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Resource Efficiency and Profitability in Yam Production Amongst Small Scale Yam Farmers in IMO State, Nigeria

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Resource Efficiency and Profitability in Yam

Production amongst Small Scale Yam Farmers
in IMO State, Nigeria

Abstract:- The study was carried out to examine the (1978) observed that no other crop in Nigeria has taboos and
resource use efficiency and profitability of small scale festivity associated with it than yam. Nigeria produces about
yam farmers in Imo State Nigeria. The objectives 75% of world’s total yam output (Manyong 2001). The
includes, identifying the socio-economic characteristics production of yam is under taken within the rain
of the yam farmers and examine the level or range of forest/derived savanna areas due to its rich soil
technical allocative and economic efficiency of yam requirements. Some of the states producing yam in Nigeria
farmers as well as identify constraints militating against includes, Ondo, Benue, Taraba, Cross River, Rivers, Imo
yam production in Imo State. Secondary and primary and Abia. There are many compelling reasons for
data were collected from 150 respondents, through a encouraging the cultivation of yam for sustainable food
well-structured questionnaire, journals, CBN bulletins production in Nigeria and Africa at large. The tuber is a
and reports etc. Data analysis was done using descriptive good source of energy, it is low in fat and protein, has some
and inferential statistics tools. Stochastic frontier vitamin C, but very rich in carbohydrate, however, of recent
production function analysis and other marginal analysis some pharmacologically active substances like dioscorine,
were carried out. Results revealed a wide range of saponin have been reported (Eka 1985).
technical efficiency with mean efficiency of 82.2%. About
70% of the respondents were male 53% had at least The production of yam in Nigeria is very important as
secondary education, which may have influenced their a result huge amount of resources are committed to it, (IITA
relatively high technical efficiency. Allocative elasticity 2001, FAO 2001). The consumption of yam is relatively
index (AEI>I), marginal value product (MVP>𝐏𝐱). high in many urban areas and cities inspite of the
Hence (AEI≠ 𝟏), (MVP≠ 𝐏𝐱) this implies that yam competition from other staple crops like Rice, Maize and
farmers were allocatively inefficient. However, gross Cassava. However, the predominant reliance on traditional
margin analysis (GM) showed that yam production was methods of planting by Nigeria small scale yam farmer
profitable in Imo State, with a return on investment of have partly been responsible for the present low level of
88.37%, certain constraints such as, high cost of planting production, against an increasing population rate and high
material, poor or inadequate finance, lack of access to food demand, inspite of government effort to increase food
credit, insecurity in rural areas etc. Recommendations, production and reduce hunger and poverty in the country.
such as subsidizing cost of inputs, access to loans, The problem of low productivity results from inefficient use
improvement of socio-economic variables, through of resources (Nyenke 2010). Farmers in Nigeria are poor in
provision of essential amenities, adequate collaboration resource endowment, therefore inputs needs to be efficiently
and synergy between community heads, local vigilante utilized. To this end it becomes very important to know how
and security agencies to check insecurity and encourage efficient small-scale yam farmers in Imo State are in yam
youths to go in to farming. production. The study will therefore focus on examining the
socio-economic characteristics of the yam farmers,
I. INTRODUCTION determine the efficiency of small-scale yam farmers in Imo
State Nigeria and also identify if any the constraints against
Yam is botanically called “Dioscorea specie”. It is an yam farmers in Imo State, Nigeria.
annual tuber crop, with over 600 species out of which there
are about six most important species identified in terms of II. METHODOLOGY
economic as well as medicinal value as reported by Arnau
et al (2010), Andres et al, (2017). These species includes A. The Study Area:
Dioscorearotundata (white yam), DioscoreaCayenensis This study was carried out in Imo State, Nigeria. Imo
(yellow yam), Dioscoreaalata (water yam), State is in the south-eastern geo-political region of Nigeria
Dioscoreaesculenta (lesser yam), Dioscoreabulbitfera (aerial created out of the then east central state. The state lies within
yam) cultivated for the bulbils, DiscoreaDimentoriam (Tri- latitudes 5.4oN and 60o 6.75oE, longitude 6o 35oN and 9o
foliate yam) popularly called three leaf yam. These species 3oE. Imo State has a land mass of about 7,480km2. There are
are grown by small scale or small-holder farmers throughout 27 local government areas in Imo State with a total
the tropics. Yam is arguably the most important tuber crop population of 3,939,899 people, according to the 2006
in many parts of Nigeria, hence it is referred to as the king population census. Imo state shares boundaries with Rivers
of crops due to its nutritional, economic as well as socio- State at the west, Abia state by the East and Anambra at the
economic and high socio-cultural or religious significance, North. The state is predominantly an Igbo speaking state, the
especially in the south-east and south-south geopolitical major towns includes, Owerre, Okigwe, Orlu, Oguta,
region of Nigeria, (Stuart 2005). In his opinion Onwueme Ohaji/Egbema, Mgbidi, Mbieri, Akokwa, Izombe, Amaigbo,

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Awo-mmama, Ngor-Okpala, Añara etc. The major Vi = Random variables assumed to be
occupation of the people is farming, fishing and petty independently of Ui
trading. The vegetation of the state is mainly tropical Ui = non-negative random variables assumed to
rainforest with slightly acidic, altisoil and clayey hydro- account for technical inefficiencies also assumed to be
morphic soil. Also there are alluvial, lithasols, and independent of Vi
farraliticomedium soil, according to (ISMANR 1986).
The farm frontier production function was specified as:
B. Sampling Procedure
Multi-stage sampling was adopted, first a purposive 𝑦𝑖 = 𝑓(𝑥𝑖𝑗𝑃) + 𝑉𝑖 − 𝑈𝑖
sampling technique was used to select six (6) local Where: 𝑦𝑖 = the output of the 𝑖𝑡ℎ firm
government areas from the three agricultural zones in the
state. These are Oguta, Ohaji/Egbema, Ngor/Okala, 𝑥𝑖𝑗 =the vector of actual 𝑗𝑡ℎ farmer
AbohMbaise, Okigwe and Ehime Mbano. From this (6) 𝛽= vector of the production co-efficient to be estimated
L.G.A’s , 25 respondents were randomly selected from the 𝑉𝑖 = the random variability in the production that
registered yam farmers in each of the local government area. cannot be influenced by the farmer extraneously
This gave us a total of one hundred and fifty (150) 𝑈𝑖= the deviation from maximum potential output
respondents. This procedure permitted reasonable fraction of attributable to resources use efficiency.
the farmers to participate according to OLadele and Chah
(2014). The corresponding cost function is as follows:

C. Data Collection 𝐶 = 𝑦(𝑃𝑖 𝑦𝑖 𝑦) + (𝑉𝑖 + 𝑈𝑖 )

Primary data was collected through awell structured
questionnaire as well as scheduled interview with leadership Budgetary analysis –based on gross margin and net
of the yam farmers association in the state. Secondary data farm income was used assess the profitability of yam
was obtained from journals, CBN bulletins and periodicals. production in Imo State.
Gross Margin (GM) which is the difference between
D. Analytical Techniques the total value product (TVP) and total variable cost (TVC);
Analysis of data was done using descriptive and Therefore, GM = TVP - TVC
inferential statistics. Mean and percentages were used to NFI = GM – TFC
analyze the socio-economic characteristics of small scale If GM >O, then the firm is profitable.
yam farmers in the area, while stochastic frontier production Efficiency is determined by the ratio of marginal value
function using maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) to product MVP to MFC according to Rhaman and Lawal
determine level of technical efficiency of the farmers, gross (2003).
margin analysis proved the profitability of yam production R = 𝑀𝐹𝐶
in Imo State. Thus: r = 1 indicates efficient use of resources
r> 1 indicates under utilization of resources
E. Model Specification
r< 1 indicates over utilization of resources
Cobb-Dauglas production function as defined by Coelli
(1994) recommended by Batteseet al, (1996) written as
follow: 𝑦̅
MVP = MPP. Py = 𝛽𝐼 𝑥̅ . 𝑝𝑦
Y = bo + bixi + b2x2 + b3x3 + MFC = 𝑃𝑥1
b4x4……………….bnxn+(vi-Ui) Where: r = coefficient ratio
MVP = marginal value product
Where: Y = Quantity of yam produced in kg/ha MFC = marginal factor cost
X1 = Area cultivated with yam in kg(ha) 𝑃𝑥1 = Unit price of input 𝑥
X2 = Planting materials (seed yam) kgh a-1 MPP = marginal physical product
X3 = Labour used (mandays) h a-1 𝛽 = regression co-efficient
X4 = Fertilizer quantity used (kgh a-1) 𝑃𝑦 = unit price of output
X5 = Other agro-chemicals used (kg/h a-1)
𝑦̅ = mean output of the farm
bo, b1, bn = Regression co-efficient 𝑥̅ = mean value of resources

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


Socio-economic characteristics of small scale farmer in Imo State

A Imo State
Gender Frequency % Mean Remarks
Male 105 70
Female 45 30
Total 150 100
15-25 0 0
26-35 10 6.67
36-45 25 16.67
46-55 95 63.33
56-65 20 13.33
Total 150 100 40.5
Marital Status
Married 125 83.34
Single 0 0
Divorced 5 3.33
Widow 20 13.33
Total 150 100
Household size
0-5 8 5.33
6-10 95 63.33
11-15 40 26.67
16-Above 7 4.67
Total 150 100 10.5
Educational Status
Non-Formal 15 10
Primary Education 45 30
Secondary Education 80 53.33
Tertiary Education 10 6.67
Others 0 0
Total 150 100
Years of Experience
1-5yrs 0 0
6-10yrs 5 3.33
11-15yrs 25 16.67
16-20yrs 65 43.33
21-Above 55 36-67
Total 150 100
Primary Occupation
Yam Farming 25 16.67
Mixed Farming 95 63.33
Civil Servant 10 6.67
Others 20 13.33
Total 150 100
Forms of training Frequency % Mean Remarks
Traditional 140 93.33
Formal 0 0
Workshops/Seminars 10 6.67
Others 0 0
Total 150 100
Source of Finance
Personal Savings 138 82.00
Friends/Relations 7 4.67
Co-op. Societies 5 3.33
Bank Loan 0 0
Money Lenders 0 0

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Total 150 100
Mode of Farming
Full Time 115 76.67
Part Time 35 23.33
Total 150 100
Source of Land
Family Inheritance 103 68.67
Purchased 6 4.00
Leased Hold 9 6.00
Rented Land 32 21.33
Total 150 100
Type of Planting Material
Seed Yam 60 40
Yam Sett 90 60
Total 150 100
Source of Planting Material
Previous Harvest 40 26.67
Purchase From Market 110 73.33
From Government Agencies 0 0
Friends & Relatives 0 0
Others 0 0
Total 150 100
Area Cultivated
Below 1 Ha 59 39.33
1-2 Ha 85 56.67
3-4 Ha 6 4.00
5-6 Ha 0 0
Above 6 Ha 0 0
Total 150 100
Fertilizer Usage
Yes 40 26.67
No 110 73.33
Total 150 100
Yes 33 22
No 117 78
Total 150 100
Duration Before Harvesting
6-8 Months 12 8.00
9-10 Months 8 5.33
12 Months & Above 0 0
Total 150 100
Type of Labour Used
Skilled Labour 0 0
Unskilled Hired 95 63.33
Family Labour (Adult) 45 30.00
Family Labour (children) 10 6.67
Total 150 100
Table 1: showing socio-economic characteristics of small-scale yam farmers in Imo State

Source: field survey, 2022

Results from table 1.0 above revealed that 70% of the with Ekunweet al (2018), who reported 85% married yam
yam farms were male and 30% female. Tikuet al (2014) had farmers, and Bamireet al (2005) reported 75% were married
earlier reported that more population of yam farmers were farmers. About 63% of the farmers have household size
male. However, Nwikeet al (2016) noted that the female between 6 -10 persons while 27% are between 11 – 15
folks still play significant role in yam production. Majority persons with mean number of 11 persons due to the labour
of the farmers fell between ages 36 – 55 with a mean age of intensive nature of yam farming, this fact had also been
about 41 years, this shows that most of the farmers were still stressed by Ekunwe (2018).
within their active and productive age, whereas Tayindeet al
(2014), Tikuet al (2012) reported average age of 51, 52 About 53.3% of the yam farmers had at least primary
respectively. About 87% were married, this also is in line education and 30% had secondary education, which means

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
that the farmers had one form of education or the other as Barau (2012). Eniola (2015). Most of the farmers about 69%
reported by Henri-Ukaohaet al (2011), Iroegbuet al (2021). get land through family inheritance, due to the communal
The result also showed that 43.3% had 16 – 20 years of land tenure system being practiced in most rural areas. The
experience, 37% had above 21 years of experience in yam yam farmers in Imo State plant 60% yam sett and 40% seed
farming, which indicate that farmers had reasonable years yam, 73% get their planting materials from the market, 27%
and acquired experiences on how to improve their from previous harvest. About 57% cultivated 1 – 2 hectares,
performances. Mode of financing revealed that 82% while 39% cultivates below 1 hectare of land, about 73% do
financed their farm through personal savings with only 3.3% not apply fertilizer to their farms, 78% don’t even use any
from co-operative society, 5% from friends and relations, agro-chemical in their farms, these have already been
this explains the fact that finance is a major identified as problem of developing our agricultural sector
challenge/constraint to yam farming in Nigeria Reuben and as reported by Donyeet al (2012), Ekunwe (2018).

Imo State
Production Factor Parameters Coefficient Std. Error t-ratio
Constant 𝛽 0.892 0.328 2.724***
Area Cultivated 𝑋1 0.021 0.006 3.636***
(farm Size)
Planting Materials (Setts) 𝑋2 0.162 0.030 5.329***
Labour in Man-days 𝑋3 -0.043 0.011 -3.799***
Fertilizer 𝑋4 -0.030 0.010 -3.028***
Agro. Chemicals 𝑋5 -0.000 0.005 -0.029
Inefficiency Effect
Constant 𝛿 -.1805 2.305 -0.783
Gender GEND 0.022 0.097 0.230
Age AGE -0.029 0.057 -0.515
Marital Status MSTATU 0.756 0.648 0.012
Household Size HSIZE 0.329 0.210 0.016
Level of Education LEDU -0.936 0.636 -1.472
Years of Experience YEXP 0.013 0.033 0.390
Sources of Finance SFIN -0.113 0.115 -0.986
Sources of Land SLAND 0.425 0.246 1.173
Diagnostic Statistics
Sigma Squared 𝜎2 0.102 0.014 7.134***
Gamma 𝛾 0.002 0.019 0.103
Log Likelihood Function -41.061
LR test 19.364
Table 2: maximum likelihood estimation of the stochastic frontiers production analysis of yam farmers in Imo State

Source: Computed output from Frontier 4.1 version, 2022

Table 2. evealed that estimated coefficients for the chemicals had inverse relationship, they do not increase yam
Sigma square (𝛿 2) 𝑜𝑓 0.102 and t-ratio of 7.134, these were output in Imo State. A look at the sources of inefficiency
all positive and significant at 1% level, which indicates the effects showed that, Gender (sex), marital status, house hold
existence of in-efficiency effects amongst various variables, size, source of land were all directly related to in
the Gamma (y) coefficients was 0.002 and t-ratio of 0.103 efficiencies, they increased in-efficiency of the yam farmers,
also significant at 1% level, this implies that greater while on the other hand, age of the farmer, level of
proportion of the variations in yam output in Imo-state were education and source of finance all had inverse relationship
due to differences in their technical efficiencies as upheld by with the farmer in-efficiencies, they reduce farmers in-
Abdullahi (2015). The result of the maximum likelihood efficiencies and increase output of yam in Imo State. In
estimation on the stochastic frontier production function contract, Rahman and Uma, (2010) had earlier reported
revealed that variables such as farm size, planting materials positive coefficients for labour, while Fatuaseet al (2015),
should positive coefficient, which is a direct relationship Saniet al (2010) agreed that fertilizer and agro-chemicals
with yam output, an increase in these variable will result to were not major constraints hence it could be easily
increase in output, while labour, fertilizer and Agro- overcome.

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Imo State
Cost Factor Parameters Coefficient Std. t-ratio
Constant 𝛽 0.314 0.571 0.550
Cost of Seed 𝑋1 0.004 0.004 1.145
Cost of Land 𝑋2 0.056 0.018 3.039***
Cost of Fertilizer 𝑋3 -0.006 0.005 -1.210
Cost of Agro-Chemical 𝑋4 -0.010 0.005 -1.908*
Cost of Land Preparation 𝑋5 0.002 0.004 0.364
Cost of Planting 𝑋6 0.023 0.077 0.293
Cost of Staking 𝑋7 -0.028 0.038 -0.743
Cost of Weeding 𝑋8 0.064 0.105 0.609
Cost of Harvesting 𝑋9 0.015 0.014 1.031
Cost of Transportation 𝑋10 0.007 0.015 0.439
Inefficiency Effect
Constant 𝛿 6.063 1.190 5.093***
Gender GEND -0.156 0.056 -0.028
Age AGE 2.044 0.931 2.196**
Marital Status MSTATU -4.736 1.045 -4.531***
Household Size HSIZE 0.447 0.916 0.488
Level of Education LEDU 4.668 1.077 4.333***
Years of Experience YEXP -5.084 1.073 4.737***
Sources of Finance SFIN 0.555 0.751 -0.739
Sources of Land SLAND 0.944 0.563 1.675*
Diagnostic Statistics
Sigma Squared 𝜎2 0.377 0.007 52.788***
Gamma 𝛾 0.910 0.000 622849.100***
Log Likelihood Function -11.729
LR test 60.581
Table 3: Stochastic frontier cost analysis of small scale yam farmers in Imo State

Source: Computed output from Frontier 4.1 version, 2022

The result from table 3.0 shows sigma square (𝛿 2) not major challenge in yam production, this is because most
value of (0.377) and co-efficient for Gamma (y) was (0.910) of rural farmers do not use fertilizers and agro-chemical to
significant at 1% level. This is a very high Gamma plant yam. The cost function inefficiencies and effects
coefficient, which implies that 91% of cost in efficiencies reveals that variables such as Gander (sex) of the farmer,
were from factors under the control of the farmers, similar marital status, years of experience in farming decrease the
case was reported by Aniet al (2014), Abdullahi (2015). level of inefficiency of the farmers and increase output or
Information from this table, reveals that variables like cost efficiency, while age, house hold size of the farmer. The
of seed yam (planting material) cost land, cost of labour for level of Education, source of finance and source of land all
land preparation, planting, weeding, harvesting and cost of had positive values and has direct relationship with yam
transport were all positive and has direct relationship with farmers inefficiencies, meaning that the older the farmer
overall cost of yam production in Imo State on the other gets, the more children or house hold size, the more
hand, cost of fertilizer, Agro-chemicals, and staking had inefficient in use of resources. But this is contrary to the
negative coefficients therefore were insignificant to the opinion of Okoye et al (2010), Ugwumba and Omojola
overall cost of yam production. This agrees with Bassey and (2012), who reported that age, family size, and access to
Nwankwo (2017), Ume et al (2018) who identified cost of finance increase farmers efficiency.
labour, Abdullahi (2015) reported that agro-chemicals were

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Technical Efficiency Range Frequency Percentage

0.51-0.60 2 1
0.61-0.70 18 12
0.71-0.80 49 33
0.81-0.90 47 31
0.91-0.100 34 23
Total 150 100
Mean Efficiency 0.822
Minimum 0.524
Maximum 0.998

Table 4: Distribution of technical efficiency range for production estimate among small scale yam farmers in Imo state.

Source: Computed output from Frontier 4.1 version, 2022

Technical Efficiency Range Frequency Percentage

1.00-1.99 104 70
2.00- 2.99 29 19
3.00 – 3.99 17 11
Total 150 100
Mean Efficiency 1.708
Minimum 1.000
Maximum 3.493
Table 5: Distribution of technical efficiency indices for cost estimate among yam farmers in Imo State
Source: Computed output from Frontier 4.1 version, 2022

The result from table 4.1 shows that technical result however, indicates a reasonable high level of resource
efficiency range for yam farmers in Imo State has minimum efficiency among yam farmers in Imo State, this is in line
limit 0.524 and maximum 0.998 with a mean technical with the findings of Tikuet al (2012). On the other hand,
efficiency of (0.822), however, the result shows that greater table 5 shows the technical efficiency indices for cost
percentage of the farmers operates within efficiency range estimates, which ranges between 1.000 – 3.99. The
(0.71- 0.80) which is 71- 80% level of resource efficiency. minimum of (1.000) and maximum of (3.493) with mean of
To the average yam farmer with 82.2% level of efficiency, (1.708). The result shows that 70% of the yam farmers in
he requires about 17.8% adjustment to attain full efficiency, Imo State operated between (1.000 – 1.999), this implies
while the least efficient farmer needs about 47.8% that about 70% of the farmers were operating close to the
adjustment in production inputs to attain full efficiency. The cost efficiency frontier which lies between (0) and (1).

Variables MPP APP EP MVP Px AE1

Area Cultivated 469.691 3759.66 0.125 234845.50 20,000 11.74
Planting Materials 936.759 2036.94 0.460 468379.50 180 2602.10
Labour 2769.36 4124.68 0.6714 1384,680 1500 923.12
Fertilizer 8426.16 12690.02 0.664 421305 280 150.66
Agro-Chemical 1757.00 5791.66 0.303 878500 140 6275.00
Returns to Scale 2.2234 1.000
Table 6: EstimateAllocative Efficiency of Small-scale Yam Farmers in Imo State, Nigeria

Source: Computed output from Frontier 4.1 version, 2022

Result from table 6. shows marginal physical product not equal to one (AEI ≠I), this is an indication of under
(MPP) for various inputs, Land (farm size), planting utilization of resources, hence they were still operating at
materials (seed), labour, fertilizer, and agro-chemical was, stage 1 of the production function. Again the marginal value
469.691, 936.759, 2769.36, 8426.16, 1757.00 product (MVP ≠1) this is another indication of inefficient
respectively, while the marginal value product (MVP) was use of resources among small scale yam farmers in Imo
234845.50, 468379.50, 1384.680, 421305 and 878500 State, Nigeria, this agrees with the view of Izekor (2014),
respectively. The table shows a total co-efficient elasticity Onynweakuet al (2000), who reported under-utilization of
of 2.2234. The fact that the co-efficient for allocative farm land, labour and yam seeds.
elasticity index for all the input (variables) were greater and

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Items Unit Qty (kg) Unit Price (N) Cost/Value (N)
Gross Revenue: 902,000,000
Yield Kg 1,804,000 500 -
Physical Cost:
Yam Setts Kg 802,900 67,862,000
Fertilizer Kg 7280 1,02,1000
Agro-Chemical Kg 34.5 165,000
Transportation Cost 2982,000
Total 72,030,000
Labour Cost
Land Preparation 6,324,000
Planting 5,937,000
Staking 6,886,500
Hand Weeding 9098,000
Harvesting 4,568,000
Total Labour Cost 32,813,500
Total Variable Cost 104,843,500
Fixed Cost
Cost of Land 7,090,000
Total Cost 111,933,500
Gross Margin (TR-TVC) 797,156,500
Net Farm Income (NFI)=TR-TC 790,066,500
𝐺𝑀 0.883765521
Return on Investment: 𝑅
𝐺𝑀 88.37%
Gross Margin Percentage: 𝑥 100
Table 7: cost and returns of yam production in Imo State

Source: field survey, 2022

Gross margin analysis calculated from the cost and The result showed a gross margin of 797,156,500, Net
returns of yam product in Imo state as presented on table 7. farm income (NFI) was 790,066,500 with this the return on
reveals that the gross revenue was N902,000,000 total investment (RI) was 0.883765521 which implies a gross
variable cost (TVC) was 104,843,500 and fixed cost (TFC) margin percentage of 88.37%. This means that any naira
was 7,090,000 this gives a total cost (TC) of 111,933,500. invested in yam farming in Imo state will yield return of
This implies 93.67% variable cost and 6.33% fixed cost 88.37%. Therefore we can conclude that yam production in
respectively. Musa et al (2011) reported that fixed cost Imo State is profitable , this had earlier been observed by
contributes small portion of total cost (TC) among rural Maikasuwa et al (2012).
farmers in Nigeria.






Not a



1 High Cost of Seed yam/Planting Materials 31 110 9 0 492 3.14 V.SC
2 Inadequate provision of fertilizer 20 50 50 30 360 2.40 NC
3 Lack of access to Credit facilities 130 20 0 0 580 3.86 V.SC
4 High cost of Agro-Chemicals 10 120 10 10 430 2.86 C
5 Inadequate land for farming 10 50 70 20 350 2.33 NC
6 Problem of Pest and Diseases 20 40 80 10 361 2.41 NC
7 Problem of Poor Finance 140 5 5 0 585 3.90 V.SC
8 Poor Quality of soil due to oil/exploitation 0 15 75 60 255 1.70 NC
9 Problem of Insecurity in rural areas 60 70 20 0 490 3.26 V.SC
10 Problem of flooding of the Soil 0 17 57 80 245 1.63 NC
11 Migration of Youths to the cities 30 70 40 10 420 2.80 C
12 Inadequate extension service 20 90 30 10 420 2.80 C
13 Inadequate storage facilities 25 120 5 0 470 3.13 V.SC
14 High cost of Labour 140 10 0 0 590 3.93 V.SC
Table 8: four point LikertScale, showing constraints of Small Scale Yam Farmers in Imo State
Source: Field Survey, 2020.

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Table 8 shows various degrees of impact and were very serious constraint against small scale yam farmers
constraints to yam farmers in Imo State. in Imo State. This is in line with the findings of Izekor and
Olumese (2010),who identified high cost of labor, lack of
Looking at information from this table we can see that finance and cost of planting materials as major constraint to
high cost of labour, inadequate finance, lack of access to yam farmers.
credit, insecurity of the rural areas, high cost of planting
material (seed yam), as well as inadequate storage facilities

Model R R-Square Adjusted R Std. Error of Change Statistics

Square the Estimate
R F df1 df2 Sig. F
Square Change
1 394a .155 .107 5057785.169 .155 3.230 8 141 .002
a. Predictors (Constant), Agro. Chemical Materials, Fertilizer, Area Cultivated, Labour in Monday
Model Sum of Square df Mean Square F
Regression 661025428558092.500 5 82628178569761.560 43.589 .000b
1 Residual 3606947904775242.000 144 25581190814008.810
Total 42673333333334.500 149
a. Dependent Variable: Revenue
b. Predictors (Constant), SLAND, YEXP, GENDER, M,STATU, HSIZE, AGE, LEDU.
Model Coefficients a
Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1669120.172 4672957.968 357 .721
GENDER -1633318.165 1217376.194 -141 - 1.342 .182
AGE -48495.187 85888.341 -065 -565 573
MSTATU -210528.529 481163.787 .041 -438 .662
HSIZE 186885.681 168620.478 .119 1.908 .270*
LEDU -78156.170 148992.078 .063 -525 .601
YEXP 83442.383 73873.363 112 1.730 .261*
SFIN 2371993.989 1588030.395 135 1.694 137*
SLAND 1217772.289 601877.431 195 2.023 .045**
a. Dependent Variable: Revenue
Table 9: linear regression analysis of the relationship between socio-economic characteristic of yam farmers and total revenue
from the production in Imo State

Model Summary

Model R R-Square Adjusted R Std. Error of Change Statistics

Square the Estimate
R F df1 df2 Sig. F
Square Change

1 540a .291 .267 4583517.263 .291 11.831 5 144 .000

a. Predictors (Constant), Agro. Chemical Materials, Fertilizer, Area Cultivated, Labour in Monday


Model Sum of Square df Mean Square F

Regression 12427305555070100 5 248546111014020.000 11.831 .000b

1 Residual 3025242778263234 144 21008630404605.757

Total 42679733333333.500 149

a. Dependent Variable: Revenue

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
b. Predictors (Constant), Agro, Chemical, Planting Materials, Fertilizer, Area Cultivated, Labour in Manday.

Model Coefficients a

Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.


B Std. Error Beta

74023.006 1045496.754 071 944


Area Cultivated -493084.373 1239099.074 -065 -398 .691

1 Planting Materials 202.392 230.389 .105 1.878 .381*

Labour in Manday 24492.177 9295.847 .467 2.635 .009***

Fertilizer 2361.753 6606.068 .042 .358 .721

Agro. Chemical 241315.538 1209073.233 .024 .200 842

Table 10: Linear regression analysis, showing the relationship between cost of production and total revenue/output from
yam production in Imo State.
a. Dependent Variable: Revenue

IV. HYPOTHESIS TESTING alternative, that there is a significant relationship between

cost of inputs and revenue of small scale yam farmers in
Ho:1 There is no significant relationship between Imo State.
socio-economic characteristics of the farmers and
output/revenue. V. CONCLUSION

The result showed that there was a positive r-squared This study identified various socio-economic
(R2) value (0.155), this implies that about 15% of the characteristics of small scale yam farmers in Imo State
variation in yam production in Imo State were due to Nigeria, their impact on the level of efficiency of the
differences in socio-economic characteristics. Further farmers, as well as profitability. Stochastic frontier analysis
examination shows positive coefficients and direct revealed a wide range of technical efficiency among the yam
relationship between years of experience, source of finance, farmers, with an average technical efficiency of 0.822
source of land, household size and output, increase in these (82.2%), which means an average yam farmer requires
variables will increase yam output. The positive t-ratio, technical adjustment of about 17.8% to attain full technical
which is at 10% level of significance, shows that there is efficiency. The values of co-efficients and allocative
significant relationship between socio-economic efficiency/index (AEI) were all greater than one (AEI>),
characteristics of the farmers and overall revenue/output. (AEI≠1) which implies under utilization and inefficient
Therefore, we reject the Null hypothesis of no relationship allocation of resources, moreover the marginal value
and accept the alternative that there is relationship between products (MVP) were all greater than unit price of input
socio-economic characteristics and yam output, hence socio- (MVP>𝑃𝑥) (MVP≠ 𝑃𝑥). However, gross margin analysis
economic characteristics affect profitability: (GM) showed that yam production in Imo state, Nigeria was
profitable with an 88.37% return on investment (RI).
Ho:2 (Null Hypothesis). There is no significant Nevertheless, certain constraints such as high cost of
relationship between cost of production and yam output in labour, planting materials (yam sett), lack of finance, non
Imo State. The result revealed that the value of R-squared access to farm credit, insecurity situation in the rural areas
(R2) was (0.291), which implies that 29% of differences or were identified. The following recommendations were
variation in yam output were attribute to changes or suggested, that cost of inputs, (seed yam) should be
differences in cost of inputs land, yam setts, labour, fertilizer subsidized, more access to bank loans, improvement in the
etc. The values of coefficients and t-ratio were positive socio-economic status of rural farmers by provision of
figures which indicates direct relationship and some level of certain amenities will go a long way to boast farmers
relationship significant at 1% and 10% levels respectively. efficiency. Adequate collaboration and synergy between
This result implies that an increase in the cost of inputs land, community heads, local vigilantee and government security
labour, planting materials (yam setts) will increase total cost agencies could curb the insecurity, instead more of the
of production and therefore affect output of yam in Imo youths could be engaged in farming and other productive
State. With these result, we can therefore reject the null sector.
hypothesis or no relationship, instead we accept the

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Volume 7, Issue 5, May – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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