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Automatic Battery Charger

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Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Automatic Battery Charger

Shubhangi Joshi(Author) A.G. Kole A. Nalawade
Pune, India Pune, India Pune, India

Abstract:- We've created an automated battery operating Crisantus Oden proposes a simple 12volts charger that
system based on battery status. When the battery is fully operates by providing a fixed DC or DC power source for a
charged the status is displayed on the LCD and charging rechargeable battery. A simple charger does not convert output
stops, and charging begins when the battery is not fully based on time or battery charging. This simplicity means that a
charged. This is beneficial as it prevents the battery from simple charger is less expensive. The battery charger circuit has
damaging and charging excessively. We have created an the ability to convert voltages from one form to another
automatic charging system based on its battery status. (usually AC to DCvoltages). This process is done using the
When the battery is fully charged the status is displayed on most important components such as: rectifiers, capacitor to
the LCD and charging stops, and charging begins when the filter and remove ripples from AC source and power control
battery is not fully charged. This is beneficial as it prevents (IC). However, the project is based on the development of a
the battery from getting damaged and overcharged. simple 24V / 12volts battery charger with local features to
reduce costs. The proposed project design works on 24V / 12V
Keywords:- Pic16f877a, Electric Sensor, Temperature batteries. There is a resistor connected to the battery charger to
Sensors, Current Sensor, Esp8266. limit short circuit current. [2]

I. INTRODUCTION J.Ripley, M.T.Ansari and J.Dehn use batteries and battery

chargers in both DC and AC power systems. This paper
The aim of the project is to design an automatic battery contains information on important information related to:
charger. The features of the devices are as follows. The device battery types; standard DC load recommendations; standard
is suitable for closed 12-lead lead-acid batteries, as these charging features; site and loading conditions affect battery
batteries are selected for use frequencies. The device contains storage and battery life; charger features that improve battery
a pic16f877a microcontroller that constantly monitors Voltage, storage and battery life; requirements when using compatible
Current and Battery temperature. Permanent cuts and chargers and / or batteries; manual battery monitoring methods;
automatic cuts are the methods used to charge the battery. and automatic battery monitoring. [3]
Charging starts when the voltage is below 12v and turns off
when the voltage is above 12v. III. DETAILS OF PROPOSED SYSTEM MODULES


Mr. V. Krishnamurthy, Rashmi Varma, Sonali Tribhuvan

and Afrin Shaikh designed the battery charger for closed 12V
lead-acid batteries. The device is designed to include the
Charging Unit, the Battery Housing Unit (Drawers) and their
separate batteries within the Chargers that can be charged
simultaneously. Each Battery Housing unit is provided with its
driver circuit, transformer and power supply module. The
power supply module is designed for thermal analysis &
efficiency and protection in EMI / EMC matters. Once the
battery is connected to the circuit, it indicates the charging
status of the battery. The battery charging level is indicated by
LEDS and the LCD is used to display the battery-powered and
current battery power with the 4X4 manual. The type of battery
and the remaining charging time are displayed on the screen
during charging of the LCD display. PIC 18f452
Microcontroller constantly monitors battery status and displays
on LCD. Charging stops when the battery is fully charged, the
sound alarm is displayed with a buzzer and finally the drawer
of the drawer tray to remove the charged battery. At the front
of the charger are 6 buttons, an LCD, a keypad and 6 LEDs.
Fast charging and slow charging facilities are provided as Fig 1:- Pic16f877a
required. The main charger circuit is the current constant
charging mode. [1] This powerful (200 nanosecond instruction) but easy to
execute (only 35 word instructions) CMOS FLASH-based 8-
bit microcontroller packs a powerful Microchip PIC® design

IJISRT22JUN1762 1039

Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
in a 40- or 44-pin pack and goes up compatible with
PIC16C5X, PIC12CXXX and PIC16C7X devices.
PIC16F877A includes 256 bytes EEPROM data memory,
editing, ICD, 2 templates, 8 10-bit Analog-to-Digital (A / D)
converter channels, 2 scanning / comparisons / PWM
functions, a compatible serial port can be configured as a 3
Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI ™) or an Inter-Integrated
Fig 3 Current Sensor
Circuit (I²C ™) bus with 2 cables and a Universal
Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter ( USART). All of these
D. Esp8266
features make it ideal for advanced A / D applications in
The ESP8266 WiFi Module is a self-contained SOC with
automotive, industrial, electronics and consumer applications.
an integrated TCP / IP protocol stack that can give any
microcontroller access to your WiFi network. ESP8266 is able
B. Buck Converter
to host the program or release all Wi-Fi network activities on
The buck converter (drop converter) is a DC-to-DC
another application processor.
power converter that lowers the voltage (while pulling the
minimum current) from its input (supplied) to the output
(load). The modified power supply phase (SMPS) typically
consists of at least two semiconductors (diode and transistor,
although modern color converters often replace the diode with
a second transistor used for parallel adjustment) and a single
energy storage element. , capacitor, inductor, or these two are
combined. To reduce the voltage ripple, capacitors made of
capacitors (sometimes combined with inductors) are usually
added to the output of the converter (filter next to the load) and
inputs (supply side filter). [1] It is called a buck converter
because the voltage across the inductor "dollars" or
counteracts the supply voltage.

Switch converters (such as color converters) offer greater Fig 4 Esp8266

power efficiency as DC-to-DC converters than line controls,
which are simple circuits that reduce voltage by output power E. LCD Module
such as heat, but do not increase output power. An LCD is an electronic display module that uses liquid
crystal to produce a visual image. The 16 × 2 LCD display is
The efficiency of the color converters can be very high, the most basic module used in this project to communicate
often over 90%, making them useful for tasks such as directly with people. 16 × 2 translates o the display of 16 letters
converting large computer power, usually 12 V, down to the in each line on 2 such lines.
low voltage required by USB, DRAM and -CPU, which is.
usually 5, 3.3 or 1.8 V.

Fig 5 LCD Display

Fig 2 Buck Converter
C. Current Sensor
The ACS712 is a fully integrated current line sensor, The sensors embedded within the system send
based on the hall output with a 2.1kVRMS voltage divider and information to the control unit and are monitored during
an integrated ground-resistant current conductor. The continuous operation. If the voltage is less than 12v then the
technical terms, on the other hand, are simply set as the current current is checked, if it is mA then charging is started by
sensor that the operator uses to calculate and measure the turning on the relay switch and buck and the charging process
current value used. stops as soon as the current is not visible.

IJISRT22JUN1762 1040

Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The charging process starts when the voltage is below
12v and stops when the voltage is above 12v with the help of
a relay. Finally we receive a notification on the phone via


Fig 8:- PCB Board Output

Fig 6 The performance of the proposed system is shown in the

figure above where the software provided by the
V. WORKING OF THE SYSTEM microcontroller contains a voltage and current value, based on
which the charging process is determined.


The use of Automatic Battery Charge Channel is a new

way to overcome the risk of an explosion. It also solved the
problem of battery decay. It works well and reduces staff
capacity, retention and complexity. There is no need to
constantly monitor batteries and charging changes.


For future recommendations, our charging input should

be on high to reduce battery charging time. Besides, the
charger should come with a small size so that users can use it
freely anywhere.

Fig 7 [1]. Mr. V. Krishnamurthy “Automatic Battery Charger”
2014 International Journal of Engineering and
The block diagram contains LCD, MCU (pic16f877a), Technology Research.
esp8266, Voltage sensor, current sensor, Relay, Buck [2]. Crisantus Oden, LI Huizong School of Management and
Converter, closed acid battery. Economic Anhui University of Science and Technology
Huainan, China “Design and Construction of 12 Volts
Once the battery is connected to the circuit, it then Automatic Battery Charger” 2011, IEEE Journal
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DC batteries and power systems that support AC”,
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current and current voltage in the battery. The MCU constantly industry application community. Forty-eighth Annual
monitors the battery status and is displayed on the LCD. Conference. 2001 Oil and Industrial Industry Conference
Technology Conference, 26 September 2001.

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Volume 7, Issue 6, June – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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Buck converter lead battery charger using current high-
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and Driving Systems (JPEDS), Vol. 8, No. June 2, 2017
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