3 Formation and Structure of Polyesters and Alkyd Resins: 3.1 Reactions That Produce Polyesters
3 Formation and Structure of Polyesters and Alkyd Resins: 3.1 Reactions That Produce Polyesters
3 Formation and Structure of Polyesters and Alkyd Resins: 3.1 Reactions That Produce Polyesters
Figure 3.1: Conventional model of the mechanisms behind esterification and saponification
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
form an intermediate (see Figure 3.1). The steric effect of this intermediate structure with
its three oxygen atoms causes the adduct to decompose either into the starting substances
or into the ester and water. The ratio of reactants to products in the equilibrated reaction
mixture depends in part on the “R” groups of the reactants. Other factors are the concen-
trations of reactants and the temperature. The chemical equilibrium stems from the fact
that the ester on the product side can polarise itself to the extent that it can revert back to
the intermediate by reacting with the water. This reaction is defined as saponification.
Evidence for this has been provided by radioactively doping the oxygen atoms in the alco-
hol, which are subsequently found only in the ester molecule. When a carboxyl group
oxygen is radioactively doped, it is found in both the ester and the water molecules, be-
cause the two OH groups of the “ortho structure” of the adduct are wholly equivalent [19].
The Figure 3.2 shows the overall equilibrium equation for esterification and saponifi-
The reaction rates for esterification (vforward) and saponification (vback) at equilibrium
(vback = vforward) are governed by the law of mass action [20].
Equation 3.1
In other words, for quantitative ester preparation, the equilibrium must be shifted to the
product side. This is usually accomplished by removing the water of reaction through
distillation. The standard production processes for polyesters are based on this approach.
From the point of view of the distillation process, this is an example of “residue recovery”.
R2 C OH + HO R1 R2 C O R1 + H OH
carboxylic acid alcohol ester water
Reactions that produce polyesters Transesterification
As the saponification reaction shows, the ester group can be polarised by water. But it can
also be polarised by alcohols. Thus, ester groups can react with mobile hydrogen atoms
from alcohols to form an intermediate structure. This intermediate structure can decom-
pose into its reactants, but it can also decompose into the ester formed with alcohol 2 and
into the free alcohol of ester 1 (see Figure 3.3 and overall equation in Figure 3.4).
The chemical equilibrium involved in transesterification is also subject to the law of
mass action.
Equation 3.2
Here, again, the equilibrium state is
influenced by the “R”-groups in the –
carboxylic acid as well as the alco-
hol. Naturally, it is also influenced C C + ester 1
R O R1 R O R1
by the concentration of reactants
and by the temperature.
If the goal is to prepare one of –
H O R2 H O R2 alcohol 2
the esters in high yield, the reaction +
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
(partial glycerol esters). These serve as intermediates for a second step in which dicarbo-
xylic acids or anhydrides (e.g. phthalic anhydride) are added to continue the polyconden-
sation and form the final alkyd resin.
Although transesterification in an industrially accepted production process has been
described in publications, it is usually ignored when it comes to theoretical descriptions
regarding the preparation of polyester molecules. The methods for determining molecular
weights and molecular weight distributions or defining gel points assume that only esteri-
fication reactions occur during the preparation of polyesters. However, transesterification
happens throughout the production process and is not restricted to the primary products.
Transesterification mainly affects the molecular weight distribution.
Reactions that produce polyesters
succinic anhydride, maleic anhydride) are used in industrial processes than their corre-
sponding diacids. Owing to the molecular stress in the anhydride ring and the exposed
position of the nucleophilic oxygen atom, anhydrides readily react with electrophilic active
hydrogen atoms, such as those of alcohols. The addition reaction yields an ester group and
a free carboxyl group (see Figure 3.7). The latter is then able to form a further ester group.
The reaction rate for the formation of the second ester group – especially in the case of
aromatic polycarboxylic acids – is lower than that for isolated carboxyl groups due to
steric hindrance. Higher temperatures can also cause reversion to the anhydride. This
mainly happens in the case of aromatic 1,2-carboxyl groups (e.g. phthalic, trimellitic, and
pyromellitic esters).
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
_ _
O Na+ + Cl C Cl O C O + Na+ Cl
sodium phenolate phosgene arylcarbonate sodium chloride
Figure 3.9:3.9:
Figure Preparation ofaryl
Preparation of aryl carbonates
O + H R
-caprolactone alcohol ester
diol dicarboxylic acid – H 2O monoester
HO R1 O C R2 C OH + HO R1 OH
– H 2O
monoester diol
HO R1 O C R2 C O R1 OH
HO C R2 C O R1 OH + HO C R2 C OH
– H 2O
monoester dicarboxylic acid
HO C R2 C O R1 O C R2 C OH
HO R1 O C R2 C OH + HO R1 O C R2 C OH
monoester – H 2O
HO R1 O C R2 C O R1 O C R2 C OH
Reactions that produce polyesters
there is a very high yield of carbonates, which are otherwise difficult to prepare. The car-
bonates formed (see Figure 3.9) are surprisingly stable.
Cyclic esters (lactones) can, to an extent depending on the number of atoms in the ring,
undergo ring-opening reactions with carboxylic acids or alcohols to form chain esters. While
the chemical equilibrium of cyclic esters of lactic acid, γ-butyrolactone, and δ-valerolactone is
on the side of the cyclic ester (five- and six-membered rings), the equilibrium of ε-caprolactone
(seven-membered ring) favours the
formation of polyester chains (see Fi-
gure 3.10). O O
n HO R1 OH + n HO C R2 C OH
dicarboxylic acid
3.1.2 Structure of diol
– n H2O
polyesters O O
n HO R1 O C R2 C OH Formation of monoester
linear polyesters
– (n–1) H2O
The formation of polyester resins re-
quires the presence of polyfunctional O O O O
building blocks, i.e. with at least two HO R1 O C R2 C O R1 O C R2 C OH
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
formed, all of which are terminated with both types of functional groups (see Figure 3.12).
There is the further possibility that there will be a mixture of molecules bearing two ter-
minal OH groups and molecules bearing two carboxyl groups.
In the past, a simplified way of representing such structures was found and this is
now encountered in the literature as well. Polycarboxylic acids are symbolised by rings
and lines, because most polycarboxylic acids in polyesters intended for coatings are
aromatic compounds. By contrast, the usually aliphatic polyols are represented simply
by lines. The number of line ends represents the functionality of the building blocks. The
simplified representation for the formation of linear polyester molecules is shown in
Figure 3.13.
Reactions that produce polyesters
ters are the first to form and that branched polyesters form only at the end of the reaction,
if at all. Of course, the primary OH groups of glycerol will react faster than the secondary
ones and, what is more, there are two of them. However, as soon as some of the primary
OH groups have formed esters, the concentration of secondary OH groups grow and will
be available for reactions that yield branched polyesters.
The use of building blocks of different functionalities (two and more) increases the
potential number of structural isomers of polyester molecules.
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
molecules are also formed when large branched molecules become joined together by
multiple reactions among small molecules. The crosslinked networks can contain smaller
molecules within them. When crosslinked polyester molecules are forming, the viscosity
of the reaction melt suddenly changes. The melt reverts to a gel of very high viscosity and
a marked yield point. Crosslinked polyesters cannot be melted and are not soluble in any
solvents although they might be swellable. Thus, they cannot be transformed into a usable
Since work on the development of polyesters focused initially on producing the high
est-possible molecular weights, a great deal of time was spent on elucidating the conditions
for crosslinking (gelation), with numerous experiments aimed at predicting the degree of
condensation which would induce gelling (gel point).
Determination of and limitations on the size of polyester molecules
Equation 3.3
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
Equation 3.4
Equation 3.5
The attempts to achieve the highest-possible molecular weights led to the study of poly-
esters containing building blocks which have more than two functional groups. The most
commonly observed effect then was gelation or the formation of infinitely large molecules,
Figure 3.16: Number of structural units of linear polyesters as a function of molar excess of diols
Determination of and limitations on the size of polyester molecules
i.e. molecules which grow until they occupy the full volume of the reaction mixture. Such
molecules are crosslinked. Consequently, many tests were then focused on establishing the
degree of condensation at which gels form, i.e. the gel point.
Equation 3.6
Equation 3.7
This Carothers equation means that, at the gel point (p=pc=1), the number-average mole-
cular weight of polyesters tends towards infinity.
Equation 3.8
By contrast, Flory [32 and as described in 27, 28, 30, 31, and 36] found that gelation takes place at much
lower degrees of condensation than is assumed in the Carothers equation. He proposed
that, at the gel point, the weight-average molecular weight tends towards infinity. In other
words, only some of the polyester molecules strive to occupy the full reaction volume, with
a great many molecules remaining smaller. He defined a statistical term (α) to describe the
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
probability of two polyester molecules reacting together to form bridges. At the gel point,
this term becomes critical (αc).
The term (αc) is that value at which there is a better-than-even chance of more than one
bridge being built between two chains of polyester molecules, leading to a fractional quan-
tity of infinite network molecules (see next equation):
Equation 3.9
Later authors tried to quantify the value of Flory’s critical degree of condensation (αc) by
introducing further statistical terms and others ran trial series to study the influence exert
ed by building block functionality.
Thus, Stockmayer [34] developed an extension of the Flory equation by adding the
statistical effect of building block functionality, as shown in the following equation:
Equation 3.10
Jonason [33] included the modification of polyesters with monocarboxylic acids (alkyd resins)
and obtained comparable results. His critical degree of polycondensation (pc) varies with the
square root of the quotient of the functional groups (nOH/nCOOH), divided by a term including
the ratio of the number of carboxyl groups of monomer carboxylic acids (n3) to the number
of carboxyl groups of polycarboxylic acids (n2 · F2), as shown in the following equation:
Equation 3.11
Kilb [35] tried to explain the differences between his test results and the predictions of
Flory and Stockmayer in terms of intermolecular reactions that vary with the length and
stiffness of polyester chains and the instantaneous concentration of polymer and functio-
nal groups in a given reaction volume.
Bernardo [27] provided a good overview of the development of all these models and
equations. He compared the theoretical gel point yielded by the various equations with the
results he obtained in a large test programme for producing alkyd resins.
The biggest difficulty with the calculation of gel points of branched polyesters was the fact
that – and this is the basis of Flory’s theory – only a small number of the growing polyester
Determination of and limitations on the size of polyester molecules
molecules strived to reach an infinite size at the gel point. The reason was the different
molecular weight distributions and the reactivity of the monomers and polyester units in
the reaction.
Flory’s theory, in which he compared the growth of polyester resins (polycondensation)
with the polymerisation reaction undergone by unsaturated monomers, predicted that the
curves for the molecular weight distribution of polyesters would be relatively flat.
However, Kilb [35], Korschak [37] und Bresler [38] found that the polycondensation pro-
ducts, contrary to Flory’s prediction, had relatively steep Gaussian molecular weight distri-
butions. They postulated that the gel points of polyester and alkyd resin formulations were
intermediate between the values postulated by Flory and by Carothers [40]. This view is still
found in current literature [41].
The reason is – as was subsequently discovered – that during the process of polyconden-
sation, an equilibrium exists not only between the acids and alcohols and the esters and water,
but also between the various polyester molecules, which can undergo transesterification.
The bulk of the polyesters synthesised in the various trial programmes exhibited a
tendency towards average molecular size, a tendency which is influenced primarily by the
functionality of the reactants, but also by the reactivity of the functional groups and by
the molecular weight of the polyesters, as would be expected. Surprisingly, the reaction
conditions are of minor importance.
If it is difficult to calculate the molecular weights of branched polyesters, it is even
harder to do the same calculation for alkyds under the additional influence of the mono-
carboxylic acids.
Patton [39] modified Carothers’ gel equation (Equation 3.7) to include the number of
moles of monocarboxylic acids (n3). By performing a great many calculations on the alkyds
produced, he found that the ratio of the number of moles of reactants to the number of
acid equivalents must be 1.000 to 1.005 if an alkyd formulation is not to lead to gelation.
This ratio is called the Patton (or alkyd) constant (KPatton).
Equation 3.12
Patton’s constant remains the basis of several published trial programmes and is still used
by many developers and producers of alkyd resins to formulate alkyds. As this equation is
based on stoichiometric ratios, its scope is not wide enough to cover all alkyd resins, especi-
ally those of relatively low molecular weight and high numbers of residual OH groups Patton
himself recommended some restrictions and extensions to his equation and Sunderland [36]
tried to improve it. Dyck [29] gives an overview of the development of gel-point equations
from Carothers and Flory to Patton to Sunderland.
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
Methods of calculating average molecular weights of polyesters
Such a molar approach is described by Kraft [42], who used it to calculate and formulate
alkyd resins produced with different reactants using equal molar quantities of polycarbo-
xylic acid and polyol but did not derive a calculation method for molecular weights.
Finally, U. and H. Holfort [43] arrived at an equation for calculating the number-average
molecular weight of polyesters from the molar ratio of polyol (n1) to polycarboxylic acid
(n2). Most real polyesters and alkyds are made with a molar excess of polyol. If it is assumed
that polyesters are made only by esterification and transesterification, and no additional
3 1.33
4 1.25
5 1.20
Figure 3.17: Number of structural units (q) of polyesters as a function of the molar ratio of
polyols to dicarboxylic acid (n1/n2), regardless of the functionality of the polyols
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
intermolecular reaction occurs during the process, the equation for determining the number
of structural units (q) can be extended as a function of the molar ratio of bifunctional reactants
to polyols of all functionalities (F1 ≥ 2), provided that there is an excess of polyol (n1 ≥ n2).
The molar ratio of polyol to dicarboxylic acid is defined – in contrast to Patton’s cons-
tant – as a constant (kM) for obtaining the number of structural units (q) and ultimately
calculating the molecular weight (MP) of polyesters (see the following equation):
Equation 3.13
On the assumption that the preparation of polyesters involves esterification and transes-
terification only and that the formation of ring molecules is negligible, the number of
Figure 3.18: Number of structural units (q) as a function of the polycondensation constant
(kM) and the number of polyol functional groups (F1)
Methods of calculating average molecular weights of polyesters
structural units of a polyester (q) can be defined as a function of the molar ratio of polyols
(n1; regardless of their functionality F1 ≥ 2) to – initially – dicarboxylic acids (n2, F2 = 2):
Equation 3.14
Under these conditions, the curve of the function of the number of structural units (q)
is congruent for all polyols, regardless of their functionality, as shown in Figure 3.18.
Where the dicarboxylic acid is in excess (n2 > n1), the number of structural units (q) is
dependent on the value of the polycondensation constant (kM) and the functionality of the
polyols. In the case of diols (F1 = 2), an excess of dicarboxylic acids is just as limiting as an
excess of polyols. The curve of the number of structural units for (kM) values between 0
and 1 is the mirror-image of the curve for (kM) values between 1.00 and 2.00. At
(kM) = 1.00, both sections of the curve tend towards infinity. For polyols of functionality
higher than 2 (F1 > 2), there are different ranges for (kM) below 1.00 where the number of
structural units (q) is not defined, or they tend towards infinity: crosslinked polyester
molecules are present. Only when the dicarboxylic acid is in high excess is the number of
structural units limited. These conditions are described in the following equation.
Equation 3.15
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
The conditions for crosslinked molecules are shown in the following equation.
Equation 3.16
The range of values for constant (kM) over which the number of structural units (q) of
polyesters tends towards infinity lies between 0.50 and 1.00 for triols and dicarboxylic
acids and between 0.33 and 1.00 for tetrols and dicarboxylic acids. Usable polyesters will
result only if all their molecules have (kM) values outside these ranges.
To include the possibility of branching not only by triols, tetrols etc, but also by poly-
carboxylic acids, the definition of constant kM needs to be expanded to include a term to
account for the functionality of po-
lycarboxylic acids (F2 ≥ 2).
Polycarboxylic acids with F2 ≥ 2
will require one more mole of polyol
for every functionality over 2. So,
the additional moles of polyol can be
calculated by multiplying the moles
of carboxlic acids (n2) by the functio-
nality of these carboxylic acids (F2)
Figure 3.20: Molecular models of polyesters of but subtracted by 2 (moles of polyol
dicarboxylic acid and tricarboxylic acid having the already accounted for in linear poly-
same number of structural units (q = 4). merisation). This number is subtract
ed from the total amount of polyols
(n1) when calculating KM (Equation
3.17). In other words, a given num-
ber of moles of polyols (n1) must be
Figure 3.21: A model representing all possible Figure 3.22: Simplified model of all
polyester molecules possible polyester molecules
Methods of calculating average molecular weights of polyesters
reduced by the additional number of COOH groups (over two) on the polycarboxylic acids
if the latter have more than two such groups per molecule. To illustrate, Figure 3.20 shows
two polyester molecules with equal numbers of structural units (q = 4). The first consists of
four moles of dicarboxylic acid and five moles of diol. The second consists of four moles of
tricarboxylic acid and nine moles of diol, as each of the four moles of tricarboxylic acid re-
quires a mole of diol for limiting the molecular weight and maintain a value of q = 4. If it
did not have these additional polyol molecules, further polymerisation could take place and
q would be greater than 4.
The extension of the definition of the polycondensation constant is presented in the
following equations:
Equation 3.17
For the constant (kM), the numerator is extended by the term {- (F2 - 2)} per mole of poly-
carboxylic acid (n2). For dicarboxylic acids, of course, the term is zero (F2 = 2). In the case
of mixtures of polycarboxylic acids, the average of the functionality can be used for the
calculation, or the term can be disaggregated into factors. The definition of the constant
(kM) can now be used for all polyester building blocks (F1 ≥ 2, F2 ≥ 2).
Where hydroxycarboxylic acids are employed, they are considered to be a combination
of polyol and polycarboxylic acid without ester group. Hydroxycarboxylic acids are coun-
ted both as polyols and polycarboxylic acids, and the equation given above (Equation 3.17)
If all polyesters consist of molecules without rings or crosslinks, they can be considered
“open branched” and it is possible to draw linearised molecular models. All polyesters
consist of structural units of polycarboxylic acid and attached polyol plus the excess of
attached polyol. Such a model is shown in Figure 3.21.
Figure 3.22 shows the simplified version of the model, without the functional groups.
This general model, which serves for all types of polyesters, makes it very easy to cal-
culate molecular weights. The molecular weight of a polyester (MP) is the molecular weight
of the structural unit (MS) times the number of structural units (q) plus the molecular
weight of one molecule of polyol (M1), so as to block the last carboxylic acid chain end also
by a polyol molecule. (see the following equation):
Equation 3.18
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
Since generating structural units as well as coupling them to a polymer will liberate water
this needs to be corrected for. This is done by defining a corrected mass (M’2) for the
carboxylic acid containing moiety (Equation 3.19). The molecular weight of the structural
unit (MS) is then as the corrected mass of the carboxylic acid containing moiety (M’2) and
of the associated moles of polyol ([F2 - 1] · M1).
Equation 3.19
Substitution of equations 3.17 (q) and 3.19 (MS) in 3.18 yields the following equation for
determining the molecular weight of polyester molecules.
Equation 3.20
If the second term (M1) is extended by the denominator (kM – 1), the equation can be re-
arranged as a fraction:
Equation 3.21
The term (kM + F2 – 2) is, after rearrangement of the equation for the polycondensation
constant (kM; Equation 3.17), equivalent to the molar ratio of polyol to polycarboxylic acid
(n1/n2). The result is an equation (3.22) for calculating the molecular weights of polyesters
based on the number of moles of building blocks (n1, n2), their molecular weights (M1, M'2)
and the polycondensation constant (kM).
Equation 3.22
Rewriting 3.22 yields an equation whose numerator represents the yield of a polyester
composed of a given number of moles of reactants (n1, n2).
Equation 3.23
Methods of calculating average molecular weights of polyesters
The yield mass (A) of any polyester composed of n1 and n2 moles of building blocks can thus
be used to calculate the molecular weight of the polyester, as shown in the following equation.
Equation 3.24
All terms in the equations are average values. In the case of the usually complex polyester
compositions, however, it makes sense to disaggregate the terms n1 · M1 and n2 · M’2 into
factors, as shown in the following equations:
Equation 3.25
The calculation of the molecular weights of polyesters in the manner just presented returns
average molecular weights, in this case the number-average molecular weight (Ṁn).
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
6 moles of dicarboxylic acid with 7 moles of polyol, while the second was prepared from
6 moles of dicarboxylic acid and 6 moles of polyol, in this case resulting in one residual
carboxyl group, which forms an alternative chain-end.
If carboxyl groups in polyesters act to form a chain-end in a similar manner as an excess
of polyol, the equation of the constant (kM) can be extended by the number of residual
carboxyl groups to arrive at the constant (k’M), as shown in these equations:
Equation 3.26
Equation 3.27
Methods of calculating average molecular weights of polyesters
This equation is therefore valid for all polyesters containing n1 moles of polyols and n2
moles of polycarboxylic acids and any number of residual carboxyl groups νCOOH ≥ 0.
The general linearised polyester model is shown in Figure 3.24.
Or, in a more simplified form shown in Figure 3.25.
The molecular weight calculation is similar to that calculation which ignores the degree
of polycondensation (described earlier). There are only minor differences, concerning the
residual carboxyl groups, as shown in the following equations:
Equation 3.28
The term f2 is the quantity of residual carboxyl groups (νCOOH), per mole of polycarboxylic
Equation 3.29
The term k'M + F2 - f2 - 2 in the numerator is replaced by the quotient of the number of
moles of polyol and the number of moles of polycarboxylic acids (n1/n2) resulting from the
rearrangement of the equation for k'M (using Equations 3.26 and 3.29).
Equation 3.30
The residual carboxyl groups (νCOOH) can be calculated with the aid of the acid value (AV)
for the polyester, as shown in the following equation. The acid value is expressed in terms
of the current yield mass of polyester (AAV).
Equation 3.31
The resulting equation for the molecular weight of the polyester (by combining Equation
3.28 and 3.30) applies to all polyesters consisting of n1 moles of polyol of molecular weight
M1 and n2 moles of polycarboxylic acid of molecular weight M’2.
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
Equation 3.32
This equation also applies when there is no excess of polyol (n1 ≤ n2), i.e. the limitation on
the molecular weight is due solely to the degree of condensation.
The yield mass for a given acid value (AAV) is higher than the theoretical yield mass
(A0) of the condensation reaction that went to completion by an amount of water corre-
sponding to the number of carboxyl groups that are still free:
Equation 3.33
Replacing the number of residual carboxyl groups (νCOOH) by Equation 3.31, gives us:
Equation 3.34
Equation 3.35
Substituting Equation 3.35 in 3.32 gives us the following expression for the molecular
Equation 3.36
Equation 3.37
Methods of calculating average molecular weights of polyesters
What can easily be seen is that if the acid values are quite low, the second bracketed term
in the denominator can be reduced to “1”. This provides enough precision.
Equation 3.38
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
Equation 3.38
a) A polyester consisting of 0.75 moles of isophthalic acid, 0.25 moles of trimellitic an-
hydride, 0.65 moles of neopentyl glycol, 0.35 moles of 1,6-hexanediol and 0.35 moles
of ethylene glycol is condensed until the acid value is 15 mg KOH/g.
The yield mass is then:
Equation 3.40
Equation 3.41
Equation 3.42
Methods of calculating average molecular weights of polyesters
Table 3.3: Systematic trial plan for studying the variation in molecular weights and degree
of branching in polyesters
trials a b c d e
building elements [mole]
isophthalic acid 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65
adipic acid 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.35
neopentyl glycol 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.90 0.80
trimethylol propane 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.20 0.40
KM (AV = 0) 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.10 1.20
acid value [mg KOH/g] 10 10 10 10 10
molecular weight [g/mol] AV = 10 1716 1295 1049 1701 1058
Equation 3.43
Equation 3.44
The value of 0.25 in the numerator is the molar quantity of trimellitic anhydride and is
obtained by factorising the term n2 · (F2 - 2).
The (number) average molecular weight then computes to:
Equation 3.45
Or, based on the yield mass for an acid value of 0 mg KOH/g, the average molecular weight
computes to:
Equation 3.46
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
Equation 3.47
If the third term in the denominator is ignored, the molecular weight is 1571 g/mol, indi-
cating as mentioned previously that for small acid values, this term can be set to “1”.
The number of moles of polycarboxylic acid was deliberately taken to be 1.00 in both
calculations. This simplifies the calculations and makes them easier to illustrate. It makes
sense to adopt the same approach in trial plans, as shown in the following example:
a) Trial plan to study the variation in molecular weight and degree of branching of polyesters
prepared from isophthalic acid, adipic acid, neopentyl glycol and trimethylol propane:
In practice, trials a to c will show the influence of differences in molecular weight on the
properties of the polyesters (viscosity, application characteristics). Comparisons of trial a
with trial d, and trial c with trial e will show the influence exerted by the degree of branch
ing on these properties.
The calculations presented above can also be used for polyesters described by formu-
lations based on percentage mass, e.g. analytical data. The calculation process is shown in
the following example.
a) An analysis of a polyester yields 45.3 wt.% phthalic anhydride, 11.2 wt.% adipic acid,
10.6 wt.% glycerol, 9.0 wt.% 1,6-hexanediol, and 23.9 wt.% neopentyl glycol. The total
is 100 wt.% which is the initial weight – not the yield mass of the polyester. The acid
Methods of calculating average molecular weights of polyesters
0.3061 moles of phthalic anhydride and 0.0767 moles of adipic acid can cleave at most
0.45596 moles of water by condensation, equivalent to 8.3 parts by weight. For an acid
value of 18 mg KOH/g, the residual quantity of carboxyl groups (νCOOH) computes to:
Equation 3.48
Equation 3.49
The yield mass at the given acid value is 0.53 parts by weight (0.0296 · 18) larger than at
the acid value of 0 mg KOH/g; i.e. the mass is 92.23 parts by weight. The average molecu-
lar weight of this polyester is then calculated as follows:
Equation 3.50
Equation 3.51
Both the calculated average molecular weight and the calculated OH value can be correlat
ed with corresponding analytical results (GPC, OH value determination). Naturally, it must
be borne in mind that the analytical data may contain systematic errors and deviations
arising from the analytical process. The results have been presented here with greater
precision than is necessary – for illustration purposes.
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
Figure 3.26: Model of the formation of polyester molecules of different molecular weights over time
Molecular weight distribution of polyesters
The mixture of polyester molecules of different size – the molecular weight distribution
– can serve as the basis for deriving average molecular weights. There are different defini-
tions of average molecular weight.
The number-average molecular weight (Ṁn) is the quotient of the sum of the molecular
weights of the individual number fractions of molecules (ni · Mi) and the total number of
polyester molecules (ni).
Equation 3.52
The weight-average molecular weight (Ṁw) is the quotient of the sum of the molecular
weights of the individual weight fractions of molecules (mi · Mi) and the total mass of the
polyester (mi). And since the weight of the polyester molecules (mi) is the product of the
number of molecules and their molecular weights (ni · Mi), this leads to the following
Equation 3.53
Since higher molecular weight fractions contribute more to the weight-average molecular
weight (MW), the MW is always larger than the number-average molecular weight (MN).
The larger the difference between the two averages, the broader is the molecular weight
distribution. The quotient of both values for the average molecular weights is defined as
the dispersity (DM) of the molecules. The larger the value for dispersity, the broader is the
molecular weight distribution.
Equation 3.54
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
the molecular weight arising from the degree of condensation is neglected in this exercise
(AV = 0). Table 3.5 shows the number of structural elements (column 1), the number of
molecules (arbitrary, column 2), their molecular weights (column 3), the mass fraction
Molecular weight distribution of polyesters
(column 4) and the mass fraction times the molecular weight (column 5). The quotient of
the sum of column 4 and the sum of column 2 yields a number-average molecular weight
(Ṁn) of 2640 g/mol. The quotient of the sum of column 5 and the sum of column 4 yields
the weight-average molecular weight (Ṁw) of 3187 g/mol. The dispersity is therefore 1.21.
The measured dispersity of polyesters produced according to this recipe is actually higher,
at around 3. The reason is that the formation of polyesters by conventional preparation
methods leads to some molecules which have molecular weights above 10,000 g/mol.
The values in Table 3.5 are plotted in Figure 3.27.
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
phase is a gel of a crosslinked copolymer of styrene and some divinyl benzene that contain
pores with different sizes. The polyester molecular coils have different retention times that
vary with their hydrodynamic volume. Smaller molecules enter the pores more easily and
therefore remain longer on the column than larger molecules.
The solvent (mobile phase) is usually tetrahydrofuran, but other solvents like dimethyl-
formamide may sometimes be used in the case of sparingly soluble polymers. The polymer
test solution has a concentration of about 5 g/l and is metered automatically from a loop
onto the columns. A flow rate of typically 1 ml/min is maintained and the temperature is
kept strictly constant, e.g. at 35 °C. After passage through the columns, the concentration
of polymer in solution is determined continuously, commonly with a refractometer, which
determines the refractive index (RI) as a function of concentration. However, UV detectors
may also be used.
The refractometer quantifies the changes in refractive index at short time intervals and
interprets the changes as mass concentrations. The detected mass concentrations are then
expressed in terms of the total mass. Each molecular weight has a different elution time. The
relationship between elution time and molecular weight is established by calibration against
standards, usually polystyrene standards are used. These standards contain polystyrene
Figure 3.28: Calibration curve showing the dependence of the molecular weight (mass fraction)
of polystyrene standards on elution time
Molecular weight distribution of polyesters
Table 3.6: Composition of the model polyesters, theoretical molecular weights and analytical
building elements /1 /2 /3 /4 /5
phthalic anhydride 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500
adipic acid 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500
neopentyl glycol 0.750 0.650 0.600 0.550 0.525
hexane diol-1,6 0.750 0.650 0.600 0.550 0.525
characteristic values:
kM (AV = 0) 1.500 1.300 1.200 1.100 1.050
acid value (measured) 4.6 5.0 6.2 4.5 4.9
OH value (calculated) 200.2 132.2 94.7 50.8 28.6
average molecular weights:
molecular weight, calculated 548 818 1113 2030 3353
molecular weight, osmometric 680 984 1150 1903 2570
molecular weight, GPC 744 944 1274 1488 2089
samples of well-defined molecular weight and a particularly narrow molecular weight dis-
tribution. A typical calibration curve is shown in the Figure 3.28. The equation that is ob-
tained by fitting a curve through the datapoints is:
Equation 3.55
Thus, the dependence of the decimal logarithm of the molecular weight (mass fraction) on
the elution time follows a polynomial of degree three. Further standards are available for
other polymers (e.g. polymethyl methacrylates).
Comparisons of analytical results with theoretical values need to make allowance for
the analytical conditions used which may cause variations between the two.
For instance, the elution times may have been calibrated with polystyrene standards.
However, the coils formed by polyesters in tetrahydrofuran will very likely differ from
those formed by polystyrene and therefore have different hydrodynamic volumes. Hence
the elution times may therefore differ for the same molecular weights. This applies espe-
cially to branched polyesters since branched molecules will have different coiling beha
viour than linear molecules. For this reason, it is the polystyrene equivalent of the molecu-
lar weight which is measured for polyester molecules, not the actual molecular weight.
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
Another deviation may be software-related. The algorithm has to determine the median
concentration at every time interval, not at the edge of the interval. Otherwise, the calcu-
lations of the high molecular weight fractions could lead to lower values for these fractions
which in turn would lead to lower average molecular weights. To minimise this effect is
important to maintain a high sampling frequency.
The use history of the actual GPC columns also plays a role, as they are often used for
all kinds of analyses. This has the effect of lowering the reproducibility of GPC determin-
ations. It therefore makes sense to perform comparative measurements in series.
To illustrate the scope for deviation, model polyesters of different molecular weight
were prepared, and the theoretical values were compared with the analytical results. Be
sides GPC analysis, osmotic determinations were carried out. The composition of the mo-
del polyesters, the theoretical molecular weights and the analytical results are presented
in Table 3.6 and illustrated in Figure 3.29.
The figures in Table 3.6 and the curves in Figure 3.29 show very good correlation
between theory and analytical results at low molecular weights. At higher theoretical mo-
lecular weights, the data diverge, increasingly so at higher molecular weights. The GPC
Molecular weight distribution of polyesters
curve deviates much more substantially than the osmometric curve. From this deviation it
cannot be concluded that the calculated values are wrong, but rather the conditions of the
analytical methods have to be examined.
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
Again, there were many attempts to extend the above-mentioned definitions and the equa-
tions that were subsequently formulated or to at least calculate the weight-average mole-
cular weight. The first step, of course, was to analyse the factors that influence the mole-
cular weight distribution. This was done by examining the results of numerous polyester
The key influencing factors were found to be the:
– targeted number-average molecular weight
– degree of branching in the polyester
– reactivity of the functional groups of the building blocks
Other factors, chief among them the reaction conditions, play a very minor role. Thus, the
reaction temperature has no particular influence and the polycondensation process can be
interrupted, without changing the molecular weight or the molecular weight distribution
at a given degree of condensation. There are only a few exceptions to this.
Figure 3.31: Comparative scope for esterification and transesterification of growing polyester
molecules as a function of degree of branching.
Molecular weight distribution of polyesters
reason is that growth of polyester molecules takes place not in distinct steps, but continu-
ously, as shown in Figure 3.26. The larger molecules, too, grow continuously, but transes-
terification has the effect of regulating for average molecular weights.
Figure 3.30 shows the integral distribution curves for linear model polyesters of different
number-average molecular weight which were prepared as described in Table 3.6 before. The
diagram clearly indicates that the higher the average molecular weight, the broader is the
molecular weight distribution. While the polyester of polycondensation constant (kM) 1.50
contains molecules having molecular weights of up to 5,000 g/mol, the polyester with a (kM)
of 1.30 has molecular weights of up to 7,000 g/mol, with a (kM) of 1.20 extending to 9,000
g/mol, a (kM) of 1.10 reaching 10,000 g/mol and a (kM) 1.05 attaining 20,000 g/mol.
Equation 3.56
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
This equation factors in all the branching permutations for the building blocks, i.e. the sum
of all building blocks having a functionality greater than 2. Like other characteristic values,
the degree of branching (v) is expressed in terms of unit mass and indicates the number
of potential branching points in 1000 g of polyester.
This is illustrated in Figure 3.32 for two polyester models. If the first consists of 5 moles of
phthalic anhydride, 5 moles of neopentyl glycol, and 1 mole of trimethylol propane, and if the
acid value approaches 0, the number-average molecular weight is 1304 g/mol and the potential
degree of branching is 0.77 mol/kg. In contrast, the second polyester, consisting of 5 moles of
phthalic anhydride, 4 moles of neopentyl glycol, and 2 moles of trimethylol propane, has a
number-average molecular weight of 1334 g/mol, and a degree of branching of 1.50 mol/kg.
To demonstrate the influence of the degree of branching (v) on the molecular weight
distribution, polyesters of different branching but the same number-average molecular
weight were prepared and analysed. The polyesters consisted of phthalic anhydride, adipic
acid, and different quantities of methylpropyl 1,3-propanediol (1,3-MPPD) and trimethylol
Molecular weight distribution of polyesters
propane (TMP), but with an equal excess of polyols. 1,3-MPPD was chosen because its
molecular weight of 132 g/mol is close to the molecular weight of TMP at 134 g/mol. Thus,
the different structural units have nearly the same weight. The formulations for the four
polyesters (series 1) are presented in Table 3.7.
GPC analysis shows that the number-average molecular weights match the theoretical
values with sufficient precision. The molecular weight distribution curves for the polyes-
ters are shown in Figure 3.33.
From Table 3.7 it can be seen that a higher degree of branching leads to a higher weight
average molecular weight. In Figure 3.33 this effect is visualised by broader molecular
weight distributions, increased fractions of higher molecular weight polyester and lower
curve maxima. The use of polyols of very similar molecular weights yields structural units
of very similar molecular weights. Thus, it is possible to match the individual peaks for
polyester molecules of lower molecular weight in the GPC diagram to the theoretical values.
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
Table 3.8: Polyesters of the same average molecular weight but different degrees of branching
polyester /10 /11 /12 /13
building element
phthalic anhydride 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
adipic acid 0.540 0.480 0.430 0.380
MPPD-1,3 0.540 0.480 0.430 0.380
trimethylol propane 0.120 0.240 0.340 0.440
characteristic values
kM (AV = 0) 1.200 1.200 1.200 1.200
acid value (mg KOH/g, measured) 11.8 11.2 10.3 11.0
OH value (mg KOH/g, calculated) 121.1 144.4 163.0 182.8
degree of branching (mol/kg) 0.45 0.89 1.25 1.60
average molecular weight (g/mol)
number-average, calculated 1042 1062 1088 1081
number-average, GPC 940 982 998 1037
weight average, GPC 1629 1847 1991 2228
dispersity 1.733 1.881 1.995 2.149
viscosity (60 % in MPA) (mPa·s, 23 °C) 160 205 285 315
The logarithmic value for the first peak is 2.58, corresponding to 380 g/mol. This correlates
well with the theoretical value of 390 g/mol for the molecular weight of one mole of a
mixture of polycarboxylic acid and two moles of polyol – the smallest possible molecule
in the distribution.
When polyesters are being prepared in practice, it is important to monitor the growth in
size of the polyester molecules. The degree of condensation is usually determined by
measuring the acid values. It would be very time consuming to follow the molecular weight
development by GPC. Instead, a faster indication can be obtained by measuring the visco-
sity of a specific test solution or of the reaction melt. Both allow the weight-average mole-
cular weight to be quantified.
The viscosity of polyester solutions correlates with the weight-average molecular
weight. The theoretical background for this was laid down in the equations of Einstein and
Staudinger [45] these state that the viscosity of solutions of very low concentration is de-
pendent on the coil volume of diluted polymer. And the coil volume is dependent on the
weight-average molecular weight of the polymer.
Molecular weight distribution of polyesters
To eliminate the interactions of the molecular coils amongst themselves, the viscosity is
taken to be the intrinsic viscosity ([η], Staudinger index). The intrinsic viscosity is the extra-
polation of the specific viscosity as a function of polymer concentration for a concentration
of 0.
The specific viscosity is the difference between the solution viscosity and the solvent
viscosity divided by the solvent viscosity. The intrinsic viscosity is then the weight-average
molecular weight with exponent (α) multiplied by a specific viscosity constant k[η] (see
Mark-Houwink equation [46]):
Equation 3.57
η = viscosity of solution
η0 = viscosity of solvent
ηsp = specific viscosity
c = solution concentration
[η] = intrinsic viscosity
k[η] = viscosity constant
Ṁw = weight-average molecular weight
α = exponent of intrinsic viscosity
The exponent α as well as the viscosity constant k[η] are dependent on the interaction
between polymer and solvent. The values are therefore substance- and temperature-spe-
cific. For polyester solutions in typical analytical solvents (e.g. tetrahydrofuran), the vis
cosity constant (k[η]) assumes values between 0.01 and 0.04. The exponent (α) has values
between 0.70 and 0.90 (at 20 °C). It is not possible to derive the two terms theoretically;
they must be determined experimentally for various polymers and solvents.
However, for practical polyester preparation, it is sufficient to monitor the viscosity of
a test solution and to set a value for the end of the polycondensation process. This value
is then used for continuous, reproducible production of that polyester.
A second series of model polyesters illustrates the relationship between molecular
weight distribution, degree of branching and viscosity. To this end, polyesters were syn-
thesised from phthalic anhydride, neopentyl glycol, 1,6‑hexanediol, and trimethylol propa-
ne, with the same excess of polyol and the same degree of condensation, and therefore
with approximately the same molecular weight (number-average molecular weight) but
different degrees of branching (see Table 3.8).
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
The table shows that the number-average molecular weights obtained by GPC analysis are
somewhat lower than the theoretical values. Obviously, the result of GPC is influenced by
the building blocks that compose the polyesters.
Figure 3.34 shows how the dispersity and viscosity vary with the degree of branching
in both series of polyesters.
A nearly linear relationship exists between dispersity and degree of branching for both
series and it increases substantially with increase in the degree of branching. A higher
number-average molecular weight clearly leads to higher dispersity (series 6–9: num-
ber-average molecular weight about 1280 g/mol; series 10–13: number-average molecular
weight about 1070 g/mol).
The viscosity of the polyester solutions increases exponentially as a function of the
degree of branching. The difference in the viscosity curves of both series is explained by
the different molecular weights of both polyesters.
A plot of viscosity – representing the weight-average molecular weight – against the
polycondensation constant (k'M ≥ 1.00) and the degree of polyester branching – shown
Molecular weight distribution of polyesters
here as the average functionality of the polyols – reveals a region where the viscosity tends
towards infinity. The polyesters there have gelled. The higher the functionality of the
polyols and thus the higher the degree of branching, the larger is this region. Although the
number-average molecular weight is still of finite dimension (k'M ≥ 1.00), the polyester has
gelled. This substantiates Flory’s postulate that gelation takes place if the weight-average
molecular weight, but not the number-average molecular weight, tends towards infinity.
This universal statement is illustrated in Figure 3.35.
This condition is also illustrated in Figure 3.18. The curves there for the polyconden-
sation constants (kM) represent average values. If the curve is extended to include polyes-
ters made from triol and dicarboxylic acid, the molecular weight distribution of such poly-
esters has the effect of more or less broadening the region for the constant. If, as a result
of the broad molecular weight distribution, these regions extend into the region where the
polycondensation constant is below 1.00 (kM < 1.00), the outcome is some molecules
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
which are tending towards infinite molecular weight, i.e. the polyester has gelled (in accor-
dance with Flory's postulate). Polyesters can naturally then be obtained only if the values
of the polycondensation constant for all molecules exceed 1.00 (kM > 1.00). In other words,
it is necessary to increase the planned average number of structural units and thus also
the expected number-average molecular weight, so that all molecules fulfil the condition
kM > 1.00. That is the reason why all practical highly branched polyesters (if they are pre-
pared by the conventional polycondensation process) have lower number-average molecu-
lar weights, as shown in Figure 3.36.
Molecular weight distribution of polyesters
To quantify the general statement of Figure 3.35 showing the dependence of the molecu-
lar weight distribution of different polyesters on the polycondensation constant , a fourth
series of model polyesters complementing the polyesters of the second series was prepa-
red. This series is presented in Table 3.9.
The viscosities of solutions of these model polyesters are illustrated in Figure 3.37, in which
the number-average molecular weight, as expressed by the polycondensation constant (kM),
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
and the average number of structural units (q) are plotted against the degree of branching
(v). Any attempt to draw lines of equal viscosity, based on the viscosity values of the poly-
esters, reveals a skewed exponential dependence of the viscosity on the two values. As a re-
sult, it is possible to estimate the feasibility of polyesters due to viscosity limitations.
Molecular weight distribution of polyesters
aromatics containing chains. However, GPC does reveal the difference. The reason for the
narrower molecular weight distribution of phthalic anhydride polyesters is the differential
reactivity of the two potential carboxyl groups of phthalic anhydride. The anhydride addition
takes place very rapidly, even at low temperatures, to yield individual esters. The second
carboxyl group, which is the outcome of the anhydride addition, reacts slowly due to steric
hindrance of the ortho-structure. In addition, the vicinal ester groups readily support alcoho-
lysis, which forms the basis for a transesterification reaction, which is the reason that average
molecular weights are formed. By contrast, adipic acid has two carboxyl groups of similarly
high reactivity. The esters formed are not so readily amenable to transesterification.
As another example, consider polyesters composed of trimellitic anhydride and of tri-
mesic acid but of otherwise comparable composition. The trimellitic anhydride polyesters
always have a narrower molecular weight distribution than their trimesic acid counter-
parts. Also, the viscosity of trimellitic anhydride polyester solutions is much lower than
that of trimesic acid polyester solutions of otherwise identical composition and the same
number-average molecular weight. This also applies if the two compounds constitute only
a fraction of the polycarboxylic acids in a polyester formulation.
These differences also become noticeable when polyesters based on isophthalic acid
are compared with those based on phthalic anhydride. As isophthalic acids have melting
temperatures greater than 300 °C, during polyester production at conventional tempera-
tures of 180 to 240 °C, they react only at the particle interfaces. Once isophthalic acid
molecules available at the interface go into solution, both carboxyl groups may react at the
same time by esterification. This boosts the growth of polyester molecules. By contrast,
phthalic anhydride reacts in two steps, as described above, to yield polyester molecules of
narrower molecular weight distribution.
A further example is the production of polyesters from terephthalic acid compared
with that of polyesters from dimethyl terephthalate by transesterification. Dimethyl te-
rephthalate polyesters initially have a much narrower molecular weight distribution than
their free terephthalic acid counterparts, because terephthalic acid is less reactive and has
a higher melting point than isophthalic acid, as described above. As dimethyl terephthala-
te is readily available in the molten phase at common reaction temperatures, the two ester
groups can react at different times. Again, as both polyesters consist of the same building
blocks, the differences in molecular weight distributions can be recorded by measuring the
viscosity of solutions. However, it must be remembered that the degree of transesterifica-
tion of dimethyl terephthalate is difficult to establish because acid values cannot be mea-
sured. It may be assumed that, after sufficient reaction time, the molecular weight distri-
butions of both polyesters approach one another due to the transesterification equilibrium.
Given that the width of the molecular weight distributions is dependent on the specific
reactivity of the building blocks, there is no way, based on the information described ab-
ove, to incorporate the parameters governing the molecular distribution into a universal
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
equation. The limitation of the area of polyesters (see Figures 3.35 and 3.37) which are
not feasible since they would gel, even though their number-average molecular weight is
finite, is variable for different polyester formulations.
Therefore, what remains is only the definition of the number-average molecular
weight, calculated from the excess of polyol and the degree of condensation and the esti-
mate of the molecular distribution curves which are influenced by the value of the expec-
ted number-average molecular weight, the degree of branching, and the reactivity of func-
tional groups of building blocks.
Clearly, the reaction conditions for preparing polyesters play only a minor role as far
as the molecular weight distribution is concerned. The reason is that the gradients of the
reaction rate for esterification and transesterification are nearly the same under the com-
mon reaction conditions (180 to 240 °C) of polyester production. If a polyester is prepared
one time at 200 °C and another at 240 °C under the same degree of condensation, the
outcome will be a solution of the same viscosity and the same molecular weight distribu-
tion. However, it takes much longer to achieve the projected degree of condensation at 200
°C than at 240 °C. It seems that only at very high temperatures does the relative transes-
terification reaction rate surpass the relative esterification reaction rate. However, that
favours the formation of average polyester molecules. These facts explain why polyester
preparation can be interrupted in the laboratory without impairing the reproducibility of
molecular weight and molecular weight distribution, followed by viscosity at the same
degree of condensation.
To emphasise the importance of the transesterification reaction in the control over the
molecular weight distribution – which has been neglected by previous authors – consider
the following examples.
Example a)
Variations on the preparation of branched polyesters of terephthalic acid
Since the 1950s, relatively low-molecular weight, branched polyesters prepared from di-
methyl terephthalate, glycerol and ethylene glycol have been used for heat-stable electrical
insulation coatings (wire enamels). Usually the polyesters are prepared by transesterifica-
tion, starting with the aforementioned raw materials and adding transesterification cata-
lysts (e.g. tetrabutyl titanate) at temperatures of about 240 °C.
It is possible to synthesise the same polyesters from polyethylene terephthalate (PET).
Polyethylene terephthalate is an important raw material for fibres and film and has a mo-
lecular weight of more than 20,000 g/mol. It consists of esters of terephthalic acid and
ethylene glycol in the precise ratio of 1 : 1 (i.e. kM −> 1.00). If the polyethylene terephtha-
late is made to react with an appropriate excess of polyol, the same polyester as described
earlier can be produced. Here, too, it is necessary to use transesterification catalysts and
to carry out the reaction at temperatures of about 240 °C for a long time. The two poly-
Molecular weight distribution of polyesters
Table 3.10: Comparison of the preparation of polyester from raw materials and from
polyethylene terephthalate
polyester 1 polyester 2
element M n n•M m-% n n•M m-%
dimethyl 194
1.00 194.0 85.9 – – –
PET (192)x – – – 1.00 192.0 85.0
ethylene 62
1.10 68.2 30.2 0.10 6.2 2.8
glycerol 92 0.30 27.6 12.2 0.30 27.6 12.2
sum 289.8 128.3 225.8 100.0
methanol 32 2.00 64.0 28.3 – – –
yield 225.8 100.0 225.8 100.0
esters have nearly the same viscosity, a fact which points to the same molecular weight
and molecular weight distribution.
This is evidence that polyesters can be prepared not only from monomeric building blocks,
but also from high molecular weight polyesters. It is also a clear indication of the effect
that transesterification has on regulating average molecular weights. At one time, it seemed
a good idea to use polyester film scrap in the preparation of polyesters (several patents
describing this method exist). However, the process failed to find acceptance. The reason
was that the bulky scrap was difficult to handle, and it was not readily absorbed into the
relatively small quantity of polyol.
The two formulations are shown in Table 3.10 for comparison.
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
been added. However, this is the only way to “repair” the polyester. If the added polyol is
already contained in the polyester, this approach will often “save” the batch of polyester
being prepared and produce a suitable batch that meets the specifications. At the very
least, this will prevent the cold, solidified gel from having to be “dug out”. Here, too, the
transesterification reaction is an important part of the regulating effect.
Formation and structure of alkyd resins
The reason is that both carboxyl groups of these dicarboxylic acids have nearly the same
reaction velocity, in contrast to the two potential functional groups on phthalic anhydride.
The use of tertiary monocarboxylic acids, too, requires specific measures. The reason is
that the intermediate reduction in OH group functionality through the formation of mo-
nocarboxylic esters is not as effective as when phthalic anhydride is used. Such differences
become noticeable when primary carboxyl groups are compared with secondary carboxyl
groups, e.g. caprylic acid with 2-ethylhexanoic acid.
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
(nCOOH) from the polycarboxylic acids (n2) and the monocarboxylic acids (n3), as shown in
the following equation.
Equation 3.58
Alkyd resins always contain an excess of hydroxyl groups (νOH), one of the reasons being
to avoid residual free monocarboxylic acids, which would impair the resin properties. If
alkyd resin molecules contain not only free hydroxyl groups (νOH) but also free carboxyl
groups (νCOOH), they can keep growing. This will occur totally independently of the quan-
tity of monocarboxylic acid. Therefore, the same rules, definitions and calculations apply
to alkyd resins as to polyesters. Thus, the same equations for calculating the polyconden-
sation constant (kM) and the number of structural units of polyester can also be used for
alkyd resins, as shown in the following equation:
Equation 3.59
However, the molecular weight of the structural units (M'S) of alkyd resins may differ
considerably from that of the structural units of unmodified polyesters, because allowance
needs to be made for the quantity of monocarboxylic acid (n3). For example, the structural
unit of an alkyd resin consisting of the residue of phthalic acid, pentaerythritol and 1.6
moles of a monocarboxylic acid (molecular weight 280 g/mol) has a molecular weight of
685 g/mol. It is thus three times as large as a structural element of a polyester prepared
from isophthalic acid and neopentyl glycol (234 g/mol). For the molecular weight of a
structural element of alkyd molecules, the following applies.
Equation 3.60
Equation 3.61
Formation and structure of alkyd resins
Equation 3.62
The numerator of the quotient then represents the yield mass of an alkyd resin consisting of
n1 moles of polyol, n2 moles of polycarboxylic acid and n3 moles of monocarboxylic acid. The
equation also applies if there is no excess of polyol (n1 ≤ n2). In such cases, limiting of the
molecular weight is accomplished by restricting the degree of condensation. However, in such
cases, the number of all hydroxyl groups then needs to be higher than the number of carboxyl
groups (nOH > nCOOH). From the yield mass and with allowance for the actual acid value (AAV),
the number-average molecular weight and the related data are calculated as follows.
Equation 3.63
For alkyd resins, too, the calculation methods will now be illustrated with an example.
An alkyd resin is to consist of 1.00 mole of phthalic anhydride, 1.03 moles of trimet-
hylol propane, and 0.65 moles of isononanoic acid. The condensation reaction is carried
out until the acid value is 15 mg KOH/g. The formulation and the calculated characteristic
values are presented in Table 3.11.
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
Equation 3.64
Equation 3.65
Equation 3.66
Equation 3.67
Equation 3.68
Equation 3.69
Formation and structure of alkyd resins
unlike in the case for unmodified polyesters, the quantity of monocarboxylic acid plays an
important role in regulating the molecular weight distribution. As described in Chapter
3.6.1, the monocarboxylic acids act in situ, as it were, to reduce the functionality of polyols.
The extent of this effect, i.e. the quantity of the monocarboxylic acid, has a significant
bearing on the molecular weight distribution. When a greater excess of polyol OH groups
(νOH) in the alkyd resin molecule has reacted with monocarboxylic acid, the possibility of
disproportionate alkyd molecule growth has been reduced. The degree of branching of
alkyd resins may be derived from the degree of branching for the polyester backbone by
subtracting the quantity of monocarboxylic acid in the numerator of the equation:
Equation 3.70
The degree to which an excess of polyol has reacted with monocarboxylic acid is equivalent
to the degree of branching in unmodified polyesters. Thus, the degree of branching (v) in
polyesters is replaced by the degree to which an excess of polyol has reacted with mono-
carboxylic acid (b), as defined in the following equation:
Equation 3.71
(b) is the fraction of monocarboxylic acid (n3) on the excess residual OH groups (νOH). And
the excess residual OH groups are the balance of all the functional groups of polyols and
the polycarboxylic acids in the alkyd backbone.
Equation 3.72
If the degree of condensation is incorporated into the definition (b'), the number of excess
OH groups (νOH) increases by the number of residual carboxyl groups (νCOOH), giving rise
to the following equation for the degree to which an excess of polyol has reacted with
monocarboxylic acid:
Equation 3.73
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
The influence of b' on the molecular weight distribution can be illustrated with viscosity
curves for alkyd resins. Figure 3.39 shows how the viscosity of triol alkyd resins varies with
the polycondensation constant (k'M; representing the number-average molecular weight)
and the number of moles of monocarboxylic acid per mole of triol (n3/n1; representing b').
These curves are equivalent to the curves showing the dependency of the viscosity of
unmodified polyesters on the polycondensation constant and the average functionality of
polyols (representing the degree of branching), as shown in Figure 3.35.
The higher the degree of reaction (b`), the narrower is the molecular weight distribu-
tion and the lower is the solution viscosity. For alkyd resins, too, there is a region where
the alkyds still have finite number-average molecular weights but are gelled, because some
molecules tend towards infinity.
In the description of the preparation of alkyd resins (see Chapter 3.6.1), it was stressed
that the difference in reactivity of the two potential carboxyl groups of phthalic anhydride
ensures that the in situ reduction in functionality of polyols through occupation with mo-
Formation and structure of alkyd resins
nocarboxylic acids is very efficient. This influence exerted by the building blocks is very
If alkyd resins are formulated not with the usual phthalic anhydride but rather with isopht-
halic acid, it is necessary to lower the expected number-average molecular weight, i.e. to
increase the polyol excess (k'M) or to lower the degree of condensation by raising the acid
value. Otherwise the feasibility limit might be reached, i.e. the alkyd resin would gel at
comparable degree of condensation.
This is all the more true for alkyds prepared from adipic acid instead of phthalic anhydri-
de. Thus, it is practically impossible to prepare an alkyd resin from adipic acid, pentaerythritol
and monocarboxylic acid at low values for the polycondensation constant (k'M) – not even at
the maximum-possible degree of reaction of the monocarboxylic acid with the excess of poly-
ol. The competition between the two reactive carboxyl groups on the adipic acid and the
carboxyl groups on the monocarboxylic acid gives rise to gelled – partially crosslinked –
polyesters of pentaerythritol and adipic acid, along with residual free monocarboxylic acid. If
the monocarboxylic acid is esterified first with pentaerythritol and the adipic acid is added in
a second stage, the changes of obtaining usable alkyd resins is increased.
Also, the reactivity of the monocarboxylic acids is important for the molecular weight
distribution of alkyd resins. For example, comparison of an alkyd containing phthalic an-
hydride, polyol and isononanoic acid (3,5,5-trimethyl hexanoic acid, with primary carboxyl
group), with another containing 2-ethylhexanoic acid (secondary carboxyl group) and with
a third containing neodecanoic acid (mainly 2,2,3,5-tetramethylhexanoic acid, tertiary
carboxyl group) shows that the alkyd made with 2-ethylhexanoic acid has a broader mole-
cular weight distribution than its isononanoic counterpart. Whether or not an alkyd resin
containing neodecanoic acid is feasible at all depends on the size of the polycondensation
constant (k'M). The reason is that the in situ decrease in polyol functionality varies with the
differential reactivity of the carboxyl groups of monocarboxylic acids. Naturally, the reac-
tion of excess functional groups of the polyols with monocarboxylic acids does not neces-
sarily lead to linear alkyd molecules. Reaction of monocarboxylic acids may give rise to
side chains as well as end groups. The
possible structures which can occur in
alkyd resin molecules are presented in
Figure 3.40.
Therefore, if conventional methods
are used in their preparation, alkyd resins
with a high degree of reaction with excess
polyol are the only way to achieve polyes-
ter molecules which are highly branched
and have relatively high molecular weights. Figure 3.40: Possible structures in alkyd resin
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
Figure 3.41 shows a typical molecular distribution curve for an alkyd resin consisting of
phthalic anhydride, pentaerythritol and a fatty acid with a high degree of reaction with excess
polyol (b').
At high average molecular weight, the distribution curve is relatively broad. The mass
fraction of very large molecules falls away, because the functional groups on the large
molecules have lower reactivity for kinetic reasons.
Figure 3.41: Typical molecular distribution curve for an alkyd resin of phthalic anhydride,
pentaerythritol and fatty acid, with high degree of reaction with excess polyol
Functionality of polyesters and alkyd resins
The content of functional groups in polyesters and alkyds is found via the acid and OH
values or the OH-% content. The corresponding calculation equations are expressed in
terms of unit mass of polyesters and alkyd resins.
Equation 3.74
Equation 3.75
Equation 3.76
When it comes to the estimation of crosslinking efficiency, it is not the mass concentration
of functional groups (e.g OH groups and the OHV) which is decisive, but rather the func-
Figure 3.42: Correlation between OH value, degree of branching and the number-average mo-
lecular weight and functionality of polyester or alkyd resin molecules
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
tionalities (F) of the reacting partners: crosslinking molecules as well as the resins used.
For example, a linear polyester with two terminal OH groups may lead to totally different
molecular networks than a branched polyester containing four OH groups per molecule.
Nonetheless, the two can have the same OH value. It is therefore instructive to review the
relationships between OH value or acid value and the functionality of polyesters (FP,OH and
FP,COOH), the degree of branching and the number-average molecular weight. Calculation
equation is provided below:
Equation 3.77
Figure 3.42 describes the relationship between OH value (OHV), the degree of branching
(ν) and the number-average molecular weight and functionality of the polyester or alkyd
resin molecules.
Accordingly, a polyester with an OH value of 112 mg KOH/g and a number-average
molecular weight of 1000 g/mol contains two OH groups per mole and is linear, and its
degree of branching is 0 mol/kg. If the molecular weight were 2000 g/mol and the OH value
Figure 3.43: Dependence of functionality of polyester molecules on the OH value and the
number-average molecular weight
Exceptions and their influence on the molecular weight distribution
remained unchanged, the molecule would contain four OH groups and the degree of branch
ing would be 1.00 mol/kg. For a number-average molecular weight of 3000 g/mol, the
polyester contains six OH groups and the degree of branching is 1.50 mol/kg.
This relationship can be plotted as the dependence of the functionality of polyester mole-
cules on the OH value and the number-average molecular weight (see Figure 3.43).
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
Finally, there is the possibility of a step-by-step reaction. This starts by masking the OH
groups of dimethylol propanoic acid with benzaldehyde. The resulting aldol adduct is then
made to react with pentaerythritol in the presence of a special catalyst to yield a tetra-ester.
The tetra-ester is unmasked, yielding the first generation of dendrimer polyesters. The
three reaction steps are repeated to produce further generations of dendrimer polyesters,
with larger molecules of higher functionalities [51]. These were initially prepared with
high-solid products in mind. However, such polyesters are very expensive to prepare, and
the future will tell whether the preparation of high-solid coatings in this way is worth the
1 expressed in terms of polyols and their derivatives
Index of equations
Dependence of number of structural units of linear polyester on the molar ratio of polyol
and polycarboxylic acid
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
Index of equations
Dependence of number of structural units on the molar ratio of polyol and polycarboxylic
acid, irrespective of polyol functionality
Dependence of number of structural units on the molar ratio of poly carboxylic acids and
polyol, irrespective of polycarboxylic acid functionality
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
Index of equations
Formation and structure of polyesters and alkyd resins
Index of equations
Calculation of OH values