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Nisin As A Food Preservative - Part 1 - Physicochemical Properties, Antimicrobial Activity, and Main Uses

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Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

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Nisin as a Food Preservative: Part 1: Physicochemical

Properties, Antimicrobial Activity, and Main Uses
a a a a
Adem Gharsallaoui , Nadia Oulahal , Catherine Joly & Pascal Degraeve
Université de Lyon, Université Lyon 1 - ISARA Lyon, Laboratoire BioDyMIA (Bioingénierie et
Dynamique Microbienne aux Interfaces Alimentaires), Equipe Mixte d'Accueil n°3733, IUT
Lyon 1, rue Henri de Boissieu, F-01000 Bourg en Bresse, France
Accepted author version posted online: 12 Feb 2015.

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To cite this article: Adem Gharsallaoui, Nadia Oulahal, Catherine Joly & Pascal Degraeve (2015): Nisin as a Food Preservative:
Part 1: Physicochemical Properties, Antimicrobial Activity, and Main Uses, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, DOI:

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Nisin as a food preservative:

Part 1: Physicochemical properties, antimicrobial activity, and main uses

Adem Gharsallaoui*, Nadia Oulahal, Catherine Joly, and Pascal Degraeve

Université de Lyon, Université Lyon 1 - ISARA Lyon, Laboratoire BioDyMIA (Bioingénierie et

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Dynamique Microbienne aux Interfaces Alimentaires), Equipe Mixte d’Accueil n°3733, IUT

Lyon 1, rue Henri de Boissieu, F-01000 Bourg en Bresse, France


Nisin is a natural preservative for many food products. This bacteriocin is mainly used in dairy

and meat products. Nisin inhibits pathogenic food borne bacteria such as Listeria monocytogenes

and many other Gram-positive food spoilage microorganisms. Nisin can be used alone or in

combination with other preservatives or also with several physical treatments. This article

reviews physicochemical and biological properties of nisin, the main factors affecting its

antimicrobial effectiveness, and its food applications as an additive directly incorporated into

food matrices.

Keywords: Nisin; Bacteriocins; Structure; Action mode; Antimicrobial spectrum; Food



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Phone (+33) 4 74 47 21 44

Fax. (+33) 4 74 45 52 53
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1. Introduction

Biological preservation approaches are attractive as a safety parameter in foods with

reduced contents of ingredients and additives that usually serve to inhibit microbial growth

(Schillinger et al., 1996). Nisin, a small peptide produced by Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis,

attacks the cell wall and causes lysis of the target microorganisms. Nisin is currently industrially

produced and is used for specific applications such as prevention of spore germination and
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growth of pathogenic bacteria contaminating the surface of food products. This bacteriocin has

been commercialized for the first time in the 50’s to inhibit the outgrowth of Clostridium

tyrobutyricum responsible for late cheese blowing (García et al., 2010). Lactic acid bacteria

(LAB) naturally produce nisin in raw milk and dairy products (Perin et al., 2012), however LAB

growth for nisin industrial production requires complex nutrition conditions which increases

production costs and complicates the purification steps. This explains the fact that commercial

nisin preparations (not exceeding generally 2.5 wt% pure nisin content) are standardized to 106

IU g-1 with denatured milk proteins and NaCl. If one gram of pure nisin contains 40 106 IU, a

biological activity of 40 IU corresponds to 1μg of pure nisin whatever the commercial

preparation purity. It is noteworthy that the International Unit (IU) corresponds to the amount of

nisin able to inhibit one cell of Streptococcus agalactiae in 1 mL of broth (Tramer and Fowler,


Nisin is the only bacteriocin approved as a food preservative, which explains its

increasingly common use in food industry. This use is governed by the "FAO / WHO Codex

Committee on Milk and Milk Products" which has accepted the use of nisin as a food additive in

a concentration not exceeding 12.5 mg of pure nisin per kilogram (Ross et al., 2002). Nisin has


been approved as GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) by the US Food and Drug

Administration (FDA) since 1988 because it has long been used in food preservation (E234)

without being involved in health problems. According to the FDA rules, this bacteriocin can be

used at a maximum concentration of 250 ppm in cheese products in order to prevent Clostridium

botulinum growth (Federal Register, 1988). Nisin is effective against several pathogenic Gram-

positive bacteria such as Listeria monocytogenes and C. botulinum, but also against some Gram-
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negative pathogens such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. when combined with chelators

such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), heat treatment, freezing, or any treatment

causing the alteration of the cell wall that becomes permeable which promotes contact between

nisin and the cytoplasmic membrane (Belfiore et al., 2007).

The aim of this paper is to discuss available information on nisin structure,

physicochemical and biological properties, as well as its applications as a food preservative.

Regarding this latter aspect, only the uses of “free nisin” will be discussed while nisin

incorporation in polymer based materials to produce antimicrobial packaging will be evoked in

the 2nd part of this review.

2. Nisin structure

The classification of bacteriocins produced by LAB evolves with the research progress in

this field. It is based on several criteria: molecular weight, posttranslational modification, and

biological activity. However, serious problems of listeriosis have prompted researchers to

consider the antimicrobial activity against L. monocytogenes as a classification criterion

(Ennahar et al., 2000). The simplest classification includes bacteriocins into three classes: class I

(lantibiotics); class II (small, heat-stable and non-lantibiotics peptides); and class III (large and


heat-sensitive proteins). The majority of bacteriocins produced by the bacteria associated with

food belong to classes I and II. The most important class of bacteriocins is lantibiotics which

contain an unusual amino acid: lanthionine (Lan). Because of this unusual amino acid and its

specific biological activity, these peptides are named lantibiotics. More than 25 lantibiotics have

been described in literature but the most important and most studied is nisin (Jack and Jung,

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Nisin contains 4 unusual amino acids: dehydroalanine (DHA), dehydrobutyrine (DHB),

lanthionine, and β-methyllanthionine (Figure 1) that form thioether bridges in five positions.

Unlike other proteins, nisin has no absorbance at 280 nm because it does not contain aromatic

amino acids. Nisin is a cationic polypeptide, hydrophobic and heat stable. The nisin molecular

weight is 3 510 Da but this peptide is capable of forming dimers (7 000 Da, more stable dimer)

and tetramers (14 000 Da). Several types of nisin have been identified. The main variants are

called A, Z, and Q (Figure 2) and possess different biological activities. However, nisin A and Z

are the most active forms that are often marketed. These two variants (A and Z) differ by one

amino acid at position 27: histidine for nisin A and asparagine for nisin Z. This substitution

results in little difference in terms of thermal stability, resistance to pH changes, sensitivity to

proteolytic enzymes, and antimicrobial action spectrum (Sonomoto et al., 2000). However, this

last study has shown that nisin Z is more soluble than nisin A in pHs near neutrality because

asparagine has a more polar side chain than that of histidine. This structural difference does not

affect antimicrobial activity but it changes some properties: the nisin Z is more soluble and its

distribution in foods has been shown to be higher (Bouksaim et al., 2000).

3. Nisin physicochemical properties


Antimicrobial activity of nisin is largely dependent on its aqueous solubility and

structural stability which in turn depend on pH. Indeed, nisin is more soluble and more stable

under acidic conditions and has a solubility of 12 wt% at pH 2.5 and 4 wt% at pH 5.0. This

solubility is close to zero when the pH reaches and exceeds neutrality (Hurst, 1981). Similarly,

the antimicrobial activity is stronger at acidic pH (hydrochloric acid solution pH 2.5 for

example) and gradually decreases with increasing pH which can be explained by an irreversible
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modification of the molecular structure of nisin (Hurst, 1981). This structural modification may

remarkably take place at pHs > pI (isoelectric point) (~ 8-9) and occurs primarily through the

formation of multimers via inter-molecular interactions (Liu and Hansen, 1990).

Nisin activity is highly stable at low temperatures (during freezing for example) but this

activity can be lost when the peptide is heated for a long time. In addition, nisin thermostability

is largely related to pH. For example, the antibacterial activity of nisin is completely retained at

pH 2 after autoclaving at 121 °C but is completely lost after 30 min at 63 °C at pH 11 (Hansen et

al., 1991). As a general rule, thermal stability of nisin increased with decreasing pH (Rollema et

al., 1995). This can be explained by the presence of the five thioether bridges.

Nisin can also be inactivated by proteolytic enzymes such as pancreatin, α-chymotrypsin,

and ficin that are able to break its peptidic chain. However, other enzymes such as trypsin,

pepsin and carboxypeptidase have no significant effect on its antimicrobial effect (Chollet et al.,


These nisin activation/inactivation factors should be seriously considered when nisin is

used in food systems that have different values of pH, ionic strength, viscosity, and fat content…

Therefore, the structure, composition, pH, and shelf life of the considered food matrix should be


considered to interpret consistently the resistance of contaminating microorganisms to nisin. For

example, food matrices for which the risk of growth of pathogenic bacteria such as Listeria

monocytogenes is the highest have a pH close to neutrality: one must keep in mind that both

solubility and antimicrobial activity of nisin are lower at these pH values than at acidic pH.

4. Nisin biological activity

Many of the nisin sensitive bacteria, such as Listeria monocytogenes and Clostridium
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botulinum, are known to be pathogenic. In fact, nisin has antimicrobial activity directed primarily

against Gram-positive bacteria and in particular the spore forming ones. For spore-forming

bacteria, nisin is able to inhibit both the vegetative forms and the outgrowth of their spores.

Other studies also suggest the ability of nisin to inhibit the germination of Bacillus and

Clostridium spores (Hurst, 1981; Venema et al., 1995). Furthermore, nisin can also inhibit some

non-spore forming bacteria such as Staphylococcus, Lactococcus, Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc,

Listeria, Pediococcus, and Micrococcus. It should also be noted that nisin has no inhibitory

activity against yeast cells, filamentous fungi, viruses and Gram-negative bacteria. In normal

circumstances, Gram-negative bacteria are usually resistant to nisin mainly due to their

impermeable outer membranes (Gänzle et al., 2003).

The nisin action mechanism is widely studied (McAuliffe et al., 2001) and consists in the

adsorption on the target cell surface and destabilization of the cytoplasmic membrane structure.

This adsorption involves electrostatic interactions between nisin having a net positive charge and

the negatively charged membrane phospholipids (Martin et al., 1996). These electrostatic

interactions are also due to the hydrophilic character of the C-terminal extremity of the

polypeptide. The hydrophobicity of the N-terminal extremity of nisin acts subsequently to allow


the insertion of nisin in the lipid cell membrane leading to its permeabilization. The effectiveness

of this integration depends on the nature and content of the cell membrane phospholipids which

may explain differences in sensitivity between target bacterial strains. The release of the essential

cytoplasm components, and/or cell lysis, results in the bacterium death (McAuliffe et al., 2001).

Association between nisin hydrophobic patches and hydrophobic bacterial membranes was

modeled using computer simulation to predict the most favorable interactions for an optimum
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antimicrobial activity. Probably, it is the hydrophobic part inserted into cell membrane that forms

pores (Lins et al., 1999). One of the several modes of nisin action proposed in literature is given

in Figure 3. Nisin initially forms a complex with Lipid II, a precursor molecule in the synthesis

of peptidoglycan forming the bacterial cell walls. This complex then inserts itself into the

cytoplasmic membrane forming pores and allows the efflux of essential cellular components

resulting in inhibition or death of the bacteria.

5. Nisin applications as food preservative

5.1. Legislation

Several bacteriocins produced by LAB have been purified, characterized and studied for

their antibacterial properties. For example, pediocin (Class IIa) possesses a confirmed

antilisterial activity (Naghmouchi et al., 2007) and could have several potential applications in

food industries. However, nisin is the only bacteriocin which use is currently permitted in food.

This peptide was added to the list of food additives under the European number E234 (EEC,

1983). The authorization of the use of this bacteriocin has many reasons: (i) the peptide is easily

degradable with intestinal proteases, (ii) it presents no risk to human health, and (iii) does not

alter the organoleptic and sensory properties of foods. The legislation concerning the maximum


nisin amount used differs from one country to another: for example, if nisin can be added to the

cheese without any limit in the United Kingdom, Australia and France, the amount added should

not exceed 100 IU g-1 in Belgium, 500 IU g-1 in Argentina, and 10 000 IU g-1 in the USA

(Cleveland et al., 2001). More data concerning the maximum authorized nisin levels are given in

Table 1. Finally, it is important to highlight that nisin can not be regarded as a "natural"

preservative when used in concentrations higher than those naturally found in foods fermented
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with nisin-producing strains.

5.2. Applications of nisin and related issues

5.2.1. General considerations

Several strategies can be considered for application of nisin for food preservation: (i)

inoculation of food with a nisin-producing strain, (ii) use of a fermented product with a nisin-

producing strain as an ingredient, (iii) addition of purified or semi-purified nisin as a

preservative, and (iv) addition of encapsulated nisin and/or immobilization of nisin in solid

matrices (beads, gels, or films) to control its release and protect it from degradation by

proteolytic enzymes. Food composition and intrinsic and extrinsic parameters during

manufacture, storage, and distribution will determine the appropriate method to be used. In this

section we will focus on the direct addition of free nisin to food products.

Nisin can be used in a wide range of liquid or solid foods chilled or stored at room

temperature. According to the target microorganisms, areas of nisin use can be classified into

three categories: prevention of contamination by lactic acid bacteria, inhibition of pathogenic

Gram-positive bacteria such as Listeria monocytogenes and prevention of contamination by

spore forming Gram-positive bacteria such as Clostridium botulinum. Nisin is not active against


other microorganisms and should therefore not be used as a unique preservation agent unless the

microflora that is likely to contaminate the food consists mainly of Gram-positive bacteria.

Nisin should preferably be added as an aqueous solution and mixed with food during

manufacture. When nisin is added in powder form, one must ensure proper distribution in the

food. Alternatively, nisin can be used to decontaminate food surfaces by spraying. During

multistage production, nisin must be added during the final step so that it retains its full activity.
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When making cheese, for example, nisin is added during heating at the same time as melting

salts. In practice, nisin is often incorporated into or sprayed on the surface of these products in

the form of dry commercial powder containing a small amount (2.5 wt%) of pure nisin.

The used nisin amount depends on many factors: food composition, heat treatment

intensity, used packaging, pH, storage time before consumption, and storage conditions. Nisin is

often added to acidic foods, but it remains relatively active in a pH range up to 8 (Liu and

Hansen, 1990). Nisin is often used for the preservation of pasteurized milk, aged cheeses, and

canned soups and vegetables. Nisin can also be used to complement other preservation

treatments. In foods stored in cans, nisin is used in addition to heat pasteurization treatments to

successfully counter heat resistant spores of flat-sour thermophilic bacteria. When nisin is used,

one must be careful to the presence of certain chemical compounds that can alter its biological

activity. Indeed, it was shown that titanium dioxide and sodium metabisulphite degrade nisin and

inhibit its activity by oxidation of disulfide bridges. Besides, the antibacterial activity of nisin is

more potent in a liquid medium than in solid medium (Delves-Broughton, 2005).

The applications of nisin in preventing food microbiological spoilage and pathogenic

bacteria proliferation have been widely published and reviewed (Deegan et al., 2006). However,


in the next sections we will summarize some recent common uses of nisin and the related

problems and in Table 2 some examples of these uses.

5.2.2. Meat products

For meat preservation, nitrates are traditionally used: their partial conversion into nitrites

by microbial nitrate reductases in fermented meat products allows to prevent Clostridium spp.

growth. Direct addition of nitrites is an alternative. The reaction of nitrites with secondary
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amines in meat products can produce significant levels of nitrosamines under certain conditions.

Since some nitrosamines are carcinogenic, there is an increasing interest for food preservatives

such as nisin, which could replace, even partially, nitrites. However, as mentioned previously in

this review, nisin has particular physico-chemical properties influencing especially its stability

and biological activity. Thus, when nisin is in contact with meat matrix, it will have an

antimicrobial activity that heavily depends on the meat characteristics. The use of nisin in meat is

mainly faced to the presence of glutathione, a molecule capable of inactivating nisin by a

glutathione S-transferase catalyzed reaction (Rose et al., 1999). This glutathione inactivation is

lower in cooked meat due to the loss of free sulphydryl groups, which catalyze the reaction

between glutathione and proteins, during heating process (Stergiou et al., 2006). Nisin can also

be inactivated by proteolytic enzymes generally found in fresh meat (Rose et al., 1999). In

addition to glutathione and the presence of proteolytic enzymes, nisin can easily interact with the

meat fats what can reduce its antimicrobial efficacy. In this context, Deegan et al. (2006)

explained the fact that nisin is more effective in dairy than in meat products in terms of

interactions between nisin and phospholipids. Davies et al. (1999) studied the effect of fat and

phospholipids on nisin effectiveness and showed that low fat content was correlated with higher


antimicrobial activity of nisin. Some examples of nisin uses in meat based foods, concentrations,

and target microorganisms are summarized in Table 3. As a general rule, nisin stability in meat

systems during storage depends on four main factors: temperature, pH, presence or absence of

intact glutathione and/or active proteases, and storage time.

5.2.3. Dairy products

Nisin addition to milk during cheese making without lactic fermentation allows
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controlling microbial contamination without nisin alteration during pasteurization. Nisin inhibits

the outgrowth of C. botulinum spores in cheese spreads (Cleveland et al., 2001). In cheese

inoculated with 104 CFU (colony forming unit) g-1 Listeria monocytogenes, a 3 log reduction in

L. monocytogenes population occurred within 7 days at 20 °C after addition of 50 µg g-1 of nisin

(Ferreira and Lund, 1996).

The nisin addition at a concentration of 100 mg kg-1 completely inhibits spore

germination for 3 months during cheese storage at 5 °C. In addition, several species of Bacillus

have been inhibited by the use of 5 mg kg-1 of nisin (Plockova et al., 1996). Study of the shelf

life of Ricotta cheese type showed that the use of 2.5 mg L-1 of nisin can inhibit the growth of L.

monocytogenes for more than 8 weeks. In addition, measuring the concentration of residual nisin

in cheese showed that the loss does not exceed 32% after incubation at 6-8 °C for 10 weeks

(Davies et al., 1997). More examples concerning nisin uses for dairy products preservation are

gathered in Table 4.

5.2.4. Seafood products

Inactivation of Listeria innocua in caviar sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) and Pacific

salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) was studied after treatment with nisin and radio frequency heating


or after treatment with antimicrobial chemicals or moderate heating (Al-Holy et al., 2005).

Authors found that nisin combined with either radio frequency or moderate heat, inhibited

growth of L. innocua and L. monocytogenes and total mesophilic microorganisms, respectively,

without changing the visual quality of treated products. Elotmani and Assobhei (2004) evaluated

the inhibition of microbial flora of sardine with nisin and lactoperoxidase, and observed the

effectiveness of combining nisin lactoperoxidase in inhibiting the fish spoilage microbiota. More
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recently, nisin was used to reduce the surface numbers of L. monocytogenes, Salmonella and

native microflora on vacuum-packed raw shrimps stored at 4 °C (Wan Norhana et al., 2012).

5.2.5. Vegetable foods

Cells of E. coli and L. innocua, used as models for foodborne pathogens, were inoculated into

apple or carrot juice (7 log CFU/mL) containing 0 or 10 IU/mL nisin (Pathanibul et al., 2009). In

this study, a small amount of nisin (0.25 mg L-1) was added to apple and carrot juices before

HHP treatment. No additional inactivation effect was observed in combination with high

pressure against E. coli K12 cells. However, synergy effects were observed in the case of L.

innocua under the same conditions. In another study, Xu et al. (2007) suggested that a mixture of

nisin with citric acid and grapefruit seed extract could significantly inhibit tested bacteria (three

strains of Salmonella spp. and three strains of L. monocytogenes) and prolong shelf life of fresh-

cut ready-to-eat vegetables like cucumber and lettuce. Sun et al. (2012) suggested that nisin can

be successfully used for the preservation of fermented vegetable products like beer and wine

because it inhibits contaminating bacteria but not influence yeast responsible for the ethanol

fermentation. Finally, it is important to note in this section that the major part of the available


literature concerning nisin applications for the preservation of vegetable products uses nisin in

association with other chemical conservatives and/or physical treatments.

5.3. Nisin combination with other treatments

5.3.1. Combination with other antimicrobial agents

It has been shown that the effectiveness of nisin increased when combined with other

molecules such as lysozyme (Chung and Hancock, 2000), some lactates (Nykänen et al., 2000),
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essential oils (Razavi Rohani et al., 2011), and listeriophages (Dykes and Moorhead, 2002). In

particular, some authors have evaluated the nisin antimicrobial activity in combination with other

bacteriocins (Gálvez et al., 2008). A 31 days increase of brined shrimp shelf life was observed

after nisin Z in both crude and purified forms addition. Bouttefroy and Millière (2000) tested

combinations of nisin and curvaticin 13 produced by L. curvatus SB13 to prevent the regrowth of

resistant cells of L. monocytogenes, believing that this combination induced an inhibitory effect

higher than that of a single bacteriocin. Aasen et al. (2003) studied the interactions of sakacin P

and nisin with the constituents of cold-smoked salmon, cold-cut chicken, and raw chicken. These

authors concluded that due to the amphiphilic nature of these peptides, they can be adsorbed on

food macromolecules and undergo proteolytic degradation, which may limit their use as

preservatives. Over 80% of added sakacin P and nisin were quickly adsorbed by the food matrix

proteins. In non heat treated foods, proteolytic activity caused a rapid degradation of

bacteriocins. Less than 1% of the total activity remained after 1 week storage of cold-smoked

salmon, and even less in raw chicken. In heat processed foods, bacteriocin activity was stable for

over 4 weeks. No significant differences were observed between sakacin P and nisin, but less

nisin was adsorbed to muscle proteins at low pH.


Lysozyme is an enzyme commonly added to milk during cheese making with the aim of

inhibiting Bacillus genus bacteria but has no effect on nisin producers like Lactococcus strains.

The combination of lysozyme and nisin caused severe cell damage as the authors have observed

by scanning electron microscopy compared to samples treated with nisin alone (Chung and

Hancock, 2000). These damages reflect the action of lysozyme. In addition, nisin-lysozyme

combination caused rapid permeabilization (depolarization) of cytoplasmic membranes of

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Staphylococcus aureus, an effect that reflects the nisin action mechanism. Thus, nisin and

lysozyme appear to demonstrate synergy against Gram-positive bacteria because they reinforce

the action of each other to kill bacteria. The nisin activity and that of supernatant of a Bacillus

licheniformis ZJU12 strain showed synergy against 3 food contaminating bacteria:

Staphylococcus aureus, Micrococcus flavus, and Bacillus cereus (He and Chen, 2006). However,

this study also showed that nisin activity and that of the used supernatant begin within the first

30 minutes while activity of the combination was observed after 4 h.

Lactoperoxidase system (LPS) has a synergistic effect with nisin to inhibit L.

monocytogenes ATCC 15313 in skim milk and effectiveness of this combination allows to have

no detectable cells in 1 mL of milk after 15 days at 25 ° C (Boussouel et al., 2000). The

maximum inhibitory effect was observed when nisin was added at the beginning and then LPS

was added 4 h later which shows that the addition order is important in the mechanism of action

on the cell target membrane. Indeed, nisin forms pores in the membrane after interaction with

phospholipids, whereas LPS produces a molecule, hypothiocyanite, which reacts with thiol

groups of some proteins important for the viability of pathogenic bacteria, which inactivates the


enzyme systems (Boots and Floris, 2006). The action mechanisms of these two factors can

therefore explain the observed synergy.

Combination of nisin (2.5 mg L-1) and monolaurin (250 mg L-1) induces a bactericidal

synergistic effect on vegetative cells of 4 tested Bacillus species after 5 days at 37 °C (Mansour

and Millière, 2001). This bactericidal effect is due to both regrowth and sporulation inhibition.

Nisin combination with lactic acid has increased nisin effectiveness to inhibit some Gram-
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negative bacteria. However, this combination had no effect on inhibition of L. monocytogenes

(Ariyapitipun et al., 2000). Nykänen et al., (2000) tested the combination of nisin and sodium

lactate in the control of L. monocytogenes in cold-smoked trout, believing that nisin and sodium

lactate injected into smoked fish decreased the number of L. monocytogenes cells by 3.3 to 1.8

log CFU g-1 after 16 days storage at 8 °C.

The combination of nisin and other bacteriocins with other treatments and other chemicals has

also been already well reviewed (Gálvez et al., 2007; Gálvez et al., 2008).

5.3.2. Combination with heat treatments

Nisin addition during heat treatment could be an effective way to increase the shelf life of

food products and to use milder treatments (Al-Holy et al., 2012; Li et al., 2012), which help to

preserve the organoleptic and sensory properties of these foods. In fact, during sterilization

treatments, nisin is known to influence the microorganism’s thermal resistance by changing the

value of the D constant (decimal reduction time). In the presence of nisin (25 mg L-1), the

average D value of B. cereus in milk is reduced by more than 40% in a temperature range of 80-

100 °C (Penna and Moraes, 2002). Wandling et al., (1999) showed that the decimal reduction


time of B. stearothermophilus ATCC 12980 spores was reduced by 13 and 21% in the presence

of 50 mg and 100 mg L-1 of nisin at 130 °C, respectively.

Wirjantoro et al. (2001) showed that the addition of nisin (1.875 or 3.75 mg L-1) to milk

before sterilization increases the shelf life with or without refrigeration. In this study, no

microbial growth was observed in the milks treated at 117 °C for 2 s after storage at 10 or 20 °C

for 1 year in addition to their best sensory properties compared to UHT-treated milk. Budu-
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Amoako et al. (1999) evaluated nisin activity in combination with heat treatment to inhibit

Listeria in cold-packed lobster meat. They observed 3 to 5 log reductions of inoculated L.

monocytogenes populations, while heat treatment or nisin alone resulted in reductions from 1 to

3 log.

5.3.3. Combination with other physical treatments

The current trend is the use of nisin in combination with new non-thermal preservation

techniques such as high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) (Pathanibul et al., 2009; Zhao et al., 2012) or

pulsed electric fields (PEF) treatments (Nguyen and Mittal, 2007). This explains the abundance

of literature in this field. HHP treatments can inactivate Gram-negative bacteria such as

Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas fluorescens but Gram-positive ones such as Listeria innocua

seem to be more resistant (Black et al., 2005). In this latter study, viability of several bacteria

was evaluated in skim milk treated at pressures of 250-500 MPa for 5 min at 20 °C in the

presence of 0, 6.25, or 12.5 mg L-1of nisin. The combination of the two treatments gave higher

inactivation than that obtained for each treatment separately for both Gram-negative and Gram-

positive bacteria. Nisin addition to milk causes damage to bacteria cell membranes and increases

their sensitivity to high pressures.


After treatment of milk containing 12.5 mg L-1 at 500 MPa for 5 min, a greater reduction

(8 log) was observed for Listeria innocua and Lactobacillus viridescens. Taken separately, the

same physical treatment led to a 3.8 log reduction while the same amount of nisin caused a 1.5

log reduction. Since nisin is effective against Gram-positive bacteria, a sensitization by nisin of

Gram-positive bacteria to inactivation by HHP treatments was expected by several researchers.

In fact, the microbial reduction of pathogenic bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus or Listeria
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monocytogenes achieved by the combination of HHP treatments and nisin, indicates that, the

microbiological safety of food could be improved, while little changing organoleptic properties

or less than most of thermal treatments.

Combination of 500 MPa and nisin was the most effective treatment to inactivate

indigenous microorganisms of goat cheese (Capellas et al., 2000). The number of aerobic

mesophilic microorganisms in the cheese subjected to combined treatment was lower than that

obtained in the case of only nisin treated cheese due to the effect of high pressure on cells

sensitization. However, this effect was not additional because there are some populations that

may be inactivated by both HHP and nisin. Above 150 MPa, Escherichia coli became sensitive

to nisin when the bacteriocin was added before HHP treatment, but HHP-treated cells remained

insensitive to nisin when it was added after treatment. The authors considered that HHP

treatment can sensitize Escherichia coli to nisin by inducing a transient permeabilization of the

outer membrane that does not involve physical disruption and is immediately restored after the

process (Diels et al., 2005).

HHP is also an attractive non-thermal process to improve the preservation of meat

products. The behavior of several foodborne bacteria in a meat model system containing several


bacteriocins including nisin after pressurization (400 MPa, 10 min, 17 °C) and during cold

storage has been studied (Garriga et al., 2002). Among the bacteria studied, Staphylococcus was

the least sensitive to pressure but in the presence of nisin this bacterium showed a lower cell

number during storage at 4 °C than in the presence of other bacteriocins. Greater inactivation of

E. coli (> 6 log) in the presence of nisin has been registered and the number of surviving cells

remained unchanged for 61 days during storage at 4 °C. Masschalck et al. (2000) have succeeded
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to inactivate the mutant E. coli MG1655 strain, known for its high resistance to high hydrostatic

pressure, by using a relatively low pressure (400 MPa) in the presence of nisin (2.5 mg L-1). At

room temperature, this treatment was able to achieve 6 log reductions. In this work, a

hypothetical mechanism of "pressure-promoted uptake" has been proposed to explain the outer

membrane permeabilization under pressure by lipophilic cationic peptides like nisin or enzymes

like lysozyme.

Gao and Ju (2008) studied the combined effects of pressure (300-700 MPa maintained

from 7.5 to 17.5 min at temperatures ranging from 30 to 70 °C) and nisin (0-8 mg L-1) on the

inactivation of C. botulinum 33A spores. They have pinpointed the optimum process parameters

for a 6 log reduction of spores: pressure of 545 MPa; temperature of 51 °C; pressure holding

time of 13.3 min; and a nisin concentration of 3.22 µg mL-1.

The effect of combined HHP and nisin treatments on microbial inactivation in liquid

whole egg was studied by Lee et al. (2003). The addition of nisin (0.5-20 mg L-1) before

pressurization treatments significantly increased the lethal effects of high pressure against

Listeria seeligeri (up to 5 log-reduction of their population). On the other hand, individual effects

of HHP and nisin on Listeria were almost negligible, and therefore the observed reductions were


considered to be due to the synergistic action of nisin and HHP. However, study of the effect of

the combination of nisin with HHP on E. coli showed exactly the same inactivation level by

HHP alone, which was interpreted by the authors in terms of protection of Gram-negative

bacteria against nisin action.

Lee and Kaletunç (2010) studied effects of nisin (5 mg L-1), HHP (100-150 MPa), and

their combination on the cellular components of two pathogenic strains of Salmonella Enteritidis
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(Gram-negative) by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). They showed that pressure

increases the sensitivity of the two strains to nisin. Indeed, high pressure caused alterations in the

outer cell membrane thereby facilitating nisin penetration in the cell. The results obtained by

DSC were used to compare the different final states of the cells obtained under different

treatment conditions starting from the same initial state. The apparent enthalpy of each strain did

not change after nisin addition under atmospheric pressure while under high pressure a reduction

in enthalpy due to ribosome denaturation was observed.

López-Pedemonte et al., (2003) studied the effect of HHP on the inactivation of Bacillus

cereus ATCC 9139 spores inoculated in model cheeses made from raw milk, and the effects of

nisin addition (0.05 and 1.56 mg L-1). At a pressure of 400 MPa, highest inactivation (~ 2.4 log

CFU g-1) was obtained in the presence of nisin (1.56 mg L-1), while lysozyme (22.4 mg L-1) was

not able to increase spores sensitivity to high pressure. When studying the sensitivity of spores of

Bacillus subtilis and Clostridium sporogenes PA 3679, nisin showed a synergistic effect with

pressurization at high temperatures and acidic pH for both types of studied spores. This effect

was most clear at a pressure of 404 MPa, 45 °C, pH 4.0 for 15 min. Under these conditions, the

number of B. subtilis spores decreased by 3 log and a further reduction of 3.1 log was observed


in the presence of nisin (Stewart et al., 2000). Furthermore, HHP treatment may also improve the

efficiency of nisin on the inactivation of some spores by increasing their permeability after the

germination process. The number of Bacillus cereus spores in a traditional curd cheese was

significantly reduced when nisin addition was followed by two HHP cycles, a cycle to induce

spore germination and a second to destroy vegetative cells (López-Pedemonte et al., 2003).

Several other studies have been conducted in order to explain the synergy resulting from
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the combination of HHP and nisin. Among the proposed hypotheses, the pore formation by nisin,

followed by its parallel orientation and subsequent binding to the membrane, may increase the

susceptibility of microorganisms to pressure by local immobilization of phospholipids (Ter Steeg

et al., 1999). Synergistic effects can also be attributed to sub-lethal damage due to cell wall

leakage and/or outer membrane, for Gram-negative bacteria, by high pressures which could

facilitate the nisin access to the cytoplasmic membrane (Hauben, et al., 1996).

Other physical treatments such as pulsed electric fields were also used in combination

with nisin. PEF damage cell walls and membranes that lose their barrier function. Observations

by transmission electron microscopy of L. innocua cells showed differences in morphology

between cells treated with nisin, with PEF, and those treated by the combination of both

(Calderón-Miranda et al., 1999). L. innocua cells subjected to PEF in skimmed milk containing

nisin (0.925 mg L-1) showed an increase in the cell wall width. When applying the highest

electric field intensity used in this study (50 kV cm-1), a cell elongation was observed. The

combination of PEF and nisin has an additional effect on the morphological damages of L.

innocua like pore formation. According to Calderón-Miranda et al. (1999), L. innocua

inactivation is a consequence of the cell membrane breakdown and loss of its functionality. This


synergistic effect is not consistent with other studies that even show that nisin has no additional

lethal effect during treatment with PEF. Indeed, Terebiznik et al. (2000) explain that the outer

cell wall shrinkage and the cytoplasmic membrane tear facilitate nisin entry in the cytoplasm and

loss of its ability to form pores because of the internal pH (alkaline) and chemical potential


5.3.4. Combination with modified atmosphere

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Nilsson et al. (1997) tested the combination of nisin with a CO2 atmosphere for the control of L.

monocytogenes in smoked salmon. Results showed that the combination of nisin and CO2 in the

cold-packaged smoked salmon resulted in a reduction of L. monocytogenes by 1 to 2 log

followed by a lag phase of 8 to 20 days when 500 and 1000 IU nisin/g are used, respectively.

However, despite the importance of this non-thermal technique, few studies are published on this


5.4. Factors affecting nisin activity in food systems

When nisin is directly added to foods, its effectiveness can be altered by the physicochemical

properties of the system such as high pH, high fat content, and the presence of large particles.

These parameters can generate interactions with nisin, precipitation, inactivation, or non-uniform

distribution within the food. Nisin effectiveness is thus generally lower in food systems than in

growth media. To reach the same efficiency, it is often necessary to add a nisin amount about ten

times higher than that in a culture medium (Gálvez et al., 2007). Nisin effectiveness depends also

on the food microbial properties like the type of microflora contaminating the food and the

properties of the targeted bacteria. The growth phase of microorganisms contaminating the food

can influence their sensitivity and therefore the nisin effectiveness. Indeed, cells that are not in a


growth phase may be more resistant. In addition, cells that have already adapted to changes in

their environment are often insensitive to bacteriocins. The effectiveness of nisin can also be

significantly lower when microorganisms are associated as biofilms (Arevalos-Sánchez, 2012).

EDTA is a chelator of divalent cations (especially Ca2+ and Mg2+) that contribute to the

stability of the outer membrane of Gram-negative by providing electrostatic interactions between

proteins and polysaccharides (Delves-Broughton, 1993). The absence of these interactions

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exposes hydrophobic phospholipids which increases susceptibility to degradation by

antimicrobial agents such as nisin. Nisin, in the presence of EDTA, has a high activity against

Gram-negative bacteria such as Salmonella (Tu and Mustapha, 2002). The use of some surface

active molecules such as Tween 80 helped considerably to keep nisin activity in half-whole milk

(Jung et al., 1992). These results were subsequently interpreted by the fact that the amphiphilic

Tween 80 is capable of moving nisin from the water/fat interface thereby enhancing its

adsorption to cell membranes of bacteria (Bhatti et al., 2004). In addition, it is important to note

that nisin can chemically degrade during the production and storage of some food products like

cheese (Schneider et al., 2011). In fact, it has been shown that nisin is susceptible to the acid

catalyzed addition of a water molecule at the double bond of the unsaturated aminoacids.

Nisin use is also limited by the emergence of resistant strains and its ineffectiveness is not

genetically related to the nisin production itself. Nisin-resistance mechanisms are strain-specific.

Jarvis and Farr (1971) explained the resistance of Bacillus cereus by inactivation of nisin through

a reductase that acts on dehydroaminoacids. This resistance can also occur spontaneously in

some nisin sensitive mutant strains that are grown in the presence of this lantibiotic. The

mechanism of this resistance may reflect the synthesis of a lipoprotein able to "obstruct"


membrane pores formed by nisin (Engelke et al., 1994). This resistance phenomenon, due to

genetic mutations, is a major problem that limits the use of nisin as a food preservative. For

example, Streptococcus thermophilus INIA 463 is a nisin sensitive strain but became resistant

after exposure to low nisin concentrations (1-3 IU mL-1) for less than 2 h. This resistance is due

to an increase in the thickness of the cell wall as revealed by transmission electron microscopy

(TEM). Results also showed that resistance disappears after 4 h of growth in skim milk (Garde et
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al., 2004). Some strains of L. monocytogenes showed resistance to nisin in acidic conditions and

a study has also demonstrated that this resistance does not depend only on pH but also the nature

of the used acid (Bonnet and Montville, 2005).

6. Conclusions and future research needs

Nisin use for food preservation may offer several advantages: (i) increasing the shelf life

of the product, (ii) reducing the transmission risk of pathogen food borne, (iii) reducing the use

of salts, acids, and other chemical preservatives, and (iv) permitting the use of soft treatments

which better preserve vitamins and organoleptic properties. However, the majority of articles

concerning nisin applications deals with its combination with other treatments. Because of the

rapid reduction of nisin inhibitory activity due to its degradation by proteolytic enzymes or its

interaction with fat compounds, current research works aim at improving nisin stability and

efficiency by its incorporation in microcapsules, liposomes, or packaging films.



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Table 1. Examples of world-wide maximum level use of nisin

Country Food in which nisin is Maximum level (IU g-1)


Argentina Processed cheese 500

Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 03:41 13 February 2015

Australia Cheese, processed cheese, No limit

canned tomatoes
Belgium Cheese 100
EU E234, labeled as “natural may also varies according to
preservative” product state and member
France Processed cheese No limit
Italy Cheese 500
Mexico Nisin is a permitted additive 500
Netherlands Factory cheese, processed 800
cheese, cheese powder
Russia Dietetic processed cheese, 8 000
canned vegetables
UK Cheese, canned foods, No limit
clotted cream
US Pasteurized processed cheese 10 000
Source: Adapted from Cleveland, Montville, Nes, & Chikindas (2001).


Table 2. Some nisin uses in food applications

Food Target bacteria Effective nisin References

concentration (IU
mL-1 or IU g-1)
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 03:41 13 February 2015

Cottage cheese L. monocytogenes 2 000 Ferreira & Lund

Ricotta cheese L. monocytogenes 100 Davies et al. (1997)
Skim milk B. cereus spores 4 000 Wandling et al.
Bologna-type Lb. sake and Lb. 1 000 Davies et al. (1999)
sausage curvatus
Processed cheese Clostridium spp.; 200 – 600 Delves-Broughton
Bacillus spp. (2005)
Milk products Clostridium spp.; 10 – 400 Delves-Broughton
Bacillus spp. (2005)
Pasteurized soups B. cereus 100 – 250 Delves-Broughton
Crumpets B. cereus 160 – 250 Delves-Broughton
Canned foods C. botulinum 100 – 200 Delves-Broughton
Dipping sauces LAB 50 – 250 Delves-Broughton
Beer Lactobacillus, 1 000 – 1 500 Delves-Broughton
Pediococcus (2005)


Table 3. Examples of nisin uses for meat products preservation

Food Nisin Target Main observations References

concentratio microorganism
n s

L. monocytogenes growth
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 03:41 13 February 2015

Raw buffalo 10 or 20 mg Listeria inhibition more Pawar et al.

minced meat kg-1 monocytogenes pronounced at 4 °C than at (2000)
37 °C

Beef meat
Once vacuum packed, B.
cubes dipped Brochotrix Tu &
thermosphacta growth was
Round steak for 10 min in thermosphacta Mustapha
inhibited for more than 25
125 mg L-1 (2002)
days at 4 °C
nisin solutions
More than 68% of initially
Cooked added nisin still detected Reunanen &
11.25 mg kg-1 antimicrobial
sausage after 28 days storage at 6 Saris (2004)
activity assay

Sous vide Increase of shelf life at 4°C

cooked (11 Bacillus cereus, and/or increased stability in
2.5 or 12.5 Paik et al.
min, 97°C) Clostridium case of temperature abuse
mg kg-1 (2006)
seasoned perfringens (simulated by a storage at
beef 25 °C)

emulsions Time to increase initial L.
(fresh lean monocytenes population
0.25 to 2.5 mg Listeria
beef, 20% from 104 UFC.g-1 to 107
kg-1 monocytogenes Pellicer et
w/w bovine UFC.g-1 at 20 °C increased al. (2011)
fat, 2.5% from 1 to 7 days
w/w NaCl)
Dipping for 8
Natural 90% reduction of C.
days in 50 mg Clostridium Wijnker et
sausage sporogenes spores
L-1 nisin sporogenes al. (2011)
casings compared with a control


Table 4. Examples of nisin uses for dairy products preservation

Nisin Target
Food concentratio microorganism Main observations References
n s

After an initial
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 03:41 13 February 2015

UHT skim L. effectiveness, a regrowth Zapico et al.

£ 2.5 mg L -1
milk monocytogenes of nisin-resistant cells was (1998)
Listeria innocua Antilisterial activity lost or
and/or Bhatti et al.
£ 12.5 mg L -1
Listeria reduced when whole milk
homogenized (2004)
monocytogenes was homogenized
whole and
skim milk

Direct nisin addition to

whey allowed to prevent
the increase of L.
monocytogenes population
for more than 30 days
Traditional £ when cheeses were stored Samelis et
Greek whey at 4 °C under vacuum.
12.5 mg kg -1 al. (2003)
cheese Listeria However, addition of nisin
monocytogenes reversed the dominant flora
from Gram-positive (lactic
acid bacteria) to Gram-
negative bacteria along
refrigerated storage.

Exposure to subminimal
inhibitory concentrations
Streptococcus of nisin induced resistance Garde et al.
Skim milk £ 0.5 mg L-1
thermophilus to nisin (possibly caused (2004)
by changes in S.
thermophilus cell wall)
Processed 2.5-12.5 mg Nisin was effective in Delves-
cheese kg-1 Clostridium delaying or preventing Broughton


products sporogenes, C. growth and subsequent (2005)

butyricum, C. toxin production by
tyrobutyricum inoculated spores of C.
or C. botulinum botulinum types A and B
- Nisin addition induced a
significant and expected
decrease of lactococci,
lactobacilli and an
Ewe’s milk lactobacilli, unexpected decrease of Kykkidoua
Greek soft 3.75 mg kg-1 lactococci and yeasts. et al. (2007)
acid-curd yeasts
Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 03:41 13 February 2015

- Nisin did not affect

sensory quality and
extended shelf life based
on this criterion.

Nisin antimicrobial activity

reduction can be ascribed
1 g L-1 in Kocuria Chollet et
Swiss-type to its adsorption on fat
cheese-water rhizophila al. (2008)
(Emmental) globules and proteins but
(2:1, w:w)
cheese not to its hydrolysis by
proteolytic enzymes.

Nisin was not effective

likely because they are
Reconstituted Cronobacter
£ 40 mg L-1 Gram-negative bacteria Al Nabulsi
powdered spp. and because of the et al. (2009)
infant milk
presence of fat globules
and proteins

- Up to 2 log cycles
£ 12.5 mg L-1 reduction in S. aureus
Minas Serro (nisin addition Staphylococcus count from the 7th day of
cheese to milk before aureus ripening Soares Pinto
enzymatic et al. (2011)
coagulation) - Decrease of the ripening

Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 03:41 13 February 2015

Figure 1. Amino acids characteristic for lantibiotics.

Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 03:41 13 February 2015

Figure 2. Main natural nisin variants. The black-filled residues indicate the substituted residues

as compared with nisin A. The grey-filled residues indicate unusual amino acids.

Ala-S-Ala, lanthionine; Abu-S-Ala, 3-methyllanthionine; S, the sulfur atom of the thioether

linkage. (Adapted from: Fukao et al., 2008).

Downloaded by [Chinese University of Hong Kong] at 03:41 13 February 2015

Figure 3. A schematic representation of the mechanism of action of nisin (from Breukink & de

Kruijff, 2006). First, nisin reaches the bacterial plasma membrane (a), where it binds to Lipid II

via two of its amino-terminal rings (b). This is then followed by pore formation (c), which

involves a stable transmembrane orientation of nisin. During or after assembly of four 1:1 (nisin:

Lipid II) complexes, four additional nisin molecules are recruited to form the pore complex (d).


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