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HSE Aviation-Helideck-Operations-Inspection-Guide

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Aviation (Helideck Operations)

Inspection Guide
Open Government Status: Fully Open
Publication Date: 11 May 2020
Review Date: May 2023

Review History
Date Changes Approved
11 May 2020 First approved issue Howard Harte

Target Audience: ED Inspectors

• Summary
• Introduction
• Action
• Background
• Organisation
Recording & Reporting

• Further References
• Appendices
Appendix 1: Safe management of helideck operations
Appendix 2: Helideck team competence
Appendix 3: Helideck certification
Appendix 4: Personal Protective Equipment/ Emergency PPE and life-saving
Appendix 5: Access/Egress routes and Muster
Appendix 6: Controlled use of airspace – DRONE inspections
Appendix 7: Wave off lights and ER plans
Appendix 8: Application of EMM and duty holder performance assessment
Appendix 9: Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations and Definitions

HSE regulates the provision of suitable arrangements for a safe operating environment for
helicopters on or in the vicinity of installations, including the delivery of arrangements for dealing
with emergencies, in order to comply with current aviation standards. Regulating for this
includes the acceptance of duty holders’ safety cases, which shows that these have been met.

While most areas of aviation safety are regulated by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), in
general terms the CAA regulate personnel in the aircraft and where it lands; while HSE
regulates the safety of the people working on the helideck and installation to support the aircraft
operations. This is discussed in detail later in the guidance.

This guide outlines an approach to inspection of duty holder’s arrangements for aviation safety
and the current key areas that inspectors should consider when inspecting this topic offshore. It
also sets out criteria for satisfactory and unsatisfactory performance against which the duty holder
performance may be rated for each of these areas. References are made to technical standards
and guidance that inspectors will use to form opinion for legal compliance.

NOTE - This guide does not address marine or other emergency response operations,
which also form part of the remit of ED3.3. These topics are subject of a separate
Inspection Guide. It should be used alongside the ED Inspection Guide Offshore:
Inspection of Emergency Response (ER).


The aim of this inspection guide (IG) is to provide information and guidance to offshore inspectors
to support the delivery of consistent and effective safety and environmental critical element
(SECE) management and assurance. It does this by highlighting key areas to be covered during
inspections, providing a framework for inspectors to judge compliance, assign performance
ratings, and decide what enforcement action to take should they find legislative breaches. In doing
so, it complements HSE’s Enforcement Policy Statement (EPS) and Enforcement Management
Model (EMM).

This guide outlines HSE’s ER: Aviation topic intervention practices undertaken during onshore
and offshore inspection. The topic breaks down into eight core inspection areas as follows:

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1. Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and Emergency Response (PFEER)
2. Safe management of helideck operations.
3. Emergency Response Plan
4. Personal Protective Equipment/Life Saving Appliances (PPE/LSA)
5. Helideck team competence
6. Helideck certification
7. Helideck Access/Egress Routes and Muster
8. Controlled use of airspace – DRONE inspections

This guidance is designed to promote a consistent approach to the inspection of the ER: Aviation
topic. An overview of each of the core areas is provided in Appendices. The effectiveness of each
of the above systems is key to securing effective aviation safety, to minimise and mitigate the
impact of major accident events.


Inspection of this topic should include not only the ten core areas themselves but also an overview
of the whole ER: Aviation Safety to ensure a consistent and complete assessment of control
measures. Inspection of some core areas will require input from the ER topic specialism where
there are technical issues beyond the competence of the inspection management team (IMT)

There should be in place suitable Performance Standards, Verification Schemes and, where
necessary, Written Schemes of Examination for the systems and equipment that falls within the
scope of the ER: Aviation Safety topic.

Success criteria for each core inspection area are contained in the Appendices to this guide. In
some instances, certain success criteria will not be applicable, and inspectors should make a
judgement regarding which are relevant in each case. If success criteria are not met, inspectors
should assess how serious the consequences of failure to comply could be. This will inform their
decision making in terms of the performance ratings that they assign and the enforcement action
they take.

When carrying out inspections covered by this guidance inspectors should

• check the key issues against their success criteria in Appendices 1 to 7

• use the generic performance descriptors in Appendix 8 to determine the appropriate
performance rating and the initial enforcement expectation to use alongside the EMM if

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• consider how and when the issues raised during an inspection are to be closed out and
recorded using the COIN Case issues tab

Where occupational health, safety and welfare concerns are encountered during an inspection,
deal with such issues as a matter of routine and apply existing standards to determine what
action to take in each case according to HSE's EPS and EMM.


Due to the uniqueness of the offshore environment where access to the landing areas are
severely restricted, a system has been put in place to ensure that helicopter landing areas are
safe as are the teams working on them and personnel transiting them, this is achieved by a safe
command and control safe system of work from the installation.

The Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fire, Explosion and Emergency Response)

Regulations 1995 (PFEER)1 specify the goals for preventative and protective measures to
manage fire and explosion, and for securing emergency response. They place the responsibility
to put measures in place to achieve these goals on one person – the duty holder.

• Regulation 4 places a general duty on a duty holder to take appropriate measures with a
view to protecting persons on the installation from fire and explosion; and to securing
effective emergency response.
• Regulation 5 requires an assessment to be undertaken to identify major accident
hazards, to evaluate related risks and to identify measures necessary to protect people
and provide means of evacuation, escape and rescue.
• Regulation 6 requires the duty holder to anticipate and be prepared for emergencies. ER
preparations should include arrangements for:
o Provision of sufficient competent personnel to be in attendance at the helicopter
landing area during helicopter movements.
o Provision of adequate training and instruction to all personnel in appropriate
actions to take in an emergency.
• Regulation 7 requires the duty holder to ensure that the correct equipment adequate to
deal with a range of reasonably foreseeable accident scenarios is provided for helicopter
emergencies. Any equipment that may be required in the event of an accident involving a
helicopter should be readily identifiable and protected from the elements. It should be
located so that it is readily accessible for rapid deployment on the helideck.
• Regulation 8 requires the duty holder to formulate a plan which documents the
organisation and arrangements for dealing with an emergency on the installation.

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• Regulation 12 requires the duty holder to take appropriate measures to be able to limit
the impact of an emergency.
• Regulation 17 requires the duty holder to ensure that effective means for the recovery
and rescue of people on or near the installation are in place, that these measures offer a
good prospect of recovery, and that ensure persons recovered / rescued are taken to a
place of safety.
• Regulation 18 requires the duty holder to provide appropriate Personal Protective
Equipment (PPE) and Life Saving Appliances (LSA) for use in the event of an emergency.

The other legislation that directly relate to offshore aviation is the Offshore Installations and
Pipeline Works (Management and Administration) Regulations 1995 (MAR). The regulations
define certain areas that must be followed regarding helideck operations.

• Regulation 4 covers the requirements of appointing a HLO on a normally unattended

installation (NUI).
• Regulation 7 ensures that equipment necessary for use in the event of an accident
involving a helicopter is kept readily identifiable and protected from the elements, near to
the helicopter landing area. The equipment should be adequate to deal with a range of
reasonably foreseeable accident scenarios and be located so that it is readily accessible
for rapid deployment on the helideck, to enable the timely and effective rescue of persons
involved in an accident.
• Regulation 8 allows the OIM to discharge part of their duty to the HLO as so far as is
necessary to enable them to perform their function. By doing this it ensures that all
personnel on the installation must co-operate with the HLO to assist them to complete
their duty safely. But it does not allow for the OIM to evade their responsibilities.
• Regulation 11 The duty holder must ensure that comprehensible written instructions are
provided and procedures are observed on helideck operations. This must be brought to
the attention of every person who is to do anything to which that part relates.
• Regulation 12 When carrying out helicopter operations on a NUI, the duty holder must
ensure that there are effective communications in place between the offshore installation
and the shore, vessels, aircraft and other installations in the area that could provide the
helicopter pilot with the operational conditions (eg wind speed and direction) on the
installation involved, to assist them with the landing or take-off.
• Regulation 13 The duty holder must appoint a competent person to be in control of
helideck operations on the installation (HLO). The HLO must remain in control of the
helideck throughout all helideck operations and ensure that all the procedures are
followed, areas secure, to ensure that all take-off and landing are as safe as possible, so
far as is reasonably practicable.

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• Regulation 14 The duty holder should collect and record meteorological and
oceanographic information that relates to the motion of the offshore installation. This is to
secure the safe helicopter operations on and near the installation.

Role of the CAA

Under the Civil Aviation Act 20123, the CAA is responsible for the operation of the Air Navigation
Order (ANO)4.

Under the ANO, the CAA regulates helicopter transport for the offshore industry within the UK
Continental Shelf (UKCS) and ensures that the helicopter operators meet certain standards to
be able to operate.

The airworthiness of the aircraft is governed by the issue of an Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC).
For an AOC to be issued the helicopter and its operator must meet the required technical and
operational standards. They must also produce detailed operational procedures in the
company’s Operations Manual, demonstrating compliance with the ANO being published. All
helicopter operators must hold an AOC to be able to transport members of the public.

Under the ANO, the CAA places a duty on helicopter operators to permit flights only to suitable
landing areas and to satisfy themselves that a safe operating environment is in place.

The landing area offshore is known as the helideck, which must be ‘fit for purpose’ – i.e.
adequately staffed and equipped for each take-off and landing to ensure, so far as reasonably
practicable, the safety of the aircraft and its passengers.

The equipment requirements are outlined in CAP4375, which is the primary standard recognized
by HSE. Secondary management and operation guidelines are provided in the OGUK
Guidelines for the management of aviation operations6.

CAP 722 Unmanned aircraft System Operations in UK Airspace – guidance and policy7.

Role of the HCA

As previously mentioned, the ANO places the duty on the helicopter operators ‘to ensure that
the areas they are landing on are suitable’. Due to the remote location of the installation
helidecks they are operating to, they discharge their duty of care through an inspection
programme undertaken on their behalf by the Helideck Certification Agency (HCA)8.

The HCA bi-annually inspects / verifies helidecks and their related facilities against CAP 437
and certifies when these requirements are met. The HCA may also place limitations (sometimes
known as operational constraints) on the helideck, such as a restriction on landing weights and
take-off directions due to an obstacle on the installation, like a crane.

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Role of HSE

HSE ER inspections should ensure that duty holders are complying with all relevant health and
safety legislation on and around the helideck. Within the regulations there are additional
requirements to ensure that there are suitable arrangements and a safe operating environment
for helicopters when on the installation and within the 500-metre zone.

Due to the close regulatory boundaries in this area with the CAA, a Memorandum of
Understanding (MoU) has been drawn up between the two regulators9. The MoU shows that the
CAA will be responsible for setting the functional specification for offshore helidecks. HSE will
ensure that these are delivered by the installation's structure and systems, and during aviation
operations, to influence the safe management of helideck operations.

The areas that HSE inspect include items such as

• the arrangements to deal with an aviation emergency
• the safety of personnel on the helideck
• the helideck and its operations comply with current aviation standards laid down by the
CAA, this includes the acceptance of duty holders’ safety cases, which shows that these
have been met.

In principle, the CAA regulates people in the aircraft and where it lands and HSE regulates the
safety of the people working on the helideck to support the aircraft operations. Further advice
can be found in the HSE guide ‘How offshore helicopter travel is regulated’10.

Within MAR there are a number of regulations that ensure that installations provide certain
provisions, data recording and personnel to support aviation operations.

The CAA regulations are held in Civil Aviation Publications (CAPs) the main one that details the
requirements of offshore helidecks is CAP 437, Standards for offshore helicopter landing areas.


Inspections should be carried out in conjunction with planned emergency response inspections.
Although inspections may be carried out at any installation it is particularly important to carry this
out where there are known issues that may affect ER: Aviation Safety, such as installations where
there is a low persons on board (POB) count. It is essential to ensure that duty holders are robust
in their assessment of the implications of these factors and that suitable mitigations are in place
and that cumulative risk factors have been considered.

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Inspectors should undertake ER: Aviation inspections as part of the agreed ED offshore
intervention plan, when intelligence indicates intervention is necessary, or when investigation due
to incident is required.

ED3.3 (emergency response specialism) has overall ownership of this guide and takes the topic
lead on inspecting ER: Aviation. Resource for the undertaking of ER interventions will come from
ED3.3 discipline specialist inspectors supported by IMT inspectors as appropriate.

Recording & Reporting

The duty holder performance ratings should be entered on the Inspection Rating Form (IRF) tab
of the relevant installation Intervention Plan Service Order. Findings should be recorded in the
normal post inspection report and letter.


1. Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fires, Explosions and Emergency Response

Regulations 1995 & ACoP L65
2. Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (Management and Administration)
Regulations 1995
3. Civil Aviation Act 2012
4. The Air Navigation Order 2016
5. CAP 437 Standards for offshore helideck landings
6. Oil & Gas UK Guidelines for the management of aviation operations
7. CAP 722 Unmanned Aircraft Operating Systems in UK Airspace Guidance and Policy
8. Helideck Certification Agency
9. CAA/HSE/HSENI Memorandum of Understanding guidance CAP 1484
10. How offshore helicopter travel is regulated
11. Down wash video
12. OPITO competency frame work
13. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
14. Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
15. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002
16. CSN EN 469 Protective Clothing for Firefighting – Performance requirements for
protective clothing for firefighting
17. Health and Safety At Work etc. Act 1974
18. Offshore Installations (Offshore Safety Directive) (Safety Case etc.) Regulations 2015 &
Guidance L154

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Appendix 1: Safe management of helideck operations

Appendix 2: Helideck team competence
Appendix 3: Helideck certification
Appendix 4: Personal Protective Equipment/ Emergency PPE and life-saving appliances
Appendix 5: Access/Egress routes and Muster
Appendix 6: Controlled use of airspace – DRONE inspections
Appendix 7: Wave off lights and ER plans
Appendix 8: Application of EMM and duty holder performance assessment
Appendix 9: Glossary of Terms, Abbreviations and Definitions

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1. Fundamental Requirement

The installation is responsible for ensuring the safety of aircraft operating within the 500-metre
zone. Procedures should be established, and plant provided, as will secure, so far as is
reasonably practicable, that helideck operations, including the landing and take-off of
helicopters, refuelling, are without risks to health and safety. To oversee this a competent
person is to be appointed as the Helicopter Landing Officer (HLO), who will be responsible for
the day-to-day management of the offshore installation helideck, in control of the associated
helideck operations, and the helideck crew.

2. Success Criteria

To ensure that this is provided, the helideck and surrounding area must be checked prior to any
helicopter operations, and any debris that could potentially be caught in the down wash of the
aircraft, and cause damage to personnel, the aircraft or equipment, is removed. Any loose items
such as trollies11 must be secured. This duty is normally undertaken by the helideck crew
overseen by the HLO. Everyone on or about the installation must co-operate with the HLO to
enable them to perform their functions.

There will be restrictions on what equipment can be in use during helideck operations. The
EERV must be close to the installation to ensure that a rapid response can be made to rescue
personnel should a helicopter ditch into the water, or anyone falls from the helideck. Each
installation will have its own practices to follow. They may also have other items that could affect
helicopter operational safety.

There must be an Emergency Response Plan in the event of a helideck crash, and regular
emergency response training carried out by the helideck team and the installations Emergency
Response Team.

Please obtain Specialist assistance from the ERMA team if you find any abnormalities or
have any questions.

Key Regulations

The Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (Management and Administration) Regulations
1995 Regulations 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13 & 14

The Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and Emergency Response)
Regulations 1995 Regulations 6, 7 & 8.

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Supporting Standards / ACoP or Guidance

The Offshore Installations (Management and Administration) Regulations 1995 Guidance on

Regulations L70

The Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and Emergency Response)
Regulations 1995 & ACOP L65 gives further guidance.

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1. Fundamental Requirement

The helideck team should be formed in line with CAP 437 and MAR requirements. There should
be enough members in the team to meet the emergency response plan and cover all heli-
operation related duties safely. All members of the helideck team should also hold the correct in
date qualifications as laid down in the OPITO framework. Competency training requirements
should be followed post initial course.

2. Success Criteria

There are three levels of helideck training. The Helideck Landing Officer, Helideck Emergency
Response Team Member (HERTM), and Helideck Initial Operational Training (HOIT), see
OPITO website12 for further information.

The HLO is the helideck supervisor. There must be a competent, qualified HLO (wearing the
appropriate PPE for helideck operations; please see appendix 4), supervising the helideck
throughout all heli-operations.

The HLO is responsible for the day-to-day management of the offshore installation helideck, in
control of the associated helideck operations, and the helideck crew. Everyone on or about the
installation must co-operate with the HLO to enable them to perform their functions. An HLO
should accompany any flight to an offshore installation where no one is on board to carry out
the HLO’s functions on the installation immediately after the helicopter has landed and up to the
point when it takes off.

There should be enough qualified, competent HLOs to cover shift rotations to ensure that the
deck is correctly supervised at all times during heli-operations.

The HERTM are trained to act in an emergency. The helideck assistant (HDA) completes the
HOIT which covers their responsibilities and actions they should take in the run up to a
helicopter landing, and during its time on deck. Please note that the HDA’s are not trained to
cover ER roles and should not be accounted for as part of the helideck ER team.

The team should carry out regular, realistic training drills and exercises, specific to helicopter
emergencies to help maintain competency.

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The HLO or a nominated person should also be trained in aviation radio operations and
meteorological observations in line with CAA CAP 437 requirements.

Please obtain specialist assistance from the ERMA team if you find any abnormalities or
have any questions.

3. Key Regulations

The Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (Management and Administration) Regulations
1995 Regulations 4 & 13.

The Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and Emergency Response)
Regulations 1995 Regulation 6.

4. Supporting Standards / ACoP or Guidance

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 199913

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1. Fundamental Requirement

To be able to land commercial helicopters on the helideck it needs to be certified. Please note
Search and Rescue helicopters (SAR) work under different CAA regulations and do not need
this certificate to land.

2. Success Criteria

The checks to obtain a certificate are carried out by the HCA and a certificate normally lasts for
two years, but temporary anomalies or restrictions can be put in place by either the HCA or

Under Regulation 7 of the Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and
Emergency Response) Regulations 1995, the duty holder is responsible for ensuring that the
helideck meets every day flying operation standards and has the appropriate ER equipment.
The standards that the ER equipment must meet is laid down in CAP 437 and checked for the
helicopter operators by the HCA. Duty holders should ensure that they meet the current CAP
437 requirements.

The certificate will note down any restrictions that are placed on the helideck, for example no
night flying if the required lighting for night-time operations is not fitted or serviceable. Certain
flying vectors that must be avoided due to obstructions and the certificate will also state the
largest helicopter sizes which the helideck is designed to support.

Please obtain specialist assistance from the ERMA team if you find any abnormalities or
have any questions.

3. Key Regulations

The Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and Emergency Response)
Regulations 1995 Regulation 7.

4. Supporting Standards / ACoP or Guidance

The Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (Management and Administration) Regulations
1995 Regulation 13.

OGUK Guidelines for the Management of Aviation Operations

CAP 437

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1. Fundamental Requirement

The helideck should have the equipment as specified in CAP 437 to deal with a range of
reasonably foreseeable accident scenarios and helicopter emergencies. Any equipment that
may be required in the event of an accident involving a helicopter should be readily identifiable
and available.

2. Success Criteria

The required helideck firefighting equipment is detailed in CAP 437 and checked by the HCA
every two years. Inspection should ensure that the helideck team are competent with how the
equipment works. If the equipment is in good order and that regular maintenance is being
carried out on it.

It should be noted that if a helideck friction net or H Deck Lighting net is used then the helideck
Deck Integrated Firefighting system (DIFF) cannot be relied upon as a method of firefighting as
the netting interferes with the flow of the fire suppressant.

All members of the helideck team working on the helideck, or as members of the helideck
emergency response team, should be wearing the appropriate PPE for their role. If they are a
member of the helideck ER team their PPE must conform to CSN EN 469 (European
performance requirements for protective clothing for firefighting). They should wear the
appropriate hearing protection for the environment they are operating in, gloves and protective
eyewear appropriate for the specific tasks they are carrying out, such as refuelling.

They should have a place to dry their kit to ensure its effectiveness is maintained, for example it
retains its insulating capabilities if used in damp or cold environments. It should be in an efficient
state, in efficient working order, in good repair and compatible for the specific role they are
carrying out.

Please obtain specialist assistance from the ERMA team if you find any abnormalities or
have any questions.

3. Key Regulations

The Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and Emergency Response)
Regulations 1995 Regulations 7, 17 & 18.

4. Supporting Standards / ACoP or Guidance

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The Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (Management and Administration) Regulations
1995 Regulation 8.

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Regulation 7

The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 Regulation 8 (and guidance
document L25)14

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 200215

CSN EN 469 - European performance requirements for protective clothing for firefighting16

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1. Fundamental Requirement

The helideck team must stand in a safe area, out of the direct line of the helideck when
helicopters are coming into land or taking off. The risk of an aircraft accident occurring during
these times is very high and the inertia of such an impact can result in debris spreading rapidly,
over large areas. The Helideck team is there to rescue personnel trapped in the helicopter, or to
fight a fire and to be able to do this they need to be injury free.

2. Success Criteria

The helideck team should have a clear escape route from the helideck. They should be provided
with a place of safety during heli-operations, from which they can safely access their ER
equipment, i.e. BA equipment, without being exposed to any danger and also be able to
approach the helideck unhindered.

Personnel transiting the helideck, using the helicopter as a form of work transport should be
able to safely get to a sheltered area away from helicopter operations and during an emergency.

Please obtain specialist assistance from the ERMA team if you find any abnormalities or
have any questions.

3. Key Regulations

Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 Section 2(2) (c) & (d)17

Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and Emergency Response)

Regulations 1995 Regulation 6

4. Supporting Standards / ACoP or Guidance

OGUK Guidelines for the Management of Aviation Operations

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1. Fundamental Requirement

The use of drones / unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to complete inspections is quickly
expanding. The areas they may be operated in may be high explosion protected (Ex) hazardous

2. Success Criteria

The use of drones can greatly reduce the risk to personnel working at height, or carrying out
over the side work, but can increase the risks in other areas.

The remote pilot operating the unmanned aircraft must operate under an appropriate
permission, exemption or authorisation issued by the CAA. A scope of work to be conducted
must be drawn up prior to any work commencing.

The use of drones offshore can increase the risk of an incident, some examples of this are

• the equipment may not be Ex rated

• it may have a homing unit on it, meaning it will automatically take the shortest most direct
route back to its ‘home’ location with no input from the pilot
• it may require several lithium batteries and a charging pack
• drone operations may be carried out within close proximity to the helideck
• there could potentially be an unknown number of helicopters flying in the vicinity of the

Risk assessments and work scopes must cover all the potential hazards on and around the
installation. It should also include those that will originate from the specific equipment being
used and its location.

Please talk to the specialists on the ERMA team for more information on this topic.

3. Key Regulations

Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 Sections 2(1) and 3(1)

4. Supporting Standards / ACoP or Guidance

CAP 437

CAP 722

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1. Fundamental Requirement

The installation and helideck should be safe for a helicopter to approach. There should be
established procedures and equipment provided to secure, so far as is reasonably practicable,
helideck operations, including the landing and take-off of helicopters, without risks to health and
safety. All offshore installations must meet CAP 437 requirements.

2. Success Criteria

The installation should have wave -off / status lights fitted in line with CAP 437. The lights
should be integrated into the ER alarm system and gas detection system as well as being
capable of manual activation by the HLO. The lights are to visibly warn pilots when the helideck
is not safe to land on. This may be at pre-determined gas levels or during certain states of

The ER plan should incorporate the safety of approaching helicopters to ensure that they are
not put in any imminent danger.

The gas detection system should be regularly tested to ensure that it operates at the expected
levels and that the lights operate in line with the ER plan.

Please obtain specialist assistance from the ERMA team if you find any abnormalities or
have any questions.

3. Key Regulations

The Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (Management and Administration) Regulations
1995 Regulation 13

The Offshore Installations (Prevention of Fire and Explosion, and Emergency Response
Regulations 1995 Regulation 8

The Offshore Installations (Offshore Safety Directive) (Safety Case etc.) Regulations 2015
Regulations 2, 9, 10, 13 and 1618

4. Supporting Standards / ACoP or Guidance

CAP 437

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When inspecting the ER topic each of the sub topic areas (Appendices 1-7) duty holder
compliance is to be assessed against the relevant success criteria.

These criteria have been determined from specific regulatory requirements, defined
standards, established standards or interpretative standards.

This assessment will determine the: EMM Risk Gap, the associated topic performance
score together with the Initial Enforcement Expectation as shown in the table below.

Note: actual enforcement may differ depending on local factors.


Extreme Substantial Moderate Nominal None None


60 50 40 30 20 10
Unacceptable Very Poor Poor Broadly Fully Exemplary
Compliant Compliant

EMM Initial Enforcement Expectation

Prosecution / Enforcement Enforcement Letter/Verbal None None

Enforcement notice / Letter notice / warning
Notice Letter

Further guidance can be found at:

It should be noted that:

• the inspection guide and hence the allocated scores may not cover all the matters
that were considered during the intervention.

• the intervention may not necessarily have used every part of the inspection guide
– consequently the score only reflects what was inspected.

• the allocated performance score only reflects regulatory judgements about a duty
holder’s degree of compliance at a particular point in time.

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• HSE uses the performances scores as one among many inputs to target, prioritise
and plan regulatory interventions.

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ACoP Approved Code of Practice

ALARP As low as Reasonably Practicable
ANO Air Navigation Order
BA Breathing Apparatus
CAA Civil Aviation Authority (UK)
CAP Civil Aviation Publication
DIFFs Deck Integrated Firefighting System
DH Duty Holder
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
ED Energy Division
EMM Enforcement Management Model
EPS Enforcement Policy Statement
ERMA Emergency Response, Marine and Aviation
Ex Explosion Protected
HCA Helideck Certification Agency
HDA Helideck Assistant
HERTM Helideck Emergency Response Team Member
HLL Helideck Limitations List
HLO Helideck landing Officer
HOIT Helicopter Initial Operation Training
IMT Inspection Management Team
Km Kilometre
MAH Major Accident Hazard
MAR Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (Management and
Administration) Regulations 1995
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
NUI Normally Unattended Installation
OGUK Oil & Gas UK
OIM Offshore Installation Manager
SAR Search and Rescue
SECE Safety and Environmental Critical Element
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

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