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INE Host and Network Penetration Testing Post Exploitation Course Files

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Course Introduction
Alexis Ahmed
Senior Penetration Tester @HackerSploit
Offensive Security Instructor @INE
Course + Introduction To Post-Exploitation
Topic + Windows Local Enumeration
+ Linux Local Enumeration
+ Transferring Files To Windows & Linux Targets
+ Upgrading Shells
+ Windows Privilege Escalation
+ Linux Privilege Escalation
+ Windows Persistence
+ Linux Persistence
+ Dumping & Cracking Windows Hashes
+ Dumping & Cracking Linux Hashes
+ Pivoting
+ Clearing Your Tracks
+ Basic familiarity with
+ Basic familiarity with
Linux & Windows
+ Basic familiarity with
+ Students will get an introduction to the post-exploitation
phase of a penetration test.
Learning + Students will learn how to perform and automate local
Objectives: enumeration on Windows & Linux systems.
+ Students will learn how to transfer files to Windows & Linux
+ Students will get an understanding of how to upgrade shells.
+ Students will learn how to elevate privileges on both
Windows & Linux systems.
+ Students will learn how to establish persistence on both
Windows & Linux systems.
+ Students will learn how to dump & crack Windows & Linux
user account hashes.
+ Students will learn how to pivot onto other systems on the
target network.
+ Students will learn how to clear their tracks on both
Windows & Linux targets.
Let’s Get Started!
Introduction To Post-Exploitation
+ Post-exploitation is the final phase of the penetration testing process and
consists of the tactics, techniques and procedures that
attackers/adversaries undertake after obtaining initial access on a target

+ In other words, post-exploitation involves what you do or have to do once

you gain an initial foothold on the target system.

+ Post-exploitation will differ based on the target operating system as well

as the target infrastructure.
+ The post-exploitation techniques and tools that you can use will depend on what
kind of access you have on the system you have compromised as well as how
stealthy you have to be.

+ This ultimately means that you will need to utilize different techniques and tools
based on the target operating system and its configuration.

+ The post-exploitation techniques you can run against the target will need to abide
by the rules of engagement agreed upon with the client you are performing the
pentest for.

Note: When running post-exploitation techniques, you need to be sure that you have the
necessary permissions and rights to modify services, system configurations, perform
privilege escalation, delete logs etc.
This diagram outlines the various phases
of the penetration testing lifecycle and
highlights the post exploitation phase
and the techniques that fall under the
post-exploitation phase.
Post-Exploitation Methodology
Post-Exploitation Methodology
+ In order to perform a thorough and complete post-exploitation phase, we
need to utilize a structured methodology that encompasses the most
important stages of post-exploitation that can be applied during

+ This structured, methodological approach ensures that we do not

skip/overlook important phases of the post-exploitation phase in addition
to providing us with trackable objectives based on each stage.
Post-Exploitation Methodology
Local Enumeration
Transferring Files
Upgrading Shells
Privilege Escalation
Dumping & Cracking Hashes
Clearing Your Tracks
Windows Local Enumeration
Enumerating System Information
Enumerating System Information
+ After gaining initial access to a target system, it is always important to
learn more about the system like, what OS is running as well as the OS
version. This information is very useful as it gives us an idea of what we
can do and what type of exploits we can run.

+ What are we looking for?

+ Hostname
+ OS Name (Windows 7, 8 etc)
+ OS Build & Service Pack (Windows 7 SP1 7600)
+ OS Architecture (x64/x86)
+ Installed updates/Hotfixes
Demo: Enumerating System
Windows Local Enumeration
Enumerating Users & Groups
Enumerating Users & Groups
+ After gaining initial access to a target system, it is always important to
learn more about the system like, what user account you have access to
and other user accounts on the system.

+ What are we looking for?

+ Current user & privileges
+ Additional user information
+ Other users on the system
+ Groups
+ Members of the built-in administrator group
Demo: Enumerating Users & Groups
Windows Local Enumeration
Enumerating Network Information
Enumerating Network Information

+ What are we looking for?

+ Current IP address & network adapter
+ Internal networks
+ TCP/UDP services running and their respective ports
+ Other hosts on the network
+ Routing table
+ Windows Firewall state
Demo: Enumerating Network
Windows Local Enumeration
Enumerating Processes & Services
Enumerating Processes & Services
+ After gaining initial access to a target system, it is always important to
learn more about the system like, what processes, services and scheduled
tasks are currently running.

+ What are we looking for?

+ Running processes & services
+ Scheduled tasks

➔ A process is an instance of a running executable (.exe) or program.

➔ A service is a process which runs in the background and does not interact
with the desktop.
Demo: Enumerating Processes &
Windows Local Enumeration
Automating Windows Local Enumeration
Automating Windows Local Enumeration
+ In addition to performing local enumeration manually, we can also
automate the process with the help of a few scripts and MSF modules.

+ While local enumeration techniques/commands are important to know, as

a penetration tester, you will need to be time efficient. As a result, you will
need to learn how to utilize various automated enumeration scripts.

+ In addition to automating the process of enumerating information like

system information, users & groups etc, these automated enumeration
scripts will also provide you with additional information regarding the
target system like; privilege escalation vulnerabilities, locally stored
passwords etc.
Windows Local Enum Scripts
+ JAWS - Just Another Windows (Enum) Script - JAWS is PowerShell script
designed to help penetration testers (and CTFers) quickly identify potential
privilege escalation vectors on Windows systems. It is written using
PowerShell 2.0 so 'should' run on every Windows version since Windows
+ GitHub Repo:
Demo: Automating Windows Local
Linux Local Enumeration
Enumerating System Information
Enumerating System Information
+ After gaining initial access to a target system, it is always important to
learn more about the system like, what OS is running as well as the OS
version. This information is very useful as it gives us an idea of what we
can do and what type of exploits we can run.

+ What are we looking for?

+ Hostname
+ Distribution & distribution release version
+ Kernel version & architecture
+ CPU information
+ Disk information & mounted drives
+ Installed packages/software
Demo: Enumerating System
Linux Local Enumeration
Enumerating Users & Groups
Enumerating Users & Groups
+ After gaining initial access to a target system, it is always important to
learn more about the system like, what user account you have access to
and other user accounts on the system.

+ What are we looking for?

+ Current user & privileges
+ Other users on the system
+ Groups
Demo: Enumerating Users & Groups
Linux Local Enumeration
Enumerating Network Information
Enumerating Network Information

+ What are we looking for?

+ Current IP address & network adapter
+ Internal networks
+ TCP/UDP services running and their respective ports
+ Other hosts on the network
Demo: Enumerating Network
Linux Local Enumeration
Enumerating Processes & Cron Jobs
Enumerating Processes & Cron Jobs
+ After gaining initial access to a target system, it is always important to
learn more about the system like, what processes, services and scheduled
tasks are currently running.

+ What are we looking for?

+ Running services
+ Cron Jobs
Demo: Enumerating Processes &
Cron Jobs
Linux Local Enumeration
Automating Linux Local Enumeration
Automating Linux Local Enumeration
+ In addition to performing local enumeration manually, we can also
automate the process with the help of a few scripts and MSF modules.

+ While local enumeration techniques/commands are important to know, as

a penetration tester, you will need to be time efficient. As a result, you will
need to learn how to utilize various automated enumeration scripts.

+ In addition to automating the process of enumerating information like

system information, users & groups etc, these automated enumeration
scripts will also provide you with additional information regarding the
target system like; privilege escalation vulnerabilities, locally stored
passwords etc.
Linux Local Enum Scripts
+ LinEnum - LinEnum is a simple bash script that automates common Linux
local enumeration checks in addition to identifying privilege escalation
+ GitHub Repo:
Demo: Automating Linux Local
Setting Up A Web Server With Python
Transferring Files To Target Systems
+ After obtaining initial access to a target system, you will need to transfer
files to the target system.

+ In some cases, you will not have access to the target system via a
Meterpreter session, and as a result, you will need to use the inbuilt OS
specific utilities to facilitate the transfer of files from your system to the
target system.

+ This process utilizes a two-step approach, where you will need to host the
files you want to transfer on a web server and download the files hosted
on the web server to the target system.
Setting Up A Web Server With Python
+ Python comes with a built-in module known as
SimpleHTTPServer(python2) and http.server (python3), that can be used to
facilitate a simple HTTP server that gives you standard GET and HEAD
request handlers.

+ This module can be used to host files in any directory of your system. And
can be implemented through a single command in your terminal.
Demo: Setting Up A Web Server
With Python
Transferring Files To Windows Targets
Demo: Transferring Files To
Windows Targets
Transferring Files To Linux Targets
Demo: Transferring Files To Linux
Upgrading Non-Interactive Shells
Demo: Upgrading Non-Interactive
Windows Privilege Escalation
Identifying Windows Privilege Escalation Vulnerabilities
Identifying PrivEsc Vulnerabilities
+ In order to elevate your privileges on Windows, you must first, identify
privilege escalation vulnerabilities that exist on the target system.

+ This process will differ greatly based on the type of target you gain access
to. Privilege escalation on Windows can be performed through a plethora
of techniques based on the version of Windows and the system’s unique

+ This process can be quite tedious and time consuming and as a result, it is
recommended to automate the processes of identifying privilege escalation
vulnerabilities. This can be done through the use of various automation
+ PrivescCheck - This script aims to enumerate common Windows
configuration issues that can be leveraged for local privilege escalation. It
also gathers various information that might be useful for exploitation
and/or post-exploitation.
+ GitHub Repo:
Demo: Identifying Windows
Privilege Escalation Vulnerabilities
Windows Privilege Escalation
Demo: Windows Privilege Escalation
Linux Privilege Escalation
Weak Permissions
+ LinEnum - LinEnum is a simple bash script that automates common Linux
local enumeration checks in addition to identifying privilege escalation
+ GitHub Repo:
Demo: Linux Privilege Escalation -
Weak Permissions
Linux Privilege Escalation
SUDO Privileges
Demo: Linux Privilege Escalation -
SUDO Privileges
Windows Persistence
Persistence Via Services
Establishing Persistence On Windows
+ Persistence consists of techniques that adversaries use to keep access to
systems across restarts, changed credentials, and other interruptions that
could cut off their access. Techniques used for persistence include any
access, action, or configuration changes that let them maintain their
foothold on systems, such as replacing or hijacking legitimate code or
adding startup code. – MITRE ATT&CK

+ Gaining an initial foothold is not enough, you need to setup and maintain
persistent access to your targets.

Note: The persistence technique you use will need to be in accordance with
the rules of engagement laid out and agreed upon with the client.
Demo: Persistence Via Services
Windows Persistence
Persistence Via RDP
Demo: Persistence Via RDP
Linux Persistence
Persistence Via SSH Keys
Persistence Via SSH Keys
+ Linux is typically deployed as a server operating system and as a result, Linux
servers are typically accessed remotely via services/protocols such as SSH.

+ If SSH is enabled and running on a Linux system you have compromised, you can
take advantage of the SSH configuration to establish persistent access on the target

+ In most cases Linux servers will have key-based authentication enabled for the SSH
service, allowing users to access the Linux system remotely without the need for a

+ After gaining access to a Linux system, we can transfer the SSH private key of a
specific user account to our system and use that SSH private key for all future
authentication and access.
Demo: Persistence Via SSH Keys
Linux Persistence
Persistence Via Cron Jobs
Persistence Via Cron Jobs

+ Linux implements task scheduling through a utility called Cron. Cron is a

time-based service that runs applications, scripts and other commands
repeatedly on a specified schedule.

+ An application, or script that has been configured to be run repeatedly with

Cron is known as a Cron job.

+ We can use cron jobs to execute a command or script at a fixed interval to

ensure we have persistent access to the target system.
Anatomy Of A Cron Job
* * * * * command to execute
│ │ │ │ └───── day of week (0 - 7)
│ │ │ └────────── month (1 - 12)
│ │ └─────────────── day of month (1 - 31)
│ └──────────────────── hour (0 - 23)
└───────────────────────── min (0 - 59)

* * * * * means that the cron job will run every minute of every hour of
every day of every month and every day of the week.
Demo: Persistence Via Cron Jobs
Dumping & Cracking NTLM Hashes
Windows Password Hashes
● The Windows OS stores hashed user account passwords locally in the SAM (Security
Accounts Manager) database.

● Hashing is the process of converting a piece of data into another value. A hashing function or
algorithm is used to generate the new value. The result of a hashing algorithm is known as a
hash or hash value.

● Authentication and verification of user credentials is facilitated by the Local Security Authority

● Windows versions up to Windows Server 2003 utilize two different types of hashes:
+ LM
• Windows disables LM hashing and utilizes NTLM hashing from Windows Vista onwards.
SAM Database
● SAM (Security Account Manager) is a database file that is responsible for managing
user accounts and passwords on Windows. All user account passwords stored in
the SAM database are hashed.

● The SAM database file cannot be copied while the operating system is running.

● The Windows NT kernel keeps the SAM database file locked and as a result,
attackers typically utilize in-memory techniques and tools to dump SAM hashes
from the LSASS process.

● In modern versions of Windows, the SAM database is encrypted with a syskey.

Note: Elevated/Administrative privileges are required in order to access and

interact with the LSASS process.
● NTLM is a collection of authentication protocols that are utilized in Windows to facilitate
authentication between computers. The authentication process involves using a valid
username and password to authenticate successfully.

● From Windows Vista onwards, Windows disables LM hashing and utilizes NTLM

● When a user account is created, it is encrypted using the MD4 hashing algorithm, while
the original password is disposed of.

● NTLM improves upon LM in the following ways:

+ Does not split the hash in to two chunks.
+ Case sensitive.
+ Allows the use of symbols and unicode characters.
Dumping & Cracking NTLM Hashes
● We can dump Windows password hashes by leveraging various utilities
+ The inbuilt meterpreter “hashdump” command
+ Mimikatz

● After we have dumped the hashes, we can crack them through the use
of the following utilities:
+ John The Ripper
+ Hashcat
Demo: Dumping & Cracking NTLM
Dumping & Cracking Linux Password
Linux Password Hashes
● Linux has multi-user support and as a result, multiple users can access the system
simultaneously. This can be seen as both an advantage and disadvantage from a security
perspective, in that, multiple accounts offer multiple access vectors for attackers and therefore
increase the overall risk of the server.

● All of the information for all accounts on Linux is stored in the passwd file located in:

● We cannot view the passwords for the users in the passwd file because they are encrypted and
the passwd file is readable by any user on the system.

● All the encrypted passwords for the users are stored in the shadow file. it can be found in the
following directory: /etc/shadow

● The shadow file can only be accessed and read by the root account, this is a very important
security feature as it prevents other accounts on the system from accessing the hashed
Linux Password Hashes
● The shadow file gives us information in regards to the hashing algorithm that is being used and
the password hash, this is very helpful as we are able to determine the type of hashing algorithm
that is being used and its strength. We can determine this by looking at the number after the
username encapsulated by the dollar symbol ($).

Value Hashing Algorithm

$1 MD5

$2 Blowfish

$5 SHA-256

$6 SHA-512
Demo: Dumping & Cracking Linux
Password Hashes
+ Pivoting is a post exploitation technique that involves utilizing a compromised
host that is connected to multiple networks to gain access to systems within
other networks.

+ After gaining access to one host, we can use the compromised host to exploit
other hosts on a private internal network to which we could not access

+ Meterpreter provides us with the ability to add a network route to the internal
network’s subnet, perform port forwarding and consequently scan and exploit
other systems on the network.
Port Forwarding

+ Port forwarding is the process of redirecting traffic from a specific port on a

target system to a specific port on our system.

+ In the context of pivoting, we can forward a remote port on a previously

inaccessible host to a local port on our Kali Linux system so that we can
remotely interact/exploit the service running on the port.
Pivoting Visualized
Demo: Pivoting
Clearing Your Tracks On Windows
Clearing Your Tracks On Windows
+ The exploitation and post-exploitation phases of a penetration test involves actively
engaging with target systems and the data that is stored on these systems.

+ As a result, you may be required to clear/undo any changes you have made to the
target systems you have compromised based on the guidelines specified in the rules
of engagement.

+ If you have transferred any files to the target systems you have compromised, keep
track of where they have been saved so that you can remove them when done.

+ A good practice is to store all your scripts, exploits and binaries in the C:/Temp
directory on Windows and the /tmp directory on Linux.
Clearing Your Tracks On Windows
+ It is also important to consider the exploitation framework you are using, an example
of this is MSF, which is notorious for generating and storing artifacts on the target
system when using exploit or post modules.

+ Some well designed MSF modules provide you with instructions and resource scripts
that provide you with information regarding where the artifacts are stored and how
they can be removed.

+ In the context of Windows, a typical post-exploitation technique pertinent to clearing

your tracks is to delete the Windows Event Log. This is something that should be
avoided during a penetration test as the Windows Event Log stores a lot of data that
is important to the client you are performing the penetration test for.
Demo: Clearing Your Tracks On
Clearing Your Tracks On Linux
Demo: Clearing Your Tracks On
Course Conclusion
+ Students will get an introduction to the post-exploitation
phase of a penetration test.
Learning + Students will learn how to perform and automate local
Objectives: enumeration on Windows & Linux systems.
+ Students will learn how to transfer files to Windows & Linux
+ Students will get an understanding of how to upgrade shells.
+ Students will learn how to elevate privileges on both
Windows & Linux systems.
+ Students will learn how to establish persistence on both
Windows & Linux systems.
+ Students will learn how to dump & crack Windows & Linux
user account hashes.
+ Students will learn how to pivot onto other systems on the
target network.
+ Students will learn how to clear their tracks on both
Windows & Linux targets.
Thank You!

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