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J-1 Exchange Visitor Scholar Sponsorship Application Checklist

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VCU Immigration Services

912 West Grace Street, 4th Floor

Richmond, VA 23284-3043
(804) 828-0595


Please submit the J-1 application 3 months prior to the visitor’s arrival date to allow time for the
consular interview.

 Complete Export Control review through the RAMS ECO SYSTEM. You will receive an email
confirming that the employee has completed screening. Please print the RAMS ECO
SYSTEM email out and include it in this application. If you have questions about this
process, please email

 Completed J-1 Application, including all requested signatures from both the sponsoring
department and the scholar

 A V number for the incoming J-1 scholar

 A J-1 processing fee of $100. This fee may be transferred via Journal Voucher to index
number 1-10209 (account 600099). Please print out the confirmation once you have

 A letter from the department inviting the scholar. The letter should include the dates of
stay, funding source and program objectives at VCU. Please see template on Page 6.

 A statement of financial support from the scholar’s sponsor that must include the
proposed dates of the visit, funding source and a minimum of $1,500/month for the
duration of stay. Bank statements, a letter from the sponsor or a letter from a bank official
are all appropriate forms of documentation.

 A copy of the biographical page of the passport.

 A copy of the terminating degree certificate with a certified translation.

 A letter from the faculty sponsor attesting to the J-1 scholar’s English ability. Please see
template on Page 7.

 If the J-1 scholar wishes to have a spouse or children accompany the visitor, additional
financial support must be included in the financial support. A minimum of $5,000 per year
per dependent mush be provided. Please include the biographical passport pages of each
dependent. 1

The purpose of this form is to:

 Begin a new J-1 program
 Transfer a J-1 from another program to VCU. The original program start date on the transferred
DS-2019 is: __________________________________
Month Day Year
 Extend a J-1 program (For extensions, please only provide the application, appointment renewal
letter and health insurance.)
The Journal Voucher number is: ____________________

The J-1 Visitor’s V number : V___________________

Is the visitor coming to fulfill a postdoctoral position? □ Yes □ No

Department/School: Campus Box Number:

Name of Faculty Sponsor: Campus Phone: Email:

Alternate Contact: Campus Phone: Email:

Visitor’s Name: _________________________________________________________________

Family/Surname First/Given

Please choose a Visitor Category:

□Professor □Research Scholar □Short-term Scholar (<6 months)
Proposed length of stay at Virginia Commonwealth University

From: ___________________________________ To: __________________________________

Month Day Year Month Day Year

Describe the specific field of study, research, training or professional activity in which the visitor
will be engaged. IE: Visitor professor will conduct research in head trauma.

Please indicate the street address where the Exchange Visitor will perform duties, including zip code:

Funding Information:
Indicate the source(s) of funding and an estimate of money the visitor will receive during the length of
the visitor’s entire stay. Please attach supporting documents that confirm funding.

Virginia Commonwealth University (includes positions funded by grants) $____________________

U.S. government agency $____________________
International Organization $____________________
The Exchange Visitor’s government $____________________
All other organizations providing support $____________________
Personal funds $____________________

Health Insurance:
Please indicate who will be responsible for the health insurance payments including medical evacuation
& repatriation:

□ Sponsoring Department □ Exchange Visitor

Patient Contact Information:
Is the visitor a physician or dentist? □No □Yes
If no, you can stop here. No additional letters are needed.
If yes, will the visitor have any patient contact? No □ Yes □
• If no, please complete Letter A (See attached template on page 9.)
• If yes, please note that visitors who are physicians are only permitted to have incidental
patient contact as part of their primary educational or research objectives under an
Exchange Visitor Program. Please complete Letter B if patient care is expected. (See
attached template on page 10.)

The below signers accept responsibility for assuring:

• The payment of offered funds on behalf of VCU (if applicable)
• Proficient English ability of the visitor to appropriately participate in the program
• That U.S. government regulations are met on behalf of the scholar
• That upon arrival to the U.S., the scholar meets with an immigration advisor at GEO-IS
• Notification to GEO-IS of the termination or departure of the scholar from the university.

______________________________ _________________________________
Print name of faculty sponsor Print name of dean/department chair

_____________________________ _________________________________
Signature of faculty sponsor Signature of dean/department chair

___________________________________ __________________________________________
Date Date


Date of Birth: _________________________

Month Day Year

□Male □Female □Dr. □Mr. □Mrs. □Ms.

Family/Surname (as on passport) Given Name (as on passport) Middle Name

City of Birth: Country of Birth:

Country of Citizenship: Country of Legal Permanent Residence:

Level of Education: Copy of degree attached:

Occupation: Place of Employment:

Email Address:
Telephone Number:
Address where DS 2019
should be mailed:
Please include postal code.

• Are you or have you (and/or any of your dependents) been in any J Exchange Visitor status

□ □
(including J-2) within the past two years? Yes No (If no, skip to the end.)
• If you ARE in an active J-1 research scholar/professor program NOW, what is the program end
date on your DS 2019? ____________________________________
Month Day Year
• If you (and/or any of your dependents) WERE in an active J-1 Exchange Visitor status within the
past two year, what status? □J-1 □J-2 If J-1 what category? ____________________________
(Student, Short-Term, Non-Degree, etc.)
• Please list the exact beginning and ending dates of your previous periods of J Exchange Visitor
status. Start Date ________________________ End Date_______________________________
Month Day Year Month Day Year

I pledge that the information above is correct and true.

Visitor’s Signature

[J-2 Dependents must be either your spouse and/or unmarried children under the age of 21.]

Will family members accompany you? □No □Yes

If YES, □please complete this sheet. (If you have more than 3 dependents, please list on a separate page.)
□Include the biographical passport page for each dependent.

Family/Surname (as on passport) Given Name (as on passport) Middle Name

Date of Birth:
Month Day Year Gender: □Male □ Female
City of Birth: Country of Birth:

Country of Citizenship: Country of Legal Permanent Residence:

Relation to Student:


Family/Surname (as on passport) Given Name (as on passport) Middle Name

Date of Birth:
Month Day Year Gender: □Male □ Female
City of Birth: Country of Birth:

Country of Citizenship: Country of Legal Permanent Residence:

Relation to Student:

Family/Surname (as on passport)
Given Name (as on passport) Middle Name
Date of Birth:
Month Day Year Gender: □Male □ Female
City of Birth: Country of Birth:

Country of Citizenship: Country of Legal Permanent Residence:

Relation to Student:

[Insert Today’s Date]

RE: Invitation to Be a J-1 Research Scholar at VCU

Scholar’s Name
Scholar’s Address

Dear [name of visitor]:

I am pleased to invite you to Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) as a J-1 Research Scholar
from [start date] to [end date] at [name of VCU school or department]. I will serve as your faculty host
and supervisor for the duration of your visit to VCU.

J-1 Research Scholar’s Goals and Agenda

As a Research Scholar at VCU, you will [describe the visitor’s anticipated research goals and
agenda in some detail].

Support for Your Visit

I understand that financial and other support for your visit to VCU is being provided as follows:
[list the financial support as it appears on the questionnaire, also list other non-financial “in kind”
support, e.g., airfare, lodging, meals, medical insurance, etc., if any]

Patient Contact

NOTE: If the visitor will be hosted by a medical, nursing, or other clinical department, please include this
paragraph. Otherwise, please delete this paragraph. “US law does not permit you to undertake any
form of patient care while you are at VCU. You may not manage patients or have physical contact with
patients either with- or without supervision by a VCU physician, nurse, or other licensed healthcare
provider. Any activity you undertake in a medical, nursing, or other clinical setting must be research
and observation only.”


On behalf of VCU, we hope that your visit here will be professionally and personally productive,
pleasant, and rewarding. If you have any questions about your visit to VCU, please contact me directly.
I look forward to welcoming you to VCU in person.



[Insert Today’s Date]

RE: [Intended J-1 Visitor’s Full Name]

To Whom It May Concern:

On behalf of VCU, I have determined that the intended J-1 visitor referred to above:

[] Speaks sufficient English to engage in her intended academic activity at VCU and
to go about her daily life in the US. I have made this determination by (choose all that

[] In-person conversation between the intended J-1 visitor and me

[] Telephone conversation between the intended J-1 visitor and me
[] Videoconference between the intended J-1 visitor and me

[] The intended J-1 visitor’s primary purpose for coming to VCU is to engage in
formal English language study.

Sign Your Name: _______________________________________

Print Your Name: _______________________________________

Sample Letter A for Physicians and Dentists

The following must be printed on departmental letterhead and be signed by the faculty sponsor/department chair.
The dean of the respective school should also sign.

[Insert Date Here]

RE: [Intended J-1 Visitor’s Full Name]

To Whom It May Concern:

This certifies that the program in which the intended J-1 scholar named above is to be engaged
in is solely for the purpose of observation, consultation, teaching or research and that no
element of patient care is involved.

Approved: ____________________________

Professor/ Chair
Department of ____________________________

Approved: ____________________________

School of ____________________________

Sample Letter B for Physicians and Dentists

The following must be printed on departmental letterhead and be signed by the faculty sponsor/department chair.
The dean of the respective school should also sign.

[Insert Date Here]

RE: [Intended J-1 Visitor’s Full Name]

To Whom It May Concern:

This certifies the following:

• The program in which the intended J-1 scholar named above will participate in
predominantly involves observation, consultation, teaching and/or research.

• Any incidental patient contact involving the above named physician/dentist will be
under direct supervision of a physician/dentist who is a U.S. citizen or resident alien and
who is licensed to practice medicine in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

• The above named physician/dentist will NOT be given the final responsibility for the
diagnosis and treatment of patients.

• Any activities of the above named physician/dentist will conform fully with the
Commonwealth of Virginia’s state licensing requirements and regulations for medical
and health care professions.

• Any experience gained in this program will not be creditable toward any clinical
requirements for medical/dental specialty board certification.

Approved: ____________________________

Professor/ Chair
Department of ____________________________

Approved: ____________________________

School of ____________________________

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