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Careerguide - Professional Skill Assessment Report - AP

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Professional Skills Assessment Report

Professional Skills Level



Name: Aditya Podar The candidate at green level is most preferred for any
Green organization, he/she would prove to be a great candidate
Email Id: because he/she always push himself/herself to work harder
Mobile No: 8080162169 towards being a perfectionist.
The candidate at yellow level comes under second level of
Date of Test: 6/21/2021 Yellow preference for any organization, he/she have the required
interpersonal skills and abilities to do a satisfactory job however
if given an opportunity he/she will maximize his/her skills and
abilities to the benefit of the company.
The candidate at red level needs a lot of improvement to
Red become a right fit for any organization, he/she needs to focus
on improving his/her interpersonal skills so that he/she can
become a preferred candidate for any organization and can
prove themselves as a great candidate.

Professional Skills Index



The combination of factors and processes which enable people to progress towards and get into employment, to stay in
employment, and to move on in the workplace is defined as Professional Skills Index. The index would help recruiters identify
right candidate for a given post. Here professional skills index is defined on scale of 10. A high Professional Skills Index,
suggests that candidate is more likely to be successful in their chosen Occupations/Position. A low Professional Skills Index is
reflection of candidate’s poor communication skills, lack of motivation, lack of integrity and ethics , Poor Management , Team
Work and other employability skills.

Descrip on of Professional Skills Assessment

For any and every work, there are a few basic qualities required in an individual. Below mentioned description here will give an
insight into the individual’s strengths and weaknesses, forte and inadequacy. Different jobs require different qualities- a marketing
task requires you to be smart and confident, a desk job calls for energy and motivation, a managing task requires you to be self-
managed first. Whatever, the work may be, few characteristics are unavoidable.

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Professional Skills Assessment Report

Psychometric Analysis

Psychometric Analysis Descrip on

Determination, persistence and the willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals are the things that employers are
looking for. The factor speaks about How motivated is the candidate? Is he/she self-driven or constantly needs to be urged and
nudged? A high motivation factor is like winning half the battle. A self motivated candidate is also persistence in his/her work. To
such a person work is worship.

Is candidate too dependent on the orders given by his/her superiors? Or can he/she take initiatives? A Leadership quality as high
as Hitler’s may not really be good for any company but some of it is essential in fulfilling the job right. One with good leadership
quality is a problem solver, and does not run to his/her supervisor for every problem; small and big.

Self Management:
Remember one is paid for managing the work and not having him managed by someone else. So it's imperative to hire a self-
managed person. A self managed candidate is punctual as he/she is self-organized. This helps in smooth flow of work process.

Team Work:
A company grows only when all its people work together toward success of it. Individual growth is a personal benefit and not the
company's benefit. A non-team player grows individually, but a team player helps in the growth of company. A person who gets
along well with all co-employees creates less problem.

Assertive and Energetic:

Everyone wants to hire a forceful and confident person. Someone who is firm in what they talk, believe and decide can get a job
done well. Be it a desk job or the marketing type, energy and assertion helps to do a task fast. A laid back attitude slow down
the work.

While many may say a submissive candidate is a great one to have for personal help, but that's not going to benefit the company.
A communicative employee contributes better in the growth of the organization. Such candidates also are always full of ideas for
the company.

For a dishonest person work is not worship, but a medium to climb up the ladder and mint money. Being loyal to a company is
equally important as is the quality of work. Such people can be trusted of not sharing confidential news.

Anger and Stress Tolerance:

Stress is a part of any work. And with it comes anger, but smart folks are those who take stress in stride and leave anger at
home. At work, all you should expect from the employee is professionalism and definitely great work.

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