Local Exam of Obs & Gynae: Dr. Mohamed Yahia Abuelgasem
Local Exam of Obs & Gynae: Dr. Mohamed Yahia Abuelgasem
Local Exam of Obs & Gynae: Dr. Mohamed Yahia Abuelgasem
1. When a person standing up and leans to one side the other side
stretches and the same side contracts, stretch reflex is descibed as:
a. FSH
b. LH
c. Estrogen
d. Progesterone
e. hCG
a. Prolactin
b. FSH
c. LH
d. Growth hormone
e. Oxytocin
a. Müllerian-inhibiting substance
b. Androstenedione
c. Dihydrotestosterone
d. Testosterone
e. Androsterone
a. Ejection fraction
b. LV end-diastolic pressure
c. LV end-diastolic volume
d. LV end-systolic pressure
e. Stroke volume
7. Pt has large hand and foot, gynecomastia and hirstism. the causes
is due to tumor in:
a. estrogen
b. progesterone
c. dopamine
d. FSH
e. LH
d. increase stimulation
e. become close to threshold
11. If the RMP was -60 and after opening of cl channels became -30.
Which of the following is true:
a. Bound to albumin
b. Bound to prealbumin
c. Bound to globulin
d. As a glucuronide
e. Unbound
a. jaundice
b. anaemia
c. leucocytosis
d. thrombocytosis
e. reticulocytosis
18. Which of the following cells affected by Rabies virus:
a. Asterocyte
b. Ganglia
c. Neurons
d. Nk cell
e. Oligodendrocytes
The answer is: A … astrocytes is the main star shape cells found in the
brain. It is infected with rabies and cause fatal encephalitis
a. endotoxine
b. alpha hemolysine
c. K antigen
d. capsule
e. pilli
a. transduction
b. transformation
c. conjugation
d. transversion
e. transition
a. Skin
b. CNS
c. GIT
d. lymph node
e. liver
a. mycobacterium leprosy
b. mycobacterium avium
c. mycobacterium bovis
d. mycobacterium tuberculosis
a. Cercaria
b. Eggs
c. Adult worms
d. Small worms
The answer is: B … schistosoma enter the body in cercaria forms then
develop to adult worm and cause periportal fibrosis and the put the egg or
ova in liver which produce immunological response appear as multiple
area of calcifications on X ray then adult worm develop to colonize either
bladder or intestine
a. lobar pneumonia
b. bollus maryngitiis
c. tracheobronchitis
The answer is: D … severe fatal dengue hemorrhagic fever cause dengue
shock syndrome
a. Uncoating
b. adsorption
c. assembly
d. sythesized MRNA
28. HIV patient after the infection will convert from seronegative to
seropositive in :
a. 2_3 weeks
b. Days
c. 3-6 months
d. 10 yrs
a. hepatitis A
b. hepatitis C
c. rota virus
d. rabies virus
e. hepatitis E
a. reticulate form
b. elementary form
c. dividing form
d. collateral form
The answer is: B … cyst for transmission and trophozoite for infection
32. Which of the following is the most common cause of genital tract
a. Nisseria gonorrhea
b. Chlamydia trachomatis
c. Mycoplasma homins
d. Trichomonas vaginalis
e. Herpes simplex II
a. Tyrosine
b. Tryptophan
c. Valine
d. Phenylalanine
e. Isoleucine
35. Beriberi?
a. is not common in alcoholics
b. the deficient vitamin never affect the brain
c. the deficiency of riboflavin
d. affect the nerves and the heart
e. is the combination of diarrhea ,dementia, dermatitis
The answer is: D … beriberi is neurological disorder occur due to
vitamin B1 deficiency and it affects nerves and heart
a. Hepatocyte
b. Kupffer cells
c. Endothelial cells
d. Skin
e. Splenic cells
The answer is: C … factor VIII which is called von willbrand factor
synthesized from endothelium
a. Decreased lipolysis
b. Increased urinary excretion of nitrogen
c. Increased glucose utilization by the brain
d. Increased secretion of insulin
e. Decreased gluconeogenesis
38. Which phase of meiosis we found DNA coupled and cross over:
a. Metaphase1
b. Metaphase 2
c. Anaphase
d. Prophase1
e. Telophase
40. All the following use ketone bodies oxidation as significant source
of energy except:
a. Liver
b. Kidney
c. RBC
d. Heart
e. Skeletal muscle
a. reduce in ATP
b. low blood
c. glycogen depletion
d. Na leak outside cell
e. Decrease anaerobic glycolysis
a. Insert
b. Intron
c. Vector
d. Exon
e. Ribozyme
The answer is: B … the introns are transcribed and removed during
processing before translation
51. Nucleosome:
a. Contain negatively charged protein
b. Is coiling of each single strand of DNA and histone
c. Is association of each DNA and arginine rich protein
d. Is combination of DNA and chromatin
e. Is association of DNA ,RNA,and non histone protein
The answer is: C … nucleus is DNA molecule coiled with histones
a. 0.4
b. 0.04
c. 0.16
d. 0.32
e. 0.64
a. aspartate
b. Co2
c. Ornithine
d. NH3
e. ATP
a. Protein synthesis
b. DNA replication
c. Transcription
d. Transformation
e. Protein storage
a. ESR
b. ASO titre
c. Troponin
d. LDH
e. CK-MB2
a. Autosomal dominant
b. Autosomal recessive
c. X linked dominant
d. X linked recessive
e. Mitochondrial
Monoclonal antibodies
a. Missense
b. Nonsense
c. Shift
d. Translocation
67. Cholesterol :
68. In which of the following conditions does Exudate occur:
a. CHF
b. Decrease protein level
c. Increase permeability of vessels
d. Renal failure
e. Increase hydrostatic pressure
The answer is: C … exudate is high protein content fluid that caused
minly by increase permeability of vessels which commonly associated
with inflammation
a. Monocytes
b. Eisnophil
c. Lymphocytes
d. Basophil
e. Plasma cells
The answer is: D … DIC is the lesion in which clotting factors and
platelets are consumed which lead to prolonged PT, PTT and bleeding
time with reduced fibrinogen
a. Endoplasmic reticulum
b. Golgi appararus
c. Nucleus
d. Mitochondria
e. Lysosomes
a. Shistosomasis
b. Pulmonary tuberculosis
c. Bening prostatic hyperplasia
d. Lung carcinoma
e. Chronic pancreatitis
a. occur in type II
b. hypokalemia is feature
c. acidosis occur due to hyperglycemia
d. increase anion gap with increase lactate
a. IgM
b. IgG
c. IgD
d. IgE
e. IgA
The answer is: A … IgM antibody is the largest one and it is pentamer
a. erythropiotein
b. ferrous sulphate
c. folic acid
d. vit B6
e. vit B12
a. IgM
b. IgA
c. IgG
d. IgD
e. IgE
a. Pyeurea
b. microalbuminurea
c. high urea
d. high creatinin
e. persistant glucosurea
81. After delivering a baby a sample was taken from the umbilical
cord and electrophoresis done. We found abundant Immunoglobulin
in the sample. This is :
a. IgM
b. IgG
c. IgE
d. IgA
e. IgD
a. GoD
b. GGT
c. ALP
d. Bilirubin
e. Serine hydroxyamelase
a. Thymic aplasia
b. Menstruation
c. RBCs at spleen
d. development of digits
e. Viral hepatitis
a. Coagulative
b. Liquifactive
c. Fat
d. Fibrinoid
e. Gangrene
88. In Biochemical changes in chronic renal failure, all are not true
except :
a. fibrosis
b. vasoconstriction
c. initiate immunity
d. abscess formation
e. lymphocytosis
90. Which of the following is Blood supply to head of femur in adults:
a. Profunda artery
b. Retinacular Artery
c. Obturatur artery
d. superoior gluteal artery
e. femoral artery
a. obturator N
b. medial cutaneous N of the thigh
c. intermediate cutaneous N of the thigh
d. femoral trunk
e. lumbosacral trunk
The answer is: A … obturator nerve innervate medial part of thigh and it
cross ovaries medially whereas femoral innervate anterior part. Medial
cutaneous nerve innervate medial part of knee joint
a. greater trochanter
b. lesser trochanter
c. femoral neck
d. acetabulum
e. intertubercular line
a. Anteriorly
b. Lateraly
c. Medially
d. Posteriorly
e. In front
94. 2 years old boy has hernia sac that lying above and medial to the
pubic tubercle. Which of the following is diagnosis:
a. Femoral hernia
b. Umbilical hernia
c. Post surgical hernia
d. Direct inguinal hernia
e. Indirect inguinal hernia
The answer is: E … indirect inguinal hernia enter through deep ring and
exit through superficial ring which lie above and medial pubic tubercle
d. Rt hepatorenal pouch
e. Paraduedenal recesses
The answer is: C … the lowest space in peritoneum
The answer is: C … site of femoral ring at which femoral artery can be
palpated for pulsation and arterial sampling
a. Levator ani
b. Puborectalis
c. Pubovaginalis
d. superficial Transverse perineal muscle
e. External anal sphincter
100. Cancer from pelvic viscera can deposits cancerous cells in the
vertebrae this communication occur between the internal iliac veins
and the vertebral veins the through the :
a. Lateral sacral veins
b. Lumbar vein
c. Prostatic plexus
d. Umbilical veins
e. Pudenal vein
The answer is: C …
a. Femoral nerve
b. Femoral artery
c. Femoral sheath
d. Lymph nodes
e. Fats
The answer is: B … from medial to lateral: sheath, vein, artery and nerve
d. Ischiocavernosus
e. Obturator internus
The answer is: A …
a. Bulbospongiosus muscle
b. Ischiocavernosus crura
c. Bulbourethral gland
d. Colles fascia
e. Superficial transverse muscle
a. Vastus medialis
b. Aductor magnus
c. Sartorius
d. Adductor longus
e. Vastus lateralis
a. Axillary nodes
b. Superior gluteal nodes
c. Vertical group of superficial inguinal nodes
d. Horizontal group of superficial inguinal nodes
e. Internal iliac nodes
112. All of the following are parts of levator ani muscles, EXCEPT:
a. Puborectalis muscle
b. Pubococcygeous muscle
c. Coccygeous muscle
d. Iliococcygeous muscle
e. Levator vaginae
113. Which of the following Substances do not relay on to topical
a. nasal spray
b. nicotin patch
c. estrogen ointment
d. insulin pen
e. antidandrouf shampoo
a. Aspirin
b. Morphine
c. Paracetamol
d. Propranolol
e. Vancomycin
a. 24 ml min
b. 60 ml min
c. 100 ml min
d. 120 ml min
e. 240 ml min
118. Which of the following is correct?
a. A large sample size always ensure that our sample size is accurate
and precise
b. in random samples the randomization ensure that stimate
c. we do not need to randomize if our sample size is sufficiency
d. if all other things are equal, we need a larger sample size
e. in a properly chosen sample, an estimate will be less and more
The answer is: A …
d. Experimental study
e. Descriptive study
The answer is: A …