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MAPEH (Arts)
Quarter 1 – Module 5:
Western Classical Art Tradition:
(Pre-Historic, Ancient Egypt,
Classical Greek, and Roman Era)

MAPEH (Arts) – Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 5: Western Classical Art Traditions: Architecture (Pre Historic,
Ancient Egypt, Classical Greek, and Roman Era)
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

OIC-Schools Division Superintendent: Carleen S. Sedilla CESE
OIC-Assistant Schools Division Superintendent: Brian E. Ilan EdD

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Deogracita N. Callueng and Ma. Lenie V. Navarro

Editor: Myrna T. Parakikay

Reviewer: Myrna T. Parakikay
Layout Artist: Jezzalee T. De Leon
Management Team: Angelita S. Jalimao
Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division

Neil Vincent C. Sandoval

Education Program Supervisor, LRMS

Myrna T. Parakikay
Education Program Supervisor, MAPEH

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What I Need To Know

This module was written and designed to make learning easier especially as we are in
the New Normal situation. As an educational tool, this module about the Western
Classical Art Traditions: Architecture (Pre-Historic, Ancient Egypt, Classical
Greek, and Roman Era) challenges you as a learner, to become creative, resourceful
and independent. The scope of the module provides a variety of activities that will
stimulate independent and self-guided learning experience. Lessons in this module are
arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course to ensure effective learning
continuity, make the experience more meaningful, effective and relevant to life

This module includes lessons and activities on:

 The Characteristics of Architecture during the Pre-historic, Ancient Egypt,
Classical Greek, and Roman.
 The functions and types of Architecture in Prehistoric, Ancient Egypt, Classical
Greek, and Roman Era
 Creating artworks guided by techniques and styles of Architecture of Western
Classical Art traditions
 Analyzing elements and principles of western and classical art.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Identify the different elements, principle of Architecture from different Western
Classical Art.
2. Demonstrate understanding of the elements of Art present in the Architecture
from different Western Classical Art.
3. Identify the use or function of artworks to derive the tradition and history of an
art period.
4. Analyze art elements and principles in the Architecture from different
Western Classical Art.
5. Show appreciation of the Architecture from the Western Classical Era.

What I Know

Loop A Word: Search for fifteen (15) words that is related to Western Classical Arts-
Architecture. The words inside box will guide you in your search. You can find the
words horizontally, vertically, diagonally and inverted.

1. Pyramids
C A D I R I H N E M H Y 2. Parthenon
3. Architecture
4. Doric
O A B T L O L E P E I A 5. Corinthian
6. Ionic
7. Megaliths
L S C I F E E B E S A I 8. Dolmens
9. Temples
10. Cromlech
C M N I H A U O S L E S 11. Trilith
12. Colosseum
H J O T I E I W N O M N 13. Mastaba
N A I H T N I R O C O P 14. Pharoah
15. Menhir


Western Classical Art Traditions:

Lesson Architecture (Pre-Historic,
1 Ancient Egypt, Classical Greek,
and Roman Era)
Materials used in Architecture vary according to region and locality. Archaeologist
believed that their sculpture is a result of natural erosion and not human artistry.
Frequently carving may have mythological or religious significance.

What’s In

Encircle the letter of the best answer

1. Which type of sculpture is used for Roman General burial?

A. Sarcophagus from Cervetiri C. Venus of Brassempouy
B. Pharaoh Menkaure D. Portonacio sarcophagus

2. What do you call the type of fired clay, typically of brownish red color used for
ornamental building and in modelling?
A. Clay B. Cement C. Terracotta D. Bricks

3. Which of the following stone coffin often inscribed or decorated sculpture?

A. Tomb B. Sarcophagus C. Pyramids D. Megaliths

4. Venus of Willendorf and Venus of Brassempouy is a sculpture that exist from

what Era?
A. Romantic Era B. Ancient Egypt C. Classical Greek D. Prehistoric Era

5. What Era is described where sculptures showed perfect human anatomy and
A. Romantic Era B. Ancient Egypt C. Classical Greek D. Prehistoric Era

What’s New

Picture Analysis: Look and Study each picture below. What can you tell based on
these pictures? Answer each questions and write your answers on the space provided .

1. A. What building is shown?


B. Where can you find this building?


2. A. What building is shown?

B. Where can you find this building?


3. A. What building is shown?


B. Where can you find this building?


What Is It
Architecture from the Early Age

Prehistoric Architecture
Man has developed a form of architecture based on megaliths (a big rock) from the
Greek word lithos (stone) and megas (big). This architecture is made of huge stone
blocks which were probably intended for burial.

Megalithic monuments have always ignited man’s imagination. It provided plenty of

legends and superstition. During this era, stones and rocks were associated with

Three main types of megalith stones:

1. Menhir: a huge stone standing vertically

on the ground, usually standing in the
middle of the field, or arranged in rows.

2. Dolmens: the word dolmen originated

from the expression taol maen, which
means “stone table”. These structures
are in a form of table consisting of two
huge standing stones supporting a
horizontal giant stone. It is believed that
it served as grave or as an altar.

3. Cromlech: a Brythonic word where

“crom” means bent or curved and “llech”
which means slabor flagstones. Literary
it is a circle of standing stones.

Stonehenge: Best preserved megalithic site
in Europe, a group of stones arranged in
concentric circles, with a large external
circle of triliths (Greek word meaning three
stones), two internal circles built in a
similar manner and altar shape stone in
the center. It is a temple where rituals were
held. The structure and the movement of
the sun in the sky has a relationship in
terms of identifying the change of the
seasons which helped the primitive man on
their rituals and on their agricultural

Egyptian Architecture

This architectural style was developed during the pre-dynastic period 4,000BC.
Characteristics of Egyptian Architecture:
1. The structure has thick sloping walls with few openings to obtain stability.
2. The exterior and interior walls along with columns and piers were covered with
hieroglyphics and pictorial frescoes and carvings painted in brilliant colors.
3. Ornamentations were symbolic including scarab (sacred beetle), solar disk and
vulture, common motifs (palm leaves, buds, flower of lotus, and papyrus plants)
4. Temples were aligned with astronomically significant events like solstices (comes
from the Latin word Sol, meaning sun and stitium meaning stoppage, as the sun
appears to stand still on the first day of winter) and equinox (a time or date when day
and night are of equal length) with precise measurements required in determining
the moment of that particular event.

Pyramids of Giza

It is the most substantial ancient structure

of the world. The three pyramids are the
funerary structures of the three kings of the
fourth dynasty (2575 to 2465 BC) namely:
Khufu (Cheops) whom the Great Pyramid
was attributed to; Khafa (Chepren) whom the
pyramid next to the Great Pyramid is

These pyramids were made highly confusing

and with many tunnels to create confusion
for grave rubbers. Egyptian Temples were
built to serve as places of residence for the
gods. They also served as key centers for
economic activity. Ancient temples were
made of perishables materials like wood,
reed matting and mud brick. Their walls
were covered with scenes that were carved
onto the stone then brightly painted.
Pharaoh fighting in the battles and
performing rituals with the gods were the
scenes found on the walls.

Mastaba is a type of Egyptian tomb in the form of a flat roofed, rectangular

structure with outward sloping sides. It is made of mud-bricks or stone.

Greek Architecture Temples consisted of a central shrine or room in an aisle

surrounded by rows of columns. These buildings were designed in one of three
architectural style or orders:

The Parthenon
447-432 BC, Athens

The Greatest Classical temple

ingeniously engineered to correct an
optical illusion. The columns were
slightly contorted, swollen at the center
and leaning inward to correct what
would otherwise have been an
impression of deadness and top heaviness.

Roman Architecture
They built sturdy stone structures both for use and to perpetuate their glory.
The emperors erected huge halls and arenas for public games, baths and procession.
They built them of gigantic arches of stone, bricks and concrete or with barrel vaults.

The Colosseum, AD 70-82, Rome

They built sturdy stone structures both

for use and to perpetuate their glory.
The emperors erected huge halls and
arenas for public games, baths and
procession. They built them of gigantic
arches of stone, bricks and concrete or
with barrel vaults.

. What’s More

Activity: Identify the different Architecture

 Write the characteristics, elements and principles applied




What I Have Learned

Prehistoric Art artworks are clues for archaeologist in understanding the

Stone Civilization.
In Ancient Egypt, Architecture were used to make the afterlife a pleasant
place for the deceased. Carvings of the deceased doing their favorite
activity would allow them to continue those activities in the afterlife.
Greek Architecture not only focused on fictional stories and mythological
gods. It was also used as a way to honor people of the period. These
people were usually rulers, kings, or in this case a scholar.
Roman Architecture worked stone, precious metals, glass and terracotta
but favored bronze and marble above all else for their finest work. Most
of the surviving examples of Roman sculpture are in marble.

What I Can Do

Activity: My Dream House

If you were given a chance to design your dream house, how would you like it to be?
Draw your Dream House in the box provided.

Materials: pencil, eraser, ruler and any coloring materials

Do your work here


Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

5 4 3 2 1
1. Showed the theme and the design of
the artwork
2. Followed the instructions in making
the activity
3. Maintained cleanliness in the work
4. Used proper materials and tools
prescribed in the design
5. Showed enjoyment while doing the


Directions: Read the following questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the best

1. What is a group of stones arranged in concentric circles with a large external circle
of Triliths?
A. Mastaba B. Stonehenge C. Hagia Sophia D. The Colosseum
2. What do you call very large stones used in pre historic architecture?
A. Menhir B. Megaliths C. Dolmens D. Cromlech
3. Which Era has temples consisted of a central shrine or room in an aisle surrounded
by rows of columns?
A. Roman Era B. Egyptian Era C. Greek Era D. Pre Historic Era
4. Which of the following were group of stones arranged in concentric circles?

A. B. C. D.
5. Which type of Architecture is used for Egyptian tomb which was made of mud-
bricks stone?
A. Mastaba B. Parthenon C. Colosseum D. Menhir
6. Pyramid of Giza and Mastaba is an Architecture that exist from what Era?
A. Roman Era B. Egyptian Era C. Greek Era D. Pre Historic Era
7. Which type of Greek word with means three stones?
A. Megaliths B. Cromlech C. Taol maen D. Triliths
8. Which of the following Architecture that was built during Roman Era?

A. B. C. D.

9. What type of Architecture during the Greek Era is considered as the Greatest
Classical Temple were columns were slightly contorted?
A. Mastaba B. Colosseum C. Parthenon D. Menhir

10. Which of the following Greek Architecture styles or columns is distinguished by
decorative, bell-shaped capital with volutes, two rows of acanthus leaves, and an
elaborate cornice?

A. B. C. D.
11. Which of the following Greek Architecture styles or columns has a distinguishing
feature of twin volutes, or spiral scrolls?

A. B. C. D.
12. What art and technique of designing and building is distinguished from the skills
associated with construction?
A. Sculpture B. Painting C. Carving D. Architecture
13. It is a structures form of table consisting of horizontal giant stone that served as a
grave or an altar?
A. Dolmens B. Menhir C. Cromlech D. Triliths
14. Why do Egyptians build temples?
A. for the use of public games, baths and processions
B. to help the primitive man on their agricultural purposes
C. it serves as a grave or an altar.
D. it serve as a place of residence for the their Gods and pharaohs
15. Which of the following Architecture was built during Pre Historic Era?

A. B. C. D.

Additional Activities

Directions: Create your own Flower Vase Paper Mache. For more info please visit this

Please paste your work here

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