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Leadership in The Digital Business Transformation

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Leadership in the digital business transformation

Conference Paper · October 2018

DOI: 10.1145/3275116.3275122


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3 authors, including:

Riitta-Liisa Larjovuori Laura Bordi

Tampere University Tampere University


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Leadership in the digital business transformation
Full Paper

Riitta-Liisa Larjovuori Laura Bordi Kirsi Heikkilä-Tammi

University of Tampere University of Tampere University of Tampere
Tampere, Finland Tampere, Finland Tampere, Finland

The role of leadership in digital business transformation is a topical
issue in need of more in-depth research. Based on an empirical The development and implementation of information and
investigation of eight Finnish organizations operating in the service communication technology (ICT) has had a major impact on
sector, we gain understanding of the role and focus of leadership in business and working life as a whole. According to Kohnke [1],
the context of digital business transformation. Through a digitization is defined as a process that affects nearly all
qualitative content analysis of data from 46 interviews, the four organizations; therefore, all leaders need to understand its
main leadership foci of digital business transformation are found: implications on their organization, as well as employees. He argues
strategic vision and action, leading cultural change, enabling, and that new skills and competencies, new forms of leadership, and new
leading networks. The findings are discussed in the context of organizational capabilities are needed.
extant research on leadership and digital business development. While digitization is defined as the process of changing
information from analog to digital form [2], the concept of
CCS CONCEPTS digitalization often is perceived as a broader concept referring to
• Social and professional topics~Socio-technical systems the change process that is driven and enabled by digitization and
• General and reference~General conference proceedings related technologies. For example, Gartner’s IT glossary [3] defines
digitalization the following way: “Digitalization is the use of
KEYWORDS digital technologies to change a business model and provide new
Digitalization, digital business transformation, leadership revenue and value-producing opportunities; it is the process of
_____________________________________ moving to a digital business.” Digital transformation, on the other
hand, is organizational change that arises from the development and
application of digital technology in business [4].
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of
For service organizations and their customers, digital business
this work for personal or classroom use is granted without transformation might mean that services become ubiquitous, are
fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit constantly and globally available, and are customized to meet each
or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and customer’s needs. In practice, digital business transformation of
the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components services means, e.g., digitalized business-to-business transactions,
of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. digitalized customer access, and digitalized core services [5]. These
Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or changes have a tremendous effect on how work is organized, what
republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, kind of work roles and capabilities are needed, and how work is
requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request managed (e.g., [6]).
Technological aspects, business-model choices, and the view
permissions from
of strategic capabilities are prevalent in extant research dealing
with digital business transformation. For example, extant literature
Mindtrek 2018, October 10–11, 2018, Tampere, Finland includes research on the importance of leading digital
© 2018 Association for Computing Machinery. transformation strategically and/or the content of a digital business
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6589-5/18/10…$15.00 strategy [7-8]; the new leading positions and roles related to digital transformation in organizations, such as the emergence of the
position of chief digital officer (CDO) [9]; and the need for new
business models in the digital economy [10].
In this paper, the focus is on leadership in the context of digital
business transformation. A case can be made that not many
empirical studies deal with the role and function of leadership in
the digital transformation process. To address this research gap, this
Academic Mindtrek’18, October 10–11, 2018, Tampere, Finland R.-L. Larjovuori et. al.

paper’s objective is to discuss what kind of leadership is needed to business transformation: transforming customer experience
transform an organization into a “digital enterprise.” (customer understanding, top-line growth, customer touch points);
operational processes (digitization, worker enablement, and
1.1 The evolving concept of modern leadership performance management); and business models (digitally
The role and execution of leadership has interested scholars for a modified businesses, new digital businesses, and digital business
long time. During the past few decades, the concept of leadership globalization).
has evolved in several ways. An overall notion in recent extant Based on the aforementioned conceptualizations, the scope of
literature is that the modern leadership research approach focuses leadership in digital transformation should cover a wide range of
not only on the leader, but also on followers, peers, supervisors, issues, from customer experience to human-resource development,
work setting or context, and culture. Leadership is viewed as a as well as their technological foundations. In many models,
dyadic, shared, relational, strategic, global, and complex social prioritizing customers’ needs is mentioned first, as customers’
dynamic. It is no longer described as merely an individual expectations often are the main driver for digitalization [2; 18]. The
characteristic [11; 13]. ability to communicate and even co-create with customers and
In addition, it can be noted that the view of leadership reflects other stakeholders has become a crucial capability for any modern
how we see the nature of humans. The theory of scientific organization. In terms of digital business transformation, it is even
management is based on the view of “homo economicus,” who is more significant. The organizations that have an open and
individualistic, opportunistic, and self-serving, while modern customer-oriented culture have been found to progress more
leadership theories more or less conceive of individuals as being rapidly in their digital transformations [19].
pro-organizational, self-actualizing, and trustworthy [14; 15].
However, the field of leadership studies is pluralistic, i.e., no 1.3 Changing work and leadership
universal approach to leading exists, and traditional leadership While digitalization provides new business opportunities and
theories persist and co-exist with modern and evolving perceptions changes the service offering, as well as how the organization
[16; 17]. interacts with its customers, it also changes the work inside the
Analyses of modern leadership have introduced, for example, organization. For example, the emerging digitalized economy
authentic leadership, transformative leadership, complexity provides working life with more opportunities and greater
leadership, and shared leadership (see e.g., [12]). All modern flexibility in terms of time, place, content, structure, and the process
leadership theories have some common features, such as an of work. The recognized trends in concurrent working life, enabled
emphasis on the role of social interaction and relational leadership by the rapid development of digital technologies, are, for example,
practices. that the work is more cognitively complex, team-based, dependent
on social skills and technological competencies, time-pressured,
1.2 Leadership in digital transformation and mobile [20].
The role of leadership in carrying and supporting an organization Workplace communication ecosystems are reformed through
through a digital business transition is crucial. As mentioned the use of real-time communication and collaboration possibilities,
earlier, extant literature on leadership in the context of digital e.g., video, instant messaging, web-sharing, and social media [21].
business transformation is still in its infancy. However, These technologies blur the boundaries between organizations,
organizational-change leadership is a widely researched topic, and countries, and industries, and may reduce the need for traditional
extant literature provides many useful notions on digital business hierarchies and “command chains” in organizations. In addition,
transformation. Kohnke [1] proposes a framework for the work itself is increasingly virtual, as are the communication
organizational-change management in the context of digitalization. practices, teams, and even leadership. This requires new leadership
The framework encompasses four cornerstones: 1) aligning skills and practices, as leaders need to lead operations, as well as
leadership; 2) mobilizing the organization; 3) building capabilities; people, in virtual environments (see, e.g., [12; 22; 23]).
and 4) ensuring sustainability. To summarize, digitalizing As the business environment becomes more volatile, uncertain,
companies’ managers must be able to challenge how their complex, and ambiguous (or VUCA; the term “VUCA-world” is
organizations operate, engage their personnel in the process of often applied), successful leaders must be more flexible, which
redefining their work roles, and keep their minds open to the includes being more willing to take risks and make decisions more
possibility that their own roles will change as well. quickly [24]. Therefore, an important task for leaders of digitalizing
The importance of taking a strategic approach to digital organizations is to reform and steer decision-making practices and
transformation is underpinned in the findings of Westerman et al. organizational structures (including the role and nature of
[18] in their study of 400 large companies around the world. The leadership as a whole) toward models that are more agile and
companies that succeed in embracing digital innovations, called flexible [25]. Moreover, it has been argued that the automation of
“Digital Masters,” possess a clear vision of their digitalization goals business processes and the use of big data and artificial intelligence
and the actions needed to realize them. Moreover, they capitalize (AI) in decision-making increase procedural transparency in the
on the opportunities to transform their businesses in a more organization [26].
profound manner than just digitalizing existing processes. In this research paper, the concept of leadership comprises all
Westerman et al. [18] propose three main elements of digital activities and processes aimed at directing and mobilizing an

Leadership in the digital business transformation Academic Mindtrek’18, October 10–11, 2018, Tampere, Finland

organization’s resources to reach its goals. The focus is on the role analysis (see e.g., [27]) of the interview data was conducted to
and tasks of leadership in digital business transformation. determine how the informants address leadership in relation to
Leadership, as it is approached in this paper, comprises personnel digital business transformation. Content analysis consists of
in formal managerial roles within organizations, as well as other interpreting data by identifying and forming recurrent themes [28].
members of the organization or groups of organizations. The data were analyzed in three phases. At first, all interviewees’
Dovetailing with the previously mentioned theories on modern discussions covering leadership were identified and marked. In the
leadership, we assume leadership to be in continuous interaction second phase, a researcher read the marked sections and wrote
with organizational strategy, structure, culture, and processes. The down keywords about the discussions on leadership in digital
research question we aim to answer in this paper is: What kind of business development. After that, the researcher read the data two
leadership did interviewees consider to be needed in digital more times, identified concurrent subjects, and formed preliminary
business transformation? themes. Then another researcher analyzed the leadership-centric
parts of the interviews independently and formed themes. The
2 METHODS results of these two analyses then were compared. They were
similar, although the last classification was a bit more detailed. The
2.1 Data Collection two researchers then discussed the analytical process and
The data utilized in this paper were collected as part of a mixed- preliminary results, ending up with four main categories, as in the
methods research project to study organizations’ digitalization first analysis, and adding sub-themes based on the second analysis.
processes from different perspectives. Data used in the study were
gathered from questionnaires, interviews, participant observations, 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
and group discussions. In spring 2016, 46 interviews were In the analysis, four main categories of digital-transformation-
conducted at the beginning of the research project, then analyzed. related leadership foci emerged: strategic vision and action, leading
The objective of the interviews was to gain an overall cultural change, enabling, and leading networks. Three of the four
understanding of how participating organizations’ representatives categories (strategic vision and action, enabling, and leading
see the digitalization process in their organizations. The interviews networks) were divided further into two sub-themes to bring out
totaled 2,460 minutes. nuances in the digital-transformation discussions. The themes are
summarized in Table 1 and examined in more detail in the
2.2 Participants following paragraphs. The results are presented with illustrative
All participating organizations had shown interest in developing quotations from the interviewees. To secure the anonymity of the
digital solutions for their operations, as they all decided to participating organizations and interviewees, codes are used as
participate in this action-research project aimed at studying and identifiers. The two public organizations are coded as public
advancing digital business development. The organizations vary, organization 1 or 2, the two SMEs are marked as SME 1 or 2, and
from small private companies to large public organizations. The the four large companies as large company 1-4. The number for
companies were selected based on their interest in participating, as each organization was assigned randomly. In addition, the
well as their diversity. All the organizations operate in the service interviewees were given participant numbers ranging from one to
sector. Participating organizations include six private companies eight, depending on how many interviewees from each company
from various fields (insurance, banking, consulting, real estate participated. For example, “i4, public organization 2” means
management, financial administration services, and retail) and two interviewee No. 4 from public organization No. 2.
public organizations (tax administration and pension insurance).
Four of the private companies are considered large enterprises by 3.1 Strategic vision and action
Finnish standards (250 or more employees), and two are small and The interviewees emphasized the role of strong strategic
medium-size enterprises (SMEs). The large companies operate in approaches in digital business transformation. Strategy was viewed
the fields of banking, insurance, financial administration services, as the foundation of all digital business development, and as the
and retail, while the SMEs represent consulting and real estate backbone of actions related to it: “Strong will and commitment from
management. The interviewees include personnel in top management that it’s in the strategy, I think that’s the foundation
management, marketing, service development, IT services, and of it all” (i2, large company). Strategic vision and action were
human resources. The number of interviewees in each participating considered to be prerequisites, as well as the first steps, of digital
organization varies between four and eight. Twenty-nine of the transformation. The discussions on strategy mainly covered two
interviewees were men, and 17 were women. themes: strong vision and clear goals, and commitment and
investment. It was emphasized that leadership should contain and
communicate clear focus and direction, as well as advance digital
development with concrete, strategic actions, such as investments
2.3 Data Analysis in experimentation, innovation, and expertise.
All the interviews were recorded and transcribed. The main theme
of the interviews was the phenomenon of digitalization and its
practical implications in each organization. Qualitative content

Academic Mindtrek’18, October 10–11, 2018, Tampere, Finland R.-L. Larjovuori et. al.

Table 1: Leadership foci in digital business transformation 3.1.1 Strong vision and clear goals
The interviewees repeatedly brought up the importance of strategy
Theme Sub-themes Description of themes and strategic leadership in the digitalization process. They
discussed how an organization needs a clear focus on where it is
Strategic Strong vision Digitalization as an heading, and it starts with strategy. Top management must
vision and and clear goals integrated, strategic focus understand the whole picture and lead the transformation in a clear,
action Clear communication of consistent manner: “The top management has to say it first that this
direction is the direction. And from there, the message should come to a
lower and more concrete level. It should be consistent and reliable,
Commitment Top management that this is our direction” (i6, public organization 1). Having a
and investment commitment strong, clearly communicated vision that the whole organization
Financial investments shares was viewed as enabling digital development at all
Allocated time organizational levels. The role of leadership was perceived as
Recognizing the highly important in enhancing capabilities related to digital
significance of roles and development and change in general.
positions related to digital The interviewees discussed how digitalization has an important
business transformation role in their organizations’ strategy. The strategic emphasis seemed
(e.g., recruitments) to have grown in recent years. For example, the interviewees
Leading - Remolding mindset discussed how generally, in business, separate digitalization
cultural Creating culture for strategies were being merged into existing strategies. Digitalization
change innovation (e.g., creativity, was perceived to be increasingly integrated into all strategic foci:
risk-taking, “Our strategy is all digitalization, well not just, but it has been well-
experimentation, piloting, integrated. We don’t have a separate digitalization strategy;
agile processes) instead, we take it into account in everything” (i4, large company
Learning to fail 3). Integrating digital business development into an organization’s
Enabling Coaching Motivating and inspiring strategy and viewing it as all-encompassing, rather than a separate
employees to achieve section, was perceived as key in leading the change process.
objectives However, the participating organizations seemed to be at different
Encouraging employees to stages in the strategy process. Some organizations’ interviewees
be active and autonomous were seeing strategic visions implemented into action, while others
had a vaguer picture of their organizations’ strategies: “I think it
Promoting Creating space and (digitalization) has been written into (the strategy). But likely the
participation opportunities for gentlemen in the top management remember better what has been
participation written down. But in any case, it’s a strong part of our service” (i5,
Engaging employees in the SME 2). However, even with organizations that were not
change process necessarily that far along in digital business development, the role
Sharing responsibility of strategy was recognized as highly important.
Leading Customer Identifying customers’
networks orientation needs and wants 3.1.2 Commitment and investment
Increasing the role of
The interviewees discussed the importance of top management’s
customers in service
commitment to the digital transformation process: “These are not
some small circle projects, our digi-projects. Instead, this is part of
Digital solutions as
our strategy, and the board of directors is strongly involved in it”
enablers in gaining
(i5, public organization 2). Commitment was perceived to mean not
customer understanding and
just talking about digitalization or writing it into a strategy, but
developing customer-
specifically taking strategic action to promote digital business
oriented services
development. Some organizations recruited new managers to lead
the transformation process. Creating new positions that employ
Collaboration Looking for new digital
experts responsible for digital development was viewed as an
and partnership business opportunities with
important strategic step: “This Friday, we get a new executive
who’s in charge of technology. We also have a project director and
Gaining needed expertise
a director of targeted marketing and customer communication
and solutions through
starting. Right now, we are trying pretty strictly to fill all the roles
related to digitalization” (i1, large company 1). In the interviews,
it also was brought up that the strategic significance of some roles
Leadership in the digital business transformation Academic Mindtrek’18, October 10–11, 2018, Tampere, Finland

and positions had increased or had been recognized in a new way: experimentation and piloting and developing agile processes. At
“Now we no longer have an IT director; we have an IT- some organizations, changes in organizational structure, especially
digitalization director, who rose to the board of directors, so that, when operating in a matrix organization, are considered part of
of course, tells about it” (i1, large company 4). Top management’s cultural change because they require new perspectives and
commitment and active participation in the process, which entails operations. According to the interviewees, one of the main changes
recognition of the significance of roles, positions, and tasks related needed in organizational culture is learning to try new things in a
to digital development, were perceived as important. loose, agile manner without detailed planning and implementation:
Strategic action also meant financial investments. The “Start piloting that digital part in some small way, and when it
interviewees discussed how no significant transitions are possible starts to become more mainstream […], the core of our thing grows
unless the organization is ready to invest significantly in digital […]” (i5, SME 1). It was perceived that lighter piloting and
development: “It hasn’t moved forward earlier because it requires experimentation could lead to significant and lasting discoveries,
investments. It doesn’t move (forward) just by deciding that now as personnel come up with novel, beneficial, out-of-the-box
we’re digital. It takes real investments” (i2, large company 4). solutions.
Investments in digital development were perceived as key in The interviewees also discussed that when creating a culture of
succeeding in a competitive business environment: “In order to innovation, organizations need to learn how to fail, specifically
stand out with digital (services), it requires very successful how to handle failure in a constructive and sustainable way.
investments […]” (i3, large company 2). Some of the interviewees “Wrong shots” were viewed as an inevitable part of
brought up how their organizations had budgeted funds for experimentation and, therefore, should be handled as such: “The
experimentation through agile, innovative practices to create new second thing I see is that we should have permission to fail. We
solutions: “I’d say that we have this kind of innovation budget” (i1, can’t always score […] Or it could be a shot of learning, that we
public organization 1). Budgeting for experiments and innovation understood some other thing, and it was valuable in that way” (i3,
was viewed as something that often is overlooked or of secondary large company 3). The interviewees recognized the need to view
importance to other functions, which can obstruct enhancement of failed experiments as an integral part of the transformation process,
digital business functions. Holding onto the innovation budget was i.e., opportunities to learn, develop, and get ahead. Experimentation
viewed as a strategic action to promote digital business also was viewed as a continuous iteration process that enables agile
development: “For many players, it easily goes that during the service development.
year, new things come, new regulations come, whatever. Therefore, According to the interviewees, mindset and practices can
in the worst case, it eats the innovation cake because the pot for change through a supportive organizational culture. Cultural
regular system development isn’t enough. Then you have to […] change is perceived as requiring people-centered approaches.
start eating from the innovation pot. And our thought is that we’d Emotions are involved in the change process, and trust is needed
rather hold on to that innovation pot, so we can actually build new within the organization. Leading cultural change is considered
things.” (i2, large company 3). important in getting everyone on board: “We have this cultural
In addition to financial investments, the interviewees also modification going on for a second year, and without it, it won’t
brought up how experimentation and innovation take time. happen because we have a lot of people who have been working
Developing new ideas while working on other projects, or trying to here for a long time and done things in a certain way. Therefore,
make time for experimentation, was perceived as quite difficult. A the mindset has to change, how we look at things ahead.” (i2, large
lack of time sometimes even was viewed as hindering digital company 1).
development. The interviewees said it was crucial that time be While leading cultural change to create a culture that cultivates
allocated to address how experimentation should be a central innovation was emphasized in the discussions, some interviewees
strategic focus of in leadership practices: “The lack of time is pretty brought up how their organizations are not necessarily leading
often – people here have absurd amounts of work, so cultural change in a purposeful and consistent manner. A stated
experimentation is lacking because there’s no time for it. If we objective to promote creativity might exist, but the practical
experiment on something, we have to think how it’s solved that we processes still might be lacking: “There’s strong support for staff
get the time. It hasn’t been understood that the experimentation innovativeness, but it’s plain to see that things don’t go forward.
could bring something incredibly more […]. The time management We do a lot of developing and think, ‘yes, yes, we should do this,
[…], there’s no ability to do it here, and I think it’s a leadership this, and this,’ but then there’s no one to make sure that it actually
problem” (i4, SME 2). moves forward” (i3, SME 2). While some of the interviewees were
seeing a need to build more organic innovation practices into their
3.2 Leading cultural change organizations, such as agile experimentation, others saw a need for
In the interviews, it was brought up that cultural modification is a more structured and directed activities: “We should regularly have
big part of digital business transformation; therefore, leading these things related to development of new things. I don’t think it’s
cultural change is key. Leadership was viewed as the backbone of in any way done regularly in our organization. […] We don’t really
organizational culture. The interviewees discussed how digital have any directed activity [for it]” (i2, large company 2). Digital
business transformation requires culture for innovation. This was business transformation is viewed as requiring cultural change in
described as promoting creativity, taking more risks, adopting all organizations, but what that cultural change means in practice

Academic Mindtrek’18, October 10–11, 2018, Tampere, Finland R.-L. Larjovuori et. al.

varies. For example, while creativity and innovativeness are widely their roles, and come up with new ideas. In the constantly changing
emphasized as concepts, organizations still might be searching for digitalizing business environment, it was considered important to
concrete ways to implement these objectives. encourage employees to be active and autonomous in seeking new
ideas and solutions, which was viewed as requiring new skills from
3.3 Enabling leaders, as they generally need to stay in the background and
Digital business transformation was viewed as requiring provide facilities, support, guidance, and encouragement to help
development of leadership approaches. Leadership styles and their often-expert employees succeed: “Leadership is a lot about
approaches were discussed especially in the context of immediate giving space, creating space, building connections -- taking care of
leadership. Hierarchical leadership was perceived as old-fashioned the supportive structures in which people together create their
and unsuitable for the new business environment: “Hierarchical future” (i1, SME 1).
leadership isn’t possible in the same way in expert organizations.
Digital solutions lead to that participatory transformation and to 3.3.2 Promoting participation
that co-creation-type angle. There should be solutions to those to Participatory leadership practices were perceived as important in
manage the organization” (i4, SME 1). The role of experts the digital-transformation process. The interviewees emphasized
reportedly is increasing in these organizations, which challenges promoting low hierarchy in the organization, as well as creating
traditional leadership roles and styles. Employees might have more space for participation. In the changing environment, it was
expertise and knowledge in their tasks than the people who lead considered crucial that employees become involved in the
them, which changes the needs of both employees and leaders, as transformation process in various ways. Getting staff engaged was
well as the superior-subordinate relationship. viewed as helping to carry out new ideas and practices. For
While it still was considered important for leaders to provide example, some organizations arranged co-creation workshops or
direction and lead the change process in an assertive and consistent utilized change agents to involve staff and get them engaged in the
manner, the overall role of leaders was viewed as moving toward digital-transformation process, while other organizations did not
the role of an enabler who helps and supports employees in feel that formal efforts to increase participation are necessarily
reaching their goals. The two main themes covered in the required and that employee participation should be implicit in the
interviewees’ discussions on enabling leadership were coaching culture: “I’d say we have a pretty participative, if not very formal,
leadership style and promoting participation. In both of these way of doing things. We don’t necessarily have instructions on how
themes, open relationships that promote dialogue are viewed as to involve your staff to innovate and stuff. It’s actually pretty much
central, along with recognizing and treating employees as experts in our culture, our way of doing things. Because you can’t do it any
at their own work. other way” (i4, large company 4). In the interviews, it was
emphasized that without actively involving staff, much expertise
3.3.1 Coaching and potential will be ignored, changes will be half-measures, and
The digitalizing work and business environment was viewed as in the end, true business transformation cannot be achieved.
needing more of a coaching leadership style. This was perceived as The participatory approach from leadership was perceived as
a major change compared with more traditional leadership being able to grow by doing. The leaders were not necessarily
approaches. Coaching was viewed as supporting employees and accustomed to involving employees, and the expectation of active
helping them succeed in their work: “[…] The task is to primarily participation also could be a foreign concept to employees. The
be a coach to one’s subordinates, to be as close (as needed) for interviewees said leaders need to provide space and opportunities
them to succeed. If they don’t succeed, then it’s up to the supervisor for participation and to encourage employees to bring up their ideas
to do something, […] (then) the coaching hasn’t been adequate. and get involved: “All of these things come consequentially when
Compared to the world before, it’s quite a big change” (i1, large people just do it in their own work. […] Then one has the courage
company 2). Motivating and empowering employees were viewed to take a stand and present one’s own ideas. And when there are
as integral aspects of coaching leadership style. In addition, enough opportunities for that, everyone gets used to it, that kind of
providing feedback and showing support were considered way of working” (i4, public organization 2). Promoting active
important in helping employees reach their goals. The interviewees participation also was viewed as sharing responsibility. Low
discussed how instead of trying to be someone with all the hierarchy and increased autonomy were perceived as requiring that
knowledge and answers – which in expert organizations is leaders show confidence in their employees and that employees
impossible – leaders need to learn new skills to be able to coach take responsibility for their work: “I think that in our
employees on how to find ways to develop. The leaders’ task was organizational culture, we have a bit of a need to learn that if
viewed as finding and learning new ways to motivate, inspire, and people are given more latitude, they should also take responsibility
encourage employees to achieve objectives: “Now it’s no longer for the outcome” (i1, SME 2). Overall, increasing participation was
that the supervisor knows all trivia. Instead, s/he has to be an expert viewed as requiring new skills and competencies from both leaders
in getting people to realize how they can improve their own and employees.
performance. It requires totally new skills” (i2, large company 3). Even though participatory practices were perceived as highly
Digital business transformation was perceived as requiring important, some interviewees brought up the dilemma of involving
leadership that encourages employees to be autonomous, develop employees in change processes that might transform their work

Leadership in the digital business transformation Academic Mindtrek’18, October 10–11, 2018, Tampere, Finland

duties in significant ways, and in the long run, even make their jobs For example, they were organizing workshops to gain customer
redundant: “Very strongly, we aim to involve our staff […]. But of insights and using questionnaires to gauge service experiences.
course, when we talk about projects that, for example, strongly Building customer-oriented practices was viewed as a major
reshape our way of doing things or something, of course, those are focus among leaders in digital business transformation. Even if
more challenging from the staff’s point of view. Because opening customers’ role in the service-development process was, in some
those practically means that someone somewhere starts to ponder, ways, unclear, and not that many practices were established that
‘Wait a minute, will I have a job in the future?’ And considering involved customers, the importance of customer orientation still
that, the involvement of staff, in general, they always participate if had been identified within the organizations: “And we come back
possible, but then in some cases, no” (i5, large company 3). to that service design, what we can provide to our customers and
However, while the interviewees were aware of the possibly their customers, customers’ customers and customers’ staff. That
worrisome scenarios with digital development, they also viewed we have talked about here, but maybe we can’t exactly make it
participation as a way to reduce change-related anxiety because it concrete just yet what it could be” (i1, large company 4).
helps them remain in the loop on the change process and decreases Underestimating customers’ role in digital business development
uncertainty. was perceived as detrimental: “I don’t know how much it brings,
but at least you’re going to lose if you’re not in it” (i7, public
3.4 Leading networks organization 1). The interviewees discussed the importance of
The role of networks in digital business transformation was brought service design and co-creation in the context of digital business
up repeatedly in the interviews. This was perceived to be a major transformation, emphasizing the need to develop new practices for
leadership-related change that is needed in the digital- engaging customers. Some organizations were more ahead of the
transformation process. The discussion on networks covered two curve in customer orientation than others, but the increasing need
themes: customer orientation, and collaboration and partnership. for customer-oriented leadership seemed to be widely recognized.
The interviewees talked about how organizations cannot focus
inward any longer and must reach out to clients/customers more 3.4.2 Collaboration and partnership
often and in new ways, as well as actively seek partnerships with In addition to customers’ increased role in digital business
other organizations to be able to develop operations and services. transformation, the role of business collaborations and partnerships
also was emphasized. Partnerships were viewed as making digital
3.4.1 Customer orientation transformation easier, e.g., by making new business possibilities
The interviewees brought up how the role of customers is changing and opportunities available in new ways: “With various partners,
in the digital transformation. This was viewed as requiring we can be present in the digital world; it broadens our availability,
leadership with a stronger focus on customers and new ways of our reach” (i2, large company 3). The organizations seemed to
viewing customers’ role in the production process. They perceived have recognized that they cannot do everything themselves;
new hopes, needs, and expectations from customers, requiring new therefore, they need to cultivate collaborations. Interviewees often
ways of producing and providing services. Customer expectations cited a lack of time allotted for digitalization-related business
also were viewed as a driving force for digital business development, and perceived building partnerships and utilizing
development: “But the demands are coming from customers. […] business partners’ knowledge as a possibility for building agile
In a way, this change in the operational environment also drives us processes to keep up with new developments: “We are working on
in this digital development […]” (i2, public organization 1). building an operations model that, in practice, would be some
Customer expectations were perceived as more varied and outside quarter that would help us. Because if we, for example,
individualized than before, and digital solutions were viewed as decided that I follow startups in addition to my other work, and then
enablers in both gaining customer understanding and developing when I do it, in a good week for a half-hour and in a bad (week) not
customer-oriented services: “Digitalization is a possibility […] to at all, it’d be useless. And now there are some contacts with whom
move closer to the customer” (i4, large company 3). In addition, we could arrange to build a model, where we would collect
“it’s more [about] customer understanding, customer-oriented information and insight about what’s going on” (i5, large company
things, that the digitalization enables” (i8, public organization 1). 2).
Especially when discussing the future of business, customers The interviewees also said that it might not be necessary to
were perceived as defining products and services. This was thought digitalize everything inside the organization. Instead, organizations
to require changes in leaders’ perspectives, as the supplier-centered could develop their products and services by facilitating
approach no longer was viewed as adequate: “The customer’s collaboration: “We have, for example, considered possibilities that
future, it determines what we do in the field and what we do here in what if we didn’t do everything ourselves? That we would just
the background. I see that the future is that we react to the customer provide interfaces, for example” (i4, public organization 1). This
and not that we provide something […] and hope that they want was perceived as requiring change in thought and attitude because
what we’re offering” (i2, large company 1). The participating digital business transformation calls for new kinds of expertise and
organizations aimed to involve customers in the development of operations that could be gained through new partnerships. The
services, planning and utilizing various ways to involve customers. interviewees said organizations should look for new collaboration
opportunities openly: “[…] We shouldn’t be defensive. Instead, we

Academic Mindtrek’18, October 10–11, 2018, Tampere, Finland R.-L. Larjovuori et. al.

should be active participants in that world, through partnerships if Interestingly, competencies as such did not come up as a major
we can’t or don’t want to do it (ourselves) […]. We should be theme in the interviews, even though in general, they are considered
humble because some small innovative company can be really essential in the digitalization process (cf [1]). However, operational
important for us […]” (i3, large company 3). This was viewed as models, piloting, prototyping, and agile practices were mentioned
requiring changes in leadership practices, as trust and openness are both as something that the organizations need to learn, as well as a
prerequisites for fruitful partnerships. Opening operations for means of developing and learning. It can be argued that these
partners was perceived as a novel way to develop business. capabilities can be viewed as new competencies. In addition, the
However, while co-creation with both customers and partners was discussed changes in both mindset and practices also require new
viewed as important in digital business transformation, some skills from both leaders and employees. Therefore, while the role
reservations and considerations concerning organizations’ of competencies was not often mentioned explicitly in the
readiness for embracing new kinds of open partnerships appeared interviews, it seemed to be implicitly included. It could be that
to surface. developing competencies is still quite often understood as formal
Even if the organizations were not quite there yet regarding co- learning (e.g., organized education and training), and that informal
creational partnerships, the interviewees strongly perceived that learning, which takes place in everyday work, might not always be
new kinds of collaborations were the future of business. recognized as learning.
Collaboration was viewed as a possibility for new kinds of According to the results, there seems to be a need for various
innovations to benefit customers, as well as organizations. kinds of leadership practices at different organizational levels and
in different roles. The discussions on leaders as enablers
3.5 Discussion emphasized the meaning of immediate leadership in the change
This paper’s objective was to recognize key leadership foci in process. Particularly regarding the role of first-line managers and
digital business transformation. The study’s novelty lies in its team leaders, leadership that enables employees to take
context: Leadership in digital transformation was discussed with responsibility, succeed, and develop themselves is considered
interviewees who are working in organizations that are going important. In addition, the need to engage employees to participate
through the change process. The interview data were rich, in developing various tasks related to digital business development
combining views of organizations at different stages of was recognized. While participating in change processes may
development. Even though the organizations’ stages of digital induce feelings of uncertainty toward the future, it also might
maturity varied, obvious similarities existed in the discussions of increase control over one’s work and the change process, as well as
the role and foci of leadership, through which the four themes provide opportunities to learn. In the rapidly changing work-life
presented in this paper were recognized. The themes cover environment, with the threat of employment termination ever-
leadership at the strategic, cultural, supervisory, and network present, strengthening staff employability by supporting learning is
levels. viewed as part of organizations’ sociocultural sustainability (cf [30;
The results indicate that strategic vision is an essential starting 31]).
point for digital business development. The role of strategic vision While the interviewees discussed leadership approaches and
also has been brought up in extant literature (e.g., [7; 18]). styles in the context of digital business transformation, their views
However, although the importance of strategic approaches to are quite similar to more general approaches presented in extant
digital development was recognized, their practical implementation literature covering leadership within modern organizations (cf
and requirements were not necessarily understood substantially [16]). The kind of leadership approaches and practices that
within all of the participating organizations. It can be recognized participants described in the interviews are reflected, e.g., in
that the level of digital maturity differed among the organizations servant leadership theory [32] and in literature on engaging
(cf [18]) because despite having business digitalization written into leadership [33]. These also have been identified as leadership styles
the strategy, not all the organizations carried out the actual strategic that support well-being at work. A leader no longer is perceived as
operations and actions, e.g., making the investments needed for the merely an authority: The role is moving toward one that helps
digitalization process. professionals utilize their expertise in reaching organizational
The broad and all-encompassing nature of digital business goals. Enabling and participatory-leadership practices can be
transformation could be seen in the discussions on changing viewed as part of sustainable utilization of human capital, which
organizational culture. The role of the leader was considered often is considered the most crucial component of success in
important in promoting the culture of experimentation, accepting today’s business environment (e.g., [30; 34]).
“trial and error,” and developing agile practices. These were In addition to leading organizations’ internal changes, leaders
perceived as aspects of a culture that cultivates innovation, which also need to focus on outside networks, which comprise both
was considered both a new mindset and a new way to do things customers and partners. The role of networks is expected to
collectively. The role of organizational culture also is recognized increase as digital business development advances. This creates
in extant literature, e.g., Wokurka et al. [29], who argue that one of new varieties of openness and co-creation needs for customers,
the main reasons that digital development might not move forward wider networks, and ecosystems. The role of customer-centricity is
despite strategic alignments is that the organizational culture does emphasized, as well as the need for building and maintaining
not support it. networks and partnerships. This is in line with extant literature on

Leadership in the digital business transformation Academic Mindtrek’18, October 10–11, 2018, Tampere, Finland

business digitalization (e.g., [2; 18]). Customers seem to be 4 CONCLUSIONS

perceived increasingly as the group that, in many ways, defines the
This paper provides an empirical study that examines the role of
direction of service development. In digitalizing business
leadership in digital business transformation. In-depth interviews
environment, most organizations need outside help in designing
were conducted with personnel from eight service organizations,
and implementing digital solutions. Service design and other co-
then analyzed qualitatively to identify and gain understanding of
creational approaches are considered crucial in leading both
the main leadership foci in digital transformations within
customer and partner collaborations. This might require building
participating organizations. In the analysis, four main themes were
new skills and mindsets from leaders, especially within
recognized: strategic vision and action, leading cultural change,
organizations that traditionally have taken a cautious approach to
enabling, and leading networks. The results emphasize the broad
outside parties, relying mainly on their own expertise.
and comprehensive quality of both digital development and
The interviewees’ discussions on the leadership needed in the
leadership, as the identified themes approach digital
digitalization process seemed to focus largely on what should be or
transformation-related leadership foci at strategic, cultural,
what is still required for the change process to advance
supervisory, and network levels. This study’s results provide useful
successfully. There was not much description about how conditions
information on organizational digitalization in the service sector, as
are now, although the interviewees do describe, to some extent, the
well as on the complex role of leadership during this process. The
successful directions and operations taken within their
study brings up key leadership foci as perceived in organizations
organizations. The reason for the emphasis on what is still needed
going through the digital business transformation process. As a
might be that development is still in progress, and how to further
managerial implication, we argue that developing capabilities for
advance digital transformation is a major focus within
digital business leadership requires a holistic view of the
organizations. However, being in the middle of change seemed to
organization and its environment. The organizational structures and
make it easy for the interviewees to recognize the key foci of
practices, culture, competence development and organizational
leadership in the digital transformation.
learning can be seen to comprise a dynamic system, in which the
All the participating organizations represented the service
leadership in various organizational levels contributes to reaching
sector, a factor that needs to be considered. For example, banking,
the organizational goals.
insurance, and retail, which all were represented in the data, have
been considered early adopters of business digitalization [35].
However, participating organizations also included a company ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
from the field of property management, which is considered a This study is part of a research project funded by Business Finland.
rather traditional and slow-moving field. The interviewees The authors would like to thank Laurea University of Applied
represented managerial and expert positions, which probably Sciences for its collaboration on the project, as well as all other
influenced their views on digital transformation and leadership. If participating organizations.
the interviewees were, for example, blue-collar workers, their
views on leadership needs could be different. In addition, the role
of leadership and perceived development requirements might differ
among fields. The role of leadership in digitalization, such as in the REFERENCES
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