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Cryptpgrahy Simp Tie

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Cryptography-Important and Super Important questions-TIE review team

1. What are the benefits and applications of IP security also explain IP Security policy
Security associations
2. Write short notes on i) Routing applications ii) IPsec
3. Compare the Security association’s database with the Security
policy database.
4. Explain about IP security services with tunnel modes
5. Describe with neat block diagram Encapsulating Security

6. Discuss Internet key exchange with a neat diagram.

7. Write short notes on i)Key determinations protocol ii) Header and payload formats
(iii) Cryptography suits (iv)IP traffic processing (5M each)


1. With a neat block diagram, explain Public-key cryptosystems? Mention any two principles

2. Designate the PKC requirements with cryptanalysis

3..Differentiate conventional encryption with public key cryptography system

4.. Perform encryption and decryption using the RSA algorithm and explain the
RSA process of multiple blocks.
5. Explain elaborately the Diffie-hellman key exchange algorithm

6. Alice wants to send a message to Bob, without Eve observing it. Alice and Bob have
agreed to use a symmetric cypher. The key exchange has already occurred, outline
the steps that Alice and Bob must follow when they encrypt and decrypt,

7. Write Short notes on man the middle attack


1. Demonstrate encryption and decryption using RSA algorithm for the following: p=3
q=11 e=7 m=5
2. Explicate the Elgamal Cryptographic systems by using given data(G=3,P=101,K=6

M=5 X=2)


1. What is meant by abelian groups and how it can apply in ECC?

2.Write a short note on Elliptic curve cryptography also state why

Elliptic Curve Cryptography is considered to be better than RSA? .

3. What types of attacks are addressed by message authentication? Distinguish

between message integrity and message authentication?

4. Discuss the Analog of Diffie-hellman key exchange

5. Describe with neat block diagram Symmetric Key Distribution Using Symmetric


6. Briefly explain Symmetric Key Distribution Using Asymmetric Encryption.

6b. Write Short notes on public keys certificates

7. Illuminate public announcement of public keys

1. Discuss the X-509 Certificates
2. Write short notes on i) public key infrastructure ii) User

3. Illustrate the Remote user Authentication using Symmetric

4. Briefly explain all the versions of Kerberos
5. Explain (i) Email security (ii)Internet mail architecture.
6. With a neat block diagram Remote user Authentication using Asymmetric
7. Write short notes on i) S/MIME ii) RFC5322 iii)DKIM


1. Explain the Symmetric Cipher Model with a diagram.

2. Differentiate between symmetrical cypher system and asymmetrical

cypher system .

3. Explain Stream cypher using the algorithmic bit-stream generator

4. Illustrate the Traditional Block Cipher Structure with an example.

5. Discuss Feistel structure for block cypher design. Differentiate between

Diffusion and Confusion.

6. Explain Playfair cypher and its rule by using the example

7. Using the Hill cypher technique encrypt and decrypt the text &keys using an


8. With a neat block diagram, explain the general description of DES

encryption algorithm

9. What are the roles of public and private keys? Differentiate between symmetrical
cypher system and asymmetrical cypher systems.

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