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Soal PAS Bahasa Inggris-XII-Ganjil 2021-2022

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Mata Pelajaran Hari/Tanggal Kelas Waktu Guru

ENGLISH Jum’at, 03 Desember 2021 XII 09.30-11.30 Lulu Ul Mar’ati,S.PdI

A. Choose the correct answer!

a. a, such rubbish
1. They Hope to win the main prize of b. b. the money
the competition noun phrase of this c. c. my kids
sentence is… d. d. such a thing
a. They Hope to e. e. this book
b. To win
c. The main prize of the “They Hope to win the main prize of
competition the competition.”
d. The main prize 7. Find noun phrase of sentence below!
e. They win a. They Hope to
2. The Children at the school tried to b. To win
solve the math problem. verb phrase c. The main prize of the
of this sentence is… competition
a. The Children d. The main prize
b. At the school e. The main
c. Tried to solve 8. Which of the following has a verb
d. To solve the math problem phrase
e. to solve a. Yummmy cake
3. Did you enjoy watching the movie? b. For making cookies
verb phrase of this sentence is… c. Words were spoken
a. Watching the movie d. The glittering bells of the
b. did you church
c. did you enjoy e. Like beautiful swan
d. enjoy watching 9. Which one is suitable as a caption for
e. Watching the picture?
4. the girl wants to go home. Can you
decide the noun phrase of this
a. the girl
b. to go home
c. the girl wants a. A box of chocolate is the best
d. wants to go  candy in the world
e. go home b. Is this what you crave for?
5. I hope you win…. c. A balanced diet is chocolate in
a. This book both hands
b. The puzzle d. Chocolate is nature’s way of
c. The first prize making up for monday
d. such thing e. Life is like a box of
e. dark stable chocolate .you’ll never know
6. the girl denied stealing… what you gonna get

Woman: What about?
Look at the picture to answer question Man: Now, I’m not just an employee
number 10-13 but I’m a manager.
Woman: ………. I’m happy to hPoor ear
that you’ve succeeded in your career.
Man: Thank you, wish me luck.
14. The fill in the blank below is…
a. Too bad
b. O, dear.
c. That’s great
d. I’m sorry to hear that
e. Poor you
15. What does the woman express?
a. Regret
b. Congratulations
c. Sympathy
10. What is the purpose of the caption? d. Expectation
a. To make the picture look better e. Hope
b. To give a description of what is
going on in the picture Man: Why you so sad?
c. To tell about who was taking the Woman: My pet is lost, she has been
picture missing for a whole day.
d. To explain the news Man: You mean your kitty.
e. To make readers ignoring the Woman: Yes.
11. According to the caption on the 16. What makes the woman sad?
picture, when was the photo taken? a. She lost her kitty
a. July 19 2018 b. Her kitty was dead
b. February 1 2017 c. She could get a kitty
c. January 14 2016 d. She did not have a pet animal
d. December 7 2015 e. She was not allowed to get a kitty
e. August 15 2014 17. Read the dialog to answer question
12. Where was the location in the picture?
a. Sudirman, Jakarta Ghania : Shall we have a picnic
b. Tanah Abang, Jakarta to Pangandaran beach
c. Blok M, Jakarta this weekend?
d. Thamrin, Jakarta Aisyah : . . . It will be fun.
e. Pasar Senin, Jakarta a.      Oh, I disagree.
13. Who is the main subject in the picture b.      I'm sorry I can't.
that is described in the caption? c.      Poor of you
a. Indonesian President, Joko Widodo d.     What a tiring journey.
b. Former Indonesian President, SBY e. I don’t like it
c. Vice President, Jusuf Kalla
d. Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies 18. Tia : Hi Lana you look so happy
Baswedan Lana : I am. guess what? I’ve got a new
e. The president’s ministers cellphone from my father
Tia : Really ? Congratulations
Man: Nana wait! I have good news for Lana : Thanks

From the dialogue we know that e. To convince reader that buying
Tia…. infant is illegal
a. Receives good news from Lana 21. What is the generic structure of the
b. Receives bad news from Lana text above?
c. Gives Lana good news a. Orientation – Complication –
d. Gives Lana bad news Reorientation
e. Expresses sadness b. Orientation – Series of event –
19. “How many photos have you got?” Reorientation
He wants to know how many….. c. Stating thesis – Arguments –
a. Photos I had got Reiteration
b. Photos you have got d. Goal – Equipments – Steps
c. Photos had I got e. Newsworthy event – Background
d. Photos I have got events – Sources
e. Photos have I got 22. “MN was arrested at his house…” The
underlined word refers to a house
Read the text to answer questions belongs to…….
number 20-23 a. The police officer
b. The arrested man
The Surabaya Police have arrested c. The infant parent
a man, identified only as MN, for d. A Surabaya administration officer
allegedly buying an infant via e. A Semarang administration officer
Instagram.MN was arrested at his 23. “…for allegedly buying an infant” The
house on Jl. Karah in Jambangan infant word has similar meaning
district in Surabaya, East Java, on with…
Sunday. He was found to have paid a. Adult
some Rp 3.8 million (US$250) for a b. Teenager
baby boy when he was only three days c. Baby
old. d. Grown
Surabaya police chief Sr. Comr. Rudi e. Man
Setiawan said recently that the 24. The text structure of a news item text
transaction was conducted in is…..
Semarang, Central Java, on Sept. 23. a. general statement-explanations-
The baby’s parents live in Tangerang conclucions
in Banten. b. main event-elaboration-resource
“The baby is now safe with the of information
Surabaya administration,” Rudi said c. orientation-interpretative-
on Monday (The Jakarta Post, Tue, recount-evaluation-evaluative
October 16, 2018) summation
d. orientation-complication-
20. What is the purpose of the text? resolution
a. To inform readers about arrested e. goal-materials-steps
man for buying an infant
b. To describe the important person 25. My brother has forgotten his locker
for readers key again this week”
c. To argue that arresting the man is The verb phrase of sentence is….
important a. Has forgotten
d. To explain how police arrested the b. My brother
man c. This week
d. His locker key

e. Forgotten again a. sedentary hobbies are far more
popular nowadays than active ones
Text for questions number 26-28 b. the most unpopular leisure activity
for boys is art and craft
c. bike riding is not only popular for
boys but also for girls
d. the most unpopular leisure activity
is art and craft
e. boys prefer active activities to the
sitting ones
29. What is the generic structure of
26. What does the graph show you? a. Heading, closing, body, signature
a. Kids’ activity b. Agent, event, situation, credit
b. Kids’ leisure activity c. Main event, elaboration, resource
c. Kids’ participation d. Title, body, signature
d. Girls’ leisure activity e. Opening, body, introduction,
e. Boys leisure activity closing
27. The third popular leisure activity for 30. Choose the correct sentence below!
boys is.... a. She told me that I want to go to her
a. Watching TV
b. She said if I would go to her house
b. Bike riding
c. She said do you want to go to my
c. Electronic game
d. Art and craft
d. She said: do you want to go to my
e. Skateboarding
28. Based on the graph above, it can be
e. She said if I will go to her house
concluded that....

B. Fill in the blank below and answer question!

1. Definition of caption is…
2. Tell the differences between direct and indirect speech
3. Give the formula of Simple Past Tense, Simple future tense and Present Perfect Tense
4. Give us examples five “responding to good news “and five “responding to bad news.
5. Can you tell the differences between verb phrase and noun phrase?

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