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FIITJEE - (JEE-Advanced) : Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics

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FIITJEE – (JEE-Advanced)



QP Code: Test - 15

Time Allotted: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 180

▪ Please read the instructions carefully. You are allotted 5 minutes specifically for
this purpose.
▪ You are not allowed to leave the Examina tion Hall before the end of the test.

Caution: Question Paper CODE as given above MUST be correctly marked in the answer
OMR sheet before attempting the paper. Wrong CODE or no CODE will give wrong results.

A. General Instructions
1. Attempt ALL the questions. Answers have to be marked on the OMR sheets.
2. This question paper contains Three Sections.
3. Section-I is Physics, Section-II is Chemistry and Section-III is Mathematics.
4. In Each Section is One Part: Part-A.
5. Rough spaces are provided for rough work inside the question paper. No additional sheets will be
provided for rough work.
6. Blank Papers, clip boards, log tables, slide rule, calculator, cellular phones, pagers and electronic
devices, in any form, are not allowed.

B. Filling of OMR Sheet

1. Ensure matching of OMR sheet with the Question paper before you start marking your answers on
OMR sheet.
2. On the OMR sheet, darken the appropriate bubble with HB pencil for each character of your Enrolment
No. and write in ink your Name, Test Centre and other details at the designated places.
3. OMR sheet contains alphabets, numerals & special characters for marking answers.

C. Marking Scheme For All Three Sections.

(i) Part-A (01-15) contains Six (15) Numerical based questions, the answer of which maybe positive or
negative numbers or decimals (e.g. 6.25, 7.00, -0.33, -.30, 30.27, -127.30) and each question carries
+4 marks for correct answer and there will be no negative marking.

Name of the Candidate :____________________________________________

Batch :____________________ Date of Examination :___________________

Enrolment Number :_______________________________________________

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
2 & P A N I N I 9 2 1 - X I I G 1 _ (Test-15)-(PCM)
IT−1921− N W C M 7 2 1 O 1 S , N W C M 9 2 1 X 1 W , N W C M 9 2 1 A 1 W

1 :: P
(Numerical based)
This section contains 15 questions, numerical based questions, (answer of which maybe positive
or negative numbers or decimals).

1. A soap bubble of radius R, surface tension T exists in equilibrium in zero atmospheric

pressure outside it. How much charge (in SI units) should be uniformly distributed on its
surface so that its radius in new equilibrium condition will be 2R. [ Take ,
Here is the absolute permittivity of the vacuum, consider temperature remains constant]
1. 8

2. Here shown a diagram which is part of a network in steady state. Here R = 1 ohm.
Potential difference across capacitor C1 is = 2 volts and Potential difference across
capacitor C2 is = 4 volts. If currents in the resistance R1 and R2 are I1 and I2
respectively then find .

2. 0.50

3. A small dipole of dipole moment P is placed radially at a large distance x from the centre of
sphere of volumetric charge density ρ and radius R as shown in the figure. The force
acting on the dipole by the sphere is . Then find the value of k.

3. 0.17 (Range: 0.16 – 0.17)

4. In a gravity free space, three identical metal plates have been placed parallel to each other
as shown. In the initial state shown in the diagram the potential difference between the
A and B is V1. Now, the middle plate is shifted down a distance L/2, keeping the battery
connected. The other plates are kept fixed. The potential difference between the points A
and B now becomes V2. Find the value of V1/V2.

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
3 & P A N I N I 9 2 1 - X I I G 1 _ (Test-15)-(PCM)
IT−1921− N W C M 7 2 1 O 1 S , N W C M 9 2 1 X 1 W , N W C M 9 2 1 A 1 W

4. 1.50

5. Consider a hypothetical condition in which charge is uniformly distributed in whole space. If

net flux passing through the surface of the imaginary cone of base diameter D and slant
length is Φ then if flux passing through the surface of imaginary sphere of radius D is KΦ.
Then find K.
5. 18.48 (Range: 18.45 – 18.50)

6. Two particle approach each other from very large distance as shown. (consider
gravitational force between the particle is negligible) if then the least
separation between the particles is KL. Then find ‘K’.

6. 3.30 (Range: 3.29 – 3.31)

7. Six resistor, each of resistance R, are connected at their ends so as to form tetrahedral
frame. Now two cells of negligible internal resistance and emf E is connected to the
combination; One cell between any two corners and other cell between rest two corners.
Find the thermal power developed in the circuit. (R = 8ohm, E = 3 Volts).
7. 4.50

8. A charge q is undergoing SHM about point A along the line AB of a conducting sphere of
radius R, amplitude of oscillation of charge a and angular frequency is ꞷ. The sphere is
grounded through wire CC’. Find the max value of current in the wire CC’ in mA.
(take q = 2 Coulombs, ꞷ = 5 rad/sec, R = 0.5m a = 1mm, d = 1m)

8. 1.25

9. Consider a metallic sphere of radius R concentric with another hollow metallic sphere of
inner radius 2R and outer radius 3R. The inner sphere is given a charge –Q and outer 2Q.
The electrostatic potential energy of the system comes out to be then find x.
9. 9.60

10. A charged particle having charge q and mass m is projected into a region of uniform
electric field of strength E, Velocity V perpendicular to E. Throughout the motion apart from
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
4 & P A N I N I 9 2 1 - X I I G 1 _ (Test-15)-(PCM)
IT−1921− N W C M 7 2 1 O 1 S , N W C M 9 2 1 X 1 W , N W C M 9 2 1 A 1 W

electric force particle also experiences a dissipative force of constant magnitude qE and
directed opposite to its velocity. If magnitude of V is 5 m/s, then find its speed when it has
turned through an angle of 90 degrees.
10. 2.50

11. Four large metallic plates of area A each are kept parallel to each other with a small
separation between them, as shown in the figure. A cell of emf V is connected across the
two outermost plates through a switch K1. The two inner plates are similarly connected with
a cell of emf 2 V through a switch K2. Initially both witches are open and the plates, starting
from left to right (i. e. number 1 to 4) are given charges Q, 2Q, –2Q, –Q respectively. Find
the charge appearing on plate 4 if both the switches are closed. (Q = 2 C, )

11. 0.67 (Range: 0.66 – 0.67)

12. There is an annular disc of inner and outer radii R and 3R respectively. Charge is uniformly
distributed with surface charge density σ on the surface of the annular disc. Then the
minimum work done by an external agent to move a point charge from point A to point B
on the axis of the disc is then find ‘k’.

12. 0.34 (Range: 0.32 – 0.35)

13. A non conducting wire is bent into a semi-circle of radius R and a charge +Q is uniformly
distributed over it as shown in the figure. Find the ratio of magnitude of the Electric field at
point A to the Potential at point A. (Take: R = 2 m)

13. 0.25

14. A insulating cylindrical rod of diameter d and length l(l<<d) has a uniform surface charge
density such that the electric field just outside the curved surface of the cylinder at point M
FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
5 & P A N I N I 9 2 1 - X I I G 1 _ (Test-15)-(PCM)
IT−1921− N W C M 7 2 1 O 1 S , N W C M 9 2 1 X 1 W , N W C M 9 2 1 A 1 W

is E. The electric field due to charge distribution at point P is (r>>l) then find the value
of ‘x’.

14. 0.25

15. Four batteries of EMF E1 = 4V, E2 = 8V, E3 = 12 V and E4 = 16V, four capacitors with the
same capacitance C1 = C2 = C3 = C4 = 1 µF, and four identical resistances are connected
in circuit shown in figure. The internal resistances of batteries are negligible. At steady
state find the total energy accumulated on the capacitors in µJ.

15. 26

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
6 & P A N I N I 9 2 1 - X I I G 1 _ (Test-15)-(PCM)
IT−1921− N W C M 7 2 1 O 1 S , N W C M 9 2 1 X 1 W , N W C M 9 2 1 A 1 W

2 :: C
(Numerical based)
This section contains 15 questions, numerical based questions, (answer of which maybe positive
or negative numbers or decimals).

1. + +
→ ⎯⎯⎯
→ ⎯⎯⎯

→ ( X)
How many geometrical isomer of (X) is possible?

1. 4

2. How many isomer of C4H8O when reacts with CH3MgBr followed by acidification to give 2o
alcohol(only consider carbonyl isomers)?
(including stereoisomer)

2. 2

3. Total number of RMgX are consumed in the following reaction = x. Find x?


x RMgX


3. 7

4. How many isomer of C4H10O reacts with CH3MgBr to evolve CH4 gas? (Excluding

4. 4


5. 6

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
7 & P A N I N I 9 2 1 - X I I G 1 _ (Test-15)-(PCM)
IT−1921− N W C M 7 2 1 O 1 S , N W C M 9 2 1 X 1 W , N W C M 9 2 1 A 1 W


6. 6


In the above given compound how many functional group reduced by LAH(Lithium
aluminium hydride) and SBH(sodium borohydride) respectively. Find summation of
functional groups reduced by LAH and SBH?

7. 6


Double bond equivalent to D is

8. 9


9. NBS
⎯⎯⎯⎯ →
( A ) ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
t −BuOK
→ (B )

Summation of number of cycles in (A) + (B) = x. Find value of

9. 0.8

H O+
→ ( A ) ⎯⎯⎯→ (B )
10. NaNO /HCl
2 3

If number of oxygen atom in (A) + (B) = X. Find value of ?

10. 0.4

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
8 & P A N I N I 9 2 1 - X I I G 1 _ (Test-15)-(PCM)
IT−1921− N W C M 7 2 1 O 1 S , N W C M 9 2 1 X 1 W , N W C M 9 2 1 A 1 W

NaCN( Catalyst )
+PhCHO ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→ ( X )

If degree of unsaturation = A
Find value of

11. 3.5


12. H OH

(1) (2)
Which will undergo chromic acid oxidation easily.

12. 1

13. OH− /H2O

(B )
(A) and (B) are isomer of each other. If number of methyl group = X and no. of cycle = Y in
compound (B). Find value of

13. 1.5

H+ ( Catalytic )
14. → ( A ) + 3H2O
3PhCHO + 2NH3 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
If number of pseudochiral carbon atoms = X
Find value of

14. 0.5

R Br
(1) OH/H O/ 
→ ( A ) + N2 
( 2 ) H3O
If number of degree of unsaturation = X. In compound (A). Find value of .

15. 0.75

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
9 & P A N I N I 9 2 1 - X I I G 1 _ (Test-15)-(PCM)
IT−1921− N W C M 7 2 1 O 1 S , N W C M 9 2 1 X 1 W , N W C M 9 2 1 A 1 W

3 :: M
(Numerical based)
This section contains 15 questions, numerical based questions, (answer of which maybe positive
or negative numbers or decimals).

 3sin2   tan    
1. tan−1   + tan−1   = , then find the value of  , where −    .
 5 + 3cos2   4  2 2

1. 1

( ) ( ) 5 2
2 2
2. Find number of solution of the equation tan−1 x + cot −1 x = .

2. 1

3. Find number of integral solutions of the equation  x  y  = x + y . Here [.] denotes greatest
integer function.

3. 2

sin−1 ( sin x )
4. If domain of f ( x ) = is ( a,b )  ( c,  ) , then find the value of
 2x − 1 
− log x + 4  log2 
   3 + x 
 2 
a + b + 3c .

4. 5

5. Suppose A1,A2,......,A30 are thirty sets each having 5 elements and B1,B2,...............Bn
30 n
are n sets each with 3 elements, let Ai = B j = S and each elements of S belongs to
i=1 i=1
exactly 10 of the A 'i s and exactly 9 of the B ' j s . Then, n is equal to

5 45

10 10
6. If the sum   tan−1  n  = K, find the value of ‘k’.

6. 25

7. ( )
If f ( x ) = x3 − 3x + sin−1 a2 − 3a + 2 . Then the smallest positive integer ‘a’ for which
f ( x ) = 0 has three distinct real solutions.

7. 1

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
10 & P A N I N I 9 2 1 - X I I G 1 _ (Test-15)-(PCM)
IT−1921− N W C M 7 2 1 O 1 S , N W C M 9 2 1 X 1 W , N W C M 9 2 1 A 1 W

2 2
 x x  x
If the range of f ( x ) =  cos−1  +  .sin−1 −  sin−1  +
 2 2 
2 2
2  12
x + 6x + 8 is ( )
a2 ,b2  , then find 2 ( a + b ) .
 

8. 5

9. If f : 2,  ) → 8,  ) is a surjective function defined by f ( x ) = x 2 − ( p − 2 ) x + 3p − 2, p  R

( )
then sum of values of p is m + n where m,n  N . Find the value of

9. 2

10. The polynomial R ( x ) is the remainder upon dividing x 2007 by x2 − 5x + 6 . If R ( 0 ) can be

( )
expressed as ab ac − bc . Find the value of ( a + b + c ) .

10. 2011

11. Find the number of functions that can be defined from set A = {1, 2, 3} to the set B = {1, 2,
3, 4, 5} such that f ( i )  f ( j )  i  j

11. 35

12. If the mean deviation of the numbers 1,1 + d,......1 + 100d from their mean is 255, then a
value of d is:

12. 10.1

4 2−2 2
13. If x = and y = where ' ' is a parameter and range of
1+ 2 1+ 2
f ( x, y ) = x 2 − xy + y 2 is: a, b ; then ( a + b ) is:

13. 8

cos4 4 x +100x
  x   x  
14. The period of the function f ( x ) =  sec 2   − tan2   
  10   10  
(where 
. denotes fractional part function) is  , then   is equal to:

14. 5

 4  3x + 4
15. Solution of the equation cot   cot −1 2r 2  = 3x + 2 is equal to:
 r =1 

15. 2

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000
11 & P A N I N I 9 2 1 - X I I G 1 _ (Test-15)-(PCM)
IT−1921− N W C M 7 2 1 O 1 S , N W C M 9 2 1 X 1 W , N W C M 9 2 1 A 1 W

1 :: P

ONN –– 2
2 :: C

ONN –– 3
3 :: M

FIITJEE Ltd., Punjabi Bagh Centre, 31-32-33, Central Market, West Avenue Road, Punjabi Bagh (West), New Delhi - 110026, Ph: 011-45634000

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