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PCC Safety Supervisor: Civil

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Dept./Section CIVIL JHA No.: 02

Location of Job Date:-25.06.2021

Job Description PCC Doc.: GSPL/JHA/1.2-B/R-

Team Who has done JHA Safety Supervisor Revision=00
Basic job description Potential Hazards Safe Guards / Controls to be put in place Responsibility

1. Material Handling shifting Safety: 1. 25 kg for men & 16 kg for women

by engaged working people. 1) Heavy load are the maximum lifting capacity Site Supervisor
to be strictly followed. Safety
2) Sharp edges of load Supervisor
2. Safety gloves to be worn while
3) Bad housekeeping handling.
3. Good housekeeping is to be
Environment: maintained on worksite.
NA 4. Proper supervision for wrong
Quality: procedural working.
NA 5. Small intervals to be provided
between work.
1.Improper working
6. Shelter & rain coat to be provided
to workers.
2.Continuation Of
7. Sand & broken bricks to be laid on
Seasonal: swampy ground.
1.Heavy downpour. 8. Drinking water facility & shed to
2.Lightening be provided on work place.
3.Swampy area. 9. ORS should be present
4.High Temperature compulsory in first aid box.
5.Loo 10. Adequate PPEs usage.
Occupational 11. Periodic medical check up
Health Hazard:

Required PPE Required Required Training Experienced site in-

Tools/Equipments charge
Safety Hand gloves, Safety Training before start of job Available
Goggles, Safety Helmet, Training about the following SOP
Safety Shoes, Ear plug. Nose
Mask, Fluorescent Jacket

Signature of JHA Team Members

Dept./Section CIVIL JHA No.: 02

Location of Job

Job Description PCC

Team Who has done Safety Supervisor
Basic job Potential Hazards Safe Guards / Controls to be put in place Responsibility

2. Laying Of plain Safety :- 1. Good housekeeping with all materials in

cement concrete. 1. Bad housekeeping appropriate place to be maintained on work Supervisor
2. Sharp tools site. Site Safety
3. PCC solution Supervisor
2. Specified tool kit for specific tools needed
Environment :-
a. Flying dust and during work.
splinters 3. Appropriate PPE usage.
Quality :- 5. Water sprinkling along side work area.
NA 6. Proper supervision.
Ergonomic: 7. Timely gap to be provided to workers during
1.Improper working
working hours.
2. Continuous work. 8. Shed with drinking water facility.
Seasonal: 9. Rain coat
1.Surrounding 10. Periodic medical check up
2. Heavy downpour.
Health Hazard:

Required PPE Required Required Training Experienced site

Tools/Equipments in-charge
Safety Hand gloves, Masonry Trowels , Training before start of job Available
Safety Goggles, Safety Float, Levelling bar, Training about the following SOP
Helmet, Safety Shoes, Gamla, Watering can
Ear plug. Nose Mask,
Fluorescent jacket

Signature of JHA Team Members


Dept./Section CIVIL JHA No.: 02

Location of Job
Job Description PCC
Team Who has done JHA Safety Supervisor
Basic job description Potential Hazards Safe Guards / Controls to be put in place Responsibility

3. Curing of plain cement Safety: 1.Slag of concrete to be properly cleaned Supervisor

concrete. 1) Slippery Surface after laying PCC. Site Safety
2. Fresh laid concrete 2. Caution board, barricade. Supervisor
Environment: 3. Proper supervision needed on work site.
NA 4.Shelter, drinking water should be
Quality: NA available on work site.
Ergonomic: 5. Raincoat to be provided.
1.Wrong working 6. Shed should be available.
posture. 7.Periodic medical check up
1.High Temperature
Health Hazard:

Required PPE Required Required Training Experienced site in-

Tools/Equipments charge
Safety Hand gloves, Safety Bucket , drum, watering Training before start of job Available
Goggles, Safety Helmet, can Training about the following SOP
Safety Shoes, Ear plug.Nose
Mask, Fluorescent Jacket

Signature of JHA Team Members

Dept./Section CIVIL JHA No.: 02

Location of Job
Job Description PCC
Team Who has done JHA Safety Supervisor
Basic job description Potential Safe Guards / Controls to be put in place Responsibility
4. Disposal of debris Safety: 1. Competent worker with adequate
Manually. experience in dealing debris Site Supervisor
1. Hand/ leg injury disposal. Safety
while removing debris Supervisor
2. Safety goggles to be worn during
2. Eye injury by flying work.
particles. 3. Adequate PPE usage.
3. Injury due to not 4. Caution to be installed in regional
using PPE’S. language on low structure area,
4. Head injury due to safety helmet.
low level of structure. 5. Proper supervision and pre
5. Injury due to using checking of tools used .
damage tools and 6. Adequate PPE usage (i.e gum boot
specifically for this work), beat the
6. Biological Hazard
ground with stick heavily and
Environment: repeatedly before start of work
Water pollution due to wherever there is bushy area
cement particles.
beside the work area.
Quality: NA 7. Specific dust-bin for specified
Ergonomic: debris and dispose waste material
Wrong lifting technique away from water source.
& posture 8. Keep both the legs apart & keep
backbone straight with proper
2.Heavy Rainfall supervision.
3. Lightening 9. Drinking water facility & shelter
Occupational on work site.
Health Hazard: 10. Rain coat, shed .
1.Musculoskeletal 11. Stop the work & take shelter in a
disorder designated place.
12. Periodic medical check up

Required PPE Required Required Training Experienced site in-

Tools/Equipments charge/supervisor
Safety Hand gloves, Safety Broom, Spade Training before start of job. Available
Goggles, Safety Helmet, Training about the following SOP
Safety Shoes, Ear plug.
Mask, Safety Jacket, Gum

Signature of JHA Team Members

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