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Impact of Electronic Media On Children's Socialization Other

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AUGUST, 2021


This is to certify that this project has been read and approved as

meeting the requirements for the award of National Diploma in Mass

Communication, Institute of Information and Communication Technology

(IICT), Kwara State Polytechnic, Ilorin.

________________________ ______________
(Project Supervisor)

________________________ ______________
(Project coordinator)

________________________ ______________
(Head of Department)


This project is dedicated to Almighty God for His infinite mercy

towards the completion of this work. The Alpha and Omega the invisible

hand that upholds the whole universe and to our beloved parents.

The inspiration to complete this project came from different sources;
the most primary of which is God, the Almighty creator and originator, His
guidance and protection over us before, during, and after the project.
Our sincere gratitude goes to our parents whom with no amount of
expression can describe their wonderful Contribution towards the success of
our project.
Our special thanks goes to the entire staff of department of mass
communication most especially the H.O.D Mr. Idris Yisa and to our project
supervisor Mr. Olohungbebe Fatiu. T for creating time out of his tight
schedule to lead us through this project.
To all other too numerous to mention who had contributed to the
successful completion of this project one way or the other, especially our
friends, we really appreciate you all and may Almighty God reward you

Title page i
Certification ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Abstract v
Table of Content vi
List of Table vii
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Problem 2
1.3 Objectives of the Study 3
1.4 Research Question 4
1.5 Significance of the Study 4
1.6 Scope of the Study 5
1.7 Definition of Terms 5
2.1 Theoretical Framework 7
2.2 Conceptual Framework 8
2.3 Review of Empirical Studies 17
3.1 Research Methodology 20
3.2 Population of the Study 20
3.3 Sampling Size and Sampling Techniques 21
3.4 Research Instrumentation 21
3.5 Validity and Reliability of Instrument 25

3.6 Method of Administration of the Instrument 25
3.7 Method of Data Analysis 25
4.1 Analysis of the field Performance of the Questionnaires 23
4.2 Analysis of Research Question 31
4.3 Discussion of findings 32
5.1 Summary 34
5.2 Conclusion 35
5.3 Implication of the Findings 36
5.4 Recommendations 36
References 38

Electronic media has become an integral part of children’s lives and a major point
of interest for parents. Television, which dominated the media world through the
mid-1990s, now competes in an arena crowded with cell phones, iPods, video
games, instant messaging, interactive multi-player video games, virtual reality
sites, Web social networks, and e-mail. Nigeria children are currently exposed to
all these media and more. The vast majority of children have access to multiple
media. Virtually all have television and radio in their homes, and half have a
television in their bedrooms. Most have Internet and video game access, and a
significant portion has a cell phone and an iPod. The population for this study is
200 which include students, lecturers, personnel in the Kwara state Ministry of
education, parents, bloggers, Radio presenter and top management staff of various
radio station, Tv station and resident in Kwara state. findings conform with the
studies cited in chapter two. Children learn easily from the electronic media than
the print media as the later does not attract their attention. Based on the findings of
this study, the following recommendations were made: In order to curb the
negative influence of the electronic media on children’s socialization in Ilorin
metropolis, media literacy programmes should be designed to enlighten the
children about the implications of the negative media content and secondly Parents
should evaluate a means of regulating what their children/wards view on air or
listen to.



1.1 Background of the Study

Electronic media has become an integral part of children’s lives and a major point

of interest for parents. Questions about the influence of electronic media on

children’s well being have led many parents to ask how and why they should be

allowing their children to use this technology (Meyrowitz 2014).

Regardless of the actual time children spend in watching television and using other

media, there is no doubt that the electronic media have played and will continue to

play an important role in structuring children’s lives in some shape and form in a

period of rapid social change (Miles, 2011). The amount of electronic media

products consumed by children has drastically expanded in recent years, allowing

them to compose their own 'media menu' with their own preferences and likings.

The electronic media are one of the most powerful agents of socialisation on the

planet today and widely believed to play a part in the early socialisation of children

and long term socialization of adults (McQuail, 2015). It is because socialization is

such a long-term process and partly because any effect from the media interacts

with other social background influences and variable modes of socialization within


There is no doubt that television as a form of electronic media and medium of

communication plays a vital role in the socialisation process of a child. Some

proponents of this view argue that television is an early window. This implies that,

it allows children to see the world well before they are capable of competently

interacting with it (Baran & Davis, 2003). Meyrowitz (1985) explains that

television escorts children across the globe even before they have permission to

cross the street. Therefore, there is nothing like children's television. Meyrowitz

(1985, p. 242) argues:

1.2 Statement of Research Problem

According to McQuail (2010), the thesis of electronic media socialisation has, in

fact, two sides to it: on the one hand, the media can reinforce and support other

agencies of socialisation; on the other, they are also viewed as a potential threat to

the values set by parents, educators and other agents of social control., in a similar

study by Anderson (2012), summarizes that research on violent television and

films, videogames and music reveals unequivocal evidence that media violence

increases the likelihood of aggressive and violent behaviour in both immediate and

long-term contexts.

1.3 Objectives of the study

The broad objective of the study was to examine the relationship Electronic media

and children’s socialization

The specific objectives include to:

1. To determine the role of mass media in creating awareness against

children’s socialization

2. To identify electronic mass media campaign as a tool for reduction the

negative behavior of children

3. To find out if the media serve as a good agent of socialization.

4. To find out why different children who are exposed to the electronic media

do not receive the same measure of effect.

1.5 Research Question

The following research questions were formulated to guide the study:

1. What is the role of mass media in creating awareness against children’s


2. What electronic mass media campaign as a tool for reduction the negative

behavior of children

3. How helpful was the electronic media in the socialization process of a


4. To what extent has this help been?

1.5 Significance of the Study

The problem which the electronic media poses affects virtually every child directly

or indirectly, so the significance of this work cannot be ignored in that it will help

the electronic media practitioners know the extent of the effects of their programme

content on the social development of a child. This work was to advance the frontier

of knowledge in the field of mass communication aswell as serve as a repository of

knowledge and also contribute to available literature in the field of mass

communication. Issues pertaining to media effects on children have become a

serious matter which demands attention by all and so this work serves as a

reference material, to interpret and recommend appropriate actions

1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study

The scope of this study is restricted to media effect on children is a broad

and controversial topic but specifically, this work was only limited to the

Electronic media house like Kwara State television and ilorin metropolis shall

serve as the base area.

1.7 Limitations of the Study

1. Financial constraint: Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of

the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or

information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire

and interview.

2. Time constraint: The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study

with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time

devoted for the research work.

1.7 Definition of Terms

1.7.1 Socialization: This means how children relate with people in the society,

the kind of attitudes and mannerisms they exhibit, in order words their behavioural


1.7.2 Electronic Media: Media which is not the print and which utilizes

electronic or electromechanical energy.

1.7.3 Children: Children are individuals who are not more than 18 years of age.

This was also in line with the UN’s definition adopted on 20thNov 1989 in the

convention on the rights of the child.

1.7.4 Influence: This includes both the beneficial and harmful derivation from a


1.7.5 Television: A visual display unit for showing programmes broadcast by

various media stations

2.0 Introduction

This section gives a synthesis of literature on the influence of television watching

on pre-schoolchildren’s choice and use play material sunder the following sub-

headings: television watching and choice and use of play materials, frequency and

time spent watching television on children’s choice and use of play materials.

2.1 Conceptual Framework

2.1.1 Concept of Electronic Media

Electronic media is the kind of media which requires the user to utilize an electric

connection to access it. It is also known as 'Broadcast Media'. It includes television,

radio, and new-age media like the Internet, computers, telephones, etc.

I. Television: Television appeals to both the auditory and visual senses, and

hence is an important communication device as it beholds the attention of

the audience. For many people, it is impossible to imagine a life without

their television sets, be it the daily news, or even the soap operas.

Television has become an advertising hub where advertisers are ready to

spend huge amounts of money for an ad of a few seconds, especially for

programmes with high viewership. An apt example would be Super Bowl

Season. It offers various programs to appeal to the masses of different age

groups. It is a popular means of communication which provides both

information and entertainment. This category also includes electronic media

like movies, CDs and DVDs as well as the electronic gadgets.

II. Radio: Radio has a significant reach. A considerable number of Americans

tune into radio every week while on their way to work. Advertising on the

radio with catchy jingles and phrases is a tried and tested means of

communication. Radio lost its popularity with the boom of television. But

till day, radio remains one of the favorite means of electronic

communication. Moreover, it is an interactive means of communication

with all the dial-in programs which give the listeners an opportunity to

feature on radio.

C. New Age Media: With the advent of the Internet, we are now enjoying the

benefits of high technology mass media, which is not only faster than the old

school mass media, but also has a widespread range. Mobile phones, computers,

and the Internet are often referred to as the new-age media. The Internet has opened

up several new opportunities for mass communication which include e-mail,

websites, podcasts, e-forums, e-books, blogging, Internet TV and many others,

which are booming today. The Internet has also started social networking sites

which have redefined mass communication all together. Sites like Facebook,

Twitter, and YouTube have made communication to the masses all the more

entertaining, interesting, and easier!

I. Mobile Phones: Mobile phones have become a boon to mankind. It has

made communication possible at any time, and from anywhere. Nowadays,

a smart device like a mobile phone is not only used for interaction, but also

for other technical utilities like operating pumps from remote locations, etc.

You can also get alerts of your monetary transactions on a mobile phone.

About a decade ago, who would have thought of having the Internet on

mobiles? Today, we can stay in touch with the whole world via the Internet

on our mobile phones.

II. Computers: With the invention of computers the impossible has become

possible. We virtually get information about everything from pin to piano

with the help of computers. It has added speed and multimedia to the

information which was earlier available only in the print format. Also,

anyone can voice their opinions through computers. Computers have added

a new breakthrough in the mass media by combining human intelligence

with the cutting edge technology.

III. The Internet: This is the most important device of the new age media. The

discovery of the Internet can be called the biggest invention in mass media.

In earlier days, news used to reach people only with the morning

newspaper. But today, live updates reach us simultaneously as the events

unfold. For example, the royal wedding of Kate Middleton and Prince

William was watched live on the Internet by millions of people around the

world. The Internet has inspired interaction and connectivity through its

social networking medium. It has become one of the core means of mass

communication. We cannot think of leading our lives without it. Let us see

how the Internet impacts mass communication through the following


IV. E-mails: e-mails or electronic mails have drastically reduced the time it

took for drafting and sending letters, or mails. Electronic mails have also

facilitated lesser usage of paper.

V. Websites: the Internet has a plethora of websites dedicated to various

people, companies, brands, causes, activities, etc. The most significant

usefulness of these websites is in providing information, search engines,

downloads through libraries, and interaction through the social networking

sites. Due to these websites carrying out e-commerce transactions has also

become easy.

VI. Podcasts: Podcasts are mediums of mass communication that include short

video or audio files. They can be seen and heard on mobiles, computers,

and portable media instruments. They are engaging devices of


VII. E-Forums: E-Forums are bulletin boards on websites where people start

threads on topics. These are usually hosted on a website. These forums are

open platforms to discuss a range of topics. People give their opinions and

share their experiences on various topics.

VIII. E-Books: There are a number of websites which have hosted eBooks and

online libraries. The main benefit of having eBooks is that you don't have to

carry bulky books. You can read them on your eBook readers, mobiles,

computer screens, or other devices. You can even adjust the font size to suit

your requirements.

IX. Blogging: A blog is a space on the Internet where a single person or a group

of people record their information, opinions, photos, videos, etc. It is an

interesting and free platform to talk about any topic. Interaction happens in

the form of comments or feedback.

X. Internet TV: It is also known as online TV. It usually has an archive of

programmes. You have to choose the programme, you wish to view from

the list. You can either view the programs directly from the host server, or

download the content on your computer. It is an effective means of


XI. Facebook: It is the most popular social networking website. Facebook has

several applications which people utilize. It is the best platform to meet old

friends, or make new ones. Advertisers also like this forum for

communicating about their products.

2.1.2 Functions of the Electronic Media

Lasswell 2008 stated that the media perform three major social functions,

Wright added the function of entertainment to functions of the mass media.

1. Surveillance of the Environment: The media teach us most of what we

know about the world through the process of surveillance. The media expose us

also to other societies. The media reveal to us about the stock market, impending

danger, business opportunities and risks, travelers guide, weather conditions great


Surveillance is not just for the masses, but also for the entire nation. For

instance, the Government and industry leaders watch CNN and BBC – world or

read the Guardian or Time magazine to know what other world leaders are saying

and thinking.

2. Correlation of Different Elements of the Society: This is an important

function of the mass media. It involves selection, evaluation and interpretation of

events. It helps impose structure on the news and it is accomplished by persuasive

communication through editorialising, commentary, advertising and propaganda. It

categorises news and directs on the importance of each news item, by deciding

whether the news item should appears on the front page, first headline on the

broadcast or whether it should be accompanied by a teaser on the magazine cover

promoting the story.

3. Socialisation and Transmission of Culture: According to Ralph Hansen

(2005), socialisation is the process of integrating people into the society through

the transmission of values, social norms and knowledge to new members of the

group takes place. We actually learn the values of our society through the media,

friends, clubs, school, church, etc.

Accordingly, the mass media provides socialisation through the following ways.

a) Through role models in entertainment in programming

b) Through goals and desires as presented in media citizenship values,

portrayed in the news.

c) Through advertisements for products that may be useful to us in different

stages of our lives.

4. Entertainment: This is communication package, which is intended to

amuse, even if it serves other functions. For instance, television drama on

HIV/AIDS can be considered entertaining even though it educates people living

with HIV/AIDS on how to cope with the challenges of the ailment. According to

Neil Postman (2015), “the primary effect of television is that it changes how people

see the world; that is, with television, people start seeing everything as


2.1.3 Children’s Use of Electronic Media

Our world has witnessed the greatest technological advance in the past few years

which had an impact on the world of entertainment and how people spend their

leisure time. Electronic media devices have dominated the world of entertainment

as many, including children, prefer spending their time in front of an electronic

media device. Kubey and Baker (2011) argued that the use of electronic media has

been the most favorable activity for young people during leisure time for more than

four decades. Regardless of the digital divide, which is the varying access to certain

types of media especially computers due to socioeconomic status, gender, race and

ethnicity, the majority of Nigeria. Children have access to media most of the time.

2.1.4 Electronic media as an agent of Socialization

Socialization is a term used by sociologists, social psychologists,

anthropologists, political scientists, and educationalists to refer to the lifelong

process of inheriting and disseminating norms, customs, and ideologies, providing

an individual with the skills and habits necessary for participating within his or her

own society. Socialization is thus “the means by which social and cultural

continuity are attained.” There are many different forms of socialization, but two

types are particularly important for children. These two types are known as primary

and secondary socialization (Kubey and Baker 2011).

Primary socialization in sociology is the acceptance and learning of a set of

norms and values established through the process of socialization. Primary

socialization for a child is very important because it sets the groundwork for all

future socialization. Primary socialization occurs when a child learns the attitudes,

values, and actions appropriate to individuals as members of a particular culture. It

is mainly influenced by the immediate family and friends. For example if a child

saw his or her mother expressing a discriminatory opinion about a minority group,

then that child may think this behavior is acceptable and could continue to have this

opinion about minority groups (Neil Postman 2015),.

Secondary socialization refers to the process of learning what is the

appropriate behavior as a member of a smaller group within the larger society.

Basically, it is the behavioral patterns reinforced by socializing agents of society.

Secondary socialization takes place outside the home. It is where children and

adults learn how to act in a way that is appropriate for the situations they are in.

Schools require very different behavior from the home, and children must act

according to new rules. New teachers have to act in a way that is different from

pupils and learn the new rules from people around them. Secondary socialization is

usually associated with teenagers and adults, and involves smaller changes than

those occurring in primary socialization.

Electronic media has become a major social influencer. From the first years

of childhood, the current generations of children are exposed to worrying volumes

of audio-visual messages. The statistics point to an average of two hours, twenty

minutes daily dedicated to mass media by the current young people and children

(Anckle, 2011). Exposure to mass media is bound to impact on the children in

either way (Anderson, 2014). Media is one of the main agents of socialisation that

affect the youth most. Mass media covers the radio, television, and print. There is

also electronic media such as computers, smart phones and IPads.

Studies in developed countries have noted that mass media has great influence on

children’s behaviour (Baferani, 2015; Crisogen, 2015; Castro, 2017). Esteve (2018)

argued that mass media has become an important agent of socialisation of children,

youth and adults. Mass media has a significant effect on children’s development of

communication and social skills among diverse populations worldwide. Rivière

(2013) argued that advanced communication skills can be used for the explicit

purpose of provoking learning which would facilitate socialisation and

advancement of learners’ attitudes

Electronic media as a socialisation agent fulfils a very important socializing

function. In the first place, the electronic media provides information to people.

This information is applied by people to construct the image to base their reality

on. This reality created assist individuals to model and exhibit behaviour needed

and thus form part of the information with which people construct the image of

reality according to which people deploy their behaviours. Secondly, the electronic

media provide values, norms, models and symbols which people use in personal

and social cohesion. Finally, it is through the media that personal identity is

developed and built. Through interaction with the media an individual may develop

their own definition applied in personal identity as an individual and a social

person (Vera, 2010). Identity is a psychic need and social, since it contributes both

to the maturity of the personality and to the social cohesion.

2.1.5 Television Impact on Children’s Socialization

Television is a tool where a child fits in the best way during a certain time,

and the television little by little takes time from other activities, that could be quite

necessary for a child. Television unequivocally has positive and negative

influences on young children. Television is a media that has more impact on

people's lives (Vera, 2010).

In many developed societies, the time that children spend in front of screens

is greater than the time thay spend in school. The impact of television on children

depends on many factors, such as the number of hours spent in front of the small

screen, their age, their personality, the fact of watching TV alone or with adult and

finally the discussion they do or not with their parents about the content of what

they have seen. in today's families, parents want to meet every desire of their

children, and so they leave them for a long time in front of television. Children are

being, that if they want to watch something they want to possess it. But, as Sami

Frashëri, an Albanian Renaissance, and writer: "Children should be given what it

needs, not what it wants".

The positive side of watching television is that television can be entertaining,

educational and can open new windows of information for children, enabling them

to travel even where it may not be present, to teach reading and writing, other

languages, different cultures and peoples, to attend various educational programs.

The most important thing is to select programs that respond to the child's age

According to Vera, (2010), television programs should be in conformity

with the child's age. Emissions that are seen by children on television should be

suggested by parents, and must be controlled by them. Otherwise, any negligence

or deviation from this process can be very harmful for the children. in this way

children can learn useful things, as well as useless, which affect their formation. A

child who is taught to stay in front of the television screen turns into an inactive

child, he doesn’t move and he doesn’t go out to have a social life. The greatest

responsibility for anything that happens to the child falls on the parents, for the sole

reason that the child requires a special focus and support all the time not to create

dependency on television. Television viewed by children, without selection of

programs and channels from parents, creates the opportunity for children to see

violent scenes, which increases the chance for aggressive behavior in children,

because the child thinks that a thing that can be watched on television can happen

in reality and could be very true. This obviously affects the children. When they see

violence on television constantly, begin to think that it is normal and acceptable by

society, while society tries to stop this fenomen. Children internalize what they see,

not knowing to distinguish between what should adopt and what not.

2.2 Theoretical Framework

Ohaja (2003:63) posits that in every discipline, a body of theories provides

the explanation for observable phenomena in that field. The better the theory, the

more adequately it can explain the phenomena under consideration and the more

facts it can incorporate in a meaningful structure of ever-generalizability, Osuala

(2003:16). He went further to say that a theory must be stated precisely and clearly

if it was to serve as an adequate guide to research.

In this study, the researcher adopted the social learning theory and the individual

differences theory.

2.2.1 The Social Learning Theory

According to Social Learning Theory (Bandura, 1977), children learn social

behaviour by observation and imitation of role models. Bandura explains that

frequency and duration of television commercials play an important role in

socialization of individuals.Papalia, Gross, and Fieldman (2003),argues that Social

Learning Theory offers an explanation for the way in which television helps in the

transmission of cultural values. This theory is normally used to a great extent in

health promotion campaigns, education and communication research.

Bandura emphasizes the significant role symbolic modeling play in

influencing the behaviour of children. These symbolic models are normally

delivered from television networks, video games and internet. The children have a

symbolic representation of the models watched on TV and act as reference role

models in their behaviours

The social learning theory also known as modeling theory was based on the

assumption that people learn how to behave by observing others including those

portrayed in the mass media. Folarin (2002:89) asserts that children tend to learn

aggression from the mass media and to model their behaviour on that of the

dramatis personae. Social modeling was considered an important part of the

process of socialization.

LaRose (2004:374) explains that the rewards which television characters

receives for their antisocial behaviour –including not just the loot from their

robberies but also their very appearance on a glamorous medium such as television

encourages imitation. This theory developed from many studies including the

Payne fund studies and the surgeon general’s reports. It was introduced to the

general public through the experiments of Albert Bandura in 1963.

2.2.2 The Individual Difference Theory

The individual difference theory as the name suggests looks at how media

users with different characteristics are affected in different ways by the mass

media. According to Rodman (2006:458) some types of media users are more

susceptible to some types of media messages than others are. Citing example that a

viewer with a high level of education tends to be more susceptible to a message

that includes logical appeals than would a viewer with a lowlevel of education.

2.3 Empirical Review

A study by Okafor (2010) reviewed that television present material in such

an exciting and vivid way that schoolbooks can hardly compete with it for

children‟s interest and attention. As a result, they often find schoolbooks and

schoolbooks boring, furthermore his study also stressed that the characters in

television are usually presented as stereotypes and children come to think of all

people in a given group as having the same qualities as the people on the screen.

This influences children‟s attitudes toward them. Fourthly, since children are

imitators, they feel that what has the stamp of approval of a television program

must be an accepted way for them to behave. Because law-abiding heroes or

heroines are less glamorous than those who win attention by violence and other

unsocial acts, children tend to use the latter to identify with and imitate.

In similar study by budgatt (2012), many children believe that anything said on

television is true and that the television announcers know more about everything

than parents, teachers and doctors. This is likely to lead to a general gullibility.

Hurlock believes that all types of amusements of childhood like television

watching is commonly hazardous to personal and social adjustments because, first,

more time is spent on it than other forms of play and, it is less often supervised by

parents and other adults than other forms of play

3.1 Research Method

The most suitable method for this study is the survey method. The reason

for its adoption is due to its efficiency in analyzing and evaluating opinion while

yielding commensurate results. As Nwodu (2006) rightly justified that the survey

method of research focuses on a represent five’s sample dirtied from the entire

population of the study, and this purely the intents of this study.

3.2 Population of the Study

Aliede (2003), as I earlier stated opined that population is the total number

of people or anything at all that research is to be conducted on. It also refers to all

case of individual that fit a certain specification.

In this vein, are populations of study as determined by the extent at sample

size in relation to the population size. This help to group the aggregation of all

elements in the population at least, to have a fair representation.

The population for this study is 200 which include students, lecturers,

personnel in the Kwara state Ministry of education, parents, bloggers, Radio

presenter and top management staff of various radio station, Tv station and resident

in Kwara state.

3.1 Sampling Size and Techniques

It is well known that the population of Nigeria and its geographical spread is too

complex; the researcher therefore limited the sampling to Ilorin residents in

particular and in Kwara state. Among the residents are: Agro based small scale

industries, traders, civil servants, teachers, farmers, students, politicians and

lecturers would be selected using random sampling technique. These personalities

were served with questionnaires to review their views and opinions on the “ write

your topic”.

3.4 Research Instrumentation

For this research, the survey method which uses the questionnaire would be

adopted and other educational materials such as interview, journals, textbooks, the

internet, magazines and other unpublished works will also be consulted too.

3.5 Validity and Reliability of Research Instrument

Validity refers to the degree to which a test is measured what is suppose to

measure and nothing else in this work, the content validity is used. It is estimated

by campaigning the sample at items with the content which, they present the

validation at this work was done by carrying a study.

The validation of this research instrument would be carried by the project

supervisor, so as to check for errors and make correction in necessary areas.

3.6 Administration of Research Instrument

The instrument used in the study is simply questionnaire and would be

distributed and collected through personal visits and consultations with the help of

the school mates, other friends and co-researchers consulted various respondents at

different voyage. The total of no two hundred questionnaire papers would be

distributed and supervised within a reasonable period of research.

3.7 Method of Data Analysis

Both quantitative and qualitative methods will be used. Hence, simple

tables, frequencies, numbers and percentage would be used in the analysis of data

and interpretation of the information collected in the study.

Descriptive statistics would also be adopted, which involve the use of

sample percentage method.

Data collected were arranged and presented in tables and analyzed in simple

percentage format for easy comprehension and reference.

The formula is: Number of responses x 100

Number of respondent 1

4.0 Introduction
This chapter focuses on data presentation observed from the distributed
questionnaire. The institutional characteristics and background of respondents to
the questionnaire would be considered.
However, explanation of the elements under consideration are grouped on
the basis of sex, age, educational qualification, marital status, academic year,
application usage and on.
The analysis is based on the response of the respondents, which incline us
to liaise together with reliable information on the impact of electronic media on
children’s socialization (a case study of Kwara state). In this research project, the
instruments for study were administered to random selected respondent in Ilorin
metropolis ranging from students, lecturers, media practitioners, civil servant etc.
The questionnaires administered were adequately responded to. Therefore, the
questionnaires distributed were 200 copies (Two hundred) and were adequately
filled and return.
Table 1: Sex of Respondent
Gender Number of respondents Percentage
Male 110 55%
Female 90 45%
Total 200 100
Source: Researchers’ Field Survey 2021 .
Table 1 show that 110 respondents representing 55% are male gender while 70
respondents representing 45% are female gender. Which implies that male gender
has the highest respondents.

Table 2: Age distribution of the respondent
Age Range Number of respondents Percentage
Years 18 -27 100 50%
Years 28 – 37 60 30%
Years 38 - 47 20 10%
48 and above 20 10%
Total 200 100
Source: Researchers’ Field Survey 2021 .
Table 2 shows that 100 respondents representing 50% are between the age range of
18-27, 60 respondents representing 30% of were between the age range of 28 - 37
and 20 respondents representing 10% of between age range of 38 – 47 and 48 and
above respectively. This implies that the highest respondents are of the age range of
year 18 -27.
Table 3: Religion of respondent
Religion Number of respondents Percentage
Christianity 80 40%
Islam 120 60%
Total 200 100
Source: Researchers’ Field Survey 2021 .
Table 3 shows that 120 respondents representing 60% are practicing Islamic
religion and while 80 respondent representing 40% practicing Christianity. This
implies that the respondents practicing islam are more.

Table 4: Occupation distribution of respondent
Description Number of Respondents Percentage
Students 100 50%
Child counselor 20 10%
Teachers 60 30%
Lecturers 20 10%
Total 200 100
Source: Researchers’ Field Survey 2021 .
Table 4 shows that 100 respondents representing 50% are students, 20 respondents
representing 10% were child counselor within various private and government
organization, a total of 60 respondents were Teachers in various tertiary institution
within ilorin metropolios and others respondents were 20 representing 20% were
lecturers. This implies that a student has the highest respondents.
Table 5: Do you watch or listen to any of these electronic media
Variables Number of respondents Percentage
Radio 68 33.7%
Internet 57 28.2%
Television 75 48.1%
Total 200 100%
Source: Researchers’ Field Survey 2021 .
Table 5 shows that 68 which is 33.7% of the respondent were goods
listeners and users of various radio stations, while 57 which is 28.2% of the
respondents were good user of Internet, and while majority of the respondents 75
which is 48.1% were engage the use of the television effectively.

Table 6: which form of electronic media in Kwara state helps effectively
towards the social development of a child?
Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Radio 68 33.7%
Internet 57 28.2%
Television 75 48.1%
Total 200 100
Source: Researchers’ Field Survey 2021 .
Table 6 shows that 68 respondents representing 33.7% radio stations in Kwara
state been the electronic media that helps effectively towards the social
development of a child of sexual, while 57% of the respondents claims that internet
has been the most effective electronic media towards children development,
however majority of the respondents 75 representing 48.1% claims the current use
of the television is topmost effectively electronic media that aids social
development of any child regardless geographical location.
Table 7: Do children tend to behave like various celebrities seen on different
electronic media?
Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Yes 180 90%
No 20 10%
Total 200 100
Source: Researchers’ Field Survey 2021 .
Table 7 shows that 180 respondents representing 90% claimed that children in
regardless of their age tend to behave like various celebrities seen on different
electronic media such Tv, Interent, in which a common example of such celebrities
is Naria Marley aka “Marians” while the rest 10% of the respondents claimed that

children don’t tend to behave like various celebrities seen on different electronic
Table 8: Are you of the opinion that most children watching violent
programme on tv, behave rudely to their parents?
Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Yes 120 60%
No 80 40%
Total 200 100
Source: Researchers’ Field Survey 2021 .
Table 8 shows that 120 respondents representing 60% opinion that most children
watching violent programme on tv, behave rudely to their parents and while the rest
40% of the respondents were of the opinioned that not every child that engage his
or her in violent programme, acts like that in reality.
Table 9: Lack of control on Tv programme and other social media platforms
has negatively influence children socialization?
Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Yes 200 100%
No - -
Total 200 100
Source: Researchers’ Field Survey 2021 .
Table 9 shows that all respondents representing 100% indicates that the lack of
control on Tv Lack of control on Tv programme and other social media
platforms has negatively influence children socialization, as several existing
research as shown that The electronic media also provides a window for the
children into knowing the western/foreign culture thereby giving them
knowledge of the global world. Even though media effects varies in children, it

goes a long way in strengthening/degenerating their relationships with people
Table 10: Are you of the opinion that with use of electronic media there is
increase in the rate of social development in children at early stage?
Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Yes 150 75%
No 50 25%
Total 200 100%
Source: Researchers’ Field Survey 2021 .
Table 10 shows that 150 respondents representing 75% agreed that the use of
electronic media there is increase in the rate of social development in children at
early stage, 50 respondent representing 25% disagree and claim that the use of
various electronic media doesn’t increase in the rate of social development in
children at early stage. This implies that the mass media various forms of electronic
media will increase in the rate of social development in children at early stage
Table 11: Electronic media is a principal agents for social development of
Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Strongly Agree 120 60%
Agree 60 30%
Neutral 20 10%
Strongly Disagree - -
Total 200 100
Source: Research Survey 2021,
The table above show that 120 (60%) of the respondents strongly agree that
attitude of people is influenced by the quality of information available to them

while 60 (30%) agree that attitude of people is influenced by the quality of
information available to them, 20 (10) is neutral about it and no respondents
strongly disagree that attitude of people is influenced by the quality of information
available to them.
Table 12: A good and effective social development program and content for
children should be portrayed by various forms of electronic media?
Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Strongly Agree 100 50%
Agree 100 50%
Neutral - -
Strongly Disagree - -
Disagree - -
Total 200 100
Source: Research Survey 2021,
The table above show that 100 (50%) of the a good and effective social
development program and content for children should be portray by various forms
of electronic media while 50 (100%) agree that a good and effective social
development program and content for children should be portray by various forms
of electronic media.

Table 13: Electronic media should provide services as an effective tool for
mobilizing support from international bodies on the issues of children
Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Strongly Agree 140 60%
Agree 60 30%
Neutral - -
Strongly Disagree - -
Total 200 100
Source: Research Survey 2021
The table above show that all respondents agreed that electronic media can
used to provide services and as a effective tool for mobilizing support from
international bodies on the issues of children socialization.
Table 14: The electronic media can be used positively to build good and decent
characters in children?
Responses Frequency Percentage (%)
Strongly Agree 120 60%
Agree 80 40%
Neutral - -
Strongly Disagree - -
Total 200 100%
Source: Research Survey 2021,
The table above show that 120 (60%) of the respondents strongly agree that
the electronic media can be used positively to build good and decent characters in
children and while 80 (40%) agree that electronic media can be used positively to
build good and decent characters in children

This are the analysis of research question used in the research that produce
the expected outcome of the work done.
What is the role of mass media in creating awareness against children’s
The answer to this question were provided by table 11, 12 and 14 of the
questionnaire, in reference to the response of the respondents, table 11 show that
120 (60%) of the respondents strongly agree that attitude of people is influenced by
the quality of information available to them while 60 (30%) agree that attitude of
people is influenced by the quality of information available to them, 20 (10) is
neutral about it and no respondents strongly disagree that attitude of people is
influenced by the quality of information available to them.
What electronic mass media campaign as a tool for reduction the negative
behavior of children?
The answer to this question were provided by table 11, 12 and 14 of the
questionnaire, in reference to the response of the respondent in table 14 show that
120 (60%) of the respondents strongly agree that the electronic media can be used
positively to build good and decent characters in children and while 80 (40%) agree
that electronic media can be used positively to build good and decent characters in
How helpful was the electronic media in the socialization process of a child?
The answer to this question were provided by table 8, 10 and 13 of the
questionnaire, in reference to the response of the respondent in table 10, Table 10

shows that 150 respondents representing 75% agreed that the use of electronic
media there is increase in the rate of social development in children at early stage,
50 respondent representing 25% disagree and claim that the use of various
electronic media doesn’t increase in the rate of social development in children at
early stage. This implies that the mass media various forms of electronic media will
increase in the rate of social development in children at early stage.
To what extent has this help been?
The answer to this question were provided by table 8, 10 and 13 of the
questionnaire, in reference to the response of the respondent in table 14 show that
120 (60%) of the respondents strongly agree that the electronic media can be used
positively to build good and decent characters in children and while 80 (40%) agree
that electronic media can be used positively to build good and decent characters in
4.3 Discussion of Findings
This research work have been able to attain a level of authenticity and
reliability as it conforms to what is obtainable in two different theories of
communication which were used, information process theory and agenda theory
In social responsibility theory which is an approach to understand why and
how people are influence through various forms of broadcast media, about 99% of
respondents in item 16 of the questionnaire strongly agree that are aware of the role
and importance of broadcast media can change the persistence influence social
development of a child, Therefore, they acknowledge broadcast media serve as
good tools for public enlighten for people of different age. These answers unravel
the question of why government and Non organizations should invest more in
terms social development for children in Nigeria

Moresso, the observation so far shows that television was the highest used
electronic media and its programme content was liked by the children.
Consequently it changed the way they did things at home and in school, the way
they relate with others and also their relationship with parents. In line with the
Bandura study, majority of the population under study watched violent
programmes, practiced them and also regarded the characters they are exposed to
as role models. On the other hand, a good number of the children questioned do
not behave like the characters they watch/listen to and also do not follow their
fashion trend thereby confirming the cantril study.\Relating to the findings of
Agenda setting Lippman (1922) states that the media help to “put pictures in our
heads”. The explains the power of the mass media to set the agenda and raise
issues of public importance. McCombs and Shaw (1972) adds that, “audience not
only learn about public issues through the media, they also learn how importance
to attach to an issue or topic from the emphasis the mass media place upon it”.
Trenemen and McQuail (1961), this justify the reason why more than 90% of the
respondent in items 11, 16 of the questionnaire claim that people learn and change
their attitude and perception about a thing through the help of various forms of
mass media.
Some of the children viewed the influence of the electronic media as being
educative which helps to broaden their horizon and enables them to know their
rights. They also included that it can create and destroy a child when being
exposed to antisocial contents but at the same time can help model the character of
a child.
They also went further to say that the electronic media enlightened them on
how to interact with people and equally served as a means where they cultivate
violent attitudes towards people.

Summarily, from the findings so far it can be deduced that the electronic
media have both positive and negative effects on children’s socialization in Kwara
state. In other words it could be detrimental or valuable to them. Though much of
the electronic media content effect depends on the child being exposed as not all
children are influenced by the electronic media in the same way.



5.0 Summary of Findings

The first chapter gives the Background of the study, Statement of the

problems, Objectives Significance of the study, Definition of terms. In chapter

Two, impact o of electronic Media on Children’s Socialization were discussed.

Theoretical frame work and the Review of Empirical studies were also discussed.

The chapter three identified Research methodology, research variables, population

of the study, sample size, units of analysis, instrumentation, validity of the

instrumentation, method of administration of the instrument, method of data

analysis were discussed.

Chapter four, the data gathered is analyzed using simple percentage and

statistical analysis and Lastly, Chapter five, this chapter focus on Summary,

Recommendation and Conclusion.

5.2 Conclusion

The fundamental aim of this research has been to investigate the influence

of the electronic media on children’s socialization using ilorin Metropolis as a

study. From the analysis of data collected and its interpretation, it can be deduced

that the Electronic media serves as a powerful device in the lives of the children,

even though its importance cannot be overemphasized. It was found that children in

the metropolis enjoy viewing violent programmes and puts it into practice as well,

they even regard the characters they are exposed to as their role models and also

affects the way they rapour with people though for majority, it does not affect the

relationship they have with their parents. However, there are certain things which

they do not imitate from the screen like mode of dressing and some behavioural

patterns of the characters involved. Some of these findings conform with the

studies cited in chapter two. Children learn easily from the electronic media than

the print media as the later does not attract their attention.

5.3 Recommendations

Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations were made:

1. In order to curb the negative influence of the electronic media on children’s

socialization in Ilorin metropolis, media literacy programmes should be designed to

enlighten the children about the implications of the negative media content.

2. Parents should evaluate a means of regulating what their children/wards view on

air or listen to.

3. The media practitioners have the challenge of providing the children with

healthier and educative programmes that will even enable them interact with fellow

children in Ilorin.

4. Health and church workers in Enugu should also help and sensitize the general

public especially the adults about the implications of exposing children to

antisocial media content.

5. Government’s help is also of necessity as they could sponsor some of the media

literacy programmes.

6. Survey was used as the research design for this study, future research on similar

work can also use content analysis.

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Dear Respondent,
We are student of the Department of Mass Communication Kwara State
Polytechnic, conducting a research on the topic “IMPACT OF ELECTRONIC
We hereby request that you help us answer the following question as
honestly as possible and we assure you that all information supplied by you shall be
used only for academic purpose and shall be kept confidential.
INSTRUCTION: Please Tick [√] the answer you consider appropriate. The
questionnaire will be in three parts Section A, B and Section C.
1. Sex: (a) Male ( ) (b) Female ( )
2. Age: (a) 16 -25 years ( ) (b) 25- 40years ( ) (c) 40 and above ( )
3. Religion: (a) Christianity ( ) (b) Islam ( )
4. Occupation? (a) Students ( ) (b) Farmers ( ) (c) Lecturer( ) (d) Child
Counselor ( ) (e) Teacher
5. Do you watch or listen any of these electronic media? (a) Radio ( ) (b)
Television ( ) (c) Internet ( )
6. Which form of electronic media in Kwara state helps effective towards the social
development of a child? (a) Radio ( ) (b) Television ( ) (c) Internet ( )
7 Do children tend to behave like various celebrity seen on different electronic
media? (a) Yes ( ) (b) No ( ).
8. Are you of the opinion that most children watching violent programme on tv,
behave rudely to their parents? (a) Yes ( ) (b) No ( )

9. Lack of control on TV programme and other social media platforms has
negatively influence children socialization? (a) Yes (. ) (b) No. (. )
10. Are you of the opinion that with use of electronic media that increase the rate
social development in children at early stage. (a) yes () (b) no
Key words: SA Strong Agree, A Agree, N Neutral, D Disagree and SD Strong
11.Electronic Media is a principal agents for social
development of children
12. A good and effective social developmentprogram
and content for children should be portray by various
forms electronic media in kwara state
13 . Electronic media should provide services as an
effective tool for mobilizing support from
international bodies on the issue of children
14. The electronic media can be used positively to
build good and decent characters in children.


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