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Low-Cost Housing Using Monolithic Dome and Cylindrical Structure

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10 VI June 2022
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue VI June 2022- Available at

Low-Cost Housing Using MonolithicDome and

Cylindrical Structure
Ashwini Doke1, Chaitanya Sahare2, Ritik Tupe3, Apekshit Chauhan4, Divya Kannuri5, Prajwal Kapse6, Prof. Tejaswini
S. Junghare7
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
4th Year B.Tech, Department of Civil Engineering, J D College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, J D College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur

Abstract: Dome is an element similar to the hollow half of a sphere. It can also be defined as a thin shell generated by the
revolution of a regular curve about one of its axes. The type of the curve and the direction of the axis of revolution determines
the shape of the dome. Monolithic dome structures are cast in a one-piece form. The paper aims to do a comprehensive study of
Monolithic Domes and the various advantages and key aspects of these structures and to determine whether they are more
energy efficient, eco-friendly, cost effective and durable housing options compared to conventional structural systems.
Keywords: Low Cost Housing, Monolithic Domes, Cylindrical Structures, Structural analysis, paper review

Dome structures belong to the category of self-supporting structures that take the form of an arch. Loads are distributed around the
sides and down towards the foundations. Domes are compacted by gravity and the external loads are carried by the compressive
forces that develop internally. Dome structures have been in existence since ancient times as round huts and ancient tombs in the
shape of solid mounds that have been found in the Middle East, Mediterranean region and India. In Modern times, domes come in
various forms or types of latticed domes such as the Schwedler domes, geodesic domes and monolithic domes. Among the various
types, the geodesic and monolithic domes are used widely today in various structures.
A Monolithic Dome is an element similar to the hollow half of a sphere built in one block. Not only Monolithic Structures are more
energy efficient, eco-friendly, cost effective and durable housing options compared to conventional structural systems, a well-
designed monolithic structure consisting of shear walls may decrease the overall project cost. They are also pretty disaster resistant,
their strength and stability making them virtually immune to climatic catastrophe, or earthquakes, as well as to fire, or corrosion

A. Advantages Of Monolithic Dome Structure

1) Cost efficient
2) Low maintenance.
3) Provides good air circulation
4) Fire Resistant
5) Resistance against most adverse weather conditions

B. Disadvantages Of Monolithic Dome Structure

1) Narrow corners can lead to waste of space
2) Lack of seams


Urban life spaces are the needs of modern time and Monolithic Dome Structure can fulfill this need. There is a huge need for lowcost
housing in India as a large percentage of the population is still lingering under poverty. Monolithic Dome Structures are cost
effective, energy efficient and can easily be constructed in various weather conditions. With proper study and research, we can
efficiently incorporate dome structures in today’s construction world, be it residential buildings or more commercial buildings.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1412
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue VI June 2022- Available at


A. Nuzul Azam Haron at el. (2005)
This paper talks about the cost comparison of conventional system and industrialized building system of formwork system
(monolithic structure system). It allows us to draw a comparison between both to determine which one is cheaper and better among
the two. The data for research were collected from questionnaire surveys and case study.

B. H. G. Vivek Prasad at el. (2015)

Author talks about conventional, monolithic and precast construction techniques. The comparison is majorly based on construction
materials and time, cost if the house was constructed based on conventional precast and monolithic methodologies. New alternative
methods have been developed to reduce the construction cost and the overall time for the completion of the construction project.
The alternate approach is fast track construction involving monolithic and precast construction.

C. Lakshmy G. Das at el. (2017)

In this study maximum principal stress, deflection, and crack pattern is determined by the analysis of the different models created.
This paper discusses numerical analysis of a dome structure which is made up of four different geometries. In this project a finite
element analysis is carried out through ANSYS 17.0 software.

D. David B. South at el.

Author talks about the analysis of a monolithic dome built as a residential structure using a previous airform technique. The building
was made of an outer airtight form, comprising locally available materials using various alternatives, polyurethane foam insulation,
and reinforced concrete. The process and options were evaluated according to their application for the production of biological
containment facilities. They concluded that monolithic dome technique can be an effective alternative to today’s conventional

E. Mostafa Refat Ismail at el. (2017)

Author researched the acoustics of monolithic dome structures. The paper described monolithic structures as being cost- efficient,
extremely durable, earth-friendly, and easily maintained. Regarding climate, the monolithic domes are pretty resistant to adverse
weather conditions.

F. Kalaiselvi M at el (2018)
This paper analyzes the Monolithic Concrete Dome as a low cost housing alternative and compares its cost and energy efficiency
with a conventional building structure. The study highlights the current need for low cost housing in India and with emphasis on
monolithic concrete domes as the best solution that are not only cost efficient but also have been proved to be disaster resistant over
the years.

G. Riya Anna Abraham at el (2016)

This paper summarizes the history of various dome structures using a general analysis of dome structures and a comparison of
domes with flat roofs. The paper also studies the possible future aspects of domes by evaluating two main types - monolithic and
geodesic domes. The paper talks about the various advantages and key aspects of these types of domes.
[1] Bincy Baby, Lakshmy G.Das - Numerical Study of Concrete Dome Structure using ANSYS 17.0 - Vol. 6, Issue 5, May 2017M. Young, The Technical
Writer’s Handbook. Mill Valley, CA: University Science, 1989.
[2] Noel Neighbor, David B. South - An evaluation of the monolithic dome construction method for biological containment structures –Journal of the American
Biological Safety Association.
[3] Mostafa Refat Ismail, HazemEldalyn (2017) - Acoustic of monolithic dome structures, Frontiers of Architectural Research (2018) – 9 November 2017.
[4] Rahul b. Mojidra, Pinal h. Patel, Vinu r. Patel “ Analysis and design of tall structure using monolithic construction” ISSN : 2348-6406, Volume 4, Issue 4,
April -2017
[5] Kalaiselvi M, Selvakumar T, Padmasri .G Analysis and Design of Monolithic Domes for Low Cost Housing
[6] Nuzul Azam Haron, Ir. Salahuddin Hassim, Mohd. Razali Abd. Kadir and Mohd Saleh Jaafar, (2005) “Building cost comparison between conventional and
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[7] H. G. vivek prasad , H. N. Rajendra Prasad “case study on conventional and fast track construction techniques” Volume 3 Issue 5: 2015, ISSN (P): 2395-

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1413
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538
Volume 10 Issue VI June 2022- Available at

[8] Riya Anna Abraham, G. Kesava Chandran Study of Dome structures with specific Focus on Monolithic and Geodesic Domes for Housing (ISSN 2250-
2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 6, Issue 8, August 2016)
[9] Rashmi C Khanorkar, Prathmesh S Narkar Design and Analysis of a Monolithic Dome using Staadpro V8i - Review IRJET Volume: 07 Issue: 09 | Sep
[10] Devang Gohel1 , Dr. Jayeshkumar Pitroda A Critical Literature Review On Comparative Study Of Conventional Structure With Monolithic Structure
2017 IJCRT | Volume 5, Issue 4 December 2017 | ISSN: 2320-2882

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved | SJ Impact Factor 7.538 | ISRA Journal Impact Factor 7.894 | 1414

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