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PhysRevD.31.3288 Hiscock

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Exact gravitational field of a string

William A. Hiscock
Department of Physics, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana 59717
(Received 18 January 1985)
The exact spacetime metric representing the exterior of a static cylindrically symmetric string is found,
The geometry is conical, with a deficit angle of 8m Gp, , where p, is the linear energy density of the string.
The results of Vilenkin, obtained using linearized gravity, are thus shown to be correct to all orders in Gp, .
Strings with Gp,~ 4 are found to collapse the
exterior spacetime, resulting in dimensional reduction.

If gauge theories with spontaneous symmetry breaking metric has the form
correctly describe elementary particle physics, then the
ds = —e "dt +e ~dQ +e'"(dp + dz )
Universe may have undergone a number of phase transi-
tions since the big bang. ' Topological structures such as where v, Q, and A, are functions of p, and @ = 0 and @ = 2m
vacuum domain walls, strings, and monopoles produced in are identified.
these phase transitions may possibly have survived to the The transverse dimensions of a string are of the order of
present day. ~
Cosmic strings seem to be of particular in-
terest, both as a possible "seed" for galaxy formation
as a possible gravitational lens.
and ' the Compton wavelength of the Higgs fields. Within the
classical theory of general relativity, it is then appropriate to
treat the string as a 5-functional source in its transverse
A string can be either infinite in length or a closed loop. dimensions. In order to avoid any possible ambiguity aris-
In either case, the string tension will generally cause it to ing from the use of a singular source, the string will instead
oscillate at velocities close to the speed of light, yielding an
asymmetric, highly dynamic structure whose gravitational
be chosen to have a uniform density, ~ 0, out to some
cylindrical radius po. The end results will prove to be in-
field cannot be easily calculated. Vilenkin has taken an im- dependent of po, so that a "classical limit" may be taken by
portant first step in studying the gravitational effects of reducing the string's transverse dimensions to zero, yielding
strings by calculating the gravitational field of a static, an unambiguous exact exterior metric for the string.
cylindrically symmetric string in the linear approximation to Following the arguments of Vilenkin, the stress-energy
general relativity. He found that the spacetime exterior to a tensor of the string is given by
string is conical in nature, with the deficit angle of the cone
equal to 8m@, , to first order in p, , where p, is the linear ener-
' T'=T* = —p (p& po) (2)
gy density (mass per unit length) of the string.
The purpose of this paper is to extend the results of with all other components equal to zero.
Vilenkin's analysis to the full, exact theory of general rela- The components of the Einstein tensor for the metric
tivity, i.e. , to find the exact exterior spacetime metric of a given in Eq. (1) are easily found;9 the resulting Einstein
static, cylindrically symmetric string. There are two motiva- field equations are
tions for this work. The first is to reproduce Vilenkin's
first-order (in p, ) results with more rigor. Conical singulari- G' = e 2(Q +Q +X )= —87re (3)
ties in a spacetime are termed "removable" singularities,
and generally are removed so as to maximally extend the G~~=e "(v +v +P ) =0 (4)
spacetirne. In the case at hand, with a string present on the =0
Gvv= e 2"(v vQ v+v pA. v+Q vA. q)
z axis, we clearly do not want to remove the singularity en-
tirely, for to do so would remove the string as well. In or- G;=e 2"(v pv+v v
—v vh. v+Q vv+Qv
der to separate the true, physical string-induced conical defi-
cit angle from any spurious conical singularity which should + IP pv v ij/ vX v) = 87rE (6)
be removed by extending the spacetime, it is necessary to
match the exterior metric to an interior metric representing These nonlinear equations for the metric functions are
the string. This cannot be done in the linear approximation, easily solved in the case of the uniform-density string. Con-
as the approximation fails near the string. It is thus neces- servation of stress-energy ( T ~ s= 0) yields.
sary to study an exact solution to determine the exterior =0
(v p+ )I. v)E
geometry rigorously even at first order. The second motiva-
tion for this work is to determine the exterior geometry to This implies, through Eq. (4), that v and X are constant,
all orders in p, . While a standard grand unified theory has and may be set equal to zero by an appropriate rescaling of
p,—10, it is quite possible that values of p, much closer the coordinates t, p, z. Equation (5) is then satisfied au-
to one will be of interest in future theories, possibly incor- tomatically and Eqs. (3) and (6) become identical:
porating gravity in their unification scheme.
The string spacetime is assumed to be static and cylindri- l// vv+ l/l
= 87rE (8)
cally symmetric, with the string lying along the axis of sym-
metry. The most general static, cylindrically symmetric Equation (8) is easily solved by the substitution R =e&

31 3288 1985 The American Physical Society


(g~~ = R') to yield is 2mr~ cos(po/p~).

The concept of a mass per unit length for a cylindrically
R = A cos(p/p~) + 8 sin(p/p~) symmetric source in general relativity is not unambiguously
where defined (unlike the case of spherical symmetry). For a stat-
ic, cylindrically symmetric spacetime, a simple definition
p, = (8n e)-'~' (10) which will be useful here is to simply integrate the energy
density e over the proper volume of the source (the string).
The metric on the axis will be flat (no cone singularity) if
The mass per unit length (or linear energy density) is then
A = 0, B = p+. The interior metric of a uniform-density
string is then r 1

P PQ 28'
p, =
+dp +dz +p sin (p/p )d$ J0 J Q
ep, sin(p/p~) d$ dp =2~op, 1 —cos
2 po
The exterior metric for the string spacetime must be a
static, cylindrically symmetric, vacuum solution of the Ein- (17)
stein equations. The most general such solution was found or, finally, using Eq. (10),
in 1917 by Levi-Civita. lo, ll
4p, = 1 —cos(po/p~) (18)
ds2 &2mdT2+ I —2m[r2m (dr2+ dz2) + g2r2dg2] (12)
Combining Eqs. (16) and (18), we find
where m and a are freely chosen constants. As pointed out
the string is Lorentz invariant in the z direc-
a =1 —4p,
by Vilenkin,
tion. Requiring the metric of Eq. (12) to be Lorentz invari- so that the conical deficit angle is
ant in the z direction restricts the values of m in Eq. (12) to
just two: m =0 and m =2. The former value is a flat, possi- 5@ = 87r p, (20)
bly conical (depending on the value of a) space; the latter
exactly as in Vilenkin's linearized analysis, but now exact
is more unusual. As r decreases, the circumference of a cir-
to all orders in p, .
cle (r = constant) increases, diverging as r 0. As r be- The exact exterior metric is
comes large, the circumference asymptotically approaches
zero and the spacetime becomes effectively three dimen- = —dt +dz +dI' +(1 —4p, )
ds I' d@ (21)
Now that the interior and exterior metrics have been
While Vilenkin's expression for the deficit angle is correct
found, they must be joined together along the surface of the
to all orders, his value for g&~ is correct only to first order,
string at p = po, r = fo. Einstein's equations, reduced to a
as would be expected in the linear approximation. Since the
set of junction conditions by Israel, ' require that the intrin-
sic metrics induced on the junction surface by the interior
exterior metric now depends only on p, , not po ol p+, the
string source may now be shrunk to a 5 function, 1etting
and exterior metrics be identical (up to coordinate transfor-
po 0 while holding po/pe, and hence p„constant. In this
mations), and that the discontinuity in the extrinsic curva-
way we avoid any semiclassical complications in dealing with
ture of the surface be related to the stress-energy of the sur-
the classical gravitational field of the quantum Higg's fields
face (if any). Consider first the m=0 flat exterior case.
over Compton-wavelength dimensions.
The intrinsic metrics can then be matched by requiring
t= T, z= Z, and (setting g&+~ =g~@) Since the exterior metric given by Eq. (12) with m=0
1 't
and a given by Eq. (19) is exact to all orders in p, , we can
po ask what happens for large values of p, (of order 1). As
aro= pepsin (13) p, ~, a 0, and the exterior becomes a cylinder of ra-
dius p~.'
The extrinsic curvature tensor is defined by
ds = —dr2+ dp + dz + p (22)
+ = — ~ p +.
K0 e& e& n &

where eI is an orthonormal triad lying in the junction sur-

For 2 p,) )
4, a match to a conical exterior is again possi-
ble, but now the cone closes as one moves away from the
face, and n is the unit outward-normal vector in the in- string; the exterior coordinate r decreases away from the
terior ( —) or exterior (+)
metric. Calculating the extrin- string. There is now an exterior conical singularity a distance
sic curvature tensors and equating them to each other (so as
to have no surface stress-energy present), one obtains the R =p tan( —po/ps) (23)
from the surface of the string. As po/p~ ~/2, p
g2 p 2/(p 2+ r 2) and R oo, and the spacetime becomes cylindrical [Eq.
Combining this with the intrinsic metric constraint, Eq. (22)]. As po/p~ ',
n, p, —, and the string closes upon it-
(13), to eliminate ro, yields self; no exterior is needed or possible. These matches with
p,~ ~ are of little interest, since as the po 0 limit is tak-
a = cos(po/p+) (16) en, the p (or r), $ two-space collapses, reducing to a point
The exterior metric of the string is then given by Eq. (12) (if p, & 4 ) or a line (if p, = ~ ).
with m = 0, and a given by Eq. (16). The geometry is coni- It is also possible to join the uniform-density string interi-
cal with a deficit angle of 8/=2m[1 —cos(po/p~)]. The or [Eq. (11)] with the m=2 vacuum metric. In this case
circumference of a circle with proper radius r = rl = constant there is always a nonzero surface stress-energy tensor at the

to be correct to all orders in p, . The exact exterior geometry

junction. It is possible to join the metrics so that r increases
or decreases as one moves away from the string. The sur-
0 classical limit is
of a static, cylindrically symmetric string with p,
(4 is that
face stress-energy diverges as the po of a cone with deficit angle 8@ 8m@„and a metric given by
taken, except in one special case where r is chosen to de- Eq. (21). In terms of light bending, a photon traveling past
crease away from the string and p, = 4, In this case the the string will be deflected through an angle 6@ =4m p, . If
metric parameter a is not determined by the junction condi- p,~ 4, the exterior has collapsed onto the string; this is
tions. The exterior metric is given by Eq. (12) with m =2 probably related to the fact that r ~2M for any radius
and 0( r ( ro. The surface energy density in this case is
always negative, violating the weak energy condition. As
sphere centered on a string with p, ~4 .
Note added in proof. Since this paper was written, I have
the classical limit po 0 is taken, the surface stress-energy become aware of a preprint by J. R. Gott III, which has
vanishes and ro ~. This case is unphysical, however, be- since appeared in print [Astrophys. J. 288, 422 (1985)],
cause as ro ~ the string is removed to physical infinity. which independently derives the exact static, cylindrically
In summary, the results of Vilenkin, obtained within the symmetric string solution for the m = 0 exterior, with partic-
linear approximation to general relativity, have been shown ular application to the gravitational lens problem.

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