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Petency Based Questions

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1. An infinitely long positively charged straight wire has a linear charge

density λ. An electron is revolving around the wire with a constant
velocity. Deduce an expression for kinetic energy.

2. Two point charges +Q & +4Q are separated by a distance of 6a.

Find the point on the line joining the two charges where the electric
field is zero.
3. A hemispherical body is placed in a uniform electric field E. What is
the flux associated with the curved surface, if field is (i) parallel to
base? (ii) Perpendicular to base?
4. What will be the electric field intensity at the center of a uniformly
charged circular wire of linear charge density?
5. Two point electric charges of unknown magnitude and sign are
placed at a distance d apart. The electric field intensity is zero at a
point, not between the charges but on the line joining them. Write
two essential conditions for this to happen.
6. Three point charges q, – 4q and 2q are placed at the vertices of an
equilateral triangle ABC of side ‘l’ as shown in the figure. Obtain the
expression for the magnitude of the resultant electric force acting on
the charge q.
7. Three point charges q, – 4q and 2q are placed at the vertices of an
equilateral triangle ABC of side ‘l’ as shown in the figure. Obtain the
expression for the magnitude of the resultant electric force acting on
the charge q.
8. A long charged cylinder of linear charge density + 𝞴1 is surrounded
by a hollow coaxial conducting cylinder of linear charge density 𝞴 2.
Use Gauss’s law to obtain expressions for the electric field at a point
(i) in the space between the cylinders, and (ii) outside the larger
9. Two parallel uniformly charged infinite plane sheets, ‘1’ and ‘2’, have
charge densities + 𝞼 and – 2 𝞼 respectively. Give the magnitude and
direction of the net electric field at a point
(i) in between the two sheets and
(ii) outside near the sheet ‘1’.
10. A point charge +Q is placed in the vicinity of a conducting surface.
Trace the field lines between the charge and the conducting surface.
11. Find out the outward flux due to a point charge + q placed at the
centre of a cube of side ‘a’. Why is it found to be independent of the
size and shape of the surface enclosing it? Explain.
12. Two identical circular loops ‘1’ and ‘2’ of radius R each have linear
charge densities – 𝞼 and + 𝞼 C/m respectively. The loops are placed
coaxially with their centres R distance apart. Find the magnitude and
direction of the net electric field at the centre of loop ‘1’.
13. ‘‘Gauss’s law in electrostatics is true for any closed surface, no
matter what its shape or size is.’’ Justify this statement with the help
of a suitable example.
14. Draw a plot showing variation of electric field with distance from the
centre of a solid conducting sphere of radius R, having a charge of
+Q on its surface.
15. A point charge +Q is placed in the vicinity of a conducting surface.
Draw the electric field lines between the surface and the charge.
16. A wire AB of length L has linear charge density 𝞴 = kx, where x is
measured from the end A of the wire. This wire is enclosed by a
Gaussian hollow surface. Find the expression for the electric flux
through this surface.
17. A thin metallic spherical shell of radius R carries a charge Q on its
surface. A point charge Q/2 is placed at its center C and another
charge +2Q is placed outside the shell at a distance x from the
center as shown in the figure. Find (i) the force on the charge at the
center of shell and at the point A, (ii) the electric flux through the

18. An Oil drop of mass ‗m‘ and charge –q is to be held stationary in the
gravitational field of the earth. What is the magnitude and direction
of the electrostatic field required for this purpose?
19. Two charges, each of + 16 μC, are placed along a line at a distance
r apart. A third charge .Q is placed between them. Determine the
position and value of Q so that the system is in equilibrium.
20. ABC is an equilateral triangle of side 10 m. D is the mid-point of BC.
Charge + 100 μC, -- 100 μC and + 75 μC are placed at B, C and D
respectively. What is the force experienced by a1 C positive charge
placed at A?
21. An ‘atom’ was earlier assumed to be a sphere of radius a having a
positively charged point nucleus of charge +Ze at its centre. This
nucleus was believed to be surrounded by a uniform density of
negative charge that made the atom neutral as a whole.
Use this theorem to find the electric field of this ‘atom’ at a distance
r (r<a) from the centre of the atom.

22. A point charge +Q is placed at the centre O of an uncharged hollow

spherical conductor of inner radius ‘a’ and outer radius ‘b’. Find the
23. (a) The magnitude and sign of the charge induced on the inner and
outer surface of the conducting shell.
24. (b) The magnitude of electric field vector at a distance (i) r = a/2 ,
and (ii) r = 2b, from the centre of the shell.

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