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Pharmaceutical Applications of Cyclodextrins: Basic Science and Product Development

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JPP 2010, 62: 1607–1621

© 2010 The Authors
Journal compilation © 2010
Pharmaceutical applications of cyclodextrins:
Royal Pharmaceutical Society
of Great Britain
basic science and product development jphp_1030 1607..1621

Received September 7, 2009

Accepted November 4, 2009
DOI Thorsteinn Loftssona and Marcus E. Brewsterb
10.1111/j.2042-7158.2010.01030.x a
ISSN 0022-3573 Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland and bChemical and
Pharmaceutical Development, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research and Development, Janssen
Pharmaceutica, Beerse, Belgium

Objectives Drug pipelines are becoming increasingly difficult to formulate. This is
punctuated by both retrospective and prospective analyses that show that while 40% of
currently marketed drugs are poorly soluble based on the definition of the biopharmaceu-
tical classification system (BCS), about 90% of drugs in development can be characterized
as poorly soluble. Although a number of techniques have been suggested for increasing
oral bioavailability and for enabling parenteral formulations, cyclodextrins have emerged
as a productive approach. This short review is intended to provide both some basic science
information as well as data on the ability to develop drugs in cyclodextrin-containing
Key findings There are currently a number of marketed products that make use of these
functional solubilizing excipients and new product introduction continues to demonstrate
their high added value. The ability to predict whether cyclodextrins will be of benefit in
creating a dosage form for a particular drug candidate requires a good working knowledge
of the properties of cyclodextrins, their mechanism of solubilization and factors that con-
tribute to, or detract from, the biopharmaceutical characteristics of the formed complexes.
Summary We provide basic science information as well as data on the development of
drugs in cyclodextrin-containing formulations. Cyclodextrins have emerged as an important
tool in the formulator’s armamentarium to improve apparent solubility and dissolution rate
for poorly water-soluble drug candidates. The continued interest and productivity of these
materials bode well for future application and their currency as excipients in research,
development and drug product marketing.
Keywords biopharmaceutical characteristics; cyclodextrins; cyclodextrin-containing
formulations; pharmaceutical applications; solubilization

In 1891 a French scientist, A. Villiers, published a short note on his isolation of a bacterial
digest which he named ‘cellobiosine’.[1] The compound was stable towards acid hydrolysis
and, like starch, did not display reducing properties. It is now thought that Villiers had
isolated a mixture of a- and b-cyclodextrin (aCD and bCD). Later an Austrian microbiolo-
gist, Franz Schardinger, described two compounds that he had isolated from bacterial digest
of potato starch,which he designated a-dextrin and b-dextrin.[2] It was not until the 1940s,
however, that the structure and physicochemical properties of cyclodextrins (CDs) were
described in detail.[3,4] The first CD-related patent was issued in Germany in 1953.[5] In this
patent, the basic properties of the natural aCD, bCD and g-cyclodextrin (gCD) are described
and how, through complex formation, these CDs can enhance aqueous solubility and chemi-
cal stability of biologically active compounds. Bacterial digests of starch consist of a crude
mixture of cyclic and linear dextrins as well as proteins and other impurities. It was difficult
to isolate pure CDs from the digests and, as a result, only very small amounts of pure natural
Correspondence: Professor aCD, bCD and gCD were available at that time. This hampered industrial exploitation of
Thorsteinn Loftsson, Faculty of CDs. Biotechnological advances that occurred in the early 1970s led to dramatic improve-
Pharmaceutical Sciences, ment in CD production and pharmaceutical-grade CDs can now be obtained at relatively low
University of Iceland,
Hofsvallagata 53, IS-107
prices. The first pharmaceutical product containing CD, prostaglandin E2/bCD sublingual
Reykjavik, Iceland. tablets (Prostarmon E, Ono), was marketed in Japan in 1976. Worldwide there are currently
E-mail: about 35 different CD containing drug products on various world markets (Table 1).

1608 Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2010; 62: 1607–1621

Table 1 Some marketed pharmaceutical products that contain cyclodextrins

Drug/cyclodextrin Trade name Formulation Company (country)

a-Cyclodextrin (aCD)
Alprostadil Caverject Dual Intravenous solution Pfizer (Europe)
Cefotiam-hexetil HCl Pansporin T Tablet Takeda (Japan)
Limaprost Opalmon Tablet Ono (Japan)
PGE1 Prostavastin Parenteral solution Ono (Japan); Schwarz (Europe)
b-Cyclodextrin (bCD)
Benexate HCl Ulgut, Lonmiel Capsule Teikoku (Japan); Shionogi (Japan)
Cephalosporin Meiact Tablet Meiji Seika (Japan)
Cetirzine Cetrizin Chewable tablet Losan Pharma (Germany)
Chlordiazepoxide Transillium Tablet Gador (Argentina)
Dexamethasone Glymesason Ointment, tablet Fujinaga (Japan)
Dextromethorphan Rynathisol Synthelabo (Europe)
Diphenhydramine and chlortheophylline Stada-Travel Chewable tablet Stada (Europe)
Ethinylestradiol and drospirenone Yaz Tablet Bayer (Europe, USA)
Iodine Mena-Gargle Solution Kyushin (Japan)
Meloxicam Mobitil Tablet and suppository Medical Union (Egypt)
Nicotine Nicorette Sublingual tablet Pfizer (Europe)
Nimesulide Nimedex Tablets Novartis (Europe)
Nitroglycerin Nitropen Sublingual tablet Nihon Kayaku (Japan)
Omeprazole Omebeta Tablet Betafarm (Europe)
PGE2 Prostarmon E Sublingual tablet Ono (Japan)
Piroxicam Brexin, Flogene, Cicladon Tablet, suppository Chiesi (Europe); Aché (Brazil)
Tiaprofenic acid Surgamyl Tablet Roussel-Maestrelli (Europe)
2-Hydroxypropyl-b-cyclodextrin (HPbCD)
Cisapride Propulsid Suppository Janssen (Europe)
Indometacin Indocid Eye drop solution Chauvin (Europe)
Itraconazole Sporanox Oral and intravenous solution Janssen (Europe, USA)
Mitomycin MitoExtra, Mitozytrex Intravenous infusion Novartis (Europe)
Sulfobutylether b-cyclodextrin sodium salt (SBEbCD)
Aripiprazole Abilify Intramuscular solution Bristol-Myers Squibb (USA);
Otsuka Pharm. (USA)
Maropitant Cerenia Parenteral solution Pfizer Animal Health (USA)
Voriconazole Vfend Intravenous solution Pfizer (USA, Europe, Japan)
Ziprasidone mesylate Geodon, Zeldox Intramuscular solution Pfizer (USA, Europe)
Randomly methylated b-cyclodextrin (RMbCD)
17b-Estradiol Aerodiol Nasal spray Servier (Europe)
Chloramphenicol Clorocil Eye drop solution Oftalder (Europe)
g-Cyclodextrin (gCD)
Tc-99 Teboroximea CardioTec Intravenous solution Squibb Diagnostics (USA)
2-Hydroxypropyl-g-cyclodextrin (HPgCD)
Diclofenac sodium salt Voltaren Ophtha Eye drop solution Novartis (Europe)
Tc-99 Teboroximea CardioTec Intravenous solution Bracco (USA)
An older product contained gCD but has been replaced by HPgCD in the current product.

The following is intended to be a short introduction on natural CDs (i.e. aCD, bCD and gCD) is a three step process:
CDs and their pharmaceutical applications. For more compre- (1) bacterial fermentation and extraction of CD glycosyltrans-
hensive reviews of their chemistry, physicochemical proper- ferase; (2) enzymatic CD production from starch and precipi-
ties and applications the reader is referred to several books tation of CD through complexation; and (3) removal of the
and review articles that have been published in recent complexing agent and product purification. CDs with more
years.[4,6–21] than eight glucopyranose units (i.e. the large-ring CDs) are
usually produced through chromatographic separation of
the enzymatic product without precipitation. The large-ring
Chemistry CDs are more expensive, have generally less complexation
CDs are cyclic oligosaccharides containing six (aCD), seven capacity than aCD, bCD and gCD and are less relevant
(bCD), eight (gCD), or more (a-1,4-)-linked d-glucopyranose pharmaceutically, and therefore will not be covered in this
units (Table 2). Manufacturing of the three most common short compilation.[22,23] Due to the chair structure of the
Pharmaceutical applications of cyclodextrins Thorsteinn Loftsson and Marcus E. Brewster 1609

Table 2 Characteristics of the natural aCD, bCD and gCD


ID Secondary
Hydrophobic cavity hydroxy groups

Primary hydroxy

Property a-Cyclodextrin b-Cyclodextrin g-Cyclodextrin

Synonyms Cyclo-a-(1 → 4)-d- Cyclo-a-(1 → 4)-d- Cyclo-a-(1 → 4)-d-

hexaglucopyranoside heptaglucopyranoside octaglucopyranoside
Cyclomaltohexaose Cyclomaltoheptose Cyclomaltooctaose
Cyclohexaamylose Cycloheptaamylose Cyclooctaamylose
Alfadex (Ph.Eur.) Betadex (Ph.Eur.) Gammadex
Molecular weight of anhydrous
compound (Da) 972.84 1134.98 1297.12
No. of glucopyranose units 6 7 8
Moisture content (% w/w) 10.2 13.0–15.0 8–18
Approximate dimensions (nm)a
Height (H) 0.78 0.78 0.78
Inner diameter (ID) 0.50 0.62 0.80
Outer diameter (OD) 1.46 1.54 1.75
Solubility in water at 25°C (mg/ml)b 129.5 ⫾ 0.7 18.4 ⫾ 0.2 249.2 ⫾ 0.2
Specific rotation [a]25d +147.8 +161.1 +175.9
Calculated LogKo/w (octanol–water -7.8 -10.7 -12
partition coefficient) at 25°Cc
K1:1 (population mean ⫾ SD, 25°C)d 130 ⫾ 8 490 ⫾ 8 350 ⫾ 9
From Dodziuk[18]; bfrom Sabadini et al.[119]; c
Calculated LogKo/w (octanol–water partition coefficient) at 25°C (;
from Connors.[120,121]

glucopyranose units, CD molecules are shaped like cones depend on the structure of the appended substituent but
with secondary hydroxy groups extending from the wider also on their location within the CD molecule and the
edge and the primary groups from the narrow edge (Table 2). number of substituents per CD molecule. The molar degree
This gives the CD molecule a hydrophilic outer surface of substitution (MS) is defined as the average number of
while the lipophilicity of their central cavity has been substituents that have reacted with one glucopyranose repeat
estimated to be comparable with an aqueous ethanolic unit (Table 3). In some cases, as in hydroxypropylation, the
solution.[24] Although the natural CDs and their complexes electrophile (propylene oxide) can react with hydroxyl
are hydrophilic, their aqueous solubility can be rather groups of the substituents forming a polymeric side chain
limited, especially in the case of bCD. This is thought to be (polypropylene glycol). Thus, the MS value can range from
due to relatively strong binding of the CD molecules in the 0 (no substitution) to over 3 when two or more substituents
crystal state (i.e. relatively high crystal lattice energy). react to form oligomeric or polymeric side chains. The
Random substitution of the hydroxy groups, even by hydro- number represents the average MS of a mixture of isomers.
phobic moieties like methoxy functions, will result in Hence, MS does not necessarily describe how many hydroxyl
dramatic improvements in their solubility. CD derivatives groups on each glucopyranose unit have been substituted.
of pharmaceutical interest include the hydroxypropyl In carbohydrate chemistry, the degree of substitution (DS)
derivatives of b- and gCD (HPbCD and HPgCD), randomly is defined as the number of hydroxyl groups per anhydro-
methylated bCD (RMbCD), sulfobutylether bCD sodium glucose unit that have been substituted. The values can
salt (SBEbCD) and the so-called branched cyclodextrins, range from 0 (no substitution) to 3 when all three hydroxyl
such as maltosyl-bCD (MbCD) (Table 3).[6,17,20] The physi- groups are substituted. By contrast, in CD chemistry, DS
cochemical properties of the CD derivatives, including their frequently represents the average number of substituents per
aqueous solubility and complexation capabilities, not only CD molecule.
1610 Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2010; 62: 1607–1621

Table 3 Characteristics of some common cyclodextrins that can be found in marketed pharmaceutical products or that are being investigated as
pharmaceutical excipients

CD O C C CH3 2-Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin

O CH3I Methyl-β-cyclodextrin

β-Cyclodextrin HO O
S O2 Na*
Sulfobutylether-β-cyclodextrin sodium salt

CD O Maltose Maltosyl-β-cyclodextrin

Cyclodextrin Trade name and manufacturer MS MW (Da) Solubility (mg/ml) LogKo/wa

2-Hydroxypropyl-a-cyclodextrin (HPaCD) Cavasol W6 HP (Wacker, Germany) 0.65 1199 >500 <-10

2-Hydroxypropyl-b-cyclodextrin (HPbCD)
(Hydroxypropylbetadex, Ph.Eur.) Cavasol W7 HP (Wacker, Germany) 0.65 1400 >600 -8.5
Kleptose HPB (Roquette, France) 0.65 1400 >600 -8.5
Sulfobutylether b-cyclodextrin Na (SBEbCD) Captisol (CyDex Pharmaceuticals, USA) 0.9 2163 >500 <-10
Randomly methylated b-cyclodextrin (RMbCD) Cavasol W7 M (Wacker, Germany) 1.8 1312 >600 -2.4
Kleptose Crysmeb (Roquette, France) 0.57 1191 200
Maltosyl b-cyclodextrin (MbCD) (Ensuiko Sugar Refining Co., Japan) 0.14 1459 >500 <-10
2-Hydroxypropyl-g-cyclodextrin (HPgCD) Cavasol W8 HP (Wacker, Germany) 0.6 1576 >600 <-10
Calculated LogKo/w (octanol–water partition coefficient) at 25°C ( These are approximate values. The exact values will depend on
the molar degree of substitution (MS) well as the location of the substituents.

Natural aCD, bCD and gCD are more resistant towards in a complex. After oral administration, gCD is almost
starch hydrolysing enzymes, and two to five times more resis- completely digested in the gastrointestinal tract while both
tant towards non-enzymatic hydrolysis than the linear oli- aCD and bCD are, to a large extent, digested by bacteria
gosaccharides.[24] In the solid state, CDs are at least as stable in the colon. aCD is, however, digested more slowly than
as sucrose or starch and can be stored for several years at room bCD. The CD derivatives are also susceptible to bacterial
temperature without detectable degradation.[25] The predomi- digestion in the gastrointestinal tract (Table 4).[8,14,21,29–33]
nating non-enzymatic degradation of CDs in aqueous solu-
tions is specific acid-catalysed hydrolysis of the a-acetal Pharmacokinetics and toxicology
linkages to form glucose, maltose and non-cyclic oligosac- Most CDs of current pharmaceutical interest (Table 1) are
charides.[26] The half-life (t1/2) for the ring-opening of bCD hydrophilic and, due to their bacterial digestion, high
was determined to be about 15 h at 70°C and pH 1.1.[26] The molecular weight (973–2163 Da), large number of hydrogen
CD derivatives are hydrolysed at about the same rate, ring- donors and acceptors, and high hydrophilicity (logKo/w
opening being the dominant degradation pathway. In aqueous between -8 and -12), their oral bioavailability is generally
media, CDs are chemically stable under neutral and basic below 4% (Table 4). The oral bioavailability of HPbCD in
conditions. CDs are resistant to b-amylases that hydrolyse humans is between 0.5 and 3.3% with 50–65% of the oral
starch from the non-reducing end, but are slowly hydrolysed dose excreted intact in the faeces and the remainder mainly
by a-amylases that hydrolyse starch from within the carbo- being metabolized by bacteria in the colon. CD absorbed
hydrate chain. a-Amylases are present in humans, mainly in intact is rapidly excreted in the urine. Toxicological studies
pancreatic juice and saliva. The hydrolytic rate depends on the have demonstrated that orally administered CDs of phar-
ring size and on the fraction of free CD. For example, aCD maceutical interest are practically nontoxic due to lack of
and bCD are essentially stable towards a-amylase in saliva absorption from the gastrointestinal tract.[8] However, there
while gCD is rapidly digested by salivary and pancreatic amy- is one exception, that being RMbCD. This methylated
lase.[27,28] aCD and bCD are not digested after oral adminis- bCD derivative (DS of 1.8) is somewhat more lipophilic
tration to germ-free rats while gCD is completely digested.[29] (LogKo/w = -2.4) and has fewer hydrogen-bond donors
In general, free CD is hydrolysed more rapidly than CD bound than the other CDs. Consequently its oral bioavailability
Pharmaceutical applications of cyclodextrins Thorsteinn Loftsson and Marcus E. Brewster 1611

Table 4 Some pharmacokinetic data on common cyclodextrins and cyclodextrin derivatives[8,14,21,29–33]

Cyclodextrin Rats After intravenous injection After intravenous injection Max. dosage in marketed drug
to ratsb to humansc productsd
forala Vda t1/2a furine unch.a Vda t1/2a Oral Intravenous
(%) (l/kg) (h) (%) (l/kg) (h) (mg/day) (mg/day)

aCD 2–3 0.4 ~90 1 1

bCD ~0.6 0.2 0.4 ~90 170 No usea
HPbCD ⱕ3 0.2 0.4 ~90 0.2 1.9 8000 16 000
SBEbCD 1.6 0.3 0.3 ⱖ90 0.2 1.4 14 000
RMbCD 0.5–15 ~2.5 0.3 ~95 No usea
gCD <0.1 0.3 ~90 ~50
HPgCD ~50
foral, fraction absorbed intact after oral administration (i.e. oral bioavailability); Vd, volume of distribution; t1/2, biological half-life; furine unch, fraction
excreted unchanged with urine; No use, not for parenteral usage. bFrom Antlsperger[30]; Antlsperger & Schmid[29]; Irie & Uekama[8]; De Bie et al.[31];
Davis & Brewster[14]; Van Ommen et al.[32]. cFrom Zhou et al.[33]; Stella & He.[21] dAs dietary supplement the daily oral dose of aCD has been reported
to be as high as 6000 mg/day, for bCD as high as 500 mg/day and for gCD as high as 10 000 mg/day.

is slightly higher, or up to 12% in rats.[29] Presently, oral replaced by HPgCD in the current product (CardioTec;
administration of methylated bCDs is limited by their Bracco, USA).[38] Aqueous gCD solutions tend to turn opales-
potential toxicity. Oral administration of aCD is well toler- cent due to gCD aggregation while HPgCD solutions remain
ated and is not associated with any observable adverse clear. The parenteral dose of gCD and HPgCD in CardioTec
effects.[34,35] The same applies to bCD,[36] gCD,[28] HPbCD[37] appears to be about 50 mg. Due to their favourable toxico-
and SBEbCD.[21] The main side effects of oral administra- logical profile, CDs are frequently preferred to organic sol-
tion of high doses of these CDs are similar to those related vents during in-vitro/in-vivo evaluation of new chemical
to poorly digestible carbohydrates and include flatulence and entities.
soft stools. aCD, bCD and HPbCD can all be found in HPbCD has a small volume of distribution (VD ª 0.2 l/kg)
various oral drug products and all three parent cyclodextrins and a short half-life (t1/2 ª 1.7 h), and is mainly excreted
(i.e. aCD, bCD and gCD) are being used in dietary pro- unchanged in the urine after parenteral administration to
ducts. The maximum CD dose that can be found in oral humans (Table 4; Figure 1).[21,33] In humans there is a linear
drug products is shown in Table 4. However, the CD dose relationship between the parenterally administered HPbCD
found in approved dietary products can be much higher. For dose and the area under the plasma concentration–time
example, the daily dose of aCD in FBCX tablets (ArtJen, curve (AUC). No side effects were observed after parenteral
Canada) is 6000 mg while the daily dose in registered drug administration of up to 24 g of HPbCD daily (12 g twice
products is only about 1 mg. daily) for 15 days. The pharmacokinetics of SBEbCD is very
Parenteral administration of CDs can be somewhat similar to that of HPbCD (Stella & He 2008).[21] The total
more limited. The haemolytic effect of CDs on human eryth- plasma clearance of both HPbCD and SBEbCD is similar to
rocytes in phosphate-buffered saline are in the order meth- the glomerular filtration rate and since CDs are predo-
ylated bCDs > bCD > HPbCD > aCD > gCD > HPgCD > minately eliminated unchanged in urine (see Table 4), their
SBEbCD.[8,9,16] There appears to be a correlation between the elimination half-life (t1/2) will increase with impaired or
haemolytic activity and the ability of the CDs to bind or reduced kidney function. However, in individuals with
extract cholesterol from the membranes.[8] This in-vitro cellu- normal kidney function, about 90% of parenterally adminis-
lar lysis study, as well as other comparable in-vitro studies tered CD will be excreted within 6 h of the administration
using intestinal cells, Escherichia coli, human skin fibroblasts and about 99% within 12 h. Thus, administration of CD
and liposomes, do not indicate in-vivo toxicity but rather
provide a method to classify CDs according to their potential Simulated curve Measured concentrations
to destabilize or disrupt cellular membranes.[9] Furthermore, 1000
bCD cannot be given parenterally due to its low aqueous
HPβCD (μg/ml)

solubility and related adverse effects (e.g. nephrotoxicity).

These studies and other in-vivo studies in laboratory animals
have shown that the methylated bCDs and bCD cannot be
used in parenteral formulations while HPbCD, aCD, gCD, 10
HPgCD and SBEbCD can all be found in marketed parenteral
formulations (Table 1) with intravenous dosing of up to 16 g 1
HPbCD daily (Sporanox; Janssen Pharmaceutica, Belgium) 0 12 24 36 48 60
and 14 g SBEbCD daily (Vfend; Pfizer, USA). The parent Time (h)
gCD could be found in one parenteral diagnostic product
(CardioTec Kit for the preparation of technetium Tc-99m Figure 1 Plasma concentration–time profile after repeated intravenous
teboroxime; Squibb Diagnostics, USA) but it has been administration of 8 g of HPbCD twice a day in humans.
1612 Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2010; 62: 1607–1621

containing drug formulations will result in negligible Phase-solubility diagrams

accumulation of CD in individuals with normal kidney The two most important characteristics of the complexes are
function. their stoichiometry and the numerical values of their stability
constants. If m drug molecules (D) associate with n CD mol-
Regulatory status ecules (CD) to form a complex (Dm/CDn), the following
The regulatory status of CDs is evolving as more and more overall equilibrium is attained:
products are approved. Both aCD and bCD are listed in a
number of pharmacopoeial sources, including the European ⎯⎯⎯
m ⋅ D + n ⋅ CD ← ⎯⎯
→ Dm CD n
k m:n
⎯ (1)
Pharmacopoeia (Ph.Eur.), US Pharmacopeia/National Formu-
lary (USP/NF) and Japanese Pharmaceutical Codex (JPC). where Km:n is the stability constant of the drug–CD complex.
gCD is referenced in the JPC and will soon be included in the The stoichiometry of drug–CD complexes and the numerical
Ph.Eur. and USP/NF. A monograph for HPbCD is available in values of their stability constants are frequently obtained from
the Ph.Eur. and a draft has been circulated for the USP/NF. phase-solubility diagrams where the drug solubility is moni-
Other derivatives are not yet compendial but efforts are under- tored as a function of total CD added to the complexation
way for their inclusion. HPbCD and SBEbCD are both cited medium as shown in Figure 2.[20,41,42] Linear phase-solubility
in the FDA’s list of inactive pharmaceutical ingredients. In the diagrams (AL-type) indicate that the complex is first order
food industry, the regulatory status of an additive is based on with respect to the CD (n = 1 in Equation 1) and first or higher
toxicity studies in animals, which include determination of the order with respect to the drug (m ⱖ 1). In this case the appar-
no-observable-effect level (NOEL; the highest administered ent drug solubility (Stot) will be given by:
dose that does not cause any detectable adverse effect). The
acceptable daily intake (ADI) for humans is calculated from Stot = S0 + m [ Dm CD ] (2)
the overall NOEL obtained from the most sensitive species where S0 is the intrinsic solubility of the drug in the aqueous
divided by a safety factor. The Joint (FAO/ WHO) Expert complexation medium. If one drug molecule forms a water-
Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) has recommended soluble complex with one CD molecule (i.e. 1 : 1 complex)
ADI of 5 mg/kg per day for bCD in food products but due to then the slope of the linear phase-solubility diagram will be
their favourable toxicological profile, no ADI was defined for determined by the equation:
both aCD and gCD. This ‘not specified’ADI of aCD and gCD
is considered the most desirable value and is limited to low- S0K1:1
toxicity compounds. In the US, aCD, bCD and gCD have Slope = (3)
(S0K1:1 + 1)
been included in the ‘generally recognized as safe’ (GRAS)
list of the FDA as flavour stabilizers. A consensus seems to be where K1:1 is the stability constant for the complex. In this
building among regulators that CDs are excipients and not case, the slope is always less than unity and the following
integral to the drug substance although various opinions equation can be applied to calculate K1:1:
have been given and interpretation related to this point can be
division- and product-specific.

Cyclodextrin complexes AP

The central cavity of the CD molecule provides a somewhat AL

lipophilic nanoenvironment into which suitably sized drug
moieties (or even small drug molecules) may enter and be
included. No covalent bonds are formed or broken during AN
Concn of dissolved drug (M)

formation of the drug–CD complexes and in aqueous solu-

tions drug molecules located within the CD cavity are in
dynamic equilibrium with free drug molecules. The rates for
formation and dissociation of drug–CD complexes are very
close to the diffusion-controlled limits and drug–CD com-
plexes are continuously being formed and dissociated.[39] The
affinity of a drug for a given CD is determined by the stability
constant (equilibrium constant) of the drug–CD complex (K). BS
Most methods for determination of the K-values are based
on titrating changes in the physicochemical properties of the
guest molecule (i.e. the drug molecule) within the CD and BI
then analysing the concentration dependencies. Properties
that can be titrated in this way include aqueous solubility,
chemical reactivity (stability), molar absorptivity, NMR Cyclodextrin concn (M)
chemical shifts, pKa values and HPLC retention times.[6,20,40]
It is also possible to titrate changes in the physicochemical Figure 2 Phase-solubility diagrams. Plots of total drug solubility (Stot)
properties of the host molecule (i.e. CD molecule) but the vs total amount of dissolved cyclodextrin, and their classification accord-
guest properties are usually more accessible. ing to Higuchi & Connors.[41]
Pharmaceutical applications of cyclodextrins Thorsteinn Loftsson and Marcus E. Brewster 1613

Slope solutions are non-ideal. Frequently, drug–CD complexes are

K1:1 = (4) characterized by NMR or other spectrophotometric studies
S0 (1 − Slope )
of dilute aqueous CD solutions or under ‘ideal’ conditions.
If a 2 : 1 drug–cyclodextrin complex is formed then the slope Results obtained under such conditions cannot readily be used
of the linear phase-solubility diagram will be determined by to explain complexation phenomena under non-ideal condi-
the equation: tions. Furthermore, most aqueous drug formulations contain
excipients such as polymers, buffer salts and preservatives, all
of which can influence the drug complexation. Thus, during
2S0 2K 2:1
Slope = (5) drug formulation the aqueous complexation media should
(S0 2K 2:1 + 1) closely resemble the composition of the final formulation.
Finally, stability constants such as K1:1 and K1:2 are frequently
where K2:1 is the stability constant of the complex. In this case, used to compare the solubilizing effects of different CDs on
the slope of the linear phase-solubility diagram is always less a specific drug. However, values of these stability constants
than two. are very sensitive to external conditions (such as presence
Positive deviation from linearity (AP-type phase-solubility of minor impurities), the method applied and mathematical
diagrams) suggests formation of a higher-order complex with interpretation of experimental results.
respect to CD. The stoichiometry of the system can be probed According to the previously described phase-solubility
by curve fitting with a quadratic model. A good fit to this technique the intrinsic solubility (S0) should be identical to the
model could suggest formation of a 1 : 2 drug–CD complex: intercept (Sint). However, this is rarely the case for poorly
soluble drugs. Thus, complexation efficacy (CE) is frequently
Stot = S0 + K1:1S0 [ CD ] + K1:1K1:2S0 [ CD ]
(6) a better measure for comparison of solubilization effects
of different CDs.[54] If the slope of a linear phasesolubility
where [CD] represents the concentration of free CD. A diagram is less than unity the CE can be calculated from the
third-order model is suggestive of a 1 : 3 complex, etc.[20] following equation (Table 5):
Here, consecutive complexation is assumed where, for
example, a 1 : 2 complex is formed when one additional CD CE = S0K1:1 =
[ D CD] = Slope
molecule forms a complex with an existing 1 : 1 complex. [ D] (1 − Slope )
Again, it is important to remember that this technique does not
indicate whether a given drug forms an inclusion complex Where [D/CD] is the concentration of dissolved complex,
with CD, but only how the CD influences the drug solubility. [CD] is the concentration of dissolved free cyclodextrin
Phase-solubility studies are performed in aqueous solutions and Slope is the slope of the phase-solubility profile. The
saturated with the drug where formation of higher-order complexation efficiency can be used to calculate the D : CD
complex aggregates is more likely than in diluted (i.e. more ratio, which can be correlated to the expected increase in
ideal) solutions. The natural CDs and their derivatives, as formulation bulk:
well as their complexes, are known to form aggregates.[43–45]
D : D = 1:⎛⎜ 1 +
1 ⎞
Formation of non-inclusion complexes and CD aggregates
⎝ ⎟ (8)
contribute to the overall drug solubilization in aqueous CE ⎠
CD solutions.[46–53] AN-type profiles have been explained by Equation 9 shows the correlation between the increase in
changes in the complexation media and self-association of CD formulation bulk and molecular weights of the cyclodextrin
molecules or their complexes at higher CD concentrations. (MWCD) and the drug (MWDrug), and the value of CE:
B-type phase-solubility diagrams (Figure 2) indicate forma-
tion of complexes with limited aqueous solubility and they are MWCD ⎛ 1 ⎞
Relative increase in formulation bulk = ⎜⎝ 1 + ⎟
commonly observed in complexationmedia containing the natural MWDrug CE ⎠
aCD, bCD and gCD. BS-type phase-solubility diagrams are (9)
thought to be formed when the drug–CD complex has limited
solubility in the complexation medium and then the plateau indi- The new formulation bulk can be found by multiplying
cates the total drug solubility (i.e. the intrinsic drug solubility plus the number obtained from Equation 9 with the drug dose
the drug solubility in the form of CD-complexes). The ascending (Table 5). The molecular weight of the natural bCD is
part of the profile can mathematically be treated as A-type and the 1135 Da and those of the three most common bCD derivatives
previously described techniques used to gain information on the are 1310 Da for RMbCD, 1400 Da for HPbCD and 2163 Da
complex stoichiometry. The loss of total drug solubility at higher for SBEbCD (Tables 2 and 3). The formulation bulk will
CD concentrations has been explained by completion of available increase with increasing molecular weight of the CD used
drug in the complexation media. However, this decline in concen- (MWCD) and decrease with increasing CE. Thus, all things
tration is frequently observed when excess drug is available and, being equal, the CD derivatives will result in greater increase
thus, these stoichiometric explanations can be inadequate. BI-type in the formulation bulk than their parent CDs. Therefore,
profiles are similar to those of the BS-type except that the drug–CD while the aqueous solubility of drug complexes of the parent
complexes formed are insoluble in the complexation media. aCD, bCD and gCD may be much lower than those of their
Again, it should be emphasized that phase-solubility derivatives, their solubilities are frequently sufficient to
studies are performed in drug-saturated media, most com- prevent dissolution-rate-limited drug absorption from the
monly drug-saturated aqueous CD solutions, and that such gastrointestinal tract.
1614 Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2010; 62: 1607–1621

Table 5 Intrinsic solubility (S0), stability constant (K1:1), complexation efficiency (CE), the drug : CD molar ratio in a drug saturated aqueous CD
solution, the oral dose and the formulation bulk (i.e. the minimum weight of a drug–CD complex containing a given oral drug dose)

Druga Cyclodextrina S0 (mg/ml)b K1:1 (M(1)c CEd Molar ratioe Dose (mg)f Formulation bulkg (mg)

Estradiol HPbCD 0.078 1120 0.322 1:4 0.5 10

(MW 272 Da) RMbCD 0.078 3300 0.946 1:2 0.5 5
Hydrocortisone HPbCD 0.42 1010 1.16 1:2 5 40
(MW 363 Da) RMbCD 0.42 1650 1.90 2:3 5 30
Propofol RMbCD 0.16 2450 2.21 2:3 10 110
(MW 178 Da) SBEbCD 0.16 4560 4.11 4:5 10 150
HPbCD 0.16 1600 1.44 1:2 10 130

Partly based on data from Loftsson et al.[54,122] a2-Hydroxypropyl-b-cyclodextrin (HPbCD); randomly methylated b-cyclodextrin (RMbCD); sulfobu-
tylether b-cyclodextrin sodium salt (SBEbCD). See Table 3. bDrug solubility in the complexation medium when no cyclodextrin is present. cCalculated
from the experimental determined solubility and Equation 4. dThe complexation efficiency calculated from the slope of a phase solubility diagram
according to Equation 7. eThe drug : CD molar ratio based on the calculated CE according to Equation 8. fSingle oral dosage, estimated values or
literature values. gThe formulation bulk of a solid dose containing the drug–cyclodextrin complex equivalent to the oral drug dose (see Equation 9).

Cyclodextrins and drug degradation where ff is the fraction of free drug and fc is the fraction
CD complexation can retard and sometimes accelerate chemi- of drug in complex. The concentration dependency of kobs
cal decomposition of drugs. Due to saturation kinetics, the can be used to determine K1:1[20,55] If we assume that only 1 : 1
observed first-order rate constants for a reaction (kobs) asymp- drug–CD complex is being formed the following equations
totically approaches a minimum value for stabilizing effect are obtained:
(inhibition) or a maximum value for destabilizing effect
d [ D] ⎛ k + k c K1:1 [ CD ] ⎞
(catalysis) with increasing CD concentration. The value of kobs − = k obs [ D ]T = ⎜ f [ D]T
⎝ 1 + K1:1 [ CD ] ⎟⎠
at a given CD concentration is the weighted average of the dt
first-order rate constants for degradation of the free (kf) and
the bound (kc) drug (Table 6): If the total CD concentration is much greater than the total
drug concentration ([CD]T ⱖ 10·[D]T) then it can be assumed
k obs = k f ff + k c fc (10) that [CD] ª [CD]T:

Table 6 The stabilizing effect of cyclodextrins on the hydrolytic degradation of methyl salicylate in dilute aqueous hydrochloric acid solutions
(pH 1.0; 65°C)

K1:1 C OCH3 O H
+H O

kf kc


kf (min-1) Cyclodextrin kc (min-1) kf/kc K1:1 (m-1)

4.6 ¥ 10-3 HPbCD 1.1 ¥ 10-3 4.2 63

4.6 ¥ 10-3 HPgCD 1.5 ¥ 10-3 3.1 33

Data from Loftsson et al.[124]

Pharmaceutical applications of cyclodextrins Thorsteinn Loftsson and Marcus E. Brewster 1615

k f + k c K1:1 [ CD ]T The complex formation is almost always associated with

k obs = (12) a relatively large negative DH° while the DS° can be either
1 + K1:1 [ CD ]T
positive or negative.[6,57–63] Also, the complex formation is
Equation 12 can then be rearranged into several different largely independent of the chemical properties of the guest
formats, including those suggested by Lineweaver–Burk (i.e. (i.e. drug) molecules The association of binding constants
a plot of (kf - kobs)-1 versus ([CD]T)-1 that gives a straight line). with substrate polarizability suggest that van der Waal’s
In such relationships, kc can be obtained from the intercept of forces are important in the complex formation.[64] Based on
the graph and K1:1 from the slope: the relatively hydrophobic environment of the CD cavity, it
may be expected that the water molecules situated therein
1 1 1 1 do not have a full complement of hydrogen bonds and are at
= + (13)
k f − k obs K1:1 ( k r − k c ) [ CD ]T ( k r − k c ) higher energy than those in the bulk media. Liberation of
these ‘DH°-rich’ molecules may represent a driving force in
Alternatively, kc and K1:1 can be obtained by non-linear fitting this perspective.[64] On the other hand, some have argued that
of kobs according to Equation 12. The Lineweaver–Burk plot while cavity-bound water may be of higher energy, it may
was used to obtain the values of kf, kc and K1:1 in Table 6. The also be more entropically flexible due to the absence of
stabilizing abilitiy of different CDs does not only depend on hydrogen bonding.[13] Thus, while release of cavity-bound
the degree of complexation, that is the fraction of the drug water may be associated with a negative DH°, its overall
which resides within the complex (which again depends on free energy contribution may be small. It has been observed
the value of K1:1), but also on the rate of degradation within the that for a series of guests and CDs there tends to be a
complex (i.e. the value of kc). Therefore, the larger the value linear relationship between DH° and DS°, with increasing
of K1:1 and the smaller the value of kc compared with kf, the DH° related with less negative DS° values.[65] Linear plots of
better is the degree of stabilization. Methyl salicylate is TDS° versus DH° reveal an enthalpy–entropy compensation
hydrolysed about 4.2 and 3.1 times slower within the HPbCD and suggest that CDs undergo substantial solvent restructur-
and HPgCD complex, respectively, than the unbound drug in ing with both guest and host being desolvated during the
the solution. Methyl salicylate forms a less stable complex complex formation.[63]
with HPgCD (K1:1 = 33 m-1) than with HPbCD (K1:1 = 63 m-1). While the aqueous solubility of relatively lipophilic drugs
The difference in the kc value could be due to the fit and most often decreases with decreasing temperature (i.e. they
position of the molecule within the CD cavity. have positive heat of solution (DHsoln)), the value of complex
Other methods are also applied for determination of the stability constants (e.g. K1:1) increases (i.e. they have negative
stability constant of drug–CD complexes, such as UV/Vis DH° value). In other words, S0 decreases and K1:1 increases
spectrophotometry and fluorometry, which monitor changes with decreasing temperature (Equation 7). Thus, in most cases
in the drug spectra as a function of the guest–host (i.e. drug– no drug precipitation is observed when the temperature of
CD) interaction, and NMR, which can be used to determine drug-saturated aqueous CD solutions is lowered from room
the value of the stability constants (such as K1:1) and gives at temperature (20–25°C) to refrigerator storage conditions
the same time the solution geometry of the complexes.[20,40] (~5°C).
CDs and their complexes tend to self-associate in aqueous
solutions to formaggregates and the aggregate formation is
concentration dependent, increasing with increasing CD Enhancement of cyclodextrin complexation
concentration. Consequently, the numerical values of the For various reasons, including formulation bulk, production
complex stability constants (e.g. K1:1 and K1:2) are method capacities and cost, the amount of CD that can be included in
sensitive. For example, values obtained by spectrophotomet- most drug formulations is limited. According to Equation 9,
ric methods (i.e., Benesi–Hildebrand analysis) can differ from the increase in the formulation weight is proportional to the
those obtained by the phase-solubility method. molecular weight of the CD and inversely proportional to the
value of the CE. The mean CE (CE ⫾ standard deviation) of
The effect of temperature 24 different drugs (MW 359 ⫾ 197 Da) with HPbCD (MW
The thermodynamic parameters for CD complexation (i.e. the 1400 Da) was determined to be 0.44 ⫾ 0.55 in pure water or
standard free energy change (DG°), the standard enthalpy aqueous buffer solutions.[54] This indicates that only one out of
change (DH°) and the standard entropy change(DS°)) can be every three or four CD molecules is forming a pharmaceuti-
obtained from the temperature dependence of the stability cally relevant complex with the drug. Only 5 out of 24 drugs
constant (K) of the CD complex:[56] had CE greater than unity and 10 had CE of 0.1 or lower.
Δ G° = − RT ln K HPbCD complexation of a drug with molecular weight
359 Da and CE 0.44 will result in 13-fold increase in the
Where R is the gas constant and T is the temperature in formulation bulk and if the CE is 0.1 then over 40-fold
Kelvin. DH° is obtained by the temperature dependency of K: increase in the formulation bulk will be observed. Several
methods can be applied to increase the CE and several are
Δ H° 1 listed in Table 7.[66] It should also be emphasized that numer-
InK = − + constant (15)
R T ous pharmaceutical excipients have been found to reduce
Then DS° is obtained from equation 16: the CE and, thus, it is important to determine the CE in an
aqueous environment that resembles the final formulation as
Δ G° = Δ H − TΔ S° (16) closely as possible.
1616 Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2010; 62: 1607–1621

Table 7 Methods that have been used to enhance the complexation efficiency (CE) of cyclodextrins in aqueous solutions by increasing either the
apparent intrinsic solubility (S0) of the drug or increasing the apparent stability constant (K1:1) of the complex (see Equation 7)

Effect Consequences

Dug ionization Un-ionized drugs do usually form more stable complexes than their ionic counterparts. However,
ionization of a drug increases its apparent intrinsic solubility that can result in enhanced
complexation. S0↑[67–70]
Salt formation It is sometimes possible to enhance the apparent intrinsic solubility of a drug through salt formation
(i.e. forming a more water-soluble salt of the drug without significantly reducing its ability to form
CD complexes). S0↑[71–74]
Acid–base ternary complexes It has been shown that certain organic hydroxy acids (such as citric acid) and certain organic bases are
able to enhance the complexation efficiency by formation of ternary drug–CD–acid or base
complexes. S0↑ and/or K1:1↑[75–79]
Polymer complexes Water-soluble polymers form a ternary complex with drug–CD complexes increasing the observed
stability constant of the drug–CD complex. K1:1↑[80]
Metal complexes Many drugs are able to form somewhat water-soluble metal complexes without decreasing the drug’s
ability to form complexes with CDs. Thus, the complexation efficiency can be enhanced by
formation of drug–metal ion–CD complexes. S0↑[81]
Co-solvents Addition of co-solvents to the complexation media can increase the apparent intrinsic solubility of the
drug that can lead to enhanced CE. S0↑[82,83]
Ion pairing Ion pairing of positively charged compounds with negatively charged CDs enhances the complexation
efficiency. K1:1↑[84]
Combination of two or more methods Frequently the complexation efficiency can be enhanced even further by combining two or more of the
above mentioned methods. For example drug ionization and the polymer method, or solubilization
of the CD aggregates by adding both polymers and cations or anions to the aqueous complexation
medium. S0↑ and/or K1:1↑[73,81,80]

Drug delivery through biological membranes acids and surfactants, enhance drug delivery by decreasing
Most biological membranes consist of aqueous exterior and a the barrier properties of the lipophilic membrane (i.e. by
lipophilic membrane barrier and drugs are mainly transported increasing PM). In contrast, hydrophilic CDs, such as the
through the membranes via passive diffusion (Figure 3). Drug parent aCD, bCD and gCD, and CD derivatives, such as
permeation through such multi-layer barriers has been HPbCD and SBEbCD, increase drug delivery through
described as series of additive resistances analogous to elec-
tric circuits.[85–87] Assuming independent and additive resis- Donor UWL Membrane Receptor
tances of the individual layers, the total resistance (RT) of a (vehicle) RAq RM
simple bilayer membrane can be defined as (Figure 3):

J = PT C v = R T −1C V = ( R Aq + R M ) C V

= (1 PAq + 1 PM ) C V

C1 K·C Aq
Drug concn

where J is the flux of the drug through the membrane, PT is the

overall permeability coefficient, CV is the drug concentration
in the vehicle (i.e. donor phase), RAq and RM, and PAq and PM
are the resistances and permeability coefficients in the CAq
aqueous exterior and within the membrane, respectively.[88]
Equation 17 can be rewritten as:
J = [ R Aq R M ( PAq PM )] C V (18) hD hM

The aqueous exterior layer consists of a stagnant water layer

that is frequently referred to as the unstirred water layer Direction of drug permeation
(UWL). For example, mucous membranes comprise an inner
connective tissue layer and an outer epithelial layer that is Figure 3 Schematic drawing of drug permeation from a donor through
most often covered by an external mucus layer. Mucus is the unstirred water layer and then through membrane to a receptor. UWL,
unstirred water layer; CV, drug concentration in the donor (vehicle); CAq,
present as either an aqueous gel layer attached to the mucosal
drug concentration in the UWL immediate to the membrane surface; C1,
surface or as an aqueous luminal component in soluble or
drug concentration within the membrane at the donor side; K, the drug
suspended form.[89] The thickness of the mucous layer that partition coefficient between UWL and the membrane; hD, thickness of
represents the UWL depends on its location, varying from the UWL on the donor side; hM, thickness of the membrane. RD, and RM
50 to 450 mm in the stomach to less than 1 mm in the oral are the resistances in the UWL at the donor side and within the membrane,
cavity.[90] Conventional penetration enhancers, such as fatty respectively. From Konrádsdóttir & Loftsson.[117]
Pharmaceutical applications of cyclodextrins Thorsteinn Loftsson and Marcus E. Brewster 1617

biological membranes by enhancing drug permeation through (FBCX tablets; ArtJen, Canada). Several studies in both
the UWL (i.e. by increasing PAq). In general, hydrophilic CDs animals and humans have indicated that drug–HPbCD and
can only enhance drug delivery through biological mem- drug–SBEbCD complexation has negligible effects on the
branes when PAq is relatively small compared with PM. Hydro- drug pharmacokinetics after parenteral administration.[94–101]
philic CDs do not in general enhance drug delivery through It has been shown that the binding constant of drug–CD com-
membranes if the lipophilic membrane barrier is the main plexes must be greater than about 105 m-1 to have any effect on
permeation barrier. When aqueous vehicles, such as hydrogels the drug pharmacokinetics after parenteral administration.[21]
and oil-in-water creams, are applied to membranes, the UWL Most commonly, drug–cyclodextrin binding constants
is extended into the vehicle and under such conditions have values between 10 and 2000 m-1 and binding constants
CDs can increase drug delivery from the vehicle through the much greater than 5000 m-1 are very rarely observed. Two
membrane. exceptions are, however, known. Sugammadex (Bridion; N.V.
Analysis of literature reports on the effects of CDs on oral Organon, Netherlands) is a gCD derivative that was designed
bioavailability of drugs illustrate this basic relationship to specifically bind rocuronium, a neuromuscular blocking
between PAq, PM and the effects of CDs on drug absorption.[88] agent. The binding constant of the rocuronium–sugammadex
According to the Biopharmaceutics Classification System complex has been determined to be 1.8 ¥ 107 m-1 and sugam-
(BCS) oral drugs are classified according to their aqueous madex is therefore able to reverse rocuronium-induced neu-
solubility characteristics and their ability to permeate the romuscular blockade after intravenous administration.[102,103]
intestinal mucosa.[91] Class I comprises relatively water- Another example is complexation of SBEbCD with certain
soluble drugs that are well absorbed from the gastrointestinal ozonide antimalarial drug candidates possessing binding
tract and, in general, possess the preferred physicochemical constants of about 106 m-1.[104] The pharmacokinetics of
properties for optimum oral bioavailability, which is over 90% these ozonide drug candidates in rats have been shown to be
according to the definition of BCS Class I. Class II consists of affected by the SBEbCD complexation.[105]
relatively water-insoluble drugs (i.e. generally aqueous solu-
bility ⱕ0.1 mg/ml) that, when dissolved, are well absorbed Product development
from the gastrointestinal tract. Class III consists of water-
A search of the literature (SciFinder Scholar, American
soluble drugs that do not readily permeate mucous mem-
Chemical Society, USA) shows that CDs are widely used
branes and, thus, have low oral bioavailability. Finally, Class
during pharmaceutical product development. In 2008 alone,
IV consists of water-insoluble drugs that do not easily perme-
there were about 600 published patents and patent applica-
ate mucous membranes. Data suggest that CDs have little
tions on drugs and drug formulations in which CDs were
effect or even decrease oral bioavailability of BCS Class I
mentioned and over 500 scientific articles included CD in
drugs. They enhance the oral bioavailability of Class II drugs
their studies. Although the main theme of many of these
and Class IV drugs, frequently providing up to a 4- to 6-fold
publications is not CD per se, the sheer number of patents
increase in the oral bioavailability. On the other hand, CDs do
and published research articles shows the extent of this field
not enhance bioavailability of the water-soluble Class III
within the pharmaceutical sciences. The applications of
drugs. The negligible effect of CDs on the bioavailability of
CDs in various drug formulations have been previously
BCS Class III drugs and the large effects they have on Class
reviewed.[15,17,106–110] We provide a few examples in the context
II and Class IV drugs support the notion that hydrophilic CDs
of this review to give a flavour of their drug enablement.
do not enhance drug bioavailability by reducing the barrier
properties of the lipophilic epithelium. Rather, the principal
mechanism appears to be an increase in drug solubility Piroxicam
and enhanced drug permeation through the aqueous mucus Piroxicam is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is
upon formation of water-soluble drug–CD complexes. CD practically insoluble in water, based on the USP definitions
enhancement of oral bioavailability allows for a lower drug (Figure 4). It is a borderline BCS Class I drug, relatively potent,
dose to be administered and results in more consistent drug with a biological half-life (t1/2) of 30–60 h but it can cause some
plasma profiles. upper gastrointestinal side effects such as bleeding. The
oral dose is 20 mg piroxicam once a day. A piroxicam–bCD
Release of drugs from the complex complex can be prepared by dissolving piroxicam and bCD
The major driving force for drug release from the CD com- (molar ratio 1 : 2.5) in aqueous ammonium hydroxide solution,
plexes is simple dilution although other mechanisms, such as followed by lyophilization or spray drying to form white
drug–protein binding, direct drug partition from the complex
to tissue and competitive binding, do contribute to rapid
drug release from the complexes.[16,20,21,92] Thus, with only few O O
exceptions, administration of drugs in the form of drug–CD S CH3
complexes does not hamper their therapeutic effect. In the H
majority of cases CDs increase the oral absorption of drugs, N
but there are a couple of reports of reduced bioavailability.
For example, oral absorption of [3H]benzo[a]pyrene was OH O N
reduced upon simultaneous administration of the compound
and relatively large doses of bCD[93] and large oral dosages Figure 4 Piroxicam. Piroxicam is a weak acid: pKa 6.3, MW 331.3 Da,
of aCD are used to reduce oral absorption of dietary fat m.p. 198–300°C, logKoctanol/water 3.1. Data from Moffat et al.[118]
1618 Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2010; 62: 1607–1621

complex powder.[111] The aqueous solubility of un-ionized Table 8 The effect of salt formation on ziprasidone solubility in pure
piroxicamis about 0.02 mg/ml. Ionization of the drug increases water and in aqueous solutions containing either 40% (w/v) HPbCD
the apparent S0, which leads to an enhanced CE (Equation 7, (MW1309) or 40% (w/v) SBEbCD (MW 2163)
Table 7). Since ammonia has a low vapour pressure, it is almost Salt Solubility corresponding to weight of ziprasidone
completely removed during lyophilization or spray drying.[74] free base (mg/ml)
The product is a true piroxicam–bCD inclusion complex.[112]
Pure water 40% (w/v) 40% (w/v)
The stability constant (K1:1) of the piroxicam–bCD complex
is 90 m-1 and 191.3 mg of the complex powder is equivalent
to 20.0 mg of pure piroxicam. Formation of the complex Free base 0.0003 0.26 0.35
increases the aqueous solubility of the drug from about Hydrochloride 0.08 2.4 4.0
0.02 mg/ml to about 0.15 mg/ml (pH 5 and 37°C) as well as its Aspartate 0.17 1.3 9.3
wettability and thus the drug dissolution rate is enhanced.[113] Tartrate 0.18 12.4 26
The advantages of tablets containing the piroxicam– Esylate 0.36 13.7 15
Mesylate 1.0 17.3 44
bCD complex (Brexin tablets) over tablets containing
un-manipulated piroxicam, were more rapid absorption, more The solubility values represent mg free base dissolved in 1 ml. The pH
rapid onset of analgesia and apparently reduced gastrointesti- of the salt solutions was 2.3→2.8 pH units below the apparent pKa of
nal irritation, but the complexation did not affect the absolute the drug molecule. Modified from Kim et al.[115,116]
bioavailability of this BCS Class I drug.[113,114]

Ziprasidone and changes in pH, it is common to use excess CD in aqueous

Ziprasidone is an antipsychotic drug that is marketed as an drug formulations and for that reason Geodon contains
oral capsule containing 20–80 mg as ziprasidone hydrochlo- about 50% excess SBEbCD. According to the instructions for
ride (Figure 5). However, the aqueous solubility of the free administration, the reconstituted solution can be stored, when
base is only 0.003 mg/ml and that of the hydrochloride salt protected from light, for up to 24 h at 15–30°C or up to 7 days
0.08 mg/ ml. Consequently, the drug cannot easily be formu- refrigerated at 2–8°C.
lated as a solution for injection. In addition, it is not possible
to obtain sufficient aqueous solubility through simple CD
complexation of the free base. Formation of ziprasidone salt
Itraconazole (Sporanox) is an antifungal drug and marketed as
increased the apparent intrinsic solubility (S0) of the drug
an HPbCD-based oral solution and a solution for injection.
(Table 8) that led to an increase in CE (Equation 7) from
The aqueous solubility of itraconazole at room temperature is
about 0.002 for the free base to 0.15 for the mesylate salt in
estimated to be about 1 ng/ml at pH 7 and about 4 mg/ml in
the case of HPbCD and from about 0.05 for the free base to
aqueous 0.1 n hydrochloric acid solution (Figure 6). The
1.4 for the mesylate salt in the case of SBEbCD. The higher
desired parenteral dose is 200 mg twice a day. However, the
affinity for the SBEbCD cavity can, at least partly, be
solubility of crystalline itraconazole in aqueous 40% (w/v)
explained by ion pair formation between the protonated
solution is only about 3 mg/ml (Figure 7). The HPbCD
ziprasidone molecule and the negatively charged SBEbCD
solubilization of itraconazole is enhanced by converting the
molecule.[116] Thus, even though SBEbCD has a much higher
crystalline drug to its amorphous form. The crystalline form
molecular weight than HPbCD, SBEbCD dissolves 2.5 times
of the drug was dissolved in acidic polyethylene glycol and
more of the drug (Table 8) and consequently ziprasidone
then this solution was added to an HPbCD-containing
mesylate and SBEbCD were used to formulate the drug as an
aqueous solution. Sporanox solution for injection is marketed
aqueous solution for injection. Ziprasidone for injection
as a kit containing a 25-ml ampoule of itraconazole concen-
(Geodon) is a lyophilized powder that when reconstituted
trate (10 mg/ml) and a plastic bag containing 50 ml of saline.
contains ziprasidone mesylate corresponding to 20 mg of the
One millilitre of the concentrate contains 10 mg of itracona-
free base and 294 mg of SBEbCD in 1 ml of water. To prevent
zole, 25 ml of polyethylene glycol, 3.8 ml of concentrated
drug precipitation, due to, for example, temperature changes
hydrochloric acid, 400 mg of HPbCD and sufficient sodium
hydroxide to adjust the pH to 4.5. A similar formulation
H technique is used prepare Sporanox oral.
N S H Cl Cl

Figure 5 Ziprasidone. Ziprasidone is a weak base: pKa 6.5, MW Figure 6 Itraconazole. Itraconazole is a weak base: pKa 3.7, MW
412.9 Da (free base) or 467.4 Da (hydrochloride), oral bioavailability 705.6 Da, m.p. 166.2°C, logKoctanol/buffer pH 8.1 5.66. Data from Moffat
59%. Data from Moffat et al.[118] et al.[118]
Pharmaceutical applications of cyclodextrins Thorsteinn Loftsson and Marcus E. Brewster 1619

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