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ENG CS 1654025 Sec9 WireAndCable 0313

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Wire and Cable

Table of Contents

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-2
High-Performance Wire and Cable
SPEC 44 Wire and Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-3 to 9-9
SPEC 55 Wire and Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-10 to 9-20
FlexLine (SPEC 80) Wire and Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-21, 9-22
Low-Fire-Hazard Wire and Cable
Type 99 Wire and Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-23 to 9-26
Zerohal 100A Wire and Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-27 to 9-29
Zerohal 100G Wire and Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-30 to 9-32
Signal and Control Cables for Offshore and Commercial Shipping
C-Lite Low Fire Hazard Lightweight Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-33 to 9-49
C-Lite F (Fire Resistant) Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-50, 9-51
Commercial Wire Family
FlexLite Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-52, 9-53
FlexLite CW Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-54, 9-55
FlexLite DW Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-56, 9-57
FlexLite TW Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-58, 9-59
FlexLite HT Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-60, 9-61
Thermocouple Extension Cable
Thermocouple Extension Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-62 to 9-64
Controlled Electrical Cables
Electroloss FilterLine Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-67 to 9-72
Cheminax Coaxial Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-73 to 9-75
Cheminax High-Performance Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-76
Cheminax Twin Axial Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-77, 9-78
SeaLAN Ethernet Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-79, 9-80
SHF-260 Highly Flexible Wire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-81
ZEROHAL PROFIBUS Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-82, 9-83
QUADLITE Quadaxial Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-84 to 9-88
High Speed Copper Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-89
Multiconductor (Multicore) Cables
Custom Designed and Standard Multiconductor Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-90
Multicore Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-91, 9-92
Computer Aided Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-93 9
Wire and Cable
Custom Shipboard Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-94
RayBraid Tubular Braiding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-95, 9-96
Cable Jacket Materials
Properties and Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-97, 9-98
FDR 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-99, 9-100
Zerohal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-101 to 9-103
Thermorad HTF/Fluoroelastomer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-104
Thermorad/Thermorad F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-105
Raythane, NT/Thermorad NTFR, Rayolin, and AFR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-106
NBC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-107, 9-108
Note: Users should independently
evaluate the suitability of the
product for their application. Electrical Shielding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-109, 9-110
Before ordering, check with
TE Connectivity for most Power Cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9-111 to 9-114
current data.

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Wire and Cable


TE provides wire and cable Using a computer-aided TE wire and cable products
solutions for challenging design system, TE can can meet your specific
environments and demanding quickly design multicore application needs. Here are
applications. The product cables to meet your just a few examples:
range includes high-per- needs. A variety of cable ■ Limited-fire-hazard wire
formance insulated wires, jackets are available to and cable for mass transit
coaxial and data bus suit most applications. and marine applications.
cables, power cables, ■ High Speed Copper
electronics wire, and multi- ■ High-performance, high
cable designs are avail- temperature automotive
core cables. able for Cat 5e, Cat 6, wiring.
■ SPEC 44 wire is an IEEE 1394 and USB appli-
economical yet rugged cations. This family of ■ Small, light hookup wires
dual-wall insulation cables can be cus- for high-temperature
system rated at 150°C tomized to meet specific applications in commercial
[221°F], with consistently application needs. appliances, tools, and
low cost and reliable devices.
■ SeaLAN Cat 5e and
performance. Zerohal PROFIBUS ■ Very flexible, rugged,
■ SPEC 55 wire insulation cables are designed to thin-wall insulated power
provides high reliability be used in the demanding cables.
in harsh environments marine environmental ■ Low-outgassing space-
from -65°C to +200°C conditions while still vehicle wiring.
[-85°F to +392°F]. meeting the high perform-
Resistant to electrical ance data standards. ■ Lightweight, shielded wire
arc tracking, it combines and cable constructions
■ Quadlite quadraxial for aerospace applications.
the easy handling of a cables, rated up to 200˚C,
flexible wire with excellent offer small size and light ■ Thermocouple extension
resistance to scrape abra- weight high speed cables with a range of
sion, and cut-through. solutions in aerospace our high-performance
■ SPEC 80 (FlexLine) wire applications which insulation materials.
is insulated with a flexible require data protocols Contact TE to find out more
modified radiation cross- such as 100BaseT, about wire and cable and
linked ETFE polymer with 1000BaseT, FiberChannel our associated interconnec-
a temperature rating of - and IEEE 1394. tion products.
65˚C to +200˚C [-85˚F to ■ C-Lite low fire hazard
-395˚F] lightweight cables offer
■ Type 99 wire has a dual significant size and
wall construction and has weight reduction, when
excellent mechanical per- compared to conventional
formance and chemical insulation systems, while
resistance with a range of at the same time meeting
enhanced fire hazard key criteria such as low
properties. fire hazard performance
■ ElectroLoss Filterline and mechanical
wire reduces the vulnera- robustness.
bility of critical circuits to ■ FlexLite commercial
high-frequency electro- wire family is available in
magnetic interference. various constructions for
■ Cheminax coaxial and a variety of applications
data bus cables allow with temperature ratings
system designers to from -45˚C up to 250˚C.
optimize minimum size FLCW is a general
and weight with imped- purpose and motor
ance and attenuation lead wire.
characteristics. FLDW is a dual-wall
primary wire.
■ Multiconductor (multi- FLTW is a thin-wall
core) cables organize a hookup wire and cable.
variety of TE wire and FLHT is a high-tempera-
cable products in con- ture hookup wire.
trolled geometries for FLTX is an ultra-high
specific applications. temperature hookup wire.
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
High Performance Wire and Cable


Product Facts
■ Dual wall construction
■ 600, 1000 and 2500 voltage
■ Small size, light weight
■ Resistant to most chemicals
and electrical arc tracking

SPEC 44 wire has a dual and though mechanically offer a modern dimensional
wall construction which very tough, is easy to han- replacement for PVC/Nylon/
combines the outstanding dle and install using con- Glass braid type wire and
physical and electrical ventional tools. cables. SPEC 44 wire is
characteristics of radiation Originally developed for offered in a wide range of
crosslinked polyalkene with aerospace and military sizes in stranded conduc-
the excellent mechanical requirements in applica- tors, standard materials
and chemical properties of tions of high density and available being tin or
radiation cross-linked complex circuitry, SPEC 44 silver-plated copper and
polyvinylidene fluoride wire and cable now finds high strength copper alloy.
(PVDF). wide use throughout indus- Voltage ratings of 600, 1000
The result is a wire insula- try, in commercial and and 2500 volts are available
tion system that offers a military electronics, as standard. Shielded and
150°C [302°F] temperature avionics, on satellites, jacketed versions include
rating, small size, light aircraft, helicopters, ships, single and multi-conductor
weight, solder iron resist- trains, military ground constructions and flat braid
ance, and resistance to systems, and offshore plat- shields where further size
most solvents, fuels and forms where environmental and weight savings are
lubricants. conditions demand consis- achieved.

SPEC 44 wire and cable is tently reliable performance.

highly flame retardant, non- In airframe applications
melting, does not cold flow, SPEC 44 constructions can

Wire and Cable


Primary Insulation - Jacket -

Radiation Crosslinked, Radiation Crosslinked,
Extruded Polyalkene Modified PVDF

Available in: Americas Europe Asia Pacific

■ ■ ■

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 44 (Continued)

Physical Characteristics
Small Size General Handling Lengths
SPEC 44 equipment wire, The flexibility of SPEC 44 SPEC 44 is available in long
600 volt rated has a 0.19 and the ease with which it continuous lengths and can
[.008] nominal wall thick- takes a 'set' makes it one of be supplied for use on auto-
ness compared to 0.25 the easiest of the 'high matic cut and strip wire
[.010] and 0.38 [.015] for performance' wires to preparation machines.
equivalent PTFE and PVC install. Stripping is done
wires in MIL-DTL-16878, with conventional die blade
SAE AS22759 or BS 3G210. strippers.
Light Weight The tin-plated conductor
usually specified is easily
Because of the thin wall and soldered or crimped. The
low density of the insulation insulation may be easily
materials considerable printed and does not need
weight savings are made etching before potting.
over similarly rated PTFE
wires, eg:- 44A0111-22AWG
equipment wire 4.45
grams/meter max
22 AWG PTFE equipment
wire, AS-81044
5.54 grams/meter max

AS-81044, NEMA-WC-27500 (Cables)
Def Stan. 61-12 Part 18 - Type 1 pliable (Maintenance Range)
Def Stan. 61-12 Part 26 All types
VG 95218 Parts 20, 21, 22, 23 and 1000
NATO Stock Numbers (NSN's) exist for most standard constructions
Civil Aviation Authority Accessory Approval E11623
TE Specification 44

Typical Properties
Temperature rating -65°C to +150°C [-85°F to +302°F]
Voltage rating (thin wall) 600 V
Voltage rating (thick wall) 2500 V
Tensile strength and elongation of insulation 28 N/mm2, (4000 PSI), 230%
Notch propagation, 0.05mm notch Pass
Solder iron resistance (370°C, 1 minute) Pass
Shrinkage, 300°C <1%
Low temperature bend -65°C [-85°F]
Voltage withstand (thin wall) 2500 V
Resistance: fuels, oils, solvents Pass

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 44 (Continued)

Environmental Performance Temperature Rating Solder Iron/Overload Voltage Ratings

SPEC 44 wire and cable is Resistance Standard available voltage
rated for continuous opera- The radiation crosslinking ratings for SPEC 44 wire are
tion from -65°C to +150°C of the materials used in 600 volts (0.19 mm wall
[-85°F to +302°F] and for SPEC 44 makes them non- thickness), 1000 volts (0.28
short periods at tempera- melting at high temperature. mm wall) and 2500 volts
tures as high as 300°C As a result SPEC 44 wire is (0.48 mm wall).
[572°F]. Heat ageing tests resistant to prolonged con-
are routinely performed at tact with solder irons and is Electrical Arc Track Resistance
temperatures of 200°C resistant to current over- SPEC 44 insulation demon-
[392°F] (168 hr) and 300°C loads which would melt most strates a resistance to arc
[572°F] (6 hr). In addition thermoplastic insulation. tracking under both wet and
SPEC 44 insulation will not dry conditions at aircraft
shrink back under repeated Chemical Resistance system voltages.
cycling. The irradiated dual wall
construction of SPEC 44 Low Outgassing
Mechanical Performance
wire is highly resistant to For use in space applica-
SPEC 44 wire provides bet- many acids, alkalis, hydro- tions, special constructions
ter cut through resistance carbon solvents, fuels, lubri- of SPEC 44 wire are avail-
than some wires with much cants, water, and many able with low outgassing
thicker walls. 600 volt equip- missile fuels and oxidizers. characteristics, for use in an
ment wire 44A0111 (0.19 environment of high vacuum
mm wall) has 40% greater Cold Flow and high temperature.
cut through resistance than Radiation cross-linking of
600 volt PTFE insulated wire SPEC 44 prevents cold flow
(0.25 mm wall). of the insulation — a recog-
nized problem of some
uncrosslinked materials.

Fire Hazard Performance Federal Aviation Reg FAR-25 Pass

BS EN 50265 Vertical Flammability Pass
Flammability S424 14751 (Swedish chimney) Pass
NFC 32070 (2) (French chimney) Pass

Smoke/Toxicity Index
IEC 60332 part 3 (Cable ladder)
Smoke Index, Def Stan 61-12 (18)
Toxicity Index, Def Stan 61-12 (18)
6 per meter of wire
0.8 per meter of wire 9
Wire and Cable
BS EN 1S0-4589 Part 2 30% Oxygen
BS EN 1S0-4589 Part 3
Temperature Index, NES 715 >300°C [572°F]

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 44 (Continued)

Part Numbering System Cross items that are

not standard.
44 X X X X X- AWG- X/X- X

Jacket Color
(codes same as for Primary Wire Insulation Color)
Primary Wire Insulation Color
(code per MIL-STD-681)
0 - Black 5 - Green
1 - Brown 6 - Blue
2 - Red 7 - Violet
3 - Orange 8 - Gray
4 - Yellow 9 - White

Conductor Size (AWG)

Conductor Type
1 - Tin-coated copper A - Silver-coated CS95
2 - Silver-coated copper C - Silver-coated high strength
3 - Nickel-coated copper copper alloy (cadmium-free)
4 - Silver-coated high strength D - Nickel-coated high strength
copper alloy copper alloy (cadmium-free)
5 - Aluminum
6 - Nickel-coated high strength
copper alloy

Number of Conductors
1 through 10 (designator for 10 conductor = 0)

Class of Wire
1 - 600 volt, general purpose 6- 2500 volt, outerspace*
2 - 1000 volt, general purpose 7- 600 volt, airframe
3 - 2500 volt, general purpose 8- 600 volt, medium weight
4 - 600 volt, outerspace*
5 - 1000 volt, outerspace*

0 - Primary wire; or unshielded & unjacketed cable
1 - Round braid shielded and jacketed cable**
2 - Tin-coated copper flat braid shielded & jacketed cable
3 - Round braid shielded cable, no jacket**
4 - Jacketed cable, no shield
5 - Spiral braid shielded & jacketed cable**
7-9 - Special constructions

Temperature Rating:
/ - 135˚C (XL-PVF2 cable jacket) - USA only
A - 150˚C (XL-PVF2 cable jacket)
AC - 150˚C (same as 44AM with 90% min. shield coverage)
AM - 150˚C (M27500, shielded and/or XL-PVF2 jacketed cable)
B - 150˚C (XL-ETFE cable jacket)
Part Numbering System is a D - 135˚C (XL-PVF2) - Def Stan Part 26-UK only)
cross reference only and not
meant for part creation. Basic Product Number

* Classes 4, 5 and 6 available only as “44/” constructions. 44/7xxx and 44A7xxx will be available as indicated on the applicable SCD.
**Shield coating same as conductor coating except: - for Conductor Type 4, 6, C and D, shield shall be tin-coated copper for standard products

Typical ordering example 3 conductors, brown, yellow with green stripe, blue, white jacket. If 600 volt, round braid, 20 AWG tinned
conductor, 44A1131-20-1/45/6-9.
Ordering information Other constructions and custom designed wire and cable are available on request.

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 44 (Continued)

NEMA WC-27500 Cable

Part Numbering System

M27500 X AWG XX X X XX

Basic Specification Number

Component Wire ID/Shield Coverage Code

Shield Coverage
85% 90% Component Wire Identification
- C Colored Stripes on White Wire
(9/96/93/95/92/90/94/97/98/91... etc.)
A D Solid Color Wires (9/6/3/5/2/0/4/7/8/1...etc.)
B E Band Marks on Solid Colors (by AWG)
F H Alternate Colored Stripes
G J Alternate Solid Colors (2/6/4/5/9/0/1/3/7/8...etc.)
K M Number Marking on Solid Colors (by AWG)
L N Number Marking on White Wires
P R Band Marks on Colored Stripes (by AWG)
S T Band Marks on White Wires
U V Non-standard color - defined by customer

Conductor Size (AWG)

Basic Wire Spec Code (MIL-W-81044) and Slash Sheet

MD - M81044/5 (44A0712)
ME - M81044/6 (44A0711)
MF - M81044/7 (44A0714)
MG - M81044/8 (44A0812)
MH - M81044/9 (44A0811)
MJ - M81044/10 (44A0814)
MK - M81044/11 (44A0112)
ML - M81044/12 (44A0111)
MM - M81044/13 (44A0114)

Number of Component Wires

Shield Material and Style Code

U - No shield
T - Tin-coated copper, round
Wire and Cable
J - Tin-coated copper, flat
S - Silver-coated copper, round
G - Silver-coated copper, flat
N - Nickel-coated copper, round

Jacket Material and Style Code

00 - No jacket
08 - Crosslinked, white PVDF
23 - Crosslinked, white Modified ETFE
Example: M27500-22ML3T08 = 44AM1131-22-9/96/93-9

Tyco Electronics Part No.

Military Part No. Part Numbering System is a
cross reference only and not
meant for part creation.
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 44 (Continued)

Primary Wires/Twisted Pair

44A011X (600 V) 44A021X (1000 V)

Primary Wire Primary Wire

44A011X (600 V) 44A021X (1000 V)

Wire Stranding CSA Max. Max.
Nom. Nom.
Size (mm2) Weight Weight
(mm) #/AWG OD OD
(AWG) (g/m) lb/kft (g/m) lb/kft
30 7/0.10 7/38 0.06 0.68 [0.027] 1.06 [0.71] 0.81 [0.032] 1.34 [0.9]00
28 7/0.13 7/36 0.09 0.76 [0.030] 1.43 [0.96] 0.89 [0.035] 1.64 [1.1]00
26* 19/0.10 19/38 0.15 0.86 [0.034] 2.08 [1.4] 1.02 [0.040] 2.38 [1.6]
24 19/0.13 19/36 0.25 1.02 [0.040] 2.98 [2.0] 1.17 [0.046] 3.57 [2.4]
22 19/0.16 19/34 0.40 1.19 [0.047] 4.46 [3.0] 1.37 [0.054] 5.20 [3.5]
20 19/0.20 19/32 0.60 1.40 [0.055] 6.70 [4.5] 1.57 [0.062] 7.59 [5.1]
18 19/0.25 19/30 1.00 1.65 [0.065] 10.12 [6.8] 1.85 [0.073] 11.46 [7.7]
16 19/0.29 19/29 1.25 1.83 [0.072] 12.80 [8.6] 2.06 [0.081] 14.58 [9.8]
14 19/0.36 19/27 2.00 2.26 [0.089] 19.64 [13.2] 2.49 [0.098] 21.88 [14.7]
12 37/0.32 37/28 3.00 2.74 [0.108] 30.06 [20.0] 2.97 [0.117] 32.89 [22.1]
10 37/0.40 37/26 5.00 3.28 [0.129] 46.28 [31.1] 3.71 [0.146] 52.98 [35.6]
8 133/0.29 133/29 8.30 — — 5.23 [0.206] 91.97 [61.8]
*For 44A0211-26 the stranding is 7/0.16mm 7/34 AWG

44A031X (2500 V) 44A081X (600 V) 44A012X (600 V)

Primary Wire Airframe Wire Twisted Pair

44A031X (2500 V) 44A081X (600 V) 44A012X (600 V)

Wire Stranding CSA Max. Max Max.
Nom. Nom. Nom.
Size (mm2) Weight Weight Weight
(mm) #/AWG OD OD OD
(AWG) (g/m) lb/kft (g/m) lb/kft (g/m) lb/kft
30 7/0.10 7/38 0.06 — — — — 1.37 [0.054] 2.38 [1.6]
28 7/0.13 7/36 0.09 — — — — 1.52 [0.060] 3.13 [2.1]
26 19/0.10 19/38 0.15 1.35 [0.053] 3.13 [2.1] 1.22 [0.048] 2.98 [2.0] 1.73 [0.068] 4.31 [2.9]
24 19/0.13 19/36 0.25 1.44 [0.057] 4.46 [3.0] 1.37 [0.054] 3.87 [2.6] 2.03 [0.080] 6.39 [4.3]
22 19/0.16 19/34 0.40 1.75 [0.069] 6.40 [4.3] 1.57 [0.062] 5.65 [3.8] 2.38 [0.094] 9.37 [6.3]
20 19/0.20 19/32 0.60 1.98 [0.078] 9.08 [6.1] 1.78 [0.070] 8.04 [5.4] 2.79 [0.110] 13.98 [9.4]
18 19/0.25 19/30 1.00 2.23 [0.088] 12.95 [8.7] 2.03 [0.080] 11.91 [8.0] 3.30 [0.130] 21.27 [14.3]
16 19/0.29 19/29 1.25 2.46 [0.097] 16.22 [10.9] 2.26 [0.089] 14.73 [9.9] 3.65 [0.144] 26.93 [18.1]
14 19/0.36 19/27 2.00 2.92 [0.115] 24.10 [16.2] 2.74 [0.108] 22.17 [14.9] 4.52 [0.178] 42.25 [28.4]
12 37/0.32 37/28 3.00 3.32 [0.131] 36.01 [24.2] 3.20 [0.126] 32.59 [21.9] 5.48 [0.216] 65.91 [44.3]
10 37/0.40 37/26 5.00 4.09 [0.161] 54.32 [36.5] 3.94 [0.155] 52.08 [35.0] — —
8 133/0.29 133/29 8.30 96.20 [0.219] 96.73 [65.0] 92.94 [0.214] 93.46 [62.8] — —

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 44 (Continued)

Shielded and Jacketed


44A111X (600 V) 44A121X (1000 V)

1 Conductor 1 Conductor

44A111X (600 V) 44A121X (1000 V)

Wire Stranding Max. Max.
Nom. Nom.
Size Weight Weight
(mm) #/AWG OD OD
(AWG) (g/m) lb/kft (g/m) lb/kft
30 7/0.10 7/38 1.54 [0.061] 5.21 [3.5] —ooo —ooo
28 7/0.13 7/36 1.61 [0.063] 5.80 [3.9] —ooo —ooo
26 19/0.10 19/38 1.57 [0.065] 6.84 [4.6] 1.73 [0.068] 6.85 [4.6]
24 19/0.13 19/36 1.83 [0.072] 8.63 [5.8] 1.98 [0.078] 9.67 [6.5]
22 19/0.16 19/34 2.01 [0.079] 10.71 [7.2] 2.24 [0.088] 12.35 [8.3]
20 19/0.20 19/32 2.26 [0.089] 14.73 [9.9] 2.54 [0.100] 17.41 [11.7]
18 19/0.25 19/30 2.62 [0.103] 20.68[13.9] 2.82 [0.111] 22.62 [15.2]
16 19/0.29 19/29 2.79 [0.110] 24.55 [16.5] 3.02 [0.119] 26.64 [17.9]
14 19/0.36 19/27 3.22 [0.127] 34.08 [22.9] 3.45 [0.136] 36.16 [24.3]
12 37/0.32 37/28 3.70 [0.146] 47.77 [32.1] 4.14 [0.155] 49.56 [33.3]
Other sizes are also available in some constructions depending on conductor type and construction required.

44A181X (600 V) 44A112X (600 V)

1 Conductor 2 Conductor

44A181X (600 V) 44A112X (600 V)

Wire Max. Max.
Nom. Nom.
Size Weight Weight
(AWG) (g/m) lb/kft (g/m) lb/kft
30 — — 2.23 [0.088] 8.20 [5.8]
28 — — 2.38 [0.094] 9.40 [6.6]
26 — — 2.59 [0.102] 12.05 [8.1]
24 2.26 [0.089] 11.76 [07.9] 2.99 [0.118] 16.82 [11.3]
2.57 [0.101]
2.77 [0.109]
3.02 [0.119]
15.48 [10.4]
19.19 [12.9]
24.11 [16.2]
3.35 [0.132]
3.76 [0.148]
4.32 [0.170]
21.57 [14.5]
27.97 [18.8]
38.24 [25.7]
Wire and Cable
16 3.25 [0.128] 28.13 [18.9] 4.67 [0.184] 44.94 [30.2]
14 3.73 [0.147] 38.69 [26.0] 5.53 [0.218] 64.28 [43.2]
12 4.19 [0.165] 52.38 [35.2] 6.50 [0.256] 91.51 [61.5]
Other sizes are also available in some constructions depending on conductor type and construction required.

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
High Performance Wire and Cable


Product Facts by hot stamp, ink jet or laser,

■ Resistant to electrical arc and can be potted without
tracking in wet or dry pre-etching.
■ Single or dual wall SPEC 55PC Wire and
constructions Cable Insulation System
■ Small size, ultra light weight This product was originally
■ Exceptional chemical developed to meet Boeing’s
resistance material standard BMS13-
■ -65°C to 200°C [-85°F to
48 for the 777 airliner.
392°F] SPEC 55PC provides light-
weight, compact insulation
that matches the proven
performance of our
SPEC 55 wire. Today, 55PC
is specified and utilized on
the majority of aerospace
platforms worldwide.
Applications in twisted pairs, triples, etc.,
and as shielded and jacket- TE’s rigorous, statistical-
SPEC 55 wire is insulated process-controlled manu-
with modified radiation ed cables.
facturing has produced
cross-linked ETFE polymer. Physical Characteristics wiring that is rugged and
It has a temperature rating versatile enough for a wide
of -65°C to 200°C [-85°F to Size and Weight
range of commercial and
392°F] continuous using a SPEC 55 wire provides one defense aerospace applica-
silver plated copper con- of the most comprehensive tions, including electronic
ductor, and combines the wiring product ranges for hook-ups in harsh, open air-
easy handling of a flexible aerospace users, with a frame environments.
wire with excellent scrape wide choice of conductor
abrasion and cut-through sizes and insulation wall SPEC 55PC wire and cable
characteristics. thicknesses.The dual wall systems feature an 8-mil air-
airframe wire has an insula- frame wire that is lighter and
The dual wall airframe con- smaller than typical 10-mil
struction of SPEC 55 wire is tion wall thickness of either
0.2 [.008] or 0.25 [.010] for wire, with little reduction in
currently used on numerous key mechanical perform-
aircraft programs. It has a robustness in unprotected
harnesses and has excel- ance features. SPEC 55PC
choice of two total wall wire offers flame resistance
thicknesses, 0.25 [.010] lent wire to wire abrasion
properties. superior to FAA standards
(55A08XX 10 mil) and 0.2 and also resists scrape
[.008] (55A02XX 8 mil). The single wall equipment abrasion, notch, propaga-
Both have a contrasting wire has a 0.15 [.006] wall tion, cut-through, and
core color to act as a dam- thickness for use inside electrical arc tracking.
age indicator. Chosen for its equipment and protected
balance of properties, harnesses. For high density, ■ Meets Boeing material
SPEC 55 wire has outstand- interconnect wiring, the 450 standard BMS 13-48.
ing resistance to chemicals volt 55M041X series of ■ Exceeds FAR 25 test
and solvents, excellent equipment wire has a nomi- requirements for flame
electrical arc track resist- nal 0.1 [.004] wall and pro- resistance and smoke
ance, and is not susceptible vides considerable weight density.
to UV and moisture degra- and size savings over other
dation. Single wall equip- comparable wires.
ment wire constructions
are available in 0.10 [.004]
(55/03XX 4 mil) and 0.15 The excellent flexibility
[.006] (6 mil) wall thicknesses and handleability makes
for use inside black boxes SPEC 55 the ideal wire to
where flexibility and solder- install, both in new aircraft
iron resistance make it a and equipment and for
wire which is very easy to maintenance purposes. The
Available in:
install reliably. wire is easily stripped with
Americas ■
conventional tooling. The
Europe ■ Both single and dual wall
Asia Pacific ■
insulation is readily marked
insulated wires are available
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 55 (Continued)

Conductor Conductor

Insulation -
Radiation Crosslinked, Modified ETFE Insulations -
Radiation Crosslinked, Modified ETFE
Inner layer colored blue

SPEC 55 Insulation System - Single Wall SPEC 55 Insulation System - Dual Wall

SAE AS22759/32-35 and /41 to /46 and NEMA-WC-27500 (Cables)

Defense Standard 61-12 Part 33 Issue 5
Part 1001 and Part 1002
VDE 9426, 9427, 9428
British Standard 3G233
Boeing BMS 13-48
Airbus ABS 0820 to 0826
NASA preferred product list
European Space Agency 3901/012, 3901/020 and 3901/022
TE Specification 55
Civil Aviation Authority Accessory Approval E11623
Contact TE for applicable product.

Typical Properties Temperature rating (Tin plated conductor) -65°C to +150°C [-85°F to +302°F]
(Silver or nickel plated conductor) -65°C to +200°C [-85°F to +392°F]
Thermal endurance 200 °C [392°F], 10000 h
Scrape abrasion (BS 3G233) >100 cycles at 150°C [302°F]
Flexing endurance (Boeing BSS 7324) >1000 cycles
Voltage rating
Tensile strength + elongation (core only)
Tensile strength + total elongation (core & primary jacket)
600 V, 1000V
(Dual wall wire) 35 N/mm2, 125% min.
(Dual wall wire) 35 N/mm2, 75% min. 9
Wire and Cable
Notch propagation BS 3G230 0.05 mm notch Pass
Solder iron resistance (370 °C, 1 minute) Pass
Solderability - Tin plated copper conductor <0.8 secs to wet
BS 3G233 conditions
Shrinkage <1%
Long term water resistance Will not hydrolyze
Permitivity 1 KHz (ASTM D150) 2.7
Dissipation factor (ASTM D150) 0.001
FAR 25 O
Afterburn (sec) 30 sec. max.
Burn length 75 mm [3 in.] max.

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 55 (Continued)

Environmental Performance Temperature Rating Chemical Resistance Electrical Arc Tracking

SPEC 55 wire and cable is SPEC 55 is unaffected by all Resistance
rated for continuous opera- commonly used chemicals, SPEC 55 insulation
tion from -65°C to +200°C eg. fuels, hydraulic demonstrates resistance
[-85°F to +392°F] and for fluids, defluxing agents, to arc tracking under both
short periods at tempera- cleaners, coolants and wet and dry conditions at
tures as high as 400°C de-icers. It also shows aircraft system voltages.
[752°F]. excellent resistance to
Mechanical Performance weathering (UV, ozone,
pollutants, water).
Radiation crosslinking of the
SPEC 55 insulation signifi- Space Wire
cantly improves the follow- SPEC 55 is available in
ing mechanical character- special versions suitable
istics; scrape (sharp for use in outer space
edges), cross wire abrasion, meeting both ESA and
cut-through resistance and NASA requirements for
creep resistance. outgassing.
Solder Iron/Overload Flammability
Resistance Special additives increase
Radiation crosslinking the flame retardance of
ensures that the insulation SPEC 55 compared to
resists melting at high unirradiated ETFE so that
temperatures. As a result it meets the latest high
SPEC 55 wire is resistant to performance tests, eg.
hot solder irons and current BS 3G230 and vertical test
overloads which would melt FAR25.
most thermoplastic

SPEC 55 Wire & Cable: Shielded & Jacketed

Conductor Primary Wire Twisted Pair
Standard Constructions, Single Pair
Nominal Sizes, Strandings,
Diameters and Weights

55PC - Extra Light Weight Constructions

For applications where weight is critical, light weight tight tolerance conductors and insulation are available. These are
manufactured using statistical process control methods and achieve weights that are equal or lighter than the
equivalent polyimide/PTFE constructions.

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 55 (Continued)

55A - AWG Conductor: Wire 55A011X 55A012X

Equipment/Interconnect Wires Stranding
Size Nom. Max. Weight Nom. Max. Weight
& Cables (AWG) OD (g per m/lbs per kft) OD (g per m/lbs per kft)
30 7/0.102 0.61 [0.024] 0.98 [0.66] 1.27 [0.048] 1.94 [1.3]
28 7/127 0.68 [0.027] 1.35 [0.91] 1.42 [0.054] 2.68 [1.8]
26 19/102 0.81 [0.032] 2.08 [1.4] 1.67 [0.064] 4.16 [2.8]
24 19/127 0.94 [0.037] 2.98 [2.0] 1.93 [0.074] 5.96 [4.0]
22 19/0.16 1.09 [0.043] 4.17 [2.8] 2.23 [0.086] 8.63 [5.8]
20 19/0.203 1.27 [0.050] 6.40 [4.3] 2.66 [0.102] 13.24 [8.9]
18 19/0.25 1.52 [0.060] 9.67 [6.5] 3.20 [0.122] 20.09 [13.5]
16 19/287 1.73 [0.068] 12.35 [8.3] 3.58 [0.138] 25.75 [17.3]
14 19/0.36 2.20 [0.085] 19.34 [13.0] 4.47 [0.172] 39.58 [26.6]
12 37/0.32 2.62 [0.103] 29.32 [19.7] 5.38 [0.208] 59.97 [40.3]
10 37/0.403 3.25 [0.128] 47.32 [31.8] 6.65 [0.256] 96.58 [64.9]
8 133/0.287 4.77 [0.188] 87.50 [58.8] 9.80 [0.376] 178.58 [120.0]

55A111X 55A112X
Nom. Max. Weight Nom. Max. Weight
OD (g per m/lbs per kft) OD (g per m/lbs per kft)
30 1.51 [0.057] 5.06 [3.4] 2.12 [0.081] 8.03 [5.4]
28 1.59 [0.060] 5.80 [3.9] 2.27 [0.087] 9.37 [6.30]
26 1.71 [0.065] 6.85 [4.6] 2.53 [0.097] 11.75 [7.9]]
24 1.84 [0.070] 8.19 [5.5] 2.80 [0.107] 14.58 [9.8]
22 1.99 [0.076] 10.27 [6.9] 3.07 [0.119] 18.15 [12.2]
20 2.20 [0.084] 13.40 [9.0] 3.50 [0.135] 24.10 [16.2]
18 2.45 [0.094] 17.86 [12.0] 4.10 [0.155] 32.60 [21.9]
16 2.67 [0.102] 21.73 [14.6] 4.43 [0.171] 39.73 [26.7]
14 3.10 [0.119] 30.36 [20.4] 5.30 [0.205] 57.13 [38.4]
12 3.55 [0.137] 42.41 [28.5] 6.30 [0.243] 81.98 [55.1]
10 4.20 [0.161] 62.65 [42.1] 7.40 [0.291]0 123.63 [83.1]00
8 5.80 [0.223] 110.42 [74.2] 10.60 [0.417]00 226.15 [152.0]00

55A - AWG Conductor: Wire 55A081X 55A082X

Airframe Wires & Cables Stranding
Size Nom. Max. Weight Nom. Max. Weight
(AWG) OD (g per m/lbs per kft) OD (g per m/lbs per kft)
26 19/102 1.01 [0.040] 2.5 [1.7] 2.10 [0.080] 5.06 [3.4]
24 19/127 1.14 [0.045] 3.4 [2.3] 2.33 [0.090] 6.84 [4.6]
22 19/0.16 1.27 [0.050] 4.8 [3.2] 2.64 [0.102] 9.98 [6.7]
1.47 [0.058]
1.78 [0.070]
1.96 [0.077]
2.40 [0.094]
7.0 [4.7]
10.7 [7.2]
13.4 [9.0]
20.5 [13.8]
3.07 [0.118]
3.63 [0.140]
4.06 [0.156]
4.90 [0.190]
14.73 [9.9]
21.88 [14.7]
27.53 [18.5]
42.26 [28.4]
Wire and Cable
12 37/0.32 2.82 [0.111] 30.5 [20.5] 5.80 [0.224] 63.00 [42.3]
10 37/0.403 3.40 [0.134] 48.3 [32.4] 7.10 [0.272] 98.96 [66.5]

55A181X 55A182X
Nom. Max. Weight Nom. Max. Weight
OD (g per m/lbs per kft) OD (g per m/lbs per kft)
26 1.71 [0.073] 7.89 [5.3] 2.63 [0.113] 14.29 [9.6]
24 1.84 [0.078] 9.37 [6.3] 2.80 [0.123] 16.37 [11.0]
22 1.99 [0.084] 11.76 [7.9] 3.07 [0.135] 20.68 [13.9]
20 2.20 [0.092] 14.88 [10.0] 3.50 [0.151] 27.08[18.2]
18 2.45 [0.103] 19.79[13.3] 4.10 [0.173] 36.46 [24.5]
16 2.67 [0.111] 23.81[16.0] 4.43 [0.189] 42.86 [28.8]
14 3.10 [0.128] 33.03 [22.2] 6.30 [0.225] 61.61 [41.4]
12 3.55 [0.145] 45.09 [30.3] 6.30 [0.259] 85.42 [57.4]
10 4.20 [0.168] 66.97[45.0] — [0.308] 127.54 [85.7]

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 55 (Continued)

55PC - AWG Conductor: Wire 55PC021X 55PC022X

Statistical Process Controlled Stranding
Size Nom. Target Weight Nom. Target Weight
Airframe Wires & Cables (AWG) OD (g per m/lbs per kft) OD (g per m/lbs per kft)
26 19/102 0.087 [0.035] 2.05 [1.38] — —
24 19/127 1.00 [0.0395] 2.95 [1.98] 2.00 [0.079] 5.95 [4.00]
22 19/0.16 1.15 [0.0455] 4.31 [2.90] 2.31 [0.091] 8.74 [5.87]
20 19/0.203 1.37 [0.0540] 6.51 [4.38] 2.74 [0.108] 13.2 [8.87]
18 19/0.25 1.61 [0.0635] 9.81 [6.59] 3.22 [0.127] 19.84 [13.33]
16 19/287 1.80 [0.0710] 12.46 [8.37] 3.60 [0.142] 25.21 [16.94]
14 19/.036 2.18 [0.0860] 19.17 [12.88] 4.36 [0.172] 38.80 [26.07]
12 37/0.32 2.66 [0.1047] 29.36 [19.73] 5.30 [0.209] 59.42 [39.93]
10 37/0.403 3.27 [0.1290] 46.31 [31.12] 6.55 [0.258] 93.92 [62.99]

55PC121X 55PC122X
Nom. Target Weight Nom. Target Weight
OD (g per m/lbs per kft) OD (g per m/lbs per kft)
26 1.52 [0.064] 6.54 [4.4] 2.33 [0.100] 11.34 [7.62]
24 1.65 [0.069] 7.86 [5.28] 2.89 [0.109] 13.90 [9.34]
22 1.80 [0.075] 9.81 [6.59] 2.89 [0.122] 17.89 [12.02]
20 2.00 [0.083] 12.83 [8.62] 3.30 [0.139] 23.84 [16.02]
18 2.23 [0.093] 17.01 [11.43] 3.78 [0.158] 32.10 [21.57]
16 2.44 [0.100] 20.36 [13.68] 4.16 [0.174] 39.00 [26.21]
14 2.79 [0.116] 28.69 [19.28] 4.92 [0.204] 55.21 [37.10]
12 3.30 [0.135] 40.73 [27.37] 5.92 [0.243] 80.23 [53.45]
10 3.98 [0.159] 59.90 [40.25] 7.39 [0.297] 123.65 [83.09]
X = 1 -Tin plated copper conductor.
4 -Silver plated high strength copper alloy conductor. (Recommended for size 24 & 26 in airframe applications and
mandatory for CAA release.)

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 55 (Continued)

Part Numbering System

55A and 55LF —
General Purpose
55 A 1 1 2 1 * - AWG - 2/6 - 9

Jacket Color (code per MIL-STD-681)

Codes same as for Primary Wire Insulation Color
Primary Wire Insulation Color (code per MIL-STD-681)
0 - Black 4 - Yellow 8 - Gray
1 - Brown 5 - Green 9 - White
2 - Red 6 - Blue
3 - Orange 7 - Violet

Conductor Size (AWG)

*Optional Shield Material

H - High strength copper alloy, shield coating same as
conductor coating (No designator defaults to coated
“copper” shield, if any)
Conductor Type
1 - Tin-coated copper
2 - Silver-coated copper
3 - Nickel-coated copper
4 - Silver-coated high strength copper alloy
6 - Nickel-coated high strength copper alloy
A - Silver-coated ultra high-strength copper alloy
Number of Conductors
1 through 10 (designator for 10 conductor = 0)
Class of Wire
1 - 600 volt, lightweight
2 - 600 volt, medium weight
4 - 450V (55M 20-30 AWG only)
7 - 1000 volt, heavy duty, airframe
8 - 600 volt, normal weight, airframe
0 - Primary wire; or unshielded & unjacketed cable
1 - **Round braid shielded & jacketed cable
2 - ** Flat braid shielded& jacketed cable
3 - ** Round braid shielded cable, no jacket
4 - Jacketed cable, no shield
Wire and Cable
5 - ** Spiral braid shielded & jacketed cable
6-9 - Special constructions

Product Type
A - General purpose
AC - General purpose, 90% min. shield coverage
AF - General purpose, low fluoride
D - Defense Standard 61-12 Part 33
LF - General purpose, ultra low fluoride
LFC- General purpose, ultra low fluoride, 90% min. shield coverage
M - 450 Volt

Basic Product Number

**Except for p/ns with Shield Material designation “H”, shield coating same as conductor coating, except:
- for Conductor Type 4, shield shall be tin-coated cooper Part Numbering System is a
- for Conductor Types 6 and A, flat braid only, shield shall be tin-coated copper cross reference only and not
The UK manufactures and supply large volumes of 55Mx4x4 (450 volt) construction wires and meant for part creation.
cables for Aerospace and Multisport applications.
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 55 (Continued)

Part Numbering System

55/ — Outer Space
55 / 1 3 2 1 * - AWG - 0/9 - 9

Jacket Color (code per MIL-STD-681)

Codes same as for Primary Wire Insulation Color
Primary Wire Insulation Color (code per MIL-STD-681)
0 - Black 4 - Yellow 8 - Gray
1 - Brown 5 - Green 9 - White
2 - Red 6 - Blue
3 - Orange 7 - Violet

Conductor Size (AWG)

*Optional Shield Material

H - High strength copper alloy, shield coating same as
conductor coating (No designator defaults to coated
“copper” shield, if any)
Conductor Type
1 - Tin-coated copper
2 - Silver-coated copper
3 - Nickel-coatedcopper
4 - Silver-coated high strength copper alloy
6 - Nickel-coated high strength copper alloy
A - Silver-coated ultra high-strength copper alloy
Number of Conductors
1 thorugh 10 (designator for 10 conductor = 0)

Class of Wire
1 - 600 volt, lightweight
2 - 600 volt, medium weight
3 - 600 volt, ultra lightweight
4 - 300 volt (discontinued)
7 - 1000 volt, heavy duty
8 - 600 volt, normal weight
0 - Primary wire; or unshielded & unjacketed cable
1 - **Round braid shielded & jacketed cable
2 - ** Flat braid shielded & jacketed cable
3 - ** Round braid shielded cable, no jacket
4 - Jacketed cable, no shield
5 - ** Spiral braid shielded & jacketed cable
6-9 - Special constructions

Product Type
/ - Outer Space
/F - Outer Space, low fluoride
/LF - Outer Space, ultra low fluoride
/P - Outer Space, shield coating same as conductor coating
(valid with the following conductor types only: 4 for
round braid; 4, 6 or A for flat braid)

Basic Product Number

**For 55/: Except for p/ns with Shield Material designation “H”, shield coating same as conductor coating, except:
- for Conductor Type 4, shield shall be tin-coated cooper; - for Conductor Types 6 and A, flat braid only, shield shall
be tin-coated copper. For 55/P, /LF: Shield coating same as conductor coating. Part Numbering System is a
For product released to ESCC 3901/012, 3901/020 and/or 3901/022, please refer to TE for product designation cross reference only and not
and construction. meant for part creation.
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 55 (Continued)

Part Numbering System

55PC and 55 PLF —
Process Control
55 PC 1 1 2 4 * - AWG - 2/6 - 9

Jacket Color (code per MIL-STD-681)

Codes same as for Primary Wire Insulation Color
Primary Wire Insulation Color (code per MIL-STD-681)
0 - Black 4 - Yellow 8 - Gray
1 - Brown 5 - Green 9 - White
2 - Red 6 - Blue
3 - Orange 7 - Violet

Conductor Size (AWG)

*Optional Shield Material

H - High strength copper alloy, shield coating same as
conductor coating (No designator defaults to coated
“copper” shield, if any)
Conductor Type
1 - Tin-coated copper
2 - Silver-coated copper
3 - Nickel-coated copper
4 - Silver-coated high strength copper alloy
5 - Aluminum
6 - Nickel-coated high strength copper alloy
A - Silver-coated ultra high-strength copper alloy
Number of Conductors
1 through 10 (designator for 10 conductor = 0)
0 - 10 conductors
Class of Wire
1 - 600 volt, lightweight, general purpose, single wall
2 - 600 volt, medium weight, general purpose
5 - 600 volt, lightweight, general purpose, dual wall
7 - 1000 volt, heavy duty, airframe, general purpose
8 - 600 volt, normal weight, airframe, general purpose
0 - Primary wire; or unshielded & unjacketed cable
1 - **Round braid screened & jacketed cable
2 - ** Flat braid screened & jacketed cable
3 - ** Round braid, screened cable, no jacket
Wire and Cable
4 - Jacketed cable, no shield
5 - ** Spiral braid shielded & jacketed cable
6-9 - Special constructions

Product Type
PC - Process Control
PCF- Process Control, low fluoride
PCFL-Process Control, low fluoride (lite)
PCL - Process Control (lite)
PCT- Process Control (stripping thread under jacket, and shield, if any)
PLF - Process Control, ultra low fluoride
PLFL-Process Control, ultra low fluoride (lite)
Basic Product Number
**Except for p/ns with Shield Material designation “H”, shield coating same as conductor coating, except: Part Numbering System is a
For 55PCL - for conductor type 6, flat braid only, shield shall be tin-coated copper cross reference only and not
For 55PC and 55PCT - for conductor Type 4 and A, shield shall be tin-coated cooper
meant for part creation.
for Conductor Type 6, flat braid only, shield shall be tin-coated copper
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 55 (Continued)

Typical Ordering Example 3 conductors, red, yellow, blue, 600 volt equipment wire with overall round braid, 20 AWG tinned conductor
and white jacket: total part number is 55A1131-20-2/4/6-9.
Ordering Information A list of stock policy items can be identified by contacting TE.

SPEC 55 Part Numbering

System — General

Temperature Rating Conductor Material AWG Range Available Part Number MIL-SPEC No.
600-V Lightweight Single-wall Hookup Wire, .152 [.006] Nominal Wall
150°C [302°F] Tin-coated copper 12–30 55A0111 M22759/32
200°C [392°F] Silver-coated copper 12–28 55A0112 M22759/44
200°C [302°F] Nickel-coated copper 12–28 55A0113 M22759/45
200°C [392°F] Silver-coated high-strength alloy 20–30 55A0114 M22759/33
200°C [392°F] Nickel-coated high-strength alloy 20–28 55A0116 M22759/46
600-V Lightweight Dual-wall Airframe Wire, .203 [.008] Nominal Wall
150°C [302°F] Tin-coated copper 6–26 55A0211 —
200°C [392°F] Silver-coated copper 10–26 55A0212 —
200°C [392°F] Nickel-coated copper 10–26 55A0213 —
200°C [392°F] Silver-coated high-strength alloy 18–30 55A0214 —
200°C [392°F] Nickel-coated high-strength alloy 16–26 55A0216 —
600-V Dual-wall Airframe Wire, .254 [.010] Nominal Wall
150°C [302°F] Tin-coated copper 00–24 55A0811 M22759/34
200°C [392°F] Silver-coated copper 00–26 55A0812 M22759/43
200°C [392°F] Nickel-coated copper 00–26 55A0813 M22759/41
200°C [392°F] Silver-coated high-strength alloy 20–26 55A0814 M22759/35
200°C [392°F] Nickel-coated high-strength alloy 20–26 55A0816 M22759/42
1000-V Medium-Weight Dual-wall Airframe Wire, .381 [.015] Nominal Wall
150°C [302°F] Tin-coated copper 10–24 55A0711 —
200°C [392°F] Silver-coated copper 16–24 55A0712 —
200°C [392°F] Nickel-coated copper 16–24 55A0713 —
200°C [392°F] Silver-coated high-strength alloy 16–24 55A0714 —
200°C [392°F] Nickel-coated high-strength alloy 16–26 55A0716 —

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 55 (Continued)

SPEC 55 Cable

Number of Component Shield Part Number

Construction Components Conductor1 Material1 Light Wt.2 Medium Wt.
2–10 1 — 55*01X1-AWG-Y 55*08X1-AWG-Y
2 — 55*01X2-AWG-Y 55*08X2-AWG-Y
3 — 55*01X3-AWG-Y 55*08X3-AWG-Y
4 — 55*01X4-AWG-Y 55*08X4-AWG-Y
6 — 55*01X6-AWG-Y 55*48X6-AWG-Y
2–10 1 — 55*41X1-AWG-Y 55*48X1-AWG-Y
2 — 55*41X2-AWG-Y 55*48X2-AWG-Y
3 — 55*41X3-AWG-Y 55*48X3-AWG-Y
4 — 55*41X4-AWG-Y 55*48X4-AWG-Y
6 — 55*41X6-AWG-Y 55*48X6-AWG-Y
1–10 1 1 55*11X1-AWG-Y 55*18X1-AWG-Y
Shielded 2 2 55*11X2-AWG-Y 55*18X2-AWG-Y
(round braid), 3 3 55*11X3-AWG-Y 55*18X3-AWG-Y
jacketed 4 1 55*11X4-AWG-Y 55*18X4-AWG-Y
6 3 55*11X6-AWG-Y 55*18X6-AWG-Y
1–10 1 1 55*21X1-AWG-Y 55*28X1-AWG-Y
Shielded 2 1 55*21X2-AWG-Y 55*28X2-AWG-Y
(flat braid), 3 1 55*21X3-AWG-Y 55*28X3-AWG-Y
jacketed 4 1 55*21X4-AWG-Y 55*28X4-AWG-Y
6 1 55*21X6-AWG-Y 55*28X6-AWG-Y
Type of conductor or shield material:
1 2
X = no. of wire components
1 = tin-coated copper Y = color code
2 = silver-coated copper For complete part number, see Part Numbering System on page 9-15.
3 = nickel-coated copper
4 = silver-coated high-strength copper alloy
6 = nickel-coated high-strength copper alloy
* = A or PC

Wire and Cable

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
High Performance Wire and Cable

SPEC 55 (Continued)

NEMA WC-27500 Cable

Part Numbering System
M27500 X AWG XX X X XX

Basic Specification Number

Component Wire ID/Shield Coverage Code

Shield Coverage
85% 90% Component Wire Identification
- C Colored Stripes on White Wire
(9/96/93/95/92/90/94/97/98/91... etc.)
A D Solid Color Wires (9/6/3/5/2/0/4/7/8/1...etc.)
B E Band Marks on Solid Colors (by AWG)
F H Alternate Colored Stripes
G J Alternate Solid Colors (2/6/4/5/9/0/1/3/7/8...etc.)
K M Number Marking on Solid Colors (by AWG)
L N Number Marking on White Wires
P R Band Marks on Colored Stripes (by AWG)
S T Band Marks on White Wires

Conductor Size (AWG)

Basic Wire Spec Code (SAE-AS-22759) and Slash Sheet

SB - 32 = 55A0111
SC - 33 = 55A0114
SD - 34 = 55A0811
for 2 AWG and larger, use 55A8039
SE - 35 = 55A0814
SM - 41 = 55A0813
for 2 AWG and larger, use 55A8595
SN - 42 = 55A0816
SP - 43 = 55A0812
for 2 AWG and larger, use 55A6089
SR - 44 = 55A0112
SS - 45 = 55A0113
ST - 46 = 55A0116

Number of Component Wires

1 through 9; 10 Components = 0

Shield Material and Style Code

U - No shield
T - Tin-coated copper, round
J - Tin-coated copper, flat
S - Silver-coated copper, round
G - Silver-coated copper, flat
N - Nickel-coated copper, round
V - Tin-coated copper, round, double shield
W - Silver-coated copper, round, double shield

Jacket Material and Style Code

00 - No jacket
23 - Single jacket crosslinked, modified ETFE, white
73 - Double jacket crosslinked, modified ETFE, white

Example: M27500-22SB3T23 = 55A1131-22-9/96/93-9

Tyco Electronics Part No. Part Numbering System is a
Military Part No. cross reference only and not
meant for part creation.
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
High Performance Wire and Cable

FlexLine (SPEC 80)

Product Facts
■ Reduced weight
■ Flexibility
■ Low outgassing
■ Function over a broad
temperature range
■ Flammability
■ Arc track resistance
■ Resistance to atomic oxygen
■ Radiation resistance
■ High quality and reliability
■ Ease of fabrication (into
Harnesses due to flexibility)
■ Agency approvals
■ -65°C up to +200°C
[-85°F up to +395°F]
■ Small size
■ 600V rating
■ Optional high strand count
for increased flexibility
■ Variety of insulation/jacket Applications FlexLine wire constructions
options FlexLine wire (also known provide maximum flexibility
as SPEC 80) is insulated similar to the SAE-AS-22759
■ Dual wall and single wall
with a flexible modified products in Mechanical,
options Chemical and Thermal
radiation cross-linked ETFE
■ Easy to install properties.
polymer. It has a tempera-
■ Mechanically tough ture rating of -65°C to
■ Compliance with FAR 25 +200°C [-85°F to +395°F]
flammability requirements continuous using silver
■ Resistance to harsh fluids &
copper conductor, and
solvents per SAE-AS-22759 combines the easy
handling of our SPEC 55
wire and cable with addi-
tional flexibility. FlexLine
wire is used in a broad
range of applications, from
Hook-up wire to Power
Wire and Cable

Available in: Americas Europe Asia Pacific

■ ■ ■

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
High Performance Wire and Cable

FlexLine (SPEC 80) (Continued)

FlexLine Insulation System

Single Wall Dual Wall

Single Wall 82 Wire Dual Wall 81 Wire

High strand count conductors Standard M22759 conductor stranding
Light weight Increased toughness
AWG sizes 28 to 00 AWG sizes 28 to 000
(6-mil nominal insulation thickness) (10-mil nominal insulation thickness)

Part Numbering System

81 & 82 —
General Purpose,
Outer Space 82 A 1 1 2 1 - AWG - 0/9 - 9

Jacket Color (code per MIL-STD-681)

Codes same as for Primary Wire Insulation Color
Primary Wire Insulation Color (code per MIL-STD-681)
0 - Black 4 - Yellow 8 - Gray
1 - Brown 5 - Green 9 - White
2 - Red 6 - Blue
3 - Orange 7 - Violet
Conductor Size (AWG)
Conductor Type
1 - Tin-coated copper 4 - Silver-coated high strength
2 - Silver-coated copper copper alloy
3 - Nickel-coated copper 6 - Nickel-coated high strength
copper alloy
Number of Conductors
1 through 10 (designator for 10 conductor = 0)
Class of Wire
1 - 600 volt, lightweight
8 - 600 volt, normal weight

0 - Primary wire or unshielded & unjacketed cable
1 - *Round-braid shielded & jacketed cable
2 - *Flat-braid shielded & jacketed cable
3 - *Round-braid shielded cable, no jacket
4 - Jacketed cable, no shield
5 - *Spiral- braid shielded & jacketed cable
6-9 Special constructions
Product Type
/ - Outer Space
A - General Purpose
AC- Same as A with 90% min. shield coverage
B - Discontinued
Basic Product Number
81 - Normal Stranding
82 - High Stranding
Part Numbering System is a
* Shield coating same as conductor coating except for the following:
cross reference only and not - for conductor type 4, shield shall be tin-coated copper
meant for part creation. - for conductor type 6, flat braid only, shield shall be tin-plated copper
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Low-Fire-Hazard Wire and Cable

Type 99M

Product Facts
■ Low flammability
■ Low smoke generation
■ Low toxicity index
■ Low generation of corrosive
■ Small size, lightweight

Applications such as Def Stan 61-12 Physical Characteristics

Type 99M wire has a dual Part 18, have been devel- Handleability
wall construction of radia- oped over the last decade
demanding improved Type 99M wire has been
tion cross-linked modified designed to be compatible
polyester. This combines performance of wires
and cables under fire with modern wiring and
excellent mechanical per- harnessing techniques.
formance and chemical conditions.
It is a flexible wire with virtu-
resistance with a range of This has led to a tightening ally no springback once
enhanced fire hazard of the requirements for set. It is easily stripped with
properties. Type 99M wire flammability, smoke genera- tools such as conventional
is designed to meet the tion, corrosive gas genera- die-blade strippers.
stringent low fire hazard tion and hazardous fume
performance now being
specified by the UK Naval
Defense Standard Authority
emission. Type 99M wire
achieves these improve-
ments in performance
Small Size
Type 99M equipment wire
has a nominal 0.2 mm insu-
Wire and Cable
for ship wiring and cabling. whilst retaining small size, lation wall thickness which
During the 1980’s there light weight, flexibility, is comparable to other
were major changes in the handleability, resistance to established thin wall wires
demands of many wire and carbon arc tracking and such as SPEC 44 wire.
cable specifications to resistance to chemicals
and fluids. Light Weight
reduce the risks associated
with all aspects of fire Type 99M wire is designed
hazards. Specifications to have the same weights
as SPEC 44 wire.

Available in: Americas Europe Asia Pacific

■ ■ ■

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Low-Fire-Hazard Wire and Cable

Type 99M (Continued)

Approvals TE WCD 281

Defense Standard 61-12 Part 18 Issue 5 Type 1
Italian Navy STN-SR-01

Type 99M Wire and Cable -

Nominal Sizes, Strandings
99M011X (600 V)
and Weights Primary Wire

99M1111 99M1121
Shielded & Jacketed Shielded & Jacketed

Primary Wires/Shielded and 99M011X (600 V) 99M1111 99M1121

Jacketed Cables - 99M Stranding
Size Weight Weight Weight
(mm) OD OD OD
(g/m) (g/m) (g/m)
26 19x0.10 0.88 [.035] 2.00 1.80 [.071] 7.5 2.91 [.115] 13.3
24 19x0.12 0.98 [.039] 3.00 1.90 [.075] 9.2 3.20 [.126] 16.6
22 19x0.15 1.13 [.044] 4.40 2.05 [.081] 11.1 3.52 [.139] 20.5
20 19x0.20 1.40 [.055] 6.50 2.30 [.091] 14.6 4.02 [.158] 27.7
18 19x0.25 1.65 [.065] 9.90 2.55 [.100] 19.3 4.57 [.180] 37.1
16 19x0.30 1.90 [.075] 14.15 2.95 [.116] 24.9 5.13 [.202] 48.5
14 37x0.25 2.25 [.089] 18.62 3.13 [.123] 30.9 5.72 [.225] 60.5
12 37x0.32 2.60 [.102] 25.70 3.48 [.137] 43.1 6.42 [.253] 81.3

Typical Properties (wire only)

Test Method Typical value
Temperature rating BS 3G230 120°C [248°F]
Voltage rating TE 600 V thin wall
Tensile strength/elongation of insulation — 30 MPa/250%
Notch propagation (0.05 mm notch) BS 3G230 Pass
Shrinkage 200°C [392°F] BS 3G230 <1%
Low temperature bend BS 3G230 -55°C [-67°F]
Voltage withstand BS 3G230 2.5 kV
Insulation resistance (20°C [68°F]) BS 3G230 1000 M ohms km (min)
Pliability rating Def Stan 61-12 (18) 82 - Pliable
Fluid resistance Def Stan 61-12 (18)
Fuels - aircraft Pass
Oils - (IRM 903) Pass
Solvents Pass

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Low-Fire-Hazard Wire and Cable

Type 99M (Continued)

Environmental Properties Fire Hazard Characteristics Corrosivity

Mechanical Performance Low Toxicity Index Type 99M wire has a
Type 99M wire has good Type 99M wire is designed low corrosive gas
scrape abrasion and cut to meet the low hazardous emission, demonstrated
through performance com- fume emission levels by its low acid gas value,
plying with the requirements required in modern specifi- sufficient to pass the
of Def. Standard 61-12 cations. For example, the requirements of Def.
Part 18. change in the Toxicity Index Standard 61-12 Part 18.

Fluid Resistance requirement from 1.5 to 0.2

between Issue 2 and Issue
Type 99M wire demon- 5 of Def Stan 61-12 (Part
strates outstanding resist- 18), is met by Type 99M
ance to most acids, alkalis, wire.
hydrocarbon solvents, fuels,
lubricants and water. Flammability
Electrical Arc Tracking Type 99M wire has passed
the stringent flammability
Type 99M wire is resistant to test requirements of Def.
electrical arc tracking. Standard 61-12 (Part 18).
Voltage Ratings Smoke Generation
Standard available Type 99M wire has been
voltage ratings for Type designed to meet stringent
99M wire is 600 V (0.2 mm smoke tests such as those
wall thickness). specified in Def Stan 61-12
(Part 18).

Fire Hazard Properties

Test Method Typical value
Toxicity index
Smoke index
BS 3G230
Def Stan 61-12 (18)
Def Stan 61-12 (18)
0.1 per meter of wire
8 per meter of wire
Wire and Cable
Acid gas equivalent TDE 76/P/76 <1.5%

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Low-Fire-Hazard Wire and Cable

Type 99M (Continued)

Part Numbering System

99 X X X X X- Size- X/X- X

Jacket Color
(in accordance with MIL-STD-681, black preferred)

Primary Wire Insulation Color

0=Black 1=Brown 2=Red 2L=Pink 3=Orange 4=Yellow
45=Yellow/Green 5=Green 6=Blue 7=Violet 8=Grey 9=White
Additional number after base color indicates stripe

Conductor Size

Conductor Type
1 - Tin-plated copper

Number of Conductors
1, 2, 3, 4 etc.

Class of Wire
1 - 600V equipment wire

0 - Primary wire & unscreened, unjacketed cables
1 - Round braid screened & jacketed*
9 - Special construction

Wire Type
M - Military wire

Basic Specification Number

* The cable jackets are TE Zerohal and the preferred color is black.

Part Numbering System is a

cross reference only and not
meant for part creation.
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Low-Fire-Hazard Wire and Cable

Zerohal 100A

Product Facts
■ Halogen free, low smoke
■ Highly flame retardant
■ Flexible, easy to install
■ Small size, lightweight (thin
wall construction)

TE’s latest generation LFH, stripping equipment, lack of
thinwall wire has been recoil and mechanical
designed for use primarily robustness.
in signal, control and light
power circuits in subway, Physical Characteristics
regional and high speed Handleability
trains. It is ideal for applica-
Zerohal 100A wire has been
tions where space and
designed for minimum
weight are at a premium;
recoil during harnessing
fire safety is important; relia-
operations, to be readily
bility is imperative; rugged
handleable by modern
properties to withstand
wiring and harnessing
service in an RMT environ-
techniques and to be
ment are required.
easily stripped with stan-
The construction is a dual dard equipment and tools.
wall combination of TE
formulated polymer blends
developed to meet the
specification requirements
while maintaining the desir-
able features of small size,
lightweight, flexibility, non-
wrinkling, ease of stripping,
Wire and Cable
compatibility with standard

Conductor - tin Insulation - dual wall

plated copper modified polymer blend

Available in: Americas Europe Asia Pacific

■ ■ ■

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Low-Fire-Hazard Wire and Cable

Zerohal 100A (Continued)

Typical Properties
Test Method Typical Values

Physical Properties
Insulation Tensile Strength ASTM D3032 Tensile Strength 3500 psi minimum
and Ultimate Elongation Ultimate Elongation 250% minimum
Scrape Abrasion AAR S 501 1000 cycles minimum
Resistance (90°, 0.01 inch radial edge blade, 6N load, 20°C [68°F])
Dynamic Cut Through ASTM D3032 20 lbs. minimum
(90°, 0.01 inch radial edge blade, 0.2 inch per min, 20°C [68°F])
Static Cut-through AAR S 501 No contact with the conductor
Penetration (90°, 0.01 inch radial edge blade, 10 min, 9N load, 125°C [257°F])
Thermal Properties
Temperature Index ASTM D3032 10,000 hours minimum at 125°C [257°F]
Accelerated ageing ASTM D3032 No cracks, flow or dielectric breakdown. (168hr at 170°C [338°F])
Shrinkage IEC 811-1-3 0.5% maximum at each end. (6hr at 160°C [320°F)
Insulation Blocking MIL-W-22759E Cores must be easily separated without damage
(24hr at 125°C [257°F], 6X mandrel.)
Electrical Properties
>10000 MΩkft at 20°C [68°F]
IR Constant ASTM D3032 >100 MΩkft at 60°C [140°F]
>10 MΩkft at 90°C [194°F]
Environmental Properties
Fluid NATO code Temp (°C) Time (hr)
ASTM No.1 Oil — 100 70
IRM 902 Oil — 100 70
IRM 903 Oil — 100 70
70/30 iso-octane/toluene — 23 24
Engine lubricating oil O-236 70 24
Fluid Immersion ASTM D3032 Grease G-354 70 24
Hydraulic fluid, petroleum base H-515 50 24
Silicone damping fluid S-1724 70 24
Automotive brake fluid H-542 23 24
Fire resistant hydraulic fluid H-544 50 24
De-icing fluid S-745 23 24
Methyl Ethyl Ketone — 23 1
5% max swell. No dielectric breakdown. (30mm diameter mandrel)
Fire Hazard Properties
Flammability - small scale IEC 332-1 Charring confined between 50mm and 540mm from lower edge
of top support. (Single vertical wire, 60 s flame)
Flammability - large scale IEC 332-3 2.5m maximum burn length.
(Five 3.5m long 37-wire bundles, vertical, 20.5 kW flame)
Ds1.5 of 100 max., Ds4 of 150 max.,
Smoke - small scale ISO 5659-2 Dmax of 150 max., VOF4 of 300 max.
(‘NBS’ smoke box with cone heater, 1.8m of wire
50 kW/m2 heat flux with and without a pilot flame)
90% minimum transmittance.
Smoke - large scale IEC 1034 (3m cube smoke box. Eight 1m long 7-wire bundles, horizontal.
Fire source: 1 litre burning alcohol.)
Toxicity IMO FTPC Toxicity index < 1 (Test conditions as in smoke - small scale)
Halogen Content IEC 684-2 Less than 0.2% Cl + Br + I. Less than 0.1% F (Wet chemical analysis)
Copper Mirror Corrosion ASTM D2671 5% maximum etched area. (0.4g sample, 200°C [392°F], 16hr.)
Acid Gas Detection IEC 754-2 pH greater than 4.3 10 µS/mm maximum
(1g sample, tube furnace, T > 935°C [1715°F], gases dissolved in water)

Ordering Information
Conductor Finished Wire
Maximum Diameter Maximum
Wire Stranding Diameter Resistance Weight Part No.
Size No x AWG at 20°C lbs/kft kg/km
AWG Dia (mm) Min. Max. Min. Max.
24 19x36 0.550 [0.022] 0.63 [0.025] 25.7 [84.32] 1.09 [0.043] 1.19 [0.047] 2.41 [3.59] 100A0111-24-*
22 19x34 0.735 [0.029] 0.79 [0.031] 15.9 [52.2] 1.26 [0.050] 1.33 [0.052] 3.34 [4.98] 100A0111-22*
20 19x32 0.940 [0.037] 1.01 [0.040] 9.9 [32.4] 1.46 [0.057] 1.54 [0.061] 4.98 [7.42] 100A0111-20*
18 19x30 1.170 [0.046] 1.26 [0.050] 6.2 [20.4] 1.69 [0.067] 1.79 [0.071] 7.31 [10.89] 100A0111-18*
16 19x29 1.321 [0.052] 1.37 [0.054] 4.8 [15.8] 1.84 [0.072] 1.94 [0.076] 9.19 [13.70] 100A0111-16*
14 19x27 1.650 [0.065] 1.79 [0.070] 3.1 [10.0] 2.27 [0.089] 2.39 [0.094] 14.45 [21.53] 100A0111-14*
12 37x28 2.080 [0.082] 2.24 [0.088] 2.0 [6.63] 2.71 [0.107] 2.86 [0.113] 21.03 [31.33] 100A0111-12*
10 37x26 2.690 [0.106] 2.83 [0.111] 1.3 [4.13] 3.33 [0.131] 3.51 [0.138] 33.27 [49.58] 100A0111-10*

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Low-Fire-Hazard Wire and Cable

Zerohal 100A (Continued)

Environmental Properties Fire Hazard Characteristics Flammability

Fluid Resistance Zerohal 100A wire is a halo- Zerohal 100A wire meets
Zerohal 100A wire demon- gen free insulation system the flammability/burning
strates an outstanding and does not contain phos- behavior requirements of
balance of resistance to a phorus or sulphur. It meets major recognized agencies.
wide range of commonly the toxicity, smoke density,
used solvents, fluids and halogen content, corrosivity
lubricants. and flammability require-
ments of major recognized
Voltage Rating agencies.
Zerohal 100A wire is a 600
volt rated wire.

Fire Hazard Properties

Test Method Typical Value
Flammability - small scale IEC 332-1 Charring confined between 50mm and 540mm from lower edge
of top support. (Single vertical wire, 60 s flame)
Flammability - large scale IEC 332-3 2.5m maximum burn length.
(Five 3.5m long 37-wire bundles, vertical, 20.5 kW flame)
Flammability IEEE 383 Pass
Ds1.5 of 100 max., Ds4 of 150 max.,
Dmax of 150 max., VOF4 of 300 max.
Smoke - small scale ISO 5659-2 (‘NBS’ smoke box with cone heater, 1.8m of wire
50 kW/m2 heat flux with and without a pilot flame)
Smoke density - Ds4 (Max.)
Smoke - small scale ASTM E662 Flaming - 200
Non-Flaming - 75
Toxicity IMO FTPC Toxicity index < 1 (Test conditions as in smoke - small scale)
Halogen Content IEC 684-2 Less than 0.2% Cl + Br + I. Less than 0.1% F (Wet chemical analysis)
Copper Mirror Corrosion ASTM D2671 5% maximum etched area. (0.4g sample, 200°C [392°F], 16hr.)
Acid Gas Detection IEC 754-2 pH greater than 4.3 10 µS/mm maximum
(1g sample, tube furnace, T > 935°C [715°F], gases dissolved in water)

Part Numbering System 100 A X X X X- Size- X/X - X

Jacket Color
0 - Black
2 - Red
Primary Wire Insulation Color
0 - Black 4 - Yellow 8 - Gray
1 - Brown
2 - Red
3 - Orange
5 - Green
6 - Blue
7 - Violet
9 - White
Wire and Cable
Conductor Size
Conductor Type
1 - Tin-plated copper
Number of Conductors
1 to 9
Class of Wire
1 - 600 V equipment wire
0 - Primary wire and unscreened, unjacketed cables
1 - Roundbraid, screened and jacketed
4 - Jacketed, no screen
Wire Type
Part Numbering System is a
cross reference only and not A - AWG construction (US Specification)
meant for part creation. Basic Specification Number
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Low-Fire-Hazard Wire and Cable

Zerohal 100G

Product Facts
■ Meets requirements of VG
95218-20 Type E
■ Halogen free, low smoke
■ Highly flame retardant
■ Flexible, easy to install
■ Small size, lightweight (thin
wall construction)

Applications System
Zerohal 100G wire was ■ System 100
originally developed to
meet the requirements of Physical Characteristics
German Specification VG Handleability
95218-20, Type E primary
Zerohal 100G wire has
been designed for minimum
The construction is a dual recoil during harnessing
wall combination of TE operations, to be readily
formulated polymer blends handleable by modern
developed to meet the wiring and harnessing
specification requirements techniques and to be
while maintaining the desir- easily stripped with
able features of small size, standard equipment and
lightweight, flexibility, non- tools.
wrinkling, ease of stripping,
compatibility with standard
stripping equipment, lack of
recoil and mechanical

Conductor - tin Insulation - dual wall

plated copper modified polymer blend

Available in: Americas Europe Asia Pacific

■ ■ ■

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Low-Fire-Hazard Wire and Cable

Zerohal 100G (Continued)

Approvals TE Specification WSD912 (Electrical cables and insulated wires for signals and power.
- Part 20: Single core insulated wires.)

Typical Properties Test Method Typical Value

Max. operating temperature VG 95218-20, ASTM D 3032 125°C [257°F] (20,000 h)
Insulation shrinkage (150°C) DIN VDE 0472 Pt 628, < 0.5%
IEC 811-1-3
Low temperature bend VG 95218 - Pt 2 -55°C [-67 °F]
Pressure test at high temperature DIN VDE 0472 Pt 609, 125°C [257°F] < 30% indentation
IEC 811-3-1
Heat aging (150°C, 6 h) DIN VDE 0472 Pt 303, No cracking, no dielectric
(140°C, 120 h) IEC 811-1-2 breakdown
Voltage rating VG 95218-20 750/1300 V AC
Abrasion resistance VG 95218 - Pt 2 Pass
Insulation blocking (125°C) VG 95218 - Pt 2 Pass
Voltage withstand DIN VDE 0472 pt 509 Pass
(23°C, 2.5 kV rms)
Insulation resistance DIN VDE 0472 pt 502, > 500 M ohms. km (20°C [68°F])
IEC 885-1 > 0.5 M ohms. km (90°C [194°F])
Chemical resistance
Grease VG 95218 - Pt 2, 70°C 24h < 5% diameter change,
(G-354)* no dielectric breakdown
Hydraulic fluid VG 95218 - Pt 2, 50°C 24h < 5% diameter change,
(H-515, H-544)* no dielectric breakdown
Brake fluid VG 95218 - Pt 2, 23°C 24h < 5% diameter change,
(H-542)* no dielectric breakdown
De-icing fluid VG 95218 - Pt 2, 23°C 24h < 5% diameter change,
(S-745)* no dielectric breakdown
MEK VG 95218 - Pt 2, 23°C 1h < 5% diameter change,
no dielectric breakdown
70/30 ISO-Octane/ VG 95218 - Pt 2, 23°C 24h < 5% diameter change,
Toluene no dielectric breakdown
Tensile strength DIN VDE 0472 pt 602, > 20 MPa
IEC 811-1-1
Elongation at break DIN VDE 0472 pt 602, > 200%
IEC 811-1-1
*NATO code. For further details please consult the German Standard VG 95218-20, Type E.

Part Numbering System

100 G X X X X- Size- X

Primary Wire Insulation Color

0 - Black 3 - Orange 7 - Violet
1 - Brown
2 - Red
2L - Pink
4 - Yellow
5 - Green
6 - Blue
8 -
9 -
Wire and Cable
Conductor Size
Conductor Type
1 - Tin-plated copper
Number of Conductors
Class of Wire
Part Numbering System is a
1 - 750 V equipment wire cross reference only and not
Construction meant for part creation.
0 - Primary wire
Wire Type
G - Meeting the performance requirements of German
Specification VG 95218-20, Type E
Basic Specification Number
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Low-Fire-Hazard Wire and Cable

Zerohal 100G (Continued)

Environmental Properties Fire Hazard Characteristics Flammability

Fluid Resistance Zerohal 100G wire is a halo- Zerohal 100G wire meets
Zerohal 100G wire demon- gen free insulation system the flammability/burning
strates an outstanding bal- and does not contain phos- behavior requirements of
ance of resistance to a wide phorus or sulphur. It meets VG 95218-20, Type E.
range of commonly used the toxicity, smoke density,
solvents, fluids and lubri- halogen content, corrosivity
cants. and flammability require-
ments of VG 95218-20,
Voltage Rating Type E.
Zerohal 100G wire is a
750/1300 V AC rated wire.

Fire Hazard Properties

Test Method Typical value
Toxicity Def. Standard 02-713 3.5
Smoke density IEC 1034 Pt 1 and 2 95% light transmittance
Halogen content DIN VDE 0472 pt 815 Non-detected
Corrosivity of combustion gases DIN VDE 0472 pt 813, 5.0 pH, <4 µS/mm
IEC 754-2 conductivity
Flammability VG 95218 Pt 2 < 15 sec afterburn
< 150 mm burn length

Ordering Information
Conductor Insulated Wire
Nominal Stranding Diameter Maximum Diameter Maximum
Cross No. x nom. Resistance Weight VG 95218 Part No.
Sectional Dia. (mm) at 20°C g/m Part No.
Area min. max. ohms/km min. max.
0.40 19x0.16 0.74 [.029] 0.79 [.031] 50.50 1.28 [.050] 1.39 [.055] 5.17 VG 95218 T020-E02* 100G0111-0.40-*
0.50 19x0.18 0.82 [.032] 0.90 [.035] 40.10 1.37 [.054] 1.47 [.058] 6.60 VG 95218 T020-E03* 100G0111-0.50-*
0.60 19x0.20 0.95 [.037] 1.01 [.040] 31.10 1.47 [.058] 1.57 [.062] 7.54 VG 95218 T020-E04* 100G0111-0.60-*
0.75 19x0.23 1.04 [.041] 1.15 [.045] 26.70 1.59 [.063] 1.70 [.067] 8.90 VG 95218 T020-E05* 100G0111-0.75-*
1.00 19x0.25 1.17 [.046] 1.26 [.050] 20.00 1.69 [.067] 1.80 [.071] 10.73 VG 95218 T020-E06* 100G0111-1.00-*
1.20 19x0.29 1.32 [.052] 1.42 [.056] 15.30 1.88 [.074] 1.98 [.078] 13.59 VG 95218 T020-E07* 100G0111-1.20-*
1.50 37x0.23 1.46 [.057] 1.58 [.062] 13.70 2.03 [.080] 2.13 [.084] 15.96 VG 95218 T020-E08* 100G0111-1.50-*
2.00 37x0.25 1.68 [.066] 1.82 [.072] 10.50 2.31 [.091] 2.41 [.095] 20.29 VG 95218 T020-E09* 100G0111-2.00-*
2.50 37x0.29 1.85 [.073] 2.01 [.079] 8.21 2.48 [.098] 2.63 [.104] 25.65 VG 95218 T020-E10* 100G0111-2.50-*
3.00 37x0.32 2.12 [.083] 2.24 [.088] 6.58 2.70 [.106] 2.86 [.113] 31.00 VG 95218 T020-E11* 100G0111-3.00-*
4.00 56x0.30 2.41 [.095] 2.56 [.101] 4.86 3.01 [.119] 3.16 [.124] 43.48 — 100G0111-4.00-*

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Signal and Control Cables for
Offshore and Commercial Shipping

C-Lite Low Fire Hazard Lightweight Cables

Product Facts
■ 30% lighter than standard
commercial cable for weight
savings reductions
■ Reduced diameter means
that smaller bend radius can
be used during installation
■ Reduced and easier cable
pulling time

Applications Crosslinked Molecular Chain Crosslinked insulations

in wire and cable
TE materials technology TE Raychem was the first
products are lightweight,
and expertise in processing company to commercialize
mechanically tough and
allows the use of thinwall radiation cross-linking of
thermally stable.
insulation systems. The use insulation, initially for aero-
of Zerohal-EN cross-linked space applications.
cable jacket completes this To achieve crosslinking
product offering. a polymer product is
C-Lite cable products can exposed to high-energy
offer significant size and radiation. This is generally
weight reduction, when done by exposure to beta
compared to conventional
insulation systems, while at
the same time meeting key
criteria such as low fire
radiation (high-energy
electrons) using an
electron beam. 9
Wire and Cable
hazard performance and
mechanical robustness.

Radiation Crosslinking Molecular Chain Crosslinking Crosslinked Molecular Chain

Available in:
Americas ■
Europe ■
Asia Pacific ■

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Signal and Control Cables for
Offshore and Commercial Shipping

C-Lite CL105-SU

Multicore Unscreened The new C-Lite cable range is constructed from flame retarded halogen free primary wire
Cables and crosslinked sheath materials.
Offering size and weight savings over traditional cables. The new C-Lite cable range is
suitable for use in general power, lighting, communication, control and instrumentation
Field of application
Instrumentation and
communication control
General power and lighting
Voltage class Core Identification
0.6/1kV Light Blue White
Temperature class
2 Core
Flame retarded
IEC 60332-1,-3 Others
Cable jacket 2 3
7 1 4
6 5

Additional cores numbered sequentially

Brown Light Blue

Color Coded


Yellow w/
Light Blue
green stripe

Yellow w/
green stripe Brown

Light Blue


Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Signal and Control Cables for
Offshore and Commercial Shipping

C-Lite CL105-SU (Continued)

Ordering Description OD Under Nom Wall Nom OD Tolerance Nom weight

jacket (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/km)
CL105-2x0.5 - SU 2.9 0.9 4.7 0.3 33
CL105-3x0.5 - SU 3.1 0.9 4.9 0.3 39
CL105-4x0.5 - SU 3.5 0.9 5.3 0.3 48
CL105-5x0.5 - SU 3.9 1.0 5.9 0.4 59
CL105-7x0.5 - SU 4.3 1.0 6.3 0.4 75
CL105-12x0.5 - SU 5.9 1.0 7.9 0.5 117
CL105-19x0.5 - SU 7.1 1.1 9.3 0.6 176
CL105-27x0.5 - SU 8.7 1.1 10.9 0.7 239

CL105-2x0.75 - SU 3.3 0.9 5.1 0.3 40

CL105-3x0.75 - SU 3.6 0.9 5.4 0.4 48
CL105-4x0.75 - SU 4 1.0 6.0 0.4 62
CL105-5x0.75 - SU 4.4 1.0 6.4 0.4 75
CL105-7x0.75 - SU 4.9 1.0 6.9 0.4 95
CL105-12x0.75 - SU 6.8 1.1 9.0 0.6 155
CL105-19x0.75 - SU 8.1 1.1 10.3 0.7 226
CL105-27x0.75 - SU 10 1.2 12.4 0.8 316

CL105-2x1.0 - SU 3.6 0.9 5.4 0.4 45

CL105-3x1.0 - SU 3.9 1.0 5.9 0.4 58
CL105-4x1.0 - SU 4.3 1.0 6.3 0.4 72
CL105-5x1.0 - SU 4.8 1.0 6.8 0.4 87
CL105-7x1.0 - SU 5.4 1.0 7.4 0.5 110
CL105-12x1.0 - SU 7.4 1.1 9.6 0.6 180
CL105-19x1.0 - SU 8.9 1.2 11.3 0.7 271
CL105-27x1.0 - SU 10.9 1.2 13.3 0.9 372

CL105-2x1.5 - SU 4.3 1.0 6.3 0.4 64

CL105-3x1.5 - SU 4.6 1.0 6.6 0.4 82
CL105-4x1.5 - SU 5.1 1.0 7.1 0.5 97
CL105-5x1.5 - SU 5.7 1.0 7.7 0.5 119
CL105-7x1.5 - SU 6.3 1.1 8.5 0.6 158
CL105-12x1.5 - SU 8.8 1.2 11.2 0.7 259
CL105-14x1.5 - SU 9.3 1.2 11.7 0.8 295
CL105-19x1.5 - SU 10.5 1.2 12.9 0.8 385
CL105-24x1.5 - SU 12.6 1.3 15.2 1.0 488
CL105-27x1.5 - SU 12.9 1.3 15.5 1.0 540
CL105-37x1.5 - SU 14.7 1.4 17.5 1.1 725

CL105-2x2.5 - SU 5.2 1.0 7.2 0.5 91

CL105-3x2.5 - SU 5.6 1.0 7.6 0.5 118
CL105-4x2.5 - SU 6.3 1.1 8.5 0.6 153
CL105-5x2.5 - SU 7 1.1 9.2 0.6 181
CL105-7x2.5 - SU 7.8 1.1 10.0 0.7 235
CL105-12x2.5 - SU
CL105-19x2.5 - SU
CL105-27x2.5 - SU
Wire and Cable
CL105-37x2.5 - SU 18 1.5 21.0 1.4 1129

CL105-2Gx0.5 - SU 2.9 0.9 4.7 0.3 33
CL105-3Gx0.5 - SU 3.1 0.9 4.9 0.3 39
CL105-5Gx0.5 - SU 3.9 1.0 5.9 0.4 59

CL105-2Gx0.75 - SU 3.3 0.9 5.1 0.3 40

CL105-3Gx0.75 - SU 3.6 0.9 5.4 0.4 48
CL105-5Gx0.75 - SU 4.4 1.0 6.4 0.4 75

CL105-2Gx1.0 - SU 3.6 0.9 5.4 0.4 45

CL105-3Gx1.0 - SU 3.9 1.0 5.9 0.4 58
CL105-5Gx1.0 - SU 4.8 1.0 6.8 0.4 87

CL105-2Gx1.5 - SU 4.3 1.0 6.3 0.4 64

CL105-3Gx1.5 - SU 4.6 1.0 6.6 0.4 82
CL105-5Gx1.5 - SU 5.7 1.0 7.7 0.5 119

CL105-2Gx2.5 - SU 5.2 1.0 7.2 0.5 91

CL105-3Gx2.5 - SU 5.6 1.0 7.6 0.5 118
CL105-5Gx2.5 - SU 7.0 1.1 9.2 0.6 181

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Signal and Control Cables for
Offshore and Commercial Shipping

C-Lite CL105-SO

Multicore Overall Screened The new C-Lite cable range is constructed from flame retarded halogen free primary wire
Cables and crosslinked sheath materials.
Offering size and weight savings over traditional cables. The new C-Lite cable range is
suitable for use in general power, lighting, communication, control and instrumentation
Field of application
Instrumentation and
communication control
General power and lighting
Core Identification
Voltage class
0.6/1kV Standard
Light Blue White

Temperature class 2 Core

Flame retarded
IEC 60332-1,-3 Others
Cable jacket 2 3
Zerohal 7 1 4
6 5

Additional cores numbered sequentially

Brown Light Blue

Color Coded


Yellow w/
Light Blue
green stripe

Yellow w/
green stripe Brown

Light Blue


Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Signal and Control Cables for
Offshore and Commercial Shipping

C-Lite CL105-SO (Continued)

Ordering Description OD Under Nom Wall Nom OD Tolerance Nom weight

jacket (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/km)
CL105-2x0.5 - SO 3.5 0.9 5.3 0.3 48
CL105-3x0.5 - SO 3.7 0.9 5.5 0.4 55
CL105-4x0.5 - SO 4.1 1.0 6.1 0.4 68
CL105-5x0.5 - SO 4.5 1.0 6.5 0.4 79
CL105-7x0.5 - SO 4.9 1.0 6.9 0.4 96
CL105-12x0.5- SO 6.5 1.1 8.7 0.6 149
CL105-19x0.5 - SO 7.7 1.1 9.9 0.6 208
CL105-27x0.5 - SO 9.3 1.2 11.7 0.8 284

CL105-2x1.0 - SO 4.2 1.0 6.2 0.4 66

CL105-3x1.0 - SO 4.5 1.0 6.5 0.4 78
CL105-4x1.0 - SO 4.9 1.0 6.9 0.4 93
CL105-5x1.0 - SO 5.4 1.0 7.4 0.5 110
CL105-7x1.0 - SO 6 1.0 8 0.5 135
CL105-12x1.0 - SO 8 1.1 10.2 0.7 214
CL105-19x1.0 - SO 9.5 1.2 11.9 0.8 311
CL105-27x1.0 - SO 11.5 1.3 14.1 0.9 427

CL105-2x1.5 - SO 4.9 1.0 6.9 0.4 85

CL105-3x1.5 - SO 5.2 1.0 7.2 0.5 104
CL105-4x1.5 - SO 5.7 1.0 7.7 0.5 122
CL105-5x1.5 - SO 6.3 1.1 8.5 0.6 150
CL105-7x1.5 - SO 6.9 1.1 9.1 0.6 187
CL105-12x1.5 - SO 9.4 1.2 11.8 0.8 299
CL105-14x1.5 - SO 9.9 1.2 12.3 0.8 337
CL105-19x1.5 - SO 11.1 1.2 13.5 0.9 432
CL105-24x1.5 - SO 13.3 1.3 15.9 1.0 558
CL105-27x1.5 - SO 13.6 1.3 16.2 1.1 611
CL105-37x1.5 - SO 15.6 1.4 18.4 1.2 828

CL105-2x2.5 - SO 5.8 1.0 7.8 0.5 116

CL105-3x2.5 - SO 6.2 1.0 8.2 0.5 145
CL105-4x2.5 - SO 6.9 1.1 9.1 0.6 183
CL105-5x2.5 - SO 7.6 1.1 9.8 0.6 214
CL105-7x2.5 - SO 8.4 1.1 10.6 0.7 271
CL105-12x2.5 - SO 11.3 1.3 13.9 0.9 446
CL105-19x2.5 - SO 13.6 1.3 16.2 1.1 668
CL105-27x2.5 - SO 16.7 1.5 19.7 1.3 958

CL105-37x2.5 - SO 18.9 1.6 22.1 1.4 1264

CL105-2Gx0.5 - SO 3.5 0.9 5.3 0.3 48

Wire and Cable

CL105-3Gx0.5 - SO 3.7 0.9 5.5 0.4 55
CL105-5Gx0.5 - SO 4.5 1.0 6.5 0.4 79

CL105-2Gx1.0 - SO 4.2 1.0 6.2 0.4 66

CL105-3Gx1.0 - SO 4.5 1.0 6.5 0.4 78
CL105-5Gx1.0 - SO 5.4 1.0 7.4 0.5 110

CL105-2Gx1.5 - SO 4.9 1.0 6.9 0.4 85

CL105-3Gx1.5 - SO 5.2 1.0 7.2 0.5 104
CL105-5Gx1.5 - SO 6.3 1.1 8.5 0.6 150

CL105-2Gx2.5 - SO 5.8 1.0 7.8 0.5 116

CL105-3Gx2.5 - SO 6.2 1.0 8.2 0.5 145
CL105-5Gx2.5 - SO 7.6 1.1 9.8 0.6 214
Note: For installation guidelines refer to TE installation guidelines document WT1189

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Signal and Control Cables for
Offshore and Commercial Shipping

C-Lite CL105-PF/C-Lite CL105-TF

Multipair and Multitriple The new C-Lite cable range is constructed from flame retarded halogen free primary wire
Unscreened Cables and crosslinked sheath materials.
Offering size and weight savings over traditional cables. The new C-Lite cable range is
suitable for use in general power, lighting, communication, control and instrumentation
Field of application
Instrumentation and
communication control
General power and lighting
Core Identification
Voltage class
Temperature class Light Blue White

90°C 1 1 2
Flame retarded
IEC 60332-1,-3 2 3 4
Cable jacket
3 5 6
Additional pairs numbered sequentially

Red Light Blue White

1 1 2 3

2 4 5 6

3 7 8 9
Additional triples numbered sequentially


Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Signal and Control Cables for
Offshore and Commercial Shipping

C-Lite CL105-PF/C-Lite CL105-TF (Continued)

Ordering Description OD Under Nom Wall Nom OD Tolerance Nom weight

jacket (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/km)
CL105-2x2x0.5 - PF 3.7 0.9 5.5 0.4 51
CL105-3x2x0.5 - PF 5.7 1.0 7.7 0.5 85
CL105-4x2x0.5 - PF 6.3 1.1 8.5 0.6 106
CL105-7x2x0.5 - PF 7.8 1.1 10 0.7 152
CL105-10x2x0.5 - PF 9.9 1.2 12.3 0.8 210
CL105-14x2x0.5 - PF 11.5 1.3 14.1 0.9 281
CL105-19x2x0.5 - PF 13.3 1.3 15.9 1.1 360
CL105-24x2x0.5 - PF 14.8 1.4 17.6 1.2 446
CL105-37x2x0.5 - PF 18.1 1.5 21.1 1.4 655

CL105-2x2x0.75 - PF 4.1 1.0 6.1 0.4 70

CL105-3x2x0.75 - PF 6.5 1.1 8.7 0.6 112
CL105-4x2x0.75 - PF 7.2 1.1 9.4 0.6 133
CL105-7x2x0.75 - PF 8.9 1.2 11.3 0.7 204
CL105-10x2x0.75 - PF 11.2 1.2 13.6 0.9 271
CL105-14x2x0.75 - PF 13 1.3 15.6 1.0 365
CL105-19x2x0.75 - PF 15 1.4 17.8 1.2 481
CL105-24x2x0.75 - PF 16.7 1.5 19.7 1.3 597
CL105-37x2x0.75 - PF 20.6 1.6 23.8 1.5 881

CL105-2x2x1.0 - PF 4.4 1.0 6.4 0.4 79

CL105-3x2x1.0 - PF 7.1 1.1 9.3 0.6 128
CL105-4x2x1.0 - PF 7.9 1.1 10.1 0.7 154
CL105-7x2x1.0 - PF 9.8 1.2 12.2 0.8 239
CL105-10x2x1.0 - PF 12.1 1.3 14.7 1.0 326
CL105-14x2x1.0 - PF 14.2 1.4 17 1.1 440
CL105-19x2x1.0 - PF 16.3 1.5 19.3 1.3 580
CL105-24x2x1.0 - PF 18.2 1.5 21.2 1.4 709
CL105-37x2x1.0 - PF 22.4 1.7 25.8 1.7 1064

CL105-2x2x1.5 - PF 5.2 1.0 7.2 0.5 105

CL105-3x2x1.5 - PF 8.4 1.1 10.6 0.7 181
CL105-4x2x1.5 - PF 9.3 1.2 11.7 0.8 218
CL105-7x2x1.5 - PF 11.6 1.3 14.2 0.9 332
CL105-10x2x1.5 - PF 14.2 1.4 17 1.1 452
CL105-14x2x1.5 - PF 16.6 1.5 19.6 1.3 613
CL105-19x2x1.5 - PF 19.2 1.6 22.4 1.5 810
CL105-24x2x1.5 - PF 21.4 1.7 24.8 1.6 1006
CL105-37x2x1.5 - PF

26.4 1.9 30.2 2.0 1511
Wire and Cable
CL105-2x3x0.75 - TF 7.1 1.1 9.3 0.6 126
CL105-4x3x0.75 - TF 8.5 1.1 10.7 0.7 182
CL105-7x3x0.75 - TF 10.5 1.2 12.9 0.8 283
CL105-10x3x0.75 - TF 15 1.4 17.8 1.2 412
CL105-15x3x0.75 - TF 17.5 1.5 20.5 1.3 601

CL105-2x3x1.5 - TF 9.1 1.2 11.5 0.7 191

CL105-4x3x1.5 - TF 10.9 1.2 13.3 0.9 290
CL105-7x3x1.5 - TF 13.5 1.3 16.1 1.0 453
Note: For installation guidelines refer to TE installation guidelines document WT1189

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Signal and Control Cables for
Offshore and Commercial Shipping

C-Lite CL105/PI/C-Lite CL105-TI

Multipair and Multitriple The new C-Lite cable range is constructed from flame retarded halogen free primary wire
Individually Screened and crosslinked sheath materials.
Cables Offering size and weight savings over traditional cables. The new C-Lite cable range is
suitable for use in general power, lighting, communication, control and instrumentation
Field of application applications.
Instrumentation and
communication control
General power and lighting
Voltage class
Temperature class Core Identification
Pairs Light Blue White
Flame retarded
1 2
IEC 60332-1,-3 1
Cable jacket 3 4
Zerohal 2
5 6
Additional pairs numbered sequentially

Red Light Blue White

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Additional triples numbered sequentially


Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Signal and Control Cables for
Offshore and Commercial Shipping

C-Lite CL105/PI/C-Lite CL105-TI (Continued)

Ordering Description OD Under Nom Wall Nom OD Tolerance Nom weight

jacket (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/km)
CL105-1x2x0.5 - PI 3.2 0.9 5 0.3 41
CL105-2x2x0.5 - PI 6.1 1.0 8.1 0.5 87
CL105-3x2x0.5 - PI 6.3 1.1 8.5 0.6 103
CL105-4x2x0.5 - PI 7 1.1 9.2 0.6 126
CL105-7x2x0.5 - PI 8.7 1.1 10.9 0.7 185
CL105-10x2x0.5 - PI 10.1 1.2 12.5 0.8 255
CL105-14x2x0.5 - PI 11.9 1.3 14.5 0.9 347
CL105-19x2x0.5 - PI 13.8 1.4 16.6 1.1 462
CL105-24x2x0.5 - PI 15.5 1.4 18.3 1.2 566
CL105-37x2x0.5 - PI 19.2 1.6 22.4 1.5 856

CL105-1x2x0.75 - PI 3.4 0.9 5.2 0.3 46

CL105-2x2x0.75 - PI 6.9 1.1 9.1 0.6 112
CL105-3x2x0.75 - PI 7.1 1.1 9.3 0.6 132
CL105-4x2x0.75 - PI 7.9 1.1 10.1 0.7 164
CL105-7x2x0.75 - PI 9.9 1.2 12.3 0.8 250
CL105-10x2x0.75 - PI 11.4 1.3 14 0.9 344
CL105-14x2x0.75 - PI 13.4 1.3 16 1.0 462
CL105-19x2x0.75 - PI 15.7 1.4 18.5 1.2 616
CL105-24x2x0.75 - PI 17.5 1.5 20.5 1.3 769
CL105-37x2x0.75 - PI 21.8 1.7 25.2 1.6 1164

CL105-1x2x1.0 - PI 3.7 0.9 5.5 0.4 55

CL105-2x2x1.0 - PI 7.5 1.1 9.7 0.6 133
CL105-3x2x1.0 - PI 7.7 1.1 9.9 0.6 159
CL105-4x2x1.0 - PI 8.6 1.1 10.8 0.7 198
CL105-7x2x1.0 - PI 10.7 1.2 13.1 0.9 306
CL105-10x2x1.0 - PI 12.4 1.3 15 1.0 423
CL105-14x2x1.0 - PI 14.6 1.4 17.4 1.1 579
CL105-19x2x1.0 - PI 17.1 1.5 20.1 1.3 773
CL105-24x2x1.0 - PI 19.1 1.6 22.3 1.4 965
CL105-37x2x1.0 - PI 23.7 1.7 27.1 1.8 1448

CL105-1x2x1.5 - PI 4.4 1.0 6.4 0.4 73

CL105-2x2x1.5 - PI 8.8 1.2 11.2 0.7 179
CL105-3x2x1.5 - PI 9.1 1.2 11.5 0.7 211
CL105-4x2x1.5 - PI 10.1 1.2 12.5 0.8 265
CL105-7x2x1.5 - PI 12.6 1.3 15.2 1.0 406

CL105-10x2x1.5 - PI 14.6 1.4 17.4 1.1 562
CL105-14x2x1.5 - PI 17.2 1.5 20.2 1.3 769
CL105-19x2x1.5 - PI 20.1 1.6 23.3 1.5 1027
CL105-24x2x1.5 - PI 22.5 1.7 25.9 1.7 1283

Wire and Cable

CL105-37x2x1.5 - PI 27.9 1.9 31.7 2.1 1943

CL105-1x3.0.75 - TI 3.7 0.9 5.5 0.4 54
CL105-2x3x0.75 - TI 7.4 1.1 9.6 0.6 132
CL105-4x3x0.75 - TI 8.9 1.2 11.3 0.7 209
CL105-7x3x0.75 - TI 11.1 1.2 13.5 0.9 309
CL105-10x3x0.75- TI 14.7 1.4 17.5 1.1 449
CL105-15x3x0.75 - TI 17.3 1.5 20.3 1.3 664

CL105-1x3x1.5 - TI 4.7 1.0 6.7 0.4 88

CL105-2x3x1.5 - TI 9.5 1.2 11.9 0.8 213
CL105-4x3x1.5 - TI 11.4 1.3 14 0.9 337
CL105-7x3x1.5 - TI 14.2 1.4 17 1.1 521
Note: For installation guidelines refer to TE installation guidelines document WT1189

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Signal and Control Cables for
Offshore and Commercial Shipping

C-Lite CL105/PO/C-Lite CL105-TO

Multipair and Multitriple The new C-Lite cable range is constructed from flame retarded halogen free primary wire
Overall Screened Cables and crosslinked sheath materials.
Offering size and weight savings over traditional cables. The new C-Lite cable range is
suitable for use in general power, lighting, communication, control and instrumentation
Field of application
Instrumentation and
communication control
General power and lighting
Core Identification
Voltage class
Light Blue White
Temperature class
90°C 1 1 2
Flame retarded
IEC 60332-1,-3 2 3 4
Cable jacket
3 5 6
Additional pairs numbered sequentially

Triples Red Light Blue White

1 1 2 3

2 4 5 6

3 7 8 9
Additional triples numbered sequentially


Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Signal and Control Cables for
Offshore and Commercial Shipping

C-Lite CL105/PO/C-Lite CL105-TO (Continued)

Ordering Description OD Under Nom Wall Nom OD Tolerance Nom weight

jacket (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/km)
CL105-1x2x0.5 - PO 3.5 0.9 5.3 0.3 48
CL105-2x2x0.5 - PO 4.1 1.0 6.1 0.4 68
CL105-3x2x0.5 - PO 6.2 1.1 8.4 0.6 109
CL105-4x2x0.5 - PO 6.9 1.1 9.1 0.6 130
CL105-7x2x0.5 - PO 8.3 1.1 10.5 0.7 178
CL105-10x2x0.5 - PO 9.6 1.2 12 0.8 236
CL105-14x2x0.5 - PO 11.2 1.3 13.8 0.9 312
CL105-19x2x0.5 - PO 13 1.3 15.6 1.0 412
CL105-24x2x0.5 - PO 14.5 1.4 17.3 1.2 504
CL105-37x2x0.5 - PO 18.1 1.5 21.1 1.4 754

CL105-1x2x0.75 - PO 3.9 1.0 5.9 0.4 60

CL105-2x2x0.75 - PO 4.6 1.0 6.6 0.4 82
CL105-3x2x0.75 - PO 7 1.1 9.2 0.6 134
CL105-4x2x0.75 - PO 7.7 1.1 9.9 0.6 162
CL105-7x2x0.75 - PO 9.4 1.2 11.8 0.8 232
CL105-10x2x0.75 - PO 10.8 1.2 13.2 0.9 301
CL105-14x2x0.75 - PO 12.8 1.3 15.4 1.0 416
CL105-19x2x0.75 - PO 14.8 1.4 17.6 1.1 541
CL105-24x2x0.75 - PO 16.7 1.5 19.7 1.3 688
CL105-37x2x0.75 - PO 20.7 1.6 23.9 1.6 1029

CL105-1x2x1.0 - PO 4.2 1.0 6.2 0.4 66

CL105-2x2x1.0 - PO 4.9 1.0 6.9 0.4 93
CL105-3x2x1.0 - PO 7.6 1.1 9.8 0.6 154
CL105-4x2x1.0 - PO 8.4 1.1 10.6 0.7 186
CL105-7x2x1.0 - PO 10.3 1.2 12.7 0.8 269
CL105-10x2x1.0 - PO 11.8 1.3 14.4 0.9 360
CL105-14x2x1.0 - PO 13.9 1.4 16.7 1.1 496
CL105-19x2x1.0 - PO 16.3 1.5 19.3 1.3 669
CL105-24x2x1.0 - PO 18.2 1.5 21.2 1.4 809
CL105-37x2x1.0 - PO 22.5 1.7 25.9 1.7 1226

CL105-1x2x1.5 - PO 4.9 1.0 6.9 0.4 85

CL105-2x2x1.5 - PO 5.7 1.0 7.7 0.5 122
CL105-3x2x1.5 - PO 8.9 1.2 11.3 0.7 206
CL105-4x2x1.5 - PO 9.9 1.2 12.3 0.8 251
CL105-7x2x1.5 - PO 12.1 1.3 14.7 1.0 367

CL105-10x2x1.5 - PO 14 1.4 16.8 1.1 508
CL105-14x2x1.5 - PO 16.6 1.5 19.6 1.3 703
CL105-19x2x1.5 - PO 19.1 1.6 22.3 1.4 915
CL105-24x2x1.5 - PO 21.6 1.7 25 1.6 1161

Wire and Cable

CL105-37x2x1.5 - PO 26.5 1.9 30.3 2.0 1703

CL105-1x3x0.75 - TO 4.2 1.0 6.2 0.4 69
CL105-2x3x0.75 - TO 7.7 1.1 9.9 0.6 152
CL105-4x3x0.75 - TO 9.1 1.2 11.5 0.7 223
CL105-7x3x0.75 - TO 11.2 1.2 13.6 0.9 318
CL105-10x3x0.75 - TO 14.8 1.4 17.6 1.1 472
CL105-15x3x0.75 - TO 17.4 1.5 20.4 1.3 697

CL105-1x3x1.5 - TO 5.2 1.0 7.2 0.5 104

CL105-2x3x1.5 - TO 9.7 1.2 12.1 0.8 231
CL105-4x3x1.5 - TO 11.5 1.3 14.1 0.9 342
CL105-7x3x1.5 - TO 14.3 1.4 17.1 1.1 520
Note: For installation guidelines refer to TE installation guidelines document WT1189

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Signal and Control Cables for
Offshore and Commercial Shipping

C-Lite CL105-PIO/C-Lite CL105-TIO

Multipair and Multitriple The new C-Lite cable range is constructed from flame retarded halogen free primary wire
Individually and Overall and crosslinked sheath materials.
Screened Cables Offering size and weight savings over traditional cables. The new C-Lite cable range is
suitable for use in general power, lighting, communication, control and instrumentation
Field of application applications.
Instrumentation and
communication control
General power and lighting
Voltage class
0.6/1kV Core Identification
Temperature class
Light Blue White
90°C Pairs
Flame retarded 1 2
IEC 60332-1,-3
3 4
Cable jacket 2
Zerohal 5 6
Additional pairs numbered sequentially

Red Light Blue White

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Additional triples numbered sequentially


Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Signal and Control Cables for
Offshore and Commercial Shipping

C-Lite CL105-PIO/C-Lite CL105-TIO (Continued)

Ordering Description OD Under Nom Wall Nom OD Tolerance Nom weight

jacket (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/km)
CL105-1x2x0.5 - PIO 3.7 0.9 5.5 0.4 56
CL105-2x2x0.5 - PIO 6.7 1.1 8.9 0.6 117
CL105-3x2x0.5 - PIO 6.9 1.1 9.1 0.6 132
CL105-4x2x0.5 - PIO 7.6 1.1 9.8 0.6 155
CL105-7x2x0.5 - PIO 9.3 1.2 11.7 0.8 230
CL105-10x2x0.5 - PIO 10.7 1.2 13.1 0.9 300
CL105-14x2x0.5 - PIO 12.6 1.3 15.2 1.0 413
CL105-19x2x0.5 - PIO 14.5 1.4 17.3 1.1 538
CL105-24x2x0.5 - PIO 16.4 1.5 19.4 1.3 684
CL105-37x2x0.5 - PIO 20.3 1.6 23.5 1.5 1023

CL105-1x2x0.75 - PIO 4.1 1.0 6.1 0.4 68

CL105-2x2x0.75 - PIO 7.5 1.1 9.7 0.6 144
CL105-3x2x0.75 - PIO 7.7 1.1 9.9 0.6 165
CL105-4x2x0.75 - PIO 8.5 1.1 10.7 0.7 200
CL105-7x2x0.75 - PIO 10.5 1.2 12.9 0.8 294
CL105-10x2x0.75 - PIO 12 1.3 14.6 0.9 395
CL105-14x2x0.75 - PIO 14.1 1.4 16.9 1.1 544
CL105-19x2x0.75 - PIO 16.6 1.5 19.6 1.3 735
CL105-24x2x0.75 - PIO 18.4 1.5 21.4 1.4 891
CL105-37x2x0.75 - PIO 22.9 1.7 26.3 1.7 1352

CL105-1x2x1.0 - PIO 4.4 1.0 6.4 0.4 78

CL105-2x2x1.0 - PIO 8.1 1.1 10.3 0.7 167
CL105-3x2x1.0 - PIO 8.3 1.1 10.5 0.7 194
CL105-4x2x1.0 - PIO 9.2 1.2 11.6 0.8 243
CL105-7x2x1.0 - PIO 11.3 1.3 13.9 0.9 360
CL105-10x2x1.0 - PIO 13.1 1.3 15.7 1.0 492
CL105-14x2x1.0 - PIO 15.5 1.4 18.3 1.2 682
CL105-19x2x1.0 - PIO 18 1.5 21 1.4 891
CL105-24x2x1.0 - PIO 20.2 1.6 23.4 1.5 1131
CL105-37x2x1.0 - PIO 24.8 1.8 28.4 1.8 1665

CL105-1x2x1.5 - PIO 5.1 1.0 7.1 0.5 96

CL105-2x2x1.5 - PIO 9.4 1.2 11.8 0.8 219
CL105-3x2x1.5 - PIO 9.7 1.2 12.1 0.8 252
CL105-4x2x1.5 - PIO 10.7 1.2 13.1 0.9 310
CL105-7x2x1.5 - PIO 13.3 1.3 15.9 1.0 476

CL105-10x2x1.5 - PIO 15.5 1.4 18.3 1.2 664
CL105-14x2x1.5 - PIO 18.1 1.5 21.1 1.4 889
CL105-19x2x1.5 - PIO 21.2 1.6 24.4 1.6 1200
CL105-24x2x1.5 - PIO 23.6 1.7 27 1.8 1476

Wire and Cable

CL105-37x2x1.5 - PIO 29 2.0 33 2.1 2197

CL105-1x3x0.75 - TIO 4.4 1.0 6.4 0.4 62
CL105-2x3x0.75 - TIO 8 1.1 10.2 0.7 166
CL105-4x3x0.75 - TIO 9.5 1.2 11.9 0.8 249
CL105-7x3x0.75 - TIO 11.7 1.3 14.3 0.9 365
CL105-10x3x0.75 - TIO 15.6 1.4 18.4 1.2 552
CL105-15x3x0.75 - TIO 18.2 1.5 21.2 1.4 784

CL105-1x3x1.5 - TIO 5.4 1.0 7.4 0.5 113

CL105-2x3x1.5 - TIO 10.1 1.2 12.5 0.8 255
CL105-4x3x1.5 - TIO 12 1.3 14.6 0.9 388
CL105-7x3x1.5 - TIO 14.9 1.4 17.7 1.2 599
Note: For installation guidelines refer to TE installation guidelines document WT1189

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Signal and Control Cables for
Offshore and Commercial Shipping

C-Lite Cables

Primary Wire The new C-Lite cable range is constructed from flame retarded halogen free primary wire
(Switchboard Cable) and crosslinked sheath materials.
Offering size and weight savings over traditional cables. The new C-Lite cable range is
suitable for use in general power, lighting, communication, control and instrumentation
Field of application applications.
Instrumentation and
communication control
General power and lighting Approvals
Voltage class DNV, LR, GL, ABS, KR, CCS,
0.6/1kV RMRS, NK, BV
Temperature class

Flame retarded
IEC 60332-1,-3
Cable jacket
Conductor Finished Wire
Standing Max Resistance Nominal Nominal
No’ Dia Diameter @ 20°C Diameter Weight
Part Number (CL105-) (mm) (mm) (ohm/km) (mm) (kg/km)

Metric Cross Section

0111-0.50-* 19/0.18 0.90 40.1 1.40 6.60
0111-0.75-* 19/0.23 1.15 26.7 1.60 8.90
0111-1.00-* 19/0.25 1.26 20.0 1.75 10.7
0111-1.50-* 37/0.23 1.58 13.7 2.08 16.0
0111-2.50-* 37/0.29 2.01 8.21 2.55 25.7
0111-4.00-* 56/0.30 2.57 4.89 3.09 43.6
0111-6.00-* 84/0.31 3.05 3.16 3.95 58.3
0111-10.00-* 80/0.41 4.00 1.95 4.95 100.0

AWG Cross Section

0111-0.25-*(24AWG) 19/0.13 0.63 84.32 1.14 3.59
0111-0.40-*(22AWG) 19/0.16 0.79 50.5 1.33 5.20
0111-0.60-*(20AWG) 19/0.20 1.01 31.1 1.52 7.40
0111-1.00-*(18AWG) 19/0.25 1.26 20.0 1.75 10.7
0111-1.20-*(16AWG) 19/0.29 1.42 15.3 1.93 13.6
0111-2.00-*(14AWG) 37/0.25 1.82 10.5 2.36 20.3
0111-3.00-*(12AWG) 37/0.32 2.24 6.58 2.78 31.0
Color Code: The *in the part number shall be replaced by a standard color code designator in accordance with Mil-Std-681
White preferred other colors available on request e.g. CL105-0111-0.5-9 White Insulation
Performance Requirements: To be tested to and meet the requirements of the issue in effect of DNV Type Approval Programme No. 6-827.11-1 (excluding sizes
less than 0.5mm2) Note: For installation guidelines refer to TE installation guidelines document WT1189.
C-Lite Approvals
Approval Body Approval System Certificate Numbers
Det Norske Veritas (DNV) Type Approval E-7276, E-7277,E-7278,
Program No. 6-827.11.1 E-7279, E-7280, E-7281
Lloyds Register (LR) 2002 Type Approval System 99/0154(E1)
Germanischer Lloyd (GL) Type Approval System 33 106-6 HH, 33 108-6 HH
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) Type Approval Program 06-LB158945-PDA
Korean Register (KR) Type Approval LDN20867-EL001
Russian Register of Shipping (RMRS) Type Approval 07.04389.260, 07.04390.260,
07.04392.260, 07-04393.260
07.04394.260, 07-04395.260
China Classification Society (CCS) Type Approval LD07W00001
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NK) Type Approval TA07631M; TA07630M
Bureau Veritas (BV)
Registro Italiano Navale (RINA) Additional Type Approvals on request
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Signal and Control Cables for
Offshore and Commercial Shipping

C-Lite Cables (Continued)

Technical Information Current Carrying Capacity

Current carrying capacity is defined as the continuous current which when passed through
a wire will increase the temperature of the conductor from a specific ambient
temperature to the maximum temperature rating of the insulation/sheath.

Temperature Rise v Current Guide

For Type CL105 in free air (single core)

No of Derating
cores Factor

2 0.825
3 0.73
4 0.66
7 0.54
9 0.49
12 0.43
15 0.39
18 0.36
21 0.33
24 0.31
27 0.29
30 0.28
37 0.26

Short Circuit Current

The short circuit current is based on the material the wire is made of, the cross sectional
area of the wire and the maximum temperature rating of the insulation material. The short
Wire and Cable
circuit current for a given wire size is provided in the table as constant current for a given
amount of time.

Cross-Section of the Duration of short circuit in seconds.

conductor in mm2
0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0
0.5 122 77 54 38 31
0.75 183 115 82 58 47
1.0 243 154 109 77 63
1.5 365 231 163 115 94
2.5 609 385 272 192 157
4.0 974 616 435 308 251
Short circuit current in Amps

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Signal and Control Cables for
Offshore and Commercial Shipping

C-Lite Cables (Continued)

Specification Summary

Examination or test Test basis Requirements Test on

General properties
Braid coverage IEC 60092-350 90% minimum coverage density Cable
Metallic coating of copper IEC 60092-350 Conductor surface will be smooth and uniform. Conductor
conductors by inspection Insulation will not adhere to the conductor.
Physical properties
Tensile strength and ultimate IEC 60811-1-1 20MPa minimum, 150% minimum (insulation) Insulation
elongation (speed 50±10 mm/min)
Scrape abrasion resistance NF F 63-808 500 cycles minimum Core
(5N load, 0.45 mm diameter rod, 20°C,
55 cycles/minute)
Dynamic cut through NF F 63-808 50N minimum Core
(90° 0.13 mm radius blade, 20°C, 100g/s load)
Notch propagation NF F 63-808 No dielectric breakdown Core
(0.05 mm notch, 6X mandrel, 1.5kV ac for 1 minute)
Mechanical/particular IEC 60092-350, 12.4 SHF1 or SHF2 Sheath
characteristic of sheathing IEC 60092-359
compounds Table II & III
Thermal properties
Lifetime BS 3G230 >20000h @ 120°C Core
Accelerated ageing IEC 60811-1-2 No cracks, no dielectric breakdown Core
(168h @ 150°C, 1.5kV ac for 5 minutes)
Insulation blocking NF F 63-808 Cores must be easily separated (6h @ 150°C) Core
Cold bend IEC 60811-1-4 No cracks, no dielectric breakdown
(Where outer diameter <12.5 mm) (-30°C, 10X mandrel, 1.5kV ac for 5 mins for 1m core) Core
(-30°C, 10X mandrel, 3.5kV ac for 5 min.
Sample of cable) Cable
Current overload BS 3G230 No cracks, no dielectric breakdown (30s @ 250°C, Core
6X mandrel, wind as in lifetime test, 1.5kV ac for 5 minutes)
Electrical properties
AC and DC voltage tests IEC 60092-350 No dielectric breakdown
(3.5kV ac/8.4kV dc for 5 minutes for 1m of core) Core
(3.5kV ac/8.4kV dc for 5 minutes for each delivery length of cable) Cable
Insulation – continuity proof test IEC 60092-350 No dielectric breakdown Core
Clause 10.3b At least 8kV impulse, 8kV dc or 3.5kV ac
Insulation resistance at 20°C IEC 60092-350 500MΩkM min. @ 20°C Core
(5m length, quote actual IR)
Insulation resistance at 90°C IEC 60092-350 1.5MΩkM min @ 90°C Core
(5m length, quote actual IR)
Increase in a.c. capacitance IEC 60092-350 C14-C1≤0.15 C1, C14-C7 ≤0.05C7 Core
after immersion in water (14 days @ 50°C in tap water)
Environmental properties
Ozone resistance IEC 60092-350 No crazing or cracking Core
IEC 60811-2-1 (250-300ppm, 25°C, 30h)
Fluid immersion: 72h @ 70°C – BS 3G230 No cracking or dielectric breakdown 5% max, swell Core
IRM 902, IRM 903, Diesel (F-76), (6X mandrel, soak in water, 1.5kV ac for 5 minutes)
3.5% salt water
Fire hazard properties
Flammability – small scale IEC 60332-1 Charring confined between 50mm and 540mm from Core
lower edge of top support (Single vertical wire)
Flammability – large scale IEC 60332-3 Category A, designation F Cable
Halogen content IEC 60684-2 cl, 45 Less than 0.5% for each non metallic component Cable
Toxicity index IMO FTPC It of less than 2, report Lc value Cable
Appendix 3
Smoke emission – small scale ISO 5659-2 Ds4 150 max. and Dmax 150 max. VOF4 300 max. Core
Appendix 3
Smoke emission – Large scale IEC 61034-2 70% minimum transmittance Cable
Note: For installation guidelines refer to TE installation guidelines document WT1189

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Signal and Control Cables for
Offshore and Commercial Shipping

C-Lite Cables (Continued)

Part Numbering System

CL 105 - 3 G x 0.5 - S U

Component Construction
I - Foil wrapped components, overall unshielded* cable
IO - Foil wrapped components, overall shielded* cable
F - Unshielded* components, overall foil wrapped cable
O - Unshielded* components, overall shielded* cable
U - Unshielded* components, overall unshielded* cable

Component Type
P - Pair
T - Trio
S - Single

Conductor Size (in mm)

Core Identification
G - Color coded cores
(No designator defaults to standard colors, light blue and white)

Number of Components
Standard construction - number of conductors
Example: 2 = 2 conductors
3 = 3 conductors

Complex construction - number of component cables x

number of wires in the component cable
Example: 3x2 = 3 twisted pairs
7x3 = 7 twisted triples

Product Type
90 - meets requirements of SHF1
105 - meets requirements of SHF2

Basic Product Number 9

*also referred to as screened or unscreened Wire and Cable

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Signal and Control Cables for
Offshore and Commercial Shipping

C-Lite F (Fire Resistant) Cables

Product Facts
■ Halogen free
■ Small size
■ Lightweight
■ Tough flexible construction
■ Resistant to hot diesel fuels,
oils, grease, drilling fluids,
and mechanical abuse
■ Meets flame retardant
requirements of IEC 60332-3
■ Controlled dimensions
■ Mud resistant to NEK 606
■ Fire resistant to IEC 60331-
31 (1000˚C)

Applications Zerohal-EN Cables Generate These effects are highly

Less Smoke undesirable in a fire,
TE is a major supplier in
causing corrosion damage
high performance cable Zerohal-EN is a halogen- to expensive and vital
systems to the offshore and free cable jacket material, equipment, hindering evac-
industrial markets. Offshore developed by TE and com- uation and fire fighting and
applications include bines the good mechanical, above all, endangering life.
telecommunications, instru- environmental and electrical
mentation and small power features of some conven- Benefits of Zerohal-EN cable
cables which represent tional cables, with good fire ■ Highly flame retarded
approximately 80% of the hazard performance. ■ Low smoke generation
total cable length on a
Until recently the flame ■ Low toxicity index
retardance of cable jackets ■ Low acid gas generation
Easy Design was achieved by the use ■ Operating temperature
of halogenated flame -40°C up to +120°C
C-Lite F cable consists
of Raychem brand primary retardants that are effective ■ Low water uptake
C-Lite FR Wire with a fire suppressants, but which ■ Compatible with
Zerohal-EN jacket and can unfortunately produce Raychem brand heat-
be used throughout an off- dense smoke and shrink components -
shore platform, simplifying corrosive acid gases heat-shrink tubing,
the selection of cables for when burned. molded parts and
designers and electrical adhesives.
Smoke generation with The 10% visibility line on the graph
indicates the density of smoke
time (measured in the NBS smoke
chamber) which would cause
human disorientation and confusion.

Available in: Americas Europe Asia Pacific

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Signal and Control Cables for
Offshore and Commercial Shipping

C-Lite F (Fire Resistant) Cables (Continued)

Traditional Fire Resistant C-Lite F Designing Platforms Benefits of using TE

Cable Cable Platforms are becoming C-Lite F cable
smaller and more sophisti-
cated with an ever increas- • Cable can be used
ing complexity of electronic throughout the platform
systems, sensors, commu-
nications and safety
equipment. More cables • Smaller tray work/more
are therefore required to fit cables per tray
into smaller spaces.
C-Lite F small size cable • Lighter supports
The illustration above shows a TE light weight cable on the right can be a distinct advantage
compared with a traditional offshore cable having the same cross- over conventional cables. • Smaller cable glands/
sectional area of copper. Both cables have the same number of gland plate optimization
conductors. A saving in size has been made on the insulation
material, but without sacrificing the mechanical or electrical Space saving when refurbish-
characteristics of the cable. • More cables through
ing platforms
transit blocks
As technology advances,
Cable trays engineers are called upon
to update and modify • Time saving on
existing systems or fit installation
completely new ones.
To provide all the necessary • Less cable accessories
interconnections, hundreds
of multicore cables have to • Less inventory
run throughout the platform.
These, along with cables
• Lower total installed
for power, lighting and
instrumentation, create a cost
severe space problem on
cable trays, cable transits • Wide size range:
A typical saving in the through fire walls, 0.50-10.00mm2
cable tray volume can marshalling boxes and
exceed 40% gland plates.
Using C-Lite F cable instal-
lation is easier because the
cable is smaller, lighter,
more flexible and has a
reduced bend radius than
conventional cables.
Wire and Cable
Lower total installed cost on
new platforms
Weight is one of the key
factors to consider when
designing new platforms.
Reduced size and weight
in cables allow for smaller
and lighter gauge racking
needing less support. Also,
Transits Over 40% savings smaller transits and cable
in area glands reduce material and
installation costs. C-Lite F
With more than 475 km of cabling on a typical large platform, there cable is easier to specify as
are potential savings of up to 105 tons topside by using C-Lite it meets all the industry’s
throughout the platform. The total cabling system, together with essential requirements in
smaller cable glands, trays and transits can lead to overall weight
one cable.
savings of approximately 165 tons and cost savings in excess of

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Commercial Wire Family

FlexLite Commercial Wire

Available in:
Americas ■
Europe ■
Asia Pacific ■

Selection Guide
Application Temperature Rating (°C/°F) Features and Benefits Product Name
■ Insulation that does not melt and flow at

Intermittent-duty motors -45°C to 125°C high temperatures

-49°F to 257°F ■ Excellent chemical resistance
FlexLite DW
and heating elements
■ VW-1

Electronics, appliance, and -55°C to 135°C ■ Small size, light weight

FlexLite TW
motor applications -67°F to 275°F ■ No plasticizers or corrosive outgassing

■ Excellent shop handling

General purpose 150°C ■ Excellent chemical resistance

FlexLite CW
commercial and industrial ■ Non-melting insulation

■ Insulation does not melt and flow at high temperature

-55°C to 200°C ■ VW-1

Lighting, motor applications FlexLite HT
-67°F to 392°F ■ Excellent shop handling

■ No cold-flow problems

■ Very high temperature

-65°C to 250°C ■ VW-1
Lighting, appliances, motors FlexLite TX
-85°F to 482°F ■ Superb chemical resistance

■ Excellent shop handling

FlexLite/UL Style Primary Wire

Cross-Reference Temperature Voltage AWG
Product UL Style Part Description
Rating Rating Range

UL Marking and Labeling FlexLite DW* 3584 125°C [257°F] 600 volts 14-26 FLDWX031X
FlexLite TW 10208 135°C [275°F] 600 volts 10-28 FLTWX031X
All FlexLite products are UL
FlexLite CW 10916 150°C [302°F] 600 volts 0.35mm2=2.50mm2 FLCW0219& 0211
labeled and reel marked.
UL surface marking is FlexLite HT* 3557 200°C [392°F] 600 volts 12-26 FLHTX031X
additional. Please contact FlexLite TX 10297 250°C [482°F] 600 volts 10-26 FLTXX031X
TE for further information. Note: Additional UL-recognized cable constructions are available. Please contact TE for details.
*Available in both metric and imperial sizes.

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Commercial Wire Family

FlexLite (Continued)

Part Numbering System

FL XX X X X X X - Size - X/X - X

Basic Product Number

Product Type (UL Style - Temperature Rating)

CW - UL Style 3751 - 150˚C
DW - UL Style 3584 - 125˚C
TW - UL Style 10208 - 135˚C
HT - UL Style 3557 - 200˚C
TX - UL Style 10297 - 250˚C

Conductor Stranding
A - Solid
B - 7 strand
C - 19 strand
D - 37 strand
E - Rope Lay

0 - Primary wire; or unshielded & unjacketed cable
1 - Round braid shielded & jacketed cable*
6 - Special constructions

Class of Wire
1 - 150 volt
2 - 300 volt
3 - 600 volt

Number of Conductors
1 through 10 (designator for 10 conductor = 0)

Conductor Type
1 - Tin-coated copper
2 - Silver-coated copper
3 - Nickel coated copper
9 - Bare copper
Wire and Cable
Conductor Size (AWG) or (Metric)

Primary Wire Insulation Color (code per MIL-STD-681)

0 - Black 3 - Orange 6 - Blue 9 - White
1 - Brown 4 - Yellow 7 - Violet
Part Numbering System is a 2 - Red 5 - Green 8 - Gray
cross reference only and not
meant for part creation. Jacket Color (code per MIL-STD-681)
(codes same as for Primary Wire Insulation Color)
*Shield coating same as conductor coating

Typical ordering example 19 strand, 20 AWG tin-coated copper, two component, shielded and jacketed cable, 600 volt, blue and white
components, white jacket; part number FLDWC1321-20-6/9-9.
Ordering information For product requiring CUR (Canadian UL) or CSA marking part numbering descriptions above MIGHT NOT apply.
Please contact TE for further information.

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Commercial Wire Family

FlexLite CW

General Purpose and Motor

Lead Wire

Product Facts
■ UL rated operating
temperature to 150°C
■ Non melting cross-linked
insulation material provides
current overload and
resistance to short term
thermal excursions
■ Insulation offers excellent
performance against most
fluids, including lubricating
oils, hydraulic fluids,
cleaning fluids, acids and
■ Varnish resistant for motor
lead applications
■ Excellent shop floor
handling enables ease of
termination and full
compatibility with automatic
cutting and stripping
Applications Insulation
■ 600 volt rating exceeds most Radiation Crosslinked, Modified, Polyalkene Blend
application needs FlexLite CW (FLCW) is
designed for general
■ Full range of sizes and
purpose Commercial and
colors available Industrial applications.
■ Thin wall product improves This dual wire combines
packaging possibilities excellent flexibility, shop
floor handling and stripping.

Bare Copper /
Tin Plated Copper
Modified PVF2

Series UL
CW Style 3751

Available in: Americas Europe Asia Pacific

■ ■ ■

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Commercial Wire Family

FlexLite CW (Continued)

Construction Details
Bare Copper Conductor -FLCW0219

Conductor Finished Wire

Cross Nominal Stranding Diameter Conductor Diameter mm Approx. Weight
Sectional Area No / Dia mm Resistance at Lower Upper per Unit
Part Number mm2 mm max 20°C Ω/km max Spec Limit Target Spec Limit Length kg/km
FLCW0219-0.35-* 0.35 7/0.26 0.78 51.7 1.59 1.63 1.67 5.16
FLCW0219-0.50-* 0.50 19/0.19 0.95 36.9 1.76 1.80 1.84 6.9
FLCW0219-0.75-* 0.75 19/0.23 1.15 24.6 1.96 2.00 2.04 10.9
FLCW0219-1.00-* 1.00 19/0.26 1.30 18.40 2.11 2.15 2.19 11.6
FLCW0219-1.50-* 1.50 19/0.32 1.60 12.60 2.41 2.45 2.49 16.3
FLCW0219-2.50-* 2.5 19/0.41 2.05 7.56 2.86 2.94 2.94 25.70

Tin Plated Conductor -FLCW0211

Conductor Finished Wire

Cross Nominal Insulation Thickness Diameter mm Nominal
Sectional Stranding Diameter Conductor Absolute Minimum Lower Upper Weight per
Area No / Dia mm Resistance at Minimum Average Spec Spec Unit Length
Part Number mm2 mm max 20°C Ω/km max mm mm Limit Target Limit kg/km
FLCW0211-0.35-* 0.35 7/0.25 0.79 50.9 0.28 0.36 1.60 1.64 1.68 5.22
FLCW0211-0.50-* 0.50 19/0.18 0.88 40.1 0.28 0.36 1.69 1.73 1.77 6.51
FLCW0211-0.75-* 0.75 19/0.23 1.08 24.7 0.28 0.36 1.89 1.93 1.97 8.99
FLCW0211-1.00-* 1.00 19/0.25 1.21 20.0 0.28 0.36 2.02 2.06 2.10 10.7
FLCW0211-1.50-* 1.50 19/0.32 1.51 12.5 0.28 0.36 2.32 2.36 2.40 15.8
FLCW0211-2.50-* 2.50 19/0.41 1.94 7.88 0.28 0.36 2.75 2.79 2.83 25.0

Ballis Resistor Coil

Wire and Cable

Radiation Cross-Linking

Molecular Chain Crosslinking Crosslinked Molecular Chain

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Commercial Wire Family

FlexLite DW

Dual-Wall Primary Wire

Product Facts
■ UL rated operating
temperature to 125°C
■ Non melting insulation
■ Thin-wall product for size
and weight savings
■ Excellent chemical
■ Dual-wall construction for
increased mechanical
■ Compatibility with
automated stripping
■ Variety of colors and

Conductor Primary insulation Jacket
FlexLite DW (FLDW) offers Tin-coated Radiation-crosslinked, Radiation-crosslinked,
a high-performance copper extruded polyalkene modified PVDF
non melting insulation
suitable for a variety of
applications, especially
those with occasional high-
temperature excursions,
such as high-power battery-
operated devices or
intermittent-duty motors or
heating elements.

Style 3584
DW Flammability VW-1 Recognized Certified AWMIA WCD-3106
Temperature rating 125°C [257°F]

Available in: Americas Europe Asia Pacific

■ ■ ■

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Commercial Wire Family

FlexLite DW (Continued)

Construction Details
Finished Wire
Maximum Diameter Nominal
Wire Conductor Nominal
Part No. Resistance Weight in
Size Stranding Diameter Minimum Nominal Maximum
at 20°C (68°F) kg/km
(AWG) (No. x AWG) mm [inch] mm [inch] mm [inch] mm [inch]
Ω/km [Ω /1000 ft] [lb/1000 ft]

FLDWC0311-26-* 26 19 x 38 .470 [.0185] 132 [40.1] .965 [.038] 1.02 [.040] 1.07 [.042] 2.38 [1.6]
FLDWC0311-24-* 24 19 x 36 .597 [.0235] 83.3 [25.4] 1.12 [.044] 1.17 [.046] 1.22 [.048] 3.57 [2.4]
FLDWC0311-22-* 22 19 x 34 .749 [.0295] 52.2 [15.9] 1.32 [.052] 1.37 [.054] 1.42 [.056] 5.21 [3.5]
FLDWC0311-20-* 20 19 x 32 .953 [.0375] 32.0 [9.76] 1.52 [.060] 1.57 [.062] 1.63 [.064] 7.59 [5.1]
FLDWC0311-18-* 18 19 x 30 1.18 [.0465] 20.4 [6.22] 1.78 [.070] 1.85 [.073] 1.93 [.076] 11.46 [7.7]
FLDWC0311-16-* 16 19 x 29 1.33 [.0525] 15.8 [4.82] 1.98 [.078] 2.06 [.081] 2.13 [.084] 14.58 [9.8]
FLDWC0311-14-* 14 19 x 27 1.68 [.0660] 10.0 [3.05] 2.39 [.094] 2.49 [.098] 2.59 [.102] 21.88 [14.7]
* Replace asterisk with color code designator:
0 = Black 3 = Orange 7 = Violet
1 = Brown 4 = Yellow 8 = Gray
2 = Red 5 = Green 9 = White
For example:FLDWC0311-20-9 = AWG 20, white.

Construction Details
Finished Wire
Nominal Wire Conductor Diameter Maximum Diameter Nominal
CSA Size Stranding Resistance Weight in
Lower Target Upper
Part No. (mm2) (No. x Dia.) (min.) (max.) at 20°C (68°F) kg/km
Spec. Limit Value Spec. Limit
mm [inch] mm [inch] Ω/km [Ω /1000 ft] [lb/1000 ft]
mm [inch] mm [inch] mm [inch]
FLDWC0311-0.25* 0.25 19 x 0.127 0.55 [.022] 0.63 [.025] 83.3 [25.5] 1.12 [.044] 1.17 [.046] 1.22 [.048] 3.45 [2.32]
FLDWC0311-0.35* 0.35 19 x 0.15 0.72 [.028] 0.77 [.030] 56.1 [17.1] 1.31 [.052] 1.37 [.054] 1.42 [.056] 4.79 [3.21]
FLDWC0311-0.50* 0.50 19 x 0.19 0.86 [.034] 0.88 [.035] 40.1 [12.2] 1.46 [.057] 1.51 [.059] 1.56 [.061] 6.46 [4.34]
FLDWC0311-0.75* 0.75 19 x 0.23 1.05 [.041] 1.08 [.043] 24.7 [7.53] 1.65 [.065] 1.70 [.067] 1.75 [.069] 8.93 [5.99]
FLDWC0311-1.00* 1.00 19 x 0.25 1.17 [.046] 1.26 [.050] 20.0 [6.1] 1.78 [.070] 1.85 [.073] 1.93 [.076] 10.90 [7.31]
FLDWC0311-1.50* 1.50 19 x 0.32 1.35 [.053] 1.58 [.062] 13.7 [4.2] 2.19 [.086] 2.27 [.089] 2.34 [.092] 17.90 [12.01]
FLDWC0311-2.00* 2.00 19 x 0.36 1.66 [0.65] 1.79 [0.07] 9.7 2.42 [.095] 2.52 [.099] 2.62 [.103] 21.30 [14.29]
FLDWC0311-2.50* 2.50 19 x 0.41 1.85 [0.07] 2.01 [0.08] 8.2 2.63 [.104] 2.73 [.104] 2.83 [.111] 27.40 [18.39]
* Replace asterisk with color code designator:
0 = Black
1 = Brown
2 = Red
3 = Orange
4 = Yellow
5 = Green
6 = Blue
7 = Violet
8 = Gray
For example: FLDWC0311-20-9 = AWG 20, white.
9 = White

Wire and Cable
FLDWC0311-1.00-9 = Size 1.00 mm2, white.

For product requiring CUR (Canadian UL) or CSA marking in 16-10 AWG, stranded conductors only, the part numbering
descriptions above MIGHT NOT apply. Please contact TE for further information.

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Commercial Wire Family

FlexLite TW

Thin-Wall Hookup
Wire and Cable

Product Facts
■ UL rated operating
temperature to 135°C
■ Thin-wall product for size
and weight savings
■ Tough insulation material
■ Excellent chemical
■ Gauge sizes from 10-32
■ No plasticizers or corrosive
outgassing, which can be
detrimental to sensitive
electrical and electronic

FlexLite TW (FLTW) wire Tin-coated copper
is commonly used in
applications that demand
smaller, more rugged
components, often in
elevated temperatures.
Designed to offer reduced
size while maintaining Insulation
Modified polyester
superior mechanical
performance, FLTW in
many cases is a lower-cost
solution than expensive
fluoropolymer wire.

Specifications/Approvals Series UL CUR CSA TE

Style 10208
Temperature rating 135°C Certified
TW Recognized WCD-3106
[275°F] AWMIA

Available in: Americas Europe Asia Pacific

■ ■ ■

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Commercial Wire Family

FlexLite TW (Continued)

Construction Details
Finished Wire
Maximum Diameter Nominal
Wire Conductor Nominal
Part No. Resistance Weight in
Size Stranding Diameter Minimum Nominal Maximum
at 20°C (68°F) kg/km
(AWG) (No. x AWG) mm [inch] mm [inch] mm [inch]
mm [inch] Ω/km [Ω /1000 ft] [lb/1000 ft]

FLTWC0311-26-* 26 19 x 38 .483 [0.19] 150.0 [45.8] .813 [.032] .864 [.034] .914 [.036] 1.93 [1.3]
FLTWC0311-24-* 24 19 x 36 .610 [0.24] 94.2 [28.7] .965 [.038] 1.02 [.040] 1.07 [.042] 2.83 [1.9]
FLTWC0311-22-* 22 19 x 34 .762 [.030] 59.4 [18.1] 1.14 [.045] 1.19 [.047] 1.24 [.049] 4.17 [2.8]
FLTWC0311-20-* 20 19 x 32 .965 [.038] 37.4 [11.4] 1.35 [.053] 1.40 [.055] 1.45 [.057] 6.25 [4.2]
FLTWC0311-18-* 18 19 x 30 1.19 [.047] 23.5 [7.15] 1.60 [.063] 1.65 [.065] 1.70 [.067] 9.52 [6.4]
FLTWC0311-16-* 16 19 x 29 1.35 [.053] 15.8 [4.82] 1.75 [.069] 1.83 [.072] 1.91 [.075] 12.20 [8.2]
FLTWC0311-14-* 14 19 x 27 1.68 [.066] 10.0 [3.05] 2.16 [.085] 2.26 [.089] 2.36 [.093] 18.90 [12.7]
FLTWD0311-12-* 12 37 x 28 2.16 [.085] 6.59 [2.01] 2.64 [.104] 2.74 [.108] 2.84 [.112] 28.87 [19.4]
FLTWD0311-10-* 10 37 x 26 2.72 [.107] 4.13 [1.26] 3.23 [1.27] 3.33 [.131] 3.43 [1.35] 45.39 [30.5]
* Replace asterisk with color code designator:
0 = Black 3 = Orange 6 = Blue 9 = White
1 = Brown 4 = Yellow 7 = Violet
2 = Red 5 = Green 8 = Gray
For example: FLTWC0311-22-9 = AWG 22, white.

Wire and Cable

For product requiring CUR (Canadian UL) or CSA marking in 16-10 AWG, stranded conductors only, the part numbering
descriptions above DO NOT apply. Please contact TE for further information.

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Commercial Wire Family

FlexLite HT

Hookup Wire

Product Facts
■ UL rated operating
temperature to 200°C
■ Exceptional chemical
■ Thin-wall, for size and
weight savings
■ Tough fluoropolymer
insulation material
■ Excellent stripping and
■ Variety of constructions and
■ Crosslinked to minimize cold
■ VW-1 flammability rating
■ 600 V rating

Conductor Insulation
FlexLite HT (FLHT) wire Tin-coated Radiation-crosslinked,
is the product of choice copper modified ETFE
for high-temperature
applications. It offers
shop-handling advantages
over silicone/ fiberglass
constructions (SF1/SF2)
and is cost-competitive with
other fluoropolymer wire.
Applications include
halogen lights, wireless
tools and small high-end
appliances where space
and temperature are issues.

Specifications/Approvals Series UL CUR CSA TE

Style 3557
HT Flammability VW-1 Recognized Certified AWMIA/B WCD-3106
Temperature rating 200°C

Available in: Americas Europe Asia Pacific

■ ■ ■

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Commercial Wire Family

FlexLite HT (Continued)

Construction Details
Finished Wire
Maximum Diameter Nominal
Wire Conductor Nominal
Part No. Resistance Weight in
Size Stranding Diameter at 20°C (68°F) Minimum Nominal Maximum kg/km
(AWG) (No. x AWG) mm [inch] Ω/km [Ω /1000 ft] mm [inch] mm [inch] mm [inch] [lb/1000 ft]

FLHTC0311-26-* 26 19 x 38 .483 [.019] 150.0 [45.8] .765 [.0301] .800 [.0315] .836 [.0329] 1.89 [1.27]
FLHTC0311-24-* 24 19 x 36 .610 [.024] 94.2 [28.7] .892 [.0351] .927 [.0365] .963 [.0379] 2.75 [1.85]
FLHTC0311-22-* 22 19 x 34 .762 [.030] 59.4 [18.1] 1.04 [.0411] 1.08 [.0425] 1.12 [.0439] 4.08 [2.74]
FLHTC0311-20-* 20 19 x 32 .965 [.038] 37.4 [11.4] 1.25 [.0491] 1.28 [.0505] 1.32 [.0519] 6.21 [4.17]
FLHTC0311-18-* 18 19 x 30 1.19 [.047] 23.5 [7.15] 1.48 [.0583] 1.52 [.0600] 1.57 [.0617] 9.43 [6.34]
FLHTC0311-16-* 16 19 x 29 1.35 [.053] 15.8 [4.82] 1.67 [.0656] 1.71 [.0675] 1.76 [.0694] 12.0 [8.09]
FLHTC0311-14-* 14 19 x 27 1.68 [.066] 10.0 [3.05] 2.03 [.0799] 2.08 [.0820] 2.14 [.0841] 18.6 [12.5]
FLHTD0311-12-* 12 37 x 28 2.16 [.085] 6.59 [2.01] 2.50 [.0984] 2.57 [.1010] 2.63 [.1036] 28.7 [19.3]
FLHTD0311-10-* 10 37 x 26 2.72 [.107] 4.13 [1.26] 3.07 [.1210] 3.18 [.1250] 3.28 [.1290] 30.7 [45.7]

Construction Details
Finished Wire
Nominal Conductor Maximum Diameter Nominal
Part No. CSA Stranding Resistance Lower Target Upper Weight
(mm2) No/Dia. (min.) (max.) at 20°C (68°F) Spec. Limit Value Spec. Limit (kg/km)
(mm) mm [inch] mm [inch] (ohms/km) mm [inch] mm [inch] mm [inch]
FLHTC0311-0.25-* 0.25 19/0.127 0.55 [.022] 0.63 [.025] 83.3 0.96 [.038] 1.00 [.039] 1.03 [.041] 2.95
FLHTC0311-0.35-* 0.35 19/0.15 0.74 [.029] 0.76 [.030] 52.2 1.12 [.044] 1.16 [.046] 1.19 [.047] 4.22
FLHTC0311-0.50-* 0.50 19/0.19 0.86 [.034] 0.88 [.035] 40.1 1.24 [.049] 1.27 [.050] 1.31 [.052] 5.59
FLHTC0311-0.75-* 0.75 19/0.23 1.05 [.041] 1.08 [.043] 24.7 1.43 [.056] 1.47 [.058] 1.51 [.059] 7.95
FLHTC0311-1.00-* 1.00 19/0.25 1.17 [.046] 1.26 [.050] 20.0 1.58 [.062] 1.62 [.064] 1.66 [.065] 9.85
FLHTC0311-1.50-* 1.50 19/0.32 1.35 [.053] 1.58 [.062] 13.7 1.82 [.072] 1.87 [.074] 1.92 [.076] 15.69
FLHTC0311-2.00-* 2.00 19/0.36 1.66 [.065] 1.79 [.070] 9.7 2.05 [.081] 2.10 [.083] 2.16 [.085] 18.67
FLHTC0311-2.50- 2.50 19/0.41 1.85 [.073] 2.01 [.080] 8.2 2.24 [.088] 2.31 [.091] 2.38 [.094] 24.62
* Replace asterisk with color code designator:
0 = Black 3 = Orange 6 = Blue 9 = White
1 = Brown 4 = Yellow 7 = Violet
2 = Red 5 = Green 8 = Gray
For example: FLHTC0311-22-9 = AWG 22, white.
FLHTC0311-0.50-9 = Size 0.50mm2, white.

Wire and Cable

For product requiring CUR (Canadian UL) or CSA marking in 16-10 AWG, stranded conductors only, the part numbering
descriptions above DO NOT apply. Please contact TE for further information.

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Thermocouple Extension Cables

Thermocouple Extension Cable

Product Facts
■ 19-strand conductor for
■ All 4 types available in
different combinations
■ Custom designs with
different insulation systems
are available
■ Lightweight, small size
thermocouple extension

Applications configurations. A range of Operating Temperature Range

TE manufactures a broad cables is available from 16 -65°C to 200°C
range of Raychem brand AWG to 24 AWG. [-85°F to 392°F]
Thermocouple extension Wires and cables are
cables in four thermoele- insulated and jacketed
ment combinations. Each with radiation-crosslinked
provides accurate transmis- ETFE, which has a
sion of electro-motive force continuous operating
(EMF) from a Thermocouple temperature of -65°C to
element lead wire of the +200°C [-85°F to +392°F].
same conductor material to This material, which is fully
a thermometer, also known specified in TE SPEC 55,
as a pyrometer. has excellent physical
All four types of properties and is highly
Thermocouple extension resistant to a wide range
cables use 19-strand con- of chemicals.
ductors and are available in
twisted pair, jacketed
twisted pair, and shielded
and jacketed twisted pair

Available in: Americas Europe Asia Pacific

■ ■ ■

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Thermocouple Extension Cables

Thermocouple Extension Cable (Continued)

Initial Calibration Tolerances for Thermocouple Extension Wires
Extension Thermoelement
EMF (mv)*
Cable Type Combination Temperature Range Limit of Range
EX Chromel-Constantan 0°C to 200°C [0°F to 392°F] ±1.7°C [35.1°F] 6.18–6.45
JX Iron-Constantan 0°C to 200°C [0°F to 392°F] ±2.2°C [36.0°F] 5.15–5.39
KX Chromel-Alumel 0°C to 200°C [0°F to 392°F] ±2.2°C [36.0°F] 4.00–4.19
TX Copper-Constantan 0°C to 100°C [0°F to 212°F] ±1.0°C [32.0°F] 4.24–4.32
Note: The above is in accordance with ANSI-MC-96.1-1982.
*EMF is measured in millivolts (mv) at 100°C [212°F] with reference junction at 0°C [0°F].

Product Dimensions**

Twisted Pair Twisted, Jacketed Pair Twisted, Shielded, 38 AWG

Braid Strand, Jacketed Pair
AWG Weight
Size Outside Weight Outside Outside Weight
Diameter in kg/km Diameter in kg/km in kg/km
(lb/1000 ft) Diameter
(lb/1000 ft) (lb/1000 ft)
24 2.29 [.090] 7.3 [4.9] 2.67 [.106] 9.9 [6.7] 3.12 [.123] 16.5 [11.1]
22 2.60 [.102] 9.9 [6.7] 2.99 [.118] 13.0 [8.8] 3.43 [.135] 21.4 [14.4]
20 2.99 [.118] 14.4 [9.7] 3.40 [.134] 18.0 [12.1] 3.83 [.151] 27.8 [18.7]
18 3.56 [.140] 20.9 [14.1] 3.96 [.156] 25.1 [16.9] 4.34 [.173] 37.5 [25.2]
16 3.96 [.156] 26.3 [17.7] 4.37 [.172] 30.9 [20.8] 4.80 [.189] 44.9 [30.2]
**Dimensions for 19-strand-conductor thermocouple. Extension Types EX, JX, KX, and TX.

Extension Cable Color-Coding Special Cables

Thermocouple extension Thermocouple extension insulations, and multiple-
cables are available with the cables are also available in pair designs, and they are
wires color-coded in accor- solid-conductor and seven- available for outer space
dance with five standards: strand-conductor configura- applications. Contact
MIL-STD-687, ANSI-MC- tions. They come in a TE for details.
96.1, British Standard Code variety of thermoelement
BS 1843, Japanese JIS-C- combinations, gauges,
1602 and IEC 584-3 color
coding system (see bel0w)
(International Standard)
Extension Cable
Jacket Color code
Type EX Chromel + Constantan - Jacket
(if present) Wire

ANSI-MC-96.1 Violet Red Violet 7/2 7
British Std.-BS 1843 Brown Blue Brown 1/6 1
JIS-C-1602 Violet Red Violet 7/2 7
IEC 584-3 Violet White Violet 7/9 7

Wire and Cable

Type JX Iron + Constantan - Jacket Wire Jacket
MIL-STD-687 Black Yellow White 0/4 9
ANSI-MC-96.1 White Red Black 9/2 0
British Std.-BS 1843 Yellow Blue Black 4/6 0
JIS-C-1602 Red White Yellow 2/9 4
IEC 584-3 Black White Black 0/9 0
Type KX Chromel + Alumel - Jacket Wire Jacket
MIL-STD-687 White Green White 9/5 9
ANSI-MC-96.1 Yellow Red Yellow 4/2 4
British Std.-BS 1843 Brown Blue Red 1/6 2
JIS-C-1602 Red White Blue 2/9 6
IEC 584-3 Green White Green 5/9 5
Type TX Copper + Constantan - Jacket Wire Jacket
MIL-STD-687 Red Yellow White 2/4 9
ANSI-MC-96.1 Blue Red Blue 6/2 6
British Std.-BS 1843 White Blue Blue 9/6 6
JIS-C-1602 Red White Brown 2/9 1
IEC 584-3 Brown White Brown 1/9 1

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Thermocouple Extension Cables

Thermocouple Extension Cable (Continued)

Part Number The Thermocouple cable

Selection Table options outlined in the table
on the previous page can
be ordered from the table
TE will assign a new part
number on request for
cables falling outside the
range shown in the table.

Twisted, Twisted, Shielded,

Type Twisted Pair Shield Plating*
Jacketed Pair Jacketed Pair
T CTC-0074
EX CTC-0077 CTC-0079
N 55A6169
JX 55A8131 CTC-0080 T CTC-0044
T CTC-0018
KX 55A8002 CTC-0012 N CTC-0015
S CTC-0057
TX CTC-0078 CTC-0081 T CTC-0073

*T = Tin-coated copper.
N = Nickel-coated copper.
S = Silver-coated copper.

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables

ElectroLoss Filterline

Lightweight, Ruggedized
Filterline Wire and Cable

Product Facts
■ Suppresses EMI above 100
■ Light weight, small size
■ SPEC 55 insulation
■ 600 volt
■ -65°C up to 200°C
[-85°F to 392°F]

Applications A reliable alternative to either with a metallic shield

Today’s performance needs conventional discrete filters on each wire or by an over-
for military and commercial and filter-pin connectors, all metallic shield protecting
electronic systems require ElectroLoss FilterLine a bundle of individual
increasingly sophisticated cables are flexible, light- component wires.
equipment and greater use weight, and compatible with Radiation-crosslinked,
of composite structures and high-density connectors. modified conductive EFTE
enclosures. As electronics The ElectroLoss FilterLine jackets are used over
Available in: become more sensitive, wire and cable meets the shielded filter line cables
Americas ■ the EMI protection level for performance requirements to eliminate pathways
Europe ■ electrical equipment is of SAE AS85485 originally a between adjacent cable
Asia Pacific ■ increasing. The Raychem military specification devel- shields.
brand of ElectroLoss oped to provide EMI protec- Application-driven alterna-
FilterLine wire and cable tion for military electrical tive ElectroLoss FilterLine
provide a high degree of interconnects. constructions built to the
EMI protection while func- The absorptive layer in same rigorous standards
tioning as conventional
electrical wiring.
ElectroLoss FilterLine
ElectroLoss FilterLine cable
is constructed of a ferrite-
loaded high-temperature
demanded of the military
requirements are also avail-
able. These alternatives
Wire and Cable
products include high- polymer, which provides offer
performance wire and high-frequency EMI significant weight savings
cable, which when used absorptive characteristics. through the use of flat
as specified, suppress Achieving maximum attenu- braids, improved laser mark
conducted and radiated ation requires concentrating contrast, and a broader
EMI above 100 MHz. the electromagnetic fields choice of conductors.
in the absorptive layer —

55FA0511 55FB1511

Radiation-crosslinked Radiation-crosslinked, Radiation-crosslinked Radiation-crosslinked, Radiation-crosslinked,

PVDF modified ETFE PVDF modified ETFE modified, conductive

Conductor Absorptive layer Conductor Absorptive layer Shield

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables

ElectroLoss Filterline (Continued)

Effective against conducted conducted and radiated
EMI ElectroLoss FilterLine EMI above 100MHz. The
wire and cable systems performance of ElectroLoss
attenuate high-frequency FilterLine product is best
EMI and allow low frequency demonstrated by measuring
signals to pass with mini- the attenuation (insertion
mum loss. When properly loss) of a length of cable
installed and used, filter line over a broad range of
wire and cables function frequencies. Graph 1
as low-pass electrical depicts typical insertion
filters, attenuating both loss characteristics.

Graph 1 - Typical insertion loss


180 1.2m




Attenuation 100
4 ft

2 ft 0.3m
1 ft

10 100 1000

55FB1511-22 Frequency (MHz)

Temperature rating -65°C up to 200°C [-85°F to 392°F]

Voltage rating 600V r.m.s

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables

ElectroLoss Filterline (Continued)

Lightweight, Ruggedized
Filterline Wire and Cable

Single Conductor Wire

150˚C Rated Wire
Conductor Maximum Maximum MIL-SPEC TE
Stranding Outside Weight Part Part
(Number x AWG) Diameter mm (in) Kg/Km (Ib/1000 ft) Number Number
19 x 36 silver coated
24 high strength 1.19 [.047] 4.46 [3.0] M85485/10-24A 55FA0514-24-*
copper alloy
22 19 x 34 tin coated 1.37 [.054] 5.95 [4.0] M85485/9-22A 55FA0511-22-*
20 19 x 32 tin coated 1.57 [.062] 8.63 [5.8] M85485/9-20A 55FA0511-20-*
18 19 x 30 tin coated 1.85 [.073] 12.95 [8.7] M85485/9-18A 55FA0511-18-*
16 19 x 29 tin coated 2.08 [.082] 16.67 [11.2] M85485/9-16A 55FA0511-16-*
14 19 x 27 tin coated 2.51 [.099] 23.96 [16.1] M85485/9-14A 55FA0511-14-*
12 37 x 28 tin coated 2.95 [.116] 35.71 [24.0] M85485/9-12A 55FA0511-12-*
10 37 x 26 tin coated 3.58 [.141] 55.06 [37.0] M85485/9-10A 55FA0511-10-*
* The color of component wire shall be light violet designated by 7L.
The designated colors for components in finished cable shall be light violet
for component 1 and light violet with stripe designators for remaining
component wires as follows:
Component wire 1 2 3 4 5
Color designator 7L 7L6 7L3 7L5 7L2

Low Fluoride Specifications

200˚C Rated Wire

Conductor Maximum Maximum TE

Stranding Outside Weight Part
(Number x AWG) Diameter mm (in) Kg/Km (Ib/1000 ft) Number
19 x 36 silver coated
24 high strength 1.19 [.047] 4.46 [3.0] 55FAF7128-24-*

copper alloy
22 19 x 34 silver coated 1.37 [.054] 5.95 [4.0] 55FAF0512-22-*
20 19 x 32 silver coated 1.57 [.062] 8.63 [5.8] 55FAF0512-20-*

Wire and Cable

18 19 x 30 silver coated 1.85 [.073] 12.95 [8.7] 55FAF0512-18-*
16 19 x 29 silver coated 2.08 [.082] 16.67 [11.2] 55FAF0512-16-*
14 19 x 27 silver coated 2.51 [.099] 23.96 [16.1] 55FAF0512-14-*
12 37 x 28 silver coated 2.95 [.116] 35.71 [24.0] 55FAF0512-12-*
10 37 x 26 silver coated 3.58 [.141] 55.06 [37.0] 55FAF0512-10-*

The color of the component wire shall be light yellow designated by 4L. The designated colors for components shall be light yellow for component 1
and light yellow with stripe designators for remaining component wires as follows:
Component Wire 1 2 3 4 5
Color Designation 4L 4L6 4L3 4L5 4L2

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables

ElectroLoss Filterline (Continued)

Lightweight, Ruggedized
Filterline Wire and Cable

Unshielded, Unjacketed 2-5

Conductor Cable
150˚C Rated Wire

Maximum Maximum MIL-SPEC TE

AWG Number of
Outside Weight Part Part
Size Conductor
Diameter mm [in.] Kg/Km (Ib/1000 ft) Number Number
24 2 2.39 [.094] 9.08 [6.1] M85485/11-24M2A 55FA0524-24-*
22 2 2.74 [.108] 12.20 [8.2] M85485/11-22T2A 55FA0521-22-*
20 2 3.15 [.124] 17.56 [11.8] M85485/11-20T2A 55FA0521-20-*
18 2 3.71 [.146] 26.34 [17.7] M85485/11-18T2A 55FA0521-18-*
16 2 4.17 [.164] 33.93 [22.8] M85485/11-16T2A 55FA0521-16-*
14 2 5.03 [.198] 48.81 [32.8] M85485/11-14T2A 55FA0521-14-*

24 3 2.59 [.102] 13.69 [9.2] M85485/11-24M3A 55FA0534-24-*

22 3 2.97 [.117] 18.15 [12.2] M85485/11-22T3A 55FA0531-22-*
20 3 3.40 [.134] 26.34 [17.7] M85485/11-20T3A 55FA0531-20-*
18 3 4.01 [.158] 39.58 [26.6] M85485/11-18T3A 55FA0531-18-*
16 3 4.50 [.177] 51.03 [34.3] M85485/11-16T3A 55FA0531-16-*
14 3 5.44 [.214] 73.36 [49.3] M85485/11-14T3A 55FA0531-14-*

24 4 3.28 [.129] 18.15 [12.2] M85485/11-24M4A 55FA0544-24-*

22 4 3.78 [.149] 24.25 [16.3] M85485/11-22T4A 55FA0541-22-*
20 4 4.34[.171] 35.27 [23.7] M85485/11-20T4A 55FA0541-20-*
18 4 5.11 [.201] 52.82 [35.5] M85485/11-18T4A 55FA0541-18-*
16 4 5.74 [.226] 68.00 [45.7] M85485/11-16T4A 55FA0541-16-*
14 4 6.91 [.272] 97.76 [65.7] M85485/11-14T4A 55FA0541-14-*

24 5 3.58 [.141] 22.77 [15.3] M85485/11-24M5A 55FA0554-24-*

22 5 4.11 [.162] 30.36 [20.4] M85485/11-22T5A 55FA0551-22-*
20 5 4.72 [.186] 44.04 [29.6] M85485/11-20T5A 55FA0551-20-*
18 5 5.56 [.219] 66.07 [44.4] M85485/11-18T5A 55FA0551-18-*
16 5 6.25 [.246] 84.96 [57.1] M85485/11-16T5A 55FA0551-16-*
14 5 7.54 [.297] 122.16 [82.1] M85485/11-14T5A 55FA0551-14-*
* The color of component wire shall be light violet designated by 7L.
The designated colors for components in finished cable shall be light violet
for component 1 and light violet with stripe designators for remaining
component wires as follows:
Component wire 1 2 3 4 5
Color designator 7L 7L6 7L3 7L5 7L2

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables

ElectroLoss Filterline (Continued)

Low Fluoride Specifications

200˚C Rated Wire

Maximum Maximum TE
AWG Number of
Outside Weight Part
Size Conductor
Diameter mm [in.] Kg/Km (Ib/1000 ft) Number
24 2 2.39 [.094] 9.08 [6.1] 55FAF7134-24-*
22 2 2.74 [.108] 12.20 [8.2] 55FAF0522-22-*
20 2 3.15 [.124] 17.56 [11.8] 55FAF0522-20-*
18 2 3.71 [.146] 26.34 [17.7] 55FAF0522-18-*
16 2 4.17 [.164] 33.93 [22.8] 55FAF0522-16-*
14 2 5.03 [.198] 48.81 [32.8] 55FAF0522-14-*

24 3 2.59 [.102] 13.69 [9.2] 55FAF7135-24-*

22 3 2.97 [.117] 18.15 [12.2] 55FAF0532-22-*
20 3 3.40 [.134] 26.34 [17.7] 55FAF0532-20-*
18 3 4.01 [.158] 39.58 [26.6] 55FAF0532-18-*
16 3 4.50 [.177] 51.03 [34.3] 55FAF0532-16-*
14 3 5.44 [.214] 73.36 [49.3] 55FAF0532-14-*

24 4 3.28 [.129] 18.15 [12.2] 55FAF7136-24-*

22 4 3.78 [.149] 24.25 [16.3] 55FAF0542-22-*
20 4 4.34[.171] 35.27 [23.7] 55FAF0542-20-*
18 4 5.11 [.201] 52.82 [35.5] 55FAF0542-18-*
16 4 5.74 [.226] 68.00 [45.7] 55FAF0542-16-*
14 4 6.91 [.272] 97.76 [65.7] 55FAF0542-14-*

24 5 3.58 [.141] 22.77 [15.3] 55FAF7137-24-*

22 5 4.11 [.162] 30.36 [20.4] 55FAF0552-22-*
20 5 4.72 [.186] 44.04 [29.6] 55FAF0552-20-*
18 5 5.56 [.219] 66.07 [44.4] 55FAF0552-18-*
16 5 6.25 [.246] 84.96 [57.1] 55FAF0552-16-*
14 5 7.54 [.297] 122.16 [82.1] 55FAF0552-14-*

The color of the component wire shall be light yellow designated by 4L. The designated colors for components shall be light yellow for component 1
and light yellow with stripe designators for remaining component wires as follows:
Component Wire 1 2 3 4 5
Color Designation 4L 4L6 4L3 4L5 4L2

Wire and Cable

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables

ElectroLoss Filterline (Continued)

Lightweight, Ruggedized
Filterline Wire and Cable
Shielded, Jacketed 1-5
Conductor Cable
ElectroLoss Filterline Wire
and Cable Light Weight
Ruggedized Constructions —

Shield Size
Maximum Maximum MIL-SPEC
AWG Number of AWG TE
Outside Weight Part
Size Conductors Tin Coated Part Number
Diameter mm (in) Kg/Km (Ib/1000 ft) Number
24 1 38 2.13 [.084] 10.86 [7.3] M85485/12-24U1A 55FB1514-24-*
22 1 38 2.31 [.091] 13.09 [8.8] M85485/12-22T1A 55FB1511-22-*
20 1 38 2.51 [.099] 16.67 [11.2] M85485/12-20T1A 55FB1511-20-*
18 1 38 2.79 [.110] 22.17 [14.9] M85485/12-18T1A 55FB1511-18-*
16 1 38 3.02 [.119] 26.78 [18.0] M85485/12-16T1A 55FB1511-16-*
14 1 38 3.45 [.136] 35.86 [24.1] M85485/12-14T1A 55FB1511-14-*
12 1 38 3.89 [.153] 49.40 [33.2] M85485/12-12T1A 55FB1511-12-*
10 1 38 4.55 [.179] 71.57 [48.1] M85485/12-10T1A 55FB1511-10-*

24 2 38 3.33 [.131] 19.34 [13.0] M85485/12-24U2A 55FB1524-24-*

22 2 38 3.68 [.145] 23.81 [16.0] M85485/12-22T2A 55FB1521-22-*
20 2 38 4.09 [.161] 30.50 [20.5] M85485/12-20T2A 55FB1521-20-*
18 2 38 4.65 [.183] 41.37 [27.8] M85485/12-18T2A 55FB1521-18-*
16 2 38 5.11 [.201] 50.59 [34.0] M85485/12-16T2A 55FB1521-16-*
14 2 38 6.02 [.237] 69.49 [46.7] M85485/12-14T2A 55FB1521-14-*

24 3 38 3.53 [.139] 25.30 [17.0] M85485/12-24U3A 55FB1534-24-*

22 3 38 3.91 [.154] 31.10 [20.9] M85485/12-22T3A 55FB1531-22-*
20 3 38 4.34 [.171] 41.07 [27.6] M85485/12-20T3A 55FB1531-20-*
18 3 38 4.95 [.195] 56.54 [38.0] M85485/12-18T3A 55FB1531-18-*
16 3 38 5.44 [.214] 69.94 [47.0] M85485/12-16T3A 55FB1531-16-*
14 3 38 6.43 [.253] 96.87 [65.1] M85485/12-14T3A 55FB1531-14-*

24 4 38 4.19 [.165] 31.69 [21.3] M85485/12-24U4A 55FB1544-24-*

22 4 38 4.67 [.184] 39.58 [26.6] M85485/12-22T4A 55FB1541-22-*
20 4 38 5.23 [.206] 52.68 [35.4] M85485/12-20T4A 55FB1541-20-*
18 4 38 5.99 [.236] 72.91 [49.0] M85485/12-18T4A 55FB1541-18-*
16 4 38 6.68 [.263] 91.36 [61.4] M85485/12-16T4A 55FB1541-16-*
14 4 38 7.85 [.309] 125.59 [84.4] M85485/12-14T4A 55FB1541-14-*

24 5 38 4.52 [.178] 37.80 [25.4] M85485/12-24U5A 55FB1554-24-*

22 5 38 5.05 [.199] 47.32 [31.8] M85485/12-22T5A 55FB1551-22-*
20 5 38 5.66 [.223] 63.39 [42.6] M85485/12-20T5A 55FB1551-20-*
18 5 38 6.55 [.258] 89.43 [60.1] M85485/12-18T5A 55FB1551-18-*
16 5 38 7.24 [.285] 111.00 [74.6] M85485/12-16T5A 55FB1551-16-*
14 5 38 8.53 [.336] 153.26 [103.0] M85485/12-14T5A 55FB1551-14-*
* The color of component wire shall be light violet designated by 7L.
The designated colors for components in finished cable shall be light violet
for component 1 and light violet with stripe designators for remaining
component wires as follows: Fluid Resistance
Component wire 1 2 3 4 5 Hydrocarbons
Color designator 7L 7L6 7L3 7L5 7L2 Fuels and lubricants
Fluids Cleaning fluids
Synthetic fuels and lubricants

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables

ElectroLoss Filterline (Continued)

Lightweight, Ruggedized
Filterline Wire and Cable
Electroloss Filterline Wire
and Cable Light Weight
Ruggedized Constructions —
200˚C (Flat Braid)

Shield Size
Maximum Maximum
AWG Number of AWG TE
Outside Weight
Size Conductors Tin Coated Part Number
Diameter mm (in) Kg/Km (Ib/1000 ft)
24 1 38 2.13 [.084] 10.86 [7.3] 55FBF7129-*
22 1 38 2.31 [.091] 13.09 [8.8] 55FBF2512-22-*
20 1 38 2.51 [.099] 16.67 [11.2] 55FBF2512-20-*
18 1 38 2.79 [.110] 22.17 [14.9] 55FBF2512-18-*
16 1 38 3.02 [.119] 26.78 [18.0] 55FBF2512-16-*
14 1 38 3.45 [.136] 35.86 [24.1] 55FBF2512-14-*
12 1 38 3.89 [.153] 49.40 [33.2] 55FBF2512-12-*
10 1 38 4.55 [.179] 71.57 [48.1] 55FBF2512-10-*

24 2 38 3.33 [.131] 19.34 [13.0] 55FBF7130-*

22 2 38 3.68 [.145] 23.81 [16.0] 55FBF2522-22-*
20 2 38 4.09 [.161] 30.50 [20.5] 55FBF2522-20-*
18 2 38 4.65 [.183] 41.37 [27.8] 55FBF2522-18-*
16 2 38 5.11 [.201] 50.59 [34.0] 55FBF2522-16-*
14 2 38 6.02 [.237] 69.49 [46.7] 55FBF2522-14-*

24 3 38 3.53 [.139] 25.30 [17.0] 55FBF7131-*

22 3 38 3.91 [.154] 31.10 [20.9] 55FBF2532-22-*
20 3 38 4.34 [.171] 41.07 [27.6] 55FBF2532-20-*
18 3 38 4.95 [.195] 56.54 [38.0] 55FBF2532-18-*
16 3 38 5.44 [.214] 69.94 [47.0] 55FBF2532-16-*
14 3 38 6.43 [.253] 96.87 [65.1] 55FBF2532-14-*

24 4 38 4.19 [.165] 31.69 [21.3] 55FBF7132-*

22 4 38 4.67 [.184] 39.58 [26.6] 55FBF2542-22-*
20 4 38 5.23 [.206] 52.68 [35.4] 55FBF2542-20-*
18 4 38 5.99 [.236] 72.91 [49.0] 55FBF2542-18-*
16 4 38 6.68 [.263] 91.36 [61.4] 55FBF2542-16-*

Wire and Cable

14 4 38 7.85 [.309] 125.59 [84.4] 55FBF2542-14-*

24 5 38 4.52 [.178] 37.80 [25.4] 55FBF7133-*

22 5 38 5.05 [.199] 47.32 [31.8] 55FBF2552-22-*
20 5 38 5.66 [.223] 63.39 [42.6] 55FBF2552-20-*
18 5 38 6.55 [.258] 89.43 [60.1] 55FBF2552-18-*
16 5 38 7.24 [.285] 111.00 [74.6] 55FBF2552-16-*
14 5 38 8.53 [.336] 153.26 [103.0] 55FBF2552-14-*

The color of the component wire shall be light yellow designated by 4L.
The designated colors for components shall be light yellow for component 1 Fluid Resistance
and light yellow with stripe designators for remaining component wires as
follows: Hydrocarbons
Component Wire 1 2 3 4 5 Fuels and lubricants
Color Designation 4L 4L6 4L3 4L5 4L2 Alcohols
Fluids Cleaning fluids
Synthetic fuels and lubricants

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables

ElectroLoss Filterline (Continued)

Part Numbering System

55F B 1 5 2 1- AWG- 7L/7L- 0

Jacket Color (code per MIL-STD-681)

(codes same as for Primary Wire Insulation Color)
Primary Wire Insulation Color
(code per MIL-STD-681, except as noted)
0 - Black 5 - Green 9 - White
1 - Brown 6 - Blue
2 - Red 7 - Violet
3 - Orange 7L - Light Violet
4 - Yellow 8 - Gray

Conductor Size (AWG)

Conductor Type
1 - Tin-coated copper
2 - Silver-coated copper
3 - Nickel-coated copper
4 - Silver-coated high strength copper alloy
6 - Nickel-coated high strength copper alloy

Number of Conductors
1 through 10 (designator for 10 conductor = 0)

Class of Wire
1-3 Discontinued
4 Ruggedized
5 Lightweight ruggedized
6 To be re-assigned

0 - Component wire; or unshielded & unjacketed cable
1 - Round braid shielded and jacketed cable*
2 - Flat braid shielded & uacketed cable
7 - Special constructions

Product Type:
A - XL-EFTE (insulation, & cable jacket, if any)
B - Conductive XL-EFTE (cable jacket, black only)
A/ - Outer space 55FA
B/ - Outer space 55FB
AF - Low fluoride 55FA
BF - Low fluoride 55FB
A/F - Outer space, low fluoride 55FA
B/F - Outer space, low fluoride 55FB

Basic Product Number

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables

Cheminax Coaxial Cables

Small, Lightweight Coaxial


Product Facts
■ Light weight, small size
■ Temperature range of
-65°C to 200°C
[-85°F to 392°F]
■ Low capacitance and
■ High velocity of propagation
■ High flexibility

Applications electronic systems, such as cables that offer substantial

Cheminax controlled electri- computers, military equip- savings in size and weight
cal cables are used in the ment, and other areas of while improving mechanical
aircraft and aerospace high-density packing, performance and reducing
industries. They have a where cables are required attenuation.
wide range of applications to perform to more Cables can be designed
in missiles, avionics, radio- exacting specifications that are either smaller and
frequency and microwave than standard radio-grade lighter than standard RG
systems, computers, secu- (RG) constructions. cables or provide signifi-
rity and surveillance sys- TE’s advanced materials cantly lower attenuation and
tems, and communications. technology has allowed the capacitance with no signifi-
design and development of cant increase in size.
Cheminax coaxial cables
were designed to solve
interconnect problems in
Cheminax miniature coaxial
Wire and Cable

A Conductor
B Dielectric
C Shield
D Jacket

Available in: Americas Europe Asia Pacific

■ ■ ■

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables

Cheminax Coaxial Cables (Continued)

Part Numbering System

95 27 A 1 3 1 7 - 0 Example: 9527A1317-0

Jacket Color Identification Code

0 - Black 4 - Yellow 8 - Gray
1 - Brown 5 - Green 9 - White
2 - Red 6 - Blue 9X - Translucent White
3 - Orange 7 - Violet X - Clear

Conductor Type
1 - Tin-coated copper
2 - Silver-coated copper
3 - Nickel-coated copper
4 - Silver-coated high strength copper alloy
5 - Aluminum
6 - Nickel-coated high strength copper alloy
7 - Tin-coated copper-clad steel
8 - Silver-coated copper-clad steel
9 - Bare copper
0 - Other
A - Silver-coated CS95

Dielectric Material
1 - Rayfoam L (Polyethylene) 6 - Modified XL-ETFE (SPEC 55)
2 - Rayfoam H (Foamed FEP) 7 - Flex XL-ETFE
3 - Rayolin F (Solid) 8 - Rayfoam M (Foamed MFA)
4 - Modified FEP (Solid) 0 - Other

Outer Jacket Material

1 - General purpose PVF² 6 - Modified XL-ETFE (SPEC 55)
2 - Outerspace PVF² 7 - Flex XL-ETFE (SPEC 80)
3 - Thermorad F & S 8 - Zerohal & Thermorad Low Smoke
4 - Modified FEP 9 - None
5 - ETFE (Uncrosslinked) 0 - Other

1 - Round braid 6 - Triax - other
2 - Flat braid 7 - Other
3 - 2 round braids 8 - Composite shield
4 - 2 shields (other) 9 - Core only
5 - Triax-round braids 0 - Other

A - Standard U - Low Loss
B - Sequential within any PNs W - Waterblocked
S - Outer Space Requirements

Conductor Size (AWG)

Always 2 digits - 0X if under 10 AWG

Part Numbering System is a
Always 2 digits - last 2 digits if over 100 ohms
cross reference only and not
0X (1 digit) if under 10 ohms meant for part creation.
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables

Cheminax Coaxial Cables (Continued)

Specifications/Approvals Series TE

Cheminax cables 1200

Product Dimensions (Nominal)

Attenuation A B C D
Typical Weight in
Impedance Capacitance at 400 MHz
Product Conductor Dielectric Shield Jacket kg/km
(ohms) pF/m dB/100m
Part No. Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter (lb/1000ft)
(pF/ft) (dB/100 ft)
5012E1339 50 98.4 [30.0] 14.8 [4.5] 2.26 [.089] 7.24 [.285] 7.98 [.314] 10.24 [.403] 162.2 [109.0]
5012M1612 50 82.0 [25.0] 16.1 [4.9] 2.26 [.089] 6.07 [.239] 6.60 [.260] 7.06 [.278] 74.5 [50.1]
5024A1311 50 83.7 [25.5] 50.3 [15.3] 0.62 [.025] 1.70 [.067] 2.18 [.085] 2.67 [.104] 11.8 [7.9]
5026D1027 50 88.9 [27.1] 63.7 [19.4] 0.48 [.019] 1.27 [.050] 1.70 [.067] 2.21 [.087] 11.8 [7.9]
5030A1317 50 90.2 [27.5] 97.5 [29.7] 0.30 [.012] 0.79 [.031] 1.12 [.044] 1.57 [.062] 4.5 [3.0]
5030A1424 50 100.4 [30.6] 94.5 [28.8] 0.30 [.012] 0.86 [.034] 1.19 [.047] 1.60 [.063] 5.7 [3.8]
7520A1311 75 56.1 [17.1] 20.0 [6.1] 1.02 [.040] 4.57 [.180] 5.11 [.201] 6.12 [.241] 43.2 [29.0]
7524A1311 75 56.4 [17.2] 31.8 [9.7] 0.62 [.025] 2.82 [.111] 3.25 [.128] 3.86 [.152] 19.2 [12.9]
7528H1424 75 54.5 [16.6] 44.0 [13.4] 0.32 [.013] 1.37 [.054] 1.73 [.068] 2.13 [.084] 8.9 [6.0]
7530A1317 75 60.4 [18.3] 58.8 [17.9] 0.30 [.012] 1.35 [.053] 1.78 [.07] 2.29 [.09] 8.3 [5.6]
7530H1424 75 57.4 [17.5] 58.1 [17.7] 0.30 [.012] 1.30 [.051] 1.73 [.068] 2.03 [.08] 8.5 [5.7]
9522A1311 95 44.3 [13.5] 19.7 [6.0] 0.79 [.031] 5.51 [.217] 6.05 [.238] 7.32 [.288] 55.1 [37.0]
9527J1528 95 44.3 [13.5] 31.8 [9.7] 0.43 [.017] 2.84 [.112] 3.18 [.125] 3.58 [.141] 19.2 [12.9]
9530H1014 95 44.3 [13.5] 44.3 [13.5] 0.30 [.012] 1.83 [.072] 2.26 [.089] 2.62 [.103] 13.1 [8.8]
Note: All values are nominal.

Product Characteristics
General Conductor Range 12 AWG to 30 AWG
Operating Temperature Range* -65°C to 200°C [-85°F to 392°F]
Impedance range 50 ohms to 125 ohms
Electrical Dielectric constant 1.65–2.3
Velocity of propagation 67%–80%
*Temperature rating varies depending on materials used in specific construction.

Small, Lightweight Coaxial

Properties (per SCD)
Typical Value of Dielectric Material
Rayfoam L Rayfoam H Rayolin F
Tensile (min.) 6.8 MPa 4.1 MPa 12.2 MPa
(1000 psi) (600 psi) (1800 psi)
Elongation (min.) 50% 50% 200%

Dielectric withstand (min.) 1000 V 1000 V 1000 V
Velocity of propagation (nom.) 78% 78% 67%
Dielectric constant 1.65 1.65 2.2

Wire and Cable

Type Value of Jacket Material
Physical Thermorad SPEC 55 FlexLine FEP Zerohal SPEC 44
Tensile (min.) 13.6 MPa 34 MPa 20.4 MPa 13.6 MPa 8.2 MPa 27.2 MPa
(2000 psi) (5000 psi) (3000 psi) (2000 psi) (1200 psi) (2500 psi)
Elongation (min.) 250% 50% 100% 200% 150% 150%
Temperature (max.) 125°C 200°C 200°C 200°C 125°C 150°C
[257°F] [392°F] [392°F] [392°F] [257°F] [302°F]
Flammability* Method C Method B Method B Method B Method B Method B
Fluid category C A A A C B
*See TE specification WCD-1200 for details.

Solvents Fluid category A B*** C

Fluid resistance All Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons 50˚C
All fuels and lubes Petroleum base fuels and lubes ≤50˚C
Alcohols Alcohols
Cleaning fluids Cleaning fluids
**Test method per TE Specification Glycois Synthetic fuels and lubes
1200. Glycols
***Use caution with ketones.
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables

Cheminax — High Performance Alternatives to Standard Cables (Continued)

TE Alternatives to RG Cables
RG/U TE Alternative Comments RG/U TE Alternative Comments
5020A3311-0 Small/light 159 5020A1311-0 Small/light
5018D3311-0 Improved electricals 5026A1311-0 Small/light
5 5018D3311-0 Small/light 5024A1311-0 Improved electricals
8 5012E1339-0 Dimensionally similar 5030A1317-0 Small/light
11 7518A1311-0 Small/light 5028A1317-0 Improved electricals
29 5020A1311-0 Small/light 7530A1317-0 Small/light
31 5012E1339-0 Dimensionally similar 7528A1317-0 Improved electricals
5020A3311-0 Small/light 9530E1014-0 Small/light
55 180
5018D3311-0 Improved electricals 9527A1318-9 Improved electricals
5021D1331-0 Dimensionally similar 5026A1311-0 Small/light
58 5020A1311-0 Small/light 5024A1311-0 Improved electricals
5018A1311-0 Improved electricals 210 9524A1311-0 Small/light
7523D1331-0 Dimensionally similar 213 5012E1339-0 Dimensionally similar
59 7524A1311-0 Small/light 214 5012A3311-0 Small/light
7520A1311-0 Improved electricals 5019D3318-0 Small/light
62 9524A1311-0 Small/light 5018D3311-0 Improved electricals
63 2524A1311-0 Small/light 225 5012A3311-0 Small/light
87 5012A3311-0 Small/light 235 5012A3311-0 Small/light
89 5012A3311-0 Small/light 279 7524A1311-0 Dimensionally similar
115 5012A3311-0 Small/light 282 5024A1311-0 Small/light
122 5020A1311-0 Improved electricals 302 7524A1311-0 Small/light
124 7524A1311-0 Small/light 303 5020A1311-0 Small/light
133 9524A1311-0 Small/light 304 5018A1311-0 Small/light
140 7524A1311-0 Small/light 5026A1311-0 Small/light
141 5020A1311-0 Small/light 5024A1311-0 Improved electricals
5019D3318-0 Small/light 393 5012A3311-0 Small/light
142 5020A3311-0 Small/light
5018D3311-0 Improved electricals 400
144 7518A1311-0 Small/light 5018D3311-0 Improved electricals
149 7518A1311-0 Small/light 403 5030A5314-0 Small/light

Note: To complement the mechanical and electrical features of Cheminax miniature coax cable, TE offers SolderSleeve, SolderTacts, and PinPak termination
devices and RF connector devices. Controlled electrical cables and components are available for data bus systems.

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables

Cheminax Twin Axial Cable

Small, Lightweight Twin

Axial Cables

Product Facts
■ Light weight, small size
■ Temperature range of
-65°C to 200°C
[-85°F to 392°F]
■ Low capacitance
■ High data rates
■ Excellent shop handling

Applications Cheminax twin axial cables

These small, lightweight provide elegant solutions to
cables are specially an increasing range of data
designed for use in bus and multiplex signal
MIL-STD-1553 CANBUS, transmission applications.
and other high speed data
bus applications. TE materials
technology allows the
design and construction of
cables that meet rigorous
electrical and environmental
performance requirements
while minimizing size and
Wire and Cable

A Conductor
B Dielectric
C Shield
D Jacket

Available in: Americas Europe Asia Pacific

■ ■ ■

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables

Cheminax Twin Axial Cables (Continued)

Specifications/Approvals Series TE

Cheminax cables 1200

Product Dimensions*
Typical A B C D Weight in
Impedance Capacitance
Product Conductor Dielectric Shield Jacket kg/km
(ohms) pF/m(pF/ft)
Part No. Diameter Diameter Diameter Diameter (lb/1000ft)
5024A1661 50 104.7 [31.9] .64 [.025] 0.89 [.035] 2.21 [.087] 2.62 [.103] 14.4 [9.7]
5026A1664 50 136.2 [41.5] .48 [.019] 0.66 [.026] 1.75 [.069] 2.16 [.085] 10.0 [6.7]
7520A1662 75 74.2 [22.6] 1.02 [.040] 2.03 [.080] 4.60 [.181] 5.05 [.199] 42.9 [28.8]
7526J1660 75 88.6 [27.0] .48 [.019] 0.99 [.039] 2.41 [.095] 2.82 [.111] 14.9 [10.0]
7820D0331 78 67.3 [20.5] 1.02 [.040] 2.11 [.083] 4.75 [.187] 5.72 [.225] 46.9 [31.5]
7824E0422 78 55.1 [16.8] .64 [.025] 1.19 [.047] 2.82 [.111] 3.33 [.131] 19.6 [13.2]
0022E0311 100 49.2 [15.0] .79 [.031] 1.98 [.078] 4.39 [.173] 5.16 [.203] 30.5 [20.5]
0024A0024 100 44.3 [13.5] .64 [.025] 1.30 [.051] 3.02 [.119] 3.63 [.143] 25.1 [16.9]
0026A0024 100 44.0 [13.4] .48 [.019] 1.14 [.045] 2.72 [.107] 3.23 [.127] 18.7 [12.6]
2524H0524 125 39.4 [12.0] .64 [.025] 1.83 [.072] 4.09 [.161] 4.50 [.177] 25.3 [17.7]
2526E1114 125 36.1 [11.0] .48 [.019] 1.40 [.055] 3.33 [.131] 3.73 [.147] 21.7 [14.6]
2530A0314 125 39.4 [12.0] .30 [.012] 0.86 [.034] 2.16 [.085] 2.67 [.105] 10.6 [7.1]
10595-24 70 91.9 [28.0] .64 [.025] 1.19 [.047] 2.82 [.111] 3.23 [.127] 17.9 [12.0]
10606-26 75 91.9 [28.0] .53 [.021] 0.99 [.039] 2.41 [.095] 2.82 [.111] 13.4 [9.0]
10612-24 77 91.9 [28.0] .64 [.025] 1.22 [.048] 2.90 [.114] 3.30 [.130] 23.7 [15.9]
10613-24 77 91.9 [28.0] .64 [.025] 1.22 [.048] 3.33 [.131] 3.73 [.147] 39.0 [26.2]
10614-24 77 91.9 [28.0] .64 [.025] 1.22 [.048] 3.73 [.147] 4.09 [.161] 40.3 [27.1]
*All dimensions are nominal.

Small, Lightweight Twin Product Characteristics

Axial Cables General Conductor range 20 AWG to 30 AWG
Operating temperature range* -65°C to 200°C [-85°F to 392°F]
Electrical Impedance range 50 ohms to 125 ohms
Capacitance range 30 pF/ft to 10 pF/ft
*Temperature rating varies depending on materials used in specific construction.

Properties (per SCD)

Typical Value of Dielectric Material
Physical Radiation-Crosslinked
Rayfoam L Rayfoam H Rayolin F FEP (solid)

Tensile (min.) 6.8 MPa 9.1 MPa 12.2 MPa 6.8 MPa 34 MPa
(1000 psi) (600 psi) (1800 psi) (1000 psi) (5000 psi)
Elongation (min.) 50% 50% 200% 150% 50%
Dielectric withstand (min.) 1000 V 1000 V 1000 V 1000 V 1000 V
Velocity of propagation (nom.) 78% 78% 67% 69% 61%
Permitivity (nom.) 1.65 1.65 2.2 2.1 2.7
Typical Value of Jacket Material
Thermorad SPEC 55 FlexLine FEP Zerohal SPEC 44
Tensile (min.) 13.6 MPa 34 MPa 20.4 MPa 13.6 MPa 8.2 MPa 27.2 MPa
(2000 psi) (5000 psi) (3000 psi) (2000 psi) (1200 psi) (2500 psi)
Elongation (min.) 250% 50% 100% 200% 150% 150%
Temperature (max.) 125°C 200°C 200°C 200°C 125°C 150°C
[257°F] [392°F] [392°F] [392°F] [257°F] [302°F]
Flammability* Method C Method B Method B Method B Method B Method B
Fluid category* C A A A C B
*See solvent Page 9-79 for details.

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables

SeaLAN Ethernet Cables

Product Facts
■ Low smoke, zero halogen
■ Waterblocked cables tested
using ASTM D1411 sea
water solution
■ Humidity resistant designs
■ Lightweight
■ Flexible

Applications Cables are used in Ethernet

TE SeaLAN family of applications for:
waterblocked and non- ■ Military vessels
waterblocked Ethernet MIL-DTL-24643/59, /60
cables, as described in and /61
MIL-DTL-24643/59 through ■ Freighters
/61, are qualified to meet
the rigorous requirements ■ Tankers
of flammability, smoke ■ Cruise Ships
emissions and halogen
content. Waterblocked
constructions meet severe
waterblocking and humidity
resistance requirements. 9
Wire and Cable

Available in: Americas Europe Asia Pacific

■ ■ ■

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables

SeaLAN Ethernet Cables (Continued)

Product Offering MIL Spec TE

Part Description Type Description Cable Description
M24643/59-01UO LSC5FS-4 CEC-RWC-18982 24 AWG, solid bc,
Al/polyester and drain wire
M24643/59-02UO LSC5FSW-4 CEC-RWC-18983 Waterblocked, 24 AWG,
solid bc, Al/polyester and
drain wire
M24643/59-03UO LSC5OS-4 CEC-RWC-18700 24 AWG, solid bc,
Al/polyester and woven braid
M24643/59-04UO LSC50SW-4 CEC-RWC-18600 Waterblocked, 24 AWG,
solid bc, Al/polyester and
woven braid
M24643/60-01UN LSC5-4 CEC-RWC-18709 24 AWG, solid bc
M24643/60-02UN LSC5W-4 CEC-RWC-18710 Waterblocked, 24 AWG,
solid bc
M24643/61-01UN LSC5P-4 CEC-RWC-19043 24 AWG, stranded tc
M24643/61-02UD LSC5POS-4 CEC-RWC-18886 24 AWG, stranded tc,
Al/polyester and
woven braid
M24643/61-03UD LSC5POSR-4 CEC-RWC-19172 26 AWG, stranded tc,
Al/polyester and
woven braid

Cable Constructions

CEC-RWC-18700 CEC-RWC-18600 CEC-RWC-18709

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Thermocouple Extension Cables

SHF-260 Highly Flexible Wire

Product Facts
■ 260˚C rated (10K hours);
290˚C rated (500 hours)
■ Handles down to a 6X bend
■ All extruded fluoropolymer
based insulation system
■ Outstanding chemical and
fluid resistance when tested
to SAE-AS-22759/41
■ Corona resistant when
tested to ASTM D1868
■ Arc track resistant to the
current SAE-AS-22759
■ Currently available from
2/0-12 AWG sizes
■ Meets FAR Part 25

TE is pleased to announce Its ability to route in tight Thermal Properties Fire Hazard Properties
the introduction of its new spaces may allow the user Temperature Rating: Flammability - 60˚ Flame:
SHF-260 highly flexible wire. to go “up” in AWG sizes -65˚C to +260˚C Exceeds test requirements
The need for a combination and eliminate the need to
of high temperature and split power, where routing Life Cycle: Smoke: Smoke resistance
high performance in wire and bending previously 290˚C for 500 hours test specified in ASS22759
insulation has become a prevented the user from Cold Bend: using an oven temperature
critical factor in today’s doing so. -65˚C for 4 hours of 290˚C
platforms. This is especially
true in large diameter power Applications Thermal Shock Resistance: Electrical Properties
feeder applications where Accordance with ASS22759
Typical uses include both Voltage: 600V - 2000V
temperature and durability using an oven temperature

primary and secondary of 260˚C Insulation Resistance:
are key. power distribution applica- Minimum 50,000 Mohms/kft
Its highly flexible tions where high amperage Physical Properties
characteristic allows the is needed Wire Printing

Wire and Cable

cable to be bent and routed Weight and Dimensions:
Materials See TE Specification UV Laser Marking:
in extremely tight areas with
Control Drawings Excellent mark contrast
no wrinkling or cracking of Fluoropolymer based material
the insulation.This results in Insulation Elongation:
being able to run shorter Standards & Specifications 150% elongation minimum
distances, reducing the Tensile Strength:
TE Specification WCD3111
stresson the contact, and 2000 lbf/inch2 minimum
reducing the mating and Ordering Information
demating forces normally Minimum Bend Radius:
associated with large shell Contact TE 290˚C for 500 hours around
diameter circular a mandrel having a diame-
connectors - such as MIL- ter as specified in the appli-
C-5015 and MIL-C-83723 cable specification sheet
connectors. Wrap Test:
Accordance with ASS22759
using an oven temperature
of 290˚

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables


Product Facts
■ MIL-DTL-24643/62 qualified
■ Waterblocked and non-
waterblocked constructions
■ Meets water tightness
requirements when tested
with ASTM D1411 synthetic
sea water solution
■ Suitable for transmission
rates up to 12 megabits
■ per second (MBits/S)
■ Compatible with commer-
cially available Profibus

MIL-DTL-24643 has been Applications Materials

the governing specification Cables are used in commu- Foamed polyethylene
for low smoke, zero halogen nications, machinery components
insulated and jacketed control monitoring and
shipboard cables used Low smoke, Zerohal jacket
instrumentation for:
by the United States Navy
■ Military vessels - Standards & Specs
and other military marine
applications. MIL-DTL-24643/62 Raychem Specification
■ Cruise ships 1200
ZEROHAL cables meeting ■ Freighters Raychem Specification
the PROFIBUS standard 345 MIL-DTL-26463/62
as described in ■ Tankers
MIL-DTL-24643/62, are ■ Industrial Automation
qualified to meet the
rigorous requirements to Electrical
flame, smoke emissions, 150 ohm impedance
halogen content and
Transmission rates up to
severe water-blocking
12 MBits/s
Attenuation (dB/100m
2 MHz: 1.0 dB
4 MHz: 2.5 dB
16 MHz: 5.0 dB
100 MHz: 13.5 dB
300 MHz: 24.0 dB

Available in: Americas Europe Asia Pacific

■ ■ ■

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables

Raychem MIL-DTL-24643 ZEROHAL PROFIBUS Cables (Continued)

Product Offering Military TE

Part Number Type Part Number Description
M24643/62-01 LSPB2SD-1 5022M1809 22 AWG, bare copper,
non-water blocked, shield and jacket
M24643/62-02 LSPB2SDW-1 5022W1809 22 AWG, bare copper,
water blocked, shield and jacket
M24643/62-03 LSPB2SDOS-1 5022M5809 22 AWG, bare copper,
non-water blocked, two shields
and two jackets
M24643/62-04 LSPB2SDOSW-1 5022W0809 22 AWG, bare copper,
water blocked, two shields
and two jackets

Cable Constructions

5022M1809 5022M5809 5022W0809 5022W1809

Wire and Cable

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables

QUADLITE Quadraxial Cables

Product Facts
■ 100 Ohm and 150 Ohm
■ Materials rated from -65˚C
to +200˚C [ -85˚F to +392˚F]
■ Low outgassing materials
■ Custom design capabilities
■ Proven technologies and
■ Lightweight
■ Low smoke and low toxicity
■ Available in 150˚C and
200˚C rated construction

TE Quadlite family of Applications Materials

lightweight, fluoropolymer Cables are used in Dielectrics — Foamed FEP
cables are for use in high communications, control
speed, high bandwidth Jacket — FEP
and instrumentation for:
applications such as
■ In-Flight Entertainment Standards and Specifications
100Base-T, Gigabit Ethernet,
IEEE 1394 and Fiber Channel ■ Satellite TV TE Specification 1200
employed in commercial ANSI/TIA-568-B.2
avionics systems, aircraft ■ Flight Subsystems
data networks, in-flight ■ Military Communications IEEE 1394
entertainment systems and ARINC 664
military communications.
The Quadlite cables are
designed to meet the flam-
mability requirements of
FAR Part 25 and the rigor-
ous smoke and toxicity
requirements found in
commercial aerospace
standards such as EN3475.
Quadlite cables are to be
used with the Quadrax
contacts and connectors.

Available in: Americas Europe Asia Pacific

■ ■ ■

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables

QUADLITE Quadraxial Cables (Continued)

100 Base T Ethernet Cables

100 Ohms - 150˚C

TE Part Number CEC-RWC-18634 CEC-RWC-18664 CEC-RWC-18666

Conductor AWG Size (19 Strand) 26 24 22
Conductor Material: SCCA SCCA SCC
Nom. Conductor Diameter (in.): 0.0185 0.0235 0.0295
Insulation Material: Formed FEP Formed FEP Formed FEP
Nom. Insulation OD± 0.002 (in.): 0.037 0.042 0.057
Nom. Cable OD (in.): 0.145 0.154 0.195
Nom. Cable Weight (lbs/1 kft): 17.7 20.3 32.0
Shield Material: TCC TCC TCC
Jacket Material: FEP FEP FEP
Impedance ± 10% (Ω): 100 100 100
Temp. Rating: 150˚C 150˚C 150˚C
Nom. Capacitance (pF/ft): 13.5 13.0 12.9
Nom. Attenuation (dB/100 m):
1 MHz 4.0 2.2 1.6
10 MHz 10.5 6.8 5.9
100 MHz 36.0 24.8 21.0

10 MHz 100 MHz 10 MHz 100 MHz 10 MHz 100 MHz

Min. NEXT (dB) 50 35 50 35 50 35
Min. SRL (dB) 23 16 23 16 23 16

TE Part Number CEC-RWC-20555 CEC-RWC-20333

Conductor AWG Size (19 Strand) 26 24

Conductor Material: SCCA SCCA
Nom. Conductor Diameter (in.): 0.0185 0.0235
Insulation Material: Formed FEP Formed FEP
Nom. Insulation OD± 0.002 (in.): 0.037 0.042
Nom. Cable OD (in.): 0.144 0.153
Nom. Cable Weight (lbs/1 kft): 18.7 22.2
Shield Material: TCC TCC
Jacket Material: FEP FEP
Impedance ± 10% (Ω): 100 100

Temp. Rating: 150˚C 150˚C
Nom. Capacitance (pF/ft): 13.5 13.0 100BASE-T Ethernet
Nom. Attenuation (dB/100 m):
1 MHz 4.0 2.2

Wire and Cable

10 MHz 10.5 6.8
100 MHz 36.0 24.8

10 MHz 100 MHz 10 MHz 100 MHz

Min. NEXT (dB) 50 35 50 35
Min. SRL (dB) 23 16 23 16

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables

QUADLITE Quadraxial Cables (Continued)

100 Base T Ethernet Cables

100 Ohms - 200˚C

TE Part Number CEC-RWC-18658 CEC-RWC-18687 CEC-RWC-18665

Conductor AWG Size (19 Strand) 26 24 22
Conductor Material: SCCA SCCA SCC
Nom. Conductor Diameter (in.): 0.0185 0.0235 0.0295
Insulation Material: Formed FEP Formed FEP Formed FEP
Nom. Insulation OD± 0.002 (in.): 0.037 0.042 0.057
Nom. Cable OD (in.): 0.144 0.153 0.194
Nom. Cable Weight (lbs/1 kft): 18.7 22.2 34.3
Shield Material: SCC SCC SCC
Jacket Material: FEP FEP FEP
Impedance ± 10% (Ω): 100 100 100
Temp. Rating: 200˚C 200˚C 200˚C
Nom. Capacitance (pF/ft): 13.5 13.0 12.9
Nom. Attenuation (dB/100m):
1 MHz 4.0 2.2 1.6
10 MHz 10.5 6.8 5.9
100 MHz 36.0 24.8 21.0

10 MHz 100 MHz 10 MHz 100 MHz 10 MHz 100 MHz

Min. NEXT (dB) 50 35 50 35 50 35
Min. SRL (dB) 23 16 23 16 23 16

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables

QUADLITE Quadraxial Cables (Continued)

Fiber Channel Cables

150 Ohms - 150˚C

TE Part Number CEC-RWC-18680 CEC-RWC-18681 CEC-RWC-18682

Conductor AWG Size (19 Strand) 26 24 22
Conductor Material: SCCA SCCA SCC
Nom. Conductor Diameter (in.): 0.0185 0.0235 0.0295
Insulation Material: Formed FEP Formed FEP Formed FEP
Nom. Insulation OD± 0.002 (in.): 0.058 0.077 0.094
Nom. Cable OD (in.): 0.193 0.224 0.281
Nom. Cable Weight (lbs/1 kft): 23.4 38.3 57.2
Shield Material: TCC TCC TCC
Jacket Material: FEP FEP FEP
Impedance ± 10% (Ω): 150 150 150
Temp. Rating: 150˚C 150˚C 150˚C
Nom. Capacitance (pF/ft): 6.0 6.0 6.0
Nom. Attenuation (dB/100m):
531 MHz 13 11 9
1062 MHz 21 17 13

150 Ohms - 200˚C

TE Part Number CEC-RWC-18684 CEC-RWC-18685 CEC-RWC-18686

Conductor AWG Size (19 Strand) 26 24 22
Conductor Material: SCCA SCCA SCC
Nom. Conductor Diameter (in.): 0.0185 0.0235 0.0295
Insulation Material: Formed FEP Formed FEP Formed FEP
Nom. Insulation OD± 0.002 (in.): 0.058 0.077 0.094
Nom. Cable OD (in.): 0.192 0.247 0.284
Nom. Cable Weight (lbs/1 kft): 25.8 38.3 57.2
Shield Material: SCC SCC SCC
Jacket Material: FEP FEP FEP
Impedance ± 10% (Ω): 150 150 150
Temp. Rating: 200˚C 200˚C 200˚C
Nom. Capacitance (pF/ft): 6.0 6.0 6.0
Nom. Attenuation (dB/100m):
531 MHz 13 11 9
1062 MHz 21 17 13

Wire and Cable

Fiber Channel

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables

QUADLITE Quadraxial Cables (Continued)

4-Pair Cat 5E Constructions

100 Ohms - 150˚C/200˚C

TE Part Number CEC-RWC-20412 CEC-RWC-21064 CEC-RWC-20638

Conductor AWG Size (19 Strand) 24 24 26 (7 strand)
Conductor Material: SCHSCA SCC SCC
Nom. Conductor Diameter (in.): 0.0235 0.0235 0.019
Insulation Material: Formed FEP Formed FEP Formed FEP
Nom. Insulation OD± 0.002 (in.): 0.046 0.046 0.036
Nom. Cable OD (in.): 0.279 0.249 0.204
Nom. Cable Weight (lbs/1 kft): 46.2 39.5 29.8
Shield Material: TCC TCC SCC
Jacket Material: FEP XL-ETFE FEP
Impedance ± 10% (Ω): 100 100 100
Temp. Rating: 150˚C 150˚C 200˚C
Nom. Capacitance (pF/ft): 13.5 13.5 13.5
Nom. Attenuation (dB/100m):
1 MHz 2.4 2.2 2.4
100 MHz 7.5 6.8 8.8
100 MHz 26.4 24.8 30.5

10 MHz 100 MHz 10 MHz 100 MHz 10 MHz 100 MHz

Min. NEXT (dB) 50 35 50 35 50 35
Min. SRL (dB) 25 19 25 19 23 16

Cat 6 Constructions
100 Ohms - 100˚C/90˚C

TE Part Number CEC-RWC-20837 CEC-RWC-21088

Conductor AWG Size (19 Strand) 23 23
Conductor Material: Bare Copper Bare Copper
Nom. Conductor Diameter (in.): 0.021 0.021
Insulation Material: Foamed PE PE
Nom. Insulation OD± 0.002 (in.): 0.046 0.046

Nom. Cable OD (in.): 0.350 0.249

Nom. Cable Weight (lbs/1 kft): 52.6 39.5
Shield Material: TCC TCC
Jacket Material: FDR-25 Raythane
Impedance ± 10% (Ω): 100 100
Temp. Rating: 100˚C 90˚C
Nom. Capacitance (pF/ft): 13.5 13.5
Nom. Attenuation (dB/100m):
1 MHz 1.8 1.8
100 MHz 5.5 5.5
100 MHz 18.3 18.3
250 MHz 30.4 30.4

10 MHz 250 MHz 10 MHz 250 MHz

Min. NEXT (dB) 70 52 70 52
Min. SRL (dB) 36 24 36 24

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Controlled Electrical Cables

High Speed Copper Cable Assemblies

Product Facts
■ End-to-end best performance
systems solutions provider
■ Quick design turnaround
using in-house software
■ Full electrical and environ-
mental testing capability
■ Certified test processes and
equipment ensures optimal
signal integrity
■ Qualified assembly experts
■ Complete lot traceability
■ Reliability in harsh environ-
■ ISO 9001; AS 9100 certified

TE supplies proven technol- Applications Mechanical Tests Available:

ogy for high bandwidth data Unmanned aerial vehicles ■ Vibration
links to customers in the (UAV), Helicopters, Fighters,
aerospace, ground systems ■ Mechanical Shock
Transport, Trainers, Missiles,
and marine industries. Satellites, and Ground ■ Mechanical Durability
Military cable requirements Vehicles
are designed, manufac- Environmental Tests Available:
tured and tested to perform Applications include:
■ Salt Spray
reliably in harsh environments. ■ Surveillance equipment,
ground computing ■ Thermal Shock /
Proper cable assembly is
Termperature Life
critical to realizing the full ■ Communications
potential of the cable and ■ Humidity / Fluid
connector technologies. ■ Collision Avoidance, Immersion
TE’s lightweight military Navigation
cables and connector solu-
tions are designed to
reduce size and remove

Cockpit Instrumentation
Broadband Networks 9
Wire and Cable
weight from your applica- ■ Command and Control
tion, leading to benefits that
include reduced fuel con- Electrical
sumption and increased Testing capabilities include:
payload capacity.
Data assemblies can be
■ Characteristic Impedance
developed for the following
high speed protocols: ■ Return Loss/VSWR
■ Military Fiber Channel ■ Insertion Loss
■ Ethernet (Fast Ethernet, ■ Crosstalk
GigE, 10GigE) ■ Attenuation
■ 1394b Military Firewire ■ Eye Diagrams
■ USB 3.0 ■ etc.
Available in:
Americas ■ and many other serial
Europe ■ communication architectures.
Asia Pacific ■

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Multiconductor (Multicore) Cables

Custom-designed and standard Multiconductor (Multicore) Cables

Product Facts
■ Temperature capability:
-55°C to +260°C [-67°F to
■ Small size, lightweight
■ System compatibility with
other Raychem products
■ Complete range of
■ Specially formulated jacket
■ Special shielding to address
EMI/EMC problems
■ Custom designed and
purpose built
■ Fast response—design,
pricing, and delivery
■ Prototype length facility
■ Raychem Dynalink for
extended flex-life and
increased flexibility
■ Fire-resistance; circuit
integrity (IEC60331),
enhanced 950˚C [1742˚F,
3 hours]
Applications Multiconductor (Multicore) jacket materials to meet the
■ Small size, lightweight,
TE is the leading manufac- Cables Purpose Built and requirements of demanding
low fire-hazard for modern environments.
high-speed vessels turer of Raychem custom- Designed Using Raychem
designed, small-size, Components and Technology Established as the leading
lightweight, high-performance Multiconductor cables are manufacturer of special
multi-conductor (multicore) used in widely varying purpose Raychem cables,
cables. Applications are applications and environ- TE has continued to
found in the aerospace, ments. Careful considera- develop both its design and
commercial marine, naval, tion must be given to the manufacturing expertise.
mass transportation, auto- selection of components Development of a sophisti-
motive, offshore, military with the right combination cated CAD system has
ground vehicle, ground of physical, chemical, and allowed increasingly rapid
support, high-performance electrical properties for response to any design
instrumentation, industrial, specific applications. request, followed by
and commercial markets. manufacturing to the
Raychem multiconductor TE’s leadership in the
technologies of polymer highest quality standards.
(multicore) cables have
been approved to many blending and subsequent
standards demanding high radiation crosslinking has
performance criteria in led to the development of a
Available in: service use. particularly broad range of
Americas ■ Raychem brand cables.
Europe ■ High-performance compo-
Asia Pacific ■ nent wires and miniature
coaxial cables are com-
bined with unique cable

Specifications/Approvals Agency Industry Military TE

Underwriters’ Laboratories Lloyd’s Register of Shipping Def. Stan 61-12 Pt 25 WCD series
CSA (Canadian Standards Assn.) Det Norske Veritas MIL-DTL-24640
ISO9001:2000 MIL-DTL-24643
MSV 34410-34413; 34435; 34436 VG 95218 Pts 27 and 28
ANSI/ISO/ASQ Q9001-2000

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Multiconductor (Multicore) Cables

Multicore Cables

Design Flexibility Components

■ SPEC 44 wire and cable ■ ElectroLoss FilterLine cables
■ SPEC 55 wire and cable ■ Flexible power cables
■ Type 99 wire and cable ■ Optical fibers
■ 100 wire and cable ■ Controlled electrical cables

Wraps and Braids

■ Fabric and film tapes

■ Aramid or steel strength members
■ Full range of electrical screens
(including SuperScreens)

Wire and Cable

Jacket Materials
■ FDR 25 - Fluid resistant, flexible, high
■ Thermorad/ - General purpose
Thermorad F
■ Thermorad HTF - Very high temperature
fluoroelastomer, fluid
■ Raythane C - Tough and flexible
■ Raythane FR - Tough, flexible, flame-
■ Rayolin - Low moisture transmission
■ NT/ - Low-temperature flexibility
Thermorad NTFR
■ Zerohal - LFH (Low Fire Hazard)
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Multiconductor (Multicore) Cables

How to Build a Multicore Cable

This guide is designed 1. What is your application/end-use?

to help you identify the
building blocks necessary
to create a custom multi-
core cable design.
2. What temperature rating is required (in degrees C)?

3. How many components are needed?

4. What is each component used for (data, signal or power)?

5. What would be the size of each of the components (in AWG)?

6. Are there any electrical shielding (EMI) requirements? If so, please list specifics
(ex: component shielding, cable shielding)?

7. Are there specific flexibility, mechanical, or fluid resistance requirements?

If so, please list specifics and rank the order of importance.

8. Do you require special lengths?

9. Is there a customer specification involved? If so, please provide a copy.

10. Please list any timelines and annual usage estimates.

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Multiconductor (Multicore) Cables

Computer Aided Design

Custom Design Capability

Applications TE developed computer- Quality Assurance

Every year, TE designs and aided design tools to Raychem WCD and WSD
builds several thousand provide a fast response to cable specifications ensure
custom, high-performance, design requests. The soft- that performance and
multiconductor cables that ware, used by factory engi- quality standards are main-
meet unique product needs. neers or product specialists tained to the highest level.
in the field, can generate TE manufacturing sites
Design staff can draw on cable design proposals with
an extensive range of high- have obtained the highest
drawings and quotations in available quality system
performance cable compo- minutes. A design drawing
nents and jacket materials, approvals, including ISO
details all the cable data 9000 and QS9000.
while incorporating both and can be used as the Raychem cables are
color-coding and alphanu-
meric marking techniques
for component identifica-
tion. These options, com-
input to harness or cable
splice (joint) design. The
resulting cable is tailored to
manufactured to meet the
requirements of several
major specifications.
Wire and Cable
customers’ exact needs in
bined with a full range of an efficient design that is
EMI shields, lead to a huge superior to the competitor’s
variety of construction cable selected from a
possibilities. product catalog.

Available in:
Americas ■
Europe ■
Asia Pacific ■

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Multiconductor (Multicore) Cables

Custom Shipboard Cables

Product Facts
■ Waterblocked cables are
available using tapes and
yarns vs. silicone, which
improves size and flexibility
■ Low smoke, zero halogen
jackets compliant with
current MIL Spec
■ Small order quantities
available on most designs
■ Lightweight state-of-the-art
cable insulation technology
■ TE design specialists work
directly with customers
■ RoHS products available

Applications Consolidation of individual

TE offers a full range of cables for various applica-
customized shipboard tions including weapons
cables that can save users and communications
time, money and weight by systems.
packaging multiple cables Data and power cables can
into a single zero-halogen be combined in the same
jacket per MIL-DTL-24640 bundle to decrease weight
specification. and size on cable runs.
Cables can be used for a
variety of applications
including control, lighting,
signal and power.

Available in:
Americas ■
Europe ■
Asia Pacific ■

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015

RayBraid Tubular Braiding

Tubular Braiding for the

Electrical Screening of
Wire Bundles

Product Facts
■ Screening for military
■ Easy removal from former
■ Minimum 90% optical
coverage To ease the assembly of Types Operating Temperature Range
hand built harnesses, TE Ray 90 (Tinned Copper
■ Ray 101 and Ray 103 super manufactures a range of Ray 90:
flexible with high expansion Braid): up to 150˚C [302˚F]
braids for the electrical
ratios screening of wire bundles. ■ Minimum 90% optical Ray 101:
coverage available in 10 up to 150˚C [302˚F]
RayBraid is supplied on a different sizes from 3.0
tube former which facilitates to 30.0 mm supplied Ray 103:
assembly and is more diameter. above 150˚C [302˚F]
robust than braid supplied
in flattened form.
TE also supplies connectors Ray 101 (Tinned Copper
suitable for braid terminations. Braid):
■ Minimum 93% maximum
100% optical coverage
When stored under typical possess high usable
conditions of less than expansion ratio
30Â˚C and less than 70% (minimum 2:1).
relative humidity, the shelf
■ Available in a wide range
life of the wire is effectively
of sizes to cover 2.5 to
unlimited. Where the prod-
38.0 mm diameters.
uct contains a standard tin
plated or bare copper ■ Fully compatible with
conductor or braid there will Tinel-Lock adapters for
be a progressive reduction termination of the braid to
in the solderability with associated connectors.
increasing storage time.
Under the conditions
mentioned above, excellent Ray 103 (Nickel Copper
solderability should be Braid):
retained for about one year
from manufacturing date,
but if this is an important
■ Minimum 93% maximum
100% optical coverage
possess high usable
Wire and Cable
property, it should be expansion ratio (minimum
checked before use. The 2:1).
suitability of the tin plated or
■ Available in a wide range
bare copper conductor for
of sizes to cover 2.5 to
use with crimped or welded
38.0 mm diameters.
termination techniques will
not be affected by storage ■ Fully compatible with
time. Tinel-Lock adapters for
termination of the braid to
Silver and nickel plated
associated connectors.
conductors are essentially
unaltered by normal

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015

RayBraid Tubular Braiding (Continued)

Characteristics Tinned Copper Wire

Part Number Diameter No. of No. of Individual Strand Minimum Cable Bundle Tolerance
of former Carriers Ends per Size (AWG/mm) Coverage Maximum Minimum
(mm) Carrier (%) (mm) (mm)
Ray 90 -3.0 3.0 ± 0.13 16 5 36/0.13 90 3.5 2.0
-4.0 4.0 ± 0.25 16 7 36/0.13 90 5.0 3.0
-5.0 5.0 ± 0.25 24 6 36/0.13 90 6.0 4.0
-6.0 6.0 ± 0.25 24 7 36/0.13 90 7.0 5.0
-10.0 10.0 ± 0.25 24 9 34/0.16 90 12.0 7.0
-12.5 12.5 ± 0.25 24 10 34/0.16 90 13.0 11.0
-15.0 15.0 ± 0.38 24 11 32/0.20 90 18.0 13.0
-20.0 20.0 ± 0.38 36 7 32/0.20 90 23.0 17.0
-25.0 25.0 ± 0.38 36 9 30/0.25 90 28.0 22.0
-30.0 30.0 ± 0.38 36 9 28/0.32 90 36.0 27.0

Ray 10X -3.0 3.0 ± 0.13 16 10 38/0.10 93 5.0 2.5

.4.0 4.0 ± 0.25 24 7 36/0.13 93 7.5 3.5
-6.0 6.0 ± 0.25 24 9 36/0.13 93 9.5 4.5
-7.5 7.5 ± 0.25 24 14 36/0.13 93 14.0 7.0
-10.0 10.0 ± 0.25 36 12 36/0.13 93 22.0 8.0
-12.5 12.5 ± 0.25 36 15 36/0.13 93 24.0 11.0
-20.0 20.0 ± 0.38 48 16 36/0.13 93 38.0 16.0
The X in the part number shall be replaced with the plating type.

Weight Ray -90 Ray -101

Part Number Weight (excluding former) Weight (excluding former)
kg/km (nom) kg/km (nom)
-3.0 13 10.3
-4.0 17 17.0
-5.0 21 —
-6.0 25 25.0
-7.5 52 31.0
-10.0 52 41.0
-12.5 65 51.0
-15.0 100 —
-20.0 165 81.0
-25.0 207 —
-30.0 310 —

Resistance Ray -90 Ray 101 Ray 103

Part Number CSA mm2 Resistance @ Current CSA mm2 Resistance @ Current Resistance @
The following current ratings are to
20˚C in ohms/km (amps) 20˚C in ohms/km (amps) 20˚C in ohms/km
be used as general guidelines.
-3.0 1.0 28.0 17 1.3 17.0 18 17.3
Ratings based on an ambient
temperature of 20˚C and a
temperature rise above ambient -4.0 1.4 18.3 21 2.1 10.3 28 10.5
of 40˚C. -5.0 1.8 13.8 25 — — — —
-6.0 2.1 12.2 28 2.7 8.0 34 8.1
-7.5 — — — 4.3 5.2 42 5.23
-10.0 4.3 6.0 42 5.5 3.96 52 4.02
-12.5 4.8 6.1 48 6.8 3.23 57 3.28
-15.0 8.3 3.0 67 — — — —
-20.0 12.8 2.2 81 9.7 2.32 69 2.35
-25.0 16.4 1.6 98 — — — —
-30.0 26.0 1.0 125 — — — —

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Cable Jacket Materials

Properties and Specifications

Properties and

Specifications and Approvals (Components and Jacket Materials)

FDR Zerohal Fluoro- Thermorad Rayolin Raythane C AFR NT 44 55 100 99 Hytrel
UK Designation 25 elastomer Wire Wire Wire Wire
FDR Thermorad Thermorad 44 55 100
US Designation Zerohal Thermorad F Raythane FR
25 HTF NTFR Wire Wire Wire
Def Stan 61-12 Part 31 X
Def Stan 61-12 Part 25 X X X
Def Stan 61-12 Part 18 type 1
(issue in effect ) X X
Def Stan 61-12 Part 26 X
34435, 34436 X X
VG 95218 Part 20, 21, 22 and 23 X X X
VG 95218 Part 24, 25 and 26 X
VG 95218 Part 27 and 28 X X X X
VG 95218 Part 1000 X
VG 95218 Part 1001 and 1002 X
MIL-DTL-24640 (PMS 400/MIl-C-915) X X
SAE-AS-81044/NEMA WC27500 X
SAE-AS-22759/NEMA WC27500 X
A014000 X X
O2-517 X X X
MIL-DTL-24643 X

Lloyds Register of Shipping X X X X X
Bureau Veritas X X X X X X X X X
Germanischer Lloyd X X
American Bureau of Shipping X X

* Please check with your TE representative to ensure the product required has the correct approval.

Wire and Cable

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Cable Jacket Materials

Properties and Specifications (Continued)

Major Cable Specifications

Country Cable Specification Specification Description Approved Jacket
Royal Navy specification covering limited fire hazard
UK Def Stan 61-12 Part 25 thin-wall insulated electric cables using Zerohal
Def-Stan 61-12 Part 18 approved wire.
Signal, control and light power circuits.
Military ground systems specification for signal, control
Germany VG 95218 (parts 27 and 28) and power cables. Wire to VG 95218 FDR-25
Parts 20-23 and 1000.
Navy specification covering limited fire hazard thin-wall
USA MIL-C-24640 (PMS 400/MIL-C-915) insulated electric cables for signal, control and light Zerohal
power circuits. Wire to SAE-AS81044.
USA MIL-DTL-24643 Navy specification covering low smoke, watertight, Zerohal
and non-watertight electric cables for signal, control, and
light power circuits for shipboard applications.

Summary of Typical Cable Jacket Properties

Property Chemical Resistance
UK Designation US Designation Temperature Abrasion Tensile Elonga- Flame
Range °C* Resistance Flexibility Strength tion Resistance Acid Alkaline Hydrocarbon
(MPa) %
FDR25 FDR25 -40 to 105 Fair Very Good 20 500 Self-ext;ing Good Good Very Good
Zerohal Zerohal UK & US -30 to 105 Good Good 10 200 Self-ext;ing Good Good Good
Fluoroelastomer Thermorad HTF -20 to 200 Good Good 12 400 Nonburning Excellent Excellent Excellent
Thermorad Thermorad F -55 to 125 Good Good 22 400 Self-ext;ing Good Good Good
Raythane C — -25 to 80 Excellent Excellent 40 500 Self-ext;ing Fair Fair Excellent
— Raythane FR -65 to 90 Excellent Excellent 28 500 Self-ext;ing Fair Fair Excellent
NT Thermorad NTFR -55 to 110 Very Good Excellent 17 300 Self-ext;ing Good Good Good
Rayolin — -55 to 95 Very Good Fair 19 250 Self-ext;ing Good Good Good
AFR — -40 to 105 Excellent Good 10 150 Self-ext;ing Good Good Good
— Thermorad O -55 to 125 Good Good 15 400 Self-ext;ing Good Good Good
— Thermorad 770 -55 to 175 Very Good Good 35 500 Nonburning Excellent Excellent Excellent
— Thermorad 780 -55 to 200 Very Good Good 24 350 Nonburning Excellent Excellent Excellent
— Thermorad 790 -55 to 250 Very Good Good 30 350 Nonburning Excellent Excellent Excellent
Modified PVDF Thermorad K -65 to 150 Very Good Fair 20 400 Nonburning Excellent Excellent Excellent
Modified ETFE Thermorad HT -65 to 200 Very Good Fair 34 100 Self-ext;ing Excellent Excellent Excellent
Modified Flexible ETFE Thermorad FL -55 to 200 Very Good Excellent 20 100 Self-ext;ing Excellent Excellent Excellent

— Thermorad HTOS -65 to 200 Very Good Very Good 34 100 Self-ext;ing Excellent Excellent Excellent
— Thermorad HTLF -65 to 200 Very Good Very Good 34 100 Self-ext;ing Excellent Excellent Excellent
— Thermorad HTASLF -65 to 200 Very Good Very Good 34 100 Self-ext;ing Excellent Excellent Excellent
— Thermorad VPB -65 to 200 Very Good Very Good 23 500 Self-ext;ing Excellent Excellent Excellent
*Operating temperatures for cables are application dependent. Figures shown are for guidance only. In many cases the limits shown may be extended at both
ends of the temperature range. Consult TE for guidance.

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Cable Jacket Materials


Flexible, Diesel Resistant

Wire and Cable Jacket

Product Facts
■ Highly flame retardant
■ Compatible with Raychem
System 25 tubing, molded
parts and adhesives
■ Qualified to VG standards

Applications Operating Temperature Range

FDR 25 cable jacket was -40°C to 150°C
originally developed for the [-40°F to 302°F]
Leopard II main battle tank
to provide an exceptional
range of properties. Used in
compartments exposed to
hot diesel fuels and vibra-
tion, FDR 25 resists a wide
range of aggressive fluids
and offers excellent low
temperature flexibility.
These properties have also
led to a widespread use of
FDR 25 on other military
Wire and Cable
vehicles and in many appli-
cations such as test and
communications equip-
ment. FDR 25 is fully com-
patible with the Raychem
System 25 high perform-
ance harnessing system.

FDR 25

Available in:
Americas ■
Europe ■
Asia Pacific ■

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Cable Jacket Materials

FDR25 (Continued)

Typical Characteristics when Tested in Accordance with TE Specification WCD 2002 (UK) and WCD 3304 (US)
Tensile strength (MPa) 20
Elongation (%) 500
Mechanical Tear strength (N/mm) 5
Abrasion resistance (1.6 kg load) 40 scrapes min.
Cold bend -40°C [-40°F]
Endurance IEC 60216-1 2500 h 150°C [302°F]
Thermal aging Heat aging 120h, 175°C [347°F] TS 8 MPa (min). Eb 150% (min)
Heat shock 4 h at 225°C [437°F] No cracks, drips or flowing,
6 mm total shrinkage in 300 mm
24 h immersion % Retention of properties
Tensile strength Elongation
Diesel fuels 70°C [158°F] 70 70
Fluid resistance Hydraulic fluids 50°C [122°F] 70 70
Lubricating oils 70°C [158°F] 70 80
Cleaning fluids 23°C [73°F] 90 95
Deicing fluids 23°C [73°F] 90 95
Electrical Insulation resistance 20°C [68°F] M min. 2
45° flammability 30 s (max) afterburn
Other 100 mm (max) burn length
Vertical flammability Self extinguishing
Acid gas 4% HCl equivalent (max.)

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Cable Jacket Materials


Low Fire Hazard

Performance Wire and
Cable Jacket Material

Product Facts
■ Halogen free
■ Low smoke generation
■ Highly flame retardant
■ Low toxicity index
■ Low corrosive gas emission
■ Temperature rating -30°C to
+105°C [-22°F to +221°F]

Applications Raychem Zerohal is a Zerohal combines the good

Cables rarely initiate fires, halogen-free cable jacket mechanical and electrical
but they could be involved material developed by features of some conven-
in them and can signifi- TE and approved to the tional cables with good
cantly increase the damage most exacting requirements flame retardancy, low
Available in: caused should they propa- for low fire hazard cables in smoke generation, low
Americas ■ gate the fire. Until recently many countries and, as evolution of hazardous and
Europe ■ the flame retarding of such, is the most widely corrosive gases, and good
Asia Pacific ■
cables was achieved by accepted material for these resistance to diesel fuel,
the use of halogenated applications in the marine, lubricating oils and water.
flame retardants which are process and mass transport Zerohal jacket material is
effective fire suppressants, industries. Combined with fully compatible with the

but which unfortunately SPEC 44 wire or Type 99 low fire hazard harnessing
produce dense smoke and and 100 wire, this jacket system - System 100.
corrosive acid gases when material provides small
size, light weight cables System
burned. These effects are

Wire and Cable

highly undesirable in a fire, (approximately 40% weight ■ System 100
hindering evacuation and saving over conventional
fire fighting, endangering materials).
life and causing corrosion
damage to expensive
and vital equipment.


Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Cable Jacket Materials

Zerohal (Continued)

Typical Characteristics when Tested in Accordance with TE Specification WCD 2015 and WC 2001
(Zerohal with Fungicide)
Tensile strength (MPa) 9
Elongation (%) 200
Mechanical Tear strength (N/mm) 5
Abrasion resistance (1.6 kg load ) 30 scrapes min.
Cold bend -30°C [-22°F]
Heat aging 120 h 130°C [266°F] 60% min retention of TS and Eb
Thermal aging Heat shock 4 h at 225°C [437°F] No cracks, drips or flowing,
6 mm total shrinkage in 300 mm
Retention of properties
Tensile strength Elongation
Fluid resistance Diesel fuels 20°C [68°F] /24 h 85 75
IRM 902 24h, 100°C [212°F] 90 75
Lubricating oils 50°C [122°F]/24 h 80 75
Water uptake (ASTM D570) 70°C [158°F] /28 days 4% weight uptake (max)
Electrical Insulation resistance 20°C [68°F] 1
M ohms km (min)
45° flammability Self extinguishing
Vertical flammability Self extinguishing
(Swedish Chimney)
Acid gas 1.2% HCl equivalent (max)
Other Limiting oxygen index 32%
Temperature index 275°C [527°F]
Toxicity index 2.5 per 100 g
Smoke index 18
Halogen content None detected

Low Fire Hazard Performance flammability tests for a sin- boards, connectors, control Part 31 specification
Flammability gle wire specimen is the 60˚ relays and metal structures, requirement for a cable
flame test as defined by including steel reinforce- jacket is <5.
Current thinking on fire AS81044 and FAR Part ment bars embedded in
hazard defines the term Smoke
25.More recent evidence concrete.
‘Fire Risk’. This description and thinking places signifi- The problems of classifying
recognizes that the risk in a Test methods to evaluate
cantly greater importance flammability and corrosive
fire situation is influenced corrosivity involve direct
on large scale flammability gas generation equally
strongly from several factors measurement of the amount
tests, such as IEC IEEE 383 apply to measuring smoke
including, ignitability, heat of acid gas produced
or UL1685, in which the generation. The method
release, smoke evolution during pyrolysis, eg to
sample consists of a tray of accepted by most authori-
and toxic gas emission MIL-DTL-24640 Acid Gas
wires. These tests predict ties involves the use of
together with flammability. Generation or measurement
more accurately the likely the NBS smoke chamber
of pH and electrical con-
There are several test behavior of cables in actual where optical density of
ductivities of solutions.
procedures available used fire scenarios. Raychem the chamber's atmosphere
to assess flammability of Zerohal cable jackets give Toxicity Index is constantly measured
wires and cables. Still in very good results in small The various gases given off during pyrolysis.
widespread use is Limiting scale laboratory based by combustion of polymeric The 10% visibility line indi-
Oxygen Index (LOI), but it is tests (e.g. LOI, CTI) and materials are toxic to differ- cates the density of smoke
now generally recognized Zerohal cables perform ing degrees. which would cause human
that because the test is very well in large scale disorientation and confu-
tests (e.g. IEEE 383 or The Def Stan 02-713,
conducted on a single assesses the concentration sion. The rate of change
specimen (of cable jacket UL1685). Overall Zerohal of smoke density can be
jacketed cables have been of each of the possible by-
or wire) in laboratory condi- products and, by measuring summarized to a single
tions, the results are, at shown to exhibit excellent numerical value, as in Def.
flammability characteristics. the amounts of these mate-
best, only weakly correlated rials, a Toxicity Index is Standard 02-711, to give a
to actual fire situations. Corrosivity assigned. smoke index for a material
Critical Temperature Index and thus offers simple com-
(CTI), is a related test and Under fire conditions, poly- Zerohal jacket material has parison of materials per-
assesses performance at mers containing halogens, a typical Toxicity Index of formance.
elevated temperature but sulphur and phosphorous 1.7, compared to a typical
nevertheless it is still con- all form corrosive acid value of 6 for CSP and 20
ducted on a single speci- gases or liquids. These for PVC jacketed cable.
men. The most common acids can then attack items The Def. Standard 61-12
such as printed circuit
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Cable Jacket Materials

Zerohal (Continued)

Navy Applications
37 Component Cable

TE Competition

TE Cable keep the “top weight” to a Due to recent improvements

Cable to minimum and since most of in manufacturing, TE can
to Def Stan DGS
61-12 Pt25 212 the equipment is located on now offer an even tighter
Diameter 12.5 mm (nom.) 21.3 mm the upper decks, system tolerance of ±2.5% on cable
Weight 328 g/m (nom.) 526 g/m weight must be kept as low diameter. This is well within
Conductor 0.60 mm2 (nom.) 0.5 mm2 as possible. the limits imposed by speci-
The diagram shows a light- fications such as Def Stan
Ships are becoming smaller weight cable compared 61-12 part 25, MIL-DTL-
and more sophisticated, with a traditional shipboard 24640/24643, and offers
with an ever increasing cable having the same significant benefits to sys-
complexity of electronic cross-sectional area of cop- tem designers, particularly
systems, sensors and per. Both cables have the where cable glanding is
weapons. As technology same number of conduc- involved.
advances shipbuilders are tors. A saving in size has Weight savings within
called upon to update and been made on the insula- “maxima allowed” by exist-
modify existing systems or tion material, but without ing specifications are also
fit completely new ones. sacrificing the mechanical achievable.
The proliferation of elec- or electrical characteristics Other applications
tronic hardware requires of the cable. A typical
more and more communica- saving in cable tray volume The increasing awareness
tion systems to transfer data could be as high as 40%. of many areas of industry
from one place to another. Lightweight cables can of the need to minimize fire
To provide all the necessary also save in excess of hazard risk is leading to a
interconnections, hundreds twenty tons on a typical rapid growth in the use of
of multicore cables have to frigate and three to five Zerohal jacketed cables.
run throughout the ship.
These, along with cables for
power, lighting and other
tons on a fast patrol boat.
TE lightweight, small size
cables are giving reliable
Applications include rail
and mass transit, offshore
platforms and other
enclosed areas where a
Wire and Cable
basic services, create a service in frigates, corvette's,
severe space problem fire would present a
fast patrol boats, hydrofoils significant threat to
within ducts and hangers. and submarines in many people or equipment.
For the vessel to achieve major Navies.
maximum speed, maneuver-
ability and range, it is vital to

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Cable Jacket Materials

Thermorad HTF/ Fluoroelastomer

High Temperature
Performance Wire and
Cable Jacket Material

Product Facts
■ High temperature capability
-20°C to +200°C [-4°F to
■ Excellent chemical
■ Flame retardant
■ Continuous aircraft fuel

Available in:
Americas ■
Europe ■ Applications ture of up to 200°C [392°F],
Asia Pacific ■
and finds applications in
Thermorad HTF/
Fluoroelastomer is a mate- aircraft fuel tanks and on
rial specially formulated for high performance engine
use in applications where cables. Thermorad HTF/
exceptional performance is Fluoroelastomer cable
Thermorad HTF/
required. jackets are compatible
with the Raychem high
It displays excellent stability temperature harnessing
during continuous high systems — System 200.
temperature exposure to
adverse chemical System
environments. ■ System 200
Thermorad HTF/
Fluoroelastomer has a con-
tinuous operating tempera-

Typical Characteristics when Tested in Accordance with TE Specification WSD 51/1637

Tensile strength 12 MPa
Mechanical Elongation 400%
Abrasion resistance (1.6 kg load) 40 scrapes min.
Cold bend -25°C ± 3°C [-13°F] No cracking
Heat age 168 h 250°C [482°F]
Thermal aging Heat shock 4 h at 300°C ± 3°C [572°F] No cracks, drips or flowing,
6 mm total shrinkage in 300 mm
% Retention
24 h immersion
Tensile strength Elongation
Fluid resistance
Diesel fuel 100°C [212°F] 60 60
IRM902 oil 100°C [212°F] 60 60
Electrical Insulation resistance 20°C [68°F] M ohms. km (min) 10
45° flammability 30 s (max) afterburn
Other 100 mm (max) burn length
Vertical flammability Self extinguishing

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Cable Jacket Materials

Thermorad/Thermorad F

General Purpose Wire and

Cable Jacket Material

Product Facts
■ Temperature rating -55°C to
+125°C [-67°F to 257°F]
■ Highly flame retardant
■ Resistant to fuels, oils and
■ UL approved

Applications Thermorad cables find

Available in: Thermorad is a general widespread use in industrial,
Americas ■ purpose jacket material commercial and military
Europe ■
which is unaffected by most applications. This includes
Asia Pacific ■
common chemicals and railways, commercial vehi-
solvents. Thermorad is cles, medical equipment,
highly flame retardant and communication equipment
has an overall balance of and commercial electronics.
physical and chemical Thermorad cable jackets are
properties. compatible with Raychem
polyolefin tubings, molded
parts and adhesives.

Wire and Cable
Typical Characteristics when Tensile strength 22 MPa
Tested in Accordance with TE Elongation 400%
Mechanical Abrasion resistance (1.6 kg load) 300 scrapes min.
Specification WCD 51/1602 Cold bend -55°C [-67°F]
(UK) and WCD 3310 (US) Heat aging 120 h, 170°C [338°F] 60% min. retention of TS and Eb
Thermal aging Heat shock 4 hours at 225°C [437°F] No cracks, drips or flowing,
6 mm total shrinkage in 300 mm
% Retention of properties
72 hour immersion, 50°C [122°F]
Tensile strength Elongation
Fluid resistance
IRM 902 60 60
Skydrol® 60 60
Electrical Insulation resistance 20°C [68°F] 20
M ohms km (min)
45° flammability 30 s (max.) afterburn
Other 75 mm (max.) burn length
Acid gas 4% HCl equivalent (max.)

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Cable Jacket Materials

Raythane, NT/Thermorad NTFR, Rayolin and AFR

Specialized Wire and Cable

Jacket Material
Product Facts
Modified Polyurethanes
Raythane C
■ -25°C to +80°C
[-13°F to +176°F]
and Raythane FR
■ -65°C to +90°C
[-85°F to +194°F]
■ Mechanically tough
■ Can be overmolded

■ -55°C to +95°C
[-67°F to +203°F]
■ XL or U-XL are available
■ Excellent long term water
■ Can be overmolded
■ Compatible with TE under-
water cable splices

NT (US designation Thermorad

■ -55°C to +90°C Applications Jacket material

[-67°F to +194°F] In addition to the preferred

■ Extreme flexibility cable jacket materials,
■ Highly flexible at low
TE offers a variety of
temperatures Raychem cable jackets for
specialized applications.
For example, specialized
materials are available for
■ -40°C to +105°C extreme low temperature
[-40°F to +221°F] flexibility or for enhanced Available in:
■ Abrasion resistant abrasion resistance, or non- Americas ■
cross-linked materials for Europe ■
■ Fuel resistant
cable splicing or overmolding. Asia Pacific ■
■ Flame retardant

Typical Characteristics when Tested in Accordance with TE Specification WCD

WCD51/1625 WCD3310 WCD51/147/WCD3314 WCD51/1601 WCD51/1619 SPEC 44/ SPEC 55
Raythane C Raythane FR NT/Thermorad Rayolin AFR ASC 15865 Thermorad
NTFR Thermorad K HT
Tensile strength (MPa) 40 28 17 19 11 20 34
Elongation (%) 500 500 300 250 150 400 100
Mechanical Abrasion resistance
500 scrapes 500 scrapes 30 scrapes 300 scrapes 200 scrapes Very good Very good
(1.6 kg load)
Cold bend -25°C -15°C -55°C -55°C -40°C Pass Pass
[-13°F] [5°F] [-67°F] [-67°F] [-40°F]
Thermal aging Endurance (10000 h) 80°C 90°C 90°C 95°C 105°C N/A N/A
[176°F] [194°F] [194°F] 203°F] [221°F]
24 h immersion
Excellent Excellent Good — Good Excellent Excellent
Diesel fuels 50°C [122°F]
Fluid resistance
Skydrol® 50°C [122°F] — — Excellent Excellent Excellent — —
Lubricating Oil 50˚C [122˚F’ — — — — — Excellent Excellent
IRM 902 100°C [212°F] Excellent Excellent Good Good Good — —
Insulation resistance 20°C
Electrical 1 1 5 100 100 — —
[68°F] M ohms. km (min)
Other 45° flammability Pass Pass Pass — Pass Pass Pass
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Cable Jacket Materials


Product Facts
■ Temperature rating:
Thermorad 770:
-55˚C to 150˚C
Thermorad 780:
-55˚C to 175˚C
Thermorad 790:
-65˚C to 200˚C
■ Tested in live agent test with
HD, VX and TGD for interior
and exterior exposure
■ Tested in accordance with
Army TOP 8-2-510 for NBC
comtamination survivability
■ Tested to SC-X15111 and
SC-X15112 fluid resistance
requirements for commonly
used military vehicle fluids
■ Super Tropical Bleach (STB)
and Decontamination
Standard #2 (DS2), were
used per TOP 8-2-511 to
decontaminate specimens at
interior (1 g/m2) and exterior
(10 g/m2) exposure levels,
Applications They are ideal for use in
Thermorad 770/780/790 NBC decontamination sta-
Jacket Material for applica- tions. Thermorad
tions requiring Nuclear 770/780/790 jackets are
Biological and Chemical compatible with TE
contamination survivability Raychem brand tubing
(NBCCS). and molded parts.
Thermorad 770/780/790 is a System
revolutionary new fluroelas- System 700
tomer material that is resist-
ant to nuclear, chemical,
and biological threats. This
material has undergone
testing and show resistance
to levels as listed above. 9
Wire and Cable
Thermorad 770/780/790
cables are ideal for military
ground vehicle applications,
communication equipment,
and any other equipment
that may be at risk of expo-
sure while in theater.

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015
Cable Jacket Materials

NBC (Continued)

Typical Characteristics when Tested in Accordance with:

RT 770 RT 780 RT 790
Thermorad 770 Thermorad 780 Thermorad 790
Tensile strength (MPa) 35 24 30
Elongation (%) 500 350 350
Mechanical Abrasion resistance Very Good Very Good Very Good
Cold bend -55˚C [122˚F] Pass Pass Pass
Thermal aging Endurance 250˚C [482˚F] for 336 hrs. Pass Pass Pass
24 h immersion
Diesel fuels 23°C [73°F] Excellent Excellent Excellent
Fluid resistance Lubricating oils 50°C [122°F] Excellent Excellent Excellent
Decontaminating agent 23˚C [73˚F] Excellent Excellent Excellent
JP-8 23˚C [73˚F] Excellent Excellent Excellent
Electrical Volume Resistivity (ohms-cm) 21.50E+15 6.20E+15 1.20E+16
Other 45° flammability Pass Pass Pass

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015

Electrical Shielding

Interference — Designing
for the Threat

Applications specific electromagnetic process can give many

In many applications, environments. From simple times the shielding
shielding of cables is aluminized polyester film performance of a basic
important, whether it be that provides electrostatic braided shield with minimal
to minimize cross-talk shielding to progressively weight penalty or increase
within the cable, to prevent more complex shielding in optical coverage.
interference from external that can be designed Supershielded cables
sources, or to eliminate incorporating plated copper combine Mu metal wraps
radiation from the cable braids and Mu metal wraps. with optimized braids to
itself. provide even further
Optimization enhanced performance,
Available in: The design of cables to Performance of conven- especially at low
Americas ■ provide effective shielding tional braiding can be frequencies.
Europe ■ over a broad frequency significantly improved by
Asia Pacific ■ spectrum is complex, and computer optimization.
cables must be tailored to This tightly controlled

Available Shields
Shield type Construction Typical Application

Aluminized Polyester Electrostatic shielding

Single Braid Low level EMI

Low sensitivity
Wire and Cable
Single Optimized Braid Sensitive lines
High EMI

Double Optimized Braid Highly sensitive lines

Severe EMI

Supershielded EMP/Tempest

Double Supershielded Severest of applications

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015

Electrical Shielding (Continued)

Measuring Shielding shielded cables which give Design and Manufacturing

Efficiency shielding performance at Expertise
these frequencies by incor-
Surface Transfer Impedance (Zt) The problems of shielding
porating materials which
To assess the effectiveness cables are complex.
change the inductance of
of a shield, TE has adopted However, with the introduc-
the shield and lower the
the line injection method as tion of optimized braids and
transfer impedance. TE
described in IEC 1196-1 supershielded cables, TE
supershielded cables have
to measure the surface has the capability to solve
a sandwich construction of
transfer impedance (Zt) of a the most difficult shielding
Mu metal tapes between
cable shield. This relates the problems. Shielding of
optimized braids. Mu metal
open circuit voltage gener- cables without degrading
is a ferro-magnetic material
ated on a component wire cable flexibility can be pro-
which has a high perme-
inside the cable to the current vided for coaxial and multi-
ability over a wide range of
injected on the overall conductor cables for all
field strengths. It is applied
shield. The unit of Zt is EMC and EMP conditions.
to the cable in a way which
Ohms per meter, thus the To complement this range
maintains cable flexibility
voltage coupling is length of cables, TE manufactures
and minimizes work harden-
dependent and long cables Raychem cable termina-
ing and any consequent
exhibit more leakage than tions and connector back
reduction in permeability.
similar but shorter length fittings to give total intercon-
Supershielded cables not
ones. To determine the nection system shielding
only give protection against
surface transfer impedance performance.
EMP but also other major
across a range of frequen- interference modes.
cies, a drive signal is gener-
ated by the internal tracking Shielded Cables
generator of a spectrum Controlling the Threat
analyzer, and amplified. The
voltage is induced on the
center conductor of the
Screening performance
sample which is amplified of various types of screen constructions
and returned to the signal 100

EM Shielding effectiveness (dB/meter)

generator for measurement. Polyester
Surface transfer impedance

10 Stranded Braid 75
The understanding of Double 85
leakage mechanisms has Optimized

1 95
enabled TE to design 105
0.1 115
cables with guaranteed 125
minimum Zt values for the 0.01 Superscreen
desired operating environ- 145
0.001 155
ment. Double
Superscreen Solid 165
Copper screen
0.0001 175
Supershielding 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 6 10 7 10 8

Frequency (Hz)
EMP Hardened Cables
The requirements for Testing
nuclear hardened cables
present the engineer with TE EMC test facilities have
a range of problems. The the capability for bulk
waveform of the EMP is current injection testing in
such that the majority of addition to surface transfer
power is dissipated in a impedance measurements.
frequency band between The installation is a proven
1 KHz and 5 MHz, where little facility in characterizing
protection is given by con- new design parameters.
ventionally shielded cables.
TE has solved this problem
with a range of super-

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015

Power Cables

Product Facts
■ Choice of jacket materials
■ -65°C to +260°C
[-85°F to +500°F]
■ Size and weight savings
■ Excellent flexibility
■ Resistance to solvents and
■ Corona resistance
■ Increased flexibility in
■ Arc-resistance of materials

Each power cable offers Applications Type FTR is a dual-wall, that it meets key aerospace
particular advantages for TE offers a range of flexible 125°C [257°F], diesel-oil- industry requirements of
specific applications and is Raychem power cables that resistant cable originally flexibility, corona resistance
also available in multicon- are insulated and jacketed developed for tank engine and wrinkling in high volt-
ductor constructions and using materials that provide compartment applications. age applications. TE also
shielded and jacketed improved performance over It meets the German BWB has the facilities to test
versions. Cables offer size other materials, such as VG 95218 specification. corona resistance or pro-
and weight savings, good CSP/EPR, silicone, or Refer to TE specification duction wire and cable at
resistance to abrasion and PCP/Butyl. Five different WCD 2002. (US Alternative 400 Hz and various
cut-through, and the ability types of cable are available: Type 10603) altitudes. (Contact TE for
to operate in difficult Type ZHPCG is a halogen- more information)
environments. Type TR is a general
purpose, single-wall, free, 115°C [239°F] cable Type Superflex is a 260˚C
125°C [257°F] construction with good oil resistance rated fluoropolymer insula-
and resistance to water. tion based system. The

normally specified for use
inside cabinets in protected It is particularly suitable to need for a combination of
areas. the Mass Transit, Marine high temperature and high
and Off-Shore industries performance in wire insula-
Type ZHI is a halogen-free

Wire and Cable

where its low fire hazard tion has become a critical
105°C [221°F] cable with performance and flexibility factor in today’s platforms.
good oil resistance. It is are key to a successful This is especially true in
particularly suitable for use installation. Refer to TE large diameter power
in offshore, ship, and mass Specification WSD 1265. feeder applications where
transit applications where (US Alternative Type temperature and durability
low-fire-hazard performance 2HPC06XT and 2HPC20XT) are key. TE new product line
is required. Refer to TE offering comes rated at
specification WCD 2015. Type 80 Flexible Light
Weight Aluminum Power 200˚C for 10 K hours.
Type AFR is a 105°C Feeders are designed with (Contact TE for more
[221°F], single-extrusion, a dual wall flexible ETFE information)
abrasion-resistant, flame- (±175˚C) insulation based
and fuel-resistant,radiation- system to allow the cable to
crosslinked polyolefin. be bent and routed in
Available in:
extremely tight areas with
Americas ■
no wrinkling or cracking of
Europe ■ the insulation. The design
Asia Pacific ■ has been tested to verify

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015

Power Cables (Continued)

Series Military TE
TR — WCD 2003, WSD51/1602
ZHI Def. Standard 61-12 Part 31 (jacket material) WSD 2015
FTR BWB VG 95218 Types G, H, and K WSD 2002
AFR — WCD 2011, WSD51/1619
ZHPCG — WSD 1265
80 — SPEC 80
Superflex — WCD 3111
*See specifications listed for details of performance.

Conductors (Tinned Soft Copper)

Conductor Size IEC Class 5 IEC Class 6 Max. Resistance at 20°C in Ω/km (Ω/1000 ft)
mm2 Class 5/6
Nom. Dia. Nom. Dia.
1.5 1.49 [.05] 1.53 [.06] 13.20 [4.02]
2.5 1.90 [.07] 2.40 [.09] 7.82 [2.38]
4.0 2.49 [.10] 2.90 [.11] 4.85 [1.48]
6.0 3.00 [.12] 3.60 [.14] 3.23 [0.98]
10.0 4.60 [.18] 4.55 [.18] 1.88 [0.57]
16.0 5.70 [.22] 5.50 [.22] 1.19 [0.36]
25.0 7.10 [.28] 7.30 [.29] 0.78 [0.24]
35.0 8.50 [.33] 8.55 [.34] 0.55 [0.17]
50.0 10.30 [.41] 10.15 [.40] 0.39 [0.12]
70.0 12.40 [.49] 12.00 [.47] 0.27 [0.08]
95.0 14.50 [.57] 14.05 [.55] 0.20 [0.06]
120.0 16.00 [.63] 16.30 [.64] 0.15 [0.05]
150.0 18.00 [.71] 17.40 [.68] 0.13 [0.04]
185.0 20.00 [.79] 20.00 [.79] 0.10 [0.030]
240.0 23.00 [.91] — 0.08 [0.024]
300.0 26.00 [1.0] — 0.06 [0.018]
400.0 30.00 [1.2] — 0.05 [0.015]
*For Type 80 and Superflex, contact TE for conductor details.

Materials Performance Summary

Tensile Temperature
Abrasion Preferred
Material Strength Cut Through Rating °C
Resistance Color
N/mm2 typical 10000 h
TR 20 Excellent Good 125 Black
ZHI 9 Good Very Good 105 Black
FTR 18 Good Good 125 Black
AFR 18 Excellent Very Good 105 Grey
ZHPCG 9 Good Good 115 Black
80 -21 Very Good Very Good 175 White
Supeflex -14 Very Good Very Good 260 White
Note: Where a higher operating temperature is required, TE SPEC 55 wire provides outstanding performance up to 200°C continuous operating temperature.
For these or other special applications, please contact TE.

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015

Power Cables (Continued)

Table 1. Nominal Diameters and Maximum Weights

TR 16 FTR 16
Size (mm2) Part No. Nom. OD Max. weight in Part No. Nom. OD Max. weight in
in mm (in) kg/km (lb/1000 ft) in mm (in) kg/km (lb/1000 ft)
1.5 — — — — — —
2.5 TR 16-2.5 3.9 [.15] 34.0 [22.8] — — —
4.0 -4 4.5 [.17] 51.0 [34.2] FTR 16-4 5.6 [.22] 72.0 [48.4]
6.0 -6 5.2 [.20] 73.0 [48.9] -6 6.3 [.25] 95.0 [63.8]
10.0 -10 6.2 [.24] 117.0 [78.4] -10 7.5 [.29] 151.0 [101.5]
16.0 -16 7.4 [.29] 182.0 [121.9] -16 8.8 [.35] 228.0 [153.2]
25.0 -25 9.3 [.37] 274.0 [183.6] -25 10.7 [.42] 335.0 [225.1]
35.0 -35 10.6 [.42] 383.0 [256.6] -35 12.1 [.48] 463.0 [311.1]
50.0 -50 12.5 [.49] 542.0 [363.1] -50 14.0 [.55] 631.0 [424.0]
70.0 -70 14.6 [.57] 765.0 [512.6] -70 16.2 [.64] 878.0 [589.9]
95.0 -95 17.0 [.67] 1020.0 [683.4] -95 18.8 [.74] 1170.0 [786.1]
120.0 — — — -120 21.3 [.84] 1481.0 [995.1]

Table 2. Nominal Diameters and Maximum Weights

ZHI 15 AFR 35
Nom. OD Max. Weight in Nom. OD Max. Weight in
Size (mm2) Part No. Part No.
in mm (in) kg/km (lb/1000 ft) in mm (in) kg/km (lb/1000 ft)
1.5 ZHI 15 -1.5 4.09 [.16] 33.5 [22.4] AFR 35-1.5 2.7 [.11] 21.6 [14.5]
2.5 -2.5 4.69 [.18] 48.8 [32.7] -2.5 3.7 [.15] 38.6 [25.9]
4.0 -4 5.49 [.22] 72.1 [48.3] -4 4.7 [.18] 61.1 [41.1]
6.0 -6 6.16 [.24] 99.8 [66.9] -6 5.6 [.22] 90.1 [60.5]
10.0 -10 8.20 [.32] 159.0 [106.5] -10 7.0 [.28] 153.5 [103.1]
16.0 -16 9.30 [.37] 223.0 [149.4] -16 8.1 [.32] 211.2 [141.9]
25.0 -25 10.90 [.43] 331.0 [221.8] -25 10.4 [.41] 336.1 [225.8]
35.0 -35 12.30 [.48] 448.0 [300.2] -35 11.6 [.46] 455.4 [305.7]
50.0 -50 14.70 [.58] 631.0 [422.8] -50 13.7 [.54] 638.3 [428.9]
70.0 -70 16.80 [.66] 852.0 [570.8] -70 16.0 [.63] 834.9 [561.0]
95.0 -95 19.10 [.75] 1108.0 [742.4] -95 18.3 [.72] 1148.0 [771.4]
120.0 -120 21.00 [.83] 1438.0 [963.5] -120 20.4 [.80] 1501.9 [1009.1]
150.0 -150 23.00 [.91] 1748.0 [1171.2] -150 22.6 [.89] 1834.0 [1233.0]
185.0 -185 25.60 [1.01] 2088.0 [1399.0] -185 24.8 [.98] 2177.0 [1463.0]
240.0 -240 28.60 [1.13] 2705.0 [1812.4] -240 27.8 [1.10] 2817.0 [1892.0]
300.0 -300 32.00 [1.26] 3363.0 [2253.2] -300 32.0 [1.20] 3579.0 [2405.0]
400.0 -400 36.40 [1.43] 4396.0 [2945.3] -400 36.0 [1.40] 4636.0 [3115.0]

Table 3. Nominal Diameters and Maximum Weights

Size (mm2) Part No.
Nom. OD
in mm [in]
Max. Weight in
kg/km [lb/1000 ft]
Part No.
Nom. OD
in mm [in]
Max. Weight in
kg/km [lb/1000 ft]
Wire and Cable
1 ZHPCG-15-1 3.77 [.14] 28.0 [18.1] ZHPCG-35 -1 — —
1.5 -1.5 3.79 [.15] 36.0 [24.2] -1.5 4.55 [.18] 37.9 [25.5]
2.5 -2.5 4.27 [.17] 45.0 [30.2] -2.5 5.07 [.20] 52.9 [35.5]
4.0 -4 4.64 [.18] 60.0 [40.3] -4 5.66 [.22] 72.7 [48.9]
6.0 -6 5.31 [.21] 85.0 [57.1] -6 6.15 [.24] 96.7 [65.0]
10.0 -10 6.53 [.26] 135.0 [90.7] -10 7.33 [.29] 141.0 [94.7]
16.0 -16 8.03 [.32] 195.0 [131.0] -16 8.83 [.35] 214.0 [143.8]
25.0 -25 9.70 [.38] 300.0 [201.6] -25 10.50 [.41] 316.0 [212.3]
35.0 -35 11.30 [.44] 443.0 [297.7] -35 11.70 [.46] 425.0 [285.6]
50.0 -50 13.50 [.53] 623.0 [418.6] -50 13.48 [.53] 582.0 [391.0]
70.0 -70 15.60 [.61] 847.0 [569.1] -70 15.33 [.60] 802.0 [538.9]
95.0 -95 18.10 [.71] 1119.0 [751.9] -95 17.93 [.71] 1051.0 [706.2]
120.0 -120 19.80 [.78] 1445.0 [970.9] -120 19.80 [.78] 1308.0 [878.8]
150.0 -150 22.00 [.87] 1775.0 [1192.7] -150 21.44 [.84] 1601.0 [1075.7]
185.0 -185 24.40 [.96] 2115.0 [1421.2] -184 23.28 [.92] 1966.0 [1321.0]
240.0 -240 27.80 [1.09] 2762.0 [1856.0] -240 27.33 [1.08] 2542.0 [1708.0]
300.0 -300 31.20 [1.23] 3452.0 [2320.0] -300 32.50 [1.28] 3568.0 [2397.3]
400.0 -400 35.20 [1.39] 4474.0 [3006.4] -400 37.00 [1.46] 4652.0 [3125.7]

Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015

Power Cables (Continued)

Part Numbering System


Standard Colors
0 = Black 8 = Gray

Conductor Cross Section

(1.5 to 400 mm2)

Conductor Type
5 = IEC Class 5 - Flexible 6 = IEC Class 6 - Very flexible

Voltage Rating
1 = 600/1000 V
3 = 1900/3300 V

Insulating Type

*For Type 80 and Superflex, contact TE for conductor details.

Part Numbering System is a

cross reference only and not
meant for part creation.
Catalog 1654025 Dimensions are shown for Dimensions are in millimeters Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222 UK: +44 (0) 800-267666
Revised 5-12 reference purposes only. unless otherwise specified. Mexico/C. Am.: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800 France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686
Specifications subject Latin/S. Am.: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999 to change. USA: +1 (800) 522-6752 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999 China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015

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