Switch Box
Switch Box
Switch Box
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1- Design ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
2- Safety ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
3- Reliability........................................................................................................................................................... 4
a. High corrosion resistant
b. Mechanical strength
4- Installation......................................................................................................................................................... 5
a. Knockouts
b. Adjustable lug
c. Switch boxes with coupler
d. Cement guard
5- Type Testing........................................................................................................................................................ 6
a. Design and manufacturing
b. Routine tests
c. Certificates
Technical Specifications................................................................................................................................................ 7
Notes.............................................................................................................................................................................. 12
alfanar has a long history of manufacturing safe and reliable electrical products. We use the highest quality materials
for our switch boxes to provide the mechanical strength and durability required throughout their service life.
The registered design of alfanar’s switch boxes simplifies electrical wiring connections and accessory installations.
Their versatility and high-performance reliability make them ideal for residential and commercial building installation.
To ensure end user safety and confidence, our switch boxes comply with national and international standards, and are
type tested as per SASO 2945:2020 and BS4662.
alfanar switch boxes are widely used for the installation of wiring and accessories in residential, commercial and
industrial buildings. Their easy installation features simplify connections and increase installation productivity
while providing safe and reliable electrical performance.
Product Features
1. Design 2. Safety
Registered Design Protection against electric shock
3. Reliability
a. High corrosion resistant enclosure
and internal parts b. Mechanical strength
To protect against corrosion, our switch Switch boxes are designed and manufactured to ensure
boxes are fabricated using high quality hot-dipped adequate mechanical strength during installation and
Galvanized steel sheet material. durability throughout their service life.
This process has been validated using the Salt
Spray test to ensure the functionality of the switch Furthermore, the lugs have threaded hole which
boxes under the harshest atmospheric corrosive increases their reliability and resistance to damage
conditions. even after multiple use.
Product Features
4. Installation
a. Knockouts b. Adjustable lug
Knockouts are designed to handle multiple sized alfanar switch boxes include adjustable lugs which
conduits and glands of international standards. They are useful in aligning accessories and their overall
can be easily removed with little effort even after the placement on walls, giving your accessories a neater,
switch boxes have been installed on walls. alfanar balanced look.
switch boxes have smooth edges that won’t damage the
conduits and wires or injure the user.
d. Cement guard
Cement guards are included in alfanar switch boxes to protect the product from
cement deposit during installation.
The cement guards also keep the switch boxes clean for the installation of the
wires and accessories.
Cement guards save time and installation effort compared to previous methods.
Product Features
5. Type Testing
a. Design and manufacturing b. Routine tests
Extensive care is taken during the designing and Each of our products undergo strict quality control
manufacturing stages of switch boxes to ensure the checks as per the routine verification tests mentioned
safety of the end user. alfanar switch boxes are type in the standard.
tested as per SASO 2945:2020 and BS4662.
c. Certificates
Technical Specifications
Technical Data
Standard SASO 2945:2020 and BS4662.
Voltage range 120-440V AC
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Construction Features
Material Hot-Dipped Galvanized Steel Sheet (Corrosion Resistant)
Steel thickness 0.9mm / 1.1mm
Knockout sizes ø 20.5 / ø 26.5
1. With Brass Earth Terminal
2. With Steel Earth Terminal
3. With Adjustable Lug(s)
Features / Varieties: 4. With Brass Earth Terminal & Adjustable Lug(s)
5. With Coupler(s)
6. Without Earth Terminal
7. With Provision for Earth
Available Varieties and Ordering Details
BE: Brass Earth
SE: Steel Earth
CG: Cement Guard
ADL: Adjustable Lug
COUPLER: Plastic coupler between boxes
PE: Provision for Earth terminal
Available Varieties and Ordering Details
Switch box with Coupler W: 72 mm, L: 72 mm, D: 47 mm
BE: Brass Earth
SE: Steel Earth
CG: Cement Guard
ADL: Adjustable Lug
COUPLER: Plastic coupler between boxes
PE: Provision for Earth terminal