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Photoluminescence For Defect Detection On Full-Sized Photovoltaic Modules

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6, NOVEMBER 2021 1419

Photoluminescence for Defect Detection on

Full-Sized Photovoltaic Modules
Bernd Doll , Johannes Hepp , Mathis Hoffmann , René Schüler, Claudia Buerhop-Lutz , Ian Marius Peters ,
Jens A. Hauch, Andreas Maier , and Christoph J. Brabec

Abstract—Cost-effective, fast, and nondestructive on-site char- interconnection failures, in PL images to that in state-of-the-art
acterization of photovoltaic plants is required to determine counter- imaging techniques IR, EL, and ultraviolet fluorescence. We find
measures against power loss, defects, or safety problems. Methods that out of these seven defects, five can be detected well, cell cracks
with small impact on the operation and a high throughput, such under certain conditions, and interconnection failures not at all.
as infrared thermography (IR), or methods with high resolution We discuss how different techniques are complementary to enable
for detailed defect information, such as electroluminescence (EL) better defect detection.
imaging, are expedient. To combine high resolution and high
throughput, we propose to use photoluminescence (PL) as an out- Index Terms—Defect detection, fluorescence, luminescence,
door characterization method for full-sized module imaging. With photoluminescence, photovoltaic (PV) systems, silicon (Si).
PL imaging as with IR imaging, no electrical contact is necessary,
yet image resolution is on par with EL images. Our outdoor PL
setup features an excitation source with 18 broadband, white, high I. INTRODUCTION
power, chip on board LEDs coupled with low-cost short pass filters. HOTOVOLTAIC (PV) plants are assessed on-site for com-
This setup is suitable for indium gallium arsenide and silicon
detectors. Here, we compare the visibility of common defects,
including short-circuited bypass diodes, cracks, potential induced
P missioning, to determine the cause of power loss observed
in monitoring data, to avoid safety issues, and to determine the
degradation, snail trails, ethylene-vinyl acetate degradation, and best future operation and maintenance (O&M) strategy [1], [2].
Ideal O&M strategies consider the likely occurrence of future
defects. Defect formation depends on PV module architecture
Manuscript received March 29, 2021; revised June 5, 2021; accepted July and module stress during operation. One study showed that, on
19, 2021. Date of publication August 23, 2021; date of current version October average, more than one defect-generating weather event occurs
21, 2021. This work was supported in part by the German Federal Ministry within ten years [3]. Hence, PV systems from the major installa-
for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) Project iPV4.0 (FKZ: 0324286) and
Project COSIMA (FKZ: 032429A), in part by the IBC SOLAR AG Project tion years 2010 to 2012 in Germany [4], accounting for 23 GW
iPV4.0 (FKZ: 0324286), and in part by the State of Bavaria via the Project PV- [5], are likely to have weather-induced defects by now. This
Tera (446521a/20/5). (Corresponding authors: Bernd Doll; Ian Marius Peters.) suspicion is supported by infrared (IR) thermography imaging
Bernd Doll and Johannes Hepp are with the Faculty of Engineering,
Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology and Graduate School in studies, which showed that over 86% of the inspected PV plants
Advanced Optical Technologies, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen- have deficiencies [6] of various kinds. Yet, nature and severity
Nürnberg, 91054 Erlangen, Germany, and also with the High Throughput Meth- of these defects are often unknown, and whether and when there
ods in Photovoltaics, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Helmholtz Institute
Erlangen-Nürnberg for Renewable Energy, 90429 Erlangen, Germany (e-mail: is a need for maintenance is unclear.; IR imaging is the most commonly used tool for outdoor
Mathis Hoffmann is with the Faculty of Engineering, Materials for Elec- PV-module analysis. It allows identifying faulty modules with-
tronics and Energy Technology and Pattern Recognition Lab, Friedrich-
Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, 91054 Erlangen, Germany (e-mail: out any disruption of PV plant operation. Outdoor IR detector resolution is typical below 640 × 480 pixels, but due to uni-
René Schüler is with IBC SOLAR AG, Bad Staffelstein 96231, Germany form heat dissipation between the semiconductor and the glass
Claudia Buerhop-Lutz, Ian Marius Peters, and Jens A. Hauch are with the front side, higher resolution would not bring advantages [7].
High Throughput Methods in Photovoltaics, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, IR imaging is also limited to defect types that are thermally
Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg for Renewable Energy, 90429 Erlan- active at the time of measurement. Such defects need strings or
gen, Germany (e-mail:;; modules not to operating at maximum power. Deviation from
Andreas Maier is with the Pattern Recognition Lab, Erlangen, Friedrich- maximum power can be caused by various defects, such as a
Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, 91054 Erlangen, Germany (e-mail: defective bypass diodes, potential induced degradation (PID),
Christoph J. Brabec is with the Faculty of Engineering, Materials for Electron- or hot-spots [8]–[12]. Additionally, IR imaging is limited with
ics and Energy Technology, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, respect to the conditions under which measurements are possi-
91054 Erlangen, Germany, with the Bavarian Centre for Applied Energy ble. Ideal measurement conditions, according to the “IEA-PVPS
Research, Erlangen, Germany, and also with the High Throughput Meth-
ods in Photovoltaics, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Helmholtz Institute T13-10:2018” report [7], are an irradiance above 700 W/m² on
Erlangen-Nürnberg for Renewable Energy, 90429 Erlangen, Germany (e-mail: a cloud free day. A more profound investigation of deficiencies occurring in
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at a PV-installation require additional characterization [13]. A
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JPHOTOV.2021.3099739 variety of nondestructive characterization methods exists in the
2156-3381 © 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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lab, and it has been shown that combining several methods to points of the modules can be set and additional information can
detect more defect types is expedient [7]. Yet, many of these be extracted [31]. With a partial excitation of the 2-D laser post
tools are used as inline inspection tools at different production processing is necessary to achieve 2-D images. This method
steps in the semiconductor production lines [14], [15], but not looks good, but real outdoor PL images have not yet been
as mobile tools in the field. Utility of these methods for defect achieved.
detection and analysis motivated the development of a tool to In addition to these tools, daylight applications using sunlight
complement IR imaging that is capable of outdoor usage and as excitation source are published. Alternatively, substrings are
high throughput. modulated with a cell-sized illuminated cover [32], [33] or via
Among the suitable tools are automated optical inspection electrical circuit [34]. The PL images need to be calculated from
(AOI) methods, which detect different defects under repeatable an image sequence with a repetitive electrical modulation of the
indoor conditions. Visual inspection, thermography, electrolu- PV modules to minimize the sun’s background noise. Except
minescence imaging (EL) and photoluminescence (PL) imaging for the cell-sized illumination cover, which requires one image
are used to determine cell properties and defects in the earliest sequence per bypass diode, all methods interrupt operation due
stages of production, using conventional analysis [16] or deep to the electrical contacts. With our setup PV modules without
learning [17]. These AOI methods help to maintain and improve operation disruption can be captured with a single PL image.
cell efficiencies, and to determine possible production improve- In this article, we aim to establish full area PL video imaging
ments by automated detection of defects like microcracks [18]. as a technique for high throughput characterization of faulty
Luminescence imaging is especially promising since it has a modules in the field. We use an in-house developed mobile
principally higher spatial resolution than IR imaging. Current PL measurement setup for characterization, and compare the
tools have resolution of up to 2000 × 2000 pixels, depending on detectability of defects for this tool with that of other imaging
the used camera, which allows a more detailed defect determi- techniques (EL, IR, ultraviolet fluorescence (UV-F). Up to date,
nation [19] than IR imaging. An overview of common defects our method is, to the best of authors’ knowledge, the only PL
is given in the international standard “IEC TS 60904-13” [20]. technique to provide full PV module images recorded outdoors
Among them are cell defects such as cracks, wafer contamina- with an artificial light source at night. We show qualitatively
tions, soldering or ribbon interconnection failures, and chemical and quantitatively which defect types can be identified, and
corrosion (snail trails). Also visible are module defects like PID, which cannot. To explore specific defect types, we use modules
cell mismatch and short-circuited bypass diodes. Importantly, with known defects and make a side-by-side comparison of the
luminescent methods work best at night when the PV system is resulting images taken with the different techniques. We find
offline. that out of seven common selected defects, PL can identify five
In luminescent imaging, two techniques are distinguished with certainty: short-circuited bypass diodes, cell cracks, PID,
by source of excitation. In EL, carriers are excited through snail trails and ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) degradation, and
an external power source, in PL through illumination. Either one—inactive areas—under suitable conditions. Interconnec-
technique allows controlling light emission from the module by tion failures are not detectable, due to the excitation character
changing the intensity of excitation [21]. The main disadvantage of PL.
of state-of-the-art EL is the need for electrical contacts [22].
PL, on the other hand, is used without the need to access the II. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS
circuitry. To turn PL into a high throughput method for field
measurements, several challenges must be overcome. A. Experimental Setup and Discussion of Light Homogeneity
Up to now, PL has been established in the lab for cell and Our PL setup consists of an excitation unit (light source) and
module measurements [23]–[25]. Only few concepts for PL in a camera unit. The excitation unit allows full area illumination
the field exist. One example of a night-time technique is 2-D of the PV modules with an area of about 2 m². A total of 18
excitation by a laser [26]. Yet, this method is currently not low-weight chip-on-board LED modules are used. A high ho-
capable of measuring a large number of modules in a short time. mogeneity level can be achieved by adjusting angle and intensity
To turn PL into a high throughput method, a suitable artificial of the single LED-modules.
light source is needed. Due to the high lateral diffusion inside The camera unit is suitable for EL and PL images. Indoor
a single silicon (Si) solar cell, the emitted PL intensity level PL images shown in this publication were all recorded with the
is quite homogeneous and cell defects can be detected easily front illuminated Si charge-coupled device camera GE FI 2048
[23]. The luminescence intensity of different cells is determined 2048 from greateyes GmbH from Germany with a resolution
by the minority charge carrier concentration generated by the of 2048 × 2048 pixels. The outdoor PL images shown in this
excitation source [27]. Thus, the excitation homogeneity of the publication were all recorded with indium gallium arsenide
artificial light source plays an important role for proper defect (InGaAs) cameras, namely a Ninox 640 or Owl 1280 from
detection in PL, especially on the module scale. Raptor Photonics Limited from Northern Ireland. Additionally,
Researchers from the University of New South Wales [28], movie recording with these InGaAs cameras is possible, as was
[29] and from Technical University of Denmark [26], [30] are presented in a previous publication [22]. Comparison of different
working on PL tools with 2-D excitation laser line scanning. Pub- cameras is discussed in [35]. Short pass filters KG5 from Schott
lished images show promising results. Compared to the setup, AG from Germany with a cut-off wavelength of 800 nm are used
we introduce here, higher intensities can be reached and the in front of each LED module, and a custom-made long pass filter
excitation orientation can be changed. Thus, different working with a cut-on wavelength of 970 nm in front of the camera. With

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Fig. 1. (a) View of the indoor PL setup from the back to excitation direction. (b) Schematic sketch of the LED-module alignment and intensity adjustments, with
the corresponding homogeneity line scan (c) across a 72 Si cell module area. The homogeneity was measured with three phosphorous cardboards. At 650 mm and
1450 mm small spikes between the cartons can be seen.

both filters, excitation light is suppressed and it cannot reach the QSS-PL intensity IPL depends on the spatially averaged excess
camera’s detector. minority carrier concentration [36]. With a variation of the
For outdoor applications, excitation unit and camera unit are excitation intensity, a pseudo I–V curve is obtained. The implicit
mounted on a prototype tilting-cart. Moving this cart manually voltage required for this is determined from the quasi-Fermi level
in front of a line of modules in an initial field test, we achieved splitting [36]
a throughput of up to 37 PV modules per minute. For future  
implementation, a mobile power supply is in development. IPL = A · B · ni · exp
; Δη = eV (1)
The unequivocal identification of several defects requires a kT
high level of homogeneity in illumination. To achieve this, we with A is a calibration factor, B is the radiative recombination
included the possibility for two adjustments in our LED mod- coefficient, ni is the intrinsic carrier concentration, and Δη
ules. Direction and intensity of the light cones can be adjusted is the quasi-Fermi level energy separation. Due to the large
individually for each LED module [sketched schematically in lateral diffusion of the charge carriers in Si [23], each PV cell
Fig. 1(b)]. By combining these adjustments, high light intensities emits an almost homogeneous PL intensity, depending on the
in the module center are avoided. Fig. 1(c) shows the intensity excitation intensity for this cell and independent of the excitation
in the center of the module position from an image of a phos- distribution within the cell.
phorous cardboard. The phosphorous cardboard is necessary With different excitation levels of the semiconductor, addi-
to surpass the PL filter system and gives a high resolution of tional information about the visible defects can be extracted. Ar-
the excitation distribution. The mean excitation intensity in the eas of low emission intensity in EL and high emission intensity
sample is 37 W/m² with a standard deviation of about 3.8 W/m² in PL are indicative of increased series resistance to neighboring
measured with an irradiance sensor at nine different positions. regions. Dark regions in both luminescence techniques indicate
This level of homogeneity is sufficient to identify module level poor quality of the semiconductor material and increased non-
defects, such as PID. A detailed explanation for PID detectability radiative recombination [25], [37].
and the reliability to high excitation homogeneity levels is given Two heuristic factors, A and B, were used in the previous
in Section III-A. Intensity variations are no issue for detecting equation. Both are influenced by camera, semiconductor, and
cell-level defects, as within a cell the PL signal intensity is very optical properties. All influences make quantification difficult in
homogeneous, and abnormalities like cracks and inactive areas the laboratory [38]. In the field, where excitation homogeneity
can easily be identified [22] (see Section III-B). The detectability and camera positions are not reproducible, a simpler method
of defects in the electrical connection between cells and modules for quantifying PL data is needed. The intensity ratio IH/L of
is discussed in Section III-C. each pixel for two images at different excitation intensities, high
and low, is such a simple approach, and the relationship can be
reduced to
B. PL Intensity and PL Ratio
IPL,High (A, BHigh )
In quasi-steady-state PL (QSS-PL), the luminescence inten- IH/L (A, B) = . (2)
IPL,Low (A, BLow )
sity is determined by the minority charge carrier density. PL
differs from EL in that the luminescence intensity is generated The calibration factor A is constant for identical camera
by the injection of majority charge carriers and the generation of parameters so that additional information of the radiative recom-
excess minority charge carriers at the pn junction [25]. Thus, the bination can be extracted. The intensity differences visible in the

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image are due to different excess minority carrier concentration

and small changes of radiative recombination coefficient B for
the range of high (about 30 W/m²) and low (about 10 W/m²)
excitation intensity. Equations (1) and (2) lead to
BHigh e
IH/L = C [ΔηHigh − ΔηLow ] (3)
BLow kT
where C is a constant correction factor. Hence, the difference
in luminescence intensity is mainly due to the difference in
quasi-Fermi level splitting. In particular, areas with a high PL
ratio, indicating of a reduced parallel resistance with a very
high sensitivity. Thus, PID can be detected at a very early stage.
Values smaller than the increase of the excitation level ratio are
indicative of a strongly reduced parallel resistance.

C. Other Outdoor Imaging Techniques and Measurement

To benchmark the utility of PL images for defect detection
and identification, we compared them with different state of the
art outdoor imaging techniques, including IR, EL, and UV-F
imaging. The latter is a technique to analyze EVA degradation,
which was used together with visual inspection. In this section, Fig. 2. Screenshot of PV module #4 of the PL video recorded outdoors in the
we shortly describe the measurement details and classify the field linked to with the QR-Code in the corner. The PL video shows real time
repeatability for each technique.
1) EL Imaging: EL imaging is the recording of light emitted
by radiative recombination of free charge carriers after excitation aperture of 2.8, and detector cooling was set to −10 °C. PL
with charge carrier injection at the electrodes and using an ratio images were calculated from the two images with different
external voltage source. It was first published for PV applications excitation.
in 2005 [19]. PL images outdoors were taken with the Ninox 640 camera, at
EL intensity distribution provides detailed information of the an excitation irradiance of 142 W/m², a distance between camera
semiconductor and electrical circuit properties and allows, for and LEDs to the PV modules of 300 cm to 340 cm, an integration
example, series resistance mapping [39] and crack detection time of 5 ms, an aperture of 1.4, and detector cooling set to 0 °C.
[40]. The homogeneity of Si cell excitation is influenced by the
Here, the following two modalities were used: one with low camera/LED to PV module distance and angle, which are nearly
injection current (10% of short-circuit current JSC ) and one with impossible to reproduce outdoors. First tries to analyze the PL
high injection current, (90% of JSC ). Those different modalities image quality has been done by Trupke et al. [33] for daylight
were applied to investigate the influences of parallel and series PL. Finally, PL has a lower repeatability compared to EL, but
resistances. Series resistance increasing defects, such as inactive qualitative defect recognition is repeatable.
areas, are easier detected at high injection currents, and parallel Automated defect detection algorithms are not available for
resistance decreasing defects at low injection currents. Camera module sized PL images. However, many of the state-of-the-art
settings of the GE FI 2048 2048 for EL were an integration time AOI methods rely on data-driven learning. We are confident that
of 15 s, an aperture of 2.8, and detector cooling was set to a these can be transferred to PL, given an appropriate training data
temperature of −10 °C. set, similar to our implication of PL power prediction [43].
For indirect semiconductors, such as Si, during EL imaging, 3) Video PL Imaging: PL movies outdoors were taken with
excitation and luminescence intensity are influenced by temper- the Owl 1280 camera at an excitation irradiance of about
ature [35]. This influence is small compared to that of intensity 140 W/m², a distance between camera and LEDs to PV modules
and homogeneity variations in PL. For indoor EL, AOI defect of 300 cm to 400 cm, an integration time of 5 ms, an aperture
detection algorithms exist and are commonly used [17], [41]. of 1.4, and detector temperature set to 0 °C. With this camera
Additionally, other module properties, such as module power, setting, video recording without further camera stabilization and
can also be predicted [42]. low motion blur is possible.
2) PL Imaging: PL images were recorded with either our The QR-Code in Fig. 2 leads to an uploaded PL video taken
indoor or our outdoor setup. Indoor PL images at different exci- with the mentioned parameters under outdoor conditions. The
tation levels were acquired with a mean irradiance of 36.4 W/m² PL image of Fig. 2 is a screenshot of PV module #4 of that video.
and a standard deviation of 3.8 W/m², measured with a standard 4) Thermography: IR images were recorded using a hand-
Si irradiance sensor. The distance between camera and LEDs to held setup. The PV modules were connected either to an external
the PV modules was 385 cm. Camera settings for the GE FI 2048 electrical load or to other modules in a PV string, and were
2048 indoor measurements were an integration time of 30 s, an monitored with an IR camera at our test facility in Erlangen. For

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Fig. 3. Images of one PV module with PID for the different imaging techniques and conditions, namely: (a) PL outdoor with a mean excitation intensity of
142 W/m², (b) PL ratio, (c) EL indoor with a current of 10% of the JSC , (d) EL indoor with a current of 90% of the JSC , (e) IR at an irradiance of about 550 W/m²,
and (f) UV-F.

both setups, an Optris PI 450 camera from Optris GmbH was

used with an integration time of 1 ms.
The repeatability of IR is affected by irradiance, ambient tem-
perature, and wind cooling of the PV modules. All three param-
eters together are hardly reproducible, and IR signal evaluation
is typically done via temperature differences [44]. Temperature
differences are often reproducible and deep learning algorithms
can be trained to detect defects [45].
5) UV-Fluorescence Imaging: UV-F imaging is the record-
ing of fluorescence in the visible spectrum of the encapsulant
material EVA after UV light excitation. This technique was first
demonstrated by King et al. [46]. Fluorescence is mainly caused Fig. 4. Normalized median Intensities from indoor EL (10% of JSC ) and
by chromophores, produced in the EVA by UV radiation and PL (at 37 W/m²) images in relation. Threshold of dark cells in PL images
quenched by diffusing oxygen and water through the encapsu- for the data points below 0.33 are marked in orange. Yellow datapoints
show direct linear dependency of luminescence intensity between PL and EL
lation polymers [47], [48]. images.
Without cracks enabling oxygen and water diffusion through
Si, only the gaps between cells are diffusion paths to the EVA.
Thus, quenching begins at the cell edges, and the affected area ions migrate, aided by temperature and humidity. The inclusion
grows inward with module age. Due to linear diffusion and of ions in the Si crystal structure leads to a change of recom-
quenching of the UV-F signal, different crack lifetimes can bination and parallel resistance (shunting) [52]. The typical
roughly be determined [49]. UV-F images in this article were PID pattern of a PV module consists of several affected cells
acquired with a single UV excitation light source from MBJ and appearing darker in EL images. This effect is especially visible
a commercial SLR camera, an EOS 700D from Canon, with an in low intensity EL, PL, and PL ratio, and the typical chessboard
attached UV filter, an ISO value of 400, and an integration time like pattern is visible in Fig. 3(a)–(c).
of 5 s. UV-F as an inspection method is only useable after UV Shunting causes power to dissipate through the parallel re-
exposure in the field. Consequently, this technique is not used sistance, resulting in an additional heat source and temperature
in production lines. Due to the visibility of the fluorescence increase of the cell. PID is visible in IR images [see Fig. 3(e)],
EVA signal, the reproducibility of outdoor UV-F measurements which was measured at an irradiance of approx. 550 W/m². PID
is high and can easily be adjusted. AOI defect detection for is not visible in UV-F [see Fig. 3(f)], as it does not influence
an outdoor high throughput setup was recently presented by encapsulating polymers.
Gilleland et al. [50]. To quantify the detectability of PID in EL and PL, we plot-
ted the median luminescence intensities after normalization of
III. COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT IMAGING TECHNIQUES FOR both images and plotted the corresponding values against each
SELECTED DEFECTS other in Fig. 4. Correlation is linear after a threshold in PL,
marked orange. The threshold occurs due to the different charge
A. Potential Induced Degradation
injection levels used in EL and PL imaging. The yellow data
PID is a defect formed by the potential difference between points after the threshold indicate a direct linear dependency of
ground level and Si cells [51]. Due to the potential difference, luminescence intensity.

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Fig. 5. (a) Images of one PV module with cracks and inactive areas for the different imaging techniques and conditions, namely: (a) PL outdoor with a mean
excitation intensity of 142 W/m², (b) PL ratio, (c) EL indoor with a current of 10% of the JSC , (d) EL indoor with a current of 90% of the JSC , (e) IR at an irradiance
of about 700 W/m² with highlighted hit junction box, and (f) UV-F. Yellow marked cells in (a) and (d) are magnified in Fig. 6. Red marked cells in (a) are used for
advanced imaging analysis for inactive area analysis.

In PL images, all electrically connected cell parts have roughly

the same PL intensity, which is also the case for areas separated
by mode A and mode B cracks, as is visible in Fig. 6(b). Areas
separated by mode C cracks are completely disconnected and
their PL intensity differs due to different recombination rates
in the different cell parts. For sunlight excitation at high levels,
presently not reachable with our outdoor setup, even mode B
cracks are detectable [33]. Parameters influencing the recom-
bination rates are local charge carrier lifetimes, the radiative
recombination diode current, internal serial resistance, parallel
resistance, and the local VOC . Underlying physical defects may
also shunt cell parts, and small differences in shunt resistance
may have a strong influence on PL intensity. Differences in
PL intensity are frequently observed, and isolated areas can be
separated, as visible in Fig. 6(b) and (c). One exception exists: if
recombination rates between two isolated areas do not differ, the
PL intensity level of these two areas is similar and the isolated
region is not detectable.
To give a quantitative comparison of crack detection in EL
and PL, we manually counted the number of cracks. In Fig. 6(a)
and (d), each detected crack is marked. Additional cracks inside
the isolated area in the PL image are marked green. If only the
Fig. 6. Magnification of marked cell from Fig. 5. PL image in (a) with marked orange marked cracks are counted, 39 were detected in each
cracks, (b) with marked inactive areas and EL at 90% of JSC (c) with marked image.
cracks for the three different modes. Green marked cracks are only visible in PL
because they are within an inactive/isolated area. For a quantitative analysis, we used thresholds to determine
the inactive areas in EL and PL for six cells marked in Fig. 5(a).
For EL, we used a threshold of 7000 counts, corresponding
B. Cracks to approximately 15% of the highest luminescence intensities,
A crack appears when a Si wafer breaks, visible for all differ- and determined that 25.6% of the total area was inactive. For
ent imaging techniques in Fig. 5. Depending on the electrical PL, a range of PL intensities has to be defined for working
connection to other parts of the wafer, cracks are classified areas for each cell individually. We defined this range to be
into modes [7], [20]. We identify some examples in EL images the difference between the mean minus 75% of the standard
shown in Fig. 6(c). Mode A cracks are electrically connected and deviation and the mean plus 75% of the standard deviation.
appear as thin, dark lines in the luminescence images. Cracks in With these two thresholds, an inactive area of 27.2% ± 6.3%
mode B are partially connected to their surrounding with a finite was obtained. The uncertainty can be reduced to 2.1% if an
resistance. The luminescence of the enclosed area depends on expert does the inactive area analysis manually. The deter-
this resistance. Mode C cracks are fully isolated, and enclosed mined inactive area is exemplary visible in Fig. 6(b) for one
areas appear black in EL images [see Fig. 6(c)]. cell.

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Fig. 7. (a) Images of one PV module with cracks and inactive areas for the different imaging techniques and conditions namely: (a) PL indoor with a mean
excitation intensity of 37 W/m², (b) PL ratio, (c) EL indoor with a current of 10% of the JSC , (d) EL indoor with a current of 90% of the JSC , (e) IR at an irradiance
of about 550 W/m², and (f) UV-F. Yellow marked cells in (a) and (d) are magnified in Fig. 8. Magnification of the PL [at 37 W/m², (b)], EL (at 10% of JSC in (c)
and at 90% of JSC , (d) and the UV-F in (e)] with a highlighted younger crack, all of the same cell.

Thermally, modes A and B cracks cause very small energy

losses and are typically not visible in IR images. Mode C cracks
lead to a reduction of the active area leading to a reduction
of the current generation of cells and energy consumption to
achieve string level maximum power point currents. Depending
on the disconnected area size, the cell temperature may increase
due to the formation of a hotspot or the bypass diode becomes
conductive. Similar behavior can also be observed for partial
shading of the cell [20]. For a severely damaged PV module
integrated within a PV string, as seen in Fig. 5(e), bypass diode
conduction of all five substrings is visible in the IR image,
indicated by a hot junction box. Consequently, the IR image
does not show a unique, interpretable pattern.
The PV module in Fig. 5(f) does not show any UV-F signals
even though cracks are present, due to the lack of UV light
exposure in the field. In the following section, a module with
cracks and UV light exposure and corresponding UV-F signature
is discussed. UV-F is used to determine anomalies in EVA. An
example of UV-F with optically activated EVA by UV light is
shown in Fig. 7(f). Cracks in the Si layer open diffusion paths
for oxygen and water vapor and thus result in EVA fluorescence Fig. 8. Magnification of marked cell from images in Fig. 7. (a) PL indoor,
quenching on the sunny side of the Si. Depending on how (b), EL at 10% of JSC , (c) and at 90% of JSC , and (d) UV-F with a highlighted
younger crack.
long the crack has been present, the size of the quenched area
grows, and crack age can be roughly determined. In Fig. 8(d), a
presumably “younger” crack compared to the others is marked the emitted photon energy is not high enough to excite EVA.
[48]. In the PL ratio image, the linear EVA fluorescence signal is not
EVA fluorescence is even visible in the near IR range and visible due to the nonlinear behavior of Si. Both the IR image
appears in PL images [see Fig. 8(a)]; a darkened rectangular and the UV-F image give no information about the crack mode,
vignette and a quenched EVA signal around cracks are notice- and thus, no information about inactive areas is obtained.
able. Due to these thicker crack lines, cracks get highlighted and
are easier to detect than in comparable EL images in Fig. 8(b).
We did not encounter any module for which EVA luminescence C. Interconnection Failures and Snail Trails
caused a problem for the Si PL characterization and defect Interconnection failures are breakages in the ribbons that
detection. connect the Si PV cells. The PV module and magnified PV cell
In EL images, shown for a single cell and different excitation shown in Fig. 9(a) and (b) have two ribbons for each intercell
in Fig. 8(b) and (c), no signal from the EVA is visible, because connection. If one of the interconnections breaks, current has to

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Fig. 9. (a) PL and (b) EL at 90% of JSC images of one PV module with interconnection failures. (c) PL, (d) EL at 90% JSC , (e) UV-F, and (f) Visible inspection
images of one PV module with visible snail trails and cracks.

be transported over the remaining ribbon, resulting in lateral TABLE I

current transport across the cell. Consequently, an intensity
difference between the two cell halves is visible in EL images
[see Fig. 9(b)] for high currents and to some extent for low
currents. In PL images [see Fig. 9(a)], interconnection failures
are not detectable as no current is transported through them.
Thermally, interconnection failures are visible depending on cell
architecture, the number of broken ribbons, and the irradiance
conditions. The lower the percentage of broken ribbons, and the
lower the irradiance, the lower is the energy loss of the cells.
Snail trails are the result of corrosion of the metal grid-fingers,
induced by water vapor and oxygen diffusing through cracks detectability by AOI methods. To address this limitation, we
in Si [53]. Snail trails are visible in visual inspection in the conducted an additional experiment comparing the performance
PV module and PV cell images [see Fig. 9(f)]. Water vapor of AOI methods for detecting cracks and inactive areas in EL and
and oxygen diffusion typically also quench EVA fluorescence. PL images. This procedure also enabled a quantitative compar-
Hence, snail trails are visible in UV-F. Anomaly in EVA fluores- ison of defect recognition rates for the different luminescence
cence is no indication of snail trails as is apparent from Fig. 7(f) methods.
where no snail trails are visible. In PL images [see Fig. 9(c)], In a previous work, we investigated the detection and classifi-
snail trails can clearly be recognized, but not in the EL images cation of cracks in EL images of solar cells using deep learning
[see Fig. 9(d)]. Previous reports have found the formation of [43].
metal oxide nanoparticles near snail trails in the EVA layer [53], This experiment is a direct continuation of the previous study.
[54]. These particles might quench EVA fluorescence in the NIR We used a ResNet-like architecture in combination with max-
region [55] and make snail trails recognizable in PL images. pooling, as described in the previous study. We pretrained our
model on a dataset consisting of 45 000 labeled EL cell images
for classification of cracks and inactive areas. Next, we assemble
IV. AUTOMATED DEFECT RECOGNITION another dataset consisting of 1200 labeled cells from a different
Section III shows that PL images are well suited to identify PV module type. Those images are measured with EL and PL.
different types of defects on solar cells. Recently, AOI methods We split the dataset into 600 training and 600 test images for EL
have been used to automate the process of on-site and lab-based and PL and perform fine-tuning for the new PV module type.
inspection of solar cells. However, the visibility of defects to The model pretrained with the 45 000 EL samples is trained on
human experts in a given modality does not necessarily imply the 600 EL training images. We repeat the fine-tuning step with

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the 600 PL training images. As a result, we obtain two models, V. CONCLUSION

one fine-tuned for detecting cracks and inactive areas in our
In this article, we discussed advantages and disadvantages
dataset using EL images and the other using PL images. Finally, of PL imaging as a possible high throughput outdoor char-
we analyze the classification performance of both models on the acterization tool for PV plant inspection. We constructed an
corresponding test set on the detectability of a crack in a cell.
outdoor-capable PL setup consisting of an excitation unit and
For evaluation, we report classification recall, precision, and a camera, and used this unit to take images of modules with
F1 -score. Given the number of true positives (TP) and the known defects. Images of the same modules were also taken
number of false negatives (FN), the recall is given by
with alternative, state-of-the-art techniques, including EL, IR,
and UV-F imaging. For each image, an AOI algorithm was
TP applied for defect detection and analysis. The following seven
recall = . (4)
TP + FN common defect types were analyzed: PID, cell cracks, inactive
areas, defective bypass diodes, snail trails, EVA degradation,
Furthermore, given the number of TP and false positives (FP), and interconnection failures.
the precision is computed as Table II summarizes our findings about the detectability of
these defects for the various imaging techniques. Out of the
TP selected defects, we were able to identify five with our PL
precision = . (5) setup: short-circuited bypass diodes, cracks, PID, snail trails,
and EVA degradation with a reliable rate, and inactive areas
F1 -score is computed as the harmonic mean of precision and under suitable conditions. Thus, PL enables a combination of Si
recall and encapsulation luminescence characterization with only one
high-resolution image and without electrical contact to the PV
precision × recall circuit. Interconnection failure defects are not detectable due to
F1 = 2 × . (6) the nature of signal generation in PL.
precision + recall
Five defects could also be detected using EL imaging with at
least two excitation currents. Other than in PL, interconnection
The results of this experiment are summarized in Table I. Au-
failures are visible, though snail trails and EVA degradation are
tomatic classification of cracks is not affected by the choice of PL
not. EL is the most similar technique to PL but, unlike it, is
versus EL images. Both modalities provide robust classification
limited by electrical contacting, and is, therefore, less suitable
of cracks. For inactive areas, classification with PL performs
for high throughput measurements.
slightly worse than with EL. This is consistent with the results
IR is capable of detecting defects through local energy loss,
of our visual study (see Section III) where we concluded that
and can detect deficiencies on cell and module level, but also
inactive areas are more visible in EL. To be sure that this is not
issues with inverter, or losses caused by shading [56]. Defects
due to a possible bias from pretraining on a large EL dataset,
on neighboring cells are difficult to separate, though, due to the
we repeat the experiment without pretraining. This leads to a
heat flux within the module. Additionally, in IR, environmental
similar observation, although the models without pretraining
conditions have to be taken into account for interpretation. We
perform a little worse. Thus, we show that PL is well suited
show that some defects, cracks, snail trails, and EVA degradation
for automated optical inspection of solar cells with respect to
that cannot be found using IR imaging are visible in PL, making
cracks and inactive regions.
this method an interesting complement to IR.

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