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Unit 3 Written Quiz: Listen To Kim and Alex Talk About Their Health Habits. Circle The Correct Answers

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Unit 3 Written quiz Name: __________________________ Total Score

Date: __________________________ ______ /50 points

A Listen to Kim and Alex talk about their health habits. Circle the correct answers.
1. Alex goes to the gym ______________ . 3. Kim likes to eat ______________ .
a. every day a. vegetables
b. on weekdays b. meat
c. only on weekends c. dessert
2. Alex eats a lot of ______________ . 4. Kim doesn’t have time ______________ .
a. snacks a. to cook
b. salads b. to exercise
c. junk food c. to see her family

A _______ /8 points (2 points each)

B Complete the conversations with the simple present or the present continuous. Use contractions where possible.
1. A ______________ you ever ______________ (get) colds?
B Yeah, I do. Actually, I think I ______________ (get) a cold right now.
A ______________ you usually ______________ (take) something when
you ______________ (have) a cold?
B No, not usually.
2. A What ______________ you generally ______________ (do) to stay in shape?
B Well, for one thing, I ______________ (walk) to work every day.
A Uh-huh. ______________ you ever ______________ (go) to the gym?
B Not these days. I ______________ (not work out) at all. I’m too busy.
3. A ______________ you ______________ (do) anything to stay healthy these days?
B Actually, I ______________ (get) a lot of exercise these days.
A That’s great. ______________ you usually ______________ (eat) healthy food, too?
B Oh, yeah. My diet’s great because my husband ______________ (cook) wonderful meals.

B _______ /12 points (1 point each)


Touchstone 2 © Cambridge University Press 2014 Photocopiable Unit 3 Written quiz 1

C Complete the sentences with the problems in the box. There is one extra problem.

allergies a fever a sore throat a toothache

a cough a headache a stomachache

1. She has ______________ .

1. 4.
2. He has ______________ .
3. He has ______________ .
4. She has ______________ .
5. She has ______________ .
2. 5.
6. She has ______________ .

3. 6.

C _______ /6 points (1 point each)

D Write answers to the questions. Use the words in parentheses.

Example: A What do you do if you’re very tired?
B _______________________________________________________
If / When I’m very tired, I take a hot bath . (take a hot bath)
OR _______________________________________________________
I take a hot bath if / when I’m very tired .
1. A What do you do when you get a sore throat?
B _______________________________________________________ . (drink tea with honey)

2. A What do you do if you have a high fever?

B _______________________________________________________ . (take some medicine)

3. A What do you do when you get a headache?

B _______________________________________________________ . (not do anything)

4. A What do you do if you get an upset stomach?

B _______________________________________________________ . (lie down for a while)

D _______ /8 points (2 points each)


Touchstone 2 © Cambridge University Press 2014 Photocopiable Unit 3 Written quiz 2

E Read each statement. Circle the best response to encourage the people to continue talking about the subject.
1. A I don’t like to exercise. 3. A Sometimes I have interesting dreams.
B _____ B _____
a. Oh, really? How come? a. Did you sleep well last night?
b. Do you exercise every day? b. Really? Like what?
c. I don’t either. c. I like my dreams.
2. A I have a terrible toothache. 4. A I work out about twelve hours a week.
B _____ B _____
a. I’m sorry. What did you eat? a. Oh. That’s a lot.
b. Yeah. I had a toothache last month. b. I never work out.
c. That’s too bad. Do you have c. You’re kidding! What do you do?
a dentist’s appointment?

E _______ /8 points (2 points each)

F Read the leaflet about a new class. What can you learn in this class? Circle the four things.

In this class, you can learn how to . . .

a. become a vegetarian. e. cope with stress.
b. shop for healthy food. f. make new friends.
c. exercise more often. g. choose a good restaurant.
d. improve your sleep habits. h. cook healthy meals.

F _______ /8 points (2 points each)

Touchstone 2 © Cambridge University Press 2014 Photocopiable Unit 3 Written quiz 3

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