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Simon Mortiake

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Test 03-19-L @ET LISTENING SUB-TEST — QUESTION PAPER CANDIDATE NUMBER: LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: MIDDLE NAMES: PROFESSION: Passport Photo VENUE: ‘TEST DATE: By eng ou ng rl enon ry way (ern ok tl rani ay cepa on rot ny OE eo eo cr Hy hear ain ary esi wayne ace esky nso inn tga ryan creat, maybe Sid a yours syrah ctor CBA CB.A skort hae ter Seopa aon phy an ae myo enon pai In Fe andnie seco aainosiane fe abort, er erent ence resizer ray bees hr pny war esi, CANDIDATE SIGNATURE: TIME: APPROXIMATELY 40 MINUTES. DE LOU) DO NOT open this question paper until you are told to do so. ‘One mark will be granted for each correct answer. ‘Answer ALL questions. Marks are NOT deducted for incorrect answers, At the end ofthe test, you wll have two minutes to check your answers. {At the end ofthe test, hand in this Question Paper. ‘You must not remove OET material from the test room. PRON SSO Part A: Write your answers on this Question Paper by filing in the blanks. Example: Patient: Johuw Smith Part B & Part C: Mark your answers on this Question Paper by filing inthe circle using a 2B pencil. Example: @ o oO ae Occupational English Test Listening: jest Three This test has three parts. In each part youll hear a number of different extracts. At the start of each extract, you'll hear this sound: -beep- You'll have time to read the questions before you hear each extract and you'll hear each extract ONCE ONLY. Complete your answers as you listen At the end ofthe test, youl have two minutes to check your answers. Part A In this part of the test, youl hear two different extracts. In each extract, a health professional stalking toa patient. For questions 1-24, complete the notes with information you hear. Now, look at the nates for extract one, Extract 1: Questions 1-12 You hear a gastro-enterologis talking to @ new patient called Simon Mortlake. For questions 1-12, complete the notes with a word oF short phrase, You now have 30 seconds to look at the notes, ‘Simon Mortake Patient history + age 87 + referred with a suspected (1) (three years ago) = endoscopy -@ (clear) + successfully treated for (3) (medicaly) + surgery for (4), (two years ago) + occupation: retired (5) Current symptoms + indigestion - especialy (6) after meals + feols that ne lacks (7) + some (8) fon exertion + reports oss of (9) + 0 (10) to abdomen Patient concerns + family history: uncle had (11) + planning a trip to (12) Extract 2: Questions 13-24 ‘You hear a vascular surgeon talking to a new patient called Monica Pattison. For questions 13-24, complete the notes with a word or short phrase. ‘You now have 30 seconds to look at the notes. Patient Monica Pattison Pationt history and background Provious treatment + varicose veins: first occurrence whilst (13) (25 years ago) symptoms abated (after 18 months) worked as a (14) ina restaurant symptoms recurred (four years ago) = calves described as (15) fand itchy self-help: movement, keeping feet elevated, no (16) of legs exercise: moderate dally walk (thirty minutes) GP: further selt-help only, Patient advised to (17) Recent symptoms and treatment Patient concerns + oedema in (18) (one year ago) Inflammation of feet and ankles recurrent night (19) Utrasound scan excluded (20) treatment by injection of (21), (local aesthetic, day patient) Used bandages (one week) and (22) (for a further week) side effects — severe (23) worried about invasive surgery also about the effect on her (24) business ‘That is the end of Part A. Now look at Part B, Part B In this part of the test, you'll hear six diferent extracts In each extract youll hear people talking in a aitferent healthcare setting For questions 25-30, choose the answer (A Bor C) which fis best according to wha you hear. You't have time to roa each quetion before you Elen, Corpo your erowers es you leer Now lok question 26, 25. Youhoara muse inthe obsotis depatmont taking tho obstetrician She's wore bocauso the patent ® twstttunaware ot hor pregnancy. has reacted badly to news of her pregnancy. © says she may want to terminate her pregnancy. 26. You hes senordoctr ging ago eres! stern inho to endl a ys examination to say at ing ho earinaon a patents shal th car shoul @ teen an open min sbet wha proba there might, pero speci tests sugosodby tho patio Histon, © be reay ol he patent remove anything 27. You hears GP thing pan aut hi ath Uinatis he seeing etic abou? @ owt al wit ne meer rane sate row acy a conto siete devslep © who to refer to for practical assistance 28. You hear wo nurses discussing a patios care plan Deore sho canbe discharged, he patent neds ® tw demonstrate hat she's suficienly mabe, some help to come totems wit hr condition, © uence in how seacminsor some mediation 28. _Younear surgeon beng team about an upcoming operation \Whats he concemed abut regarding the postaperavepeod? ® hon medication wibe administered how scon the patent wil resume smeking © whaer the paints pain wi be managed afecvaly 30, You hear @ dent taking oa patient Walshe pation doing? ® complaining abou his as appointment aking or some rod work to be cat ot © enauiing about a possible further couse of raiment That is the end of Part B. Now look at Part C Part C In this part of the test, youl hear two different extracts. In each extract, you'll har health professionals talking about aspects oftheir work. For questions 31-42, choose the answer (A, B or C) which fits best according to what you hear. Complete your answers as you listen. Now look at extract one, Extract 1: Questions 31-36 You hear an interview with a sports inury specialist called Toby Walsh on the subject of hamstring injuries. You now have 90 seconds to read questions 31-36. a 32, 33. 34. “Toby explains that sports people fear getting hamstring injuries because ® takes aio tine to recover rom ono there fs high risk of recurence. © tne therapy can ve very pain Toby explains that hamstring injuries are common in sports which ® tend inv players in very lng matches. ae popula wit players of dierent ages, © rocuie payers to move in eatin ways, In terms of preventing hamstring injuries, Toby mentions that sportspeople need to ® mainain ease of moverentin another pat of he body ensure that warm-up exercises arent incressing the isk, © be cautous about working drecty onthe muscles concemed “Toby suggests that during intensive training programmes, ® pam in w hansing has sono aaring san. working on gluteal muscles can help avo hamsting problems © peo win a history ofhamsting sins ned to avid cern exercises, 35, Whatis Toby's first concer when treating @ hamstring injury? ® to getthe athete to describe the symptoms 10 lake action to reduce any sweling © wensure that pan is well managed 36. What does Toby say about recovering from hamstring injuries? ® Toe otects may be permanent in some cases, © trshardto predict how long t wil take n each case © Treatment can ve counter productive in less sever case, Now look at extract two. Extract 2: Questions 37-42 You hear a clinical pharmacist called Emma Royce giving a presentation about the side effects of certain types of medication, You now have 80 seconds to rea questions 37-42. 37, Emma explains thatthe condi known as pathological gambling ® was es dented in patents with Parkinson's disease affects a disproportionate number of Parkinson's patios © often occurs in Parkinsons patents whatever treatment theyre having 38, Emma says that pathological gambling as a side effect of Parkinson's medication ® may bo mere extensive than oxsting data suggests is probably restcted to patents wit an exsing saorder © seems to have been over-estimated in the absence of reliable data 39. _ In the case ofthe patient called Harry, what associated symptom led his wife to discover his gambling problem? ® insonmia loxs of appotite © compulsive shopping 40, What point does Emma make about the role of underiying risk factors in the development of pathological gambling? ® corain prsonal characteris leary playa part in tis Prolonged exposure tothe drugs makes this hard to assess © theres a ack o conclusive evidence to back up claims about this 41. Emma feels thatthe long-term effects of this type of adverse reaction @® canbe extremely serous forte patients welboing are limited because the symptoms soon esappeat. © opens on the lve of support the patent has 42, What does Emma suggest for the management of drug-induced pathological gambling in Parkinson's patients? ® Patents shouts decide whetrerto continue wth heir mecicaion Patents shouldbe observed to see how severe their reaction © _Patons shouldbe taken of the medication as soon as possib That is the end of Part C. ‘You now have two minutes to check your answers, END OF THE LISTENING TEST Refer to Listening Answer Kay on pags 206-208 Refer to Listening Aud Sep on pages 210-218 (1) You can nd ne Listening Aud rack on the OFT Star Age

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