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Hops & Gnarly: My Best Hazy IPA To Date

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Hops & Gnarly

Hazy IPA Recipe Book

My Best Hazy
IPA to Date
Photography by
Meg MacDonald
My Best Directions
Heat 7.56 gallons of water to about
166F and mash in. Stir grains to re-
Hazy to Date move any clumps. Maintain 152F or
67C for 60 minutes or until a pre-
boil gravity of 1.067 is reached. If
Season3 EP28 possible, recirculate the mash for at
least the last 15 minutes of the mash.
Drain the wort or remove the grains
After 8 batches this is where I landed and increase the temperature until a
and I’m pretty stoked about the boil is reached.
experience. Don’t be afraid to make
a few split batches and do your own After boiling for 15 minutes add 12
experimentation! And if you learn g Idaho 7 and boil for another 15
something cool, be sure to share it minutes.
with me on Instagram!
@hopsandgnarly When the timer elapses, cool the
wort to 160F or 71C and add the
Batch Size: 5 gallons whirlpool hops. Whirlpool or let
Efficiency: 68% stand for 30 minutes.
Original Gravity: 1.075
Final Gravity: 1.020 Cool the wort to 65F or 18C and
ABV: 7.39% pitch the yeast. Maintain 65F or 18C
for 3 days and then dry hop accord-
Grain ing to the schedule just as high krau-
10 lb (4.5 kg) Proximity Base Malt sen is beginning to decline.
2 lb (.9 kg) Malted Oats
2 lb (.9 kg) Flaked Oats When final gravity is reached, cold
1 lb (.45 kg) Vienna Malt crash to 35F or 2C. When the tem-
1 lb (.45 kg) White Wheat Malt perature is reached (roughly the next
1 lb (.45 kg) Dextrine day) add the second round of dry
hops. Allow contact for 2 or 3 days
Additions and then carefully package in kegs
12 g Idaho 7 - 15 minutes or cans, carbonate, and drink fresh.
21 g Citra - Whirlpool
21 g El Dorado - Whirlpool
21 g Rakau - Whirlpool
best after
Imperial Juice
about a week
Imperial Barbarian and peak
Dry Hops freshness for
24 g Citra - Day 3 & Day 8
24 g El Dorado - Day 3 & Day 8
maybe 2 more.
24 g Rakau - Day 3 & Day 8
make this

Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Can’t say it enough,
Thanks for Your Support!

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