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Co-Simulation of Matlab and FlightGear

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8th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling

8th Vienna18International
February Conference
- 20, 2015. Vienna on Mathematical
University Modelling
of Technology, Vienna,
8th Vienna18International
February Conference
- 20, 2015. Vienna on Mathematical
University Modelling
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February 18 - 20, 2015. Vienna Available
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IFAC-PapersOnLine 48-1 (2015) 067–072
Co-Simulation of of Matlab
Matlab and
and FlightGear
for Identificationof Matlab
and and FlightGear
Control of Aircraft
for Identification
Identification and
and Control
Control of
of Aircraft
∗ ∗ ∗
Guilherme Aschauer ∗ Alexander Schirrer ∗ Martin Kozek ∗
Guilherme Aschauer ∗∗ Alexander Schirrer ∗∗ Martin Kozek ∗∗
Guilherme Aschauer Alexander Schirrer Martin Kozek

∗ Inst. of Mechanics & Mechatronics, Vienna University of Technology,
Inst. of Mechanics & Mechatronics, Vienna University of Technology,

∗ Inst. of Mechanics & Mechatronics, Austria Vienna University of Technology,
Abstract: The paper outlines the development of a co-simulation solution of Matlab and Flight-
Abstract: The paper outlines the development of a co-simulation solution of Matlab and Flight-
Gear in which
Abstract: Thethe the
papercommunication between these
outlines the development of aprograms
co-simulation is done via UDP
solution without
of Matlab andneeding
Gear in which communication between these programs is done via UDP without needing
Gear toolsets. Thecommunication
simulation and between renderingthese is done by FlightGear. Flight measurement signals
further toolsets. The simulation and rendering is done by FlightGear. Flight measurementneeding
in which the programs is done via UDP without signals
are senttoolsets.
further to Matlab, The which in turn
simulation andsends back actuator
rendering is done byinput values computed
FlightGear. Flight by a flight control
measurement signals
are sent to Matlab, which in turn sends back actuator input values computed by a flight control
are First,
sent First,
to Matlab,gray-boxwhich models
in turn of the aircraft dynamics are identified for different altitudes for
system. gray-box models of sends back actuator
the aircraft dynamics input
are values
identified computed by a flight
for different control
altitudes for
system. and
First,and lateral
gray-box dynamics so that gain-scheduled controllers can be used. The output
longitudinal lateral models
dynamics of the aircraft
so that dynamics arecontrollers
gain-scheduled identified can for different
be used. altitudes
The output for
quantities to be controlled
longitudinal are altitude and heading and three state-space controllers (MPC,
quantities toand lateral dynamics
be controlled so that
are altitude and gain-scheduled
heading and controllers
three state-space can be controllers
used. The (MPC,output
LQR and a gain-scheduled
quantities LQR) are designed and compared by tracking twocontrollers
reference signals
LQR and atogain-scheduled
be controlled LQR) are altitude and heading
are designed and three
and compared by state-space
tracking two reference (MPC, signals
LQR and steps
a and ramps. LQR)
gain-scheduled At theare enddesigned
the robustness
and of the controllers
compared by tracking aretwoverified by flying
reference in
including steps and ramps. At the end the robustness of the controllers are verified by flying in
including stepsweather conditions.
ramps. At the end the robustness of the controllers are verified by flying in
turbulent weather
© 2015, IFAC weather conditions.
(International Federation of Automatic Control) Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Aerospace computer control, Automated guided vehicles, Co-Simulation, Parameter
Keywords: Aerospace computer control, Automated guided vehicles, Co-Simulation, Parameter
estimation, LQR control
Keywords: method, LQG control method, Predictive control
LQR control computer
method, control, Automated
LQG control guided
method, vehicles,control
Predictive Co-Simulation, Parameter
estimation, LQR control method, LQG control method, Predictive control
1. INTRODUCTION sufficiently well and still the results have to be taken with
1. INTRODUCTION sufficiently well and still the results have to be taken with
1. INTRODUCTION caution. well and still the results have to be taken with
Considerable progress has been made in the past few years caution. This study will show how it is possible to run FlightGear
Considerable progress has 1 been made in the past few years2 This study will show how it is possible to run FlightGear
in affordable (X-Plane
Considerable progress has 1 ) or freely
been madeavailable
in the (FlightGear
past few years 2) or X-Plane in co-simulation with Matlab
in affordable (X-Plane
realistic flight(X-Plane
) or
simulation software.
freely available
Both programs
(FlightGear 2
promise) This study will
or X-Plane show how it is
in co-simulation possible
with Matlab to using the UDP
run FlightGear
using the UDP
in affordable
realistic flight simulation) software.
or freely available
Both programs promise communication
(FlightGear or protocol. Thiswith approach
communication protocol. This approach allows to run UDP
X-Plane in co-simulation Matlab allows
using to the
run both
a large
realistic degree
flight of realism
simulation and
software. are even
Both used
programs in training
promise programs
communication on different
protocol. platforms
This as
approach long as
allows they
to runare in
a large degree of realism and are even used in training programs on different platforms as long as they are in
a large for pilots.
degree of FlightGear
realism and offers
are even theused
choicein between
cockpits for pilots. FlightGear offers the choice between the the
same local
same on
In order toasobtain
In order to long
they are in
several well-established
cockpits for pilots. FlightGear flight dynamics
offers the models
choice (FDM)
between on Simulink and especially the Aerospace Toolbox have not
several well-established flight dynamics models (FDM) on the same local network. In order to
Simulink and especially the Aerospace Toolbox have not obtain high flexibility,
the basis of mostly nonlinear equations of motion
(FDM)like on been used since the latterthe one is so far only working
the basis
of mostly nonlinear
(Berndt (2004))
flight dynamics
or the
of motion
a user-defined
like Simulink
been usedand since especially
the latter oneAerospace Toolbox
is so far only workinghavewith
the basis of mostly nonlinear equations of motion like FlightGear
been used
JSBSim (Berndt (2004)) or the usage of a user-defined FlightGear and is not a standard package of Matlab. and
since is
the not a
latter standard
one is so package
far only of Matlab.
working withIf
model. This
JSBSim is helpful
(Berndt (2004))where or the highly
usagespecialized aircraft Matlab
of a user-defined If
model. This is helpful where highly specialized aircraft FlightGear is notand available,
is not the
a main functionality
standard package ofofMatlab.
the script If
model. lighter-than-air
This is helpful aircraft
whereare used,specialized
highly or a custom Matlab is not available, the main functionality
set can easily be implemented in C++ or any other high-level
aircraft of the script
like lighter-than-air aircraft are used, or a custom set Matlab is not available, the main functionality
can easily be implemented in C++ or any other high-level of the script
likeequations is available,
lighter-than-air aircraft andarewhere
or a custom is just
set programming language. in C++ or any other high-level
of equations is available, and where FlightGear is just can easily be implemented
programming language.
of for
is purposes
available, and and
where for providing
FlightGear realistic
is just programming language.
used for visualization purposes and for providing realistic The flight simulator sends flight attitude data and receives
used for conditions.
visualization purposesThe drawback
and for of this approach
providing realistic
environmental conditions. The drawback of this approach The flight simulator sends flight attitude data and receives
actuator input values (throttle,
is that the userconditions.
environmental has to provide
is that the user has to provide
all the coefficients
The drawback used in The
of this approach
all the coefficients used in actuator flightinput
valuessends flight elevator,
(throttle, elevator,
attitude data andand
and rud-
der). After establishing a working connection between the
is FDM,
theincluding a parametrization
user has atoparametrization
provide all the over over different
different in der). After establishing a working connection betweenrud-
actuator input values (throttle, elevator, aileron, and the
parameters to increase the degree of realism. two programs,
der). After identification
establishing a runs are
working made for between
connection longitudinalthe
the FDM, including a parametrization
parameters to increase the degree of realism. over different flight two programs, identification runs are made for longitudinal
parameters to increase the degree of realism. and
two lateral motion
programs, independent
identification runs ofareeach
for for different
A completely different approach is taken by X-Plane where and lateral motion independent of each other for different
A completely different approach is taken by X-Plane where altitudes and lateral
with a chirp
with a chirp
signal overlaid
signal overlaidof eachwithother
low-pass filtered
for different
with low-pass filtered
A of
completely an FDM
different the blade-element-theory
approach is taken by is
X-Plane applied.
where white
altitudesnoise as
with input
a chirp data to
signal guarantee
overlaid sufficient
with low-pass excitation
instead of an FDM the blade-element-theory is applied. white noise as input data to guarantee sufficient excitation
Here, the
instead of geometry
an FDM of the
the aircraft has to beis modeled
blade-element-theory applied. in thenoise
relevant frequency areas. Withsufficient
this input/output
Here, the geometry of the aircraft has to be modeled white as input data to guarantee excitation
in detail the because theof forces and moments directly in thea relevant
are modeled frequency areas. With this input/output
in detail geometry
because the aircraft
the forces and momentshas to be are directly data in
model estimation
thea relevant frequencyprocess
model estimation areas. can
process Withbe
bethis input/output
in detail on its
because elements
the forces (e. g.
and wings).
moments Thisare offers the
directly a black-box model or, preferably, a gray-box model since
calculated on its elements (e. g. wings). This offers the data a modelmodel
a black-box estimation process can
or, preferably, be performed,
a gray-box model using
calculated to
on investigate
its elements the approximate
(e. g. wings). flying
This behavior
offers the the
a equations
black-box of
model motion
or, for standard
preferably, a aircraft
gray-box dynamics
model are
possibility to investigate the approximate flying behavior the equations of motion for standard aircraft dynamics are
of a newly developed
possibility to investigate aircraft
the without having
approximate to build
flying and available (e. g. Brockhaus (2001)). These models are the
of a newly developed aircraft without having to build and the equations
available (e. of
g. motion
Brockhaus for standard
(2001)). aircraft
These dynamics
models are are
testa newly
of a prototype.
developed Obtaining a mathematical
aircraft without having tomodel build andcan starting point for the control design process. In this work,
test a prototype. Obtaining a mathematical model can available (e. g. Brockhaus (2001)). These
starting point for the control design process. In this work, models are the
test be easier withObtaining
a prototype. this approach since one doesmodel
a mathematical not need three different
can starting point for reference tracking
the control designcontrollers
process. (heading
In this work,and
also be easier with this approach since one does not need three different reference tracking controllers (heading and
specific knowledge
also be easier with of of the
thisthe implemented/modeled
approach since one does not physical
need altitude)
three have reference
different been used: a model
tracking predictive
controllers controller
(heading and
specific knowledge implemented/modeled physical altitude) have been used: a model predictive controller
specific but can rely of on
thethe computations of X-Plane
implemented/modeled and (MPC), an LQR controller, and a scheduled LQR con-
processes but can rely on the computations of X-Plane and altitude) have been used: a model predictive controller
try to obtain a black- or thegray-box model from input andand (MPC),The an LQR controller, and a scheduled LQR con-
try to obtain but can rely on
a black- computations
or gray-box model from input and troller.
of X-Plane (MPC),
troller. The an LQRmodelscontroller,
and controllers
models and controllers and a are then validated
are LQR con-
then validated
try to data.
obtain Of
a course,
black- or the geometry
gray-box model has to
from be modeled
input and flying
troller. through
The turbulent
models and weather
controllers conditions
are then with reference
validated by
output data. Of course, the geometry has to be modeled flying through turbulent weather conditions with reference
output data. Of course, the geometry has to be modeled test flyingsignals
through including
turbulent steps and ramps.
weather conditionsThe with
airplane used
test signals including steps and ramps. The airplane used
test this papersteps
signals including is a Concorde
ramps. which is theoreti-
1 throughout this paper is aand Concorde The airplane
which used
is theoreti-
1 cally capable
throughout of
this flying
paper at
is supersonic
a Concorde speed.
which However,
is the
cally capable of flying at supersonic speed. However, the cally capable of flying at supersonic speed. However, the
2405-8963 © © 2015,
2015, IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control)67 Hosting by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2015,IFAC
Peer review©under
Copyright 2015,responsibility
IFAC of International Federation of Automatic
67 Control.
February 18 - 20, 2015. Vienna, AustriaGuilherme Aschauer et al. / IFAC-PapersOnLine 48-1 (2015) 067–072

present study only considers subsonic operation. Future ẋLat = ALat,4×4 xLat + BLat,4×2 uLat (2)
work could consist of an adaptive controller which is not T
only dependent on altitude (as used in this work) but also The state vector xLat = [ r, β, p, φ ] now consists of the
on speed, so that a transition from sub- to supersonic yaw rate r, the sideslip angle β, the roll rate p, and the
flight would be possible. Since the aerodynamic center of roll angle φ. The introduced output state is the heading Ψ
lift of the Concorde changes when this happens, fuel is (often also called yaw) and its derivative is only dependent
transferred inside the plane to different tanks in order on the yaw rate r. The input quantities uLat = [ ξ, ζ ] are
to shape balance and trim. This of course changes the the aileron ξ and the rudder ζ. These two sets of equations
center of gravity and therefore the flight behavior. So the are the linearized equations of motion for a conventional
challenging task of designing an efficient controller which is aircraft linearized around level-trimmed flight conditions.
capable of flying the plane in sub- and supersonic domains Then the longitudinal and lateral dynamics are mutually
was not considered in this paper. decoupled.
A co-simulation coupling between X-Plane and Matlab The angle of attack α and the sideslip angle β are called
has already been established for example by Ribeiro and aerodynamic angles and describe the direction of the
Oliveira (2010), who, however, only investigated the roll relative wind from the airplane-fixed coordinate system
dynamics for creating a roll attitude autopilot system. through the body’s center of mass. Roll, pitch, and yaw
Nusyirwan (2011) developed a connection between Mat- describe the orientation of the airplane in space with angles
lab and FlightGear by using Python. A custom set of about the center of mass and are also referred to as the
equations was used for the flight dynamics and a simple aircraft’s principal axes. The angle of climb γ is defined as
PID altitude-hold and heading-hold was developed. The the vertical angle between the flight path and the Earth.
visualization is done via FlightGear on a multi-monitor One can also interpret it as the ratio between the height
setup. Sorton and Hammaker (2005) used FlightGear with change and the distance covered. Therefore, the altitude
a custom flight dynamics model in JSBSim and Matlab change is (linearly) only dependent on γ.
with a C++ interface for the simulation of an autonomous
Both continuous-time models are of the standard form
unmanned aerial vehicle and afterwards a Hardware-in-
the-Loop testing was done with a self-developed actuator. ẋ(t) = Ac x(t) + Bc u(t), (3)
y(t) = Cx(t). (4)
In this work the flight calculations are done by FlightGear
and this program is assumed to be a black box to Matlab, Since the state vectors consist of physical states, the C
just as a real plane would be. This approach benefits from matrices just select the output states. The discrete version
the high degree of realism provided by FlightGear which of the state equation is written as:
already uses well-established, realistic FDMs, which are x(k + 1) = Ad x(k) + Bd u(k), (5)
based on the nonlinear equations of motion and therefore y(k) = Cx(k). (6)
avoids the use of potentially over-simplified flight dynam-
ics models. Also, different planes and flying objects can be The computation of the discrete state space matrices is
used. Since just a computer with Matlab and FlightGear possible from their continuous counterparts and depends
is needed, the developed framework has high potential on the sampling time Ts as for example shown in Ogata
in educational use as different controllers can easily be (1995):
implemented and tested on potentially highly challenging Ad = expm (Ac Ts ), (7)
plants (for example fighter aircrafts in their nonlinear  
operation area or the already mentioned transition from Bd = expm (Ac τ ) dτ Bc = A−1 c (Ad − I) Bc , (8)
sub- to supersonic speeds). τ =0

where a zero-order-hold (piecewise constant) input u is

2. METHODOLOGY assumed and expm denotes the matrix exponential. Since
the output of most black-box estimation procedures is a
The linearized equations of motion are taken from Brock- discrete-time representation of the system dynamics, from
haus (2001) and are extended with a fifth state (alti- now on the index d is omitted when referring to the state
tude respectively heading) which also functions as the space matrices.
controlled output afterwards. The linearized longitudinal
dynamics are described by: After the estimation and validation of a model different
controllers are designed. The discrete-time LQR (linear
ẋLon = ALon,4×4 xLon + BLon,4×2 uLon (1) quadratic regulator) minimizes a cost function of the
where the specific entries of the matrices A and B depend following form:
on the altitude and have to be estimated. The state vector ∞
xLon = [ q, α, v, γ ] consists of the quantities pitch rate q, J= x(k)T Qx(k) + u(k)T Ru(k) , (9)
the angle of attack α, the velocity v, and the angle of climb k=0
γ. In some books (e. g. Stevens and Lewis (2003)) instead where Q > 0 and R > 0 are the weighting matrices for
of γ the pitch angle θ is used, but since the linearized the state error and input actions. The state vectors are
relation γ = θ − α holds, both choices are valid. The input augmented by the integrated output error to account for
quantities uLon = [ δF , η ] are the throttle δF and the offset errors, changing operating conditions such as fuel
elevator η. A fifth state — the altitude — is introduced usage and wind as well as model mismatch. As shown in
and its derivative is only dependent on γ. Ogata (1995) an optimal solution of the form:
The lateral dynamics are described by: u(k) = −Kx(k), (10)

February 18 - 20, 2015. Vienna, AustriaGuilherme Aschauer et al. / IFAC-PapersOnLine 48-1 (2015) 067–072 69

exists, with K obtained from the solution of the associated

Riccati equation, FlightGear
 −1 T
K = R + BTP B B P A, actuator flight
  −1 T 
P = Q + A P − P B R + BTP B
B P A, input attitude
data data
which minimizes the cost function (9). The integrator in
discrete time is realized by the Forward-Euler formula: Matlab
xi (k + 1) = xi (k) + Ts e(k),
where e(k) is the control error between the reference r(k) Fig. 1. UDP communication block diagram
and the output y(k):
can be chosen freely and was set to 0.1 s. Care must be
e(k) = r(k) − y(k). taken that Matlab does not take longer than that amount
In the gain-scheduled version of the LQR controller, the of time to compute and send the actuator input values,
gain matrix K is computed for different altitudes and because otherwise the packages are being buffered and
then linearly interpolated between two resulting gains Matlab receives out-dated flight attitude data which may
depending on the actual altitude. lead to unintended flight behavior due to wrong actuator
inputs calculations by the controller. A simplified outline
The second controller used is an MPC (model predictive of the communication is shown in Figure 1. A sample file
controller), also called receding horizon controller. In every that describes the communication protocol used between
iteration, a (constrained) optimization problem is solved Matlab and FlightGear is shown in Listing 1.
and the first step of the resulting control strategy is
applied. A prediction horizon np is specified as the number Listing 1. Example communication protocol file
of time instants (samples) for which the predicted output
<? xml version = " 1.0 " ? >
yp is calculated when control action is applied for nc < PropertyList >
samples. Often, nc is chosen much shorter than np to < generic >
reduce computation time since the optimization problem < binary_mode > true </ binary_mode >
size has to be solved faster than the sampling time Ts < lin e_separa tor > </ line_s eparator >
< var_separator > </ var_separator >
which was set to 0.1 s in this work. The implementation < input >
of the predictive controller follows the approach in Wang < chunk >
(2009) in which the differences of the control and state < node >/ controls / engines / engine / throttle </ node >
vectors are used: < name > throttle </ name >
< type > float </ type >
∆x(k) = x(k) − x(k − 1), < format >% f </ format >
∆u(k) = u(k) − u(k − 1). </ chunk >
< chunk >
Then the augmented state vector is defined as < node >/ controls / flight / elevator </ node >
 T < name > elevator </ name >
xaug (k) = ∆x(k)T , y(k)T < type > float </ type >
to finally obtain an augmented state space model on which < format >% f </ format >
</ chunk >
the optimization process is based:
       </ input >
∆x(k + 1) A 0 ∆x(k) B < output >
= + ∆u(k), < chunk >
y(k + 1) CA I y(k) CB
  < node >/ position / altitude - ft </ node >

∆x(k) < name > altitude - ft </ name >
y(k) = 0 I < type > float </ type >
y(k) < format >% f </ format >
With this approach, integrators are implicitly added for </ chunk >
</ output >
the outputs. Then a constrained optimization problem </ generic >
is formulated that is solved by quadratic programming. </ PropertyList >
Limitations on the absolute values as well as on the rate
of change of the actuator inputs and plant outputs can In this example FlightGear receives the throttle and ele-
directly be cast into linear inequality constraints. vator input values and sends the current altitude. This is
done on UDP ports that have to be specified via parame-
3. FRAMEWORK ters when FlightGear is started, as well as the rate at which
packets are sent. More values can easily be accessed by
The main part of the communication between Matlab and adding them in chunk blocks inside the protocol definition.
FlightGear is done via UDP (user datagram protocol),
an IP-based network protocol with a simple transmission Additionally, FlightGear can start a local HTTP server to
model and very little overhead. There is no handshake manipulate a large number of variables that can be read
dialogue before a communication and therefore no guar- out and written to in a normal web browser as well as by
antee of successful delivery and ordering. Also, packages opening URLs from inside Matlab. Opening the URL
can be received out of order, a missing package cannot be
detected easily, and there is no error checking provided http://localhost:5505/controls/gear/
within the protocol itself. In real-time systems with time- brake-parking?value=1&submit=update,
sensitive applications, UDP is often used when package for example enables the parking brake if the server has
loss is preferable to waiting for resent packages. The sam- been started on port 5505. If the variable should only be
pling time at which FlightGear sends and receives data read then the part of the URL after the question mark has

February 18 - 20, 2015. Vienna, AustriaGuilherme Aschauer et al. / IFAC-PapersOnLine 48-1 (2015) 067–072

to be omitted. Thus all FlightGear variables can either be 0.1


accessed via UDP or HTTP. The latter option has the
advantage of manipulating variables only when there is a 0 1
need to do so. It is therefore not necessary to send data at −0.1
every sample interval in UDP packages. On the other hand, 0.9
if called repeatedly, the HTTP operations are too slow for −0.2
real-time usage. So this option is chosen to control the −0.3
autopilot, the flaps during take-off, and the parking brake. 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Inside Matlab, the communication is done via two UDP time (s)
objects (one for reading and one for writing) which have

density (dB/Hz)

power spectral
to match the ports specified in FlightGear. Then these 0
objects can be treated like normal files by calling fread −20
and fwrite. URLs are called by the command url and no −40
further initialization has to be done. −60

A sample command line execution of FlightGear with −80

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
providing some options is: frequency (Hz)
fgfs --turbulence=0 --wind=0@0 --aircraft=Concorde
--timeofday=noon --httpd=5505 --enable-clock-freeze
--generic=socket,out,10,localhost,5501,udp,simple Fig. 2. Throttle (gray) and elevator (black) input for
--generic=socket,in,10,,5502,udp,simple obtaining identification data and their power spectra

This starts FlightGear with the Concorde aircraft in r e  xi u x y

paused mode (clock freeze) standing on the standard air- K FlightGear C

port with mild weather conditions (no wind and turbu-
lence). A local webserver is started on port 5505 to access
the property tree for getting access to all internal variables
via a web browser. On port 5501 FlightGear sends UDP Fig. 3. Integrating LQR controller with full state feeback
packages at a rate of 10 Hz in the form described in the file
simple.xml and on port 5502 it waits for UDP packages. Figure 2 shows that there are no relevant information
above 0.5 Hz and 1.5 Hz for the throttle and elevator
inputs, respectively. The aileron and rudder characteristics
4. MODELLING are similar to the elevator since their time constants
are on a comparable scale. Higher frequency inputs not
Highly accurate nonlinear sets of equations exist to de- violating the Nyquist criterion are possible, but show no
scribe the standard flight motion of an aircraft (see for ex- relevant dynamical effects on the aircraft for the modeling
ample, Stevens and Lewis (2003) and Brockhaus (2001)). goals. The dynamics of the throttle-actuated thrust are
As long as the plane is flying in conditions usually occuring even slower than those of the other actuators and so
during scheduled flights, a linearized version of these equa- there is no need for high-frequency inputs. At this point
tions are sufficient for long-distance maneuvers like head- it also has to be mentioned that at the moment the
ing and altitude changes. Brockhaus (2001) lists the state model of the Concorde in FlightGear does not seem
matrices for lateral and longitudinal dynamics for different to represent realistic actuator dynamics except for the
flight conditions for six different aircraft. Throughout this throttle and rudder inputs, which also discourages the use
paper, the Concorde was used because an initial model of high-frequency inputs.
for the estimation process could be obtained from the Excitation runs are then made for different altitudes, each
literature and the model of the airplane in FlightGear 2000 m, starting at 2000 m until 16 000 m. At high alti-
is sufficiently accurate. Furthermore, more advanced con- tudes the excitation runs had to be repeated occasionally,
trollers capable of supersonic flight could be developed in because the estimation process sometimes failed. One pos-
the future. sible reason for this is the trans-sonic speed regime reached
In order to obtain input/output data for the estimation even without using the afterburner.
process the plane’s built-in autopilot is used to reach
steady state conditions on a specified altitude. After turn-
ing off the autopilot, the actuators for the longitudinal
The first tested controller type are LQR controllers with
dynamics (throttle and elevator) are excited with a chirp
integration of the output error and full state feedback. The
signal overlaid with low-pass filtered white noise, and the
structure is shown in Figure 3.
input and output (the whole state vector) are logged via
Matlab and stored in a matrix. Then the procedure with The curled magenta lines indicate UDP communication
reaching steady state with the autopilot and excitation while the rest of the block diagram is processed in Matlab.
is repeated for the lateral dynamics (aileron and rudder). The reference value r is either the heading Ψr for the
Care has to be taken that there are no relevant signal lateral or the reference altitude Hr for the longitudinal
contents above the Nyquist frequency which is half the dynamics. Since both dynamics are linearly decoupled, two
sampling frequency. An example of a throttle and elevator separate controllers are designed. The integrated output
input action as well as their power spectra are depicted in error is appended to the state vector. The new state vector
Figure 2. is multiplied by the controller gain matrix K obtained

February 18 - 20, 2015. Vienna, AustriaGuilherme Aschauer et al. / IFAC-PapersOnLine 48-1 (2015) 067–072 71


pitch rate
Noise 5

x ym 0
r e  i u y
K FlightGear −5
− 0 50 100 150 200 250 300

H −
+ x̂k+1 x̂k ŷ 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
B + +
z −1 C 1

x̂ 0.7
A 0.6
0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Fig. 4. Integrating LQR controller with state observer 0
using Matlab’s lqi command. In case that not the entire 0 50 100 150 200 250 300

state vectors are measurable, an observer is utilized to re- 0.55

construct the states. Here, a standard Luenberger-observer 0.5

is designed for demonstration purposes. The uncertainty 0.45

of the process model and appearance of the measurement 0 50 100 150 200 250 300

noise is just considered with one parameter during the time (s)
design process. This parameter describes to which ex-
tent the system relies on the measurements in favor of Fig. 5. Comparison between the (normalized) input/out-
its own process model. Since the measurement noise has put data (gray) and the the output of the estimated
artificially been added in Matlab its standard deviation model (black).
is perfectly known and the process noise’s deviation can
be estimated depending on the weather conditions (in the pitch rate 82.6 % yaw rate 89.9 %
Matlab model, no wind and weather data were taken into alpha 78.3 % sideslip angle 96.6 %
account). These two variables were used to additionally speed 89.7 % roll rate 88.7 %
build a Kalman filter to calculate the optimal observer gain gamma 85.6 % roll angle 93.2 %
matrix H. The full configuration is shown in Figure 4 but altitude 88.5 % heading 86.0 %.
the outer feedback loop of the estimated output ŷ to the
reference was omitted for clarity and space reasons. Again, The estimation results for different altitudes and also for
the curled magenta lines indicate UDP communication be- the horizontal dynamics are of similar, high quality. After
tween Matlab and FlightGear. The controller and observer designing the controllers, a flight path with changing ref-
gains for MPC and LQR have been chosen to achieve erence altitude and heading values was created to be used
acceptable performance for small- to medium-sized steps by all three controller types. For the predictive controller
(maximum of 40 degrees change in heading direction and the control horizon was set to 15 samples (1.5 s) and the
4000 m in altitude). Larger reference steps would require prediction horizon was set to 300 samples. With these
a feed-forward command shaping, lowering the feedback values it was just possible to run the co-simulation on a
gains, or implementing error saturations and anti-reset standard notebook in simulated real-time. At first, mild
windup logics in Matlab. When full state feedback was weather conditions were assumed for the validation of the
used, all five states were considered measurable without controllers. The results are plotted in Figure 6 for the
noise and directly used to calculate the next input action. scheduled LQR case with full state feedback. No further
When observers were used, only the heading and altitude parameter tuning was done after the controllers showed
were measured and additionally overlaid by noise. This satisfying behaviour (following a reference trajectory in
means that four states had to be estimated from one noisy turbulent weather conditions). Especially after about 850 s
measurement. in Figure 6 the mutual influence of the lateral and longitu-
denal dynamics on each other can be seen. During a turn
maneuver (ramp for changing the heading) the aircraft’s
6. RESULTS motion was disturbed by a large step in the reference
altitude which led to large elevator action and the plane
leaving the linear operation range where both dynamics
The identification process results are highly satisfying, are decoupled.
although sometimes the excitation process has to be re-
peated for higher altitudes, presumably because the plane Then, the same runs were repeated with enabled turbu-
is too close to Mach 1. Most of the time, though, and espe- lences (they were set to 0.75 in a range from zero to
cially for altitudes below 14 000 m, the estimation results one). With these severe disturbances even FlightGear’s
are in good agreement with the measurement data as can built-in autopilot had sometimes trouble with reaching
be seen in Figure 5 where the measurements are compared respectively holding the desired heading. Figure 7 shows
with the output of the estimated model for the vertical a part of the same reference flight path as Figure 6, but
dynamics at 10 000 m. The root-mean-squared-error-based in turbulent weather conditions using a model predictive
fit values for these examples are as follows: controller. Only the altitude and heading were measurable

February 18 - 20, 2015. Vienna, AustriaGuilherme Aschauer et al. / IFAC-PapersOnLine 48-1 (2015) 067–072

altitude (km)

heading (◦ )

0.3 0.03
0.2 0.02

0.1 0.01
0 0
−0.1 −0.01
−0.2 −0.02
elevator aileron
−0.3 −0.03

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
time (s)

Fig. 6. Reference trajectory (dashed line) and real altitude and heading by an integrating scheduled LQR controller
with full state feedback (all states measurable without noise) and mild weather conditions. The third plot shows
the normalized actuator input values (between −1 and 1) of the elevator (black) and aileron (red).
heading (◦ )altitude (km)

types of aircraft. The realistic, open-source flight simula-
8 tor FlightGear offers great flexibility in accessing internal
6 variables via external interfaces and it was shown that
2 an aircraft can be controlled with Matlab. The whole
process of starting FlightGear, selecting a specific aircraft,
establishing a UDP connection, take-off, identification,
controller design and following a reference trajectory is
all fully automated by a Matlab script, which offers the
possibility to easily design scheduled controllers. Different
types of controllers and state observers have been imple-
−0.2 elevator mented and their performance tested on a well visualized,
400 600 800 1000 1150
complex dynamic system. The design task can be made
more challenging by changing weather conditions, failure
time (s)
of aircraft parts, leaving the linear operating range or
Fig. 7. Reference trajectory (dashed line) and real altitude guaranteeing passenger comfort, and thus lends itself to
and heading by a model predictive controller with use cases in control education.
a state estimator (only altitude and heading were
measurable and corrupted by noise). REFERENCES
but corrupted with white noise, and the other states had to Berndt, J.S. (2004). JSBSim: An Open Source Flight
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7. CONCLUSION Wang, L. (2009). Model Predictive Control System Design
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The developed framework is able to establish a connection
between FlightGear and Matlab and works with different


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