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Spheroidal Cast Iron EN-GJS (Formerly GGG) Spheroidal Cast Iron EN-GJS (Formerly GGG)

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 Am Stadtholz 52, D-33609 Bielefeld
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Technical Information
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Spheroidal cast iron EN-GJS (formerly GGG)

Definition Relevant standards Influence of the chemical Special alloys

Spheroidal cast iron is an iron Material designation and materi- Mechanical and other important 
carbon based material, the al properties: DIN EN 1563 a) Basic elements properties such as resistance to
carbon being present mainly in Spheroidal cast iron essentially thermal fatigue, wear resistance
the form of spheroidal graphite General Tolerances and machi- contains the same elements as or resistance to high temperature
particles. Spheroidal cast iron ning allowance: DIN ISO 8062 grey (lamellar graphite) iron – corrosion can be optimised by
is also known as ductile, and  valid for all designs made since but in different concentrations.  varying alloy composition or by
less commonly as nodular iron.  August 1998 (DIN 1685, valid To achieve the nodular morpho- special heat treatment.
This spheroidal graphite is for designs created before logy a certain amount of Mg is By adding Si and Mo resistance
already present in the as cast   August 1998) necessary. The accompanying to thermal fatigue as well as high
state and characterises the elements C, Si and Mn show the temperature strength can be risen.
material properties of spheroidal Metallic materials – Brinell hard- most significant influence on ten- These so called SiMo cast iron
cast iron. Due to the nodular ness test: DIN EN ISO 6506, sile strength, elongation at frac- materials have therefore become
shape of the graphite the notch published in October 1999 ture and Brinell hardness. The typical materials for high tempe-
effect is minimised. Thereby higher the C- and Si-level, the rature components such as
high values for tensile strength Metallic Material – Tensile testing lower are the strength and exhaust pipes and turbo-charger
and elongation at fracture are at ambient temperature: Brinell hardness whereas elon- housings.
achieved. DIN EN 10002-1 – DIN 50125 gation at fracture rises. B y a special heat treatment the
group of ausferritic ductile cast 
Metallic Materials – Charpy b) Alloying elements irons (ADI) can be produced
Impact tests: DIN EN 10045-1 By adding alloying elements (see Technical Information No. 8).
special properties such as Compared with conventional
hardenability, corrosion- or high ductile iron this group of materials
temperature resistance can be offers twice the strength of that 
achieved. of conventional ductile iron grade
at about the same values of 
elongation. Therefore ADI com-
petes with steel castings and even
 with forged steel.
Mechanical an physical properties of spheroidal cast iron
Material designation EN-GJS-40
0-155 EN-GJS-45
0-100 EN-GJS-50
0-7 EN-GJS-
600-3 EN-GJS-70
0-2 EN-GJS-80
0-2 EN-GJS-400-18-LT
Material No. EN-JS 10
1030 EN-JS 1050 EN-JS 10
1060 EN-JS 10
1070 EN-JS 1080 EN-JS 1025
Out-dated designation DIN 1693 (bis 1.3.1998) GGG-40 GGG-50 GGG-60 GGG-70 GGG-80 GGG-40.3
Tensile strength Rm N/mm2 400 450 500 600 700 800 400
0.2 % proof strength 1)
Rp0,2 N/mm2 250 310 320 370 420 480 240
Elongation at fracture A % 15 10 7 3 2 2 18
Reduction of area at fracture Z % 30 – 15 20 – 2 8–3 6–2 4–2 32 – 17
Fracture toughness Kie MPa√m 23 25 20 15 14 30
Brinell hardness HB 135 – 180 160 – 210 170 – 230 190 – 270 225 – 305 245 – 335 130 – 175
Modulus of elasticity E kN/mm2 169 169 169 174 176 176 169
Poisson ratio  0,275 0,275 0,275 0,275 0,275 0,275 0,275
Notch strength – N/mm2 >Rm >Rm ~Rm ~Rm <Rm >Rm
Shear modulus G kN/mm2 0,4 · Eo
Shear strength T N/mm2 (405)3) 405 450 540 630 720 360
Fatigue limit bending bW N/mm2 ~(0,61 – 0,00026R m) · R m
Impact strength Av  J – – – 12 1) 2)
Fatigue limit tensile compression zdW ±N/mm2 ~(0,43 – 0,000192R m) · R m
Density  kg/dm3 7,1 7,1 7,1 7,2 7,2 7,2 7,1
Thermal conductivity  W/ (m·K) (36,2) 3) 36,2 35,2 32,5 31,1 31,1 36,2
Linear expansion coefficient  10-6m/ (m · K) 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5 12,5
Guaranteed minimum values according to DIN EN 1563, Table 1
at ( –- 20±2)°C

Rev. 01/04.2006

Relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties for EN-GJS material grades

   ]    ]
  a EN - GJS    B
   P    H
   M 700 - 2   s
   [   s
   h EN - GJS   e
   t   n
  g 600 - 3    d
  n   a
  r    h
  s    l
   l EN - GJS 500 - 7   e
   i   n
  s   r
  n    B
EN - GJS 400 - 15

Elongation at fracture [%]

Spheroidal cast iron according to DIN EN 1563

mechanical properties measured on test pieces machined from separately cast samples*
Material Material Tensile 0,2%-Proof Elongation Impact resistance Impact resistance Micro-structure
designaion No. strength st r e s s A values Mean values
Rm N/mm2 Rp0.2 N/mm2 % value from 3 tests Individual value
min. min. min. min. J min.J
EN-GJS-400-15 EN-JS 1030 400 250 15 – – predominantly ferrite
EN-GJS-500-7 EN-JS 1050 500 320 7 – – ferrite/pearlite
EN-GJS-600-3 EN-JS 1060 600 370 3 – – pearlite/ferrite
EN-GJS-700-2 EN-JS 1070 700 420 2 – – predominantly pearlite
EN-GJS-800-2 EN-JS 1080 800 480 2 – – pearlite
EN-GJS-400-18-LT EN-JS 1025 400 240 18 12 bei – 20° C 9 bei – 20° C –
* Especially at wall thickness t > 50 mm special agreements between the manufacturer and the purchaser are recommended.

Spheroidal graphite cast iron , un- or low alloyed

Properties of test pieces cut from cast on samples according to DIN EN 1563

Material Material- Relevant Thicknes Tensile 0,2% Proof Elongation Impact Impact Micro-
designation No. wall of the cast strength stress resistance resistance structure
thicknesss on sample values values
t Mean value Individual
Rm Rp0,2 A5 from 3 tests value
N/mm2 N/mm2 % J J
mm mm min. min. min. min. min.
EN-GJS-400-18U-LT EN-JS 1049 von 30 – 60 40 390 230 15 12 9 predominantly
über 60 – 200 70 370 220 12 10 7 ferrite
EN-GJS-400-15U EN-JS 1072 von 30 – 60 40 390 250 14 – – predominantly
über 60 – 200 70 370 240 11 – – ferrite
EN-GJS-500-7U EN-JS 1082 von 30 – 60 40 450 300 7 – – ferrite/
über 60 – 200 70 420 290 5 – – pearlite
EN-GJS-600-3U EN-JS 1092 von 30 – 60 40 600 360 2 – – pearlite/
über 60 – 200 70 550 340 1 – – ferrite
EN-GJS-700-2U EN-JS 1102 von 30 – 60 40 700 400 2 – – predominantly
über 60 – 200 70 660 380 1 – – pearlite

Guidance values for 0,2% proof stress for test pieces in N/mm 2 for wall thickness t
Material grade bis 50 mm >50 bis 80 mm >80 bis 120 mm >120 bis 200 mm
EN-GJS-400-15 250 240 230 230
EN-GJS-500-7 290 280 270 260
EN-GJS-600-3 360 340 330 320
EN-GJS-700-2 400 380 370 360

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