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Bard College of Hymns

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Bard: College of Hymns

Variant: Evil Bards

While clerics channel the power of the gods, and paladins
go on holy missions, bards in the College of Hymns per- While most bards in this college are good in alignment,
form songs and stories created by the followers of their god their are some that worship evil gods, in the same vein as
in order to heal and inspire holy might in their allies. Most death clerics and oathbreaker paladins. For this reason, if
bards that join this college already have ties to a church, your DM allows you, you may use these variant features for
and almost always accompany clerics or paladins on their an evil character in the College of Hymns.
Bonus Proficiencies
Bonus Proficiencies
When you join the College of Hymns at 3rd level, you gain
When you join the College of Hymns at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Religion skill, and you learn two warlock
proficiency in the Religion skill, and you learn two cleric cantrips of your choice. If you are already proficient in Reli-
cantrips of your choice. If you are already proficient in Reli- gion, you may choose another skill to be proficient in.
gion, you may choose another skill to be proficient in.
Dread Word
Heaven’s Trumpet
Also at 3rd level, you can use one of your Bardic Inspiration
Also at 3rd level, you can use one of your Bardic Inspira- die to speak a single word of pure malevolence. All foes
tion die to produce a blast of music of utter clarity, piercing within 30 feet of you must succeed on a Wisdom save or be
beauty, and paralyzing awe. All foes within 30 feet of you stunned until the end of your next turn. Celestials take psy-
must succeed on a Wisdom save or be stunned until the end chic damage equal to the roll of your Bardic Inspiration die.
of your next turn. Fiends take psychic damage equal to the
roll of your Bardic Inspiration die.

Healing Hymn
Variant Feature
At your DM’s descrection, you may choose the following
At 6th level, whenever you use your Song of Rest you dou- feature in place of Divine Inspiration at 14th level.
ble the hitpoints you restore. Also, you can expend a use
of Bardic Inspiration to end an effect on a creature while
taking a rest. You cannot restore a creature that has been
petrified with this feature.
Chorus of Vitality
At 14th level, you deliver a soaring oration to victory and
Divine Inspiration perseverance, lifting your allies spirits and dispelling the
pain of their wounds. You can use your Bardic Inspiration
At 14th level, your extensive knowledge of the divine allows to restore hit points to a creature that is within 30 feet of
you to futher inspire your allies. You can now use your Bar- you. You restore a number of hit points equal to your Bardic
dic Inspiation a number of times equal to your Wisdom and Inspiraion roll + your Charisma modifier. This doesn’t work
Charisma modifier added together before taking a short or on constructs or undead.
long rest.

Heaven’s Trumpet is derived from “The Book of Exalted Deeds” for 3.5e
Healing Hymn is derived from “Expedition to Castle Ravenloft” for 3.e
Dread Word is derived derived “The Book of Vile Darkness” for 3.5e
Chorus of Vitality is derived from “Players Handbook 2” for 4e

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