Automatic Battery Charger
Automatic Battery Charger
Automatic Battery Charger
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- We've created an automated battery operating Crisantus Oden proposes a simple 12volts charger that
system based on battery status. When the battery is fully operates by providing a fixed DC or DC power source for a
charged the status is displayed on the LCD and charging rechargeable battery. A simple charger does not convert output
stops, and charging begins when the battery is not fully based on time or battery charging. This simplicity means that a
charged. This is beneficial as it prevents the battery from simple charger is less expensive. The battery charger circuit has
damaging and charging excessively. We have created an the ability to convert voltages from one form to another
automatic charging system based on its battery status. (usually AC to DCvoltages). This process is done using the
When the battery is fully charged the status is displayed on most important components such as: rectifiers, capacitor to
the LCD and charging stops, and charging begins when the filter and remove ripples from AC source and power control
battery is not fully charged. This is beneficial as it prevents (IC). However, the project is based on the development of a
the battery from getting damaged and overcharged. simple 24V / 12volts battery charger with local features to
reduce costs. The proposed project design works on 24V / 12V
Keywords:- Pic16f877a, Electric Sensor, Temperature batteries. There is a resistor connected to the battery charger to
Sensors, Current Sensor, Esp8266. limit short circuit current. [2]
Fig 7 [1]. Mr. V. Krishnamurthy “Automatic Battery Charger”
2014 International Journal of Engineering and
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esp8266, Voltage sensor, current sensor, Relay, Buck [2]. Crisantus Oden, LI Huizong School of Management and
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Huainan, China “Design and Construction of 12 Volts
Once the battery is connected to the circuit, it then Automatic Battery Charger” 2011, IEEE Journal
displays the battery charging status on the LCD. [3]. J. Ripley, M. T. Ansari, J. Dehn, “Battery Chargers and
DC batteries and power systems that support AC”,
Current sensor and voltage sensor are used to sense Record of conference papers. IEEE has embraced the
current and current voltage in the battery. The MCU constantly industry application community. Forty-eighth Annual
monitors the battery status and is displayed on the LCD. Conference. 2001 Oil and Industrial Industry Conference
Technology Conference, 26 September 2001.