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Importance of Planning in Management Developing Organization

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Importance of Planning in Management Developing Organization

Article  in  Journal of Advanced Management Science · January 2014

DOI: 10.12720/joams.2.3.176-180


14 87,313

1 author:

Laima Jeseviciute-Ufartiene
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University


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Journal of Advanced Management Science Vol. 2, No. 3, September 2014

Importance of Planning in Management

Developing Organization
L. Jeseviciute-Ufartiene
Lithuanian Sports University, Kaunas, Lithuania

Abstract—In the dynamic environment demand of continual The purpose is to determine relation of planning action
development is opportunity and a string of survival. with management and development of organization
Development of every organization is a cyclical or a empirically according to theoretical reasoning.
periodical process. Every period of development is involved Methods: the analysis of scientific literature and
with future creation actions of organization and planning.
This article shoes relationship of planning action with
questionnaire interview. The analysis of quantitative
management and development of organization. According to research data employed the following statistic methods:
empirical quantitative research which was made with descriptive statistics (rates, average means and dispersion),
Lithuanian top managers of business organization there are correlative analysis (Spearman correlations), and factorial
shown that top managers of Lithuanian business organization analysis.
do not relate directly planning with management and Quantitative research was made with Lithuanian top
development of organization. Still they do not deny managers of business organizations. According to
significance of planning and importance of decisions made accredited sample size calculator research sample size was
during planning for the management and development of
counted [4]. The quantitative research must be made at
organization. 
least with 96 respondents. During research there were
Index Terms—planning, management, development,
gathered 113 filled questionnaires.
self-development, mind activity.
Various scientists talk differently about development
I. INTRODUCTION and self-development. The roots of self-development
In the dynamic environment demand of continual process concept could be found in the works of Greek
development is opportunity and a string of survival. philosophers Plato and Aristotle. At present, the ideas
Development of every organization is a cyclical or a step about self-development could be found in a number of
process. Every step of development is involved with future books by different authors. In 1958 R. Lippitt and B.
creation actions of organization [1]. According to M. Rac Westley, while emphasizing the manager’s functions and
planning is one of twelve future creation actions [2]. responsibilities, presented a seven-step organization
Purpose of planning is to schedule tasks that impossible change model [5]. In 1960 W. Rostow formulated a
makes possible. P. Drucker maintains that plan of action five-level development concept [5]. In 1969 W. French, in
must become the core of manager’s time planning [3]. 1982 W. Bruke and later in 1998 S. Ramanarayan, T. V.
Once Napoleon was told that there is no battle which goes Rao and K. Singh associated organization development
according to plan. But the same Napoleon planed every with planning theory [5].
battle till minimum details. The manager without plan In 1978 J. Quinn defined evolutionary self-development
becomes victim of circumstances. of organizations [5]. Almost at the same time in 1979 L.
On the other hand every manager understands Greiner described self-development through crisis [9].
significance of planning in the management and Similarly but in different ages J. Miller, P. Friesen (in 1984)
development of an organization. The process of planning is and G. Minzberg (in 2001) wrote about organization
connected with the process of manager’s mind activity. self-development in quantum or revolutionary leaps [5].
Continual changes in the environment are the preclusion to Therefore D. Hurst (in 1995) analysed organization
use manager’s mind activity purposefully and to orientate it development through constant decline and renewal
into planning. Some thinks that planning is not advisable processes [5]. Kindly differently in 1969 R. Beckhard and
because the plan has to be reconsidered and has to be in 1990, W. L. French and C. H. Bell spoke about
changed what has been planned before. This is why the development as a step process when the organization is
problem of this article is how planning is connected with developed only at certain moments [5]. On the other hand,
management and development of an organization. in 1972 N. Margulies and in 1975 R. Selfrige [5] and in
1993 P. Drucker [3] saw organization development as a

permanent, continuous organization activity covering
Manuscript received October 25, 2013; revised January 19, 2014.

©2014 Engineering and Technology Publishing 176

doi: 10.12720/joams.2.3.176-180
Journal of Advanced Management Science Vol. 2, No. 3, September 2014

managing processes of various internal and external factors. tasks will be required while implementing organization’s
In 2006 K.Wilber relates development with inner world of future created during process of floodlighting and
person, organization or country [6]. A step process of projecting.
sociocultural organization development was presented by According to P. Drucker the plan should become the
G. P. Schedrovickij [7], J. Kvedaravicius [8], J. core of manager’s time planning [3]. Once Napoleon was
Gharajedaghi [9]. told that there is no battle which goes according to plan.
On the other hand, organization development is oriented But the same Napoleon planed every battle till minimum
towards future perspectives [5]. In this article development details. The manager without plan becomes victim of
is related with managers’ ability to perceive themselves circumstances. According to M. Rac planning is solution of
and their contemplation and to be able to apply it managing task or the method of organizing action [2]. The same way
and developing organization. maintains M. B. Baridam that planning means to determine
Self-development of the organization is connected with the objectives of the organization, examination of the
mind activity. The most recent research of D. G. Myers [10] environment and forecasting changes and development of
and R. Winston [11] show that brain can create new cells policies, procedures and necessary plans to help achieve
and according to D. Goleman [12] intellect can be the objectives in view of the changing environment [14].
developed. Consequently, the opportunities for the Thus there is important to familiarize with the future of
individual’s development are unlimited and the discussion planned tasks. One important notice is that there should be
about development of mind activity in management with planned only these tomorrow’s tasks which could be
the aim of business organization development is solved today because there could not be planned things that
purposeful. are not possible to realize.
Accordingly E. de Bono said that managers pretty
III. THEORETICAL MEANING OF PLANNING frequently forget to use mind activity as a tool after they
find right decision on their opinion [16]. It is interesting
Various scientists discuss about planning in
that nobody knows what decision is right and what is
organizations’ strategic management. Planning is
wrong. The author of this article agrees with E. de Bono
described as one of organizations’ management functions
estimation that further contemplation is not the waste of
and actually the core function of organization management.
time [16]. Contrarily this further contemplation confirms
This scientific view could be described as West World
that the found decision is right. If in contemplation process
view. But there is little bit different understanding of
we found that decision is wrong than it is worth rethink
everything again and look for new decision.
By making researches A. O. Oparanma, D. I. Hamilton
A. M. Efendioglu and A. T. Karabulut made researches
and S. A. Jaja concluded that the application of planning as
shown increased importance of strategic planning in local
a strategy is the only way to manage the turbulent and
organizations seeking to resemble to foreign organizations
competitive environment of business [13]. They
[17]. Y. Sarason and F. Tegarden base on knowledge these
recommended turbulent environment of any business
intentions that planning is related with organizations
managed through planning, strategic management
performance and management results [18].
formulations and implementation. Thus there could be
A. Valackiene suggests planning in crisis as process of
agreed with M. B. Baridam that strategic plan making is
discussions and future perspectives [19]. Planning is
the first managerial job when the environment of
described as analyses of internal and external aspects with
business becomes uncontrollable [14].
the purpose to see organization’s future. According to
Planning could be understood as one of twelve future
Turney’s research results during planning action there is
creation actions. Future creation actions are
important communication with the work team [19].
prognostication, floodlighting, projection, programming,
Accordingly there should be mentioned that during
planning, scenario making, project implementation, author
planning process there is created message to employees.
supervision, expertise, monitoring, organization,
Thus during planning managers should be able to evaluate
management. There might be confusion thinking about
all potential tasks and at the same time they have to pick the
floodlighting, projecting, programming and planning. Thus
most important ones. Managers have to be able to describe
J. Kvedaravicius sufficiently clearly separates these
tasks appropriately to employees. This is the reason why
actions [8]. He maintains that future objects or situations
managers should be able to evaluate the newest methods of
are floodlighted or projected, actions are programmed and
management theoretically and be able to adjust these
tasks are planned. According to R. L. Ackoff planning has
theories in practical management and development of an
a function to make impossible to possible [15]. Thus there
organization. Thus planning is closely related with pure
could be maintained that just usage of pure thinking could
help to manager to separate these actions and find out
different meaningful results of contemplation. (When
author of the article talks about pure thinking she has in
mind manager s’ interest and understanding of new On the purpose to analyze actions of the floodlighting
management knowledge and their intense to use it in and projecting in an organization was made quantitative
organizations’ management.) Mind activity is managers’ research with top managers of the Lithuanian business
tool which enable to perceive in planning process what organizations. The instrumentation for quantitative

©2014 Engineering and Technology Publishing 177

Journal of Advanced Management Science Vol. 2, No. 3, September 2014

research was formed with the help of the concept Estimating research propositions of planning related
operationalization method, referring to M. Seeman with aspects of mind activity (Fig. 2) there could be noticed
methodology [20]. that in the process of planning while considering and
According to accredited sample size calculator the making decisions managers use pure thinking (0,351**),
sample size of the research was counted [4]. 6 were reflection (0,342**), experience of management (0,304*),
accepted as margin of an error. 95 percents were taken as awareness of process (0,288**). Planning process is
confidence level. The population size of business related with managers’ rational thinking and intuition.
organizations in Lithuania in 2009 was 64437 [21]. The Basically middle strength but statistically significant
response distribution was 90 percents according to earlier Spearman correlations shows that planning is related with
researches of the authors of this article [5]. The sample size mind activity (0,440**) and development of an
of this research was counted 96 respondents. organization (0,356**).
Based on the prepared research methodology,
quantitative research carried out in the 2nd and 3rd quarters
of 2009 support each other with their data. In the process of
the quantitative research were collected 113 filled in
Deviation of distribution in regions of Lithuania was
zero percent according to percentage of business
organizations in these regions. Thus there could be stated
that results of empirical research fulfilled situation of
Lithuanian business organizations.
For the research questionnaire was made reliability
analysis. Cronbach Alpha was 0,647 (when number of
questions was 114).
Factorial analyses were made combining
statistically and logically combining together
propositions about development, planning and Figure 2. Planning relation with mind activity, its aspects and
separate aspects of mind activity. organizations’ development

Analyzing results of research related with preparation
and usage of idea realization plan and estimation of idea
realization there could be noticed that managers more Planning Every organizations'
frequent use plans in the implementation process (75,7% in Development decision is worth to
rethink once again and
Fig. 1) than prepare plans for an idea’s realization (71,1% evaluate it
in Fig. 1). This situation of research results could be Development of an organization rely on Spearman
explained according to managers’ perception. Some confidence and self-confidence of the
managers think that they are not planning but they are manager N 99
making simple notes in their notebook or in their mind. Development of an organization rely on Spearman 0,295**
manager’s self-actualize N
They do not relate these notes with plan. 94
Development of an organization rely on Spearman 0,255*
manager’s ability to use real facts N 98
Development of an organization rely on Spearman 0,309**
employees’ intentions to develop
themselves N 101
Organization development rely on Spearman 0,205*
managers ability to connect N
organization’s resources with 100
organization’s goals
Organization development rely on Spearman 0,206*
employees’ enterprising action N 101
Manager practicing knowledge of Spearman 0,209*
management motivates to self-develop
other organization’s members N 98
While manager s are using theoretical Spearman 0,322**
knowledge in practical management of N
an organization they motivate to develop 100
other members of an organization
Development of an human resources rely Spearman 0,361**
on development of every employees’ N
individual development 100
Figure 1. Creation and implementation of an ideas

©2014 Engineering and Technology Publishing 178

Journal of Advanced Management Science Vol. 2, No. 3, September 2014

There was not identified correlation between research’s development and self-development of an organization.
propositions of development and propositions of planning. Thus managers should have in their mind that these actions
The author of this article makes an assumption that the could help survive and expand their business organizations
reason of such results might be that managers do not relate casually and during economic and financial crisis.
planning with development directly. According to the Planning is based on manager’s ability to use his/ her
research results managers do not deny significant of mind activity. The manager who is developing his/her
planning to development of an organization. mind activity could easier influence improvement and
According to Table I while managers consider and make development of his/ her employees’ individuality. In this
management decisions there are important self confidence case the management of an organization could be improved
of manager (0,232*) 1 , ability to self-actualize (0,295*), and developed.
usage of facts (0,255*) and theoretical knowledge
(0,209**) in practical management. REFERENCES
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©2014 Engineering and Technology Publishing 179

Journal of Advanced Management Science Vol. 2, No. 3, September 2014

Laima Jeseviciute-Ufartiene was born in She worked business consultant in ‘Bankines konsultacijos’ in Kaunas,
Telsiai, Lithuania in 02-02-1981. In 1999 she Lithuania in 2005 till 2010. In 2008 she started her lecture career. Since
graduated from the secondary school and 2010 she has been a lector of business disciplines like ‘Quality
entered Vytautas Magnus University into management’, ‘Business management’, ‘Business ethics’, ‘Project
Business and economics’ faculty. In 2004 she management’, ‘Strategic management’, ‘Customers’ behavior’ in
got Bachelor degree in the field of Lithuanian sports university and University of applied sciences in
organizations’ management. In 2006 she got Kaunas, Lithuania. The main articles of her scientific work are:
Master degree in management. At Vytautas Jesevičiūtė-Ufartienė, L., Kvedaravičius, J. ‘Development of business
Magnus University in the city of Kaunas in organization using new management knowledge’. Scientific articles of
Lithuania in 2010 she graduated her university the 7th International Symposium on Entrepreneurship in Tourism and
studies and got degree of doctor in Social The Experience Stratos Workshop Inter-disciplinary Approaches, 27–30
science, Management and Administration. Her topic of doctoral April 2011, pp. 74-87.
dissertation was ‘Organization self-development based on mind activity Jesevičiūtė-Ufartienė, L. “Minties veiklos plėtra valdyme grįstas
expansion in management’. organizacijos vystymasis,” Vadybos mokslas ir studijos – kaimo verslų ir
Her work experience started in 2010. Her first job was as product jų infrastruktūros plėtrai. Mokslo darbai, Nr. 5(24), 2010. pp. 55-62.
development manager at business organization ‘Senuku prekybos Dr. L. Jeseviciute-Ufartiene is interested in management and
centras’ in Kaunas, Lithuania in 2004 till 2005. She worked development of organizations and leaders or/and managers role in these
administrator in ‘Konica Minolta Baltia’ in Kaunas, Lithuania in 2005. organizational process.

©2014 Engineering and Technology Publishing 180

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