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Deed of Declaration of Trust

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This deed of declaration of Public Charitable Trust is executed on this Seventeenth Day of
January Two Thousand and Twenty-two (17-01-2022) by
__________________________________________ (hereinafter called the settler).

Whereas the settler, with the object of constituting and establishing a Public Charitable Trust
for the objects herein mentioned hereby settles upon Trust Rs. 1,000/- (Rupees One thousand
only) as nucleus of the Trust Property and hands over the same to the Board of Trustees
described below who accept the same to be held by them and applied in Trust under the
following terms and conditions;


1. The name of the Trust shall be ‘_______________’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘the


2. The office of the Trust shall be at _____________.

3. The objects of the Trust:

I. Relief of the Poor

i. To establish, support, maintain or help homes or institutions for the

discarded widows, differently-abled and orphans.
ii. To plan and execute activities generally beneficial for the children who are
poor, sick, destitute and orphans.
iii. To establish boarding homes for the poor children.
iv. To promote literary and cultural skills of the less fortunate people.
v. To conduct social welfare training and rehabilitation programme for the
benefit of the economically poor and socially backward, the destitute, the
sick who are affected with HIV/AIDS, Cancer, Kidney related diseases,
Cardiac diseases, etc.
vi. To facilitate counseling, psychotherapy and personality development
activities for those who struggle with mental illness and personality
disorders and to make effective use of internet and phone to help such
group of people.
vii. To instill confidence and hope in those who have lost all hope and to
rehabilitate those who have undergone treatment for mental or physical
illness and who have no one to look after.
viii. To regularly provide economic support for the children from poor families.
ix. To do any activity to rehabilitate and support the poor, but they are not
intended to run any business activity for the purpose of profit.
x. To help the poor to construct houses, drinking water facilities, toilets and
sanitary facilities, etc.
xi. To help poor people to celebrate various cultural festivals.
xii. Recognize that acts of charity are more valuable than mere words of
compassion to the poor who stand before you with outstretched arms.
xiii. To open, found, establish, promote, set up, run, maintain, assist, and finance
support and/or aid to or help in the setting up and /or running schools and
other institutions, orphanages for the poor students, home for widows,
destitute or other unattached women, vikasgrahas and charitable institutions
for the relief of the poor education, medical relief and advancement of other
objects of general public utility.

xiv. To provide help to the needy the destitute the physically handicapped and
the poor without any distinctions of sex, caste, colour, creed or religion.

II. Education

i. To provide education and training to economically and socially poor and

children from the families affected with malignant diseases without any
discrimination, adequate to meet the challenges of modern world.
ii. To promote and provide facilities for vocational training and open avenues
for employment.
iii. To organize, provide and maintain facilities for holding lectures, seminars,
classes, excursions, courses of works, examination and tests and establish
awards and prices for deserving poor children and youth.
iv. To provide, establish, institute, administer, conduct and undertake grants,
scholarships, research fellowships and other benefactions.
v. To organize postal library to encourage reading habits of the poor children.
vi. To educate the illiterate and to enlighten victims of drugs and alcoholism
with a view to liberating them from such addictions.
vii. To establish, erect, equip and maintain or contribute towards establishment
of Digital Audio recording studio equipped to impart education in sound
recording, sound editing, dubbing, mixing, mastering of sound where
eligible and poor students will be taught freely so that they can earn their
viii. To establish, maintain, arrange, approved certificate courses in counselling
and personality development and conduct training programmes for school
ix. To establish Nursery, Primary, High School, Higher Secondary School,
self-financing colleges and professional educational institutions like hotel
Management and catering technology institutes, fashion Designing, food
processing, polytechnics, engineering colleges, Teacher training institutes,
medical colleges etc.

III. Medical Relief

i. To support, assist and provide all possible help to persons who are affected
with different types of sickness like, kidney diseases, cardiac diseases,
cancer, HIV-AIDS affected etc., to go to the hospital from the trust and
provide accommodation for them during their treatment in the hospital.
ii. To supply free food to the poor patients and their bystanders, who came to
iii. To provide free medicine to the poor patients.
iv. To provide ambulance service and other conveyance for the poor and

v. To extend all possible help to the financially handicapped people and all
those who suffer from natural calamities.
vi. To promote and provide facilitates for alternative medicinal therapies like
meditation, yoga, music therapy, pet therapy, hydro therapy etc.
vii. To open center if appeared necessary to give assistance to the poor patients.
viii. To conduct blood grouping and health checkup camps and issue health and
social welfare.
ix. To promote efficiency and effectiveness in the charitable activities of
voluntary groups and charities working in the field of community health
and Social care.
x. To instill confidence and hope in those who have lost all hopes and to
rehabilitate those who have undergone treatment for mental or physical
illness and who have none to look after them.
xi. Improvement of health, prevention of diseases and mitigation of suffering
and such other cognate objects as made from time to tie be approved by the
xii. To run and operate hospitals for the well-being of the General Public at

IV. Preservation of Environment

i. To promote eco-friendly life and to initiate nature conservation like
planting trees, cleaning public areas, rain-walk, plastic elimination,
vegetable gardening etc.
ii. Oppose all encroachment and experiments on the environment. Make
common cause for an unpolluted atmosphere and a toxic-free earth.

V. Any Other Object of General Public Utility

i. To print, publish and distribute reports, journals, periodicals and other

relevant literature intended to promote the charitable activities of the trust.
ii. To promote the message of love, moral values, non-violence and universal
iii. To invest the trust funds in Government Securities, savings or schemes etc.
or in banks for attaining the objects mentioned herein and as per the
provisions of Section 11 (5) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 and other
provisions applicable to the charitable trusts.
iv. To collaborate with individuals, institutions or organizations within India or
abroad for the furtherance of any or all of the objectives of the Trust.
v. To develop, extend, improve, or alter and equip all the works and activities
of the Trust in such a manner as the Board of Trustees may deem fit.
vi. To receive Government Grant, Foreign Contribution, Donation and utilize it

for the purpose for which it was received and according to the Government
vii. To assist and support other institutions having similar objects of this trust.
viii. To acquire, purchase, construct, dispose, mortgage, rent, exchange, lease or
otherwise manage land, building, vehicle, furniture, and equipment etc., for
and on behalf of the Trust.
ix. To do all such other lawful acts, deeds, and things, as the Trust may
consider incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the objectives
of the Trust.
x. To undertake any other activity incidental to the above activities.

4. Activities of the Trust would be confined within the territory of India.

5. The activities would be purely charitable nature and not motivated for profit. The trust
will not function in the nature of conducting any business activity.

6. The Trust fund would be utilized only towards the objects of the Trust.

7. The trust hereby created shall be a public charitable trust and shall be irrevocable.

8. The objects of the trust shall be carried out without any discrimination and without
any regard to caste, creed, religion, colour or sex of the beneficiaries.

9. The trustees shall have power and discretion to accept on such terms as they think fit,
any donations/ grants/ subscriptions and contributions from any person or persons,
Central or State Government, local authorities, firms, companies or from the public at
large or from institutions or establishments whether they be in cash/ Cheque /
Electronic Clearance Service, or other movable or immovable properties. The trustees
shall apply such donations, grants and subscriptions and contributions for all or any of
the objects set forth in this Deed.

10. The assets of the Trust shall include:

a. The sum of Rs 1000/- settled by the declarant, as nucleus of the Trust as

b. Such sums or properties or assets whatever as may be contributed, gifted,
donated, or bequeathed by any person to the Trust.
c. All properties and assets that may be purchased or acquired by the Trust.
d. All interest and assets that may be purchased or acquired by the Trust.
e. All sums, properties and assets, which become the property of the Trust in any
other manner.

11. The Trustees are authorized to get the Trust registered by the Commissioner of Income
Tax/ Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, who have jurisdiction under the Income Tax
Act, 1961 under Section 12AB and also to get the Trust approved under Section 80G of
the Income Tax Act, 1961. The Trustees are also authorized to obtain registration under
the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010.

12. The affairs of the Trust shall be managed by the Board of Trustees constituted by all
the Trustees for the time being. The Board of Trustees shall consist of not less than
five and not more than nine members, as the Board of Trustees shall from time-to-
time resolve. Until otherwise resolved the number of Trustees shall be five.

13. The first Board of Trustees shall consist of:


14. One of the Trustees shall be the Managing Trustee. Ms.__________ shall be the first
Managing Trustee. The Managing Trustee shall be responsible for the management of
the day-to-day affairs of the Trust. The Managing Trustee shall hold office of the
Managing Trustee until she resigns or becomes incapable of acting as the same. In the
event of vacancy in the office of the Managing Trustee, the Trustees shall fill it up by
election from themselves.

15. Each one of the Trustees, other than managing trustee, shall also hold office as
Trustee until she/he resigns or becomes incapable of acting as Trustee or until the
majority of the Trustees including Managing Trustee decide for his/her removal as

If any vacancy arises in the Board of Trustees under any of the above said
circumstances or otherwise, the Trustees shall fill up the vacancy by appointing
competent person/persons in place of the vacancy by resolution.

If the Board of Trustees, by resolution, decides to enhance the number of Trustees to

more than five, the Additional Trustee or Trustees may be appointed by the Board
accordingly, provided that the total number of Trustees shall not exceed nine. Even
though, at present, the maximum number of Trustees is nine, it can be increased to
such numbers as the board of Trustee may decide from time to time. In appointing
Trustees, the Board shall have regard to the suitability of the person or persons
appointed as Trustees from the point of view of his integrity and charitable

16. There shall be a Secretary for the Trust. _____shall be the Secretary of the Trust.
Convening of meetings, maintenance of minutes and correspondence and connected

matters shall be done by the Secretary in consultation with the Managing Trustee.

17. In the absence of the Managing Trustee, the Secretary shall assume the powers of
Managing Trustee and be responsible for the management and administration of the

18. The Trustees shall not be entitled to any remuneration but they shall be entitled to pay
and discharge out of the Trust funds all expenses incurred in carrying out the objects
of the Trust and all incidental expenses.

19. The Trustees shall have the power to borrow money for carrying out the objects of the
Trust and for that purpose to give necessary securities including properties of the

20. All the properties, assets and funds of the Trust shall vest in and be held in the name
of the Board of Trustees, in short called the Trust constituted by all the Trustees for
the time being. The Board of Trustees shall be considered as a single body having
perpetual succession.

21. The Bank accounts of the Trust shall be in the name of the Trust and shall be opened
and operated upon under the signature of either of Ms. , Managing Trustee or any
person authorized by her.

22. The Board of Trustees shall have the right to exercise all the powers mentioned herein
notwithstanding any vacancy in the Board. The Managing Trustee of the Trust shall
have the power to represent the Board of Trustees or the Trust in all matters unless
otherwise specifically mentioned herein.

23. The Board of Trustees shall have full control and management of all the affairs of the
Trust and of the properties, assets and transactions of the Trust and without prejudice
to the generality of the foregoing, to exercise any or all the following powers and
discretions namely:

a) To carry out the objects of the Trust mentioned herein and to do everything
necessary for the attainment of the same.
b) To sell all or any of the properties of the Trust and invest the net proceeds in
any other securities or investments decided by the Board and as allowed under
the law for the time being in force.
c) To employ lawyers, professionals, employees, staff and workers necessary or
useful for carrying out the objects of the Trust.
d) To appoint agents or attorneys and to delegate to them such powers and duties

as the Board may consider proper.

e) To frame rules for the conduct of the trust and its transactions and to vary
them whenever the Board thinks fit, subject to prior approval by the
Commissioner of Income Tax/ Chief Commissioner of Income Tax and so
however that the public charitable nature of the Trusts is not changed.
f) To incur all expenditure for carrying out the objects of the Trust.

24. Unless and until altered or varied according to the provisions contained in this Deed,
the following rules shall apply to the conduct of the Trust;

a) A meeting of the Board of Trustees shall be held at least once in three months
upon one week’s notice to consider all relevant matters and chalk out plans for
the attainment of the objects of the Trust.
b) The Managing Trustee and Secretary together may issue notice for convening
meetings of the Trustees.
c) When the number of Trustees remains at five, the presence of three Trustees
shall constitute the quorum for the meeting and when the number of Trustees
exceeds five, fifty-one percent of the total number will make the quorum.
d) The Board of Trustees by majority of votes shall decide all matters unless
specifically mentioned in this deed. In case of an equality of votes, the
Managing Trustee shall have a second or casting vote.
e) The Managing Trustee will act as the Chairman of the Board Meetings and
conduct the proceedings and on his absence the Trustees present may elect one
among them to act as chairman of such meeting.
f) A resolution circulated among all the Trustees and signed by all of them shall
be as valid and effectual as if it has been duly passed at a meeting of the Board
of Trustees.

25. The Board of Trustees shall cause maintenance of minute’s book and proper, true and
correct accounts of its receipts and expenditure with supporting vouchers and the
same shall be kept at the office of the Trust. The accounts shall be audited by a
qualified Chartered Accountant and income and expenditure account, balance sheet
etc. shall be prepared within 6 months after the close of every year. The accounting
year of the Trust shall be the financial year ending on 31st March.

26. The Board of Trustees may from time to time nominate advisory bodies or other
committees to help them in carrying out the objects of the Trust. The Board may also
reconstitute or terminate such advisory bodies or committees whenever deemed

27. In the event of dissolution of the Trust, the assets remaining as on the date of
dissolution shall under no circumstances, be distributed among the trustees of the

managing committee but the same shall be transferred to another Charitable Trust
whose objects are similar to those of this Trust which is registered under Section
12AB of Income Tax Act, 1961 at the time of transfer or shall be vested with the

28. The funds of the Trust will be invested strictly in accordance with the provisions of
Section 11(5) read with Section 13(1)(d) of the Income Tax Act, 1961.

29. The effects which occur upon the amendment to the Trust Deed would not be
extended to alter the basic character of the Trust and further, no such amendments
which may prove to be repugnant to the provisions of Section 2(15), 11,12, 13 and
80G of the Income Tax Act of 1961, shall be made.

30. The income and the funds of the Trust will be solely utilized for the objects and no
portion of it will be utilized for the payment to the Trustees/ members/ office bearers
by way of profit/dividend/ interest etc.

31. The Board of Trustees shall have the power to alter or amend this deed from time to
time only with the prior approval of the commissioner of Income Tax or Chief
Commissioner of Income Tax.

32. In all other aspects explicitly not mentioned above, the provisions of THE INDIAN
TRUSTS ACT,1882 shall apply.

In witness whereof the Settler & Managing Trustee and trustees have hereunto set and
subscribed their respective hands to these presents on the day and the year first herein
above written.

Signed sealed and delivered by


In the presence of witnesses: -



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