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3D Reconstruction Made Easy

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Eur Radiol (2005) 15: 2146–2156

DOI 10.1007/s00330-005-2738-5 COMPUTER APPLICATI ONS

Giacomo Luccichenti
Filippo Cademartiri
3D reconstruction techniques made easy:
Francesca Romana Pezzella
Giuseppe Runza
know-how and pictures
Manuel Belgrano
Massimo Midiri
Umberto Sabatini
Stefano Bastianello
Gabriel P. Krestin

Received: 4 November 2004 F. R. Pezzella dimensional post-processing such as

Revised: 11 February 2005 Department of Neurological Sciences, interpolation, ray-casting, segmenta-
Accepted: 1 March 2005 University of Rome La Sapienza, tion, percentage classification, gradient
Published online: 5 April 2005 Rome, Italy calculation, shading and illumination.
# Springer-Verlag 2005 The knowledge of the optimal scan-
G. Runza . M. Midiri
Department of Radiology, ning and reconstruction parameters
University of Palermo, facilitates the use of three-dimensional
Palermo, Italy reconstruction techniques in clinical
M. Belgrano practise. The aim of this article is to
explain the principles of multidimen-
G. Luccichenti (*) . U. Sabatini Deparment of Radiology,
Department of Radiology, University of Trieste, sional image processing in a pictorial
IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia, Trieste, Italy way and the advantages and limita-
Via Ardeatina, 306,
S. Bastianello tions of the different possibilities of
00179 Rome, Italy 3D visualisation.
e-mail: Department of Neuroradiology,
Tel.: +39-068-5304575 Institute of Neurology,
Fax: +39-068-5800461 IRCCS Fondazione C. Mondino, Keywords Computed tomography
University of Pavia, (CT), image processing . Computed
F. Cademartiri . G. P. Krestin Pavia, Italy
tomography (CT), three-dimensional .
Department of Radiology, Images, three-dimensional . Images,
Erasmus Medical Center, Abstract Three-dimensional recon-
University of Rotterdam, structions represent a visual-based processing
Rotterdam, The Netherlands tool for illustrating the basis of three-

Introduction ships between structure shape and orientation and scan

plane. It should be emphasized that, with advances in scan-
The improvement of multidetector computed tomography ners technology, an increasing part of the examination is
(MDCT), with fast and high-resolution imaging, increases devoted to the post-processing [1, 4]. As a consequence,
the overall amount of information in terms of raw data, three-dimensional reconstructions techniques should be con-
source images and image findings [1–3]. Between 300 and sidered as a part of the standard radiological examination.
800 images can be generated with an MDCT in a single The aim of this paper is to describe, through a visual-
thoracic or abdominal angiographic examination. Three-di- based-approach, the basics of three-dimensional reconstruc-
mensional reconstruction techniques allow a condensed rep- tion techniques. The algorithm to obtain three-dimensional
resentation of this relevant information. They make more reconstructions embraces two main steps: namely the data
evident the information that is fragmented in several axial acquisition, which includes scan and image reconstruction,
slices. In addition, they can overcome the problems caused and the post-processing, which includes several operations
by the standard transverse orientation such as the relation- that will be described below.

Fig. 1 The representation of

the images in a virtual three-
dimensional space in their re-
spective position produces a
cube of data. Images are bidi-
mensional and spaced. The gaps
of missing data can be filled
through interpolation of the
values of the images. In this
way, a solid cube of data is
obtained. This three-dimensional
cube of data is made of ele-
mentary units, which are re-
ferred as to volume elements

Three-dimensional reconstruction With the nearest neighbour interpolation, IV is obtained

from the value of the nearest point. It cannot be performed
CT generates two-dimensional pictures that are separated more than once. With linear interpolation, IV is obtained
by gaps depending on the reconstruction increment. Filling from the linear relationship between two known adjacent
these gaps is necessary to obtain a volume of continuous points. Yet this operation is not radial and cross-shaped ar-
data (Fig. 1). The key to fill these gaps is interpolation. With tefacts might occur. Cubic convolution interpolation assigns
this operation, a volume of data is obtained from several to IVa value from four or more points. It is a radial operation
two-dimensional images. As a two-dimensional picture is and is computationally expensive. A prerequisite of this
formed by picture elements (pixels), a volume is formed by operation is that the distance between the points is small
volume elements (voxels) (Fig. 1). Pixels and voxels can be enough to assume that IV value is between these two points.
referred as points in order to simplify the description. If this requirement is not met, an incorrect IV is obtained.
Aliasing will be discussed later in this article.
Interpolation does not create information. Rather, it in-
Interpolation creases the number of points with which this information is
represented (Fig. 2).
Interpolation estimates a missing value from known sur-
rounding points [5]. This operation is carried out for image
reconstruction in spiral CT and in three-dimensional re- Representing a volume on a flat screen
construction [6, 7]. Assume that each location has its own
value. From now on, the missing value of a point that is The representation of a volume in a two-dimensional
obtained through interpolation will be referred as to the picture can be obtained by the projection of the voxels that
interpolated value “IV”. The three most common interpo- form the volume on this surface. When projecting the vol-
lation operations are described. ume on the flat screen, the voxels that form the volume may

Fig. 2 Detail of a magnetic

resonance fat-saturated T1-
weighted image of the abdomen.
a Image acquisition has been
performed with a 256×256
image matrix and the resulting
image has been interpolated to
obtain a 512×512 image matrix.
b Image acquisition has been
performed with a 512×512
image matrix. In image b tiny
details are visible and more
defined than in image a. The
interpolation operation increases
the number of pixels which
represent the information. Inter-
polation does not provide addi-
tional information

Fig. 3 Ray casting. In ray casting, virtual lines are projected from the values of the missing points that form the virtual lines are obtained by
flat panel to the volume. The value of the pixel of the flat panel is interpolation from the known samples of the volume. Red squares:
obtained from the values of the points forming the virtual lines. A ray interpolated points; yellow square: pixel; green circles: points of the
may not intersect the points that represent volume’s voxels. The volume (voxels)

not correspond to the screen’s pixels. One way to avoid the visualisation of the structures (Fig. 4) [9]. The problem
fractional values is to perform a ray casting. With this op- to represent a curved surface on a flat screen occurs sim-
eration projection rays are built from the screen’s pixels to ilarly in cartography or in photography. In other words,
the volume (Fig. 3) [5, 8]. These rays may not correspond to optimal projection should display wide surface with min-
the volume’s voxels. In this case the values of the points imal distortion (Fig. 5).
forming the rays are obtained through interpolation. Build-
ing the rays from a hypothetic observer point of view en-
hances the depth perception. Projection geometry affects Assigning a value to the screen pixel


The value of the pixel from which a ray is cast can cor-
respond to the sum of the values of the points along this ray.

Fig. 4 In order to enhance the depth perception, the virtual lines that
are projected in ray casting are built from a location corresponding to
the observer eye. From the virtual source, the rays diverge, pass
through the flat screen and then through the volume. The distance
between the origin of the lines and the volume enhance the depth Fig. 5 Example of virtual endoscopy (e.g. projected solid angle) with
perception, although the volume is deformed. This geometry is sim- good lumen visualization of the trachea. The position of viewpoint is
ilar to the optic system of a camera showed in (a), while the resulting image is showed in (b)

Fig. 6 Example that shows how

the sum of all voxels in the
volume produces the conven-
tional roentgenogram. In antero–
posterior (upper panel) and
lateral (lower panel) projections,
the result of the sum of all the
voxels along the observation line
is a two-dimensional image,
which in principle is comparable
to a very thick slab multiplanar
reconstruction (volume MPR)

In this case the resulting picture is similar to a conventional

roentgenogram (Fig. 6).

Maximum intensity projection (MIP)

If the pixel’s value is equal to the interpolated voxel that

has the highest value along the ray, the result is an MIP
image (Fig. 7) [5]. It is possible to set the pixel value to the
lowest value the ray comes across. The result is a Minimum
Intensity Projection (MinIP).
One of the disadvantages of MIP is that the voxels
whose value is not the highest along the ray are not rep-
Fig. 7 Thick slab MIP. Merging together several contiguous slices resented. Hypo-intense structures within hyper-intense
(coronal reconstruction on the left side) and projecting the highest structures can be masked because only the material with
attenuation, result in a MIP image (right side) the highest intensity along the projected ray is represented

Fig. 8 Example of pitfall of MIP. In presence of ascending aorta dissection, 1 mm thick axial images (a) show clearly the dissected flap.
Performing a “slab axial MIP” with increasing thickness (b–c); (thickness=8 mm, 20 mm) the dissected flap progressively disappears

value of the point that is closest to the screen and above a

selected threshold (Fig. 11). The threshold determines how
much the resulting image respects actual anatomy. The
SSD image does not provide any densitometric information
[11]. Calcifications of vascular structures and the contrast
material are represented in the same way [10]. If the
threshold is not correctly selected, the stool in a virtual
colonography examination is visualized as a part of the
mucosa, simulating a tumour. A depth-encoded shading
scale makes the closer voxel to appear brighter enhancing
the depth perception.

Fig. 9 MIP and VR images. In MIP images, hyperintense structures

are superimposed and the three-dimensional perception is lost Volume rendering and percentage classification

(Fig. 8). Hence, to avoid errors, axial slices must always be Classification is the operation that defines how each point
checked. Finally, two separated hyper-intense structures (or along the ray contributes to the pixel value on the picture
hyper-attenuating) along the direction of the rays appear (Figs. 12, 13) [5, 8, 12]. The contribution may range from
superimposed due to the absence of the depth cue (Fig. 9) 100 to 0% opacity. An opacity function curve correlates the
[10, 11]. Rotating the volume, in order to obtain different voxel value with its opacity. The pixel value of the screen
projection views, and analysing them as with fluoroscopic will be obtained from the contribution of the opacities of the
images may avoid this problem. It is also possible to trim points along the ray. Only voxels, the values of which lay
the volume to reduce the computational costs and exclude within selected interval, are represented. The voxels that are
the overlapping structures. outside of this interval are transparent. In CT, voxel value
Attention should be addressed to the window settings, corresponds to the attenuation in Hounsfield Units (HU).
which affect structure’s dimensions. In addition, due to the The shape of the curve defines the visibility of the structures
projective nature of the MIP image, measurements are not in keeping with their attenuation (Fig. 12, 13) [13]. The
reliable (Fig. 10). pixel value can be represented through grey- or a colour
scale, which may enhance the depth perception and the
densitometric information. While in SSD the pixel’s value
Shaded surface display (SSD) depends on the virtual distance of the volume from the
screen, in VR it depends on the pixel’s value enclosing
This technique represents the surface of a structure. In SSD densitometric information. In other words, VR provides
the pixel’s value of the final picture corresponds to the both spatial and densitometric information (Figs. 9, 12, 13).

Fig. 10 Example of how MIP

settings (e.g. window settings)
can affect vessel measurements.
In a patient with double right
renal artery, different window
settings are applied: close (a),
medium (b), wide (c). The
corresponding measurement of
the diameter of the main renal
artery is different depending on
the respective settings

MPR is useful to assess spatial relationships of structures

oriented in the scan plane. In addition, MPR allows to
overcome the error of the measurement of a structure which
is obliquely oriented in respect to the scan plane.

Enhancing the depth perception

In volume rendering, surfaces are identified by estimating

the gradient of variation of the voxel’s values within a vol-
ume. This is particularly useful for the application of shad-
ing and illumination operations [5, 12].
Put simply, shading operations modify the “colour” of the
surface according to the light intensity in the scene. Illumi-
nation operation modifies the “colour” of the surface ac-
cording to the angle of incidence of a light originating from
Fig. 11 Example of volumetric Surface Shaded Display—SSD
a virtual source. In addition the texture of the surface affects
the light reflection. A smooth surface is supposed to reflect
better than an irregular one (Fig. 16).
As for MIP and SSD, measurements performed in the
VR images are not reliable: the rendering and opacity func-
tion settings strongly affects visibility and dimensions of Segmentation
Segmentation labels the voxel that form an object within the
volume. Segmentation can be performed manually or with
Multiplanar reformatting (MPR) semi-automatic or automated software [14]. An object can
be identified on the basis of morphology, density, homo-
MPR generates from native slices images laying in a dif- geneity, its inherent structure and location within the vol-
ferent plane. The best way to understand the MPR is to ume [12, 15, 16]. If the object has not at least one feature
figure out the above-mentioned screen lying within the allowing its identification, its segmentation will not be
volume (Fig. 14) [5]. The values of the pixels forming the accurate or possibly not even feasible. Segmentation is
reformatted plane are obtained through interpolation from challenging when structures or tissues with similar densities
the closest voxels. If more distant voxels contribute to the surround the object or are connected with it. Object margins
final picture, the result is a “thick slab”. Pictures of a curved can be defined by setting a threshold, manually, using mor-
plane, lying along a vessel for instance, can be obtained in phological operations or through advanced algorithms [14,
the same way (Fig. 15). 17]. Hypodense fatty layers are useful to define margins of
non-fatty structures. Vascular structures can be segmented

Fig. 12 Classification. The shape of the opacity function curve defines the anatomical structures that is visualised according to the
attenuation value. From left to right, the soft tissues are progressively made transparent

Fig. 14 Multiplanar reformation. In multiplanar reformation, the

points of the plane crossing the volume are obtained by interpolation
from the known points of the volume. Red squares: interpolated
points; yellow square: pixel; green circles: points of the volume

Optimizing scanning parameters for three-dimensional


The basic concept for optimising scanning parameters for

three-dimensional imaging is to obtain a small and noiseless
voxel. In addition, voxel size shall be small enough for
adequate representation of the studied structures. In order
to optimise scanning parameters, four factors should be
Fig. 13 When looking at VR images, depending on the settings ap- 1. Spatial resolution, which represents the capability to
plied, it is possible to distinguish clearly between the different den- discern two points. Cross-sectional images with low
sities and tissues. In this image (upper panel) the colour/density scale spatial resolution produce 3D images that look blurred
(lower panel) of represented voxels goes from 0HU to +1000 HU.
There are three ranges of colour partially overlapped that create a (Fig. 18).
continuous range of colour and opacities from dark red (for soft 2. Contrast resolution, which can be described with the
tissues), to dark and bright yellow (for vessels), to white (for bones). contrast to noise ratio (CNR), represents the capability
Tissues and structures outside the range of opacities are completely to discern two densities with a given background noise.
transparent (asterisk) such as lung parenchyma, and surrounding air 3. Aliasing, which is due to an insufficient sampling fre-
quency with respect to the frequency of the sampled
signal. Aliasing may manifest with stair-step artifacts of
oblique oriented structures in the z-axis or as additive
manually or with automatic-tracking tools, using the high
noise (Fig. 19) [23–25]. High reconstruction increment
differential density of the vessel lumen compared to the
generates aliasing.
surrounding structures. Automated path finding in virtual
4. Artifacts, such as those due to the interpolation ge-
CT colonoscopy is made possible with similar principles.
ometry in CT reconstruction associated with high con-
Segmentation allows an accurate assessment and volume,
trast interfaces, which are obliquely oriented, generating
surface or histogram analysis of the segmented object (Fig. 17)
rotational artifact and object deformation [24–26]. These
[18, 19]. In addition, segmentation is a fundamental op-
artifacts are prominent with high pitch.
eration for unwrapping hollow viscera and for automated
lesion detection, which is of great interest in screening
programs [20–22]. Factors affecting cross-sectional images also affect three-
dimensional reconstructions. Scanning parameters and recon-
struction operations affect spatial and contrast resolution,

Fig. 15 Curved reformatted

images. Images in curved planes
can be generated by calculating
the value of the pixel by inter-
polation form the voxel’s values
of the volume (a) red plane. In
b, a thoracic aorta is segmented
with a curved central lumen line
in order to obtain curved pro-
jections of the entire lumen in
one plane (c). On curved images
it is also possible to use thick
slabs (d)

particularly in the z-axis [27–29]. Among parameters that pitch [30, 31]. In addition, wide collimations generate
can be set by the operator, collimation, pitch and recon- partial volume effects due to the averaging of the densities
struction increment are particularly important. within the volume.
Narrow collimations increase image noise and spatial High pitch entails object distortion along the z-axis,
resolution and vice versa [25, 30]. Since 3D images display aliasing, and a rotation artifact [23, 24, 26, 32]. For large
information enclosed in axial slices, exceeding in collima- volume coverage a thin collimation and a high table feed
tion width produces 3D images that look blurred. Collima- should be preferred rather than the opposite option, because
tion should be set according to the object size and the helical higher longitudinal resolution is obtained [30]. While ex-

Fig. 16 Shading and illumina-

tion. Shading modify the colour
of the phantom according to the
virtual distance from the ob-
server, to the texture and the
features of the surface. Illumi-
nation modify the colour of the
phantom according to the direc-
tion and the features of the
virtual source of light. Shadows
are generated accordingly. The
respective effect of different
shading levels (upper panel) and
illumination orientations (lower
panel) are displayed

Fig. 17 Segmentation. The use

of segmentation tools allows
measurement of the exact vol-
ume of organs and calculation of
the mean attenuation such as, in
this case, with a right kidney

Fig. 18 Three-dimensional
image blurring. Using thicker
slices to perform three-dimen-
sional VR results in a blurring of
the images

Fig. 19 Aliasing. An insuffi-

cient sampling frequency results
in image aliasing. The example
shows a coronal image of the
thorax that was reconstructed
from a dataset with slice thick-
ness and increment of
1 mm/1 mm (left side), and the
same image generated with a
dataset with slice thickness and
increment of 3 mm/3 mm (right

tensive volume coverage with high-resolution is limited in contrast resolution, minimizing aliasing [6, 27, 30, 34, 35].
SLCT due to tube’s heating, MSCT solve this problem [33]. A drawback of overlapping slices is the increased number of
The reconstruction increment (RI) is responsible for the images. On the other hand, high RI generate aliasing [26].
gaps between the images. Narrow RI increases spatial and

Fig. 20 Convolution kernels.

Low filtering results in smooth
images but with sub-optimal
depiction of the lung parenchy-
ma (a). High filters, even with
increased noise, provide a better
visualization of the lung paren-
chyma (b). A further application
of higher filters is the study of
coronary stents. From c to e
increasing filters improve the
visualization of coronary lumen
in a stent of the right coronary

Effective slice width is the thickness of the reconstructed can be applied in two-dimensional images [36]. Sharp ker-
slice in MSCT and may differ from the thickness of the nels and filters are used to enhance the edges of high-
detector. Given an effective slice width, thinner collima- contrast structures (lung parenchyma or bone). Yet, in this
tions provide higher image quality but enhance artifacts instance image noise is amplified (Fig. 20). Smooth kernels
[24]. or filters enhance CNR reducing image noise.
Convolution kernels are applied before back-projection
of raw data for image reconstruction. Alternatively filters

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