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R. C. Patel Institute of Technology, Shirpur: Shirpur Education Society's

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Shirpur Education Society’s

R. C. Patel Institute of Technology, Shirpur

( An Autonomous Institute)

Course Structure

First Year B.Tech (All Branches )

with efffect from Year 2020-21

Shahada Road, Near Nimzari Naka, Shirpur, Maharashtra 425405

Ph: 02563 259 802, Web:
Evaluation Scheme (CA)
Course Course Scheme
Sr Course Title Term Term Average Credit
Category Code TA Test 1 Test 2 ( TT1 & ESE Total
L T P (TT1) (TT2) TT2 )
[A] [B] [C] [A+B+C]
1 BS BSFY1010T Engineering Mathematics-I 4 1 20 15 15 15 65 100 5
2 BS BSFY1020T Engineering Physics-I 2 20 15 15 15 65 100 2
3 BS BSFY1030T Engineering Chemistry-I 2 20 15 15 15 65 100 2
4 ES ESFY1040T Engineering Mechanics 3 1 20 15 15 15 65 100 4

5 ES ESFY1050T Basic Electrical Electronics 3 20 15 15 15 65 100 3


6 BS BSFY1020L Engineering Science-I Labo- 2 25 25 50 1


8 ES ESFY1040L Engineering Mechanics Labo- 2 25 25 50 1


9 ES ESFY1050L Basic Electrical Electronics 2 25 25 50 1

Engineering Laboratory
10 HM HMFY1060L Language Proficiency- English 2 25 25 50 1
12 ES ESFY1070L Workshop @ 2 50 50 1@
Total 14 2 8 200 75 425 700 20
@ For Computer Engineering, Data Science, Electrical Engineering ; Credit to be given at the end of the same academic year.
Evaluation Scheme (CA)
Course Course Scheme
Sr Course Title Term Term Average Credit
Category Code TA Test 1 Test 2 ( TT1 & ESE Total
L T P (TT1) (TT2) TT2 )
[A] [B] [C] [A+B+C]
1 BS BSFY2010T Engineering Mathematics-II 4 1 20 15 15 15 65 100 5
2 BS BSFY2020T Engineering Physics-II 2 20 15 15 15 65 100 2
3 BS BSFY2030T Engineering Chemistry-II 2 20 15 15 15 65 100 2
4 ES ESFY2040T Engineering Graphics 2 20 15 15 15 65 100 2
5 ES ESFY2050T Computer Programming 3 20 15 15 15 65 100 3

6 HM HMFY2060T Effective Communication 2 20 15 15 15 65 100 2


7 BS BSFY2020L Engineering Science -II Labo- 2 25 25 50 1


9 ES ESFY2040L Engineering Graphics Labo- 2 25 25 50 1


10 ES ESFY2050L Computer Programming 2 25 25 50 1


11 HM HMFY2060L Effective Communication 2 25 25 50 1

Skills Laboratory
12 ES ESFY2070L Workshop @ 2 50 50 1
Total 15 1 10 270 90 490 850 21
@ For Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering.
Engineering Mathematics - I (BSFY1010T)

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures : 04 Hrs./week Term Test : 15 Marks
Practical : - - - - Teacher Assessment : 20 Marks
Tutorial : 01 Hr/week End Sem Exam : 65 Marks
Credit : 05 Total Marks : 100 Marks

Course Objectives
1. To develop the basic Mathematical skills of engineering students that are imperative for effec-
tive understanding of engineering subjects. The topics introduced will serve as basic tools for
specialized studies in many fields of engineering and technology.

2. To provide hands on experience using SCILAB software to handle real life problems.

COs Course Outcomes Blooms Blooms

Level Description
CO1 Apply principles of basic operations of matrices, rank and echelon L3 Apply
form of matrices to solve simultaneous
CO2 Illustrate the basic concepts of Complex numbers. L3 Apply
CO3 Apply the knowledge of complex numbers to solve problems in L3 Apply
hyperbolic functions and logarithmic function.
CO4 Illustrate the basic principles of Partial differentiation L3 Apply
CO5 Illustrate the knowledge of Maxima, Minima and Successive dif- L3 Apply
CO6 Illustrate SCILAB programming techniques to the solution of lin- L3 Apply
ear and simultaneous algebraic equations

Course Contents

Unit-I Matrices 09 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Inverse of a matrix, addition, multiplication and transpose of a matrix

Types of Matrices (Symmetric, Skew Symmetric, Hermitian, Skew Hermitian, Unitary,Orthogonal

Matrices and properties of Matrices), Rank of a matrix using Echelon forms, reduction to normal
form and PAQ form, System of homogeneous and non homogeneous equations, their consistency and
solutions, Linear dependent and independent vectors, Application of inverse of a matrix to coding

Unit-II Complex Numbers 07 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Definition, algebra, polar and exponential form of complex numbers

Statement of D’Moivre’s Theorem, Expansion of sinn θ, cosn θ in terms of sines and cosines of multi-
ples of θ and Expansion of sin nθ, cos nθ in powers of sin θ, and cosθ, Powers and Roots of complex

Unit-III Hyperbolic function and Logarithm of Complex Numbers

06 Hrs
Prerequisite: Trigonometric functions,logarithm of real number

Circular functions of complex number and Hyperbolic functions, Inverse Circular and Inverse Hyper-
bolic functions, Separation of real and imaginary parts of all types of functions, Logarithmic Functions,
Separation of real and Imaginary parts of Logarithmic Functions.

Unit-IV Successive differentiation and Partial Differentiation

12 Hrs
Prerequisite: Limit, Derivative

Successive differentiation: nth derivative of standard functions, Leibnitzs theorem (without proof)
and problems
Partial Differentiation: Function of several variables, Partial derivatives of first and higher order,
Differentiation of composite function, Total differentials, implicit functions, Euler’s Theorem on Ho-
mogeneous functions with two and three independent variables (with proof), Deductions from Euler’s

Unit-V Applications of Partial Differentiation and Expansion of

Function 12 Hrs.
Prerequisite: Maxima and Minima of single variable function, Partial derivatives

Maxima and Minima of a function of two independent variables, Lagrange’s method of undetermined

multipliers with one constraint, Jacobian’s of two and three independent variables, Taylor’s Theorem
(Statement only) and Taylor’s series, Maclaurin’s series (Statement only), Expansion of standard
functions, Indeterminate forms, L-Hospital Rule, problems involving series.

Unit-VI Numerical Solutions of Transcendental Equations and

System of Linear Equations 06 Hrs.
Prerequisite: Solution of system of equations

Solution of Transcendental Equations: Solution by (i) Newton Raphson Method, (ii) Regula Falsi
Solution of system of linear algebraic equations by (i) Gauss Jacobi Iteration Method, (ii) Gauss
Seidal Iteration Method, (iii) Gauss Elimination Method, (iv) Gauss Jordan Method.

Reference Books

1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley Eastern Limited, 9th Ed.

2. Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, Steven Chapra, Mc-
Graw Hill.

3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Dennis G. Zill, Warren S. Wright,CBS Publishers, New


4. Linear Algebra, Hadly G, Narosa Publication

5. Matrix and Linear Algebra : aided with Matlab, Datta Kanti Bhushan, PHI,New Delhi.

Text Books

1. Higher Engineering Mathematics, Dr. B. S. Grewal, Khanna Publication.

2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, H. K. Dass, 28th edition, S. Chand 2010.

3. Engineering Mathematics,Ravish Singh, Mukul Bhatt, TMH New Delhi.

Engineering Physics - I (BSFY1020T)

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures : 02 Hrs./week Term Test : 15 Marks
Practical : - - - - Teacher Assessment : 20 Marks
Tutorial : - - - - End Sem Exam : 65 Marks
Credit : 02 Total Marks : 100 Marks

Course Objectives
1. To Identify and understand the fundamental physical principles underlying engineering tech-
nologiesa prerequisite to become successful engineer.

2. To provide inclusive knowledge of fundamental physical principles encouraging engineering stu-

dents to venture in research field.

COs Course Outcomes Blooms Blooms

Level Description
CO1 Comprehend the concepts of solid state physics and apply them L2,L3 Understand
in designing solid state devices Apply
CO2 Relate the scope and foundation of quantum mechanics and its L3,L4,L5 Apply,
role in development of modern technology. Analyze,
CO3 Assimilate the wide scope of Nanotechnology in modern develop- L2,L3 Understand
ments and its role in emerging innovative applications Apply
CO4 Employ the concepts of optics in precision measurements L1,L2 Remember

Course Contents

Unit-I Solid State Physics 08 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Crystal Physics (Unit cell, Space lattice, Crystal structure, Simple Cubic, Body Centered Cubic,

Face Centered Cubic, Production of X-rays, Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, Energy bands in conduc-

tors, semiconductors and insulators, Semiconductor diode, I-V characteristics in forward and reverse bias

Miller indices; Interplanar spacing
X-ray diffraction and Braggs law; Determination of Crystal structure using Braggs spectrometer
Direct & indirect band gap semiconductor; Fermi level; Fermi dirac distribution; Fermi energy level in
intrinsic & extrinsic semiconductors; effect of impurity concentration and temperature on fermi level;
mobility, current density; Hall Effect; Fermi Level diagram for p-n junction (unbiased, forward bias,
reverse bias)
Semiconductor devices: LED, Zener diode as a voltage regulator, Solar cell.

Unit-II Quantam Physics 07 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Dual nature of radiation, Photoelectric effect, Matter waves-wave nature of particles, de-Broglie

relation, Davisson-Germer experiment

De Broglie hypothesis of matter waves; properties of matter waves
Wave packet, phase velocity and group velocity
Heisenberg uncertainty principle; Single slit electron diffraction experiment; nonexistence of electron
in nucleus
Schrodingers time dependent wave equation; time independent wave equation; Particle trapped in one
dimensional infinite potential well
Fundamentals of Quantum Computing.

Unit-III Nanoscience & Nanotechnology 06 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Scattering of electrons, Tunnelling effect, Electrostatic focusing, magneto static focussing

Dimensional classification of Nanomaterials
Properties of Nanomaterials
Synthesis of Nanomaterials
Properties of carbon allotropes (CNT, Fullerenes, Graphene)
Applications of Nanotechnology
Characterization techniques: Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Transmission Electron Micro-
scope (TEM), Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (STM)

Unit-IV Optics-I 06 Hrs
Prerequisite: Wave front and Huygen’s principle, reflection and refraction, Interference by division of wave

front, Youngs double slit experiment

Interference by division of amplitude, Stokes Relation

Interference in thin film of constant thickness due to reflected and transmitted light; origin of colours
in thin film
Interference in Wedge shaped film
Formation of Newtons rings
Applications of interference - Determination of thickness of very thin wire or foil;determination of
refractive index of liquid; wavelength of incident light; radius of curvature of lens; testing of surface
flatness; Anti-reflecting and Highly reflecting films.

Reference Books

1. Fundamentals of optics by Jenkins and White, McGrawHill

2. Solid State Electronic Devices- B. G. Streetman, Prentice Hall Publisher

3. Concepts of Modern Physics- Arther Beiser, Tata McGraw Hill

4. Introduction to Solid State Physics- C. Kittel, John Wiley & Sons publisher

5. Advances in Nano Materials And Applications: History of Nanotechnology From Pre-Historic

to Modern Times, Madhuri Sharon, Wiley, USA

Text Books

1. A text book of Engineering Physics-Avadhanulu & Kshirsagar, S. Chand

2. A Text Book of Engineering Physics, S. O. Pillai, New Age International Publishers.

3. textbook of Optics - N. Subramanyam and Brijlal, S.Chand

4. Modern Engineering Physics Vasudeva, S.Chand

5. Engineering Physics R K Gaur & S L Gupta, Dhanpat Rai Publications

6. Engineering Physics Shatendra Sharma & Jyotsna Sharma, Pearson publications

7. Engineering Physics D. K. Bhattacharya & Poonam Tandon, Oxford publications

8. Engineering Physics V Rajendran, McGraw Hill Educations

9. Nano: The essentials, understanding Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, T. Pradeep, Tata Mc

Graw Hill, 2007

Engineering Chemistry - I (BSFY1030T)

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures : 02 Hrs./week Term Test : 15 Marks
Practical : - - - - Teacher Assessment : 20 Marks
Tutorial : - - - - End Sem Exam : 65 Marks
Credit : 02 Total Marks : 100 Marks

Course Objectives
1. To obtain a strong hold on basic concepts of Chemistry that form fundamental principles of

2. To give exposure to recent development in the course related topics.

COs Course Outcomes Blooms Blooms

Level Description
CO1 Analyze microscopic chemistry in terms of atomic and molecular L3 Apply
orbitals and aromaticity of organic molecules.
CO2 Rationalize various phase transformation using thermodynamics. L2,L5 Understand,
CO3 Apply the knowledge of polymers, fabrication methods, conduct- L3 Apply
ing polymers in various industrial fields.
CO4 Analyze the quality of water and suggest suitable methods of treat- L3,L4 Apply,
ment. Analyse

Course Contents

Unit-I Atomic and Molecular Structure 06 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Basics theories of Atomic and Molecular structures, Shapes of orbitals, Bonding.

Atomic orbitals (s,p,d,f) orbital shapes, Electronic Configuration.

Molecular orbital theory (MOT), bonding and anti-bonding orbitals.
Molecular orbital diagrams of Homonuclear and Heteronuclear diatomic molecules- H2, Li2, Be2, O2,
CO, NO, their bond order and magnetic properties.
Aromaticity, Huckels rule.
Structure and bonding of benzene and pyrrole.

Unit-II Intermolecular Forces and Phase Rule 06 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Diplole moment,Types of Intermolecular forces,Phases

Ionic, dipolar, Hydrogen bonding and Vander Waals interactions.

Phase Rule-Gibbs Phase Rule, Terms involved with examples.
One Component System (Water).
Reduced Phase Rule, Two Component System (Pb- Ag).
Advantages and Limitations of Phase Rule.
Numerical based on Phase rule.

Unit-III Polymers 07 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Molecular weight, Monomer, Free radical, Chain reaction, Catalyst, Types of Reactions.

Introduction: Definition- Polymer, polymerization, classification.

Molecular weight (Number average and Weight average), Numerical problems on molecular weight.
Effect of heat on polymers (glass transition temperature), Viscoelasticity.Classification-Thermoplastic
and Thermosetting polymers.
Compounding of plastic, Fabrication of plastic by Compression, Injection, Transfer and Extrusion
Preparation, properties and uses of PMMA, Kevlar, Phenol-Formaldehyde, Urea Formaldehyde.
Conducting Polymers.Polymers in medicine and surgery.

Unit-IV Water 7 Hrs

Prerequisite: Proeprties of Water, Chemical Composition, Sources, Types of Impurities.

Introduction - Impurities in water.

Hardness of water- units (no conversions), types and numerical problems.
Determination of hardness of water by EDTA method and numerical problems.
Softening of water by Ion Exchange process and numerical problems.

BOD, COD- definition, significance and Numerical problems.
Water purification-membrane technology- Electrodialysis, Reverse osmosis, and Ultra filtration.
Sewage treatment by activated sludge process.

Reference Books

1. Engineering Chemistry - Wiley India (ISBN 9788126519880)

2. A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry - Shashi Chawla (DhanpatRai).

3. Concise Inorganic Chemistry - J D LEE.

4. Essentials of Physical Chemistry - B S Bahl, Arun Bahl, G D Tuli.

Text Books

1. Engineering Chemistry - Jain & Jain (DhanpatRai).

2. Engineering Chemistry - Dara & Dara (S Chand).

Engineering Mechanics (ESFY1040T)

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures : 03 Hrs./week Term Test : 15 Marks
Practical : - - - - Teacher Assessment : 20 Marks
Tutorial : 01 Hr/week End Sem Exam : 65 Marks
Credit : 04 Total Marks : 100 Marks

Course Objectives
1. To acquaint the concept of equilibrium

2. To study and analyze motion of moving particles/bodies

COs Course Outcomes Blooms Blooms

Level Description
CO1 Illustrate the effect of force and moment and apply the same along L1, L2 Learn,
with the concept of equilibrium systems with the help of FBD. Remember
CO2 Demonstrate the understanding of Centroid and its significance L3 Understand
and locate the same
CO3 Correlate real life application to specific type of friction and esti- L4 Analyze
mate required force to overcome friction
CO4 Establish relation between velocity and acceleration of a particle L4,L5 Analyze,
and analyze the motion by plotting the relation Evaluate
CO5 Analyze general plane motion of rigid bodies using Instantaneous L4 Analyze
CO6 Analyze particles in motion using force and acceleration, work- L4 Analyze
energy and impulse-momentum principles

Course Contents

Unit-I System of Coplanar Forces & Centroid 09 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Physics from 12th

System of Coplanar Forces: Classification of force systems, Principle of transmissibility, composition

and resolution of forces. Resultant of coplanar force system (Concurrent forces, parallel forces and
nonconcurrent Non-parallel system of forces). Moment of force about a point, Couples, Varignons
Theorem. Force couple system.
Centroid: First moment of Area, Centroid of composite plane Laminas.

Unit-II Equilibrium of System of Coplanar Forces, Beams 08 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Physics from 12th

Equilibrium of System of Coplanar Forces: Conditions of equilibrium for concurrent forces, parallel
forces and non-concurrent non-parallel general forces and Couples. Equilibrium of rigid bodies-free
body diagrams.
Equilibrium of Beams: Types of beams, simple and compound beams, type of supports and reaction:
Determination of reactions at supports for various types of loads on beams. (Excluding problems on
internal hinges).

Unit-III Friction 05 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Physics from 12th

Friction: Revision of Static Friction, Dynamic/ Kinetic Friction, Coefficient of Friction, Angle of
Friction, Laws of friction. Concept of Cone of friction. Equilibrium of bodies on inclined plane. Ap-
plication to problems involving wedges and ladders.

Unit-IV Kinematics of Particle & Rigid Body 09 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Physics from 12th.

Kinematics of Particle: Rectilinear motion. Motion curves (a-t, v-t, s-t curves). Motion along plane
curved path. Tangential & Normal component of acceleration.
Kinematics of Rigid Body: Translation, Rotation and General Plane motion of Rigid body.
The concept of Instantaneous center of rotation (ICR) for the velocity. Velocity analysis of rigid body
using ICR.

Unit-V Kinetics of Particle 08 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Physics from 12th.

Kinetics of a Particle: Force and Acceleration: DAlemberts Principle, concept of Inertia force, Equa-
tions of dynamic equilibrium, Newtons second law of motion. (Analysis limited to simple rectilinear

systems only).
Kinetics of a Particle: Work and Energy: Work Energy principle for a particle in motion. Application
of Work Energy principle to a system consisting of connected masses and Springs.
Kinetics of a Particle: Impulse and Momentum: Principle of linear impulse and momentum. Impact
and collision: Law of conservation of momentum, Coefficient of Restitution. Direct Central Impact
and Oblique Central Impact. Loss of Kinetic Energy in collision of inelastic bodies.

Reference Books

1. F.P. Beer and E.R. Johnson, Mechanics for Engineers, McGraw Hill Education (India),5th
Edition. ISBN-10: 0077687302

2. R.C. Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics- Statics and Dynamics, 11 th Edition, Mc Millan Publi-
cation, New Delhi. ISBN 978-81-317-2699-0

3. Timoshenko and Young, Engineering Mechanics, McGraw Hill Co. Ltd.

4. F.L. Singer, Engineering Mechanics, Harper and Row Publishers, USA

5. J.L.Meriam and L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics, Vol.1 and Vol. 2, Wiley Publication

Text Books

1. A.K. Tayal, Engineering Mechanics, Umesh Publications. ISBN 978-93-80117-38-6

2. S. Ramamrutham, Engineering Mechanics, Dhanpat Rai Publication, New Edition, New Delhi

3. S.S.Bhavikatti, Engineering Mechanics, New Age International Publications, 4th Edition. ISBN
81 -224-0671-3


Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures : 03 Hrs./week Term Test : 15 Marks
Practical : - - - - Teacher Assessment : 20 Marks
Tutorial : - - - - End Sem Exam : 65 Marks
Credit : 03 Total Marks : 100 Marks

Course Objectives
1. To implement the fundamentals of DC circuits and apply knowledge for analysing network
theorems in DC circuits.

2. To analyze single phase as well as three phase AC circuits.

3. To analyze the performance of single phase transformer and three phase systems

4. To study the characteristics of basic PN diode and implement the basic circuits like rectifiers,
clippers and clampers using PN diode.

COs Course Outcomes Blooms Blooms

Level Description
CO1 Analysis DC and AC Electric circuits. L4 Analyse
CO2 Explaining the basic principles of single phase and three phase L2 Understand
CO3 Differentiating an understanding of basic concepts of L4 Analyse
CO4 Analysis the star nad delta connection with its application. L4 Analyse
CO5 Explaining the basic principles of Diode , Rectifier ,Clipper Clam- L2 Understand

Course Contents

Unit-I DC Circuits 08 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Concepts of charge, current and voltage

: Introduction to ideal and practical voltage and current sources, Kirchhoffs current and voltage laws,
Mesh and Nodal analysis, Supernode and Supermesh analysis, Introduction to dependent sources and
examples using Mesh and Nodal analysis.

Unit-II DC Network Theorems 06 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Concept of Electrical circuit

Source transformation and star delta connections,Thevenins Theorem and Nortons Theorem, Super-
position Theorem and Maximum Power Transfer Theorem.

Unit-III AC Circuits 12 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Concepts of electrical circuit elements (R, L and C).

Generation and representation of alternating voltage and currents, RMS and Average value, phasor
representation, AC through resistance, inductance and capacitance, R-L , R-C and R-L-C series and
parallel circuits, phasor diagrams. Analysis of real power, reactive power, apparent power, power
factor, Series and parallel resonance, Q-factor and bandwidth..

Unit-IV Electrical Systems 10 Hrs

Prerequisite: Concepts of Ohms law, resistivity and series & parallel connections

Three-phase balanced circuits, voltage and current relations in star and delta connections, Construc-
tion, working principle, emf equation, ideal and practical transformer, transformer on no load and on
load, phasor diagrams, equivalent circuit, regulation and efficiency.

Unit-V Electronics 06 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Concepts of semiconductors and P-N junction.

P-N Junction diode, application of diodes as rectifiers: half wave rectifier, full wave rectifier, bridge
rectifier (resistive load), Introduction to clipper and clamper circuits using diodes. .

Reference Books
1. D.P. Kothari and I. J. Nagrath, Basic Electrical Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.

2. D.C. Kulshreshtha, Basic Electrical Engineering, McGraw Hill, 2009

3. E. Hughes, Electrical and Electronics Technology, Pearson, 2010.

4. V.D. Toro, Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, Prentice Hall India, 1989

Text Books

1. Ravish Singh, Basic Electrical Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill, 2018

2. B. R. Patil, Basic Electrical Engineering, Oxford Higher Education, 2016. item R. S. Sedha, A
textbook of Electronis Devices and Circuits, S. Chand, 2002

Engineering Science Laboratory -I

Practical Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures : - - - - - Teacher Assessment : 25 Marks
Practical : 02 Hrs./week End Sem Exam : 25 Marks
Credit : 01 Total : 50 Marks

Course Objectives
1. To provide hands-on experience of basic physics instruments.

2. To introduce students to the modern equipments, precision techniques and experimental meth-
ods for observing, understanding and verifying laws optics.

3. To provide students with a basic understanding of the Physics concept through experiments
that may be required by engineers in the course of their careers.

4. To introduce the learners with the basics of light wave and electron conduction in semiconductor
to facilitate his learning of the concepts in modern physics.

5. Remember the fundamental rules, laws and theorems of Chemistry.

6. To learn and understand the basic concepts and use of water quality parameters

7. To develop competency of synthesis and analysis.

8. Apply the knowledge of chemistry to understand the properties and applications of engineering

COs Course Outcomes Blooms Blooms

Level Description
CO1 Ability to state and verify various laws which they have studied, L5 Evaluation
through experiments
CO2 Ability to calculate the Miller Indices of cubical crystal structure L3 Application
and numerous parameters of film by interference experiment
CO3 Ability to measure the band gap and IV characteristics of semi- L5 Evaluation
conductor diodes
CO4 Measure molecular/system properties such as chloride con- tent, L4,L5 Analysis,
hardness of water, dissolved oxygen, etc. Evaluation
CO5 Synthesize a small polymer molecule. L6 Create
CO6 Measure molecular/system properties of water such BOD, COD L2 Understand
by instrumental methods

List of Laboratory Experiments

Perform any 5 experiments from the following list of experiments

1. Determination of radius of curvature of a lens using Newtons ring set up.

2. Determination of wavelength of monochromatic light by using Newtons ring set up.

3. Study of Miller Indices.

4. Study of Cubical crystal structure.

5. Determination of energy band gap of semiconductor.

6. Study of Zener diode as voltage regulator.

7. Study of I/V characteristics of LED

8. Study of I / V characteristics of semiconductor diode

Perform any 5 experiments from the following list of experiments

1. To determine chloride content of water by Mohr’s method.

2. To determine total, temporary and permanent hardness of water sample by EDTA method.

3. To determine pH of different solutions using pH meter.

4. Determination of percent of Zn/Cu in brass.

5. Molecular weight determination of polymers by Oswald Viscometer.

6. Synthesis of UF, PF, Nylon 66.

7. Determination of COD.

8. Determination of surface tension of a given liquid at room temperature using Stalgmometer by

drop number method.

Any other experiment based on syllabus may be included, which would help the learner
to understand topic/concept.

Reference Books

1. B.Sc Practical Physics: Harnam Singh, Hemne P.S, S Chand Publication.

2. Fundamentals of Physics: Halliday and Resnick, 10th ed, Wiley, 2013.

3. Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual by Shuchi Tiwari (2010), SCITECH Publications.

4. Vogels Text Book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 6th Edition by G. J. Jeffery, J. Bassett,
Mendham, R.C. Denney, Longman Scientific & Technical Publications, New York.

5. A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry by R. N. Goyal and H. Goel, Ane Books (P) Ltd. (2009).

6. A Text Book on experiments and calculations Engineering by S.S. Dara, S. Chand & Company
Ltd. (2003).

7. Instrumental methods of Chemical Analysis, Gurudeep R, Chatwal Sham, K. Anand, Latest

Edition (2015), Himalaya Publications.

Text Books

1. Practical Engineering Chemistry by K.Mukkanti, etal. B.S.Publications, Hyderabad (2011).

2. Lab Manual on Engineering Chemistry by Sudharani, Dhanpat Rai Publications, Co., New
Delhi, (2009).

Engineering Mechanics Laboratory

Practical Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures : - - - - - Teacher Assessment : 25 Marks
Practical : 02 Hrs./week End Semester Examination : 25 Marks
Credit : 01 Total : 50 Marks

Course Objectives
1. To study basic laws of engineering mechanics & its applications to solve the problems.

2. To introduce concept of centroid through actual models.

3. To introduce concept of friction and to find co-efficent of friction.

4. To introduce the students to the principles and methods of statics through examples.

5. To introduce the students to the principles and methods of dynamics and to apply those fun-
damentals to solve the problems on dynamics.

COs Course Outcomes Blooms Blooms

Level Description
CO1 Learn basic principles of mechanics L1 Learning
CO2 Determine centroid of composite shapes L5 Evaluate
CO3 Understand concept of friction and Evaluate co-efficient of friction L3,L5 Understand,
CO4 Determine reactions of simply supported beam L5 Evaluate
CO5 Calculate position, velocity and acceleration of particle using prin- L4 Analyze
ciples of kinematics and kinetics

List of the Experiments

Perform any 6 experiments from the following list of experiments

1. Graphical Work-Statics (Polygon Law Of Forces ,Law Of Parallelogram, Triangle Law)

2. Problems on Beam Reaction by Graphics Statics Method

3. Centroid of Irregular Shaped Bodies

4. Determination of Support reaction for beam

5. Determination of coefficient of friction using Inclined plane

6. Verification of Lamis theorem using Jib crane

7. Verification of Law of Machine Using Screw Jack

8. Verification of Law of Machine Using Single Purchase Winch Crab

9. Study of Compound Pendulum

10. Graphical Work-Dynamics

Reference Books

1. F.P. Beer and E.R. Johnson, Mechanics for Engineers, McGraw Hill Education (India),5th
Edition. ISBN-10: 0077687302

2. R.C. Hibbeler, Engineering Mechanics- Statics and Dynamics, 11 th Edition, Mc Millan Publi-
cation, New Delhi. ISBN 978-81-317-2699-0

3. Timoshenko and Young, Engineering Mechanics, McGraw Hill Co. Ltd.

4. F.L. Singer, Engineering Mechanics, Harper and Row Publishers, USA

5. J.L.Meriam and L.G. Kraige, Engineering Mechanics, Vol.1 and Vol. 2, Wiley Publication

Text Books

1. A.K. Tayal, Engineering Mechanics, Umesh Publications. ISBN 978-93-80117-38-6

2. S. Ramamrutham, Engineering Mechanics, Dhanpat Rai Publication, New Edition, New Delhi

3. S.S.Bhavikatti, Engineering Mechanics, New Age International Publications, 4th Edition. ISBN
81 -224-0671-3

Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Laboratory (ESFY1050L)

Practical Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures : - - - - - Teacher Assessment : 25 Marks
Practical : 02 Hrs./week End Sem Exam : 25 Marks
Credit : 01 Total : 50 Marks

Course Objectives
1. To inculcate in students basic ideas and principle of electrical engineering

2. To impart knowledge of electrical circuits applicable in various field of engineering.

3. To educate the students about Electrical circuit

4. To enhance knowledge of R-L-C Circuit.

5. To inculcate the basic knoweldge of Rectifier, Clipper & Clapper.

COs Course Outcomes Blooms Blooms

Level Description
CO1 Implementing and Explain DC network theorems. L3,L2 Apply,
CO2 Summarizing the knowledge of 1- Φ and 3-Φ AC circuit L2 Understand
CO3 Explaining electronic components used in lab L2 Understand
CO4 Implementing the operating principle and output characteristics L3 Apply
of PN junction diodes, zener diode, BJT, rectifiers

List of the Experiments

Perform any 7 experiments from the following list of experiments

1. Mesh and Nodal analysis.

2. Verification of Superposition theorem

3. Verification of Thevenins Theorem

4. Verification of Nortons theorem

5. Verification of Maximum Power Transfer theorem

6. Study of R-L series and R-C series circuit.

7. R-L-C series resonance circuit.

8. R-L-C parallel resonance circuit

9. Rectifiers: HWR and FWR.

10. Clipper/clamper circuits.

Reference Books

1. D. P. Kothaii , I. J. Nagrath, Basic Electrical Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill New Delhi, 3rd
edition 2009. Kothari

2. M. S. Naidu, S. Kamakshiaih, Introduction to Electrical Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill New


3. B. L. Theraja, A. K. Theraja, Electrical Technology, Basic Electrical Engineering, Volume- I,

S. Chand & Company Ltd. , New Delhi.

4. B. L. Theraja, A. K. Theraja, Electrical Technology, AC & DC Machines, Volume- II, S. Chand

& Company Ltd. , New Delhi.

5. Ashfaq Husain, Electric Machines, Dhanpat Rai & Co.

6. K. A. Krishnamurty, M. R. Raghuveer, Electrical and Electronics Engineering for Scientists and

Engineers, Willey Eastern Limited.

Language Proficiency- English (HMFY1060L)

Practical Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures : - - - - - Teacher Assessment : 25 Marks
Practical : 02 Hrs./week End Sem Exam : 25 Marks
Credit : 01 Total : 50 Marks

Course Objectives
1. To enhance their English Vocabulary.

2. To construct grammatically sound and meaningful sentences for effective communication.

3. To be effective listener and reader.

4. To use English with appropriate accent.

5. To make the student proficient English speaker.

CO1 Students will be able to use apt vocabulary with its proper appli- L1,L2 Remember,
cation as per the context. Understand
CO2 Students will analyse the various sentence structures and will im- L3,L4 Apply,
plement effective in formal communication. Analyse
CO3 Students will differentiate the various realizations of the English L3 Apply
sounds and will utter accordingly
CO4 Students will Listen, speak, read and write effectively in business L3 Apply
CO5 Students will be able to overcome inhibitions by active participate L3 Apply
in GD, Debate, presentations etc.

Course Contents

Unit-I Introduction to English as a Language 5 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Signs, Symbols, Basics of English

Introduction and Definitions of Language, Features and Functions of Language, Growth and Devel-
opment of English, English as World Language for Business, English as a Second Language (ESL)

Unit-II English Vocabulary 4 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Reading of Dictionary, Glossary.

The Concept of Word Formation & Various Techniques, Acquaintance with Prefixes and suffixes in
English to form Derivatives, Synonyms, Antonyms, One Word Substitute and Standard Abbrevia-
tions, Formal and Informal Vocabulary, Root words from Foreign Languages and their use in English,
Use of Thesaurus for Contextual Expertise.

Unit-III Application of English Grammar 7 Hrs.

Prerequisite: High school English Grammar.

Sentence Structures, Parts of Speech, Tenses, Voice, Degree, Positive & Negative Sentences, Framing

Unit-IV Phonetics 5 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Alphabets, Oral Communication, Speech and sounds.

Introduction to phonetics, Study of Speech Organs, Study of Phonemic Script: Consonants, Vowels
& Clusters, Articulation of Different Sounds in English.

Unit-V Think and Express in English 5 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Positive Attitude, Active Participation.

Inhibitions & Embarrassment for ESL Learners, Ways to overcome Shyness as a ESL User, ESL
Speaking Activities and Games, Ways to Study English Outside the Classroom.

List of Assignments
1) Functions of Language: 01
2) Word Formation: 01
3) Use of Thesaurus: 01
4) Application of Grammar: 01
5) Phonetics: 02
6) Presentation Skills: 02

Reference Books

1. Wren & Martin, Highschool English Grammar & Composition, S.Chand & Company, New Delhi.

2. Z.N.Patil, B.S.Valke, Ashok Thorat, Zeenat Merchant, English for Practical Purposes, Macmil-
lan India Ltd.

3. R.K. Bansal, J.B Harrison, Spoken English A manual of Speech and Phonetics, Orient Blackswan

4. Thomas N. Huckin & Leslie A. Olsen, Technical Writing & Professional Communication for
non-native speakers of English,McGraw Hill.

5. CIEFL, Hyderabad, Exercises in Spoken English. Parts. I-III, Oxford University Press.

6. Raymond Murphy, Essential English Grammar, CUP (2016).

7. Raymond Murphy, Intermediate English Grammar, CUP (2016).

8. Raman, Meenakshi & Sangeetha Sharma, Technical Communication: Principles and Practice,
Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2015

Workshop Practice (ESFY1070L/ESFY2070L)

Practical Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures : - - - - - Continuous Assessment : 25 Marks
Practical : 02 Hrs./week End Sem Exam : 25 Marks
Credit : 01 Total : 50 Marks

Course Objectives
1. Get oriented to an engineering workshop environment and will learn to conduct oneself adhering
to the safety norms and set procedures.

2. Get familiarized with various methods of commonly used fabrication techniques and the type of
hand tools required to perform such of these techniques.

3. Prepare simple jobs like joints, component of simple shape etc. as per component drawings with
reasonable degree of tolerance.

COs Course Outcomes Blooms Blooms

Level Description
CO1 To explain the concepts of industrial safety and the importance of L2 Explain
working safely
CO2 To interpret basic engineering blueprints L2,L3 Understand
CO3 To understand the use of hand tools in fabrication processes L2 Understand
CO4 To understand various fabrication processes and machine proto- L1,L2 Remember
cols. Understand
CO5 To provide hands-on experience on basic machine tools L2,L3 Understand

Course Contents

Unit-I Fitting Shop 14 Hrs.

Use and setting of fitting tools for chipping, cutting, filing, marking, center punching, drilling, tapping.

Unit-II Carpentry 14 Hrs.

Use and setting of hand tools like hacksaws, jack planes, chisels and gauges for construction of various
joints, wood turning and modern wood turning methods.

Unit-III Welding 06 Hrs.

Edge preparation for welding jobs. Arc welding for different job like, Lap welding of two plates, butt
welding of plates with simple cover, arc welding to join plates at right angles

Unit-IV Sheet Metal Practice 06 Hrs

Introduction to primary technology processes involving bending, punching and drawing various sheet
metal joints, development of joints.

Unit-V Plumbing 06 Hrs.

Use of plumbing tools, spanners, wrenches, threading dies, demonstration of preparation of a domestic
line involving fixing of a water tap and use of coupling, elbow, tee, and union etc.

Unit-VI PCB 06 Hrs.

Layout drawing: Positive and negative, PCB etching and drilling, Tinning and soldering technique.

List of Laboratory Experiments:

1. To study various types fitting tools and make a V-fitting/T-fitting from the given two M.S

2. To study various types of carpentry tools and prepare half-lap joint or T-lap joint.

3. To study various welding techniques and make a V-butt or Lap-joint, using the given mild steel
pieces by arc welding

4. To study various types of sheet metal tools and make square or rectangular tray.

5. To study plumbing tools and joints, and make one job containing various pipe fitting.

6. To make printed circuit board as per the given drawing.

Any other experiment based on syllabus may be included, which would help the learner to understand

Reference Books

1. Manufacturing Processes and Systems,9th Edition, P.F.Ostwald, John Willy & Sons INC. UK,

2. Electrical Workshop: Safety, Commissioning, maintenance and testing of electrical equipment,

3rd Edition, R.P. Singh, IK International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 2012

Text Books

1. Mechanical Workshop Practice, 2nd Edition, K.C. John, PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd.2014.

2. Manufacturing Technology-Vol I, 4th Edition, P.N. Rao, Tata McGraw Hill, 2014.

3. Printed Circuit Boards: Design, Fabrication, assembly and testing, 1st Edition, R.S. Khandpur,
Tata McGraw Hill, 2005

Engineering Mathematics - II (BSFY2010T)

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures : 04 Hrs./week Term Test : 15 Marks
Practical : - - - - Teacher Assessment : 20 Marks
Tutorial : 01 Hr/week End Sem Exam : 65 Marks
Credit : 05 Total Marks : 100 Marks

Course Objectives
1. The course is aimed to develop the basic Mathematical skills of engineering students that are
imperative for effective understanding of engineering subjects. The topics introduced will serve
as basic tools for specialized studies in many fields of engineering and technology.

2. To provide hands on experience in using SCILAB software to handle real life problems.

COs Course Outcomes Blooms Blooms

Level Description
CO1 Illustrate the concepts of Beta and Gamma function, DUIS and L3 Apply
CO2 Apply the concepts of Double integral L3 Apply
CO3 Apply the concept of Triple integral L3 Apply
CO4 Solve various types of First Order differential equation L3 Apply
CO5 Solve various types of Higher Order Differential equation L3 Apply
CO6 Apply the principles of Numerical Method for solving differen- L3 Apply
tial equation and numerical integration analytically and using

Course Contents

Unit-I Beta and Gamma Function, Differentiation under Integral

sign and Rectification 10 Hrs.
Prerequisite: Derivative,Integration

Beta and Gamma functions and its properties.

Differentiation under integral sign with constant limits of integration.
Tracing of curves Cardioid, Strophoid, Bernoullis Lemniscate, Astroid, Cycloid, 3D Solids Sphere,
Cone, Cylinder, Paraboloid.
Rectification of plane curves in Cartesian form.
Rectification of curve in Parametric and Polar forms.

Unit-II Double Integration 10 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Integration

Double Integration Introduction, Evaluation of Double Integrals. (Cartesian & Polar).

Evaluation of double integrals by changing the order of integration.
Evaluation of integrals over the given region. (Cartesian & Polar).
Evaluation of double integrals by changing to polar coordinates.
Application of double integrals to compute Area and Mass.

Unit-III Triple Integration 06 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Unit-II

Triple integration - Introduction and evaluation of integral using Cartesian co ordinate system.
Problems of triple integration using cylindrical and spherical polar coordinates
Application of triple integral to compute volume.

Unit-IV Differential Equations of First Order and First Degree

09 Hrs
Prerequisite: Differential Equation,Variable separable form

Exact differential Equations, Equations reducible to exact form by using integrating factors.
Linear differential equations (Review), equation reducible to linear form, Bernoulli’s equation.
Simple application of differential equation of first order and first degree to Engineering problem.

Unit-V Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients

and Variable Coefficients of Higher Order 10 Hrs.
Prerequisite: Solution of Differential equation,Roots of quadratic and Cubic equation

Linear Differential Equation with constant coefficient complementary function, particular integrals of

differential equation of the type f(D)y = X where X is eax , sin(ax + b), cos(ax + b), eax V, xV.
Method of variation of parameters.
Cauchys homogeneous linear differential equation and Legendre’s differential equation
Applications of Higher order differential equation.

Unit-VI Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations of

first order and first degree, and, Numerical Integration 08 Hrs.
Prerequisite: Solution of Differential Equation

Numerical solution of ordinary differential equation using (a) Euler’s method (b) Modified Euler
method, (c) Runge Kutta method of order four (d) Taylor series method.
Numerical integration by (a) Trapezoidal rule (b) Simpson’s 1/3rd rule (c) Simpson’s 3/8th rule (all
without proof).

Reference Books

1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley Eastern Limited, 9th Ed.

2. Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists by Steven Chapra,
McGraw Hill.

3. Dennis G. Zill, A First Course in Differential Equations with Modelling Applications.

4. Thomas & Finney, Calculus & Analytic Geometry, 9th edition, Addison Wesley.

5. Dennis G. Zill, Warren S. Wright, Advanced Engineering Mathematics.

Text Books

1. Higher Engineering Mathematics, Dr. B. S. Grewal, Khanna Publication

2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by H. K. Dass, 28th edition, S. Chand 2010.

3. Engineering Mathematics,Ravish Singh, Mukul Bhatt, TMH New Delhi.

Engineering Physics - II (BSFY2020T)

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures : 02 Hrs./week Term Test : 15 Marks
Practical : - - - - Teacher Assessment : 20 Marks
Tutorial : - - - - End Sem Exam : 65 Marks
Credit : 02 Total Marks : 100 Marks

Course Objectives
1. To obtain a strong hold on basic concepts of Physics that form fundamental principles of tech-
nology that prepare students to tackle complex problems faced by society.

2. To provide inclusive knowledge of fundamental physical principles encouraging engineering stu-

dents to venture in research field

COs Course Outcomes Blooms Blooms

Level Description
CO1 Apply the foundations of Optics and Photonics in development of L3 Apply
modern communication technology
CO2 Relate the basics of Electrodynamics which are prerequisite for L4 Apply Ana-
signal communications, Antenna Theory etc. lyze
CO3 Comprehend the essential properties of engineering materials for L2 Understand
their current and futuristic frontier applications.
CO4 Interpret and explore basic sensing techniques for physical mea- L2 Understand
surements in modern instrumentation.

Course Contents

Unit-I Optics-II 08 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Wave front and Huygen’s principle, reflection and refraction, diffraction, comparison of Fresnel

diffraction and Fraunhoffer diffraction, Absorption, recombination, energy bands of p-n junction, refractive in-

dex of a material, Snells law, Total internal reflection

Diffraction: Fraunhoffer diffraction at single slit, Diffraction Grating, Absent spectra,Resolving power
of a grating; Applications of diffraction grating; Determination of wavelength of light using plane
transmission grating.
Laser: Spontaneous emission and Stimulated emission; Metastable state, Population inversion, Types
of pumping, Resonant cavity, Einsteinss equations; Helium Neon laser;Nd:YAG laser; Semiconductor
Applications of laser- Holography.
Fibre optics: Structure of optical fibre, Types of optical fibres: Glass fibres, Plastic fibres,Plastic clad
silica fibres, Single mode & Multimode, Step index & Graded index, Numerical Aperture for step
index fibre.

Unit-II Engineering Materials and Applications 07 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Electrical resistivity and conductivity, Temperature dependence of resistance, Magnetic materi-

als, Crystal physics, Dielectrics and electric polarisation, capacitors and capacitance

Superconductors: Superconductivity, Critical temperature, Critical magnetic field, BCS theory, Meiss-
ners effect, Type I and Type II and high Tc superconductors
De Broglie hypothesis of matter waves; properties of matter waves
Metallic glasses: Principle, Properties & Applications
Shape Memory Alloys: Principle, Properties & Applications
Non-linear materials: Principle, Properties & Applications

Unit-III Electrodynamics 06 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Coulomb’s law-force between two point charges, Electric field, electric field due to a point charge,

electric field due to a dipole, Gauss’s law, Faradays law, Cartesian co-ordinate system, Cylindrical co-ordinate

system, Spherical co-ordinate system

Scalar and Vector field, Physical significance of gradient, curl and divergence in Cartesian co-ordinate
Gausss law for electrostatics, Gausss law for magnetostatics, Faradays Law and Amperes circuital
law, Divergence theorem, Stokes theorem
Maxwells equations (Free space and time varying fields), Plane electromagnetic wave equation in free
space, Physical significance and Applications of Maxwells equations.

Unit-IV Physics of Sensors 05 Hrs
Prerequisite: Transducer concept, meaning of calibration, piezoelectric effect

Pressure sensor: Concept of pressure sensing, Capacitive and piezoresistive pressure sensors.
Piezoelectric transducers: Concept of piezoelectricity, use of piezoelectric transducer as ultrasonic
generator and application of ultrasonic transducer for distance measurement.
Optical sensor: Photodiode, construction and use of photodiode as ambient light measurement and
flux measurement, Pyroelectric sensors

Reference Books

1. Fundamentals of optics by Jenkins and White, McGrawHill

2. Introduction to Electrodynamics- D. J. Griffiths, Pearson publication

3. Concepts of Modern Physics- Arther Beiser, Tata McGraw Hill

4. Instrumentation & Measurement Techniques by Albert D. Helfrick & William D. Cooper (PHI)

5. Handbook of Modern Sensors Physics design and application- Jacob Fraden, Springer, AIP

Text Books

1. A text book of Engineering Physics-Avadhanulu & Kshirsagar, S. Chand

2. A Text Book of Engineering Physics, S. O. Pillai, New Age International Publishers.

3. textbook of Optics - N. Subramanyam and Brijlal, S.Chand

4. Optics - Ajay Ghatak, Tata Mc Graw Hill

5. Engineering Physics R K Gaur & S L Gupta, Dhanpat Rai Publications

6. Engineering Physics Shatendra Sharma & Jyotsna Sharma, Pearson publications

7. Engineering Physics D. K. Bhattacharya & Poonam Tandon, Oxford publications

8. Engineering Physics V Rajendran, McGraw Hill Educations

9. Electronic Instrumentation H.S. Kalsi, Tata Mc Graw-Hill Education

Engineering Chemistry-II (BSFY2030T)

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures : 02 Hrs./week Term Test : 15 Marks
Practical : - - - - Teacher Assessment : 20 Marks
Tutorial : - - - - End Sem Exam : 65 Marks
Credit : 02 Total Marks : 100 Marks

Course Objectives
1. To obtain a strong hold on basic concepts of Chemistry that form fundamental principles of

2. To give exposure to recent development in the course related topics.

COs Course Outcomes Blooms Blooms

Level Description
CO1 Distinguish the ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum used for L4 Analyse
exciting different molecular energy levels in various spectroscopic
CO2 Identify different types of corrosion and suggest control measures L4,L3 Analyse,
in industries Apply
CO3 Illustrate the principles of green chemistry and study environmen- L2,L5 Understand
tal impact Evaluate
CO4 Analyze the quality of fuel and quantify the oxygen required for L3,L4, Apply,
combustion of fuel L5 Analyse,

Course Contents

Unit-I Spectroscopic Techniques and Applications: 05 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Properties of light and spectrum, wavelength and wave number.

Introduction: Definition, electromagnetic radiation (Numerical). Electromagnetic spectrum.

Principle of spectroscopy, Classification of spectroscopy, Types of spectroscopy.
Flame Photometry: Principle, Instrumentation, working, Applications, interferences, advantages and
Jablonski diagram, Introduction to florescence and phosphorescence, application of fluorescence in
medicine only.

Unit-II Electrochemistry and Corrosion: 08 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Basic electrochemical process- Elctolysis, Elctrochemical.

Introduction- Concept of electrode potential and standard electrode potential, electrochemical and
galvanic series, Nernst equation (Numerical).
Mechanism of Corrosion:
(I) Dry or Chemical Corrosion:
i) Due to oxygen ii) Due to other gases.
(II) Wet or Electrochemical corrosion: Mechanism:
i) Evolution of hydrogen type ii) Absorption of oxygen.
Types of Corrosion: Galvanic cell corrosion, Concentration cell corrosion (differential aeration princi-
ple), Pitting corrosion, Intergranular corrosion, Stress corrosion.
Factors affecting the rate of corrosion:
(i) Nature of metal,
(ii) Nature of corroding environment.
Methods of corrosion control:
(I) Cathodic protection:
i) Sacrificial anodic protection
ii) Impressed current method.
(II) Metallic coatings: Hot dipping (tinning and galvanising), metal cladding, metal spraying, cemen-
(III) Organic coating: Paint.

Unit-III Green Chemistry and Synthesis of drugs : 05 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Plloution, Benefits of green synthesis, Renewable Energy Sources.

Introduction: Definition, significance.

Twelve Principles of Green chemistry.

Conventional and green synthesis of :
(i) Adipic acid, (ii) Indigo, (iii) Carbaryl, (iv) Benzimidazole.
Percentage atom economy (Numericals).
Green fuel: Biodiesel.
Green solvents: CO2 .

Unit-IV Fuels and Combustion 08 Hrs

Prerequisite: Types of Fuels, General Composition , Fractional Distillation

Introduction: Definition, classification, characteristics of a good fuel.

Calorific value: Definition, Units, Gross or Higher calorific value & Net or lower calorific value, Du-
longs formula & numerical for calculations of Gross and Net calorific values.
Solid fuels: Analysis of coal- Proximate and Ultimate Analysis (theory and numericals).
Liquid fuels: Petrol- Knocking, Octane number, Cetane number, Antiknocking agents,Power alcohol.
Combustion: Calculations for requirement of only oxygen and air (by weight and by volume only) for
given solid & gaseous fuels.

Reference Books

1. Green Chemistry: A textbook - V.K.Ahluwalia, Alpha Science International.

2. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy ( 4th Edition) - C.N.Banwell, Elaine M. McCash, Tata

McGraw Hill.

3. Elementary Organic Spectroscopy- Y.R.Sharma, S.Chand and Co.

4. A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry - Shashi Chawla, Dhanpat Rai.

Text Books

1. Engineering Chemistry - Jain & Jain (DhanpatRai).

2. Engineering Chemistry - Dara & Dara (S Chand).

Engineering Graphics (ESFY2040T)

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures : 02 Hrs./week Term Test : 15 Marks
Practical : - - - - Teacher Assessment : 20 Marks
Tutorial : - - - - End Sem Exam : 65 Marks
Credit : 02 Total Marks : 100 Marks

Course Objectives
1. Students should be able to visualize the objects

2. They should be able to understand and read drawing

3. To impart and inculcate proper understanding of the theory of projection

4. They should be able to present the same

COs Course Outcomes Blooms Blooms

Level Description
CO1 Recognize the value of engineering graphics, as a language of en- L2 Remember
CO2 Construct orthographic views of lines, and basic shapes of solids. L3 Apply
CO3 Interpret and sketch orthographic and sectional orthographic L3 Apply
views of various machine components
CO4 Visualize objects, and draw isometric views L4 Analyse
CO5 Build 2D Sketches using AutoCAD L4 Analyse

Course Contents

Unit-I Introduction to Engineering Graphics & Orthographic

Projections 10 Hrs.
Prerequisite: Fundamental Knowledge of High School Geometry.

Introduction to Engineering Graphics: Introduction to Engineering Drawing. Types of Lines, Dimen-

sioning Systems as per IS conventions. Orthographic Projections: Different views of simple machine
parts as per the first angle projection method recommended by I.S. Full Sectional views of Simple
Machine parts.
**Drawing of orthographic projections using Auto CAD
**Introduction to Auto CAD: - Basic Drawing and Editing Commands. Knowledge of setting up
layers, Dimensioning, Hatching, plotting and Printing.

Unit-II Isometric Views and Engineering Curves 10 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Basic High School Geometry and principles of Orthographic Projections.

Isometric Views: Isometric Views/Drawings of blocks (plain and cylindrical, excluding spheres).
**Drawing of Isometric Views using Auto CAD.
@ Engineering Curves: Involute of circle (problems on string only). Cycloid Plane cycloid (circle
rolling in one direction only).

Unit-III Projection of Points and Lines 10 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Principles of Orthographic Projections

Projection of Points and Lines:-Lines inclined to both the Reference Planes. (Excluding Traces) First
Quadrant only.

Unit-IV Projection of Solids 10 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Principles of Orthographic Projections and Projection of Points, Lines.

**Projection of Solids: - (Prism, Pyramid, Cylinder & Cone only) Projections of Solids with the
axisinclined to HP and VP. (Exclude Spheres, Composite, Hollow solids and frustum). Use change of
position or Auxiliary plane method

Unit-V Section of Solids and Development of Surfaces 10 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Principles of Orthographic Projections and Projection of Solids

@ Section of solids: - Sections of Prism, Pyramids, Cylinder & Cone, cut by plane perpendicular to
at least one reference plane. (Exclude Curved Section Plane). Use change of position or Auxiliary
plane method.
@ Development of Surfaces:- Lateral surface development of Prism, Pyramid, Cylinder, Cone with

section plane inclined to HP or VP only. (Exclude Reverse Development)
** Should be covered during Auto CAD Practical.
@ Should be covered only in Term work. (i.e. Questions will not be asked for the End
Semester Examination).
Reference Books

1. K.Venugopal (2007), Engineering Drawing and Graphics + AutoCAD, New Age International

2. M.L.Dabhade (2004), Engineering Drawing, Vision Publications

3. Dhananjay A. Jolhe Engineering Drawing with an Introduction to AutoCAD, Tata McGraw

Hill Education Private Limited

Text Books

1. N.D.Bhatt , Engineering Drawing, Charotar Publishing House,

2. M.B.Shah & B.C.Rana Engineering Drawing, Pearson Education.

Computer Programming (ESFY2050T)

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures : 03 Hrs./week Term Test : 15 Marks
Practical : - - - - Teacher Assessment : 20 Marks
Tutorial : - - - - End Sem Exam : 65 Marks
Credit : 03 Total Marks : 100 Marks

Course Objectives
1. To familiarise the logic of Computer Programming.

2. To provide exposure in developing algorithm, flowchart and thereby writing efficient codes for
user defined problem.

COs Course Outcomes Blooms Blooms

Level Description
CO1 Illustrate the basic terminology used in computer programming L2 Understand
CO2 Illustrate the concept of data types, variables and operators using L2,L3 Understand,
C. Apply
CO3 Design and Implement control statements and looping constructs L3,L6 Apply,
in C. Create
CO4 Apply function concept on problem statements. L2,L3 Understand,
CO5 Demonstrate the use of arrays, strings and structures in C. L2,L3 Understand
CO6 Demonstrate the use of pointers L2,L3 Understand,

Course Contents

Unit-I Algorithm and Flowchart 04 Hrs.

Three construct of Algorithm and flowchart: Sequence, Decision(Selection) and Repetition

Unit-II Fundamentals of C-Programming 06 Hrs.

Character Set, Identifiers and keywords, Data types, Constants, Variables.
Operators-Arithmetic, Relational and logical, Assignment, Unary, Conditional,Bitwise, Comma, other
Expression, statements, Library Functions, Preprocessor.
Data Input and Output getchar( ), putchar( ), scanf( ), printf( ), gets( ), puts( ), Structure of C

Unit-III Control Structures 08 Hrs.

Decision making with Branching - If statement, If-else Statement, Switch case statement.
Looping while , do-while, for
Nested control structure
Continue statement, Break statement, Goto statement.

Unit-IV Functions and Parameter 06 Hrs

Function -Introduction of Function, Defining a Function, Accessing a Function, Function Prototype,
Passing Arguments to a Function, Recursive function
Storage Classes Auto , Extern , Static, Register

Unit-V Arrays, String, Structure 06 Hrs.

Array-Concepts, Declaration, Definition, Accessing array element, Onedimensional and Multidimen-
sional array, Passing Arrays to Function
String- Basics of String, Functions in string.h, user defined function for string handling
Structure- Declaration, Initialization, structure within structure, Operation on structures, Array of

Unit-VI Pointers 06 Hrs.

Pointer : Introduction, Definition and uses of Pointers, Address Operator, Pointer Variables,
Pointer Arithmetic
Call by value , call by Reference

Reference Books

1. Basics of Computer Science, by BehrouzForouzan , Cengage Learning.

2. Programming Techniques through C, by M. G. Venkateshmurthy, Pearson Publication.

3. Programming in ANSI C, by E. Balaguruswamy, Tata McGraw-Hill Education.

4. Programming in C, by Pradeep Day and Manas Gosh, Oxford University Press.

5. Let Us C, by YashwantKanetkar, BPB Publication.

Text Books

1. MASTERING C by K.R.Venugopal and Sudeep R.Prasad , Tata McGraw-Hill Publications.

2. A Computer Science Structure Programming Approaches using C, by Behrouz Forouzan, Cen-

gage Learning.

3. Schaums outlines Programming with C, by Byron S. Gottfried, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications.

Effective Communication Skills (HMFY2060T)

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures : 02 Hrs./week Term Test : 15 Marks
Practical : - - - - Teacher Assessment : 20 Marks
Tutorial : - - - - End Sem Exam : 65 Marks
Credit : 02 Total Marks : 100 Marks

Course Objectives
1. To acquaint the students with appropriate language skills with the purpose of improving the
existing ones LSRW

2. To make the learners understand the importance and effective use of non-verbal communication

3. To make the learner proficient in public speaking and presentation skills

4. To guide and teach the students to utilize the principles of professional business and technical
writing for effective communication in the global world

5. To make the learner capable of creating official content digitally for further communication in
the corporate environment

COs Course Outcomes Blooms Blooms

Level Description
CO1 Understand and evaluate information they listen to and express L4 Evaluate
their ideas with greater clarity
CO2 Speak and respond effectively along the various channels of com- L2 Understand
munication in a business organization
CO3 Speak convincingly before an audience with the help of an ex- L3,L5 Apply,Evaluate
panded vocabulary and enhanced digital content
CO4 Read and summarize effectively L2 Understand
CO5 Communicate through result oriented writing both within and out- L3,L6 Apply, Cre-
side the organization. ate
CO6 Write a set of effective and easy to understand technical descrip- L3,L6 Apply, Cre-
tion, instructions and convey the same using global information ate

Course Contents

Unit-I Communication Theory 13 Hrs.

Prerequisite: General experience and observation of everyday communication.

Concept and Meaning, Communication cycle, Objectives, Barriers to communication (linguistic and
semantic, psychological, physical, mechanical, cultural), Methods of communication (verbal and non-
verbal), Networks of communication (formal and informal), Language skills (listening, speaking, read-
ing, writing), Corporate communication: Digital Content Creation.

Unit-II Business Correspondence 05 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Formal Communication and writing skill

Principles of Business Correspondence, Parts of a business letter, Formats (Complete block and Mod-
ified block), Types of letters: Enquiry, Reply to enquiry, Claim, Adjustment and Sales letter.

Unit-III Grammar and Vocabulary 02 Hrs.

Prerequisite: High School Grammar

Grammar and Vocabulary: Common errors, Concord (subject- verb agreement), Pairs of confused
words, Lexicon (Enriching vocabulary through one-word substitutes, synonyms, antonyms, etc.

Unit-IV Summarization and Comprehension 02 Hrs

Prerequisite: Reading Skill , Vocabulary

Passages to test the analytical skills and expression.

Unit-V Technical writing 02 Hrs.

Prerequisite: Reading of User Manual

Techniques to define an object, writing instructions, language exercises based on types of expositions
(description of an object, explanation of a process)

Unit-VI Information Communication Technology (ICT) enabled

communication media 02 Hrs.
Prerequisite: ICT tools

E-mail, Blog and Website.

List of assignments:

1. Communication theory: 02

2. Business Correspondence: 02

3. Grammar and vocabulary: 01

4. Summarization & Comprehension: 01

5. Technical writing: 01

6. ICT enabled communication media: 01

Reference Books

1. Communication in Organizations by Dalmar Fisher, Jaico Publishing House

2. Communication Skills by Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta Sharma,Oxford University Press.

3. Business Correspondence & Report-writing by R.C. Sharma & Krishna Mohan, Tata McGraw-
Hill Education.

4. Effective Technical Communication by Ashraf Rizvi, Tata McGraw-Hill.

5. Technical Writing & Professional Communication for non-native speakers of English by Thomas
N. Huckin & Leslie A. Olsen, McGraw Hill.

6. Mastering Communication by Nicky Stanton, Palgrave Master Series



9. Journal of Business Communication

Engineering Science Laboratory -II

Practical Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures : - - - - - Teacher Assessment : 25 Marks
Practical : 02 Hrs./week End Sem Exam : 25 Marks
Credit : 01 Total : 50 Marks

Course Objectives
1. To provide hands-on experience of basic physics instruments.

2. To introduce students to the modern equipments, precision techniques and experimental meth-
ods for observing, understanding and verifying laws optics.

3. To provide students with a basic understanding of the Physics concept through experiments
that may be required by engineers in the course of their careers.

4. To introduce the learners with the basics of diffraction and propagation of light in OFC.

5. Remember the fundamental rules, laws and theorems of Chemistry.

6. Apply the knowledge of chemistry to understand the properties and applications of engineering

COs Course Outcomes Blooms Blooms

Level Description
CO1 Ability to state and verify various laws which they have studied, L5 Evaluation
through experiments
CO2 Ability to calculate the numerous parameters of Laser and grating L3 Application
by diffraction experiment
CO3 Ability to demonstrate the propagation of light and measure basic L3, L6 Application,Evaluatio
parameters of OFC by optical fibre set up
CO4 Measure molecular/system properties such as Moisture and Ash L5 Evaluation
CO5 Measure molecular/system properties such as Saponification and L2,L4 Understand
Acid value of Oil Analysis
CO6 Measure molecular/system properties such as Viscosity and L2,L5 Understand
strength of different solutions by instrumental methods of anal- Evaluation

List of Laboratory Experiments

Perform any 5 experiments from the following list of experiments

1. Determination of wavelength using Diffraction grating. (Hg/Na source)

2. Determination of number of lines on the grating surface using LASER Source.

3. Determination of Numerical Aperture of an optical fibre.

4. Determination of wavelength using Diffraction grating (Laser source)

5. Study of divergence of laser beam

6. Determination of width of a slit using single slit diffraction experiment (laser source)

7. Study of I-V characteristics of Photo diode.

8. Determination of velocity of ultrasonic wave in water by using ultrasonic interferometer.

Perform any 5 experiments from the following list of experiments

1. Determination of Moisture content of coal.

2. Determination of Ash content of coal.

3. Saponification value of oil.

4. Acid value of oil.

5. Determination of strength of a given solution (acid / base) by using Conductometric titration.

6. Determination of Viscosity of oil by Redwood Viscometer.

7. To determine metal ion concentration using colorimeter.

8. To validate Beer-Lambert law using UV Spectrophotometer/ colorimeter.

Any other experiment based on syllabus may be included, which would help the learner
to understand topic/concept.

Reference Books
1. B.Sc Practical Physics: Harnam Singh, Hemne P.S, S Chand Publication.

2. Fundamentals of Physics: Halliday and Resnick, 10th ed, Wiley, 2013.

3. Engineering Chemistry Lab Manual by Shuchi Tiwari (2010), SCITECH Publications.

4. Vogels Text Book of Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 6th Edition by G. J. Jeffery, J. Bassett,
Mendham, R.C. Denney, Longman Scientific & Technical Publications, New York.

5. A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry by R. N. Goyal and H. Goel, Ane Books (P) Ltd. (2009).

6. A Text Book on experiments and calculations Engineering by S.S. Dara, S. Chand & Company
Ltd. (2003).

7. Instrumental methods of Chemical Analysis, Gurudeep R, Chatwal Sham, K. Anand, Latest

Edition (2015), Himalaya Publications.

Text Books

1. Practical Engineering Chemistry by K.Mukkanti, etal. B.S.Publications, Hyderabad (2011).

2. Lab Manual on Engineering Chemistry by Sudharani, Dhanpat Rai Publications, Co., New
Delhi, (2009).

Engineering Graphics Lab (ESFY2040L)

Practical Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures : - - - - - Teacher Assessment : 25 Marks
Practical : 02 Hrs./week End Sem Exam : 25 Marks
Credit : 01 Total : 50 Marks

Course Objectives
1. Students should be able to visualize the objects.

2. They should be able to understand and read drawing.

3. To impart and inculcate proper understanding of the theory of projection

4. They should be able to present the same

COs Course Outcomes Blooms Blooms

Level Description
CO1 Recognize the value of engineering graphics, as a language of en- L2 Remember
CO2 Construct orthographic views of lines, and basic shapes of solids L3 Apply
CO3 Interpret and sketch orthographic and sectional orthographic L3 Apply
views of various machine components
CO4 Visualize objects, and draw isometric views L4 Analyse
CO5 Build 2D sketches using Auto CAD L4 Create

List of Practical /Experiments/Assignments:

Laboratory: (Term work)

Component 1
1. Orthographic projections. (03 problems)
2. Sectional Orthographic projections. (02 problems)
3. Isometric Views. (02 problems)
4. Projection of solids. (02 problems)
5. Section of solids and Development of lateral surfaces. (02 problems)
6. Projection of lines and Engineering Curves. (04 problems)
Component 2
Assignment on A-3 size sketch book/ sheet (minimum 2 problems on each topic):
1. Orthographic/Sectional Orthographic projections.
2. Isometric Projections.
3. Engineering Curves.
4. Projection of lines.
5. Projection of solids.
6. Section of solids and Development of lateral surfaces.
Component 3
AutoCAD Printouts of each from:
1. Orthographic Projections 2 problems.
2. Orthographic Projections with section 2 problems.
3. Isometric Views 2 problems.
4. Projection of solids (Prism and Pyramid only) - 2 problems.

The distribution of marks for term work shall be as follows: Laboratory work (Sheets, Assignment
and AutoCAD Printouts): 25 Marks
The final certification and acceptance of term work will be subject to satisfactory performance of
laboratory work and upon fulfilling minimum passing criteria in the term work.
Reference Books
1. N. D. Bhatt, Engineering Drawing, Charotar Publishing House.

2. M.L.Dabhade (2004), Engineering Drawing, Vision Publications.

3. Dhananjay A. Jolhe Engineering Drawing with an Introduction to AutoCAD, Tata McGraw

Hill Education Private Limited

Text Books
1. N.D.Bhatt , Engineering Drawing, Charotar Publishing House,

2. M.B.Shah & B.C.Rana Engineering Drawing, Pearson Education.

Computer Programming Laboratory

Practical Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures : - - - - - Teacher Assessment : 25 Marks
Practical : 02 Hrs./week End Sem Exam : 25 Marks
Credit : 01 Total : 50 Marks

Course Objectives
1. To understand problem solving, problem solving aspects, programming and to know about
various program design tools.

2. To acquaint with data types, input output statements, control structures, functions etc.

3. Use of procedure oriented programming approach for problem solving.

4. Develop modular code using function, recursion and iteration.

5. Build the program using pointers, self-referential pointers.

COs Course Outcomes Blooms Blooms

Level Description
CO1 Develop algorithms for mathematical and scientific problems L6 Create
CO2 Explore alternate algorithmic approaches to problem solving L2 Understand
CO3 Develop modular programs using control structures,iteration and L6 Create
CO4 To synthesize a complete program using divide and conquer ap- L4 Analyze
proach using function
CO5 To solve real world problems using procedure oriented features by L3 Apply
writing programs

List of Laboratory Experiments

1. To calculate simple interest taking principal, rate of interest and number of years as input from
user.Write algorithm & Draw flowchart for the same.

2. Write a program to find greatest of three numbers using conditional operator. Write algorithm
& Draw flowchart for the same.

3. Write a program to check if the year entered is leap year or not. Write algorithm & Draw
flowchart for the same.

4. Write a program to calculate roots of a quadratic equation

5. Write a menu driven program to perform add / subtract / multiply / divide based on the users
choice. The user will indicate the operation to be performed using the signs i.e. + for addition,
- for subtraction and so on. Write algorithm & Draw flowchart for the same.

6. Write a program to find the sum of seven terms using a for loop for the following series:

7. Write a program to read a number, reverse the number and display the sum of digits of number

8. Write a program (using ’for’ loop) to display the following asking the user for the number of
lines. Write algorithm & Draw flowchart for the same.


9. Write a program to check if the entered number is Armstrong or not. Write algorithm & Draw
flowchart for the same.

10. Write a program to display first n elements of Fibonacci series (using ’for’)

11. Write a program to find nCr using function. Write algorithm & Draw flowchart for the same.

12. Write a program which will accept n and r and calculate nCr=n!/r!(n-r)! using recursive func-

13. Write a program to initialize an automatic and static variable and increment it in the function.
Call this function thrice and print the value of the variable every time after incrementing

14. Write a program to implement bubble sorting algorithm for sorting numbers in ascending order
Write algorithm & Draw flowchart for the same

15. Write a program to check whether string is palindrome or not.

16. Write a program to count blank spaces, digits, vowels and consonants in the string.

17. Write a program to multiply two matrices using a function.

18. Define a structure called cricket that will describe the following information player name, coun-
try name best score, batting average. Develop a program that will store information of 25
cricket players around the world using this structure. Also display names of these cricketers in
descending order with respect to their batting average.

19. Write a program to swap two numbers using a function. Pass the values to be swapped to this
function using call-by-value method and call-by-reference method.

20. Write a program to accept a set of 10 numbers and print the number using pointer

Effective Communication Skills Laboratory

Practical Scheme Examination Scheme

Lectures : - - - - - Teacher Assessment : 25 Marks
Practical : 02 Hrs./week End Sem Exam : 25 Marks
Credit : 01 Total : 50 Marks

Course Objectives
1. To enable the students to prepare and present themself with own introduction.

2. To enable the students to participate in oral communication activities.

3. To enable the students to express their thoughts and knowledge on various platforms.

4. To enable the students to appear for interviews and debates with confidence and readiness.

5. To enable the students to write and develop ideas to create effective and meaningful office draft.

CO1 Students will be able to describe and illustrate themselves. L2, L3 Understand,
CO2 Students will be able to use digital resources for effective presen- L3 Apply
CO3 Students will participate in public speaking activities as GD, De- L3 Apply
bate etc.
CO4 Students will be able to prepare their resume and other office L6 Create
CO5 Students will learn to think creatively and vividly while developing L6 Create
an idea.

List of Laboratory Experiments

Perform any 8 experiments from each group of the following list of experiments /Practicals

1. Self-Introduction

2. Practice of Group Discussion

3. Presentation Skills

4. Interview techniques

5. Elocution

6. Debate

7. Mock Interview

8. Writing Business Documents

9. Writing Job Application with Resume

10. Development of an Idea

Reference Books

1. Subroto Bagchi, The Professional: Defining the New Standard of Excellence at Work, Penguin
Books Pvt.Ltd, 2011.

2. Nicky Stanton, Mastering Communication, Palgrave Master Series.

3. R.C. Sharma & Krishna Mohan, Business Correspondence & Report-writing, Tata McGraw-
Hill Education.

4. Thomas N. Huckin & Leslie A. Olsen, Technical Writing & Professional Communication for
non-native speakers of English, McGraw Hill.

5. Raman, Meenakshi & Sangeetha Sharma, Technical Communication: Principles and Practice,
Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2015.


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