 25 , 100 , 4 36.Express 12 as a decimal fraction.
37 7 7 1 (a). 0.2300
(a). , , ,
100 20 25 4
(b). 0.3125
1 7 7 37
(b). , , ,
4 25 20 100
(c). 0.367
37 7 1 7 (d). 0.3222
(c). , , ,
100 20 4 25
7 1 7 37 37.Simplify: 348.94−188.34
(d). , , ,
25 4 20 100
(a). 60.60
(b). 60.68
32.Write GH 35, 632. 00 correct to the (c). 160.60
nearest thousand cedis. (d). 200.60
(a). ¢40, 000. 00
(b). ¢36, 000. 00 38.In a school of 940 pupils, the number of
(c). ¢35, 000. 00 girls exceeds the number of boys by
(d). ¢35, 000. 00 150. How many girls are there in the
The marks obtained by 9 students in a test school?
are 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8. (a). 620
Use the information to answer Questions 33 (b). 545
and 34 (c). 470
33.Find the median (d). 395
(a). 4
(b). 5 The table below gives the ages of members of
(c). 6 a juvenile club.
(d). 7 Use it to answer questions 39 and 40
Age in years 8 9 10 11
34.What is the mode? Frequency 5 10 6 9
(a). 3
39.How many people are in the juvenile 40.What is the modal age of the members
club? of the juvenile club?
(a). 15 (a). 8 years
(b). 20 (b). 9 years
(c). 30 (c). 10 years
(d). 38 (d). 11 years


2x 1
) ( )
6 9
( )
1. If m= 2 + 3 y ,n= −8 ∧m+n= −12 , fine the
i. Value of x and y
ii. Components of m

(b) If 2 n−5 m+10=0 , find

i. m, when n = 2
ii. n, when m = 5

(c) The ratio of the sheep to goats on a farm is 4 : 7. If there are 1, 428 sheep, find how many
goats are on the farm.

2. (a) Given that y= x +r ,
i. Make r the subject of the relation
ii. From (i), find the value of r when y= 3 and x = 10
(b) In a class of 30 girls, 17 play football, 12 play hockey and 4 play both games.
i. Draw a Venn diagram to illustrate the given information.
ii. How many girls play;
a. One or two of the games
b. None of the two games?

3. The table below shows the marks scored out of 10 by some candidate in a test.

Mark 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Number of candidates 2 3 5 7 8 13 7 5

a. From the table, find

i. The modal mark.
ii. How many candidates took the test
iii. The mean mark for the test.
b. If 20% of the candidates failed,
i. How many candidates failed?
ii. What is the least mark a candidates school score in order to pass

1 2 −3 1
4. (a) Solve for x ,if 3 x +1 3 < 4 x− 2 ∧¿represent the answer on the number line.
(b) Using a rule and a pair of compasses only, construct;
i. Triangle ABC such that |AB |= 12 cm, |AC| = 8 cm and ∠ BAC=300
ii. A perpendicular from C to meet AB at M.
iii. Measure
(a). Angle ABC
(b). |CM|
iv. Calculate the area of triangle ABC.

5. (a) A box has length 8. 0 cm, width 5. 0 cm and height 10. 0 cm. find the;
i. Total surface area of the box
ii. The volume of the box

(b) A cylinder which has a height of 90 cm and diameter 14 cm is closed at both ends. Find;

i. Its total surface area

ii. The volume of the cylinder [Take π= 7 ]

6. (a) i. using a scale of 2 cm to 1 unit on both axes draws two perpendicular axes Ox and Oy on
a graph sheet.
ii. On the same graph sheet mark the x – axis from – 5 to 5 and the y – axis from – 6 to 6.
(b) On the same graph sheet, plot the points A(2, 5), B(4, 3) and C(1, 1). Join the point A,B
and C to form a triangle.
(c) Reflect triangle ABC in the y – axis such that → A 1 , B → B 1, ∧C → C 1 . Label the vertices of
triangle A1 , B1 , C1
( )
(d) Translate triangle A1 B 1 C 1by the vector −4 such that A1 → A 2 , B 1 → B 2∧C1 →C 2
(e) Join the vertices A1 B 1 C 2∧C . Name the figure formed.

(f) Find A1 B 1


1. If (b). { 1,3,5,7,9,11,13 }
Q= {1 , 3 , 5 ,7 , 10 , 11, 15 }∧T = { 1, 2 ,3 ,5 , 6 , 7 , 11, 12 } , find Q ∪ T (c). { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 }
(a). { 1,2,3,5,7,10,11 } (d). { 1,2,3,5,6,7,9,11,12,13,15 }

2. Arrange the following fraction in p−2 b
(a). a=
ascending order: 4¼, 4½, 4/⅓
p+ 2b
(a). 4¼, 4/⅓, 4½, (b). a=
(b). 4/⅓, 4½, 4¼ 2b− p
(c). 4½, 4/⅓, 4¼ (c). a=
(d). 4¼, 4½, 4/⅓ p−b
(d). a=
3. Find the integers within the intervals
5<x <9 9. Convert 133five to a base ten numeral
(a). { 5,6,7 } (a). 23
(b). { 5,6,7,8 } (b). 25
(c). { 5,6,7,8,9 } (c). 43
(d). { 6,7,8 } (d). 40
4. Express 0.055 as a common fraction 3
10.Express 8 as a percentage.
(a). 40 (a). 0.375%
5 (b). 12½%
(b). 18 (c). 25%
1 (d). 37½%
(c). 40
11.Given that 1 :3=x :21.find the value of x
(d). 200 (a). 4
5. Simplify: 4 ( x+2 )−3 ( x+1 ) (b). 5
(a). x +5 (c). 7
(b). x +11 (d). 63
(c). 7 x +5 12.In the diagram below, MNO is a
(d). 7 x +11 triangle. Angle MON = 720 and angle
6. Expand ( a+ 4 )( a+ 6 ) OMN = 680 . find angle ONP
(a). 2 a+24
(b). 2
a +6 a+10 O
(c). 2
a +10 a+ 10
(d). 2
a +10 a+ 24
7. If 6 n+ 4=16 , find the value of n
(a). 2
(b). 3 680
(c). 5
(d). 6 (a). 400
8. Make a the subject of the relation (b). 680
P=2 ( a+ b ) (c). 720

(d). 1400 (c). x → 2 ( x +1 )
13.How many lines of symmetry does a (d). x → 2 ( x −1 )
rectangle have? 17.The gradient of the straight line that
(a). 1 passes through points A ( 3 , 2 )∧B ( 4 , 8 ) is
(b). 2 −1
(a). 6
(c). 3
(d). 4 (b). 2
14.Calculate the volume of cylinder with (c). 2
radius 7cm and height 10 cm. [Take π = (d). 6
( )( )
−2 −1
18.Simplify 3 + 5
(a). 220 cm 3

(b). 440 cm3 (a). (−3

(c). 1, 540 cm3
(d). 3, 080 cm3
(b). (−12)
15.Which of the following best describes
the construction below?
(c). (−38)
(d). (−1
−2 )
19.A school has a population of 600 out of
which 120 are girls. What is the
probability of meeting a pupil in the
school who is a boy?
(a). 4
(a). Constructing a perpendicular at P 1
(b). Constructing the bisector of line (b). 5
PQ 3
(c). 5
(c). Constructing an angle of 300 at P
(d). Constructing an angle of 450 at P 4
(d). 5
16.Writer the rule for the mapping
The number of pupils who attended hospital
from eight classes on a particular day are 1,
↓ ↓↓ ↓↓ 5, 3, 1, 7, 5, 1, 1. Use the information to
answer questions 20 to 22
y 13 5 7 20.Find the median number
(a). 1
(a). x → 2 x+1
(b). 2
(b). x → 2 x−1
(c). 3

(d). 4 (d). 4
21.What is the modal number? 27.Find the highest common factor of 48,
(a). 1 60 and 96.
(b). 4 (a). 12
(c). 5 (b). 24
(d). 7 (c). 36
22.Calculate the mean number (d). 48
(a). 2 28.Simplify: 14⅓ −¿2 ⅜ +¿ 7 5/8
(b). 3 (a). 6⅜
(c). 4 5
(b). 7 12
(d). 5
23.Kofi bought four pencils at GH¢ 200.00 (c). 17 12
each and five pen at GH¢ 350.00 each. 13
How much did he pay altogether? (d). 17 24
(a). GH¢2, 400. 00 3 a+2 b|
29.If a=−4∧b=3 ,
(b). GH¢2, 450. 00 ab
(c). GH¢2, 550. 00 (a). 2
(d). GH¢2, 650. 00 (b). 1
24.Find the image of the point (2, 5) under (c). ½
(x) ( x )
the transformation y → 2− y (d).
(a). (2, -3) 30.Simplify −4 ( 3−5 )+10−3 ( 7+ 4 ) +30
(b). (2, 2) (a). –1
(c). (2, 3) (b). 15
(d). (2, 7) (c). 56
25.Find the missing numbers in the (d). 65
sequence 4, 8, 12,…,…,…,..,28 36 a b x
3 2

(a). 14, 16, 22 31. Simplify 3

27 a b y
(b). 14, 18, 22 4a x
(c). 16, 18, 22 3 by
(d). 16, 20, 24 4 abx
(b). 3y
26.The sum of the interior angles of a
4 a2 bx
regular polygon is 5400. Find the (c).
number of sides of the polygon. 4 a4 b5 x
(a). 7 (d).
(b). 6
The Venn diagram below shows the number
(c). 5
of pupils in a class of 40, who speak Twi or
Ga or neither. Use it to answer questions 32 (b). ȼ240. 00
and 33 (c). ȼ300. 00
U = 40 (d). ȼ360. 00
Ga Twi
37.The volume of water in a rectangular
11 17 tank is 30cm 3. The length of the tank is 5
cm and its breadth is 2 cm.
5 Calculate the depth of water in the tank
(a). 4.0 cm
(b). 3.0 cm
(c). 5.0 cm
32.How many pupils speak Twi and Ga?
(d). 6.0 cm
(a). 17
(b). 11
(c). 7 ( ) ( )
2 −2
38.If r = −5 ∧s= 5 , calculate 2 r−3 s .
(d). 5
33.How many pupils speak neither Twi nor (a). (−10
−25 )
(a). 17
(b). (−25
(c). (−2510
(d). 5 (d). (1025 )
34.Correct 0. 02751 to three decimal
39.Alex arrived at work at 7: 55 am and
left at 4: 15 pm. For how long was he at
(a). 0. 027
(b). 0.028
(a). 7 hours 20 minutes
(c). 0.03
(b). 7 hours 45 minutes
(d). 0.28
(c). 8 hours 20 minutes
35.Solve: 3−( 3 x + 4 ) ≤−4.
(d). 8 hours 40 minutes
(a). x≤1
40.A trader sold 90 oranges at 3 for
(b). x≥1
¢50 .00. How much did she get from
(c). x ≥ 1⅔
selling all the oranges?
(d). x <1½
(a). ¢1, 500. 00
36.Adjoa and Ama share ¢600. 00 between
(b). ¢4, 500. 00
them in the ratio 3 : 2. Find Adjoa’s
(c). ¢6, 000. 00
(d). ¢15, 000. 00
(a). ¢200. 00


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