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Solid Figures

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Detailed Lesson Plan In Mathematics VI

princessalora gacayan

P. Gacayan

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Detailed Lesson PlanIn Mathematics VII. Objectives:

At the end of the class 100% of the students should be able to learn 75% of the lesson andbe able to:a.
Visualize and describe the different solid figuresb. Identify the faces vertex and edges of a solid figure.c.
Sketches the different solid figures in a real world.d. Display cooperativeness during group activity.

II. Subject Matter:

a. Topic: Solid Figuresb. References: 21


Century Matheletics by Marjoseph H. Perez, Donnel P. Placer, JaimeBurgos, and Arsenio S. Dimaranan.,
Published by Vibal Group, Inc. 2006Pg.186-197c. Materials: Pictures, real object, chartd. Values: Active

III. Procedure:

Teacher Activity Students Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer:Let us stand and pray2. Greeting:Good Morning ChildrenYou may now take your sit3. Checking
of Attendance:Is there any absent today?Very good!4. Classroom Management:Can you please sit
properly so we can start ourlesson today!

B. Preparatory Activities:

1. Drill:Choose the letter of the correct answer.1.This polygon has 5 sides.a. quadrilateralb. heptagonc.
pentagond. triangle2.This figure is called ______a. triangleb. hexagonc.octagond. nonagon3.A decagon
has ____ sides.a. 8 b. 9 c. 10 d. 54. What do you call a polygon with 9 sides?a.
octagonb.decagonc.pentagond.nonagon5.How many sides does an octagon has?a. 8 b. 9 c. 10 d.11In the
name of Fatherand the Son and theHoly Spirit Amen!

Good Morning Ma’am


Thank you ma’am


None Ma’am Princess

1. C2. B3. C4. D5. A

2. ReviewYesterday we discuss the adding integers. Right?So I guess all of you can answer this
equation(call a student who want to answer the equation) Add the following Integers.1. (-8) + (-7) =2.
(+11) + (+23) =3. (-43) + (+17) =4. (+59) + (+73) =5. (+102) + (-102) =

C. Developmental Activities:

1. MotivationI have here a big box inside of this box has differentshape all you have to do is to pick one
shape in thisbox and tell to everyone what kind of shape did youpick.Is that clear?So who wants to pick
first in my big box? Anyone?.2. DiscussionCan you guess what is our lesson for the day?Very good!So
how we will describe the solid figure?Yes


-15+34 or 34-26+14 or 140Cubesphereconespherecylindercubeconecylinder

Solid figure Ma’am

I have here a box.(Show them a big box.)What is the shape of the bottom part of a box?Is it the same
with the shape of the top part?What is the shape of the right side of the box?Does it have with the same
shape with the one onthe left side?Do the back and front sides of the box have thesame shape?So how
many faces does the box have?Very good!How many edges that the box have?Very good!How about
vertices? How many vertices that thebox have?Very good!Thus the box has three- dimensional object?
Why yes is your answer?Very good!So how we will describe a solid figure?Very good!So class this means
that This box is a solid figurecalled rectangular prism, because of its rectangularbase, has 6 faces, 8
vertices and 12 edges. Thatyou said a while ago.So what is prism?Who wants to read?(one student will
read the definition of a prism) A Prism is a polyhedron that has two congruentparallel faces called
base.When we say polyhedron this means a solid figurewhose side are polygon. Each side is called
faces.Two faces that intersect in a line segment is calledan edge. And two edges that intersect in a point
iscalled a vertex.

(The teacher pointed out where’s the faces edges

and vertex in a box)Rectangleyes!SquareYes!Yes!

6 faces ma’am

12 edges Ma’am
8 verticesYes!Because it has lengthwidth and height.Solid figure has three-dimensional object ifthey
have length, widthand height. A Prism is a polyhedronthat has two congruentparallel faces calledbase.

When we say two congruent parallel faces calledbase, meaning to say two same bases was alignedin
bout side.Can you follow?I have here some prism that was named accordingto the shape of its Shape ofthe baseNumberoflateralfacesdefinition exampleTriangularprismtriangle 3
Composedof twotriangularbases andthreerectangularlateralfaces.Rectangularprismrectangle 4
Composedof tworectangularbases andfourrectangularlateralfacescube Square 4 A cube is aprism witha
squarebase. all itsfaces aresquarePentagonalPrismPentagonal 5 Has twopentagonalbases
andfiverectangularlateralfaces.The lateral faces are the faces that join the base of a solidfigure. Always
remember that each faces is a polygon.Is that clear?I have here another solid figure can you tell me
what is thename of this solid figure?

Yes Ma’am

Yes ma’am

This are the clues how will you observe a figure1. The sides are all polygon2. The figure is a prism3. Its
base are hexagonsWhat would be the answer?How many faces?How many edges?How many vertices?
Another prism is pyramid which is also named according tothe shape of its base.Please read the
definition of pyramid(one student will read the definition of the pyramid) A pyramid is a polyhedron
whose base is a polygon and thelateral faces are triangles.Meaning to say if the prism has 2 equal bases
the pyramidhas only one base but the lateral faces are triangle.Is that clear?Here are some example of
pyramids that was name accordingto the shape of its Shape of thebaseNumber oflateral
facesexampleTriangularpyramidtriangle 3Rectangularpyramidrectangle 4Squarepyramidsquare 4Is that
clear?Can you name the figure? Count the number of faces, edgesand vertices.This are the clues1. The
lateral faces are all triangles2. The figure is a pyramid3. The base is a pentagonWhat would be the
answer?Very good!Other solid figures have curved surfacesname definition ExampleThe figure is
ahexagonal Prism8 faces18 edges12 vertices

Yes Ma’am
None ma’am

the figure is apentagonal pyramidIt has 6 faces, 10 edgesand 6 vertices.

cylinder Has twocircular basesthat arecongruentand parallelcone Has onecircular basesphere Is a

curvedsurface ofpoints thatare all thesamedistance fromthe center3 .Generalization:What is solid
figure?Very good!Can you give me some example of solid figure?Okay very good!4. .Application:(The
class will group into 5 group)What we should do when doing an activity?Very good children. Activity
group 1Identify the picture what kind of solid figure it is.1.____________

2. ______________



Solid figure has three-dimensional object ifthey have length, widthand height.Hexagonal
prismRectangular prismTriangular prismSquare pyramidConeSphereCylinderEtc.1. Be quite2. And
participate ina group activity.CubeCylinderRectangular prismSphere


Activity group 2Match the column A (2D shape) to column B (3Dshape)

Activity group 3Identify how many edges, faces and vertex did thesolid figure below. Activity group
4Write check ( / ) if the picture is solid figure and ( x ) ifis not.1.__________

2. _____________3. ____________ 4. _____________


cone18 edges8 faces12 vertex10 edges6 faces6 vertex1. X2. /3. X4. /5. /

NAL TRIANGLEEDGES:__________________FACES:__________________VERTEX:_________________

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