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Characteristics of TQM

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(5) Characteristics of TQM

Customer Focused
Quality begins and ends with the customer. The customer dictates what the focus
will be as well as the approach to achieving those results.However, above all the
customers decides whether the endeavors were effective.
For instance, organizations solicit feedback from customers about products and
services. They use what is learned from that feedback to improve the product or

Involved Employees
Organizations that manage with TQM understand the importance of employee
involvement. These front-line members of the team often hold the answers to solving
problems and improving how work gets done. Who more than the person on the line
to recognize when something is not working.
For instance, in the service industry, employees are the ones who interact with
customers and hear real-time feedback. They use employees to help identify areas to
improve for the customer.

Process Oriented
Everything has a process. Whether the process to hire employees or a process to
make a cake – there are steps that lead the way. TQM organizations study steps in a
process, fine-tune those steps, and work to eliminate unnecessary steps that can save
time and money.
For instance, use quality tools to create a visual for internal processes. Look at the
steps in the process and work to reduce or eliminate unnecessary steps.

Strategic Approach
Businesses that operate under a TQM model, use strategy to help achieve mission
and vision.They develop a strategic plan and use that as the cornerstone for its quality
efforts and all decision making. They invest time to create a mission and vision
statement and use that to guide the development of a strategic plan.

Effective Communications
Communicating is a priority in organizations that strive to improve. Employees and
customers are provided with ongoing communication and interaction with the
organization. There are strategies that drive communication and employees are
provided information about internal changes as they become available. Create a
communication strategy and constantly look for ways to communicate with all key
(5) Obstacles in Implementation of TQM by Robert J. Masters
Lack of management commitment
In order for any organizational effort to succeed, there must be a substantial management
commitment of management time and organizational resources. The purpose must be clearly and
continuously communicated to all personnel management must consistently apply the principle of

Inability to change organizational culture

Changing an organization's culture is difficult and will require as much as five years. Individuals
resist change--they become habituated to doing a particular process and it becomes the preferred
way. Management must understand and utilize the basic concepts of change. They are;
 People change when they want to and to meet their own needs
 Never expect anyone to engage in behaviour that serves the organization's values unless
adequate reason(why) has been given.
 For change to be accepted, people must be moved from a state of fear to trust.
It is difficult for individuals to change their way of doing things; It is much more difficult for an
organization to make cultural change. Organization that spend more planning for the cultural
aspects of implementing a TQM program will improve their chance of success.
e.g. concern to India, Chandigarh is the first smoke free city of India, this is the cultural change.

Improper planning
All constituents of the organization must be involved in the development of the implementation
plan and any modifications that occur as the plan evolves. The Two-way communication of ideas
is the matter of great importance and should be taken by all personnel during the development of
the plan and its implementation. Customer satisfaction should be the goal rather than financial or
sales goals.

Lack of continuous training and education

Training and education is an ongoing process for everyone in the organization. Needs must be
determined and a plan developed to achieve those needs. Training and education are most
effective, when senior management conducts the training on the principles of TQM. External
trainer can be hired for communicating the TQM effort to all personnel on a continual basis. Lack
of training in group discussion and communication techniques, quality improvement skills,
problem identification, and the problem-solving method was the second most important obstacle.

Incompatible organizational structure and isolated individuals and departments

Difference between departments and individuals can create implementation problems. The use
of multifunctional teams will help to break down long-standing barriers. Restructuring to make the
organization more response to customer needs may be needed. Individuals who do not embrace
the new philosophy can be required to leave the organization.
(5) Benefits of Implementing Total Quality Management (TQM)

Cost reduction
When applied consistently over time, TQM can reduce costs throughout an organization,
especially in the areas of scrap, rework, field service, and warranty cost reduction. Since these cost
reductions flow straight through to bottom-line profits without any additional costs being incurred,
there can be a startling increase in profitability.

Productivity improvement
Productivity increases significantly, since employees are spending much less of their time
chasing down and correcting errors. Increased productivity means more output per employee,
which typically results in increased profits.

Customer satisfaction
Since the company has better products and services, and its interactions with customers are
relatively error-free, there should be fewer customer complaints. Fewer complaints may also mean
that the resources devoted to customer service can be reduced. A higher level of customer
satisfaction may also lead to increased market share, as existing customers act on the company's
behalf to bring in more customers.

Defect reduction
TQM has a strong emphasis on improving quality within a process, rather than inspecting
quality into a process. This not only reduces the time needed to fix errors, but makes it less
necessary to employ a team of quality assurance personnel.

The ongoing and proven success of TQM, and in particular the participation of employees in
that success can lead to a noticeable improvement in employee morale, which in turn reduces
employee turnover, and therefore reduces the cost of hiring and training new employees.
(5) Roles of Senior Management

Management Commitment

 Senior management shall develop individual values, institutional values and behavioral
expectations for the organization to support the implementation of the management system
and shall act as role models in the visible promulgation of these values and expectations.

 Senior management shall ensure that it is clear when, how and by whom decisions are to be
made within the management system.

Organizational policies
 Senior management shall develop the policies of the organization. The policies shall be
appropriate to the activities and facilities of the organization

 Senior management shall establish goals, strategies, plans and objectives that are consistent
with the policies of the organization.
 Senior management shall develop the goals, strategies, plans and objectives of the
organization in an integrated manner so that their collective impact on safety is understood
and managed.
 Senior management shall ensure that measurable objectives for implementing the goals,
strategies and plans are established through appropriate processes at various levels in the
 Senior management shall ensure that the implementation of the plans is regularly reviewed
against these objectives and that actions are taken to address deviations from the plans where

Responsibility & Authority

 Senior management in the organization shall be ultimately responsible for the management
system and shall ensure that it is established, implemented, assessed and continually

Provision of Resources
 Senior management shall determine the amount of resources necessary and provide the
resources to carry out the activities of the organization and to establish, implement, assess
and continually improve the management system.

Lotich, Patricia. What is total quality management. The thriving small business, 2019. Accessed
21 September 2020,<
tqm/amp/ >

Masters, Robert. Nine obstacles of implementation of tqm. Shakehand with life, 22 February 2015.
Accessed 21 September 2020, <

Bragg, Steven. The benefits of total quality management. Accounting tools, 14 March 2020.
Accessed 21 September 2020, <
of-total-quality-management-tqm.html >

Redman, Neil. Responsibilities of Senior Management. International Atomic Energy Agency.

Accessed 21 September 2020, <
mod4.pdf >


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