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Amit Kumar Das (Iiest Shibpur)

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A computer system has multiple resources and those can be used by one process
at a time and for many applications we may need more than one resource at a
time. Trouble begins when we have a process (say, A) is using a resource (X) and
asking for another resource (Y) and simultaneously another process (B) using
resource (Y) and asking for X. The requirements of these two processes would
never be fulfilled and this situation is known as a deadlock.
The resources can be hardware (devices) or software (database records)
Deadlocks may be mosty relevant in the context of OS but they may occur
in other contexts applicable to a variety of concurrent systems


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A deadlock is a fight between concurrent processes to aquire and use common
resources. A computer has many different resources (multiple instances of the
same resource as well, say two printers) that a process can acquire. In short, a
resource is anything that must be
used, and
released over the course of time.
A resoucre can be preemptable – i.e., if we take it away from a process it has no
ill-effects (say a page is swapped. A non-preemptable resource cannot be taken
away without a potential failure – and we deal deadlock for non-premeptable
resource for obvious reasons.
If the resource is not available the process is automatically blocked, and awakened
when it becomes available. In other systems, denial leads to wait n a tight loop
requesting the resource, then sleeping, then trying again – note that it is as good
as blocked as no work can proceed without the requested resource. In our further
Here we assume that when a process is denied a resource request, it is put to
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The following code snippets shows the chance of a deadlock for a minor variation
in the code asking for the resource. Left hand side showing a deadlock free code
and the right hand side code might lead to deadlock.

In (a) one process would acquire the 1st resource and get the 2nd as well and
carry out the job. However in (b) it may be OK sometimes but it might happen
that process A acquires resource 1 and process B acquires resource 2. Each one
will now block when trying to acquire the other one.
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Deadlock can be formally defined as A set of processes is deadlocked if each

process in the set is waiting for an event that only another process in the
set can cause.
The following four conditions (Coffman et. al. 1971) must hold for a (resource)
(i) Mutual exclusion: Each resource is either currently assigned to exactly
one process or is available.
(ii) Hold-and-wait: Processes currently holding resources that were granted
earlier can request new resources.
(iii) No-preemption: Resources previously granted cannot be forcibly taken
away from a process. They must be explicitly released by the process holding
Circular wait: There must be a circular list of two or more processes, each of
which is waiting for a resource held by the next member of the chain.

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Deadlock can be modelled using a resource allocation graph where a process is
represented by a circle and resources by a rectangle. The drected arc
from a resource to a process indicates that the resource has previously been
requested by, granted to, and is currently held by that process.
from a process to a resource indicates that the process is currently blocked
waiting for that resource.

In (c) we see a deadlock: process C is waiting for resource T, which is currently

held by process D. Process D is not about to release resource T because it is
waiting for resource U, held by C. Both processes will wait forever. A cycle in the
graph means that there is a deadlock involving the processes and resources in the
cycle. In this example, the cycle is C T D U C.
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There are three processes A, B and C and three resources R, S and T requesting
and releasing them. Sequential execution of the processes does not lead to any
deadlock – if the processes are completely CPU bound then that is the best
option. However, in reality it is always a mix and a reasonable scheduling, say RR,
while have a higher throughput and better resource utilization, might lead to a
deadlock (see e- g).[Note: Only 1 resource of a type is assumed]

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The OS may run run the processes in any suitable order. If it detects an
impending deadlock it can simply suspend the process without granting the
request until it is safe. Here it could suspend B instead of granting it S. By
running only A and C, we would get the requests and releases of (k) instead of
(d). This sequence leads to the resource graphs of (l)–(q), which do not lead to
deadlock. After step (q), process B can be granted S because A is finished and C
has ev erything it needs. Even if B blocks when requesting T, no deadlock can
occur. B will just wait until C is finished. [Note: RAG can be generalised for
mutiple resources of the same type]

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In general, four strategies are used for dealing with deadlocks.

1. Just ignore the problem.
2. Detection and recovery. Let them occur, detect them, and take action.
3. Dynamic avoidance by careful resource allocation.
4. Prevention, by structurally negating one of the four conditions.
1. IGNORE: We may follow the behaviour of an ostrich (ostrich algorithm) to
stick our head in the sand and pretend everything is cool. You may react that
what would happen – in reality deadlock is not that frequenti than a system crash
and the strategy is good for many systems.

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2. DETECTION AND RECOVERY: Here we don’t try to prevent (as it is costly)
– we detect and try for a recovery, A case for 7 processes and 6 resources is
shown – a cycle can be detected that shows deadlock. [see the steps described in
Formal algorithm may be used where each node (from the lowest level) is taken
as a root and with a depth first search it checks if it is a tree. If this property
holds for all nodes (by moving the next upper level and repeat checking and
finally backtracking to the root), the entire graph is cycle free, so the system is
not deadlocked.

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DETECTION with multiple resoucres of each type

A matrix based algorithm to detect deadlock is used.

’n’ processes P1 to Pn ; Ei resources of class i (1 ≤ i ≤).
E is the existing resource vector – if class 1 is tapedrive then E1 = 2
indicates 2 tape drives
A be the available resource vector – A1 = 0 means both the tape drives
are available for use.
C[i, j] and R[i, j] are the current allocation and request matrices and
C[i, j] is the number of instances of resource j that are held by process Pi
item R[i, j] is the number of instances of resource j that Pi wants.
A every resource is either free or allocated thus i=1 Cij + Aj = Ej
Let A ≤ B mean that each element of vector A is less than or equal to the
corresponding element of vector B. Mathematically, A ≤ B holds iff
Ai ≤ Bi for 1 ≤ i ≤ m.

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The alogorithm set each process as unmarked and then proceeds. At the end
unmarked processes indicating deadlock. Note, that the algorithm assumes a
worst case scenario that all the aquired resources by a process is released when
they exit.
1. Look for an unmarked process, Pi , for which the ith row of R is less than
or equal to A.
2. If such a process is found, add the ith row of C to A, mark the process,
and go back to step 1.
3. If no such process exists, terminate.

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Here we have three processes and four arbitrarily labelled resource classes. From
C we see that process 1 has 1 scanner; process 2 has 2 tape-drive and 1 blu-ray
drive... etc. Each process needs additional resources, as shown by the R matrix.
To run the deadlock detection algorithm, we look for a process whose resource
request can be satisfied.
Requests from P1 and P2 cannot be satisfied as we have no blu-ray free as
well as scanner. However,
request from P3 can be complied – it runs and returns giving A = ( 2 2 2 0).
Now P2 can run giving A = (4 2 2 1) on return – and rest of the process
now runs without deadlock

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A change in the requirements leads to deadlock; e.g,. say process 3 needs a

Blu-ray drive plus two tape drives and the plotter.
None of the requests can be satisfied, so the entire system will eventually be
Even if we give process 3 its two tape drives and one plotter, the system
deadlocks when it requests the Blu-ray drive.
Now, with static resource requests known in advance, when to look for them
comes up.
check every time a resource request is made. This is certain to detect them
as early as possible, but it is potentially expensive in terms of CPU time. Or,
check every k minutes, or
only when the CPU utilization has dropped below some threshold. if enough
processes are deadlocked, there will be few runnable processes, and the CPU
will often be idle.

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After detection the OS should do recovery; if possible. There are three

approaches; [note: None are exciting]
(i) Through preemption;
(ii) Through rollback; and
(iii) through killing processes
(i) In certain cases it may be possible to take back a resource to recover from a
deadlock. However, the ability to take a resource away from a process, have
another process use it, and then give it back without the process noticing it is
highly dependent on the nature of the resource. Recovering this way is frequently
difficult (may need manual intervention) or impossible. Choosing the process to
suspend depends largely on which ones have resources that can easily be taken

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(ii) Recovery through rollback: Here we may have processes chekpointed

periodically; i.e., the states written in a file so that it can be restarted later.
It can be checked at what point the deadlock happened and the process is reset
to an earlier moment when it did not have the resource, which is now assigned to
one of the deadlocked processes. If the restarted process tries to acquire the
resource again, it will have to wait until it becomes available.
(iii) killing processes : The crudest but simplest way is to kill a process prefarably
one of those which creates a cycle. Even a process not in a cycle but holding a lot
of resources may be killed to recover from the deadlock. In fact, whenever
possible kill a process which can be run from the beginning without having any ill
effect. So, simply when the second run has no effect on the first. Say, a compling
process (for a database – this cannot be done always)

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Following the proverb – ”prevention is better than a cure” we may try avoiding
The system could detect if a grant is safe; possible no deadlock, or not and
allocate accrodingly.
If certain advance information is available we could formulated algorithm
that could take a right choice in allocation resources and avoid deadlocks.
Resource Trajectories: In most systems the resources are requested one at a
time. Tracing the resource trajectory to grasp the concept of safety may be
Trajectory for two processes and two resources: The horizontal and vertical
axes represent the number of instructions executed by processes A and B,
respectively. At I1 A requests a printer; at I2 it needs a plotter. The printer and
plotter are released at I3 and I4 , respectively. Process B needs the printer from
I6 to I8 and the plotter from I5 to I7
Trajectory: At p both A and B are not executing. A is scheduled (p–q) and
running and thereafter B is scheduled and running (q –r). Then A is running (s to
t). At u neither A nor B are running.
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A has got Printer (I1 to I3 ) and the Plotter (I2 to I4 )
B has got Printer (I6 to I8 ) and the Plotter (I5 to I7 )
The 9 cells (I1 to I4 for A and I5 to I8 for B) denote different scenario. (i)
Blank Cell– Only one resource is in use; (ii) 45 deg. slant lines in cells – both
using the printer and (iii)135 deg. slant lines in cells – both using the plotter
Assume that simulataneous use ((ii) and (iii)) is protected through mutual
exclusion. However, the cross hatched cell indicates– DEADLOCK as A is
requesting the plotter (already enjoying printer access) and B is requesting
printer (already enjoying plotter access). The cell is unsafe and NOT TO BE
ENTERED. At point t the only safe thing to do is run process A until it gets
to I4 . Beyond that, any trajectory to u will do.

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At any instant the current state is given by E, A, C and R.
A state is considered safe if a scheduling order exists for which all the
processes can run to completeion even in the case of simultaneous request
for maximum allowable resources.
Consider a single resource class with 10 instances – (a) shows the present
holding (7 in use and 3 are free) and maximum requirement for the processes
It is a safe state as we can schedule B exclusively and we get scenario (b)
and when B completes we reach (c).
Now we can allow to run process C and reach (d) – finally when C
completes we are at (e) – now A can complete.

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We may move from a safe to unsafe state–
starting state (a) and now assume A has aquired one more instances of the
resource (see (b)).
If B runs now and got the required instances of the resource we arrive at (c)
– no resource is now free
After completion of B we reach (d) – and we are stuck here. As 4 instances
are free but A requires 5 more and C requires 5.
So (b) is unsafe (though (a) was safe. Running A or C after (b) wpuld not
help either) – indicating that A’s request to get one more instance should
not be satisfied. [Note that unsafe does not mean leading to DEADLOCK]

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Here, it is checked that granting the request moves you from safe to unsafe state.
And the resource request in that case is denied else granted if the safe condition
is maintained.
A, B, C and D are 4 borrower (processes) to whom the banker (OS) lends
some unit (1K each instances of a resource; 22 K is the maximum
requirement) of money.
The Banker knows that the maximum of 22 units may not be required
immediately and reserves 10 units only. After granting some units we may
have situation (b) with 2 units free.
It is safe as the banker can delay any request except from C, letting C
finishes and releases all 4 units
with 4 units at hand the banker can allow either B or D getting the required

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Now consider the situation (c) where B has got 1 more instance of the resource
(in comparison to what is shown in situation (b)).
This scenario is unsafe – if all the customers asks for their maximum loans –
the banker could not satisfy [with 1 free unit ] any one of them and we
would have a deadlock
Unsafe state, however, may not lead to deadlock since the customer may not
ask for their maximum at a time [a savings bank works this way – if you try
to withdraw money all at a time they will never be able to cope up]
The bankers algorithm checks the resource request if the allocation leads to
a unsafe state the request is postponed and the customer (process) is made
to wait until other customers releases (repaying their loans) the resources.
The banker’s algorithm may be extended for multiple resources each with several
instances. However, in practise the algorithm can never be implemented as the
processes and the OS do not know the resource requirements in advance
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Deadlock Prevention

Now consider the motto ”Prevention is better than a cure” as we may not ignore
deadlock– costly to detect and recover and avoidance requires future knowledge.
So, if we take action not to comply one of the 4 Coffman conditions for deadlock
– we can prevent the same
i) Attacking the Mutual-Exclusion condition :
If no resource is exclusive allocated to a process then we would have no
deadlock. For example a data page can be made RO – concurrent
processes coud use it without a problem. However,
What about concurrent access to a printer – ouput would all jumbled
up and useless. However, concurrent processes may produce their
output on a spooler and the printer daemon (only) can request the
printer once the spooling is complete, But, there may be deadlock in
completing the spooling as well
For many resources exclusive access is the only choice and the strategy could be
allow exclusive access if it is absolutely essential.

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Deadlock Prevention contd.

ii) Attacking the Hold-and-wait condition : This is better than the 1st
condition as mutual exclusion is the key in many cases. Hold and wait can
be avoided if the requirement is that requests for all resources be made
before execution. If everything is available then only the process would be
started. The problems are
Process may not know in advancde what are the exact requirements
until started [otherwise Banker’s Algorithm would be a great success]
very poor utilisation of the resources
It may be possible in a batch system with jobs running at regular basis and the
requirements are known before hand. Hold-and-wait condition may be enforced n
a slightly different way where the process temporaraily releasing all the resoucres
before asking for more.

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Deadlock Prevention contd.

iii) Attacking no premeption : This is a possiblity in certain cases as already

mentioned in connection with printer daemon
However, virtualisation of concurrency in sharing a printer using
spooling (i,e., disk space) may not always prevent deadlock
locking the records for database tables or tables used by OS may be a
potential threat leading to deadlock.
iv) Attacking Circular wait condition:The circular wait can be eliminated in
several ways.
One way is simply to have a rule saying that a process is entitled only
to a single resource at any moment. If it needs a second one, it must
release the first one. For a process that needs to copy a huge file from
a tape to a printer, this restriction is unacceptable.
provide a global numbering of all the resources. Now the rule is this:
processes can request whenever they want to, but all requests must be
made in numerical order in forward direction (less to more).

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Deadlock Prevention contd.

Even with multiple processes with this rule there cannot be any cycle in
the RAG and no deadlock.
There can be a slackened version of the rule like a process may only
ask for any high number resources from the current resource – should
it require a lower one then it should release the currently using high
numbered resources.
It may be noted that for critical resources like process-table slots, disk spooler
space, locked database records, and other abstract resources, the number of
potential resources and different uses may be so large that no ordering could
possibly work.

Condition Strategy
Mutual exclusion Spool everything
Hold and wait Request all resources before you start
Circular wait Order resources nummerically

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This is similar to a scenario when two very polite persons offering each other the
right of the narrow way to cross – eager to prove his/her politeness nobody
crosses and no progress is made [though the resource – the narrow alley] is
Suppose a process after a quiring a lock releases it when realising that it
could not get the next required lock. This is good to avoid deadlock.
if the other process does the same at the same time [rare but possible] then
we have livelock
Consider an atomic primitive try lock in which the calling process tests a mutex
and either grabs it or returns failure. In other words, it never blocks.
Programmers can use it together with acquire lock which also tries to grab the
lock, but blocks if the lock is not available.

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For a pair of processes (A and B) running concurrently may be in livelock as we
see from the example code.
void process_A(void) { void process_B(void) {
acquire_lock(&resource _1); acquire_lock(&resource _2);
while (try_lock(&resource_2) while (try_lock(&resource_1)
== FAIL) { == FAIL) {
release_lock(&resource_1); release_lock(&resource_2);
wait_fixed_time(); release_lock(&resource_1);
acquire lock(&resource_1); acquire lock(&resource_2);
} }
use_both_resources( ); use_both_resources( );
release_lock(&resource_2); release_lock(&resource_1);
release_lock(&resource_1); release_lock(&resource_12;
} }
Suppose a UNIX system has 100 process slots. Ten programs are running each
requires 12 more slots. After each process creating 9 new processes – now we
have our process table full– next fork() – would fail and wait and try and fail –
and so on – leading to a livelock
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A problem similar to Dealock and livelock but not exactly same is

starvation. Though the basic principle followed by the OS designer that it
would be unbiased and fair to every process it may compromise this
principle considering different other factors that generally improves the
throughput of the system. Here comes the posibility of starvation. As an
example suppose the printer daemon knows the size of the files and started
picking up small files only to print. A large file is waiting to be printed in a
busy system flooded with the print request of many small files all the time.
In such a scenario the large file may never be printed. An obvious solution
here is the FCFS algorithm – however FCFS may not be a good choice in
some other scenario – thus starvation, though rare in a well designed OS,
may happen in some form or other.

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