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Cuestionario SUSESO - ISTAS21 Versión Completa en Inglés

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SUSESO/ISTAS 21 Questionnaire. Long Version.

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SUSESO / ISTAS21 Questionnaire

Long Version

Please answer ALL the questions. Remember that there are no good or wrong answers. Your answers
will be treated with absolute confidentiality.

General Section

Demographic data
1. Male
2. Female.

How old are you?

1. Less than 26 years old
2. Between 26 and 35 years old
3. Between 36 and 45 years old
4. Between 46 and 55 years old
5. More than 55 years old

General Health

N Question Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor

In general, would you say your
SG1 health is

How true or false is each of the following statements for you?

Please answer ALL questions and choose ONE RESPONSE for EACH ONE.

Definitely Mostly Don’t Mostly Definitely

Nº Question
true true know false false

SG2 I seem to get sick a little easier than other people

SG3 I am as healthy as anybody I know
SG4 I expect my health to get worse
SG5 My health is excellent
2 | SUSESO/ISTAS 21 Questionnaire. Long Version.

The following 9 questions are about how did you feel and how things have been for you DURING THE LAST 4
WEEKS. For each question, please give the answer that comes closest to the way you have been feeling.

A good
All of the Most of the A little bit of None of
Nº Question bit of the
time time the time the time
SM1 Have you been a very nervous person?
Have you felt so down in the dumps that
nothing could cheer you up?
SM3 Have you felt calm and peaceful?

SM4 Have you felt downhearted and blue?

SM5 Have you been a happy person?

VT1 Did you feel full of pep?

VT2 Did you have a lot of energy?

VT3 Did you feel worn out?

VT4 Did you feel tired?

AT1. In the past 12 months, have you ever had a work accident such as a blow, fall, injury, cut, fracture, burn or
poisoning? (Exclude commuting accidents)

EP1. Do you have or have you had any diagnosed illness that has been provoked and / or aggravated by work?
SUSESO/ISTAS 21 Questionnaire. Long Version. | 3

DURING THE LAST FOUR WEEKS, how often have you had the following problems?
Please choose ONE ANSWER for EACH statement.

Nº Question Never/
Always Often Sometimes Seldom
hardly ever

SR1 I have not wanted to speak with anyone/have been withdrawn.

SR2 I have not been able to sleep well

SR3 I have been irritable

SR4 I have felt overwhelmed

SR5 Have you felt a tight chest or chest pain?

SR6 Have you been short of breath?

SR7 Have you felt tension in various muscles?

SR8 Have you had headaches?

SR9 Have you had problems in concentrating?

SR10 Have you had difficulty in taking decisions?

SR11 Have you had difficulty with remembering?

SR12 Have you found it difficult to think clearly?

Current Work and Employment

TE1. In what geographical unit (branch, floor, region, etc.) do you work? (List of units considered)

TE2. What status, profession or position are you in? (List of estates, professions, offices, etc.)

TE3. In which department, unit or section do you work? (List of departments, units, etc.)

TE4. In the past year, have you worked in two or more sections or departments at the same time?

TE5. In the past year, have you had two or more bosses or supervisors at the same time?
0. No
1. Sí

TE6. Does the work you do match your salary?

0. Yes
1. No, the work I do is above what is recognized in the salary
2. No, the work I do is below what is recognized in the salary
3. I don’t know

TE7. How long have you been working in this company or institution?
4 | SUSESO/ISTAS 21 Questionnaire. Long Version.

0. From 0 to 6 months
1. More than 6 months and up to 2 years
2. More than 2 years and up to 5 years
3. More than 5 years and up to 10 years
4. More than 10 years

TE8. Do you consider that the promotions you have had are in harmony with the time you have been in the company or institution?
0. No
1. Yes

TE9. Your working day is:

0. part time
1. full time
2. not subject to schedule compliance

TE10. Your work schedule is:

1. daytime (morning and afternoon)
2. fixed morning shift
3. fixed afternoon shift
4. fixed night shift
5. rotating shifts

TE11. Your working week is:

1. from Monday to Friday
2. from Monday to Saturday
3. only on week-ends or holidays
4. from Monday to Friday, sometimes on Saturday, Sunday or holidays
5. full week, including Saturday, Sunday, and holidays

TE12. If in your work they change your schedule (shift, starting time, finishing time, days of the week), how far in advance are you informed?
0. They do not change my schedule or work days
1. I am usually informed with several days in advance and it does not cause me major problems.
2. I am usually informed a few days in advance, but it causes me difficulties in other aspects of my life.
3. I am usually informed from one day to another.
4. I am usually informed on the same day.

TE13. Indicate how many hours per week you worked for the company or institution last week:
SUSESO/ISTAS 21 Questionnaire. Long Version. | 5

____ hours per week

TE14. If in the previous question you scored less than 45 (44 public sector) hours, state the reason. If you scored more than 45 (44 public
sector) hours, check the first alternative.
0. Last week I worked 45 (44) hours or more
1. I work part-time for this company or institution.
2. I have an irregular distribution of my working day (I do not always work the same hours)
3. I've been on vacation, sick or with permission
4. Other motives.

TE15. What type of employment relationship do you have with the company or institution?
1. I have an indefinite contract or my position is permanent
2. I have a temporary contract
3. I work by tasks or projects
4. I am hired by an external company
5. I have a fee contract
6. I'm a student in practice
7. I do not have a contract

TE16. Approximately how much is your monthly net salary?

1. CL$200,000 or less
2. from CL$200,001 to CL$500,000
3. from CL$500,001 to CL$800,000
4. from CL$800,001 to CL$1,000,000
5. from CL$1,000,001 to CL$1,000,000
6. more than CL$2,000,000

TE17. Your salary is:

1. Fix
2. Basic salary plus bonus, commissions or variable
3. Only variable

TE18. What part of your salary do you use to pay debts (consider debts of commercial houses, bank cards, debts for education and health,
mortgage debts)?
0. I have no debts.
1. I destine up to 10% of my salary to pay my debts
2. I destine up to 25% (one fourth) of my salary to pay my debts
3. I destine up to 50% (one half) of my salary to pay my debts
4. I destine more than 50% (more than a half) of my salary to pay my debts

TE19. If you have debts, indicate how difficult it is to pay them

6 | SUSESO/ISTAS 21 Questionnaire. Long Version.

0. I have no debts
1. I have debts, but I have no difficulty paying them
2. I have debts, and I have occasional difficulties to pay them
3. I have debts, and I always have difficulties paying them
4. I have debts, and I have permanent and serious difficulties to pay them

TE20. What part of family and / or domestic work do you have to do? (Cleaning, shopping, cooking, taking care of children and older
0. I do none or almost none of household chores
1. I only do occasional household chores
2. I do about a quarter of the household chores
3. I do about half the household chores
4. I am the primary responsible and do most of the household chores.

TE21. If you are absent one day from home, the household chores you do, are left undone?
0. None of the time
1. A little bit of the time
2. A good bit of the time
3. Most of the time
4. All of the time

Sick Leaves
LM1. In the last 12 months, how many sick leaves have you had? (Excepting maternity leaves and leaves due to serious illness of an infant
under 1 year of age)
0. I have had no sick leave in the last year
1. Approximately, I have had _____ sick leaves in the last year

LM3. In the last 12 months, how many days have you been on sick leave? (Excepting maternity leaves, and leaves due to serious illness
of an infant under 1 year of age)
0. I have had no sick leave in the last year.
1. I have had approximately ________ days of sick leave in the last year.

Psychosocial risk section

SUSESO/ISTAS 21 Questionnaire. Long Version. | 7

Please answer ALL questions and choose ONE ANSWER for each question.
Remember that there are no good or bad answers. What we are interested in is your opinion on the
contents and demands of your work. Thank you very much.

The following questions deal with the demands of your job

Code Question Always Often Seldom hardly
Do you have to work very fast to deliver requested tasks in a short

CU2 Is your workload unevenly distributed so it piles up?

CU3 Do you have enough time for keeping your tasks up-to-date?

CU4 Do you get behind your work?

CU5 How often can you take it easy and still do your work?

CU6 Do you have enough time for your work tasks?

CU7 Do you have to do overtime to complete your work tasks?

CO1 Do you have to keep your eyes on lots of things while you work?

CO2 Does your work require that you remember a lot of things?

Does your work demand that you are good at coming up with new

CO4 Does your work require you to make quick decisions?

CO5 Does your work require you to make difficult decisions?

Do you have to make decisions of great importance to your place of

Does your work have significant repercussions on your peers, clients,
users, machines or facilities?

CO8 Does your work require a wide knowledge?

Code Question Always Often Seldom hardly
Are there moments and / or situations in your work that cause you emotional
8 | SUSESO/ISTAS 21 Questionnaire. Long Version.

EM2 In general, do you consider that your work causes you emotional exhaustion?

EE1 Does your work require that you do not state your opinion?

EE2 Does your work require that you hide your feelings?

ES1 Does your work demand a great deal of concentration?

ES2 Does your work require that you have very clear and precise eyesight?

ES3 Does your work demand your constant attention?

ES4 Does your work require a high level of precision?

The following questions are about the margin of autonomy you have in your current job.
Code Question Always Often Seldom hardly

IN1 Do other people make decisions concerning your work?

IN2 Can you influence how quickly you work?

IN3 Do you have a say in choosing who you work with?

IN4 Can you influence the amount of work assigned to you?

IN5 Do you have any influence on when you work?

IN6 Can you influence the quality of your work?

IN7 Can you decide the order in which you perform your tasks?

Some Never/
Code Question Always Often Seldom
times hardly ever
CT1 Can you decide when to take a break?

CT2 Can you take holidays more or less when you wish?
SUSESO/ISTAS 21 Questionnaire. Long Version. | 9

CT3 Can you leave your work to have a chat with a colleague?
If you have some private business, is it possible for you to leave your
place of work for half an hour without special permission?

The following questions concern the possibilities of development, the sense of work and the integration within the
company or institution.

Some Never/
Code Question Always Often Seldom
times hardly ever

PD1 Is your work varied (different and diverse tasks)?

PD2 Does your work demand a high level of skill or expertise?

10 | SUSESO/ISTAS 21 Questionnaire. Long Version.

PD3 Do you have to do the same thing over and over again?

PD4 Does your work require you to take the initiative?

PD5 Do you have the possibility of learning new things through your work?

PD6 Can you use your skills or expertise in your work?

PD7 Does your work give you the opportunity to develop your skills?

ST1 Is your work meaningful?

ST2 Do you feel that the work you do is important?

ST3 Do you feel committed to your profession or craft?

Would you like to stay at your current place of work, equal conditions,
for the rest of your working life?
IE2 Do you enjoy telling others about your place of work?

IE3 Do you feel that the problems at your place of work are yours too?
Do you feel that your place of work is of great personal importance to
SUSESO/ISTAS 21 Questionnaire. Long Version. | 11

The following questions deal with the degree of definition of your tasks and the conflicts that may be involved in the
performance of your current work.

The Some Never/

Codefollowing questions have to do with the recognition of your work. Always
Question Often Seldom
times hardly ever
Some Never/
RL1 Question
Do you know exactly how much say you have at work? Always Often Seldom
times hardly ever
The next
ET1 questions have to do with the Isupport
deservethat you receive to carry out your work.
RL2 MyDoes
superiors give
your work me the
have recognition
clear objectives?

RL3 MyDopeers give me
you know the recognition
exactly which areasI deserve
are of your responsibility? Never/
Code Question Always Often Seldom hardly
RL4 InDo
difficult situations
you know at work
exactly what Iisreceive theofnecessary
expected support
you at work?

you place of work,
do things are you
at work, informed
which well in advance
are accepted by someofpeople
changes that
RS1 In my work they treat me unfairly
may affect your
but not by others?future, both work and personal?
If I think of all the work and effort I have done, the recognition I
CR2 receive
Do contradictory demands placed onyouyou at work?
RS2 in receive
my workallseems
the information
appropriate need in order to do your work
Do you sometimes have to do things which ought to have been
RS3 done
Does in a different
your way?
supervisor talk to you about how you do your job?
Do you sometimes have to do things, which seem to you to be
How often is your immediate superior willing to listen to your work
RS4following questions have to do with your concern about possible changes in your current working conditions.
The related
Do youproblems?
have to do things against your principles and values at
RS5 Do you get help and support from your direct superior?
I am I am more or I am a little
I am very I am not
Code Questions extremely less bit
RC1 How often do you talk to your peers about how you do your job? concerned concerned
concerned concerned concerned

RC2 Howyou
Are questions
often are your
worried deal with
if you are firedthe
not to yourwith
renewed? your bosses
problems at work?or direct supervisors in your current job

Howyou often do you Some Never/

Code Question
RC3 Are worried aboutgethowhelp and itsupport
difficult would beforto your tasks from
find another job inyour
Always Often
hardly ever
IC2 colleagues?
the event that you become unemployed?
CL1 Do your immediate superiors ensure that each worker has good
RC4 Are you
career worried if your
development salary varies
opportunities? (they
(skills do noteducation)
training, readjust it, have it
IC3 Is there a good atmosphere between you and your co-workers?
lowered, they introduce variable salary, get paid in kind)?
CL2 Are your immediate superiors good at work planning?
RC5 Do you help each other at work with colleagues?
IC4 Are you worried if they do not make you a permanent contract?
CL3 Are your immediate superiors good at solving conflicts?
RC6 In your work, do you feel that you are part of a group or team?
IC5 Are
Are your
you worried aboutsuperiors
immediate not beinggoodpromoted?
at communicating with the
Are you worried if you are moved against your will to another place
IT1 Do your immediate superiors give importance to workers being
CL5 of work, functions, unit, department or section?
comfortable at work?
IT2 Are
CL6 Areyour
you immediate
worried if they changegood
superiors yourattasks against
allocating theyour will?

Are you worried if they change your schedule (shifts, days of the
week, times of entry and exit) against your will?

The following questions have to do with your concern about family responsibilities
Some Never/
Code Question Always Often Seldom
times hardly ever
12 | SUSESO/ISTAS 21 Questionnaire. Long Version.

When you are at work, do you think about domestic and family
Are there situations where you should be at work and at home at the
DP2 same time? (To care for a sick child, for an accident of a relative, for the
care of old persons, etc.)

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