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A4 QB-MC Ch08 Transport in Humans

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QB-MC Ch08 Transport in


QB-MC Ch08 Transport in humans 1


Which of the following comparisons between systemic circulation and pulmonary
circulation in humans is not correct?

QB-MC Ch08 Transport in humans 2





Which of the following are the differences between veins and lymph vessels in
(1) Red blood cells, blood platelets and plasma proteins can be found in veins
but not in lymph vessels.
(2) Blood in veins returns to the heart directly while lymph in lymph vessels
mixes with blood before returning to the heart.
(3) Veins are open-ended while lymph vessels are blind-ended.

A (1) and (2) only

B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)


QB-MC Ch08 Transport in humans 3





QB-MC Ch08 Transport in humans 4


Which of the following statements about this type of blood vessel is not correct?

A The blood inside flows slowly.

B It can control the amount of blood that flows to different parts of the body.
C It allows the exchange of materials between the body cells and the blood.
D It has the largest ratio of lumen diameter to wall thickness among all types
of blood vessels in the human body.



QB-MC Ch08 Transport in humans 5


Which of the following correctly shows a possible route of blood flowing from
the lungs to the liver?

A pulmonary veins → right atrium → right ventricle → aorta → hepatic portal

B pulmonary veins → left atrium → left ventricle → aorta → hepatic vein
C pulmonary veins → left atrium → left ventricle → aorta → hepatic artery
D pulmonary veins → right atrium → right ventricle → aorta → hepatic artery



A red blood cell is carried by the plasma from the anterior vena cava to the
posterior vena cava. Which of the following blood vessels must the red blood
cell pass through?

QB-MC Ch08 Transport in humans 6

A renal artery
B hepatic vein
C hepatic portal vein
D pulmonary vein





Which of the following comparisons between red blood cells and white blood
cells is correct?
Red blood cell White blood cell

A small nucleus large nucleus

B biconcave disc shape irregular shape
C produced in bone marrow produced in lymph nodes
D carries oxygen carries carbon dioxide



QB-MC Ch08 Transport in humans 7



Which of the following statements about the blood circulation in humans are
(1) It consists of the systemic circulation and the pulmonary circulation.
(2) Blood passes through the heart twice when it flows throughout the body in
one complete loop.
(3) The blood becomes oxygenated after passing through the lungs in the
pulmonary circulation.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)



QB-MC Ch08 Transport in humans 8



The valves that close when ventricles contract are

A P and Q.
B P and R.
C Q and S.
D R and S.



Which of the following statements about the coronary artery is not correct?

A It carries deoxygenated blood to the atria.

B It receives blood from aorta.
C It lies on the surface of the heart.
D Its supplies oxygen and nutrients to the heart.


QB-MC Ch08 Transport in humans 9






QB-MC Ch08 Transport in humans 10

Which of the following is/are not found in the lymph?
A glucose
B lipids
C plasma proteins
D white blood cells






QB-MC Ch08 Transport in humans 11





Which of the following statements about Q is correct?

A The life span of Q is the longest among the blood cells.
B The nucleus of Q is irregular in shape.
C Q is the smallest blood cell.
D The number of Q is the largest in blood.



After having a meal, the hepatic portal vein

A passes blood rich in glucose from the small intestine to the heart.
B passes blood rich in lipids from the small intestine to the liver.
C passes blood rich in amino acids from the small intestine to the liver.
D passes blood rich in urea from the small intestine to the kidney.


Transport systems are needed in large organisms but not in small ones because

QB-MC Ch08 Transport in humans 12

A the surface area for diffusion in large organisms is too large.
B the distance for which substances in large organisms must travel is too long
for diffusion alone to be effective.
C oxygen must be transported to cells in large organisms.
D blood must be transported to cells in large organisms.


Blood consists mostly of

A white blood cells.

B red blood cells.
C blood platelets.
D water.



QB-MC Ch08 Transport in humans 13


Which of the following blood vessels carry blood with the highest glucose


Blood without blood cells is known as

A plasma.
B water.

QB-MC Ch08 Transport in humans 14

C serum.
D lymph.



Which of the following help(s) reduce the entry of germs into the body?
A hormones
B haemoglobin
C red blood cells
D white blood cells




Which of the following is a function of the valves in the human heart?
A to increase the blood pressure
B to decrease the blood pressure
C to slow down the flow of blood
D to prevent the backflow of blood


QB-MC Ch08 Transport in humans 15

White blood cells
(1) engulf germs.
(2) produce antibodies against germs.
(3) are white in colour.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)


Blood leaves the heart via

A capillaries.
B veins.
C arteries.
D lymph vessels.



Which of the following comparisons between the three types of blood vessels is
not correct?

Artery Vein Capillary

A carries blood away
from the heart
carries blood towards
the heart
connects arteriole and
B thickest wall thinner wall thinnest wall
C no valves except the
pulmonary artery and

QB-MC Ch08 Transport in humans 16

with valves no valves
D fast blood flow slow blood flow very fast blood flow




Which side of the heart contains deoxygenated blood?
A the left side
B the right side
C the upper side
D the lower side



QB-MC Ch08 Transport in humans 17

The valves in veins
A prevent the backflow of blood in the veins.
B prevent the backflow of blood into the heart.
C push blood forwards.
D allow blood to flow faster.



Which of the following routes of blood flow in the human body is correct?
A left ventricle → all parts of the body except lungs → right atrium
B left ventricle → lungs → left atrium
C right atrium → all parts of the body except lungs → left ventricle
D right atrium → lungs → right ventricle


The exchange of materials between blood and body cells takes place when the
blood flows through
A lymph vessels.
B arteries.
C veins.
D capillaries.


Lymph is the returning

A plasma in the blood vessel.

B plasma in the lymph vessel.
C tissue fluid in the blood vessel.
D tissue fluid in the lymph vessel.


QB-MC Ch08 Transport in humans 18






QB-MC Ch08 Transport in humans 19


Which of the following blood vessels have semilunar valves?
A aorta and coronary artery
B aorta and pulmonary artery
C pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein
D pulmonary vein and coronary artery


Which of the following statements about the capillaries are correct?
(1) Nutrients and oxygen can diffuse through their walls.
(2) The blood carried by them is at the lowest pressure.
(3) Their walls are only one-cell thick.
A (1) and (2) only
B (1) and (3) only
C (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)



QB-MC Ch08 Transport in humans 20


Which of the following is the function of lymph vessels in our body?
A They carry blood.
B They return tissue fluid to the blood circulation.
C They produce antibodies.
D They help in blood clotting.



Blood is made up of
A red blood cells, white blood cells, blood platelets, plasma and bone marrow.
B red blood cells, white blood cells, blood platelets and plasma only.
C red blood cells, white blood cells and blood platelets only.
D red blood cells and white blood cells only.



QB-MC Ch08 Transport in humans 21





QB-MC Ch08 Transport in humans 22

Which of the following is/are the function(s) of the lymphatic system?
(1) body defence
(2) transport of proteins
(3) returning tissue fluid to the blood circulation
A (1) only
B (2) only
C (1) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)



The composition of tissue fluid is

A the same as that of plasma.
B the same as that of blood.
C similar to that of blood, except without plasma proteins.
D similar to that of blood, except without red blood cells, blood platelets and
plasma proteins.



QB-MC Ch08 Transport in humans 23

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