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Mobile Elevating Work Platforms Model: XGA16: Maintenance Manual

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XGA16 Maintenance Manual

Maintenance Manual

Mobile Elevating Work Platforms

Model: XGA16

Part No. 165001452


XGA16 Maintenance Manual

Chapter A Maintenance Safety Instructions

hydraulic system and large components.

A General
In maintenance of the equipment, the
This chapter includes fundamental safety
consideration of safety of working personnel and
instructions to be followed during the
others shall be of first priority. Do not attempt to
maintenance of aerial working platform. The
move any heavy components without the
maintenance personnel shall follow the safety
assistance of machinery and equipment. Do not
warnings and precautions to prevent injuries to
place any heavy objects on unstable positions.
themselves or others and damages to the
The sufficient support shall be ensured when
equipment. The maintenance plan shall be
elevating any parts of the equipment.
implemented to ensure safe operation of the


The owner/operator shall be responsible for

the safety on maintenance site as the manu-

Any modification without authorization to the
facturer is not capable to control the site in-
machine shall not be allowed until it is ap-
spection and maintenance procedures.
proved by the competent authority that the

machine remains at the same level of safety as B Safety of Hydraulic System

the original equipment.
The hydraulic system of the machine is operating

The manual is emphasizing the specific under the pressure of extreme danger, therefore,

instructions and precautions to be followed please ensure to release the pressure of the

during the maintenance procedures. In most system as much as possible prior to disassemble

circumstances, such precautions must be or remove certain parts of the system.

followed during the maintenance and repair for

Under the condition of flame-out of the engine

XGA16 Maintenance Manual

arm, the movement of the big arm shall be

and power switch-on, please repeat the cycle op-
fixed or restricted through stop blocks or
eration of proper control for several times and slings, or the safety support shall be applied.

release the pressure of the system to guide the • Please lubricate or maintain other
components and turn off all the switches
pressure from pipelines back to the oil tank.
prior to adjustment.
Please disconnect the hydraulic pipelines of the • The battery shall be removed for the
system components to minimize the loss of hy- replacement of electronic components.

draulic oil. • Ensure all the supporting equipments and

accessories are in correct positions.
C Maintenance • Only approved non-flammable cleaners
shall be used.

Any violations to the safety instructions of this

chapter shall cause damages to machine or

casualties to personnel.

• Ensure the replaced parts and components to

be same or similar with the original ones.

• No smoking. No refueling during thunder

and lightning. Ensure the fuel tank cap to be
closed in safe conditions at any time.

• During maintenance, remove all rings,

watches and jewelries.

• During maintenance, do not wear long hair

or loose clothes or ties that are easy for
winding to the equipment.

• Please follow all the safety warnings and

precautions on the machine and written in
the service manual.

• Clean any oil, grease and water on the

standing surfaces and handrails.

• Please follow the instructions during the

inspection of hot pressing coolant system.

• Prior to the operation below elevating big

XGA16 Maintenance Manual


First Issue Oct. 30, 2019

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Chapter A Maintenance Safety Instructions .......................................................................... I

Revision....................................................................................................................................... III

Contents .......................................................................................................................................IV

Chapter 1.....................................................................................................................................Specification 1
1-1 Operating Specifications.............................................................................................2
1-2 Technical Specifications ..............................................................................................2
1-3 Capacity .......................................................................................................................2
1-4 Specifications of Components ....................................................................................2
1-5 Tire ...............................................................................................................................3
1-6 Function and Speed.....................................................................................................3
1-7 Torque Requirement ...................................................................................................4
1-8 Lubrication ..................................................................................................................4
1-9 Pressure Setting ...........................................................................................................5
1-10 Weight of Main Components .....................................................................................5
Chapter 2 ............................................................................................. Maintenance Safety Instruction 9
2-1 Responsibilities and Requirements of Maintenance Personnel and Se-curity
Equipment 10
2-2 Precautions for Maintenance ................................................................................... 11
2-3 Precautions in Maintenance .....................................................................................13
2-4 Precautions after Maintenance ................................................................................16
Chapter 3 ....................................................................................... Oils Lubrication and Maintenance 20
3-1 Lubrication ................................................................................................................21
3-2 Oil Instructions..........................................................................................................25
Chapter 4 ................................................................................................................................. Maintenance 43
4-1 Periodic Inspection of Maintenance ........................................................................44
4-2 Work Platform...........................................................................................................51
4-3 Slewing Mechanism...................................................................................................51
4-4 Power System.............................................................................................................55
4-5 Running System.........................................................................................................63
4-6 Hydraulic system .......................................................................................................68
4-7 Electrical system ........................................................................................................75
4-8 Check and test required after machine overhaul or replacement of major parts

Chapter 5 .................................................................................. Common Faults and Troubleshooting 81

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Chapter 6 ..................................................................................................... System Schematic Diagram 88

6-1 Hydraulic system schematic diagram .....................................................................89
6-2 Electric system schematic diagram .........................................................................90
Chapter 7 ....................................................................................................................................... Appendix 96
7-1 Main parts and components .....................................................................................97
7-2 Record of maintenance and repair ..........................................................................98

XGA16Maintenance Manual

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XGA16Maintenance Manual

Chapter 1 Specification

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Folding height 2.13m(6.99ft)

1-1 Operating Specifications
Folding length 6.69m(21.95ft)

Table 1-1 Operating Specifications Axle base 2.1m(6.89ft)

Max. working load Clearance to ground 0.4m(15.625inch)

230 kg (507 lb)
Running speed 6km/h(3.7mile/h)
folding status 1.1km/h(0.68mile/h)
Max. running inclination
45% elevating status
Ground bearing capacity 22kg/cm2 (312.9 psi)
Max. running inclination

1-3 Capacity
Max. vertical height of
14.5 m (15.9 ft)
Table 1-3 Capacity
Max. operating radius 8.22 m (26.9 ft) Fuel tank 180 L(47 gallon)
Hydraulic oil tank 200 L(52 gallon)
Arm returning turning
4.5 m (14.7 ft) Engine oil capacity
radius (external)
151 L(40 gallon)
Cooling system
Arm returning turning 9-10 L(10 quart)
1.8 m (5.9 ft) Crank case
radius (internal)

Max. running speed 6.12 km/h (3.7 mile/h) 1-4 Specifications of Compo-

Max. hydraulic pressure 4500 psi(310 bar) nents

Max. wind speed 12.5 m/s (28 mile/h) Specifications of Engine

Max. operating force 400 N Table 1-4 DEUTZ Engine
Type liquid cooling (engine oil)
Electrical voltage 12V
Fuel oil diesel
Weight of the vehicle Engine oil Capacity 5 quart(4.5 L)
6900 kg (15211 lb)
(platform unoccupied)
Cooling system 11 quart(10.5 L)(including
Crank case filter)
16 quart(15 )

1-2 Technical Specifications Idling speed 900

Low speed 1600
Table 1-2 Technical Specifications High speed 2600
Rotation of platform 355º discontinuous Electric generator 55 A, belt drive
Rotating platform drift 0 m (0 ft) Fuel consumption
Platform 1.83m×0.76m Low speed 7.19L/h(1.90gallon/h)
(72ft×30inch) High speed 225g/Kwh(0.37lb/hph)
Total width 2.26m (7.4ft) Horsepower 50@2600r/m, full load

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Elevation: The extension arm is retracted. Com-

Battery plete elevation and record the time; complete

Table 1-5 Battery Specifications declination and record the time.

Voltage 12V
Type 6-QW-120 Rotation: The elevation of big arm is fully com-
Cold boot current 850CCA@0ºF(-18℃) pleted. The extension arm is retracted. Rotate the
Capacity 210min@80ºF(27℃)
platform 360 degrees and record the time. Rotate

1-5 Tire in reverse direction and record the time.

Table 1-6 Tire Specifications Extension arm: The elevation of big arm is fully
Layer Load completed. The extension arm is retracted. The
Dimension Type Weight
number range
315/55 122kg extension arm is extended and record the time.
Foam 16 H
D20 (269lb)
The extension arm is retracted and record the

1-6 Function and Speed time.

Table 1-7 Function and Speed (Unit: s) Driving (forward/backward): The test shall be
Function Time
conducted on smooth and level surface. The
Crank arm elevation 25~40
driving selection switch shall be set on the posi-
Extension arm elevation 20~35
Folding arm elevation 25~45 tion of high speed rotation. Test result shall be

Extension arm extending 10~25 recorded at the distance of 200 feet. Drive for-
Crank arm falling 20~30 ward and record the time. Drive backward and
Extension arm falling 30~40
record the time.
Folding arm falling 30~60
Extension arm retraction 10~25 Driving (elevating status): The test shall be
Max. amplitude clockwise 90~120
rotating speed conducted on smooth and level surface. The
Max. amplitude anti-clockwise 90~120 driving selection switch shall be set on the posi-
rotating speed
Min. amplitude clockwise 50~70
tion of high speed rotation. Test result shall be
rotating speed
recorded at the distance of 50 feet. Drive forward
Min. amplitude anti-clockwise 50~70
rotating speed and record the time. Drive backward and record
Platform rotating time 10~30
the time.
Machine Positioning for Speed Test
XGA16Maintenance Manual

Platform rotation: The platform shall horizon- effective.

tally rotate in single direction. Rotate in certain

1-7 Torque Requirement
direction and record the time. Rotate in reverse
Table 1-8 Torque Requirement
direction and record the time.
Description Torque value (dry) interval
Small arm bending: The platform shall be (hr)

maintained level with the big arm kept in middle Hub fastening 300 ft-lb
bolt (407 Nm)
position. Start after declining the small arm.
Swing bearing 240 ft-lb
Elevate small arm and record the time. Decline bolt (325 Nm)
Starter motor
small arm and record the time. Field coil 95 inch-lb(9.5 Nm)
Contact 40 inch-lb(4Nm)
Testing Precautions Coil
* After initial operation for 50 hours, please check the
1. The stop watch shall be started in accordance swing bearing bolt once every 600 hours to ensure it is
safe. (Refer to rolling bearing in Chapter 3)
with actual functions, other than the controller or
Note: In case the maintenance is required or fasteners
become flexible, please refer to the Torque Table to
switch. confirm the proper torque value.

2. All the speed tests shall be operated through 1-8 Lubrication

the actions of the platform. Such speed values
Hydraulic Oil
shall not reflect any ground operations.
Table 1-9 Hydraulic Oil
3. The rotary knob of platform speed shall be set Hydraulic operating S.A.E. viscosity
on full speed position (rotate in clockwise to the
+0º to 180ºF 10W
end). (-18º to +83℃)
+0º to +210ºF 10W-20, 10W30
4. The speed of functions may be different due to (-18º to +99℃)

the temperature and thickness of hydraulic oil. +50º to +210ºF 20W-20

(+10º to +99℃)
The temperature of hydraulic oil shall exceed

100ºF (100℃) during the test. Note: The hydraulic oil shall feature wear quality

beyond GL-3 of API and chemical stability for

5. When the rotary knob of speed is set on low
mobile hydraulic systems. XCMG recommends
speed position, parts of flow control may not be
to use Mobilfluid 424 hydraulic oil with SAE

XGA16Maintenance Manual

viscosity index of 152.
Steering 172 bar(2500 lb / square inch)

Note: In case the temperature is maintained Platform

horizontal 179 bar(2600 lb / square inch)
below 20ºF (-7℃), XCMG recommends to use elevation
Mobil DTE13 hydraulic oil. horizontal 124 bar(1800 lb / square inch)
As other hydraulic oils may have no specified Small arm
117 bar(1700 lb / square inch)
additives or have different values of viscosity, do

not use or mix other products of different brands 1-10 Weight of Main Compo-
or types other than the hydraulic oil nents
recommended by XCMG . In case that you plan Table 1-12 Weight of Components
to use certain hydraulic oils other than Mobil 424, Component lb kg
Rotating platform 1951 885
please contact XCMG for appropriate (excluding other
Balance weight 2450 1202

Table 1-10 MOBIL 424 No. 1 arm 1552 704

SAE class 10W30 No. 2 arm 602 273

API weight 29.0 Crank arm 218 99

60ºF density(lb/gallon) 7.35 Working platform 326 148

Frame (including tires) 7086 3214
Max. freezing point 46ºF(-43℃)
Min. flashing point 442ºF(228℃)

-18℃ cP value of
Brookfield viscosity 2700
40℃ 55 cSt
100℃ 9.3 cSt
VI (Viscosity index) 152

1-9 Pressure Setting

Table 1-11 Pressure Setting
Extension 172bar(2500lb/square inch)
movement of 117 bar(1700 lb / square inch)

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Figure 1-4 Torque Table (1/3)

For galvanized/chromium fasteners

level 8.8 metric bolt / level 8 metric nut
Anti-tension Clamping Torque (dry or Torque Torque (Loctite
Dimension Pitch (Loctite 262
stress area load Loctite 263) (lubrication) 242 or 271)
mm2 kN N.m N.m N.m N.m

3 0.5 5.0 2.2 1.3 1.0 1.2 1.4

3.5 0.6 6.8 2.95 2.1 1.6 1.9 2.3

4 0.7 8.8 3.82 3.1 2.3 2.8 3.4

5 0.8 14.0 6.2 6.2 4.6 5.6 6.8

6 1 20.1 8.74 11 7.9 9.4 12

7 1 28.9 12.6 18 13 16 19

8 1.25 36.6 15.9 25 19 23 28

10 1.5 58.0 25.2 50 38 45 55

12 1.75 84.3 36.7 88 66 79 97

14 2 115 50.0 140 105 126 154

16 2 157 68.3 219 164 197 241

18 2.5 192 82.5 301 226 271 331

20 2.5 245 106 426 320 383 469

22 2.5 303 132 581 436 523 639

24 3 353 153 737 553 663 811

27 3 459 199 1080 810 970 1130

30 3.5 561 255 1460 1100 1320 1530

33 3.5 694 302 1990 1490 1790 2090

36 4 817 355 2560 1920 2300 2690

42 4.5 1120 487 4090 3070 3680 4290

Note: The above-mentioned torques are not applicable for cadmium-plated fastners.

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Figure 1-4 Torque Table (2/3)

For galvanized/chromium fasteners

Level 10.9 metric bolt / level 10 metric nut / below level 12.9 internal hexagonal M6
Anti-tension Clamping Torque (dry or Torque Torque (Loctite
Dimension Pitch (Loctite 262
stress area load Loctite 263) (lubrication) 242 or 271)
mm2 kN N.m N.m N.m N.m

3 0.5 5.0 3.13 1.9 1.4 1.5 2.1

3.5 0.6 6.8 4.22 3.0 2.2 2.4 3.3

4 0.7 8.8 4.47 4.4 3.3 3.5 4.8

5 0.8 14.0 8.85 8.9 6.6 7.1 9.7

6 1 20.1 12.5 15 11 12 17

7 1 28.9 18.0 25 19 20 28

8 1.25 36.6 22.8 37 27 29 40

10 1.5 58.0 36.1 72 54 58 79

12 1.75 84.3 52.5 126 95 101 139

14 2 115 71.6 200 150 160 220

16 2 157 97.8 313 235 250 344

18 2.5 192 119.5 430 323 344 473

20 2.5 245 152.5 610 458 488 671

22 2.5 303 189 832 624 665 915

24 3 353 220 1060 792 845 1170

27 3 459 286 1540 1160 1240 1690

30 3.5 561 349 2100 1570 1680 2310

33 3.5 694 432 2600 2140 2280 2860

36 4 817 509 3660 2750 2930 4020

42 4.5 1120 598 5860 4400 4690 6440

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Figure 1-4 Torque Table (3/3)

For galvanized/chromium fasteners

Above level 12.9 internal hexagonal M6
Anti-tension Torque (Loctite Torque (Loctite
Dimension Pitch Clamping load Torque
stress area 262 glue) 242 or 271)
mm2 kN N.m N.m N.m

3 0.5 5.0 1.5 2.1

3.5 0.6 6.8 2.4 3.3

4 0.7 8.8 6.5 4.8

5 0.8 14.0 7.1 9.7

6 1 20.1 12.5 11 12 17

7 1 28.9 18 19 20 28

8 1.25 36.6 22.8 27 29 40

10 1.5 58.0 36.1 54 58 79

12 1.75 84.3 52.5 95 101 139

14 2 115 71.6 150 160 220

16 2 157 97.8 235 250 344

18 2.5 192 119.5 323 344 473

20 2.5 245 152.5 458 488 671

22 2.5 303 189.0 624 665 915

24 3 353 220.0 792 845 1170

27 3 459 286.0 1160 1240 1690

30 3.5 561 349.5 1570 1680 2310

33 3.5 694 432.5 2140 2280 2860

36 4 817 509.0 2750 2930 4020

42 4.5 1120 697.0 4400 4690 6440

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Chapter 2 Maintenance Safety Instruction

XGA16Maintenance Manual

cial equipment.
2-1 Responsibilities and Require-
ments of Maintenance Personnel e. Be familiar with the working procedure and

safety protection measures related to the aerial

and Se-curity Equipment
work platform.
1. Responsibilities

The maintenance personnel are responsible for

The personnel who have been trained and got
the maintenance, safe use and normal operation
the qualification certificate by passing the
of the aerial work platform. They shall comply
examination may repair the aerial work plat-
with the maintenance and repair manual provid-

EQUIPMENT and provide necessary mainte- The personnel who can not do the regular

nance for the aerial work platform under the safe work for illness, drinking or taking medicines

operation system. shall not perform any repair work;

2. Basic Requirements 3. Personnel Security Equipment

The maintenance personnel shall meet the fol- a. You must use the security equipment when

lowing conditions: operating the machine.

a. The inspection personnel and maintenance b. Select the appropriate security equipment

personnel shall have the relevant qualification or according to the working conditions, such as

obtain the authorization. safety helmet, safety gloves, safety protective

glasses, safety belt, safety shoes and hearing

b. Professionals or expert engineers shall be
protective device, etc.;

c. Be familiar with the aerial work platform to

be repaired and its risk.

d. Receive the relevant education and training,

including courses related to how to use the spe-

XGA16Maintenance Manual

and other persons, please put on the protec-

tive equipment correctly and be familiar with

the possible dangers in the operation process.

2-2 Precautions for Mainte-


Figure 2-1 Individual Protective Equipment Periodic repair and maintenance for the aerial

work platform shall be conducted by the pro-

c. Inspect the security equipment before and
fessional maintenance personnel.
after work, maintain or replace them as neces-

sary according to the established procedure; 1. Pay attention to ventilation

d. Keep inspection and maintenance records

where required;
It may result in poisoning to inspect or main-
e. Some security equipment (such as safety tain in the place with limited space and poor
helmet and belt) may be damaged after being ventilation conditions.
used for a certain period, so they shall be in-
The forced ventilation measures shall be provid-
spected and replaced at regular intervals.
ed when the engine is started in the place with

limited space. Connect a hose to the vent pipe for

discharging smoke to the outdoor. Open the

Inspect the security equipment at regular in-
doors and windows for the sufficient circulation
tervals and replace them immediately for any
of the air.
damages found.
2. Arrangement and Cleanness of the Work-
All personal protective equipment can not
provide 100% protection.
It may result in personal injury or falling acci-
In order to protect the personnel safety of you
dent in case of inspecting or maintaining in the

XGA16Maintenance Manual

disordered place. Clear away all barriers before operation task securely.

the work is started.

5. The aerial work platform shall be cleaned up

3. Stop the engine before the inspection or before the inspection or maintenance opera-

maintenance operation. tion.

Don’t inspect or maintain when the engine is The dust or chips on the aerial work platform not

running to prevent an accident. only make it difficult to find the elements or

parts out of order, but also can sneak into the in-
Take down the start key before the inspection
terior of the elements or parts. In addition, the
and maintenance operations and place a warning
dust or mud will hurt the eyes or make person
board “Do not operate” for warning on the door
slip for injury accident.
or the control lever of the control panel.

6. Do not aim at the electrical control cabinet

and circuit connectors directly when washing

Starting of the engine by accident by any ir- the machine with high pressure water, or it
relevant personnel during the inspection or will short out the electrical system.
maintenance may result in the accidents, such

as mechanical damages or loss of life and

personal injury. Strictly prohibit aiming at the electrical ele-

ments with water or steam jet! Electric Shock!

4. If the inspection or maintenance must be

conducted when the engine is running, 2

persons shall be provided at least to com-

plete the job together; one person must be

standing in front of the control panel of the

rotary table or platform so as to stop the en-

gine at any time as necessary, the other per-

son shall inspect or maintain. Both of them

shall keep in close contact and complete the

XGA16Maintenance Manual

2-3 Precautions in Maintenance

1. Prevent fire

Use the noninflammable cleaning fluid to clean

the components and elements.

The places where the fuel oil and grease-like

matters are kept shall be far from all flame or

spark source.
In order to prevent the positive and negative
Prohibit anyone from smoking.
poles of the welding machine with the vehicle
Prohibit any flame or spark source being close to
body forming circuit to burn out the electrical
any inflammable goods.
elements, such as controllers and sensors, the

The ready-to-use fire extinguisher must be positive and negative poles wires must be re-

available and the method of application shall be moved when welding, or you will be fully re-

known. sponsible for the consequences caused.

Use the explosion-proof lamp while the fuel oil,

oils and batteries are inspected.

It is forbidden to use the machine as the
When grinding or welding, keep the inflammable ground wire when welding.
goods far from the sparking or melting metal.
3. Inspect or maintain after the temperature of
2. Only the professionals can complete the the machine falling
welding and repair of each component or
When the machine running, the temperature of
wear-resistant part of the aerial work plat-
all mechanical components is very high, you will
get burn when contacting. These components

include the engine, silencer, and cooling water of

the engine, radiator, hydraulic oil, reducer, hy-

draulic equipment and parts. These components

XGA16Maintenance Manual

or parts shall be cooled before the inspection or 6. If the electrical, gas circuit or hydraulic

maintenance is started. components (such as valves and pumps) are

re-quired to be replaced, the new compo-

nents to be installed shall be inspected and

adjusted ac-cording to the data on the ma-

chine schematic diagram.

Only the components approved by the manu-

facturer can be used, especially those which

4. When disassembling the components, pay
affect the load-carrying properties and safety
attention to their installation location. In the
installation process, apply the knowledge on
7. After getting the manufacturer’s approval,
all components to ensure correct installation.
the components which affect the stability,

in-tension and usability of the platform may

Strictly prohibit to dismantle the electronic be transformed or modified, such as all

components. structural components, load bearing parts,

electric devices and hydraulic parts. If not,

5. No tools or components is allowed to fall
transforming or modifying of the aerial work
into the inspection hole
platform is prohibited.
When operating through the inspection hole with
8. Pay Attention to High Pressure Oil
the face downward, be sure not to drop any thing

into the hole. The things dropped will damage High pressure fuel oil or hydraulic oil can cause

the machine or result in the misoperation of the serious damages to the skin or eyes. In order to

machine. avoid such dangers, the following instructions

shall be observed:
Any tools or matters dropped into the inspection

hole must be taken out. a. Firstly release the pressure inside the pipeline

XGA16Maintenance Manual

before such pipeline is disassembled; ponents of the electrical system.

b. Put on the goggles and protective gloves when Before inspection or maintenance of the electri-

inspecting the leakage. The leakage of the high cal system is started, the cables on the negative

pressure oil may be not visible; the hardboard or pole terminal side (ground side) must be re-

wood chip shall be used as the tool to confirm moved.

the oil leakage. Don’t confirm by hand.

11. Pay Attention to the Battery Electrolyte

The battery electrolyte contains dilute sulphuric

acid which causes blindness when entering the

eye and causes burn when contacting with the

9. Pay Attention to High Temperature Parts of
skin. You must put on the goggles, protective
the Cooling System
gloves and long sleeve work clothes when dis-
If the cover of the radiator is taken down in the posing the battery.
state that the cooling water temperature of the
If the eye or skin is contacted with the battery
engine is very high, the steam or hot water will
electrolyte, flush with water at once and consult
erupt to cause burns.
the doctor.
Stay away the front of the radiator cover after

waiting for the cooling water temperature reduc-

tion, slowly screw off such cover in an avoiding

posture and take it down after the steam pressure

is released.

10. Remove the cables of the battery before in-

12. Use the Specified Grease-like Items
specting or maintaining the electrical system
When adding or replacing the grease-like items,
Inspection or maintenance of the electrical sys-
the oil and lubricating grease with the recom-
tem without the removal of the cables of the bat-
mended trade marks or with the same grade of
tery may give rise to short out and damage the
those recommended shall be used. The chemical
wirings, electrical elements and electronic com-

XGA16Maintenance Manual

reaction of mixing the greases with different ness and other problems of the parts main-

trade marks will change the characteristics of tained on the machinery must be confirmed

such greases which have negative effects on the after maintenance.

mechanical properties. When using grease with

3. Recover or reinstall the security equipment,
the mark different from all marks in the machine,
if necessary, the security equipment shall be
clear away the original grease thoroughly at first,
calibrated again.
and then add the new one.
4. Remove the tools and equipment for

maintenance, take away the components re-

placed and scattered objects for site clearing;

5. Keep in mind that all “maintenance opera-

tions” shall include the mandatory confirma-

13. Support the Lift Arm and Platform during tion of the machinery in normal action.


Generally, it is prohibited to do maintenance op-

Dispose the hazardous wastes, such as oils,
eration when the platform is in lifting position; if
fuel oil, filter element, battery and hydraulic
there is special requirement, the lift arm and
oil, etc. according to laws. The reasonable
platform shall be supported reliably so as to en-
recycles of the oils, cooling agents or filter
sure the machine being safe and reliable during
element used not only save resources but also
protect the environment.
2-4 Precautions after
It is forbidden to pour waste liquid at will to
Maintenance the sewer lines, earth’s surfaces and rivers.

The waste liquid in the machine shall be dis-

1. The holding function must be confirmed af-
charged into the appropriate containers for
ter maintenance in order to early discover
proper disposal.
the faults such as oil leak or poor action.

The hazardous substances should be disposed

2. The holding function, oil leak, bolt loose-

XGA16Maintenance Manual

according to all regulations and rules for the

environmental management at any time to

prevent from being fined or punished by the

relevant departments.

XGA16Maintenance Manual


XGA16Maintenance Manual


XGA16Maintenance Manual

Chapter 3 Oils Lubrication and Mainte-


XGA16Maintenance Manual

3-1 Lubrication Nonobservance of lubrication interval or ab-

sence of lubrication will give rise to the

In order to guarantee the service life of the aerial
equipment damage and increase the mainte-
work platform, every parts of the equipment with
nance cost and downtime.
relative movement must be lubricated at regular

intervals. See Figure 3-1 and 3-2 for the lubrica-

tion locations of this machine, see Table 3-1 for

During lubricating, operation of vehicles by
the cycle and method.
irrelevant personnel is prohibited. The unex-

pected gesture of the aerial work platform will

bring the operating personnel serious fatal

Mixing of lubricating grease with different
trade marks will change their characteristics
In case that the lubricating grease enters into
and damage the equipment. When the lubri-
the eyes, immediately rinse thoroughly with
cating grease is supplied, the oil added must
water and see a doctor at once. In case that
be of the same marks of those used for the
the skin is contacted with the lubricating
aerial work platform now.
grease, rinse thoroughly with water.
Dust in the lubricating grease will result in the

abrasion of the sliding surface earlier than

expected and shorten the operating life of the

aerial work platform. The grease cup and

other surfaces must be swept before the lu-

bricating grease is added.

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Figure 3-1 Upper Lubrication Positions Diagram

Figure 3-2 Lower Lubrication Positions Diagram

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Figure 3-3 Lubrication for Get-off Steering Mechanism

Table 3-1 Lubrication Cycle and Methods

Makes of Lubrication oil and Filling

S/N Filling positions Cycle
grease method
Upper and lower hinge points Oil gun
1 of upper leveling cylinder 3 month Mobilux EP2 NLGI 2 filling
Per 100h Oil gun
2 Slewing bearing raceway Mobilux EP2 NLGI 2
operation filling

3 Slewing bearing’s gear 3 months Mobilux EP2 NLGI 2 Packing

6 months
or per
4 Running mechanism L-CKD220 gear oil(GB5903)
500h op-
6 months
or per
5 Swing mechanism L-CKD220 gear oil(GB5903)
500h op-

XGA16Maintenance Manual

XGA16Maintenance Manual

The sliding surfaces that are not listed in the The lubrication cycle is established on the

above table shall be applied with the lubri- basis of assuming the aerial work platform to

cating grease at regular intervals. be used in normal operating conditions. The

cycle shall be relevantly shortened in case

When the hydraulic cylinder (derricking cyl-
that the aerial work platform is used in harsh
inder and support oil cylinder, etc.) is re-
(such as the environment with more smoke)
tracted completely, the piston rod part ex-
or improper conditions.
posed in the air and connecting rod and slip-

per applied with the lubricating grease be- 3-2 Oil Instructions
fore leaving factory are also in need of prop-
See Table 3-2 for the oil brand of each parts and
er lubricating maintenance.
its filling amount and maintenance period. See

Table 3-3 for the models comparison of the sim-

ilar oil in domestic and overseas.

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Table 3-2 Oil Use

Filling Applicable Oil change
S/N Type filling Remarks
position temperature and model period/h
amount /L

1 Fuel tank Fuel oil Summer: 0# 180 ——

Winter: -10#
Fill 15W/40 diesel engine
oil when the environment
temperature is above
Fill 10W/30 diesel engine The use of API
oil when the environment 3 months or CH4/CI4 com-
2 Engine Engine oil 6~8
temperature is between 250 hours pliant oil is rec-
-20~-10℃; ommended.
Fill 5W/40 diesel engine
oil when the environment
temperature is between
One year or
3 Antifreezes Above -36℃ 15~20 1000 hours
L-CKD220 0.9
See re-
Front placement
Mechanism 0.68
axle cycle of
5 Axle L-CKD220 gear oil for
Rear details
1. Fill AE46 anti-wear
hydraulic oil for the area
with the environment
temperature above -15℃ Generally, 2
2. Fill HS22 hydraulic oil years of
Hydraulic Hydraulic for the area with the en- normal op-
6 400L
system oil vironment temperature is eration or
at and below -15℃ 2000 hours
3. Fill the hydraulic oil working
according to the specifi-
cation for the users with
special requirements

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Table 3-3 Models Comparison of the Similar Oil in Domestic and Overseas

Slewing reducer
Classification Engine oil Hydraulic oil
Travelling reducer
Name Diesel engine oil Induatrial gear oil Anti-wear hydraulic oil
Petrochina CH-4 AE46, HS22
MOBIL Delvac super Mobil DTE 11M, 13M, 15M
SHELL Rimula D Tellus 22, 32, 46
CALTEX EDLA500 Rando oil HD32, 46
RX Supper 15W/40 RX Alpha Max220 Hyspin AWS 15, 32, 46
Super Alpha Max320 Hyspin AWH 15, 32, 46
Carter EP220
Carter EP320
Energol GR-XF220 Bartran HV22
BP Venellus c3 Extra
Energol GR-XF320 Energol HLP-HM 32, 46

equipment falls to the indoor temper-

ature; otherwise, it may give rise to
Please use the lubricating oil, antifreezes and
splash and burn accident.
hydraulic oil recommended by XCMG
1. Fuel Oil

No mixing use of oils with different brands is Liquid Level Inspection

For the inspection of the fuel oil level, put the
The hydraulic oil shall not be used beyond 24 key switch of power supply ON. The oil quantity
months. It can not be used more than 24 of the fuel tank can be checked on the fuel gauge.
months even if being filtered. Arrange the refueling quantity in accordance

with the specific conditions.

Keep the level of oil and supplement when it

is below the specified value. Supply

The fuel tank is on the left side of the rotary ta-

ble. See Table 3-2 or reference to Engine Speci-

Fill oil after the temperature of the
XGA16Maintenance Manual

fication for the fuel tank capacity and the selec- to prevent fires.

tion of fuel oil.

Tighten the fuel tank cap and lock after each

refueling to prevent fuel tank cap from falling

off or fuel oil from evaporating.

After refueling, the scattered fuel oil must be

cleaned up. No diesel oil is allowed on the en-

gine to prevent fires.

Fuel oil filter When refueling at emergency, the vessel used

shall pass the safety inspection and meet the

fire rating requirements if using the portable

vessel to refuel. The portable vessel shall be

able to lock the cap automatically to prevent

the leakage of the interior fuel oil.

2. Engine oil

Liquid Level Inspection

It is recommended to check the level of the en-

gine oil according to the following steps:

Fuel oil filter
a. Open the right-side frame panel of the rotary


b. Find out the engine dipstick (the engine

Figure 3-3 Refueling location of fuel tank
c. Take down the oil scale from the engine;

d. Observe whether the immersed part of the

Turn off the engine before adding the fuel oil oil scale is in Identification Area b, as shown

XGA16Maintenance Manual

in Figure 3-4; b. Fill the engine oil. See Table 3-2 for the se-

lection of the engine oil;

2. Supply

c. Tighten the oil cap to prevent the engine oil

a. If the oil level is too low, open the cap of the
engine oil;

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Filling port of en-

gine oil

Oil scale

Filling port of en-

gine oil

Oil scale

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Figure 3-4 Engine Oil Scale

XGA16Maintenance Manual

3. Antifreezes a. Open the radiator cap in the engine-cooled

state and supplement the antifreezes inwards

Liquid Level Inspection
to the bottom of the filling neck of the radi-
Open the radiator cap and observe the liquid lev-
el of the antifreezes. The antifreeze level shall be
b. Cover the pressure cap completely, and then
at the bottom of the filling neck of the radiator
operate the engine until its temperature
under normal circumstances.
reach 82℃, check the cooling liquid for


When checking the engine fluid, the engine c. Check the level of the cooling liquid to en-
shall be in a stopped state and cooled to the sure the cooling liquid of the cooling system
environment temperature. is sufficient.

When the vehicle is in normal operation, if

you want to check the fluid level of the anti- Pressure cap
of radiator
freezes, it must be stopped and checked after tank
the engine shuts down and the water temper-

ature drops below 104℉ (40℃) to prevent

high temperature liquid and steam wounding

risk. Slowly remove the filter cap to release

the pressure of the cooling system.


The radiator of this vehicle is in front of the en-

Figure 3-5 Radiator
gine, as shown in Figure 3-5. When the anti-

freeze is insufficient, supplement it in time. See

Table 3-2 for the selection of the antifreezes. The

When the engine is in condition of high tem-
supplementary method of the antifreezes is as
perature above 104℉(40℃), prohibit filling
the antifreezes, otherwise it may result in an

XGA16Maintenance Manual

engine explosion. Upon the delivery of the vehicle, please conduct

the filtration or replacement of gear oil once

This vehicle is required to use the specialized
every three months, and conduct the same once
antifreezes as the engine fluid and replaced with
every six months.
the antifreezes in different models according to

the minimum temperature of the environment

such vehicle exits. The purified water, tap water

The gear oil shall be replaced even though the
or seawater should not be used as the antifreezes
oil change period is ended whenever it is
even though the environment temperature is
found being polluted seriously.
above 0℃. Since the lack of necessary preserva-

tives, antirust agents and other additives in the Make regular inspection of the oil quantity

water may cause the corrosion and blocking of and supplement when the oil level is lower

the engine and cooling system to influence the than the specified value.

use of the vehicle. No mixture of gear oil in different marks is


Use of Gear Oil

It is not suitable to use the antifreezes pre-

pared with “ethyl alcohol - water” for the en- See the specific sections for the application

gine. method of the gear oil for every key position.

Prohibit using seawater to cool the engine di- 5. Hydraulic Oil

Service Cycle

The antifreezes can be added according to the

Generally, the hydraulic oil change period is 2
Engine Specification. Its freezing point shall
years of normal operation or 2000 hours opera-
be 5℃ below the minimum temperature of
the using area when applying the antifreezes.
Users shall take samples of the hydraulic oil to
4. Gear Oil
test at regular intervals. It is recommended to

Service Cycle take samples once a year for the product in nor-

XGA16Maintenance Manual

mal use; and take samples once a quarter for the hydraulic oil according to this instruction.

those which are frequently operated in the poor

The pollution degrees of the hydraulic oil solid
environment. The hydraulic oil shall be filtered
particles are: No more than 17/14 when adding
or replaced whenever it is found being polluted
in the hydraulic oil tank and no more than 19/16
in the using process. See Table 3-4 for the judg-

ment of hydraulic oil pollution.

The hydraulic oil shall not be used beyond 24

months. It can not be used more than 24

month, even if being filtered.

The hydraulic oil shall be filtered or replaced

whenever it is found being polluted seriously.

Meanwhile, change the filter element of the oil

filter on the hydraulic oil tank absorbing re-

turn oil.

Select and use the suitable hydraulic oil with

the trade marks supplied according to the en-

vironment temperature.

The product is full hydraulic transmission.

The quality, viscosity and cleanliness of the

hydraulic oil are essential for the normal op-

eration of the aerial work platform. Various

faults of the machines may easily occur and

seriously shorten their working lives if you

ignore the replacement of oil. The Company

will not bear all the consequences caused due

to your failure of changing oil and filtering

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Table 3-4 Judgment of Hydraulic Oil Pollution

Appearance color Smell Pollution status Disposal measures

Transparent without
Normal No pollution Continue to use
Transparent color Mixed with other Continue to use if the vis-
deepening kinds of oils cosity is qualified
Transparent and Mixed with metal
Normal Filter or change oil
flash filings
Transparent with Mixed with
Normal Filter or change oil
black dot impurities
Black brown Frowziness Change oil
Mixed with air or Separate water or change
Milk white Normal
water oil

XGA16Maintenance Manual

If the hydraulic oil pollution is more severe but b. Too Low Operating Temperature

not goes bad, the hydraulic oil is required to be

When the oil temperature of the hydraulic sys-
filtered before reusing. If the hydraulic oil has
tem is below -20℃, the hydraulic system will
gone bad and can not be reused, it must be re-
delay to respond which may lead to the difficulty
placed. See Table 3-2 for the selection of hy-
for starting the engine. In service, select to open
draulic oil. The oil tank shall be washed while
and close the hydraulic oil radiator according to
changing the hydraulic oil to prevent such oil
the environment temperature and viscosity of the
from being polluted.
hydraulic oil.

When the temperature of the hydraulic oil is very

low, its viscosity will increase and the mobility

Take effective measures to prevent the sewage
gets worse. In cold weather, if the aerial work
falling in the hydraulic system in the process
platform is allowed to be operated at high speed
of assembling, installation and maintenance.
or with heavy load before the hydraulic oil tem-
Operating Temperature of Hydraulic Oil
perature rising, the hydraulic components will be
a. Excess Operating Temperature possibly damaged. Therefore, do not immediate-

If being above 60℃ for a long time, the hydrau- ly start to operate when the environment temper-

lic oil will go bad in an acceleratory speed, as a ature is lower. The aerial work platform shall be

result, the hydraulic component life is reduced, sufficiently heated by idling up to the hydraulic

and the filtration and replacement cycles are oil temperature rising around 20℃.

necessary to be shortened; when the temperature c. Selection of Hydraulci Oil

of hydraulic oil system exceeds 80℃, the volu-

metric efficiency of the power components (gear

pump) used for the hydraulic system will sharply

drop, so do the sealing property selected for such

system. In particular, it may prevent the hydrau-

lic system from operating when the engine is in

idle state.

XGA16Maintenance Manual
Viscosity mm2/s

Oil temperature range

Figure 3-6 Hydraulic Oil Tempera-

ture-Viscosity Relation Curve

Note: The temperature viscosity curve of L-HM

series hydraulic oil, of which the range of appli- Figure 3-7 Liquid Temperature and Liquid

cation is between AE46 anti-wear hydraulic oil Level Meter

and HS22 hydraulic oil is described Figure 3-6.

Use of Hydraulic Oils

In case the liquid level of the hydraulic oil is
a. Liquid Level Inspection checked, the vehicle shall be in running and

the boom shall be completely retracted.

At the left side of the rotary table of the hydrau-

lic oil tank, the oil quantity shall be checked

when the aerial work platform is in running. The

The hydraulic oil level can only be checked
liquid temperature and liquid level meter can in-
when the aerial work platform is in a stopped
dicate oil level and the temperature. In case the
state and the hydraulic system is cooled to
oil level is checked, the liquid temperature and
room temperature. Otherwise, you might be
liquid level meter shall keep at above the scale of
seriously burnt!
100oC as shown in the Figure 3-7.
b. Supply

At transportation status, hydraulic oil level is not

XGA16Maintenance Manual

allowed to be lower than the scale of 100oC.If it's inations shall be prevented from entering the

lower than the scale, hydraulic oil shall be filled system. Even a very small particle will cause

promptly. blocking of valves and pumps. Hydraulic oil

shall be filled via a special filter rather than di-

Method of Oil Supply: open the air filter cover at
rectly added into the oil tank.
the top of the oil tank and fill in the hydraulic oil

with same trade mark via the air filter gauze. See a. Preparation before Change

Table 3-2 for the selection of hydraulic oils.

Before changing the oil, the boom shall be lifted

to the maximum working height and the engine

shall be stopped. A container shall be prepared

for collecting waste oil.

b. Steps
Air Filter
1) Place the prepared container below the drain

plug of the oil tank.

2) Screw out the drain plug at the bottom of the

oil tank to have oil drain out.

Figure 3-8 Air Filter of Hydraulic Oil Tank

The mixing use of oils with different brands will Drain Plug

change the characteristics of oil and cause dam-

ages to the equipment. During oil supply, the oil

added shall be of the same marks of those used

for the aerial work platform.

Change of Oil
Figure 3-9 Drain Value of Oil Tank
Cleanness is the most important index to main-
3) Remove all hoses from the oil tank and ex-
tain the hydraulic system. Dust or other contam-

XGA16Maintenance Manual

haust all oil in the hoses as far as possible. 10) Clean or replace oil return pipes of the oil


11) Connect the oil return pipes well to the tank,

Clearly mark all of the hoses and the joints so
check the oil level and fill oil to the required
as to facilitate re-installation.
Clean all joints.

4) Remove lining of the filter.

According to national laws and regulations,
5) Replace filter element and re-install filter
hydraulic oil and filter lining used shall be ef-
fectively disposed.
6) Replace all hoses with defects.
Oil shall be added via filter into the tank.
7) Connect well oil suction pipes and oil return
Used hydraulic oil shall be well disposed so as
pipes and then fill the tank with oil.
to avoid flowing onto the ground.
8) Cut off the oil return passage into the oil
When adding or replacing hydraulic oil,
tank and connect the oil return passage to
please make sure that the following cleaning
another container.
standards are fulfilled. The pollution degree
9) Start the engine to separately drive the boom of solid particles in hydraulic oil added into
and the landing leg to running status. Let the the tank shall not be higher than 17/14.The
engine run idly until new oil coming out of volume of hydraulic oil tank is 150L and the
the oil return passage and then stop the en- total volume of hydraulic oil for replacing is
gine. about 300L.

Disposal of Waste Oil and Lubricating Grease

When the engine keeps running, continuous Various oils, including lubricating grease, fuel

attention shall be paid to the oil left in the and antifreezes, used on aerial work platform

tank and the pump is prevented from sucking will cause direct or indirect pollution to the sur-

air. rounding. Antifreezes and lubricating oil are

XGA16Maintenance Manual

poisonous and shall be disposed according to

local environmental laws if further use is impos-

It's forbidden to randomly pour waste liquid
sible. Acceptable waste disposal equipment (in-
into drainers, ground surface, rivers and so
cluding licensed facilities provided by urban
on. Please exhaust waste liquid from the ma-
maintenance points and automotive repair shops)
chine into a suitable container for proper dis-
shall be used to recycle waste antifreezes and
lubricating oil. For any question, please contact

with local environment protection department for In any case, please recycle any hazardous ob-

assistance so as to facilitate proper disposal of jects as far as possible. Otherwise, you may be

used antifreezes and lubricating oil. fined or penalize by relevant departments.

XGA16Maintenance Manual


XGA16Maintenance Manual


XGA16Maintenance Manual

Chapter 4 Maintenance

XGA16Maintenance Manual

4-1 Periodic Inspection of

Maintenance Importance shall be attached to the pre-check

before work and periodic inspection which is

The maintenance cycle of aerial work platform
in favor of finding faults earlier so as to pre-
are mainly divided into the following:
vent an accident.
1. Daily Maintenance: before and after daily
The habit of pre-check before work and peri-
odic inspection shall be formed. Measures
2. 100h (or 1-month) Maintenance: every 100h
shall be taken immediately if any abnormality
(or 1 month) for aerial work platform.
3. 250h (or 3-month) Maintenance: every 250h

(or 3 month) for aerial work platform.

4. 500h (or 6-month) Maintenance: every 500h

(or 6 month) for aerial work platform.

5. 1000h (or 1-year) Maintenance: every 1000h

(or 1 year) for aerial work platform.

Maintenance and inspection are conducted ac-

cording to required cycles. The cycles of inspec-

tion and maintenance are based on chronometer

reading or the lapse of months and the earlier


Inspection cycle is set forth base on the assump-

tion that aerial work platform is under normal

work condition. If aerial work platform is used

under bad condition (e.g. environment with

heavy dust) or at abnormal status, the cycle shall

be shortened accordingly.

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Table 4-1 Items of Periodic Inspection and Maintenance for Aerial Work Platform

Every Every Every Inspection 
1 3 6 Every 1
System or Maintenance
Project Item Daily Month Month Month Year or DRI Method
or or or 1000hr 
100hr 250hr 500hr Replacement

Check if there is
any crack, defor-
mation or rail
Visual In-
damage to the     Operator
work platform and
the installation
Check if equip-
ments operate
abnormally, have Visual In-
oil leakage and are      Operator spection and
correctly installed Operation
(fulcrum pins,
Work etc.)
If pendulous
equipments oper-
Visual In-
ate normally and
     Operator spection and
have any abnor-
mal noise or oil
Check if the joints
of belt attachment Visual In-
    Operator
have any damage spection
or crack
Check if the bolts
Visual In-
of weighing sen-    Operator
sors is loosened
Boom: welding
crack, damage,
torsion, pressure
mark at overlap
joints, partial Visual In-
    Operator
dents, cracks and spection
damages, and
Boom and
installation status
Retractable (fulcrum pins,
Retractable oil
cylinder: opera-
Visual In-
tion, oil leakage
     Operator spection and
and installation
status (fulcrum
Boom and
pins, etc.)
System Retractable oil
cylinder: naturally
 Operator
retractable, dents
and cracks
Balance valves: Visual In-
Adjust nut relaxed    Operator spection and
status Operation

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Derricking cylin-
der: operation, oil
Visual In-
leakage and in-
     Operator spection and
Derricking stallation status
System of (fulcrum pins,
Boom etc.)
Derricking cylin- Visual In-
der :abnormal     Operator spection and
heating Operation
System of Check if owing
Visual In-
Cable Hy- chains are dam-    Operator
draulic aged
Rotary tables:
cracks, welding Visual In-
    Operator
crack, deformation spection
and locking action
Slewing drive: Operator Visual In-
abnormal noise      spection and
and oil leakage hearing
Hydraulic motor: Operator Visual In-
oil leakage and      spection and
abnormal noise hearing
Swivel joints: Operator Visual In-
abnormal noise      spection and
and oil leakage hearing
Slewing bearing:
    Operator Operation
lubricant filling
If installation bolts
on slewing bear- Visual In-
   Operator
ing and slewing spection
drive is loosened
Mechanism Slewing bearing
and slewing drive:
abnormal noise, Visual In-
 Operator
gear crack and spection
abrasion, and oil
sealing damage
Check and adjust
Repair Professional
spacing of slewing  
Department Maintenance
Weights: installa-
tion status and Visual In-
 Operator
crack on lifting spection
Visual In-
Slewing drive:
  Operator spection and
replace lubricant
Slewing drive:
abnormal noise, Visual In-
  Operator
oil residual and spection
Power Strictly follow engine maintenance manual for
System inspection and maintenance
Operator Visual In-
Engine starts with
 spection and
abnormal noise
Check oil level
 Operator See engine
and oil leakage
At least once
Replace engine oil    Operator manual
per year

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Replace oil filter

When replacing engine oil Operator
or filter element
Check fuel level
 Operator
and oil leakage
Check the fas-
    Operator
tening of fuel tank
Power Replace fuel filter
System    Operator
or filter element
Clean fuel pump
   Operator
and rough filter
Replace fuel
  Operator
rough filter
Check and exhaust Visual In-
water from fuel      Operator spection and
rough filter Operation
Check if the fuel
tank is fastened,
have oil leakage or
Visual In-
torsion, and is at
    Operator spection
least 200mm far
from any heat
source or moving
Visual In-
Check belt fast-
    Operator spection and
Check spacing
Repair Professional
between turbo- 
Department Maintenance
charger bearings
Check oil injec- Repair Professional
tion pump Department Maintenance
Exhaust air from
  Operator Operation
Power oil injection pump
System If battery charge is Visual In-
    Operator
functioning spection
Air Filter
Check the nega-
Visual In-
tive pressure indi-      Operator
cator of air filter
Clean the dust cup
    Operator Operation
of air filter
Clean the main
Under negative pressure indicated by the air filter
element of air Operator Operation
or every 250hr
Replace the main
element of air When the main element is broken Operator Operation
Power Replace the safety
System element of air When the main element is cleaned for 3 times Operator Operation
Check the volume
of refrigerant and
 Operator
if any leakage
Replace refriger-
 Every 36 months Operator
Check refrigerant
pipeline and fasten  Operator
pipe clamps

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Clean/dedust radi- Take Ac-

    Operator
ators tions
Check if silencers
have abnormal      Operator Hearing
Air Intake System
Check and fasten Visual In-
air intake pipe-     Operator spection and
lines and the joints Operation
Check if air intake
hoses have crack- Visual In-
  Operator
ing , holes and air spection
Car axle: damage,
deformation and Visual In-
    Operator
damages at dowel spection
Wheels (tyre):
crack, damages,
Visual In-
partial abrasion      Operator
and foreign ob-
Wheels (tyre):
rims have crack, Visual In-
    Operator
damage and de- spection
Running Wheels (tyre):
bearing clearance, Hearing and
System  Operator
and abnormal and Hand Feel
Reducer: abnor- Visual In-
mal noise and oil      Operator spection and
leakage hearing
Reducer: abnor-
mal heating, oil Visual In-
level and pollu-   Operator spection and
tion, and installa- Hand Feel
tion status
Hydraulic motor:
Visual In-
oil leakage and
     Operator spection and
abnormal vibra-
Rods and arms:
damage, bending, Visual In-
tear and damages     Operator spection and
on dirt-proof boot, Operation
and abrasion
Knuckle: clear- Visual In-
    Operator
Running ance and cracks spection
System Steering and
wheels: steering
Visual In-
angle, installation     Operator
status of stop bolts
and connection
Steering hydraulic Visual In-
cylinder: action      Operator spection and
and oil leakage Operation

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Steering hydraulic
cylinder: pressure
marks, crack, Visual In-
bending, scratches     Operator spection and
and installation Operation
status (fulcrum pin
Break: efficiency      Operator and Visual
Frame: defor-
Visual In-
mation and weld-     Operator
ing crack
Hydraulic cylinder
Visual In-
(axle extending
    Operator spection and
out): action and oil
Hydraulic engine: Visual In-
oil leakage and      Operator spection and
abnormal noise hearing
Hydraulic pump:
Visual In-
abnormal heating
    Operator spection and
and installation
Hand Feel
Hydraulic pump:
pressure of relief  Operator Operation
Hydraulic oil tank:
Hydraulic hydraulic oil level
System above the scale of
Visual In-
100oC of the liq-      Operator
uid temperature
and liquid level
Hydraulic oil tank:
air breather Visual In-
 Operator
blocked and oil spection
filter polluted
Oil filter: installa-
Visual In-
tion status and oil     Operator
Hydraulic Oil filter element:
System replace the ele-  Operator Operation
Various values: Visual In-
action and oil      Operator spection and
leakage Operation
Various values:
Hearing and
abnormal noise  Operator
Hand Feel
and heating
Hard and soft
Visual In-
tubes, joints: oil     Operator
Hard and soft
tubes, joints:
Visual In-
crack, damage,  Operator
loosening, aging
and torsion
Hydraulic oil ra-
Visual In-
diator: oil leakage
     Operator spection and
and motor with
abnormal noise

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Hydraulic oil ra-

diator: oil temper-
Visual In-
ature and oil tem-  Operator
perature sensing
Balance valves: Visual In-
adjusting nut    Operator spection and
loosening Operation
Control lever,
Visual In-
switches, buttons,
    Operator spection and
etc.: stroke and
Check if various
switches, instru-
ments and so on Visual In-
are damaged and      Operator spection and
the installation Operation
status and damag-
es of control level
Safety device
Overload alarming
equipment: check Visual In-
before work,      Operator spection and
movement (auto- Operation
matically stop)
Emergency stop
Electric      Operator Operation
switch: action
Limit (Boom
full-retracting)      Operator Operation
switch: Motion
Inclination sensor:
     Operator Operation
Foot switch: ac-
     Operator Operation
Car body tilt
alarming equip-      Operator Operation
ment: action
Vehicle body tilt
alarming device:      Operator Operation
Power unit: Mo-
     Operator Operation
Audible alarm:
     Operator Operation
Display panel: Visual In-
    Operator
damages spection

XGA16Maintenance Manual

4. Check the installation status of weighing

sensor and if the functions and precision are

Hydraulic oil shall not flow onto the ground within normal arrange.

during maintenance. 4-3 Slewing Mechanism

4-2 Work Platform Slewing mechanism is the driving equipment to

realize the slewing action of aerial work platform.

Point of The slewing mechanism is installed on rotary
Safety Belt
table and composed of slewing reducer and ro-

tary motor as below figure shows. High-speed

hydraulic motor drives slewing reducer to output

power from output pinion which gears with ex-

Movable ternal teeth of slewing bearing on the frame and

Guard Rail
Swing Cyl- conducts both rotation and revolution so as to
inder on the
Work Plat- drive the slewing of the vehicle on aerial work
Figure 4-1 Work Platform
During vehicle operation, work platform shall be

inspected and maintained periodically.

1. Check if the swing cylinder on the work

Slewing Rotary
platform has oil leaked out and if the rota- Bearing Motor
tion of the cylinder is smooth and stable.
Figure 4-2 Composition of Slewing Mecha-
2. Check if the immovable points of safety belt
is damaged.
Rotary Motor
3. Check if the movable guard rail is damaged
The rotary motor for this model is gerotor motor
and check the abrasion status of guide
and the actuator element of the system.

XGA16Maintenance Manual

1. Replace mer.

Methods to remove and maintain the rotary mo- Before installation of any part inside of the

tor: motor, it shall be cleaned and any foreign ob-

jects in the motor is not allowed.

a. The hydraulic hoses connecting to the motor

shall be well marked and blocked after re- Slewing Reducer

moval and the motor oil ports shall be

1. Inspection and Maintenance
properly blocked.
a. When the reducer runs for the first 100h,

please clean it and the inside of the brake

with cleaning solution. And please replace

When removing hoses, please slowly remove
oil every 2000-2500hr or at least once a
the joint to prevent high-pressure hydraulic
oil from spreading, which will cause personal


b. Remove the connecting bolt between the

Check if there is any metal particles left in the
motor and the reducer so as to remove the
reducer or the brake.
It's advisable to replace oil when the oil is still

warm since it will do good the exhaust of oil

from the tank.

It's not advisable that users remove hydraulic

motor by themselves. If there is any problem Mixed oil is not allowed to use.
in the motor, please directly contact with the
b. There are more than one wet brake installed
closest XCMG office.
on the slewing reducer and the brakes are
You must remember the installation location under normal close status. When pressure oil
of each joint and part during removing. comes into the brake, the brake opens and

the mechanism can freely slide. When any

It's not allowed to remove the motor via vio-
part of the brake has any of below condi-
lent stroke or with hard tools such as a ham-
tions, the part in question shall be replaced

XGA16Maintenance Manual

or the brake shall be scrapped:

1) Oil leakage happens at input end and the

Before filling new oil, please clean the inside
oil sealing on the brake shall be re-
of the reducer and the brake with cleaning
placed due to damage.

2) Low braking torque: serious abrasion

Pour cleaning solution into the slewing reduc-
cause lower torque or the deformation
er and the brake, stuff filling plug, operate the
of abrasion parts which shall be replace.
machine at high speed for few minutes and

2. Replace Gear Oil then exhaust all of the cleaning solution.

Please specify the correct position of each oil

port of the reducers and the brakes

The use of any erosive cleaning solution or
Brake Oil Port Oil Fill- improper lubricant products will change the
ing Port
characteristics of oil and accordingly cause

damages to slewing track and related parts.

Slewing Bearing
Oil Discharge
Port Slewing bearing is the bearing equipment of the

rotation part of the aerial work platform and the

inner ring of the slewing bearing is connected to

the rotary table. The external tooth ring is con-

nected to the car frame. The slewing bearing can

Figure 4-3 Illustration of Oil Ports of Reducer bear the weight and applied moment of the

Remove the drain stopper and filling plug to ex- slewing part and the loads.

haust oil in the reducer as well as oil in the 1. Lubrication of Slewing Bearing
Proper lubrication is a must to the durability of

the track and gears. Lubrication cycle is subject

to the operation conditions and the environment.

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Generally, it's recommended to lubricate once case of any abnormality, timely fasten the

per 100hr. bolt; for the tightening torque (250 ~

280)N•m of bolt. Check the bolt one time

after every 500h operation, maintain the bolt

When the equipment will not be used for a with enough pre-tightening force, and gen-
long time, please lubricate the slewing bearing. erally replace the bolt every 7 years or after
At the places of tropical climate where tem- 14,000h operation.
perature impact is irregular or with more
b. Avoid the slewing bearing to be exposure to
wind or moisture, lubrication shall be more
direct sunlight when in use, prohibit directly
washing the slewing bearing with water,
a. Use grease gun to inject Mobilux EP2 NLGI prevent water from flowing into raceway,
2 into the slewing bearing raceway via the and take strict precautions against hard for-
grease fitting until the lubricant flow out of eign matters to approach to or access to
the sealing and fill the raceway and the mesh area.
slewing bearing is lubricated. Generally,
c. Check the intactness of slewing bearing; in
lubricant shall be added once per 100hr of
case of any damage, timely repair or replace
the slewing bearing.
b. Gear Lubrication. In principle, the gear sur-
d. Check the mesh operation of slewing gears;
face shall be cleaned once per 80h of opera-
to reduce the attrition between pinions and
tion and coated with graphite calcium base
big gear wheels, adjust their mesh clearance
grease. No matter by spraying or brushing,
within the range between 0.25mm and
the grease shall completed cover the gear
surface of the pinion and toothed wheeling.
Adjustment of Slewing Mechanism Gear
2. Inspection and Maintenance
a. After the slewing bearing operates for 100h,
The slewing mechanism gear clearance refers to
check the pre-tightening force of bolt; in
the mesh clearance between pinion and slewing

XGA16Maintenance Manual

bearing (big gear wheel) on the slewing reducer. b. Loosen the installation bolt (serial number

If the clearance is too tight, it will cause un- 3), without screwing out completely;

smooth slewing or even component damage. If

c. Adjust the adjustable bolt (serial number 2),
the clearance is too loose, it will cause fierce
and measure the clearance between the
shaking during slewing braking. Sound gear
slewing gear and the slewing bearing with
clearance will put mechanical property to use
plug gauge. Repeatedly adjust and measure
and increase the service life of machine; there-
the adjustable bolt until the clearance is be-
fore, it is necessary to adjust the gear clearance.
tween 0.15mm and 0.25mm;
Make adjustment according to the following di-
d. Tighten the installation bolt (serial number
3), and the tightening torque is (170-226)


e. Hold the adjustable bolt (serial number 2),

tighten the locknut (serial number 1), and

the tightening torque is (170-226) N·m.

4-4 Power System

1 4 Engine

2 3 For details, see the Engine Specification.

Engine Oil Filter

1. Locknut 2. Adjustable bolt 3. Installa-

tion bolt 4. Reducer 5. Motor Proper maintenance of engine oil filter is of great

importance to ensure the smooth operation of

Figure 4-4 Adjustment of Slewing Gear Clear-
engine. Improper maintenance of engine oil filter
will cause the engine malfunction and compo-
The adjustment procedures are as follows: nent damage.

a. Loosen the locknut (serial number 1), with- Replace filter after 200h-250h operation. The
out screwing out completely; replacement procedures are as follows:

XGA16Maintenance Manual

1. Use the special filter wrench to dismantle through the central threaded hole, so as to

the filter element to be replaced in the avoid unfiltered engine oil being access to the

clockwise direction, and pour the oil of the engine.

filter element to the waste liquor barrel.

4. Smear some engine oil evenly on the sealing

ring with brush;

5. Set the filter element upright and install to

Please dispose the waste liquor and filter
the base thread; after the upper surface of filter
element in an environemntal way.
element sealing ring contacts the base mounting
2. Wipe the base erected with filter element
surface, turn it counterclockwise for 3/4 round to
with clean cloth, and particularlly remove
4/5 round to tighten it, and check whether it
impurities of base mounting surface;
leaks oil or not;
3. Pour the engine oil into new filter element,

and refuel more than half volume;

Check oil-resistant rubber washer and base

sealing ring of filter element when replacing

The engine oil shall be poured into engine by the filter element, replace the filter element if
passing through the fuel feed hole of filter damaged or aged, otherwise, it would cause
element, rather than be directly poured the engine oil to exosmose.

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Figure 4-5 Replacement Method of Filter Element of Engine Oil Filter

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Oil-water Separator 2. Discharge water from oil-water separator

Proper maintenance of oil-water separator is of The procedures for discharging water from

great importance to ensure the smooth operation oil-water separator are as follows:

of engine. Improper maintenance of oil-water

a. Open the dock cover plate at one side of fuel
separator will cause the engine malfunction and
tank, and find out the oil-water separator.
component damage.
b. Loosen the drain plug at the bottom of filter

bowl, discharge water to an appropriate

container until the fuel begins to flow out,

Engine fuel is inflammable, tending to explode
and immediately tighten the drain plug.
and cause fire. Carry out such operation in a

place which is open, well ventilated and far

away from heater, spark, naked light and

lighted cigarette. Prepare qualified fire extin-

guishers within easy reach for each operation.

Increase the testing frequency in case of infe-

rior fuel quality or very moist environment.

Figure 4-7 Discharge water to an appropriate
Take such testing after the engine is shut off. container

1. Structure of oil-water separator

1. Base assembly
Do not completely empty the filter bowl.
2. Oil-water sepa-
rator assembly
c. Clean the diesel fuel spilt out during the op-
3. Catchment cup
assembly eration process.
4. Drain plug
d. Start the engine by turntable control panel,

and check whether the oil-water separator

Figure 4-6 Oil-water Separator has any leakage or not.

XGA16Maintenance Manual

nect and block it.

b. Put an appropriate container under the filter

Dump and remove oil from the oil way if the
bowl, loosen the drain plug at the bottom of
engine can’t be started or operates unsteadily.
filter bowl, and completely drain away the
3. Replace the filter element of oil-water separa-
fuel oil at the filter bowl.
c. Turn the filter element assembly counter-
Replacing the filter element of oil-water separa-
clockwise, and dismantle it from the filter
tor is of great importance to ensure the satisfac-
tory performance and service life of engine.
d. Dismantle the filter bowl from old filter el-
Dirty or blocked filter will cause poor operation
ement and install it to new filter element.
of engine, and continual use may cause the
Tighten the drain plug.
component damage. Operation at heavy dust site

may require more frequent replacement of filter e. Fill the filter element and filter bowl with
element. clean diesel oil.

f. Smear a thin layer of oil on the filter element

Engine fuel is inflammable, tending to explode

and cause fire. Carry out such operation in a g. Install the filter element/ filter bowl assem-

place which is open, well ventilated and far bly to the top of filter, and screw it by hand

away from heater, spark, naked light and safely.

lighted cigarette. Prepare qualified fire extin-

guishers within easy reach for each operation.

Take such testing after the engine is shut off.

a. Attach a label to fuel pipeline of fuel tank at

the capping of oil-water separator, discon-

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Old filter element New filter element

Dismantle filter Install filter bowl to

element assembly new filter element

Drain fuel oil

Smear a thin layer

Install oil-water of oil to washer

Inject clean diesel fuel

Figure 4-8 Schematic diagram of replacing filter element of oil-water separator

j. Properly connect oil pipe with the capping

of oil-water separator, and lock the snap ring

When it is installed to the top of filter, the fil-
of oil pipe.
ter element/ filter bowl assembly must be in-
Air Filter of Engine
jected with fuel, otherwise, it is necessary to

exhaust air of oil way. Maintaining the air filter of engine to be in good

state is of vital importance to ensure smooth op-

h. Clean diesel oil which might be spilt out
eration and service life of engine. Failure to im-
during the operation process.
plement the maintenance procedure will result in
i. Write the dates and hours on filter hour me-
poor operation of engine and damage compo-
ter with permanent marking pen.

XGA16Maintenance Manual

any dust falling into the case of filter;

4. Clean the inside of air filter and use a clean

Take such testing after the engine is shut off.
and wet cloth to carefully wipe the inside of
Use it in normal conditions, and maintain the
air filter assembly, ensuring no dust inside;
primary filter element of air filter after operation
5. Check and clean element. When necessary,
for 50h-200h.
use dry compressed air that is no greater

than 0.5MPa to blow out the dust in element

Spring snap
from inside out, avoiding damaging element.

If main element is found damaged, it shall

be replaced with the new one.

Do not use oil or water for cleaning.

Dedusting valve 6. Install main element back and place gasket

steadily, ensuring well sealing after installa-

tion; otherwise, no protection will be pro-

vided for the engine;

Figure 4-9 Air filter
7. Install rear cover and tighten the buckle, en-
Replacement of main element: sure the correct position of rear cover and

1. Open engine lid.At the same time, press well sealing.

down two sides of discharge hole for clear-

ing dust discharge valve.Clean discharge

Safety element may not be removed during
hole, if necessary.
maintenance and require no maintenance.
2. Break off buckle on the cover at the end of
Replacement for main element and safety el-
air filter and remove rear cover;
ement should be provided in following situa-
3. Take out main element carefully, avoiding

XGA16Maintenance Manual

tions: --resistance alarm remains alarming after in-

stallation of maintained main element.

--Main element damaged;

--5 times of cleaning for main element;

Break off buckle at the end and

Clear dust dis- remove rear cover
charge valve

Clean the inside of air

filter Take out main element

Install main element Install rear cover and tighten

back buckle

Figure 4-10 Replacement of Filter Element of Air Filter

XGA16Maintenance Manual


For radiator used for a long time or used in dusty

conditions, dust and sundries in the system

structure are required to be cleaned. Travelling motor

Travelling reducer
Use compressed air to blow out sundries (dust
and bug) in the radiator or spray water (in the

direction of cooling air flow) on the back of ra-

Figure 4-11 Running System Composition
diator to remove foreign matters. Only appropri-

ate pressure is allowed to be used for cleaning; Wheel

otherwise, radiator may be damaged. Water gun The wheel consists of tyre and rim. Its functions
should continuously move in cleaning. are: to support the vehicle; to ensure well adher-

To avoid damaging parts, do not direct water gun ence to road and transmit driving moment and

to following parts: retarding torque; to ensure the direction of vehi-

cle; to moderate the impact produced during

1. Circuit components;
travel due to uneven road conditions; and to re-
2. Connector;
duce vibration produced thereof.

3. Sealing elements; Rim Tyre

4. Core pin of radiator.

4-5 Running System

Running system consists of wheel, travelling re-

ducer and travelling motor.

Figure 4-12 Wheel Composition

1. Rim check

a. Rim rust;

XGA16Maintenance Manual

b. Rim bending and deformation; cord and other deficiency affecting use, abnor-

mal wearing and deformation on the tread and

c. Cracks on all parts of rim;
side wall.
d. Rim spigot, mounting hole and rim bolt and
d. Sufficiency and tightness of wheel bolt and
semi-axle bolt.
e. If there is damage or deformed parts for the
3. Wheel replacement
rim after inspection, repair or replacement

should be provided. If it is only the peeling Following aspects should be considered in wheel

of paint, make-up may be provided after rust replacement

a. Do not collide and damage thread on the

wheel bolt.

c. The seal face of wheel nut should be kept

Do not weld and repair deformed wheel bolt
at bolt connection and replacement the old

with the new should be provided for condi- d. Smear few grease or engine oil on threads of
tions aforesaid. wheel bolt and nut and wheel spigot and its fit-

ting surface.
2. Wheel should be subject to periodic inspec-

tion for: e. All of wheel nuts and their threads should be

right-hand threads. After installing wheels, with

a. Consistency of types and specification of
the suspension of wheels, tighten nuts in a
wheels at two sides of the same axle.
change order of symmetry, cross, in turn and in
b. The depth of wheel crown for no less than
series. The tightening torque of wheel nut can be
found in Attachment Table 6-2.
b. Local damage on tread for not exposing the
f. After each installation of wheel, wheel nut
body cord of wheel.
should be re-tightened, as required, after vehicle
c. There should not be any crack and cut for travels 50km.
25mm in length or long enough to expose body

XGA16Maintenance Manual

During tyre installation, attention should be til the oil overflows from the horizontal plug.

paid to:
e. Install plug back into the hole.

The types and threads of wheel at the same

f. Run for minutes and check oil level. Continue
axle should be same.
to inject oil, if necessary

Do not use retreaded tyre.

Travelling reducer

1. Oil injection

Replacement of driving wheel oil for reducer is

A: Oil injection
vitally important for its good performance and

service life. Incompliant (100h for first replace-

ment and 2500h or 12 months for following re-

placement) replacement of driving wheel oil may

cause bad working conditions of the equipment

and sequential application may cause parts dam-

aged. B: Oil draining

See following figure for oil injection. Operation Figure 4-13 Oil Injection and Drainage for

procedures are as follows: Travelling Reducer

a. Rotate the reducer until the hole is in 2. Separation

horizontal status, as shown Figure 4-13. See the diagram for separating unit of travelling

b. The other refueling plug shall be above the reducer. Procedures of separation are as follows:

horizontal plug. a. Use spanner to remove the plug.

c. Remove two plugs. b. Insert the M6 bolt into the threaded hole of the

d. Refuel the reducer through the upper plug un- sun gear which located in low torque planetary

XGA16Maintenance Manual

gear train. Axle Balance System

c. Remove the sun gear. The front balance axle is connected to the frame

through the hinge pin, to ensure the four wheels

d. Tighten the plug.
to be maintained on the ground when driving on
Sun gear
roads of unflatness. The balance axle is also us-
ing two balance cylinders located between the

frame and the axle. The cylinders shall be ad-

justed only when the arm frame is in folding po-

sition and the driving operation is in progress,

otherwise the axle will be locked by the balance

Bolt M6
Mesh cylinders. When the system is applying pilot

pressure on the balance valve, it will be open and

Figure 4-14 Travelling reducer separating unit the cylinders will be unlocked, and vice versa.

The pilot pressure is generated from the running

Travelling motor
system, controlled by electromagnetic directional
1. Remove hydraulic hose connecting travel-
valve installed on the frame.
ling motor, mark and properly seal. Seal the
Axle Balance Oil Draining Procedures and
oil outlet of motor.
Locking Test

Oil draining of axle balance cylinder

In removing oil hose, connector should be
Prior to the inspection, place a 150mm high in-
slowly removed and loosened, avoiding high
clined stop block in front of the front left wheel,
hydraulic pressure spraying and causing
drive the vehicle until the front left wheel is on
the top of the block, in order to retract the left
2. Remove connecting screw of travelling mo- balance cylinder (elevate the front left tire) and
tor and reducer and carefully remove travel- extend the right balance cylinder (lower the front
ling motor. right tire).

XGA16Maintenance Manual

is extended, the right balance cylinder is

retracted. Open the lower vent valve of the right

Prior to the inspection, place a 150mm high
balance valve and the upper vent valve of the left
inclined stop block in front of the front left
balance valve, and repeat the above operations.
wheel, drive the vehicle until the front left
Locking test of axle balance (if applicable)
wheel is on the top of the block, in order to

retract the left balance cylinder (elevate the When the arm frame is in folding position and
front left tire) and extend the right balance driving mode is selected, the front axle will be
cylinder (lower the front right tire). balanced automatically.

1. Ensure the equipment is located on the level

surface with rear wheels locked and the brake

The balance shaft locking test shall be imple-
line disconnected.
mented once every quarter, or after the re-
2. Remove the drive hub.
placement of any system components, or in

3. Use a proper container to catch the residual case there is any suspicion on improper oper-

hydraulic fluid and place the container below the ations of the system.

axle balance cylinders.

Prior to balance cylinder locking test, the arm

4. When the left axle balance cylinder is frame shall be retracted, declined and placed

retracted, open the upper vent valve of right bal- in the middle of rear wheels.

ance valve and the lower vent valve of left bal-

1. Place a 150mm high inclined stop block
ance valve, then the operator shall start the en-
before the front left wheel.
gine on the platform, the oil will start to flow out
2. Start the engine through control on the plat-
from the vent outlet.
5. Stop the engine and close the vent valve when
3. Place the function speed selection and torque
the oil flow is stable without air.
selection control switch on position LOW. Place
6. Drive the vehicle until the front right wheel is
the driving joystick into forward position, drive
on the top of the block, the left balance cylinder
on the equipment with care until front left wheel

XGA16Maintenance Manual

is on the top inclined surface of the stop block. 8. Repeat the same test procedures to check the

right balance cylinder to confirm if the front

4. Extend the big arm carefully until it has just
right wheel and rear left wheel are maintained
left the folding position.
off the ground.
5. When the above actions are completed, place
9. In case the locking hydraulic cylinder is in
the driving joystick into reverse position, drive
abnormal operation, the qualified maintenance
the equipment to leave the block and inclined
personnel shall complete the troubleshooting
before further operations.
6. Ask the assistant to check if the front left

wheel and rear right wheel are maintained off the

4-6 Hydraulic system
Main hydraulic elements, regulating valve

7. Retract the big arm into the folding position and pressure regulation

carefully, then drive the vehicle slowly to loosen

1. See Figure for main hydraulic elements
the axle balance cylinders. Then the wheels will
and regulating valve of lower vehicle:
be laid on the ground.
a. Positions of main hydraulic elements and

regulating valve of lower vehicle

XGA16Maintenance Manual

1. Travelling reducer 2. Travelling motor 3. Collecting valve 4. Balance valve

5. Balance oil cylinder 6. Pilot valve 7.Steering cylinder 8. Travelling control valve

Figure4-15 Positions of main hydraulic elements and regulating valve of lower vehicle

XGA16Maintenance Manual

b. Positions of main hydraulic elements and regulating valve on rotary table

1. high pressure oil filter 2. main oil pump 3. rotary motor and rotary reducer 4. Slewing

cushion valve 5. electro-hydraulic proportional valve 6. electric emergency pump

Figure 4-16 Positions of main hydraulic elements and regulating valve on rotary table

XGA16Maintenance Manual

c. Positions of main hydraulic elements and regulating valve at boom

1. Leveling Balance Valve 2. Upper leveling cylinder 3. Telescopic cylinder 4. Second

section arm 5. Luffing balance valve 6. lower leveling cylinder 7. Leveling Balance Valve

8. Telescopic Balance valve 9. No. 1 arm amplitude cylinder 10. Luffing balance valve

Figure 4-17 Positions of main hydraulic elements and regulating valve at boom

d. Location of platform main hydraulic parts and pressure adjustment valve

2. See Table 4-1 for checking and regulating pressure for hydraulic system.

Table 4-1Table of system pressure

Pressure cutoff value of closed

Pressure cutoff value of open varia- Pressure of power unit
traveling variable displacement
ble displacement pump (MPa) (MPa)
pump (MPa)
30 19 21

XGA16Maintenance Manual

The pressure for variable pump and all balance valves are set in factory. If any regulation is re-

quired, our professional service staff is supposed to be contacted.

3. Maintenance of Hydraulic Cylinders

Please refer to Table 3-2 for details of the hydraulic cylinders for this vehicle. If any cylinder is faulty,

please contact the nearest XCMG office for assistance.

Table 4-2 Breakdown List of Hydraulic Cylinders

No. Product Material No. Description Qty

No. 1 arm
1 165000094 2
amplitude cylinder
Upper leveling cyl-
2 165000097 1
No. 2 arm ampli-
3 165000095 1
tude cylinder
4 XGA45J 165000180 Extension cylinder 1
5 165000172 Steering cylinder 2
Lower leveling
6 165000098 1
7 165000229 Balance cylinder 2
8 165001358 Crank arm cylinder 1

XGA16Maintenance Manual

4. Replacement of Hydraulic Oil Filter Ele-

Screw off

Do not clean filter components and only re-

placement is allowed.

Figure 4-18 Screwing off filter end cap

Before replacement of filter element, all O

rings and the sealing of oil filter components 4. Pull out filter element and properly treat it.
should be checked and provide replacement

for any damage.

Replacement of oil return filter

1. Thoroughly clean of the oil filter housing by

diesel or other detergent.

2. Place a container below the filter, for col-

Figure 4-19 Pulling out filter element
lecting oil fluid from the case.
5. The filter element of this product is of paper
3. Screw off end cap of the filter. At this time,
structure, which can’t be cleaned or repaired. If it
the self-closing valve in the filter will automati-
is damaged or blocked by dirt (vacuum value of
cally close to isolate oil circuit in the tank, mak-
vacuum meter exceeding 0.018MPa), only re-
ing the enclosure of oil fluid in the tank and easy
placement is allowed to be made. Our spare parts
for cleaning. In screwing off and tightening end
are the only selection of the filter element for
cap of the filter. Only a wrench is required at the
slot in the end cap of the filter.
6. Mount the new filter element into the case

and mount the end cap and tighten.

XGA16Maintenance Manual

c. Loosen the fastening bolts and remove the

Tighten oil suction flange from the oil tank. The oil

suction filter is connected with the flange.

d. Use the spanner to remove the filter element

from the oil suction flange, then install new filter

element into the flange.

Figure 4-20 Install end cap of oil filter

Replacement of oil absorption filter element

a. Close the ball valve at oil suction pipe.

b. Place a large-volume container below the

tank, open the oil draining outlet at the bottom of

the hydraulic oil tank, release the hydraulic oil

into the container.

Figure 4-23 Oil suction flange

Dismantling of Hydraulic Oil Pump

The main oil pump used in the vehicle is treble

Figure 4-21 Ball valve
pumps that connect directly with engine. One of

them is the variable pump used for driving func-

tion and controlling axle balancing system while

another two are constant displacement pumps

controlling other functions. In addition, there is a

electric emergency pump as auxiliary power.

1. Repair and dismantling of main oil pump:

Figure 4-22 Oil draining plug a. Before dismantling oil pump, extract oil suck-

XGA16Maintenance Manual

ing filter element of hydraulic tank and cut out damage.

oil circuit.
b. Remove cable connecting the motor and mark.

b. Remove hydraulic hose connecting function Properly protect cable connector.

pumps, mark and properly seal it. Cover oil out-

c. Remove the ribbon of electric emergency
let on the pump.
pump and carefully remove the pump.

4-7 Electrical system

In removing oil hose, connector should be
Rechargeable battery
slowly removed and loosened, avoiding high
Rechargeable battery can convert electric energy
hydraulic pressure spraying and causing
into chemical energy stored in the battery or
convert chemical energy into electric energy
Use appropriate hoisting equipment to properly
consumed by load. Rechargeable battery is
fix function pumps.
mainly used for supplying electric energy for the

d. Remove connecting screws in between of hy- vehicle.

draulic oil pump and the engine and carefully

1. Precautions for periodic inspection and
remove the pump.

Instructions for removal and maintenance of

a. It should be clean and dry. If any terminal is
electric emergency pump
contaminated, it should be loosened for cleaning

a. Remove the hydraulic hoses connected with and use clean, acid free and acid resistant grease

the emergency pump, mark and seal properly. for lubricating;

Then plug the oil outlet of the motor.

b. There should not be tools placed on the bat-

tery and long exposure under sunlight is unde-

In removing oil hose, connector should be
c. Regularly check air outlets at two sides of
slowly removed and loosened, avoiding high
upper battery cover. Prevent the outlets from be-
hydraulic pressure spraying and causing
ing blocked by dirt and ice water, causing the

XGA16Maintenance Manual

deformation of battery case. rent is close to zero value and the stable state

maintains for 2~3 h, charging is complete.

d. The battery should be kept away from spark

and high temperature. Do not charge the battery See notice for use on the battery for charging

in confined space. state.

e. Do not remove accumulator connection 3. Dismantling of rechargeable battery

while the engine is still running;

Dismantling procedures are as follows:

f. In removing accumulator connection, pay

a. The dismantling should be done in ventilat-
attention to remove negative lead first and then
ing conditions and spark should be eliminated;
positive lead.
b. First cut off negative pole and then positive


In removing accumulator connection, prevent c. Dismantle rechargeable battery;

positive lead from being connected with iron!
d. Touch the ground point in the cab, in order
2. Battery charge of rechargeable battery to prevent spark from incurring.

After storage of three months or when individual

rechargeable battery voltage is lower than 12.6V,

Rechargeable battery dismantling is only al-
battery charge should be provided. Charge
lowed to be done when the engine is dead.
should be especially provided in cold seasons.
All switches should be turned off.
Direct current is used for charging. The positive

pole of power is connected to that of battery and Do not incline or knock the battery.

so as negative pole.
4. Installation of rechargeable battery

Constant voltage is used for charging rechargea-

Installation procedures are as follows:
ble battery. The charge voltage is 14.4V±0.5V,
a. Install the battery onboard;
with the maximum permitted charge current of

0.5C20A (C20 is the 20 h capacity of the battery). b. Touch the ground point in the cab, in order

When charge voltage does not rise, charge cur- to prevent spark from incurring;

XGA16Maintenance Manual

c. Connect the positive pole of accumulator

first and then negative pole (bond end);

Do not invert and vertically place battery.
d. Check the connection at the terminal of ac-
Do not connect reversely! It will damage elec-
cumulator for reliable fixing;
tric equipments onboard!
e. Use acid free and acid resistant grease to
Platform weighing switch
lubricate binding post.

Platform weigh-
ing switch

Weighing mech-

The platform weighing switch is installed on

weighing mechanism with bolts. Prior to opera-

tion, the weight of platform shall be checked by

system. In case the load of platform exceeds

230kg, the weighing switch will be on to stop the

actions automatically.

1. Replacement and adjustment of weighing


After the replacement of weighing switch, it is

required to adjust the clearance between the

switch and weighing mechanism.

XGA16Maintenance Manual

a. In case the load of platform is less than 230kg Major replacement or major repair should be

and certain clearance is maintained between the recorded and kept.

switch and weighing mechanism, the weighing

Results of checking and testing should be rec-
switch will not be started.
orded and kept.

b. In case the load of platform exceeds 230kg

and there is no clearance between the switch and

weighing mechanism, the weighing switch will

be on to stop the actions of platform.

4-8 Check and test required af-

ter machine overhaul or replace-
ment of major parts

After major replacement or major repair of the

machine, to ensure the normal performance and

smooth operation of the machine as before, users

should look for professional institution reference

standard GB25849-2010 Mobile Elevating Work

Platform—Design Calculation, Safety Require-

ments and Test Method for checking and testing.

The “major replacement” and “major repair”

above means the complete or partial replacement

that affects the stability, strength and perfor-

mance of mobile elevating work platform.

Tests should be performed by professional in-

stitutions and qualified personnel.

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XGA16Maintenance Manual

Chapter 5 Common Faults and Trouble-


XGA16Maintenance Manual

For the repair of electric control system and hydraulic system, it should be performed by the

professionals. If special faults that are not mentioned in this manual is encountered, please con-

tact our after sales department for solution.

Table 5-1 Common faults of hydraulic system and troubleshooting

S/N Fault Possible Reason Troubleshooting

Under-low setting of pressure cutoff
value for open variable displace- Regulate pressure to 19MPa
The pressure of up ve- ment pump
1 hicle hydraulic system
is too low or too high Under-low pressure setting of main
relief valve in turntable control Regulate pressure to 21MPa

Under-low setting of pressure cutoff

valve for closed traveling variable Regulate pressure to 30MPa
Low chassis hydraulic displacement pump
2 system presure
Under-low pressure setting of main
relief valve in closed traveling vari- Regulate pressure to 32MPa
able displacement pump
No pressure in system or pressure is
Refer to Item 1 for checking
All up vehicle actuators too low
3 are inoperative Malfunction of electronic propor- Check and repair electronic propor-
tional pilot joystick tional pilot joystick
Under-low pressure setting of mo-
Increase the pressure with reference
Individual up vehicle tion control circuit for turntable
4 actuator is inoperative control valve and platform control
to the pressure adjustment method of
main hydraulic parts in section 2-2
The locking performance of balance
valve is bad and inner leaking is se- Check balance valve
Luffing cylinder could
5 not be locked and au- Inner leaking of the cylinder is se-
Check cylinder
tomatically descends rious
The lock pressure of balance valve
Increase the lock pressure
is set too low

Electro proportion pilot

handle stops operation Relevant balance valve closes too
6 and actuator stops or is slow
Check relevant balance valve
Rotary table shakes or The gap in gear engagement of ro-
7 tary mechanism is too large
Regulate gear engagement gap
is unstable when up ve-

XGA16Maintenance Manual

S/N Fault Possible Reason Troubleshooting

hicle rotates The set pressure of rotary cushion
Regulate the set pressure of cushion
valve is too high, causing the impact
when opening

The opening pressure of slewing

reducer brake is too high, or is with Check the brake

Malfunction of electro-hydraulic Check and repair electro-hydraulic

Emergency power in- proportional valve proportional valve.
8 stallation can retrieve
the vehicle after starting Internal leakage of power unit Check and repair power unit.

Measure system pressure and regulate

System pressure is too low
it to corresponding value
9 Vehicle cannot move Travel selector valve is with fault, Check travel selector valve
causing travelling reducer brake
cannot be opened
The motor or reducer at the side that Check the motor or reducer
10 Only one side can move
cannot move is damaged
Steering pressure is too low Measure system pressure and regulate
it to corresponding value
Lower vehicle cannot
11 turn Malfunction of axle control valve Check and repair axle control valve.
Steering mechanism is with fault Check steering mechanism
Shifting electromagnetic valve is Check shifting electromagnetic valve
The state of high-speed with fault and controlling electrical signal
12 and low-speed in trav-
eling cannot be shifted Control pressure is insufficient Check control pressure

The hydraulic oil in leveling system Supply hydraulic oil to leveling sys-
Platform cannot level in is insufficient tem
13 operation The set pressure of leveling over-
Increase to set pressure
load valve is too low

14 Platform cannot swing System pressure is too low Increase system pressure

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Table 5-2 Common faults of electric system and troubleshooting

S/N Fault Possible Reason Troubleshooting

Rechargeable battery is damaged Replace accumulator, charge ac-
Entyre vehicle is with
1 no power
or with no power or connecting cumulator or connect line or re-
line is peeled or fuse is burnt out place fuse
Fuse is burnt out Replace fuse
Starting button works abnormal-
Repair or replace
Conductors between elements
2 Starter does not work are disconnected or plug-ins and Re-lay and re-fix
connecting parts are peeled
Bond strap is badly connected or
Re-bond or replace the strap
the strap is damaged
Starting relay is damaged Repair or replace
Rechargeable battery has insuf-
Repair or replace
ficient power
The connector of generator peels Re-fix
Generator does not
3 produce power
Generator is damaged Replace generator
Machine is with fault or genera- Check the belt for whether being
tor is damaged loose
Fuse is burnt out Replace fuse
Emergency stop switch is dam-
Shutdown electromagnetic valve
is damaged

Generator does not Shutdown control circuit is with

4 Check faults in circuit
strike spark fault
Fuel oil filter element is blocked Replace
Oil-water separator is damaged Replace
Fuel line damaged and other oil
line fault
Water temperature sensor (or
switch) is damaged
Sensor plug-ins and connecting
Find out loose point, closely insert
parts are peeled or the pin is
plug-ins and connecting parts and
badly connected or line is dis-
eliminate line fault
5 Engine alarms faultily
Water temperature sensor (or
switch) is damaged
Sensor plug-ins and connecting
Find out loose point, closely insert
parts are peeled or the pin is
plug-ins and connecting parts and
badly connected or line is dis-
eliminate line fault

XGA16Maintenance Manual

S/N Fault Possible Reason Troubleshooting

Meter sensor is damaged Replace meter sensor
Meter is damaged Replace meter
Fuel meter displays
6 abnormally Meter sensor does not match Replace with a meter sensor that
meter matches meter parameters
Line is damaged Check faults in circuit
Fuse is burnt out Replace
Up vehicle is with no
7 power
Power relay is burnt Replace
Conductor is in open circuit Re-connect or re-lay

Fuse is burnt out Replace

Electromagnetic valve failure Repair or replace

Rotary table does not
8 work Conductor is in open circuit Re-connect or re-lay
The switch to shifting upper and
lower vehicle is damaged
Fuse is burnt out Replace
Pedal switch failure Replace
Conductor is in open circuit Re-connect or re-lay
The switch to shifting upper and
Platform does not Replace
9 lower vehicle is damaged
System bus is with fault Check faults in circuit

Electromagnetic valve failure Repair or replace

Handle or button and switch is


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XGA16Maintenance Manual

Chapter 6 System Schematic Diagram

XGA16Maintenance Manual

6-1 Hydraulic system schematic diagram

Figure 6-1 Hydraulic system schematic diagram

XGA16Maintenance Manual

6-2 Electric system schematic diagram

Figure 6-2 Electric system schematic diagram (1/4)

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Figure 6-2 Electric system schematic diagram (2/4)

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Figure 6-2 Electric system schematic diagram (3/4)

XGA16Maintenance Manual

Figure 6-2 Electric system schematic diagram (4/4)

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XGA16Maintenance Manual

Chapter 7 Appendix

XGA16Maintenance Manual

7-1 Main parts and components

Table 7-1 Details of main parts and components

S/N Name Manufacturer Certification Remark

Maanshan Fangyuan Slewing Bearing

1 Slewing bearing
Co., Ltd.
2 Slewing reducer Xuzhou Keyuan
3 Main oil pump Rexroth
Turntable control
4 valve SANT/Shengbang

5 Platform control
valve SANT/Shengbang

6 Luffing cylinder

7 Steering cylinder
Chengdu Chenggang Hydraulic Equip-
8 Leveling cylinder
ment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. /Xuzhou
9 Jib cylinder XCMG Hydraulic Parts Co., Ltd.
Telescoping cylin-
10 der
Ningbo Zhongyi Hydraulic Motor Co.,
11 Rotary motor

12 Travelling reducer OMNI

13 Travelling motor DANFOSS

14 Engine Foton Cummins Engine Co., Ltd.

XGA16Maintenance Manual

7-2 Record of maintenance and repair

Table 7-2 Record of maintenance and repair

Content of maintenance and
S/N Item of main- Date Remark

XGA16Maintenance Manual


XGA16Maintenance Manual

Add:No.165, Tongshan Road, Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, China

Tel:+86-516-83461280 87888290


Post Code:221004

Service Tel:+86-516-83461280 87888290

Service Fax:+86-516-87888163

Quality Inquiry Tel:+86-516-87888268

Spare Parts Tel:+86-516-87888120


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